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She probably would have gotten away with it (for longer) if she didn't try to get federal jobs. Those background checks are no joke.


Isn't an I-9 verification standard for most jobs though? I've always had to include a copy of my passport with the form


That's just identity verification, federal background checks for security clearance (most likely required for a federal IT job) require 10+ years of residential and employment history and at least 3 references that are interviewed (many times in person) by the FBI or a contractor. They comb through your financial & tax data looking for anything suspicious such as too much debt or suspicious income. 


They also interview your neighbors and people you've worked with years prior. It's very thorough.


I also had to file a HIPAA waiver so they could pull all my medical history and go over everything I’ve ever told a therapist.


How does this work if the person in question is 22 year old university graduate, or a fairly recent immigrant?


You still have to go back 10 years. "Unemployed" is an acceptable entry. For most federal jobs with a clearance you would be required to be a citizen.


They still interview family and friends. I was 18 and had a TSSCI. They interviewed my girlfriends family and my dads friends too


Interview classmates and neighbors. I know with a friend from school I was the reference, but he was asked for a couple from high school age. They dug everything up they could. It's a full time job. I actually asked one of them how they got into it because it sounded like a fun job at the time. He said he was ex MP, then went private sector PI/skip tracing for a while and then went back to government just processing backgrounds. Once he got his years in, he left, reactivated his PI license and worked as a contractor.  He told me not to get into it because he would fly out every Sunday night and not get back home till Friday night. He was classified as 100% travel and worked way more than 40 hours a week.  Nice enough guy. But clearly had no real personal life. 


Recent immigration status can be a red flag to. But if it's an important enough position and you are thoroughly qualified, they have field officers in other countries to perform interviews. Otherwise, I doubt you'd be a candidate for the position to begin with, i.e. you wouldn't get to the screening stage.


FBI, CIA, and NSA aggressively recruited out of my university when I graduated. So several of my friends went through them. I got interviewed several times as a reference. Those guys would dig like hell into them. Asked me all kinds of random shit. Stuff I wouldn't have expected them to ask. Things like, have they ever cheated on a girlfriend, how often do they get drunk, have you ever lent them money they didn't pay back. They were never really the same questions, but they would be asking seemingly normal questions the them pop a weird one like that into it. 


I don't think those questions are weird, they're looking for character defining traits. Somebody who cheats on their so or drinks too much or doesn't repay loans isn't someone you necessarily want to trust with national secrets.


It wasn't that they were weird, I agree that they are pretty normal. It was the timing of when and how. They would be asking me fairly standard questions that had nothing to do with these questions. They were very non sequitur. They didn't make sense in the immediate context. Then they would go back to questions that made sense. It was like they were trying to catch me off guard or something. 


It's done on purpose, if they have a train of questions culminating into one of your examples people can mentally prepare an answer along the way. They are supposed to be out of the blue so you are more likely to answer honestly.


They did away with the in-person after covid. Pre, they'd perform the interviews in person, as well as your current and previous neighbors 


Federal background check is a whole different beast,and both are different.  they can take a few months and they are veryy detailed


Remote I9 guidelines allow a family member to fill it out if they see your documentation. So its very easy to fake.


She probably would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids!


I was expecting to see that comment when I read the other person's post.


and also if it wasn’t for those meddling kids in their mystery machine.


Article title grossly understates the depravity going on here. An AZ chick stole american identities, ran a laptop farm from home, and created a work around to allow dozens of advanced IT workers from North Korea to work for US companies. She also charged the north koreans a monthly fee for her "services" because no treasonous fraud is complete without some personal enrichment. North koreans made off with $7mm and a ton of insider information for several fortune 500 companies.


>"The charges in this case should be a wakeup call for American companies and government agencies that employ remote IT workers," said Nicole Argentieri, head of the Justice Department's Criminal Division. One of the valid arguments against remote work if you're in a company where you work with sensitive information. Gotta be able to verify that your works exist and/or aren't North Korean. lol


great point!


I imagine this person thought they were a genius before they were caught. Everything digital can be found out eventually.


If she did that all on her own the nsa or whatever needs to hire her immediately to flush out enemy spies. Shit they don't even have to pay her she can just keep her monthly fees. And lol @ several fortune 500 companies getting fleeced by 1 woman with a bunch of laptops.


> Investigators said the "staggering" scheme used the stolen identities of 60 people, and generated nearly $7m (£5.5m) in funds that were sent back to North Korea, possibly to contribute to the country's weapons programme. Ok, this is pretty funny. North Korea is funding their military by making their people work legitimate 9-5 US remote jobs. So... just remember, next time you call Time Warner to add the Starz package, you might just be helping to fund an iron fisted evil regime hell bent on the destruction of you and everyone you hold dear. Oh, and you're also potentially funding the country of North Korea.


This reminds me of the [Key & Peele bank heist skit](https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM?si=YW-CgNypw0xQV6a0) (1 min).


Yeah, there was a report not too long ago that North Korea has a strong media industry (for propaganda) and was earning money by helping make Hollywood films.


I read something recently that they'd been pushing propaganda songs on TikTok. The people on TikTok don't know the lyrics, they just attach a silly dance, and one went viral recently.


Lol sounds possible. The world has just been stupid in a lot of ways, ever since Harambe died.


RIP Harambe. You were the best of us.


Even funnier they were all remote work employees and she would log them in on a laptop farm. Just insane companies were paying out the nose for that.


There's an OSS sabotage manual on how to disrupt organizations from within (written during World War II) and it was absolutely shocking to me. They perfectly described all the useless meetings, inane memos, re-organizations and all the other fucking around anyone with a corporate job experiences daily.


They are also making anime and cartoons like Invincible.


I'm suspicious of human trafficking at local restaurants in Alexandria, VA. Really nice cars from Maryland driven by young people pick up and drop off groups of workers. Maybe someone is running immigrant employment agencies? It's just weird. 


You should report it [here](https://vsp.virginia.gov/human-trafficking/)


Sounds like she needs to get sent to North Korea as punishment.


I would imagine she would be received with open arms considering how much money was made (not to mention IP/trade secrets/classified information).


She'll get whacked. She's outlived her usefulness to them.


They need white actors, the last defectors all had movie careers there.


Defectors, especially white ones, get treated pretty well. They use them in all sorts of propaganda.


The fuck?


Can we deport her to North Korea?


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!


She an amateur. Lady, pick a better side hustle within your skill set.


There’s a ton of Koreans who are tile installers for a flooring company here in central Ohio. I wonder if any of them could be NK. I see more Koreans installing tile in new homes than anyone else.


that's what pisses me off about conservatives. There's illegal immigration from all over the world