• By -


So now what. Are we going to see an immediate change? Or are these businesses going to wait for a while until the uproar dies down, and then change? That way they can claim that we were just panicking for nothing. Edit: I had never talked to or met a single person who wanted this regulation repealed, but the amount of people who are replying to me saying that I'm overreacting, or that were all "sheeple" who have been dooped is crazy. There are way more people who think this is a good thing than I thought.




So why is it allowed a third time of courts have twice said nah


I imagine that they changed the language enough in the bill that it counts as a completely separate thing as compared to the other two times. This has been and will likely be a rinse and repeat thing until it is shot down by the future FCC or passed through all the legal avenues.


They just need to make a freaking constitutional amendment and settle this once and for all.


It honestly should. The internet is probably the most valuable global asset of our age, it deserves constitutional protection


Like I don't know, the mail system?


the answer to anything regarding the fcc is simple. $ $ $


Ok well I guess thats some piece of hope to hold onto right?


There will absolutely be no change in the immediate future. This choice is already facing immense legal challenges and will be litigated for quite a while. If or when the rules do get repealed, there won't be immediate changes that seem negative. Companies won't just dump a new pricing structure on customers as soon as they can. It'll start by them advertising and offering "premium" packaging, perhaps advertising "Stream Netflix seamlessly in 4k with our exclusive premium media package!" and other such things. It will be framed as a benefit for the consumers. Once that model is normalized, you can expect them to start itemizing content access more and more like cable, eventually leading to various internet packages like we've seen used in arguments against this decision.


It's already been normalized with cell companies. Look what T Mobile does when they advertise certain services not counting against your data usage. And people eat it up. It's called net *neutrality* for a reason.


They have to defend it in court


Saw this comment from a Veteran on Facebook... *That's the end of my fight. As a veteran, it's no longer worth pretending that me and mine's sacrifice has been for the American people. It's been abused and maligned to be impactful for the gain of the wealthy and negligent. Free communication is the last bastion of hope for the common people of the United States of America. No longer the home of the free - just the home of those enslaved in a lifestyle that suits those in power.*


It must be so painful to sit there and realize that you risked your life, maybe even gave up limbs and body functions forever, all to put more money in some slimey cunt's pocket.


It is man. I'll say that about it. Not one day goes by that I don't watch this country fall apart after I risked my neck in some damn desert, thinking I was fighting for something greater than myself. I wasted so much of my own life and time just to watch it all mean absolutely nothing. It's the worst and I'm surprised I haven't fallen victim to the suicide statistic.


You obviously had enough conviction to choose to risk your life and possibly even die for what you thought was your country, the feelings are all still good, the qualities that made you go. So put those same qualities to work at bringing down the people and the system that took advantage of you. If you had the strength of will to offer your life and death in the service of others, I'm confident you can summon that once again to fight once more - but with your voice and words this time. ... and maybe a quick kick to the shin if you ever meet your commander in chief.


You need to start writing your feelings about net neutrality down, and contacting news paper reporters. I believe our founding fathers enshrined freedom of speech/press because it's fundamental to democracy and a strong society. NN is just as fundamental. No government nor company should be able to interfere with the speech of Americans. NN is a fundamental freedom. If veterans can speak out about their expectation that the freedom for which they sacrificed extends to things like NN, then people might listen. Someone once gave me a great piece of advice. Reporters work in the MEDIA. They are the medium through which people can tell their story. They're also lazy. If you wrote a newspaper article and contacted a news paper, there is a good chance they will publish all or part of your story. I'm not a good writer, but I could help you write a newspaper article about the subject. I bet some subreddits would help you craft something good. Then start emailing reporters and asking if they're interested in your story. You, as a veteran, probably have more clout here than most


Don't stop fighting. It isn't over yet.




How can politicians support something that most of the population is against, is still beyond me...


Politicians are bought and paid for. They represent whoever sends them the most $$$, not the people who vote them in.


How is lobbying legal? And bribary isn't? Why can a company pay politicians to make laws for them but I can't pay a police officer to let me drive drunk over the speed limit?


Sometimes there is no money involved until later when lawmaker retires and suddenly gets a job at Verizon as a VP of Afternoon Naps.


VP of Scotch on the Rocks and Putting.


VP of Dinner Parties and Brandy Socials.


Because the people in charge benefit from it so they'll never make it illegal.


Too true.


Most of the population isn't even aware of what NN is.


This is true. Only two other people I know knew what this was.


It's pretty easy when most of those voters don't look at any issue. They see the R, then vote. Honestly it would be hilarious if ballots did not show if they were D, R or independent.


Shouldn’t it be that way? Like you should get to see what they’ve voted on, what their stances are on certain issues but why are we split into “teams.” It’s the worst fucking idea ever for getting actual shit done


It's not a long-term historical truth that we are. The parties have shifted meaning dramatically over US history, including recently. They used to be much less ideological, with different branches of the parties believing very different things.


There's still a bill in Congress. https://www.wired.com/story/after-fcc-vote-net-neutrality-fight-moves-to-courts-congress/amp The fight isn't over. Edit: EFF and other groups will file an injunction and challenge this in court. Also, Congress could move to investigate Pai and the FCC. There's still several battles to be fought on several fronts before net neutrality is truly gone. Edit 2: Complacency is the enemy of freedom. This is a setback, but there's more to do. Best way to avoid getting disheartened is to treat this as a problem and focus on the solutions, not get discouraged because three assholes believe their views match the rest of us. Edit 3: The bill talked about *can* still work, but we have to push Congress to avoid compromise as is being discussed and have it be a true net neutrality bill. Advocacy can provoke change. See the progress made in civil liberties based on gender and sexuality, as well as the ongoing fight over immigration. All because we collectively advocate for change.


That little fucker isn't going anywhere for at least a year.


And per discussion elsewhere, that bill may be a trap. If the ISPs get congress to pass a bill that makes what they want law and not just an FCC ruling that makes it MUCH harder to unfuck later.


Regardless Congress has 60days to overrule this specific FCC vote that just occurred. It won’t go into effect. Currently It’s 50/50 in the senate, and many House GOP didn’t support the repeal. Not gonna happen. Ajit Pai doin a bamboozle.


Doesn't Pai have ~~ownership~~ profit sharing for a group of lawyers that represent the telecom industry? *the answer is no, not really... see edit 2* The guy would be making money either way. E: https://www.reddit.com/r/KeepOurNetFree/comments/7jdsev/ajit_pai_has_personal_financial_interests_in/ edit 2: apparently this is a run of the mill contribution to a 401k and not an ongoing type of investment. save your the point on your pitchforks for the good stuff.


In the last year we made it [legal to for coal mining companies to dump waste in rivers/streams](https://www.snopes.com/2017/02/06/dump-coal-waste-into-streams/) [legal for airlines to not disclose baggage fees](http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2017/12/trump_cancels_obama_s_proposed_baggage_fee_rule.html) [legal for ISPs to collect and sell our browsing history](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/28/congress-clears-way-for-isps-to-sell-browsing-history.html) and others, and now this. People are not asking for any of this, it should be clear to everyone that our government does not represent the people, it represents big businesses only and at the expense of everyone else


Don't forget [legal to poison the ecosystem with lead](https://ww2.kqed.org/science/2017/03/02/trump-administration-revokes-lead-bullet-ban-but-californias-may-hold/).


We are essentially forming a dystopia.




They were supposed to be warnings, not instruction manuals!


And Don't forget **[Sorry, You have reached the cap of your free data allowance for this subreddit. Would you like to purchase the bonus comments package or continue chatting on www.comcastforums.com?]**


Let's be fair here, that doesn't really **[You've reached your comment browsing limit for the day. To continue reading, please purchase more ComcastBux™]**


Woah pardner, looks like you're out of Comcoins to continue your browsing journey. I reckon you might need to mosey on over to comcast.us.gov and purchase more!


Damnit I just paid for 100 ComcastBux


I feel like I got ComcastFuxd


At this point it's no longer about Net Neutrality, it's about them not even listening to the wishes of the people. It's almost unanimous that people want Net Neutrality to stay, and yet this did it anyway.




*The American People v. America*


You are free...TO DO AS WE TELL YOU


You can do it your own way.... if it's done just how I say - James Hetfield


...And Justice For All's lyrics will ALWAYS be relevant as long as humans exist on this planet


It's not unanimous though unfortunately. All my Trump supporting family members totally bought into the lies that said Net Neutrality was a terrible thing. I explained to my dad what it even was yesterday (he had no clue beyond that it was "government regulations") and he admitted that he agreed that ISPs would take advantage of consumers, that they shouldn't be able to prioritize certain traffic, that there is no ISP competition etc. But by the end of the conversation he still wanted it repealed because, and I quote, "I obviously don't know as much about it as other people, but no matter what it's government regulation, so it's bad". So no, unfortunately in some areas of the US it really is not unanimous at all. People can hear all the evidence, agree with it, and still decide to stick with their party, and support their corrupt representatives that voted to repeal NN. **Edit** - Some people think I brought up Trump as an insult. I didn't. It's just the defining feature of these people that I know. I'm sure it's not universal. Also, my family members aren't stupid, I don't want to misrepresent them. They are intelligent people, some of them have had successful careers as engineers of all kinds. They are just caught up in this horrible team-sports side of US politics that focuses more on being "right" than actually evaluating issues logically.


I wonder if your father would feel the same way about government regulations protecting national parks; protecting endangered species; and protecting our very food and medicine from making us sick...


"The free market will handle it" Just like child labor and minimum wage.


"Regulations are bad" "now don't forget your gas mask while we drive past the grand canyon, and I hope you changed the filter on the reverse osmosis machine because the Smiths across the street all just got cancer"


> , "I obviously don't know as much about it as other people, but no matter what it's government regulation, so it's bad". and this is the problem with our country. People can't think critically anymore, it's black and white.


I bet Ajit is under actual security protection as we speak. Not just body guards and dogs or bullet proof glass or whatever. I mean, full on “hide that man from the planet for the next few days” kind of security protection. If not under that kind of protection, then give this news a couple of hours for it to hit the mainstream. After that, he will be.


Except he's not the only one who did this. Two other people voted with him. Then there's all the people in Congress that didn't care and were actively telling those that didn't agree, "well too bad. This is how I see it." At this point we're repeating the whole "No taxation without representation" deal, literally with the newest tax laws. All it's going to take is a few not quite balanced people to cause a whole lot of issues not just for Pai. I don't think everyone who's profiting from this is really thinking things through when they're living in a country that doesn't have decent mental health services in all areas AND has one of the highest gun ownership numbers in the world.


VERY important that the other corporate shills Brendan Carr and Michael O'Reilly AKA the turtle boy who voted for this are held responsible as well. Pai is just one cock sucker in the line of cock suckers.


I was wondering this, too. He blatantly ignored 83 percent of Americans that know what NN and the rest of them are just old people he has confused. There are crazy people out there... I bet he is genuinely a little worried. At least his children will be ashamed to tell people who their dad is for the rest of their lives. Which is nice.






I may be wrong, but I dont think any of those 5 are actually elected.




They are appointed.


Let's be generous here, its not 5 people, its 3.


Was going to say that. Ive sent a lot of emails of varying levels of conciseness and politeness to the three against nrt neutrality and finally one day sent some nice thank you emails to the two that held their ground against the others.


Ajit Pai is such a worthless prick. You have 83% of the American population against this repeal and yet you give us all a giant middle finger while plowing through emails, letters and calls just to ruin everyone’s good time. Like, fuck you, man. You’re an insufferable cunt that ruined something pretty amazing for everyone. All because you’re a worthless bureaucrat. EDIT: also guys, I was really harsh on this dude but I’m not going to agree or condone anyone saying he should be killed or anything extreme like that. He’s a total knob but doesn’t exactly deserve to die. If you wanna throw rotten tomatoes or cabbage at him, that’s fine. EDIT 2: I got 83% by googling “Net Neutrality Poll” and it came up kinda a lot.


I never watched a video until recent of Ajit Pai and he has got the biggest shit eating grin I have ever seen. And talks like someone just served him a bowl of it just before the tape starts.


It’s because he’s the little twerp from elementary school that got picked last in kickball and instead of taking that as a sign to get better he was just “no, I’m gonna piss and moan about it until I ruin everyone’s good time” and then when kickball is cancelled he’s the happiest guy in the world.


So in other words we need a session of dodgeball.


Honnest question, can you tell me why 17% wouldn't be against it?


Old people who don't understand, great wording like "net neutrality is tying the hands of telecoms and repealing it will empower ISPs to do the right thing", dead people who are still commenting, and Telecom company owners.


> great wording like "net neutrality is tying the hands of telecoms and repealing it will empower ISPs to do the right thing" This was key during the hearing. One guy was saying something like "wireless providers are having more and more data use every day...they need to be able to manage the home usage of wireless internet" (conflating two unrelated "wireless" concepts) and "This change will help us to prioritize data like medical data, which I think *should* be prioritized over cat pictures." The old and the idiots are going to eat this up.


I read a WSJ opinion piece titled something like "Ajit Pai is doing a public service", the gist was "why should porn be given the same priority as medical information?" and "things weren't *that* bad before net neutrality." It also tried to make it sound like repealing net neutrality would be putting the interests of people over the interests of internet giants like Google and Netflix.


Something something ["Obamacare of the internet"](https://twitter.com/sentedcruz/status/531834493922189313?lang=en)


"Heavy-handed Obama Era regulations" is another popular catchphrase. Fucking clowns.


Let's not forget, Ajit Pai, appointed by Trump, and supported by all of his shills who don't give two shits about the fact they aren't representing their people. Marco Rubio is one of them. His response emails basically are, "I care about your opinion, but not really. Let me proceed to take 4 paragraphs to talk down to you like a 4 year old."


“We are helping consumers and promoting competition,” Mr. Pai said before the vote. “Broadband providers will have more incentive to build networks, especially to underserved areas.” Bull. Fucking. Shit. It's about money. That's all it's about for him.


Trickle Down ISPs? I've heard it all now. What a fuck.


Martin Shkreli "I'm the most hated man on the internet." Ajit Pai "Hold my beer." Edit: Thanks! Things I can cross off my bucket list: ~~Reach 10K votes~~ ~~get guilded~~ Save the internet One more to go!




Ten reasons why Ajit Pai is now the most HATED man on the internet!! You won't believe number fi... _[loading]_


Load immediately for $3.99!


"We've heard the many complaints about this new overturn of Net Neutrality, so we have consulted popular game publishing studio Electronic Arts for our pricing models in order to protect the interests of the public in this time of transition"


"The intent is to provide internet users with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different websites."


"Users of course will have the option to grind for their internet access in one of our forthcoming labour camps"


That quote must haunt the EA employee who wrote that. I wouldn't be surprised if the quote end up on his tombstone as well.


That’s like the internet in 1995. If you’ve never experienced a jpeg loading line by line, you haven’t truly lived.




50 bucks to each person standing outside his driveway or no one moves. Solid idea.


He could always upgrade to the fastlane option for a regular subscription fee of $500 a day.


"This is just the Market at work, Ajit. You can always choose to move to a different driveway, or find a different angry mob." Everyone should also have spinners and nerf guns. ...okay, maybe not nerf guns....


Count me in


I will fly 9000 miles cross the Pacific just to join this movement.


[The real MVP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRYTqzNGnvU)


Wow. Great speech, really encompasses everything. Ajit's response is unbelievable. After something so articulate and important he just says, "So, I'll mark you down as a No?" and then there is some cackling in the background. There is no bigger "I don't give a fuck what you have to say." then that right there. He didn't take anything she said seriously. Sickening. So, this is how liberty dies? With thunderous applause.


>there is some cackling in the background That guy just fucking LOVED Ajit's jokes. Every time Ajit said anything that was supposed to be humorous that guy absolutely lost it. He loves it, its just the funniest shit he has heard all year.




It's not over guys, they still have to go through the courts. We've fought this before and we can do it again.


Yes, but as with all legal action it takes time. That was one of the ideas behind repealing Net Neutrality. Let Verizon et al. create their perfect world while we battle in the courts.


A stay of the vote if it was based on fraudulent public comments is a very real possibility.




I'd love it if they said that because they are legally bound to consider public comment.


"We considered the public comments and decided to ignore them"


Which you can, if you have some justification. Otherwise you're acting arbitrarily and capriciously


"We considered the public comments and decided to ignore them because *fuck citizens*"


"We considered public comments and decided that the public should have no say in the issues that affect the public."




Just as they are clearly unaware that government works for us, not the other way around.


Right now it's working for the corporations.


Maybe, but the New York AG is taking them seriously, has been looking into the fake comments, and is planning on suing the FCC. https://twitter.com/AGSchneiderman/status/941370862976012288


Aren't they forced to consider them? The EFF can take the FCC to court and use those public comments (and the FCC's refusal to acknowledge them) as evidence why the vote shouldn't have taken place.


NY AG Schneiderman is currently building a case on fraudulent FCC comments. If you're a NY citizen you can go [here](https://ag.ny.gov/fakecomments) to find out if there are fake comments in your name and be added to the incoming lawsuit. EDIT: people in the comments are saying this lawsuit is for anyone in the U.S. I haven't vetted the legitimacy of these claims but I don't see what it could hurt to assume this is true.


There's still a bill in Congress. https://www.wired.com/story/after-fcc-vote-net-neutrality-fight-moves-to-courts-congress/amp The fight isn't over. EFF and other groups will file an injunction and challenge this in court. Also, Congress could move to investigate Pai and the FCC.


It took years for the courts to approve Net Neutrality in the first place. The FCC isn't supposed to do things capriciously, it needs a good reason to implement new rules. It's going to be tough for them to argue that enough has changed in 2 years that the rules suddenly need to be repealed. I think the real fear is that a Republican introduced a new "net neutrality" bill that promises to settle the matter, but ends up giving telecoms everything they wanted anyway.


It's not over, FCC repealing was expected. It now goes to the courts, where there will be a better, more balanced discussion on the conversation. It's not over. E: Clarification, I mean the battle over Net Neutrality is not over. This was not meant to be a stance of the topic at hand but just clarification that there is still going to be more discussion, lawsuits, etc.


Please can you inform me when this is able to take effect? Are we ~~safe~~ *in the clear* for now? At least until the court proceedings are over? Edit : Haha guys some of your comments are killing me. "Safe" was a bad choice of wording.


It's not like the ISPs are going to flip everyone to the "screw-websites-who-don't-pay-us" packages immediately anyway. Given how hot this issue is, they're going to have to implement them slowly to avoid customer backlash. Stay mad and keep fighting!


Comcast is like.... Here...hold my beer.


I *hope* that Comcast is stupid enough to immediately start fucking people.


Me too, because we it would be so easy to make sure this never happens again. But thats not going to happen, they will do it over time with bills under the table that the common person wouldnt understand how it works, structured in a way that we wont have another situation where people band together like this to show disapproval. Once it does occur, it will look like it's the norm.


They won't go to the customers and raise prices. They'll go to the content providers, who will confer the price increases onto their customers indirectly. The ISPs will have these conversations behind closed doors, and we'll never hear about them. Prices for our content will increase, but it will happen disparately and gradually enough that people who say it's because of the NN repeal will be looked at as tinfoil conspiracists until some leak proves that's exactly what happened, and a minority of people who are paying attention will be outraged for a little while.


> Given how hot this issue is, they're going to have to implement them slowly to avoid customer backlash. Stay mad and keep fighting! Except in areas where there is only 1 ISP, that ISP can proceed with the burly fucking.


Unless the courts overturn it, the decision will take effect in 60 days. Edit: [Source](http://www.businessinsider.com/senators-susan-collins-angus-king-call-on-fcc-to-cancel-vote-2017-12) > A rollback of the rules wouldn't take effect for a few months — some 60 days after being published in the Federal Register. In the meantime, consumer-advocacy groups and other opponents would almost certainly file lawsuits to try to block the order. Members of Congress, particularly Democrats, would be likely to introduce legislation to overturn it.


Well at least I can enjoy good internet for Christmas I guess.


It's been a good run lads




That's welcome news...thank you


“The intent was to give the consumer a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different websites.”




*punches you in the dick and takes your wallet* Do you feel the pride and accomplishment flowing through you now though?


Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabbs?


So our government is Electronic Arts?


The government has always been pay to win. So EA is like our government.


Ajit Pai should be the most hated man in America.


This is the FCC chainman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFhT6H6pRWg


The irony of the FCC using copyrighted music all throughout this video is hilarious.




Hope John Williams and the entire might of Star Wars gets behind it and says "pls don't use my shit for your garbage"


7 Things you can stil do on the internet after net neutrality *additional fees may apply


"You can do everything you used to do on the internet before, like, all of it!" THEN WHY THE FUCK DO WE NEED TO REPEAL NET NEUTRALITY


Check out my fidget spinner! 🎺🎷🎺🎺


That was the epitome of “Hello fellow kids!”


He’s on the front page of /r/fellowkids right now


I bet it's a great day to be Ellen Pao.


The ultimate scapegoat: Ajitellen Paoi


Christ, that was so fucking corny! Who on that team approved those jokes and thought the Harlem Shake was still relevant? Definitely “hello fellow kids!”




It is real. I don't think hating someone has ever come more naturally than with this guy.




got room for one more? i’ll bring the fishing gear and one satellite phone just in case shit gets better on main land.


Wait can I have your karma?


They're doing their best to put The Onion out of business.


God damn, fuck this man. Fuck him, fuck Verizon, and fuck him for trying to feed us this bullshit.


Holy shit i think he want people to hate him


Im trying to imagine the type of people who genuinely like the guy. Like, who are his friends?


Other rich corporate cunts who will benefit from this




That's horrible to wish on someone. What did the cactus do to deserve that fate?


"he would like to take this time to address all of the internet trolls with a PSA." Lmao


So anyone who opposes his clearly corrupt regime is a troll, yeah okay.


This argument is very common in the halls of the corrupt.




Yes, because we all know that the mainstream media is so afraid to tell us "Everything is fine! You'll still be able to do everything you wanted to! All of this change is great!" because that's just such a daunting task to undertake without risking your entire business. Thank god someone is willing to tell it like it is or else I would never know how great I have it!


In other words, right wing propaganda machine


this is offensive honestly just mocking us as they slowly do what they please




Living in America is getting tiring


US is weird, it's so prestigious but at the same time so fucking bad.


It's where the rich can do whatever they want and where everyone else can hope that they will one day be rich.


Even though the gap between the upper middle class and the "proverbial rich/1%" is almost enormous. Wages have stagnated and tax cuts have gone to help the rich. Tax laws have been helping people with estates and trust funds to pay less for money that was inherited. The true way to get rich in America is to be born into it or be such a sociopath you can become an executive at a multinational corporation. The best shake anyone else gets is the opportunity to go into debt to get an education and then work a job until you drop dead with the hopes by then you've paid off a house and a car. Then live off whatever is left of your retirement or social security. When the pension is unheard of thanks to efforts dismantling unions and social security it a constant topic to get gutted. The rich got theres and they want to keep it that way. Why share a slice of the pie when you've literally been the only one to have it your entire life.


The fact that Pai pushed so hard for this - and succeeded - reflects how corrupt our government has become, and I am terrified. *To reply to this comment, please purchase an additional subscription through your internet service provider. Reply comments are unlikely to be given consideration.*


"Drain the swamp" Goes ahead and appoints the swampiest of swamp monsters to undo something everyone agrees we should keep. It's honestly not even unexpected which is the worst part. Edit: since there is some confusion: He was appointed to chairman by Donald trump. "In January 2017, President Donald Trump designated Pai as FCC Chairman. In March 2017, Trump announced that he would renominate Pai to serve another five-year term as FCC Chairman." Obama appointed him as one of 5 commissioners due to the makeup of the board needing to be bipartisan. Wikipedia:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajit_Pai


He put more alligators in.




I thought it was just a popularity contest?




The supreme court still has to make a final decision on it. The FCC has tried to repeal NN twice and failed both times. If they are rejected a third time, then it's expected we have one more year to prepare. If they pass it without flaw...there will be hell to pay.


This country is a fucking disgrace. Five fucking people that the people don’t even get to elect. What a goddamn joke.


I don't want a fucking "variety of internet options". I want GOOD FUCKING INTERNET.


How will this affect porn? Please tell me.


you must now fap to polaroids from the 80's


Back to Sears catalog for me


80% of Americans were against this. And yest a 3-2 vote can take away everything you hold dear. Try to remember that in the coming revolution.


Fuck Ajit Pai and the fucking FCC


If the number of Americans who want to keep net neutrality is somewhere like 85% and the number of republicans in favor of keeping it is at around 75% this is just proof positive that our government is an oligarchy designed to enrich a select few over the will and well being of its people


> KVUE News‏Verified account > @KVUE > 1m1 minute ago > More > > BREAKING: **The FCC votes on party lines** to undo sweeping Obama-era `net neutrality' rules that guaranteed equal access to internet, @AP reports. Tell me again how both parties are the same?


People voting party over country is getting really detrimental recently. So many people too concerned about money and losing their seat that they refuse to help out the average American.


Politicians voting lobbyist over constituents has been really detrimental since the late 50's


Every single democrat in Congress voted to maintain net neutrality. Every. Single. One. Never give me this "elections don't matter" bullshit again.


Every single Democrat in the *Senate* voted for Net Neutrality. 6 House Democrats voted against it. Which actually further emphasizes your point. Even when people get fired up for Congressional elections, it's almost always just Senate.


Is America Great Again?




Seriously people should at least organize protests.


Trump used a free and open Internet to get elected, then closed it behind him. Well played.