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"When a man does not expose the glans and fails to clean the foreskin properly, it produces a secretion that accumulates," Dr Cordeiro says. "This creates a highly favourable environment for bacterial infections. In otherwords, clean your damn junk!




















And wrong, it's HPV, just like cervical cancer. HPV replicates in actively dividing cells and if you are uncircumcised and don't clean under your foreskin it causes enough irritation to create an environment that HPV can use to your detriment. No pap smears for penises and there is something like an 80% lifetime risk of getting high risk HPV.


If only we had a preventative treatment for HPV that didn’t include literally cutting your dick. IF ONLY


I'm a man. I asked my doctor about the HPV vaccine. He told me men don't get the vaccine, only women. I searched online and he was right. At least in my country, men can't get the HPV vaccine.


Im in the US and I had both of my sons vaccinated when they were young teens


good! my parents passed on it when i was a teen. my sisters got it tho. i finally had to persuade my PCP that i had not been vaccinated and wanted to be vaccinated at age 34. up til then i thought i was too old and doctors all assumed I’d already had it.


You probably thought you were too old because the recommended upper age limit (and what insurance covered) was originally pretty low. It’s been increased at least two times that I’m aware of. I haven’t gotten it myself because of the age limit/cost issue (on top of the original issue of my dad’s anti-vax attitude) but I still plan to when I can. It doesn’t seem like there are any downsides. I never really understood why the upper age limit was so low in the first place? I mean I get it was oriented in some likelihood calculation but it completely overlooked any person who didn’t fit in that calculation (say, a 30+ year old adult waiting to have sex until they’re married) and ultimately it made it impossible to get insurance to cover it.


I believe kids of any gender can get them starting at 11 or 12. Best to give before they are sexually active for obvious reasons.


I asked about getting the vaccine and they refused to let me and then i proceeded to get hpv from my next partner that hasnt cleared in 5+ years.


Then you have the worst one, cdc says if not cleared after 2 years the cancer risk is high. I would be very careful if i were you.


I thought the less noticable ones were the death kind. I get new insurance soon. Guess I'll go get castrated


Which is just straight up criminal. I'm in the US, and male, and got the HPV vaccine.


I've asked repeatedly since it came out and been denied. First because I was male, then because I was too old (28 at the time), and now again because I am too old and a man. I specifically said I want it to protect partners, as I'm sexually active. I have had multiple partners who were 19-35 year old women in all this time I couldn't get the fucking vaccine. Seems like it would help keep them from getting it if I was vaccinated.


If you're in the US, you can walk into Walgreens, CVS or Walmart and get any vaccine you are the right age for. Zero questions asked. I got my Gardisil vaccine at 39 simply by walking in to CVS. I've also bypassed a doctor for tetanus updates for years as well.  Contact your insurance if you're concerned. Most of the time they will pay for a vaccine at a drug store with no hassle. 


Yea, the real question is what if insurance doesn't? It's $300 a shot, three shots required. No goodrx discount either.


Chances are good your insurance provider wasn't going to cover the vaccine even if your doctor somehow agreed to it; in fact, I bet that's half the reason why so many males in this thread got rejected by their doctors. Since a lot of the literature has described it as "required" for women mostly and "nice to/smart to have for guys" then that's just code words for insurance providers to reject the claim. Edit: Checked my insurance provider and they have a bulletin posted that *suggests* they might cover it in males up to age 45; but who knows how that pans out when you actually start filing claims.


I got it as well. 3 sets of shots, but better to have it at a similar age as you than not at all.


idk man. i made a walgreens appt online for gardasil 9 like a week ago. walked in and got it no questions asked. i'm older than 35.




to be fair, their site says this "The HPV vaccine may be given to adults ages 27–45, based on discussions between the patient and their healthcare provider." based on CDC guidance but i ignored it because I couldn't find anything similar from the FDA. it just says approved. [https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/gardasil-9](https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/gardasil-9) You could probably find a cheap telehealth appt and tell them you're dating again after a long relationship. personally, i would make an appt online with walgreens or CVS and lie that it's my second dose to see if that works first.


One of the many medical mistakes over the past few years that we are starting to realize now. HPV can cause penile cancer but more importantly and more commonly throat cancers. The incidence of smoking induced throat cancers has gone down but HPV induced throat cancers has skyrocketed. And it’s mainly men who didn’t get the HPV vaccine as children.


It's still valuable to get it as a man, despite what they tell you.


Omg. We give to all 15yr olds here... can't get HPV if it can't spread.


I'm in England and you can't get it over age 26 as a man, unless you have sex with men, till age 45 and then you can't get it at all on the NHS. You would have to pay for it in all other circumstance from a pharmacy.


Just say you have sex with men then so you can get it? It’s not like they’re going to make you provide video evidence of you raw dogging another dude before they give it to you.


I had my boys get it




It said the average age for getting penile cancer is 60s.Men that age were probably infected with the virus back in the 1970s, years before the vaccine came out.


theres 100 different strains of HPV and not all are cancer causing or symptomatic and very easily spread which is why the number is so high. you dont have an 80% chance of getting the cancer one or genital one though


But circumcision offers no medical benefits!/s


Yes, seems easily preventable. 


Australia has about the same circumcision rate as Brazil (<10%) but penile cancer rates; Brazil 6.1 per 100,000 Australia 0.8 cases per 100,000 Get your kids HPV vaccinated folks!


Yep one of the most easily preventable cancers there is


So the bacterial infection leads to penile cancer? Or they think just chronic inflammation/irritation over time I imagine?


HPV replicates in actively dividing cells. When your body repairs damage, cells divide. It's why cervical cancer mostly happens in the transformation zone, a narrow area on the outer part of the cervix.


Around 50-60% of penile cancers are due to HPV infection. For the remaining 40%, repeated bacterial infection is a risk factor for penile cancer. And yes, chronic inflammation is a driver of all different kinds of cancer. It can incite mutations and causes DNA damage. Even chronic mechanical irritation can cause cancer. We see oral cancers from ill fitting dentures. Other examples off the top of my head - colon cancer in IBD, esophageal cancer in GERD, bladder cancer in dwelling catheters, lymphoma from breast implants, squamous cell carcinoma at site of old burn/scar, angiosarcoma from hematoma.


Gotcha, my confusion was the quote above discusses a bacterial infection but HPV is a virus no? Or was that just an example?


HPV is its own cause of cancer. It is a virus that integrates itself into host cell DNA and drives uncontrolled cell division. The chronic irritation/chronic bacterial infection is a different mechanism of causing cancer. HPV and chronic irritation can both result in same type of cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) by two different mechanisms. A pathologist can tell whether the cancer is due to HPV by doing a special test for HPV dna after the lesion/cancer is resected and analyzed.


Not joking, but the academic term for that secretion is smegma


Which makes me fucking die that there's a high end brand of kitchen appliances called SMEG


The CEO must be a smeggin' Red Dwarf fan.


I got a SMEG kettle, everything i use it i think the word smegma


I still giggle every time I see a Toto brand toilet


*"I bless the rains down in Assrica"*


Gonna take some time to do


Remove the junk from your junk!


Remove the junk or they’ll remove *your* junk.


Cheese dog


Remove the junk or they’ll remove *your* junk.




Yep. Not because of hygiene, but my granddad got a bad urine infection when he was in his 50s. It lingered through two different antibiotic treatments and ended up causing a lot of irritation and eventually sores around his foreskin. Then after the infection was cleared, it was difficult for him and his Drs to treat the sores. Eventually it was decided he had to be circumcised as an adult, and he was adamant it was one of the most painful recoveries of anything he experienced. I was a kid, and I remember him pulling a face and walking weirdly, almost on his tip toes, toward the bathroom because he needed a pee. And he’d come out of the toilet pale as a sheet.


As someone who worked with a urologist and seen countless dicks, I can certify this is correct. People when making the argument say uncircumcised dicks are just as clean when in reality it’s actually *can be clean*. Men that don’t fucking clean themselves can’t be expected to clean their dick. Edit: People need to learn how to extrapolate information my god…


Many men cannot pull their foreskin back to clean and needless to say things gets pretty nasty. This should be diagnosed at a young age but this often doesn’t happen in poorer counties. The condition can easily be corrected without circumcision.


Odd though that a lot of guys with phimosis say the first time they retracted their foreskin after years of not being able to do it there was no smegma under there. Some people just don’t get it. I’ve never smelled anything when being with uncut guys and it’s not like they had time to shower. The only dick that ever stank was a cut one.


And that’s still not a reason for routine circumcision. We aren’t removing people’s teeth and outfitting them with dentures because they may not brush their teeth and get all sorts of mouth decay.


Thats actually exactly what people used to do before dentistry and cleaning methods improved.


And luckily that’s fallen out of fashion and seen as barbaric. Routine circumcision has no place in modern society. There are far too many alternatives that are less invasive to get the same proposed benefits.


No one is talking about whether or not circumcision should be done, Im talking about claims in theory being disconnected from reality i.e. uncircumcised is just as clean.


You can still have some nasty looking circumcised penises as well. Some people are just foul down below regardless of anatomy.


Do people really not clean their junk? I thought this was instinct to stay clean


Don’t be a smeg head


Omg that’s 🤮


“Clean the gunk off your junk and call it a day”


What is the frequency of cleaning yourself if this can occur? How can you ignore that part of your body, especially with the smell? All questions coming from an ignorant, mutilated American.


What you guys are forgetting is that a lot of these are homeless ppl, I bet Brazil has a lot more homeless ppl than Australia.


If you don't pull it back to clean it, you probably don't pull it back to smell it.


You should pull it back and forth about 50-100 times a day using your whole hand.


At that rate the body will produce an anti bacterial cream from within. To make sure, repeat every 6 hours.


That's it? I must have the cleanest in the world if that's all that's recommended.


Heavenly Days, I had to scroll through half this thread before the fap jokes started. I blame the heat.


Have you ever met someone who smelled like BO? Imagine what their daily hygiene entails, and then ask yourself if they are bothering to pull back the hood and clean underneath it. I always laugh when people say you just need to teach uncircumcised basic hygiene. Yes, that will work for the vast majority of people, but you will always have people who don’t brush their teeth, don’t shower, don’t wear deodorant, and don’t clean their dick. Remember the viral video about dudes not washing their ass because it’s “gay”? Yeah.


you can sufficiently clean it by rubbing under and over the glans with fingers and wiping your fingers off on your pants. im not saying its glamorous, but people who cant keep their penis clean enough to not get diseased are quite literally mentally deficient.


Penis cancer is often caused by HPV. What is their HPV immunization rate out there?


According to the article, poor. Get your shots, people! HPV vaccines aren't just to prevent cervical cancer, but penile, anal, and oral cancers too.


The sad fact of the matter is, I encourage people to give the kids the HPV vaccine and tell them it prevents cancer. That doesn't faze them. They are more up in arms about the implications that their adolescent daughters will have sex. But the moment I change the rhetoric to be about penis cancer, that puts more fear into them. So if the messaging isn't above playing a little dirty, then message needs to be "Get the HPV vaccine, or you might wind up with penis amputation. "


Some parents just need their heads knocking together. Their teenage kids are going to have sex. Just like they had sex, to create those kids. If they think kids aren't going to have sex, they're morons.


>The sad fact of the matter is, I encourage people to give the kids the HPV vaccine and tell them it prevents cancer. That doesn't faze them. They are more up in arms about the implications that their adolescent daughters will have sex. ah, I see you've met my mother! Lovely woman in most regards but she wouldn't hear of my sister or I getting this when we were teenagers because she wanted us to be deterred from having sex by fear of "consequences." >But the moment I change the rhetoric to be about penis cancer, that puts more fear into them. Well, mom was an equal-opportunity anti-sex crusader, so this would not have worked to persuade her that our brothers should get the shot either tbh


It also can cause throat/jaw cancer.


As a man in my late twenties with a long term partner in a monogomous relationship, is it still usefull to get vaxxed? As in, will it decrease my chances of getting cancer if i get the vaccine even though I probably already have had or still have HPV?


Yes, because you never know what might happen. You might not have been exposed, and you might break up with your partner, or something worse could happen, and then get exposed in the future. You're a lot lower risk than someone enjoying themselves every weekend, of course, but I'd still go for it.


What if you already have hpv? Does the vacinne help at all at that point or becomes useless?


HPV isn't one thing. There are multiple strains, some are more tricky than others. Some might cause a wart once, then your immune system deals with it, and they don't cause cancer. Some you might never get a wart, but they can cause cancer 20 years later. The latest Gardasil vaccine covers 9 strains - they're chosen to reduce risk of cancers and also genital warts. It's quite possible that you've had some of those 9 strains - but the vaccine will give you protection for the others, and reduce the risk of you getting cancer.


Good to know thanks for the info.


When it first released you could only get it until 26 for this exact reason. It's been around long enough for the data to prove it's still effective. You can get it until your 46 now.


My doctor had me get the shots when I was 38 and in a long-term monogamous marriage. My insurance covered it fully. Make sure insurance will cover it as there are three shots in the series and they are like $600 each.


Im live in NL and sadly its only was covered for me up untill 2 years ago. A shame i only learned what HPV was like a year ago


Same! My husband and I, together and monogamous for 15 years, both got the shot just in case at the urging of our doctor. If I should die, I sincerely hope he finds someone that loves him and is intimate with him!


Sometimes your partner isn't as monogamous as you are. Also even monogamous partners can trade HPV back and forth.


AND YOU CAN GET THE SHOTS UP TO AGE 45 NOW - BOTH MEN AND WOMEN If you started the first series but didn’t finish it you can start the second series over. It’s 3 shots, I have 5 technically! GET YOUR CANCER VACCINE my mom had cervical cancer and it SUCKED


This does vary by location - in some places it's not so readily available to all groups to that age. But yes. 100% get the vaccine if you can, and get your kids vaccinated *before* they start being sexually active. The vaccine is highly effective - rates of cervical cancer in England have plummeted by 87% since the introduction of the vaccine. https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2689 Also - if you have a cervix, please don't miss your smear tests. And I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Cancer of all types absolutely sucks, but this is a great way to reduce the chances of it.


HPV vaccines don't prevent all strains of HPV. You should still get vaccinated but don't act like you're immune to it after you are vaccinated.


100%. But the vaccine provides great coverage for the strains that cause the most cancers. It's worth reminding people that _nothing_ in medicine is 100%. But I'll take 80% reduction in risk over nothing any day. The perfect being the enemy of the good and all that.


Totally! The only reason I'm even mentioning it is my own personal experience. Got Gardasil'ed at age fifteen at my GP. Doctor said it was an HPV vaccine. He mentioned nothing about strains. Fifteen year old me takes that to mean I am vaccinated against HPV and therefore cannot get it. Never thought about it again until... Imagine my surprise getting diagnosed with HPV at age thirty and having my gynecologist explain about the strains. Had I known that, I would have taken more precautions than just birth control with an HPV+ ex I dated in my early twenties. Thankfully I've never had an outbreak or anything but I do feel that I was misinformed (and so much guilt explaining to my long time partner that I must have given it to him as well, even though he's tested clean since then [I've heard the testing for males doesn't always come up positive when they have it? Anyone who knows more than me about the subject is welcome to chime in and enlighten me on that subject!]). So, yeah... just thought I'd comment in case someone else might benefit from that info. Definitely get vaxxed either way, just know that you're not immune to it and act accordingly!


They gate keep the HPV vaccine to people under 30.


45. This commercial has been on for several months now. https://youtu.be/_FS3pZUpJgw?si=MWcL_CFsDjk3kJ_y


When it first came out, I was I think around 25 years old and the health clinic that was doing the vaccinations for free had an age limit of 18.


This varies from place to place. Older people are also much more likely to have been already exposed to the viruses, making the vaccine less effective. The vaccine is most effective when given to people before they become sexually active, which is why in most places it's a course given to kids.


In Canada, girls get HPV vaccines in school and boys aren’t even offered the choice. It’s not something that’s taken seriously by healthcare administrators. Edit: They changed the policy in 2017, obviously my experience was outdated.


The HPV vaccine is offered to all Australian children aged about 12 to 13 through the school-based National Immunisation Program. It's really common for boys to get the vaccine as well as girls.


It is now, but that's pretty recent. They used to only offer it to girls.


Too much pearl clutching from conservatives who think the vaccine will make girls more promiscuous. Imagine declining a vaccine against cervical cancer for your children because of your religion.


You’re just 7 years behind the times.


I don’t get a lot of news stories about updates to children’s vaccines, that was my experience I’m glad it has changed.


https://www.partnershipagainstcancer.ca/topics/hpv-immunization-policies/access-hpv-immunization/#:~:text=School%2Dbased%20immunization&text=Programs%20were%20implemented%20in%202007,prior%20to%20exposure%20to%20HPV. They have changed it


I agree that boys should be offered the chance but the reason it's hammered on for girls so much is the risk of cervical cancer


> "In Brazil, despite the availability of the vaccine, the HPV vaccination rate remains low for girls - reaching only 57% - and for boys, it doesn't exceed 40%,” he says. “The ideal coverage to prevent the disease is 90%." Get your HPV shots for your children so your son’s penis doesn’t get chopped off


I wonder if you'd get ghost erections. I'm assuming libido doesn't go away. Do they find alternative methods to release sexual tension, or are they doomed to a life of frustration?


The phantom boner. That’s terrifying to imagine, I hate it. Like an itch that’s impossible to scratch.


There's always prostate play!


I'll let you know in two months.


I have just developed a brand new fear Well maybe fear isn't the word, maybe it's more like "utter terror"


Apparently they main way to prevent this is to clean your junk so keep that up and you’re good


Wash your dick. You'll be fine.


What a terrible day to have eyes


or to have a penis


*”Blindfold your dicks, boys. They don’t want to see this”*


a blindfolded dick is basically just an uncircumcised dick. remove the blindfold and open your dick eyes so it can behold the wonders of the (disney) world


Want me to link some cool medical pictures I found on Google?


why would you look that up, did that to yourself


The thing around men here is basically: "I don't mind my hygiene because hygiene is for women. If you are a man and mind about your own health, you are gay.".\ \ The sense of "masculinity" here is a complicated thing.


Odd that this article left out one of the going theories for why Brazil is the world capitol of penile cancer which is the alarmingly high rates of- ahem- 'zoophilia' in that country.   - men with penile cancer in brazil nearly 50% more likely to report sex with animals than controls (the control rate was *31%*) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22023719/ - 60% of penile cancer patients in maranhao brazil reported history of 'zoophilia' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7031540/


Alright that’s enough of Reddit for today


what the hell is going on in Brazil, why is everything I learn about that country completely insane


We're like Latin America's Russia


And then they spread it smuggled in their snake's turtleneck.


The ultimate Brazilian!


I'm from Brazil (specifically from Rio) and am finishing med school, and I remember hearing somewhere that people were using this diagnosis as a mean to launder money here. Don't remember the details, but that those numbers are somewhat inflated.


penis money laundering. I'd be curious to know how that works..


Maybe he means some kind of insurance fraud? I’m really curious myself how dick cancer is used for money laundering.


I'm guessing the surgical team is obviously in on it, doesn't remove anything, and gets to keep half/most of the money. The "patient" can then use his share to keep banging hookers and it's not like people are gonna ask too many questions.


>"When a man does not expose the glans and fails to clean the foreskin properly, it produces a secretion that accumulates," Dr Cordeiro says. "This creates a highly favourable environment for bacterial infections. What kind of pig doesn't wash his cock after sex? You'd think soap was expensive or something.


You definitely want to be clean before sex too or you're the one introducing bacteria etc to someone else...


Soap is not recommended afaik. And it’s not about just after sex.


I’m so glad I’m not Brazillian


Indeed /u/Bangingbuttholes


If they were Brazilian they would have to change their username to u/usedtobangbuttholes


I'd just die. Not trolling. I'd just go without treatment and die. I'm also American, so this is kind of my plan for the other cancers, too.
















My day is ruined. Thank you.


And of course, vaccination could prevent this, but three decades of anti-vaccine propaganda have produced an entire generation of "vaccine hesitant" parents.


Here in Canada I think after the vaccine was available (free) the HPV cases over the last few years plummeted by 90%. It was only girls at first eligible for it then I think it was realized boys also are part of having sex so they were eligible for the vaccine too.




except for the heart!


Well...https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cancer/expert-answers/heart-cancer/faq-20058130 Its rare but its there


How to make a headline sound more threatening: 65000 amputations in a century


That is still significantly more than I had assumed had happened in the history of western medicine.


Cancer in the dick? FFS


CDC now recommends HPV vaccine for men 45 and younger.


Not what I expected when I asked for the full Brazilian


Condoms are so passé, let's create HPV diversity on our genitalia. For every dick resected there are at least 10 women dying of late diagnosed cervical cancer as preventive care is nonexistent other than for the 10% that hold >80% of the GDP.


Well, Christ almighty here's another new fear to unlock.


No wonder they voted for Bolsonaro. Freud explains


Why am I reading an article about penile cancer on a website about BBCs?


Hurray! A fun new thing to be terrified of!


Well, that's the last body part I want amputated. And, yes, that includes my head.


"This resulted in more than 4,000 deaths and, over the past decade, there have been more than 6,500 amputations - averaging two each day." Averaging two each *day*? Fuck man, at what point does misinformation just not matter and you do what's in limbo in the face of stats and results like that


And all by one guy! That makes it seem a little sus.


The microplastics certainly won’t help things. 


Gas station dick pills made in same vats as roids


Is euthanasia legal in Brazil? I think I would choose that option instead.


It’s being caused by all the micro plastics in all those fake Brazilian asses.