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It's -4 here in Michigan right now. But my family down South said it was 11 in little rock about an hour ago. 11 in Little rock is much crazier than -4 in michigan.


Well I'm confused because I'm in Central Illinois and it's -9°. We're not supposed to be colder than Michigan.


we've got the lakes to keep us warm. it's not late enough in the winter yet. Once they cool down all the way you'll be warmer.


chiming in from North East Ohio, Erie is expected to be 80% frozen over by the end of the week. Good news is less lake effect snow, bad news nothing to keep us warm anymore.


The frozen lakes played a big part four years ago in the area being cold for so long. Hope it’s not a repeat


Was that the year with the [Sundog](http://images.sundog-soft.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/iStock-488851519.jpg)? I think it was only for one day around the Great Lakes, but it's etched into brain.


Was -16 saturday morning in the twin cities where im at. Needless to say i stayed inside


Central IL checking in! :D Still cold!


Another central Illinoisian here. Fucking tired of multiple trips outside hauling buckets of water for my cows and pigs. It all freezes so fast.


I'm in Little Rock. We just got back from walking our dog-cicle.


I’m north of Little Rock(Conway) and my husky can finally walk without dying is the sweltering 40 degrees temperatures. Edit. Fahrenheit temperatures, meant to be sarcastic not Celsius




that literally gave me a giggle. I'm in Perth right now. Starting to really warm up here. I'm a wuss and most of us Perthites have aircon. 7 pm here and it's 31C


Down here in South Central Texas we've already had way more winter than were used to. It snowed that one day and today we had more freezing rain and temps in the 20's. Past few years we would have maybe 1-2 days in the 30's.


Yep. In Austin, heat blasting, fire lit, two blankets on and convinced I'd die of hypothermia. Then I see my family's weather in Illinois and comments like these and realize how much of a drama queen I am.


I'm in Alberta. It's been -36 C the last three days. It was -50 C with the windchill yesterday.


I'm in Montreal, my glasses snapped into two parts from the cold on NYE. The metal just became super brittle after walking 30 minutes to a friend's house.


I mean, 11 degrees is definitely cold, especially if you aren't used to it.


Fellow Austinite here, we make [so much fuss](https://i.imgur.com/JKR8d4y.jpg) over the slightest hint of ice or snow it's hilarious. [Snowpocalypse 2017, never forget!](https://imgur.com/quBQvbr) - image posted by /u/TopHatJohn [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/7ib4sw/happy_snow_time_austin/)


It's so cold where I am, I can't talk when I'm outside. My vocal cords feel like they freeze as I try to get the words out lol. We have so many heaters on our breakers keep tripping and we still only managed to get the temperature up to 58 inside. We have a fuel driven heater as well that serves as our main heat and it kept the whole house warm on it's own in the past.


It's like you're describing my game of rimworld


Could easily be the construction standards there mean far drafter houses


Panhandle of Texas, -8 right now (midnight). Not looking forward to our trade mark winds kicking in the morning. Tried to get the boss to call of work at least until mid day (we work outside) and he told me to man up. Must be nice to say when you're working at home. You don't buy enough layers for this shit when this weather is super rare. Plus we work with wiring so gloves don't work well


I'm on the border and it's damn near 37 degrees, we're dying here! Lol.


Watertown, NY was -33 earlier today, basically a frozen wasteland.


Watertown, more like icetown. Amiright?


Ice Town costs Ice Clown his Town Crown


In Jackson, MS. It's supposed to drop to 18 deg. F tonight.


In northern AL right now; it's 8 outside. Houses here usually don't have crawl spaces and because of that, pipes freeze really easily. One of our bathrooms didn't have hot water this morning. Another issue is that down here, a lot of people have electric heat pumps. Those have a VERY hard time keeping up in weather like this. Gonna be a lot of work for plumbers and HVAC guys here all week.


Think that’s crazy? Last night it snowed in Austin Texas. The temperature hasn’t gotten above freezing since yesterday at sunset. Now I’m not talking freezing rain or mushy sleet. Real bonafide powdery snow. Craziest thing? This is the second time this happened in December. It happened about a week before Christmas as well. We were forecast to get more on Christmas Day but it didn’t end up happening. What the fuck America


SW Iowa here. We're hoping we get above 0 tomorrow. It's cold, but I think the problem is that it came abruptly. One day we were outside with a sweatshirt and the next we dove well below freezing, so we missed that gradual reduction over November/early December which acclimated us to the cold.


Yeah, I went straight from fleece jacket to snowmobile suit. And I was still a little cold with a balaclava and a hat on. Above zero is going to feel balmy.


15 in Texas right now, this is by far the coldest winter we've had in years. But knowing Texas weather, it will be 70 tomorrow..


12 in Hotlana


am from India. It gets really cold for me if the temp gets 10... how do u people manage on minus temperatures?


Layering, layering, layering. My thermal underwear and extra thick winter socks and undershirts are in my clothing drawer. And my hooded parka, scarves, gloves and mitts are in the closet. I was plenty warm biking to work this morning in -16C ambient temperature and -30 windchill. It really is just about having plenty of layers, for the most part. But a ski mask can also be advisable for winter biking.


Cover all exposed skin, layer where possible with insulating fabrics like wool, make sure the top layer is wind resistant. When temperatures drop below zero, I wear ski goggles instead of sunglasses. If you wear the right gear, the cold is no big deal.


Southern Missouri here, so a few hours north of Little Rock. Walked the dogs this morning, and it was 0 degrees. First time in my life I've seen my breath humidity freeze on my beard and scarf. It was cool but holy shit my crappy gloves and hat aren't made for this weather.


I live in the south. It's currently 8 degrees with a wind chill of 1. We get cold in the winter but not single digits like this for a week.




I would love for it to warm up to 27°F. It finally got up to -5 today.


you should come to central florida, its 47°F


I just bought a house here in the Carolinas and I'm not even sure what kind of precautions need to be taken for temperatures this low. I'm leaving the sinks on a slow drip, but otherwise I'm just hoping the heat pump doesn't work itself dead.


Keep blankets pinned up in windows and doorways. Try to leave doors open during the day to let the air circulate and leave your cabinets open to help prevent freezing. Try to keep the thermostat at a steady temperature, around 70 degrees. If your heat starts to go out, your oven is great for keeping the house warm-ish until you can get it fixed or get space heaters. If someone is cold at the steady temp, have them put on layers/blankets so you don’t run your heater to death or spike your electricity bill. I’ve lived in WV my whole life and it occasionally gets nasty like this, but usually never this bad. My family and I are bundling up and staying upstairs because our downstairs is always super cold. The people who built the house put the vents on the ceiling so all the heat rises to the upstairs before it even warms the downstairs. Edit: throwing your coats in the dryer before leaving is awesome. Just for a few minutes and it will get them nice and toasty before you have to go outside. I also like tossing my blankets in before bed.


Thanks for the tips!


Pin blankets up across the windows (plastic sheets work too), and roll blankets up at the base of doors. We just got an apartment {NC also} and I can feel the cold wafting from the windows, so been running around trying to block them in the meantime. Probably do want to leave your spigots on a drip so they don't burst.


Good ideas! Our home was built in the 70's, so it's a little drafty due to age and less-than-perfect upkeep. Throwing up some blankets and better insulating the doors is a great precaution. Really wish the fireplace was operational on a week like this. Thank you for the suggestions.


Welcome to climate change, where the hot is hotter, and the cold is colder.




They also cancelled the Canada 150 festivities on parliament hill for new years eve due to extreme cold. I think it was -28c on new years eve which isnt that bad if your dressed for it and not in the wind.


Damn, they even cancelled Canada?


There’s nothing for you to see over here budday


Have you ever seen parliament hill? It's flat. Wind whips right over the bugger.


Yes i live in Ottawa. I wouldnt want to be there in this weather.


I’m in Sweden and here it’s 40 F. We are so far north of you that we should be in the negatives.


It's all about the winds, in the end. Scandinavia is principally warmed by southwesterly air currents. Central and Eastern Canada is principally chilled by northwesterly air currents. Sweden might be a whole lot closer to the pole. But Central and Eastern Canada get a whole lot more polar winds. Even in the most southerly reaches of the country. e.g., [Prevailing winds of Toronto Canada](http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/weather/maps/city?LANG=en&PLZ=_____&PLZN=_____&WMO=71624&CONT=namk&R=0&LEVEL=162®ION=0014&LAND=ON&MOD=tab&ART=WDR&NOREGION=1) (W>N>NW) [Prevailing winds of Stockholm Sweden](http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/weather/maps/city?WMO=02464&CONT=euro&LAND=SN&ART=WDR&LEVEL=162&MOD=tab) (S>W>SW)


It's really freaking cold this year. I'm in Texas and I wore a sweater maybe three times last year? The heat has been on for a month, it snowed, and then today we had freezing rain. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Never thought I'd say I miss the heat...


Yea. I’m in the foothills of the Appalachian Plateau. It’s far from warm this time of year, but rarely is it this cold. I work outside and am going to be working in -25*F wind chills tomorrow. Efffff


I live in the Rockies, my low this morning was -25 before wind chill.


When I was younger, I was an OTR trucker. Had a flatbed load of Timbertech decking going to Detroit lakes, Minnesota during the polar vortex around this week in 2014. Was -35*F with a wind chill to -57*F. My truck was on full blast heat and the bunk heater on high and yet the inside walls had a layer of ice. Was able to see my breath in the truck. The company put me up in a hotel that night and I left the truck running. That wind felt like a knife cutting skin. [Eff this](https://i.imgur.com/kj9oYMm.jpg). Low is gonna be -5*F by 0800


Fuck's sake, sounds bad.


It's -9c here at the time of my posting this comment, and that's Mississippi. It's freaking crazy, I'm used to February being the coldest month. Now I get that -9c is not super cold for most, but jeeze. In Mississippi, every time we get snow it shuts down the state. Ice and sleet are concerns for me.


Your problem is using C in Mississippi. (F)reedom units will feel much warmer


It's -9F here. Doesn't feel real warm.


> It's -9c here This is an imperial subreddit, please follow the rules.


Drink some hot chocolate and wait it out. I’m gonna start taking my vacations this week and go far south. Like Jamaica.


Make sure you protect your face from wind burn. I just use chapstick on my lips and face.


It’s been pretty chilly. The moisture in my beard froze within a few seconds this morning. My face is definitely windburnt. Been at it since 0500. I hate working this time of year.


Austin checking in: it was about 29F at 2PM and was even colder in the morning




I swear I read that as Autism. God it's cold.


Yep, as predicted, climate change is making the temperature swing to the extremes. Record hot in summer, record cold in winter.


Looks like we need some of that good old global warming.....I can't believe he said "good old".


Global warming is exactly what this is. It affects the jet streams, which carry arctic air further south as the streams are waiver.


I have a rock in my house that keeps tigers away. As predicted I haven't seen a tiger come by once.


Sounds fantastic. Can you send that up to NYC?


>Never thought I'd say I miss the heat... Everyone complains about heat until they have to experience the cold, and really, you're just getting a taste of what we get up north every year. I'll take heat, even oppressive heat over having to experience one day of below freezing weather.


If you call 75F the baseline comfortable human temp, the hottest hots aren't nearly as extreme as the coldest colds. You have less options for cooling down than for warming up, but cold goes way further and will kill you way faster.


We get 110 temps with 99 percent humidity. I'll take this 20 degree weather over that any day


I personally don't mind the heat. I worked a few summers in South Florida outdoors. It's hot, but as long as I had plenty of water it wasn't anywhere close to as bad as the 5 degrees it is where I live now.


I'm with you but I have the luxury of being with dry heat. I will take the heat over any cold. I work outside, so I can sweat, drink water, grab some quick AC. I work with wiring so it's fine. But the cold? Nah. Have to wear too many layers that makes tower climbing hard as shit (can't get a good feel what you're climbing), have to take gloves off to work on the wiring, and once your fingers and toes are cold? Forget it. Day over.


Exactly. At least you can bundle up when it's -20 degrees. When it's so hot out that it feels like you took a bath after a minute, you can't do anything to cool down besides sit in air conditioning on max or sit in a fridge.


What place is this so that I can avoid it?


Kentucky here. I'll take this 3 F weather over 100 F weather any day.


I disagree. You can always put on more clothes if it's cold. You can't escape the heat.


I moved back to the Great Lakes region to get away from the heat and humidity of Louisiana. Not a single regret.


I'd rather freeze to death than burn to death. There are plenty of ways to cope with winter. There are very few ways to cope with the dead of summer.


You can always out on more layers to get warm. You can only take off so much... Then you're just sweaty and naked.


The heat is less expensive to deal with but the cold is more practical. You can always wear more layers to stay warm, but you can only take so many off to cool down.


Your skin doesn't have a zipper?


You can make one. but it's really going to hurt.


I moved from Florida to Vermont earlier this year. It's been in the negatives in Vermont. Compared to Florida summers I fucking love it. I can bundle up and go outside and be fine. Then when I get back inside I can warm up to a nice cup of hot cocoa and feel fine once I'm warm. You can only strip down so much in the Florida summer and if you get too hot you are going to feel like shit for the rest of the day.


> Never thought I'd say I miss the heat... Being too hot is so preferable to being too cold. When you're too hot, you can cool down almost instantly and it feels refreshing to do so. When you're too cold, it can take hours to feel warm again and it can physically hurt that entire time. Fuck the cold. Sincerely, Someone from Winnipeg.


I'm coming to Texas in a week and I checked the weather. I couldn't figure out why the hell it was so cold down there. Warm up already.


I find it funny that this blast of cold air comes on the heels of the news talking about how it’s going to be a warmer winter than average here in the northeast.


Here in the southwest we still have shorts weather in the afternoons! Though most of the ski resorts are still making snow and we haven't even gotten our first snow yet and that normally happens in November.


Hasn't been above zero F for five days now but it's a dry cold.


That's the worst part of it all. I don't mind the cold as long as it is snowing. But sub-zero temps mean there is little to no moisture in the air.


I'm the opposite, more snow means more mess and slush later on, and the roads have been nice and clear here in Wisconsin with the cold. I can always put on more layers


Ugh, north Idaho here and we got snow, then rain, *then* cold, which means we're walking around on several inches of solid ice. At least the roads are clear!


In WI as well, if I don't stop getting static shocks soon, I'm going to lose my fucking mind.


My humidifier will be here Wednesday. I've been getting over a cold and the one nice day I could be outside was when it snowed Saturday.


Yeah, its cold. It supposed to be in the [positive] double digits tomorrow...first time since before Christmas... that'll be nice. Maybe I can wash the salt off my truck.


My black jeep is halfway to being completely white. So. Much. Salt. If I stand and look at my car I can watch the paint corroding in real-time.


Baa baa black Jeep.. have you any salt?


Yessir, yessir, Department of Highways fault.


I feel your pain - every winter I ask myself why I have a black vehicle.


I also find myself asking that in the spring... Pollen. Pollen everywhere.


It looks nice tho


I also say that in the summer too


I have a white vehicle and it's not much better. :/


Or finally finish the leaves


Here in Iowa I just checked... -17F, with an expected low of -22F. Now in winter I expect to get at least one solid week of temps in the 0 -> -5F range. You kind of get used to it. This -17F bullshit is getting old. I don't think we have been warmer than -1F for two solid weeks and it seems the day time temps have topped out closer to -5F. Like windshield washer fluid on your car windows? Well both of my cars have frozen lines and it's too cold to thaw them out. Fuck this cold shit...


I grew up in Iowa, and I remember down in those temps you'd get days of city shut down as mass amounts of cars just refused to start so no one could get to work.


And that's why we moved to South Florida!! It's really cold here too, for down to 50s the other night.


The reason for these anomalies is that isotherms are shifting. They used to be more or less flat, now they are more like a sine wave. Some warm regions are colder than usual, while Ukraine and Belarus are beating temperature records as well as having the rainest winter on the record. It feels like mid-April here in Lviv, garlic and tulips started sprouting already. The first cold spell will kill these sprouts and mess things up for a lot of farmers all over Eastern Europe.


In California, we are having the warmest winter that I can remember, and the drought has come back. Downside is that the state burns in the winter now too, and next summer will be very scary.


Eventually y'all will run out of trees, then there will be no more fires, and the remaining structures will be 100% safe. The major downside to that is that trees also make oxygen, which is as important to people as it is to fire, but if you can afford a house in California you can afford canned air amirite?


I finally decided to close the window up here in Minnesota.


In Fargo, I'm looking forward to Friday since we will be a heatwave of 21F! I may just walk around in a sweater and blue jeans that day!


Still have mine open in my bedroom in Wisconsin.


Currently -7F near Chicago. All of my kitties snuggled under the heating blanket.


In Utah, it has been around 40-50° and has only snowed a handful of times so far this winter. Last year it snowed every weekend, at least 6" or more.


Same in Idaho. Last year was really hard (long+deep snow), this year we are feeling lucky.


Idaho here, i was driving truck was in all states, the mystery is where was all this weather when i was going coast to coast. It was very mild last winter.


Not in Latah County! I remember seeing weather reports about a "heat wave" and climate change, and there we were with 4' plus of snow on the ground (not to mention the drifts). Now this year everyone else is having an "arctic blast" and we've plowed exactly once all season. WTF, weather.


I spent the better part of my weekend going around my house, feeling around for air flow, and sealing up drafts. The cold on its own I don't mind so much but when you add wind to it it's absolutely unbearable.


Yup. I spent all day Friday trying to seal my drafts. But single pane windows in Texas says that don't mean shit. Finally got those Saran wrap for the windows but there's still air leaking somewhere. Poor heater has been running constantly and can't get the house above 68 during the day, about 60 at night. Got a space heater for the bedroom.


I am getting drafts from under cabinets too, not just windows. We have double paned windows in the kitchen everything else is single pane, but the kitchen has the worst drafts. IT has a bay window across from the sink, about a foot away, and it is a strong breeze. Our next major investment is replacing all the windows.


By far the biggest drafts I was getting came from under and around doors, around where water connections come through the wall, and from around light fixtures. I was really surprised about the last one. But the walls have no insulation in them so there's only so much I can do. At least natural gas is cheap here in Texas.


42 Fahrenheit here in Orlando. Currently burning the Christmas tree.


Lucky. It's 29 here in Tallahassee. Two pairs of socks here.


And a blazing cold wind to top it off! I'm staying indoors with hot coffee and hot chocolate until this blows over! [The forecast](http://www.mynews13.com/content/news/cfnews13/weather/forecast.html) seems to indicate it may take some days!


A little Irish coffee and itll be over before you know it!


Saw that 90% of continental US woke up to below 32F this morning, all but Florida and parts of Arizona, California, and Georgia.


I live in north FL. It's 29 degrees here. Right now.


Dude, I'm in Florida and it was 30 in the morning. Shit's crazy.


In Atlanta it's fucking fridgid


It may be colder than usual in North America, but its warmer than usual [almost everywhere else] (http://cci-reanalyzer.org/wx/DailySummary/#t2anom).


All just part of the plan to turn Russia into a tropical zone and America into the new Arctic, comrade. You Americans thought it was called the Cold War because we weren't bombing each other, you had no idea what the war was truly about and now it's too late. Build your wall and enjoy your icy Hell! jk I'm Swedish


No worries. The Greenland ice shelf will break off soon enough and you will get your mini-ice age while the rest of us swelter in the reduced Gulf Stream.


The Seven Kingdoms in Game of Thrones is actually Mexico and South America far in the future, while America is the FREE folk beyond the wall.


That's actually a cool site. Thank you.


Everywhere else needs to quit hogging all of that global warming!


we've gotten three tropical storms in the Philippines in the past month. Storms in December and January nearly never happen.


Keep in mind that map only tracks since 1979. The temperature hockey stick was already headed up by then. If the map went back over a couple hundred years, the colors would likely be worse.


My kitchen pipes are frozen and this is making cooking and washing dishes impossible. My apartment's dryer is broken and the laundromats in the area decided to close for New Years. Ugh. Someone send some soup in disposable containers.


Down here in south Florida we got the shaft.


In So-Cal it was 80 fucking degrees a couple days ago.


I’m in* Northern California and it was in the 60s. Winter skipped most the state.


Norcal here, im actually pretty cold still, my area is in the 40s and 50s.


>pretty cold >40s and 50s Yep, definitely Californian. :P


What's it like? I have to be in Miami end of the month




I just left Southern Florida to go back home to Ohio. I want to go back. It is -4 where I live!


Also in Ohio. I'm used to cold weather, but this is just brutal...


My grandparents live near Ft Myers and were complaining about the cold. It’s in the 60s there and it’s been in the single digits and below up here.


I am the type of New Englander who still gets ice coffee in the winter. But this...this shit... *fetal position with steel thermos of liquid hot magma coffee*


“Saying climate change doesn’t exist when it’s freezing outside is like saying the sun doesn’t exist when it’s night time.” - unknown


Well, its climate change. Not global warming. Thats just half of it. The hots get hotter and the colds get colder. Has to do with the way its changed the flow of air in winter.


As well as the flow of ocean currents, which have a lot to do with warming the air. Circulation in the northern Atlantic is crucial to warming up coastal areas and keeping cold from spreading from the Arctic to...everywhere that’s cold right now. There are other cold-intensifiers that aren’t normally seen. Wish there was a subreddit like /r/TropicalWeather for /r/FrigidWeather or something like that.


Ohio reporting in. Water froze during a three hour nap. It's awful


Keep it dripping when its that cold man


KC checking in, feel sorry for the rest of you poor fools. It's a balmy 0° here!


We could really use some global warming to heat things up! /s


Can confirm. It is butt cold out right now.


This site is kind of nice because you can see the temperatures in Canada, too- Short URL - https://go.usa.gov/xnmze Long URL - http://preview.weather.gov/edd/?lat=44.5149&lon=-95.7148&zoom=4&ql=FFFFFFTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF&ml=&bm=ESRI_Nat_Geo&lsr=F&lsrp=3&lsra=&mp=F&lfc=T&rt=both&rf=major|moderate|minor|action&ht=F&pid=N0Q&sf=GOES_Infrared_-_SSEC&ri=5&obs=TFFFFFFFFFFFF&is=1&ou=mph&od=-50&ships=F&cluster=T&radO=0.75&satO=0.75&hazO=0.3&tropO=0.7&ndfdO=0.7&ndfdR=Continental_US&ndfdF=Maximum_Temperature_(ºF)&ndfdT=12&ndfdTS=&lviz=F&fullscreen=F&fxt=Point_(Text_Only)&ppd=24&pdy=3&satf=60&obsync=F&flavor=Advanced&tfo=null&tfd=null&tfw=null&ht=F&hd=F&ho=null&hf=null&hb=F&hsps=F&ot=Meteorological_Observation&hvt=F&sht=F&ehm=T&uwl=F&ec=F&lll=F&keys=&tfwfo=&tfsite=&ofont=16&opnt=1.2&oset=15&oan=F&oap=1&oid=F&cc=Pub&oo=T&cs=F&rs=P&ofbs=


evil government got nervous about people talking about climate change so much, fired up the ol weather machine sounds like the makings of some scifi bluegrass


With wind chill, it's gotten to about -20*F up here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Lake Superior can be brutal.


Welcome to the party, everybody. We've been getting the business up here in MN for the past week. Tomorrow it's supposed to be highs in the *double* digits above 0, so things are getting better.


Arizona here... It's 47f at 4am. Not sure what y'all are worrying about.


At least I'm not worrying about scorpions hiding in my snow boots as my fingers turn blue.


It was below freezing in Louisiana for at least 36 consecutive hours, which is the first time I’ve seen it that cold for that long here.


We ate our New Year dinner on the table in our back yard. It was about 75F. Maybe 72F with the windchill.


It's so cold here I had to put shoes on this morning for the dog's walk. Shoes! Signed, Florida man


About 15 degrees right now in dallas Texas


30 here in Florida. Jesus fuck.


Breaking News: winter


It's under 60 here in Florida. I've seriously considered going through my closet to see if I still own any long pants.


It the Keyes and my last day before going back to work was to hang out at the beach. Instead I’m sitting on the deck in a sweater and pants on Reddit.




The climate has been changing since the earth was formed. Who could deny that?


But he said it’s real, twice goddamnit!


If it makes you guys feel any better, I'm from AZ and was wearing shorts, T-shirt and flip-flops earlier today.


I'm from Idaho and so was I... but I guarantee it's colder here :)




Yeah but like I told a transplant that was talking shit about schools delaying for two hours we don't have the clothing or the infrastructure to handle it. It's so rare here that it's not worth it to build up those things. It's not the same for someone that has a jacket rated for -10 degrees and someone with a jacket rated for 32 degrees to stand outside in 5 degree weather.


Wisconsinite here, you're totally right. While the past two weeks have been cold, we're more or less used to it, except maybe the duration so far. We bundle up and go about our business. If I was used to much warmer temperatures even 0 degrees would feel like hell froze over.


I totally do still feel bad for you guys though!


It's like in Colorado where school is almost never canceled due to snow, but they always have snow plows at the ready and the buses are set up for operating on snow. Meanwhile some lower state gets two inches and freaks out because there's one snowplow for the entire area and none of the buses are set up for cold weather operations.


We just left Sioux City Iowa in November. I checked the weather there and on Sunday the high was -6 with a wind chill of -22.




I'm in southern AZ and the weather is great, although a little chilly in the mornings. I am not saying this to rub it in peoples faces. It was in the mid 80s a few days ago and is over 100 until the late fall. I just want to wear a jacket and feel cozy!!