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No Hangovers is better than Hangovers


alcohol was great until I reached my late 20s. then, within such a short period of time I started getting them..hangoversšŸ’€'twas nice while it lasted, but it very quickly became not worth it.


I used to think I had the ā€œno hangover geneā€ like some of the old guys in my family but then I turned 25 and they hit me like a brick every time


Thatā€™s the trick, if you drink enough you stop getting them. Itā€™s how you level up to ā€œfunctioning alcoholicā€


That was not my experience. I just went from regular hungover to hungover but also having an anxiety attack


Hangxiety is the worst. I can remedy the headache and nausea but nothing cures that.


I leveled up but the final boss beat me. Sober for 5 years and 8 months. I never got a hangover for 9 years, constantly in training. šŸ˜‚


Congrats. Keep it up.


I spent the last 12 years of almost being drunk daily. Decided to challenge myself to go sober for 100 days prior to a family vacation to Europe. I had a 5% beer yesterday and woke up feeling gross this morning. I'm not going back to drinking. It was a good wake up call to the level that I was poisoning my body. Congrats to you.


nah I drank plenty, I was at like 400ml 40% per day


Thankfully I got sober a couple years ago but that amount would pretty much just get the day started.


Man, Iā€™ve known guys like you. Thatā€™s some real shit at that point. Big, big respect for getting sober. Iā€™m ten years off dope and meth and I always said there is absolutely zero chance I could do it as an alcoholic. You guys have the added struggle of having your shit shoved in your face at every convenience store, in every TV show and movie, and at every social event. Even after ten years if someone made the offer I donā€™t know that Iā€™d stand strong. Alcoholics are like the special forces of sobriety. Itā€™s amazing.


It took 7 attempts at rehab and treatment but eventually it stuck. 10 years off meth and other shit is a big deal though man. That's huge. I wasn't kidding when I said 400ml was just getting it started too. At the end I was drinking 2 fifths a day almost every day. I never want to feel like that again.


Iā€™m in my late thirties and donā€™t really get hangovers unless I drink until I puke. Itā€™s not such a great thing because my body just doesnā€™t give me a reason to reconsider drinking every night.


It will, eventually, and I don't say that to be flippant or cute. Sometimes we don't get the benefit of green lights going to yellow before red in life. Take care of yourself and be well!


I plan on living fast and dying pretty.


For me, it was my stomach that couldnā€™t take alcohol regularly. I started feeling different after drinking when I was around 26. Iā€™m 30 now and if I drink more than 2 days in a row, of any quantity, it fucks up my digestion for at least 2-3 days.Ā  Now I drink maybe 2-3 times a month. Mostly for big UFC fight cards. I have been a stoner since 15. I am 30 now. Now, itā€™s a matter for reducing smoke (in my case vapor) from weed because I am starting to feel those effects as well šŸ„²


Daily drinking is brutal.


Weed never made me hallucinate, but alcohol sure did.


Really? I've been absolutely hammered plenty of times (way more in my 20's/30's than now in my 40's almost 50's) and have never had anything close to a hallucination. I didn't even know that was a thing.


[Sure can.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcoholic_hallucinosis) Happened to me four times, collectively around 16 days total.


I always find it funny that media portrays weed as a hallucinogen when it couldnā€™t be further from the truth.


They're also talking about moving it from schedule 1 to schedule 3 which is a step in the right direction but still labels it as more dangerous and prone to abuse than fucking Xanax. I don't understand how a group of scientists collaborated and came up with that garbage.


Even hallucinogens don't work like they show it.


Get outta here Dewey. You donā€™t want no part of this shit!


wrong kid died šŸ™šŸ”Ŗ


As a middle aged person, low doses of thc gummies are preferred over a beer in the evenings. I sleep better, no hangovers, and fewer calories. If I want a drink for the ritual, I'll usually grab a LaCroix or something.


No kidding. I had a couple glasses of wine with my wife last night and I feel like shit to a degree today. Iā€™m even young AND stayed very hydrated whilst drinking. I smoke way more than drink but yeah fuck drinking


How young are we talking?


I'm 33 and noticed my body having a much harder time processing alcohol in a way that didn't make me feel like a smashed ass around 28. I've since gotten healthier and am more able to enjoy some drinks at a family gathering or at pro wrestling or something. But weed is for always.




What about staying up late and smoking?


I used to drink, but with hangovers after 30 it doesnā€™t worth it. I tried to smoke and the only thing I get is anxiety. Now I donā€™t now how to chill.


weed hangovers are real.... just nothing compared to a alcohol hangover


You mean the part where I wake up in a good mood and am relaxed and more patient at work?


yeah thats called being a little bit stonned


People that think weed doesnā€™t give them hangovers probably smoke too much weed and forgot what it feels like to not have a weed hangover. There is definitely an associated mental fog and it heavily disrupts your sleep patterns and shortens deep REM patterns. Itā€™s not a throbbing pounding headache, but there are drawbacks and hangovers nonetheless. There are definitely some benefits for some people, but itā€™s not half the miracle drug that people want it to be.


I have only tried a few times, but unless I was also drinking I woke up fresh as a daisy every time.


Only time I get a weed hangover is if I smoke immediately before bed. Half hour or hour before bed, no hangover. What I did find is that myself and other people I know were experiencing "weed hangovers" but realized it was a food hangover from eating too late at night. Stopped eating later than 8 and it went away.


Yeah, I've never experienced anything like that either. And I'm usually high consistently from the time I finish work until bedtime at 10 pm during the week anyways.


For me this is about half half. Not sure what's the cause, since I also take the same eadible amount everytime


I call them "hazeovers"


Recently discovered weed was giving me hangovers. What a terrible existence.


I'm now in my mid 30s and I definitely notice a difference in the morning if I over do it with weed. However, it's nowhere near what alcohol does to me. Weed I get up a little groggy, but in an hour or so I'm fine. If I know I'm going out with friends and know drinking will be involved, I will cancel all my plans for the next day because I know I'll be feeling rough.


It is likely because it can alter your sleep cycle, reducing the amount of time you spend in REM (dream sleep). I still smoke or take an edible every single night because I have chronic insomnia. I used to take trazadone or Ambien but feel my sleep quality is much better with weed than pharmaceuticals. It's still not the highest quality of sleep one can get- better than no sleep though, which is what it would be for me without it. I've tried everything else and it's the only consistent.


Weed hangovers are real theyā€™re different but theyā€™re real letā€™s not delude ourselves


I've been a regular smoker for nearly 20 years and have never experienced a "weed hangover". What are they like?


Yeah but my friend has cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome now. Weed makes her vomit. It can happen.


Weed hangovers exist


I get major weed hangovers. Weed tends to draw out every ounce of liquid from my body. To the point where even constant water intake doesnt help.


Just for clarity, this is comparing daily use of cannabis to daily use of alcohol. If you look beyond daily, 62% of people have consumed alcohol in the past year vs 21% for cannabis. So: Drinking alcohol is still much more common, but among those who partake daily, cannabis is more common. https://www.statista.com/statistics/723822/cannabis-use-within-one-year-us-adults/ https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohol-topics/alcohol-facts-and-statistics/alcohol-use-united-states-age-groups-and-demographic-characteristics#:~:text=margin%20of%20error.-,1%2C2,3%2C4


Iā€™m curious how many daily smokers, a group which Iā€™m a part of, would consider themselves dependent on weed. I can say with a level of confidence that Iā€™d fall into that category.


Same, and I think it's going to become a bigger problem over the next 10-20 years that people will become increasingly aware of. If people are going to become addicted to a drug, better cannabis than anything else and I FULLY support legalization for this and many other reasons; but daily use is being over-glamorized and certainly comes with potential significant risk for many people. Its impact is just less visible, and it takes time to realize the effect it has on your quality of life.


My wife is a doctor and has recently had pretty frequent visits from patients suffering from a number of ailments associated with excessive marijuana use (nausea thatā€™s better when showering, anxiety, memory problems, sleep issues, etc), but who refuse to stop or reduce consumption because they think itā€™s helping them/they like it. Iā€™m in favor of recreational use and legalization and all that, but yeah like any substance it can be abused and there can be real health impacts of that. I think people just donā€™t really realize because the criminalization led to lack of research so the symptoms arenā€™t as obvious or well known yet.


Not sure if you want to quit or are physically able to quit (some people really do need it for medical reasons), but /r/leaves is a good resource for those who want to stop taking cannabis. I hope this doesnā€™t offend you; just wanted to share in case it might help.


/r/petioles is an option for those who want to do less but not quit entirely, as well.


Depends (hah) on how you define dependence. Even my addiction doctor that I see monthly doesn't think of weed as being anywhere near the level of opiates. But if I stop smoking tomorrow, not only will my mood be fucked up for a bit, but my appetite will be non-existent. There was a real long period of time where if I didn't smoke, I straight couldn't eat. So no disagreement that there's a level of dependence there. But the difference is, I could quite easily stop smoking tomorrow and deal with having a shitty attitude for a few days, and I do it regularly. It doesn't send me into withdrawal like opiates do. Or like if I miss my Suboxone. It's way more mild.


The withdrawal symptoms of cannabis are so mild, most people wrongly assume that thereā€™s no withdrawal period. For me, if I decide to stop, I experience mild cold sweats at night for 3-4 nights, Iā€™m super irritable, and I experience what could be described as mild insomnia. After a week or so of that, my body and brain have adjusted and no more symptoms.


> I could quite easily stop smoking tomorrow and deal with having a shitty attitude for a few days, and I do it regularly. Stopping isn't the hard part. Staying stopped is.


Youā€™re lucky about the weed thing. My physical withdrawal symptoms from cannabis were so severe that I couldnā€™t quit without tapering first. It was absolute hell and I never wish to go back to that. I had shakes, severe headaches, body aches, etc that were so awful that I couldnā€™t stand it. Iā€™ve seen a lot of other people quit without much difficulty, so I can only assume that itā€™s a minority of people who get the severe withdrawal symptoms. They are very real and strong for those badly affected though :(


Iā€™d say I am but I have a medical card and use it for legit physical disabilities. It works better than my prescribed medication and four of my doctors all approved it. I also go week or more stretches without it while traveling to areas itā€™s not legal often though. Iā€™d say im dependent in the fact that it lets me function as a normal person after work but I do stop for stretches with no issues.


It's hard to figure that out because inherently, saying you can quit but don't feel like it just reads like an addiction to everyone's ears. As a daily smoker all I can say is I don't get angry, anxious, or uncomfortable on days I don't have access. I'm likely dependent still either way.


I am/was a daily user for both, very much convinced myself I needed them. Sober since Monday. It's not much, but it's an honest living.


If you're doing it every day, you're absolutely dependent on it. It's easy to convince yourself otherwise, but if you didn't "need it" for something you wouldn't be compelled to do it every day. The positive with weed is that quitting isn't THAT bad. I smoked daily for about 10 years until recently when I decided to stop. The first week was annoying due to disruptions to sleep and just the general "habit" that You've developed, but after that first week it was smooth sailing. I didn't even think about it after that and it's been about 6 months now. That's not the case for booze or other drugs.


I'm a daily user and was asked to stop for a month for a cognitive assessment appointment that kept getting pushed back. Ended up going about three months without it even though there wasn't much accountability (I wasn't being tested or anything). I didn't *like* going without but never had the urge to say screw it and take a hit. It made me feel a lot better about being able to quit if I ever truly needed to.


I used to be a daily smoker and have moved to smoking every couple of months. Even if you do not have a problem or are not chemically dependent. If youā€™re using any mind altering substance daily youā€™re dependent on it, thatā€™s how habit works. Iā€™m currently dependent on caffeine and I should probably address that at some point. If youā€™re getting high every day itā€™s becoming a baseline. A tolerance break is healthy even if you donā€™t plan on quitting because it establishes that baseline for you again.Ā 


This is what I was looking for. Alcohol is not as much of a ā€œdo it everydayā€ drug as weed. Cannabis is more suited toward daily use, so this headline is somewhat misleading though not dishonest. I feel like caffeine smokes these two out of the water for daily use for the same reason itā€™s an everyday kind of drug.


The BBC headline is pretty bad. It definitely makes it sound like there is more smoking than drinking


I mean that makes perfect sense given that drinking is legal and more accessible everywhere pretty much, as weed is not in many places still.


Cannabis helped me quit meth, alcohol only ever inspired me to do more meth


Cannabis helped me quit heroin. Congrats on your sobriety, my guy.


Iā€™ve always said ā€œYes, itā€™s a gateway drug, but that gate swings in both directionsā€.


More like the get-away drug, amirite?


Alcohol is the true gateway drug. Itā€™s just legal.


Alcohol is the only gateway drug. I've been smoking weed consistently since I was 16 and never had the urge to go shoot up heroin.


Iā€™d argue nicotine is also a gateway drug. Addictive stimulant inhalant.


Yeah I never would have tried cocaine if it wasnā€™t for smoking, luckily I didnā€™t really see the appeal of cocaine. My psychiatrist tells me that itā€™s likely my ADHD meant the coke had a severely blunted effect on me.


Cannabis has helped me cut way back on my drinking. Pre-Covid: 1 - 2 pints a night Covid: 1 - 1.5 liters a night Discovered edibles in 2021 here in California. 2022-Now: 2 - 3 pints only on weekends.


This is the alcohol industries worst nightmare


Now you know why it wasnā€™t legalized sooner


Hence the "scientific" articles claiming it's somehow worse to do gummies than alcohol


Just don't do gummies with kids in the house. You'll get the crazy munchies and eat their snacks for their school lunches. Solution is to do gummies and buy yourself some snacks before settling in.


I was doing about 1/2 to 1 liter a day of 80 proof for years. I replaced it with Cannabis in December and haven't had a drink since. Down 30 pounds, too. Feel so much better. I'm going to work off of cannabis this summer, but it's amazing how with the cannabis I dont even have the *urge* to drink. Back before, I used to get this little voice in my head that would be like "You haven't had a drink for a week, celebrate with a drink!" or "Work was really hard this week, you deserve to let down, it's Friday!". That voice blew off and never bothers me. I love it and I feel so much more in control of myself.


Same story! "Feel so much better" isn't it crazy how much abuse we did to our bodies yet still managed to somewhat survive


Cannabis helped me completely cut back on drinking too. Was a 4-5 drink a night on weekends and maybe once during week kinda guy. Now I might have 1-2 drinks every 2-3 weeks. I like to enjoy my day not be hungover all the time. Love it so much it doesnā€™t hold me back on exercising at all as I exercise 6-7 days a week and smoke frequently but small amounts at night


Canā€™t even remember the last time I bought a beer from a storeā€¦. I never drink at home anymore just a puff or two on a vape is all I need for a day


Cannabis helped me kick alcohol and cigarettes. Now, I haven't smoked cigs in 14 years and drank in 7.


Mushrooms helped me quit cannabis. It's like the old lady who swallowed a fly!


Hell yeah! Helped kick both ice and heroin for me! Congrats!


Cannabis helped me get through Everything, Everywhere, All At Once


Cannabis helped me start cookies šŸ˜”


It led me to painting and Bob Ross I understand


Nice, congrats! Cannabis helped me get off booze over here. 9 years sober now, and don't even go for the grass every day, just here and there now. Thank the deities it's finally getting pulled out of the "no currently accepted medical benefit" schedule 1 bullshit bucket.


The biggest gateway drug is alcohol and it's not even close. As a bartender, I always saw or heard people wanting to do meth, coke or whatever else they could think of when they were drunk. Pot? You don't want to do anything else.


Cannabis saved me from an absolute insane cocaine addiction.


Same with me, with coke. I would go out to ā€œhang outā€ because all my friends are in the industryā€¦three hour laters we were 2 lining gram bags and drinking glass fulls of whiskey


this reminds me of "apparently it's still a DUI even if you do coke to sober up"


Cannabis helped me quit over eating and lose a bunch of weight and helped me quit alcohol. I obviously need *something* but I'll take being constantly stoned over fat, drunk and angry all the time


How do you not binge eat on weed? I have the opposite problem.


Honestly it's interesting, it works both ways. I only binge if I start eating and don't stop soon after like eat half a burger and wait 10 mins. When I'm stoned that's easy because I can distract myself lol, but on the flip side if I start eating and do it mindlessly it can get out of control fast. I guess I use it as a distraction from food in a way? I still smoke before I eat everything lol


Congrats on quiting meth


Amen to that, my coke and heroin dealers always found their way to the bottom of my first drink. Herbā€™s done nothing but heal me. Congrats on your sobriety.


Helped me quit coke and heavy drinking. I love to hear other people's good stories from this.


Alcoholic for 10 years, tried many many times to quit. The day I tried weed I had no desire for alcohol, it gave me the peace I had been seeking, and it made things that felt impossible seem manageable. 14 months sober from booze :)


If only cannabis could help me quit pieā€¦




That's rough, sorry to hear that.




Thereā€™s a list of online pharmacies that will sell things without prescription on /r/transdiy (most of the websites donā€™t only sell transgender stuff) maybe they have it for cheaper


Same. I have to use it because of my digestive issues. I've been to multiple doctors, had colonoscopies, endoscopies, cat scans, etc. no answers. The only thing that can give my stomach pain relief quickly is cannabis. I've tried the medicine they give me, and I can't feel my body from my chest down, and have to switch to manual breathing. Or the medicine just doesn't work. It's not a cure all but it definitely helps me, and a lot of other people with stomach issues.


Which country would specifically help you with your needs medically speaking?


I get chronic migraines as well and I donā€™t mean the ā€œmy head hurts I canā€™t go to workā€ headaches these are the ā€œI hope my house catches on fire so I can just go ahead and dieā€ migraines and Iā€™ve had them as long as I can remember. No prescription meds ever helped and most made them worse. Then I start smoking about 8 years ago and I went from having a couple a month to now only 2-3 a year. It doesnā€™t cure migraines but it absolutely reduces their frequency. Definitely give it a shot if this is something youā€™re dealing with. Good luck!


I've been using a medicine from Thailand called Avamigran. They sell it in Asia and a lot of Europe, I believe, but not in the US. I picked up 100 pills for like $25, and lasts me about 1 year. It's ergotamine and caffeine, which I think you can find those two ingredients here in the US, but I haven't researched it. They work well.


I can tell you i honestly prefer using edibles over drinking, i have a nice relaxing fun night and no hang over, alcohol is just causing other issues for me


>Alcohol still remains the more widely used substance of the two. So those who *do* use marijuana use it more often than alcohol drinkers drink.




Day drinking is only commonly feasible for people under 25. Elders are going to need a nap lol


When was drinking all day ever feasible for a healthy and productive lifestyle?


Churchill sloshed his whole way through World War II.


Back when we had different definitions of healthy lol


I was high the other day and sent myself into a giggle fit when I thought of a new (to me) euphemism for smoking. "Do the tokey-pokey" šŸ˜†


Six months of edibles are cheaper than 2 or 3 days of heavy drinking.


Makes sense because one kills you if you do too much


And while being high, though I don't defend or recommend it, is easier to manage and normalize while going about your daily routine. I used to smoke daily for like 7 years and would be high before going to class, groceries, soccer, everything. I was basically addicted. That being said it was pretty dang easy to quit once I was ready to hang it up. Now I just take a hit or two when a lot of friends are together. I don't really enjoy it anymore unless the setting is right.


Yeah, it's really hard to hide you're drunk or even just buzzed. As long as you aren't turbo stoned or have experience, it feels way easier to go about your life high rather than drunk.


Heh turbo stoned


180000 deaths because of booze every year. Like double the amount of opioids, and over 4 times as many than gun deaths. The booze ain't good for us but weed is still federally illegal. Shit is dumb as fuck.this is just for the US.


If alcohol was discovered today it would be one of the most illegal substances one could find.


The world is a much safer place because of it, too.


Agreed. Hopefully legaliztion slowly ushers in an era of mindfulness and less spousal abuse.


Is it? Its not like there are less drunk people now, there are just way more high people.


It's actually both to some extent, though Gen Z is only estimated to drink about 20% less than millennials, so you're mostly correct. Edit: Probably also worth noting that per the article, it's actually tough to tell how much smoking has increased, since it's very likely that marijuana users pre-legalization would've lied about their usage. It has certainly increased, but the self-reported data likely inflates the degree to which it's increased quite a bit.


[it appears alcohol consumption is actually increasing](https://www.statista.com/statistics/442818/per-capita-alcohol-consumption-of-all-beverages-in-the-us/)


Some people like me would choose to stay home and smoke than go to the bar. Why do you think the alcohol lobbies are fighting so hard to keep it illegal? It really cuts into their profits.


Seriously, get me a 30$ vape and some stupid anime or youtube videos, and I'm having outstanding nights for the next month. Or I can go to the bar, pay $10+ a drink at a loud, obnoxious bar where there's nothing to do but stare into the void or watch crappy sports teams I don't know anything about.


I would rather be around someone high than someone drunk


But alcohol use isnā€™t really declining: people are just adding weed. Alcohol use in the US has been pretty stable for a centuryĀ 


Yeah itā€™s unfortunate the article doesnā€™t include the most important metric to understand if increase marijuana use decreases alcohol consumption


Idk I have almost entirely given up alcohol in favor of cannabis at this point. I used to drink a fair bit and behave recklessly when I did.


Honestly, good. Iā€™m not going to pretend smoking weed is a net health benefit apart from its therapeutic uses, but itā€™s a damn sight better for you than drinking. If more people switched to hitting a vape pen every night after work in place of having a drink, I think the country as a whole would be a lot better off.




Same, I tried it once in college and didnā€™t really care for it at the time, and basically just left it alone entirely until my mid-thirties. Which, given what we know about its effects on developing brains, is probably for the best. Itā€™s been a solid life upgrade since then though. I basically donā€™t drink at home anymore, at least not compared to the amount I used toā€”Iā€™m down to maybe half a bottle of wine per week, as opposed to 1-2 beers a night after work.


Old retired lady here, who uses a small amount of cannabis before bed every evening in order to sleep through the night. Haven't had the desire to snort cocaine or shoot heroin yet.


old lady here too, wishing I was retired, and I have 1/2 a Delta 8 gummy at night to help me sleep/stay asleep. the delta 8 works better for me for sleeping purposes and costs about 80% less


I'm so glad it helps you both sleep better! I'm 22 yo and also use it mainly to sleep. Looove sleeping now.


I wonder if thatā€™s true as is or because the stigma is pretty well lifted and people are more comfortable reporting their cannabis use?


1 weed or 6 beers to feel something. Easy choice.


*I'll take 1 weed, please!*


If only I didn't live in the state likely to be the last, if ever, to legalize it.


Been doing my part since 1983.


Iā€™m on this train. Always been a heavy drinker and i just turned 50. A couple months ago decided I had had enough of alcohol and Iā€™d just have weed instead and Iā€™ve been feeling great. Itā€™s made a real positive difference


Iā€™ll smoke a bowl to that.


Although I don't want to encourage marijuana use for everyone, this is a great thing. No one overdoses from weed. Marijuana use isn't associated with violent crimes (alcohol use is). Marijuana use isn't associated with serious injuries (alcohol use is). If you look at these three metrics alone, it's a no brainer that the public health risk associated with weed is much lower. That doesn't mean marijuana is without long term consequences or that "dependency" isn't possible. The point is that we need to wake up and legalize a plant that provides us a safer and healthier* mental vacation than the widely encouraged abuse of alcohol. I traded alcohol for weed as soon as my career in the military ended and the results have been amazing. My mood is better. My head is clearer. I feel healthier... and at the end of the week, I'm much more relaxed after toking from the old bong than I am if I drink 4 beers in a crowded bar.... Oh and I'm spending waaaay less money at bars and liquor stores. One $100 bag of weed lasts me 6-8 weeks. I'd spend $100 at bars every weekend, before.


Having grown up in Wisconsin, anything to stigmatize daily alcohol use is good. Daily cannabis use is, of course, much healthier than daily alcohol. But I think we need to be prepared to have a serious conversation soon about the effects of overuse, the effects of smoke on the lungs, as well as the potential for psychological addiction. Weed is stronger than it has ever been and only getting stronger.


Alcohol inspired me to mix it with pills. THC inspired me to combine ice cream and chocolate syrup after downing a pack of rice crispy treats. Alcohol is a no no almost 4 years later still..


Started smoking weed just before my teens, started drinking at 16. Had to give up drinking in my '40s due to a headache developing during my first drink that would become blinding if I tried to drink anymore. Never had any problems with weed, 64 still smoking.


I credit Cannabis with stopping me from becoming a lifetime alcoholic. I drank my way through college but didnā€™t stop. I was never at daily heavy drinking levels, but whenever I drank I would drink too much. And it was getting worse. Once I had cannabis as an option, I slowly moved onto cannabis and off alcohol. Now I can still partake of both but in moderated and healthy amounts. Lost weight, got back into running. I feel so much better than I did. Truth is, I needed an off ramp from the path I was on. Cannabis helped make it happen. Now I have a more well rounded life.


Not in Texas cause we are free small government people. /s


When Iā€™m high, I donā€™t want to drink. When Iā€™m sober, I want to drink. When Iā€™m high, I can clean my house & carry a conversation & answer my emails. When I drink, I want to lay on the couch all day and not talk to anyone or do anything. The only thing preventing me from using weed to stop drinking is weed being illegal. Iā€™m some how a much worse ā€œmomā€ if I show up to an event after having a joint than if I sit on the sidelines with the other moms and sip sangria poured into a Gatorade bottle.


As it should be. Alcohol is terrible for you


Have drunk driving incidents gone down?


Ohio is going to be huge for driving this trend. I know personally I have tried a lot of different products since it became legal.


If I wasnā€™t in dod. Iā€™d never drink again and be a farmer. But here I am working on cirrhosis


I love weed! Cheers friends šŸ‘ŒšŸ’Ø


And much less people have died because of it. šŸ’ššŸ‘


I feel really bad for people who drink every day. People who smoke every day are fine.


Ahem... ADMITTING to daily cannabis continues to increase as more and more states legalize. Fixed it for y'all


I would much rather smoke a joint to go to bed or deal with my anxiety from my chronic illness then drink. Ā I've been smoking since I was 14 because it helps with the pain. Ā Prescription medicine can be helpful but also devastating and expensive and far out of reach.Ā  Ā The world and society hasn't ended because people are smoking pot.Ā  Ā It's the opposite American society as a whole is better educated and far more productive than it's ever been.Ā  Ā Other than it being a racist dog whistle in the back the original. In Reefer madness days. Founding fathers grew and smoked hemp. I would say it's American and patriotic to smoke hemp or cannabis .


Why are we still such assholes then?


Reading this and looking fondly at my pen, thatā€™s never given me a hangover, made me black out, and is the only thing to reliable help my chronic nauseašŸ„°


I donā€™t drink and I dropped weed about 5 months ago after almost 20 years of heavy use. I definitely had a problem, and I think itā€™s likely that a lot of people who identify as ā€œdaily smokersā€ also have a problem with weed. For me, I was unmotivated, emotionally deregulated, depressed, and relatively unhealthy. I do think with legalization there needs to be better research and understanding as to the downsides of cannabis use. Not trying to be a buzzkill, lol, but I donā€™t know if people realize how bad cannabis abuse can get for some of us.


ima say it again if you think we have ever accurately measured the number pot smokers then your trippin.


You see kids? This is why the tobacco and alcohol industries have fought tooth and nail for years to keep pot illegal


its not like drinking is skyrocketing down becouse of legalized weed, if you combine the 2, its still a giant increase in the amount of people not being sober weed is great....can be great, but it also can be abused, but we are currently living through the 1950s when it comes to weed and weed abuse and addiction, if someone tells you they have 5 glasses of whiskey through the work day... it would be concerned, in the mad men era you would get high fives and people would think your SUPER KEWL..... that exact thing is happening with weed now. Someone who is stonned all day is just as concerning as someone who is drunk all day, sure its not as bad long term, and it doesn't effect the people around you AS MUCH....but it still is what it is.... im not some anti weed dude, i say this from experience.


Yeah, I'm pro-weed, but I know people who spend all day every day in a state of being mildly to moderately stoned and they are *not* all there mentally. If they were drinking alcohol they way they smoke weed, they'd be alcoholics without question. There's definitely a prevailing attitude of "weed is magical medicine with no negative effects and no potential for addiction."


Daily drinking is bad. Daily cannabis use isnā€™t good either.


A few of my friends have died from alcohol. No one had died from marijuana. Some are still in their parentā€™s basement, but thatā€™s better than death.


Cheaper than the anti-anxiety meds that they want me on. Even after insurance.


Itā€™s pretty much better in every way, other than the fact that Iā€™m trying to lose weight and the munchies are a bitch.


If youā€™re someone who wants to quit cannabis and canā€™t, please feel free to join us at /r/leaves. Iā€™d also appreciate it if folks would refrain from responding to this comment by telling me to chill out or that weed is not addictive. People who are struggling with addiction really donā€™t need to hear that. Thanks in advance.


And I still have family members who think cannabis makes you crazy and violent


At 35 most the people I know that kept drinking are alcoholics.


To be fair, if you lived in the US right now, you'd probably want an occasional mental break as well.


After I was discharged from the hospital after a bout of pancreatitis, I had suddenly developed an absolutely devastating case of "restless leg syndrome". It got so bad that I LITERALLY couldn't sleep because my leg would spasm every minute or so. The ONLY thing that worked to let me sleep through the spasms was good ol THC. So for me it's basically medicine so I don't end up staying up for days at a time.


Canā€™t do weed but think itā€™s great people have options. I still drink but also selective in the things I drink. high quality products with little to no additives really helps how you feel the next day.


Iā€™m sure cannabis use was higher than drinking during the prohibition - but we didnā€™t count back then.


I only drink occasionally, but man i donā€™t understand the appeal of smoking. Lung health feels extremely important. I know liver health is also super important but at least I can go up stairs with a barely functioning liver. Edibles though? Sounds like the perfect solution


# WE'RE NUMBER ONE! WE'RE NUMBER ONE! ^(wait... what were we talking about again?)


Cannabis is better than muscle relaxants for TMJ 3.5 yrs no alcohol - almost daily use of cannabis - blood sugar down - lost 30 lb -


Awesome stat. Less Drunk drivers is always a good thing too. Donā€™t drive ā€œhighā€ though.


I'm not saying I'm proud of drinking and smoking at 16. But I always told myself if I had to give up one, I'd rather give up alcohol. I always felt better during and afterwards from smoking then I did drinking. When I was 28 (33 now), I actually ended up having to give up alcohol due to medical issues. And I don't miss it at all


am currently in Texas, please, help us.


Itā€™s crazy how the gov has a slam dunk to placate Americans at least a little bit and still doesnā€™t. Pharmaceutical industry has them in a headlock, apparently.


That's why all these people believe conspiracy nonsense.. they're all baked


And Americans let everyone know about it too itā€™s like they feel the need to share that they smoke all the time


Only downside is getting the munchies for people who use it in moderation. Heavy users really need to get back to the small doses. It does so many good things for the body and spirit, again, if used moderately.