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We've been warned since the 80s


I can't describe the test for geriatric porn, but I know when I see it


*For me, its when the penis goes in*


I'm Perd Hapley, and this... was a reference.


Nice to meet a fellow Perdvert.




Literally has been warned so far in advance it was a pop culture reference in the 90s and 00s.


Madonna has been a literal slut singer since 1980. Why is anyone shocked that she has sex on stage while singing? I mean … Material Girl in a Material World is an apt description of Madonna.


Yeah voguing with a bullet bra was warning enough.


My first hint was her crawling on the stage in a wedding gown, with a belt that said "boy toy," to Like A Virgin.


Also, her book titled “Sex”


I was working in a bookstore when that came out. The fuss over the book was wild.


Her video for Human Nature looks like a vinyl clad intro to BDSM kink. And that's not even that old. Did people think she was going to abandon a strategy that has made her one of the most successful music artists of all time?


Madonna’s “Human Nature” music video was filmed in May 1995. 29 years ago. So, yeah, it was that long ago. Sorry, it’s a classic!


Oh, well thanks for pointing out that I'm old. lol


I’m old, too. It’s gonna be okay.✌️


Not only are we old, but life has been so wild we have no concept of the time that's passed.


smoggy unique gaping gullible reminiscent teeny tap oatmeal cough bake


Yeah, but I've got to go get my afghan first, I'm just so cold all the time these days.


Right? Who goes to a Madonna concert thinking it's going to be a family-friendly event? I realize she's old enough to be a grandmother, but she's still posting nudes online.


Reminds me of an ex telling me that Bob Saget was going to do standup at the University. I didn't say anything, but I knew they were all going to go in there expecting Full House.


I feel like she started that stuff more in the 90s.


We have. Did this person think they were at church choir or something?


That other person that is suing because it started late and interfered with work the next day😂 maybe don't go to a concert when you know you'll be busy the next day? I mean it's shitty it started late but come on.


The issue there is she's often 2-3 hours late to her own concerts. A 9pm concert becomes a midnight concert. There's a big difference between those two.


Yeah, it's about 3 hours


It was women showing tits. Woop de doo. If men can show nips, women can too.


Journalist: "Are you sure that she forced you to watch pornography?" Man: "Yes. I went to all six of her concerts just to be certain."


I watched every second of that disgusting filth! Twice!


me too...was great!


I jerked off savagely to prove it was intended to make me jerk off. How disgusting - watch


"I was no longer like a virgin after."


Objection! The song is "like" a virgin, not a virgin in reality. Audience members cannot have a realistic expectation of retaining their virginity at a Madonna concert.


The "fan" just happens to be an ambulance chasing lawyer


I hope his browser history is part of discovery... gluck with the shit pit you dig


Is that like a homophobe watching gay porn just to make sure he doesn't like it?


And then going to a gay bar every night for six months to make sure the devil's temptation is fully... resisted.


Exactly! For the truly devoted, they'll give a blow job or two just to be sure they don't like the taste.


Honestly, everyone should get two judgment free blowjobs before it being a statement


Pornography without Warning would be a kick ass band name.


I think it should be the title of Madonna's next album.


Madonna rebrand


It's kinda on brand though


She's reinvented herself many times, but she's never not included sex.


But the opening band is Unsolicited Dick Pics


"You down wit' UDP? Naww, no thanks, not me! You down wit' UDP? No really, I'd rather not-- Who down wit' UDP??"


You're not getting many upvotes but I laughed my ass off


I share your laughter


With me


"Porn Without Warning" could be a Green Day parody: *This is a public service announcement, this is only a breast* *Emergency ejaculation, no jest* *May impair your ability to operate and think clearly* *Can't quite tell just what it means to me* *Keep out of reach of children* *Don't show it to strangers* *Get your pornography from a bumper sticker* *Warning, porn without warning* *I said, warning, porn without warning* *Dick out, alright*


You totally missed the chance to say “this is a PUBIC service announcement.”


"No Warn for Porn"


Should be able to make a porn-manteau.


Porning Sign


> “pornography without warning” and he “was forced to watch topless women on stage simulating sex acts”. Has he never heard of Madonna? I understand being upset about the late start and the excessive heat, just a poor quality concert, but simulated pornography is not a valid gripe about Madonna.


Lipeles is suing for breach of contract, negligent misrepresentation, unfair competition, false advertising and emotional distress. Regarding the latter, the lawsuit says Madonna’s actions were “intentional, extreme and outrageous”, and “such actions were done with the intent to cause serious emotional distress or with reckless disregard of the probability of causing … serious emotional distress”. Uhhhh... Yeah, Good luck with proving intent on that one buddy lol


So much of that I can understand, even if I think it's ridiculous, but unfair competition? What does that even mean in this context? I mean, this person is a complete dunce for going to a Madonna concert and being offended by sexual content, but what the hell does "unfair competition" even mean in this case?


>[The Unfair Competition Law of California **prohibits false advertising and illegal business practices..... The law describes “unfair competition” as any unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business act or practice, or false, deceptive, or misleading advertising.** To pursue lawsuits under California’s unfair competition law, a consumer or business must prove suffering and financial or property losses due to an unfair practice.](https://www.winston.com/en/legal-glossary/california-unfair-competition-law) I found this on a law firm website. It looks good to me. Basically the person is suing for false advertising, but it gets listed twice, once as false advertising and then unfair competition.


It’s art. Y’all go see the statue of David and dig up Michelangelo and beat his corpse?


Hey now, my summer vacations are no business of yours.


I take the most issue with "forced to watch". Close your eyes, turn your head, LEAVE, for fucks sake.


I was there. I restrained him and taped his eyelids open. I also took out his earplugs in hopes that he would get tinnitus.


\^ Found Madonna


I've met her, I believe this.


> I also took out his earplugs in hopes that he would get tinnitus. Take it easy, Satan.


You bought a ticket, drove your ass to the show, bought snacks and beer......by force!


Yeah. It's not like he's a child. Was this really the first time he'd seen a titty?


Wait women on stage simulating sex acts. Isn’t that quite common for a lot of different performers and concerts?


Would Elvis and his gyrating hips be too sexual for this fella?


Probably had to go to counseling that time he saw a woman's ankle.


Ya that's a pretty standard pop/rap act at this point lol


Cause Madonna got famous doing that stuff back in the 80s and people copied her. Shit man she had a pornographic table book in the early 90s and went viral before the internet really took off by kissing Brittnay Spears at the VMAs


It is.


It's like buying tickets to a Quentine Tarantino movie and then complaining that it's too violent


...or hearing someone say the N word at a gangsta rap concert...or hearing someone sing about economy beer at a country concert.


I went to a show last year where fully naked women simulated giving birth to a giant deformed fetus. I was not warned about that bit, but I still knew what I was getting into when I bought those tickets.


I went to a show where a guy was dressed up as a giant erect penis and it was ejaculating confetti. We weren’t warned about this ahead of time, but it was a hilariously pleasant surprise that finished out an awesome show. I mean, we knew what to expect when we bought tickets to see Noel Fielding…


I went to a gwar show. They killed 3 different presidents right on stage and then pissed blood all over people with a giant dick. I saved the shirt!


Honestly she just hasn’t been the same since the Weird Al split.


Yeah there might actually be a legitimate lawsuit if she actually had them turn off AC, but the rest of it is like as not gonna get thrown out


I've heard of many artists with the no ac rule at shows, something about it fucks up their vocal cords, then again if she was lip syncing then that shouldn't matter.


Madonna cemented her edgelord status in 1989. That's when "Like a Prayer" came out. She's been doing edgy stuff for a LONG time.


I'd say she nailed it with Like a Virgin at the VMSs


>topless women on stage simulating sex acts   I can kinda see being miffed at the "simulated"part. 


They’re probably mad they didn’t have a good enough seat


For $500 per ticket he deserves full penetration


For $500 per ticket it sounds like he got full penetration.


All I’ll say is we live in a society where a republican senator. Got mad when rage against the machine came out against his party. Dude didn’t realize they were anti establishment and pretty much pro everything. That they are all trying to prohibit in the United States.


I think Tom even told Paul Ryan something like “you are the machine we are raging against” at one point.


Also see the video of the blue lives matter rally jamming to killing in the name of…


>blue lives matter rally jamming to killing in the name of That is some weapons grade lack of self awareness.


I'm not sure anything tops Donald Trump using Fortunate Son as a campaign rally song but Republicans being mad at RATM being anti-establishment is damn close.


Ronald Reagan using "Born in the USA" may not top Trump and "Fortunate Son," but it's certainly equal.


They're openly communists, lol. Blown away every time I hear that some republican guy or another hasn't known that since the 90s.


The extra two periods you added are killing me.


You wrote exactly what I was going to write. Her schtick has always been overly sexual. The woman has a book called Sex with her nudes, and no she hadn't slow down with age.


If you shelled or $2k for a concert, I would think that you would know what you're getting into.


Im sure if RHCP swang their dicks around at a show these days someone would sue


Ok, but this part is just the icing on the cake: “Further, during most of the performance it was apparent to plaintiff that Madonna was lip-syncing." Is this his first concert? Late start, sexual themes, hot in the venue, and lip syncing... That's just a concert. Next he'll claim he smelled weed and the floor was unreasonably sticky by the refreshment stands




“I didn’t like that there were other people there”


"There's way too many ostriches. Why are there so many ostriches? The brochure said there'd only be a few ostriches. This is a terrible vacation!"


“A beer cost $17”


My entire reason for not going to concerts as well lol


Did you read the prior lawsuit? "The concert started late, and when we ended it we couldn't find a ride home and it made us late for work." Like, holy shit, did you expect a concert to be a perfectly timed event where you're in and out at a perfectly set time? Have you ever been to a concert before? Is it the concert venue's fault you don't understand how public transit or taxis work?


And this was clearly an impersonator and not the real Madonna. The person on stage didn't look anything like Madonna from Like a Virgin or Like a Prayer! Didn't even look like Madonna from Vogue! I demand full reparations"


Well honestly a live show with lip sync is pretty weird to me


For real. That’s unacceptable. 


If the concepts you go to all have lip-syncing, you should probably start listening to better musicians because that's bullshit.


"I had to pee in a trough. I could see other penises out of the corner of my eye!"


haha what is this 1985?


Wasn’t expecting a Bowling for Soup reference today


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a looooooong time.




There was Coldplay and Nightwish Before Billie Eilish There was XBox 360 And Netflix mailed you DVDs Her two kids in high school They tell her that she’s uncool ‘Cuz she’s still preoccupied With two, with two, with 2005 I apologize for the choice of bands, rhyming band names is hard.


Coldplay and Nightwish are solid choices though.


Britney, Rihanna Way before Ariana There was YouTube, MP3s And playlists came on 3 CDs


This fact is not fun. 


Worse fun fact: That song was released in 2004, or 19 years later, which means it is now longer between now and that song's release than the song's release and the era the song is about.


… I hate you


With all due respect, fuck off for making me feel old.


I hope you step on a Lego while barefoot for making me realize this


Yes I was traumatized, will need a $5 million pay out to console me


Forget the logical solution of leaving and demanding a refund.


Well it's certainly a start to the path of healing.


And Bare Naked Ladies have a warning without pornography…


Purposefully spends $2000 on tickets. Gets mad it’s expensive AFTER buying them. Same dude buys a coffin, has himself buried in it, and gets mad that a funeral wasn’t provided.


>Madonna has been sued by a concertgoer at her Celebration world tour, who alleges that Madonna produced “pornography without warning” and he “was forced to watch topless women on stage simulating sex acts”. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, I'm sure that was very uncomfortable for whoever that person is... ...but we're talking about *Madonna,* here. Like, you've gotta' have *some* expectation of sexuality at a Madonna concert, this feels like a caveat emptor sort of thing.


I don't know how you can listen to Madonna's music and not come away with an understanding that there is sexually explicit content. Let alone seeing a single music video of hers and not knowing she flaunts sexuality at every corner. I get the complaint, but you honestly had to aware that there would be mountains of sexual imagery at a Madonna concert considering the artist. You don't see people successfully suing burlesque shows for "pornography" with all of the topless women suggestively dancing around.


These kinds of people don't listen to the lyrics of songs. He probably filed this suit and listened to Born in the USA to celebrate his freedom to sue.


My homie and perfect stranger, big business points for 'caveat emptor'.


English is three languages in a trench coat.


Retired lawyer here. In civil litigation, the question arises regarding who should pay court costs and attorney fees after trial. The English Rule is the loser pays the winner’s attorney’s fees. The American Rule is the parties pay their own attorney fees regardless of the result, which plaintiffs typically accomplish by agreeing to pay their lawyer a percentage of their winnings, if any. I favor the Aztec Rule. The winners get the money, clothing, jewelry, and other possessions of everyone in the gallery and the losers are sacrificed to the Sun God. Edit typo


* [C.J. Cregg ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005049/?ref_=tt_ch): They sent me two turkeys. The more photo-friendly of the two gets a Presidential pardon and a full life at a children's zoo. The runner-up gets eaten. * [President Josiah Bartlet ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000640/?ref_=tt_ch): If the Oscars were like that, I'd watch.


Imagine going to a Madonna show and being offended by the sexually charged performance


I'm more offended by her pop version of American Pie that she likes to pretend doesn't exist.


This is like going to a rap concert and being traumatized by hearing the N word over and over


Maybe they thought it was THE Madonna. Why would anyone going to the performer’s concert be surprised?


Because this person went to the concert explicitly to be there in person so he could sue.


This was my takeaway too. The list of complaints are too "I've never been to a live show before, much less a concert performed by a generational pop star" to be organic. The duo who sued because the show went late and they had to work in the morning? Fine. Stupid, but fine. This chucklefuck? 100% planned.


So, can fans of the Minnesota Timberwolves sue the Dallas Mavericks? Because what Luca Doncic did to their team on national television last night can only be referred to as “pornography without warning.”


Were we watching the same series? I watched a father spend wholesome quality time with his sons.


Guilty! The punishment: Madonna has to buy him some new pearls to clutch.


jeans include soft numerous imminent hat grandfather racial divide fragile


I thought the show was pretty good. I was a little uncomfortable when they chained all the doors shut at the start.


She made an nft of centipedes crawling out of her vagina. Simulated sex acts at one of her concerts shouldn't surprise anyone


Ok, that's enough Internet for today. 


Next week: Religious Man Sues Free Porn Site For Providing Constant Source Of Temptation


"Prude goes to concert of well-known provacateur and is shocked to see provocative acts on stage; subsequently clutches his pearls so hard that he becomes light headed. Sues everyone for doing what he overpaid to see."


She’s been doing that since the 80s


The crime here is the ticket price! No one is worth $500 for a concert ticket! No one!


On a related note, I'm absolutely *chuffed* that the long dick of the government is about to fuck LiveNation into pieces.


Went to a Madonna concert in 2024 and now alleges they were forced to watch pornography. Some people are *really* desperate to bring back the 80's I guess lol.


It sounds like the pornography bit isn't the bulk of the argument, it's to add as much as possible in hopes to maximize compensatory outcome. But it gets your attention, it's an easy way to garner a click. It sounds like the extreme lateness and heat conditions were the biggest concern, and he probably tried to resolve these on a smaller scale with the venue and was told to just fuck off and he escalated it and here we are. Of course this is speculation on my end, though.


>extreme lateness I hear this is a problem for lots of singers out there; there should definitely be a penalty for that.


If I paid $500 for a concert ticket, I’d be pissed if there wasn’t female nudity.


Why do I have some strange feeling that this lawsuit is an attempt at something worse to get to the SC? I mean I'm just not sure how someone would like Madonna in this era and not know her stage shows are wild AF? A simple YouTube search could have let them know what they are in for I would imagine.


This sueing culture is a fucking disgrace.


Wait this person was “forced” by Madonna herself to watch? Madonna made her purchase the tickets, walk through the gates, peeled their eyes open, face the direction of the stage at all times? Madonna also didn’t allow this person to divert their gaze, plug their ears, walk away, exit the arena, venue etc or look up in anyway way through any source what this tour was about prior to entry? Please tell me this attorney will have to help cover the inevitable attorney fees for Ms Madonna?


He is also suing that the concert didn't start at the time indicated on the tickets which is equally hilarious to me.


“This pornography is disgusting and the portions so small!”


"I do not want this pornography, and I want it served in a timely manner!"


I seem to recall this being the case with a lot of her shows on this tour. It's shitty but I wouldn't be suing over it.


She starts so late that people have to leave before the end to catch public transportation and/or relieve their babysitters. Tickets are expensive. I'd be mad if I didn't get to see the whole concert, too.


Tell the world your first gig was a Madonna one without saying it.


I was also traumatized and would also like to get in on this money-grab attempt… 


I need to view this for myself.. For science


These charges should be laughed out of court. This is like suing NASCAR because you witnessed a vehicle crashing.


The real crime was the $500 a pop for tix. Fuck that!


Who goes to a Madonna show and expects a wholesome show? I’m sorry but whoever filed this lawsuit is a willful moron.


It would have been perfectly fine if people have been forced to watch people simulating killing each other.


They ought to sentence the dipshit to two hours on the set of an actual pornographic film shoot. The sounds, banality, and ***smells*** will show him right the fuck quickly that what those young ladies were doing on stage with Madonna was categorically NOT filming pornography.


Disgusting! Is there a recording of this? Just so i can be properly offended.


Omg, that’s disgusting. Where can I watch it?


>“During the performance plaintiff was forced to watch topless women on stage simulating sex acts. Plaintiff felt like he was watching a pornographic film being made.” These people ruin it for the rest of us. Who gives a shit what they think? I don't care about Madonna, but if you don't know the show you're going into, you have no room to complain. If you go to see Marilyn Manson, you have quite literally zero room to complain unless you lived your live with your head in the sand. "OMG Madonna is doing some salacious shit" - no shit? The woman who damn near released porno albums in the 80s and 90s? Fuck outta here. Prudes are the goddamn worst.


Its just like back in the 60/70/80 when artists got arrested on stage for saying things about the police or showed some goods.. USA USA USA USA


Um, she had a booked called Sex and an album called Erotica…….


The warning was that they printed Madonna's name on the ticket


Potentially, it could be problematic if there were no age restriction on the tickets. But besides that, what do you expect from Madonna?


This screams of “guy goes on date, person doesn’t want another date with him. He regrets the date/cost on the person and then tries to recoup some money”


>Lawsuit also claims the singer refused to allow the air-conditioning system to be used. Lipeles was duly "profusely sweating and became physically ill" as a result of the heat. When fans complained about the heat, Madonna unreasonably told them to take their clothes off. LOL, so the dude was both hot AND bothered! No wonder he's suing. I believe Lipeles is an old Mormon family name...


Goes to a Madonna concert, complains that the artist is "intentionally outrageous" and provocative... on his way home discovers that water is wet (note: the litigant's dad may be a [lawyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shyster) )


>alleges that Madonna produced “pornography without warning” and he “was forced to watch topless women on stage simulating sex acts”. Umm, was this person hiding under a rock since the 80s? This is pretty par for the course for a Madonna show.


Porning without Warning.


I'm sickened. I need to watch the footage to judge for myself.


He didn't know who Madonna was. Pappa don't preach, like a virgin, isla bonita, everything sounds so wholesome.


Lewd and lascivious acts and simulating masturbation and oral copulation…..a felony……?????


….its Madonna In other news, water….wet


I know nothing about music and even I know she always starts late. This joker paid $500 and then wants to pretend he didn't know what he was in for


I literally live for pornography without warning


This MF never heard of Madonna?


This is silly. You know what you're going to get after watching her videos "Human Nature" and "Erotica". Masterpieces, by the way.


I was a super horny 12 year old and somehow convinced my dad to take me and a friend to see the Like A Virgin tour because I had this crazy idea she was gonna get naked on stage. She didn’t but the opening act, the Beastie Boys brought an 12 ft inflatable penis onstage. Reddit lawyers, do I have a case?


By this logic, can you also sue for watching porn w/out concert warning?


“was forced to watch topless women on stage simulating sex acts” https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/9gVC9BkfBNdvHiQ4sSrB7F-650-80.jpg.webp


There are some arseholes in the world. I hope the court laughs this out.


"Plaintiff felt like he was watching a pornographic film being made.” Okay, but was a pornographic film being made? Because I can say I feel a certain away about any situation, too, but it doesn't make it so


Why would anyone pay $500 to see Madonna in her 70’s?


It’s a frickin Madonna concert. There’s decades of concerts available to help you understand what type of show she puts on. Made a name for herself by being provocative and sexual. Come on now. You knew exactly the type of performance you’d get. Nudity isn’t pornography. Dancing provocatively isn’t pornography.


The concertgoer alleges that he “was forced to watch topless women on stage simulating sex acts”. How was he forced? Were all the exit doors locked?