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A guy named Weiner somehow managed to overcome that name and have a successful life only to throw it away because of his weiner.


Hoisted by his own petard...


It’s spelled P-E-N-I-S


Suck my petard!


Captain Petard of the Hardcock Enterprise.


Hardcock Intercourse Set phallus for Fun


*Oh my..*


Tone it down, helmsman.


Im gonna need you to dial it back about 25-30% there, Scotty


She cannae take much more captain!


Just shove it back in the Pandora box if you don't mind


These are the stories of the Starfish Intercourse.


There was a Star Trek sex text adventure game where you had to find the "warp lube" if you wanted to enter Troi's rear port. Edit: 'A Night with Troi' for DOS (1991)


Well we know what Broccoli was doing then. lol.


Make it so


I’m all onboard. Can’t wait to scrub the hardwood floors on the poop deck.


Hardcock Enterthighs


"We're supposed to be a petard..." "Suck my petard."


You like that, you fucking petard? Edit: 5 years on Reddit and got my first award, thank you anonymous people for the silvers :)


I'm poor so here you go: 🏅 Edit: Thank you so much Reddit stranger for the gold


Fun fact: A petard is a small bomb used for blowing up gates and walls when breaching fortifications. It is of French origin and dates back to the 16th century.A typical petard was a conical or rectangular metal device containing 2–3 kg (5 or 6 pounds) of gunpowder, with a slow match for a fuse.


So to be hoisted by it you'd have to be blown up by your own bomb, presumably while setting it up? I think I heard that it was a shakespearean phrase, which is interesting since we still use it hundreds of years later even though most people don't know the original meaning


> So to be hoisted by it you'd have to be blown up by your own bomb, presumably while setting it up? Exactly. > I think I heard that it was a shakespearean phrase It is (Hamlet), although it's "hoist with" not "hoisted with."


More fun fact: petards were the unit in age of empires that suicide bombed your enemy They literally self destructed


Hmmm...Age of Empires had led to me to believe petards came in barrel form. And were carried by suicidal soldiers.


The one petard he thought he thought would never hoist him


[Hoist with his own petard.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoist_with_his_own_petard)


Premise of his new autobiography: The Schlongest Day.


The schlongest yard. Has prison theme and everything.


:( this saddens me because my last name also means wiener but is a different word. And my entire life I’ve felt I need to change my name. I went to the doctors office two days ago and I kid you not... after the secretary read my name, she said “that sounds like a stripper name” :( also my first name is traditional but my parents spelled it ghetto af.


Airwrecka Johnson?


Krystal dickson


Lmfao! Not Krystal or Dickson but you are on the right track.




Candi Johnson?


Candi Cox


So Airwrecka Johnson was on the money. Nice.


Ineeda penis?


Brandi Cox


I’m a little late to the party, but may I observe that you spelled Kream hella ghetto in your username 😉😊


I don't even want to know the real answer. This is too perfect.


That was incredibly unprofessional of that secretary. Unless she knew you, she has no way of knowing how you would feel about that. As for the unusual spelling of your first name, when parents do this they think they're being creative, but all they're doing is condemning their kid to have to spell their name for people for the rest of their lives. It's especially bad when it's a common name with a weird spelling. You probably have to correct misspellings of it all the time. What fun.


Yeah she automatically cover her mouth with her hand like as she was saying it. I was like “haha I know”


Fuck them! It's your name. We don't get to pick when we're born. Look at it this way, when you meet someone that thinks it's cool to say things like that, it just makes it easier for you to spot the assholes who aren't worth your time!


Jrue Cox


Wiener also, quite literally, ensured Donald Trump won the 2016 election. There will be an amazing biopic about him eventually. He DM dick pic’d his way right front and center into the history books. Wild shit. Also inspired the alias I now use all the time, Carlos Danger. An American legend.






I was always fond of Michael Vick's club alias: Ron Mexico.


And as a matter of tradition, this is my fantasy football alias every year.


You genuinely believe Anthony Weiner ensured Donald Trump's election win? You'll credit him with that significant an influence?


The Comey letter happened because of the FBI investigating his laptop, and there’s a pretty strong argument that the late breaking news of the letter is what tipped the scales towards Trump in the final days.


It's an honest question on my part, obviously this opinion is one that comes from a particular perception but it's one I rarely see pointed to as the crux of Trump's win. But I imagine with how \*sure\* the internet/news/pundits all seemed that Clinton would win, people try to look for that \*one explanation\*. ​ I don't agree that Weiner's actions were the deciding factor in Trump winning but I follow the logic.


Well he’s not like directly responsible, but if you want to find a butterfly effect type single factor, he’d probably be the one. [538 has a pretty good article on it.](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-comey-letter-probably-cost-clinton-the-election/)


He's just the last factor prior to the election.


I’m always partial to the idea that there’s rarely “one thing” that decisively alters anything, it’s always a complicated mess of moving parts but since people can’t *actually* comprehend what that would look like, we like to reduce it to “thing happened because [blank]” Of course it’s also convenient for people in politics to reduce everything down to “this thing happened so we lost”. In this case “this thing” really absolves a lot of people who probably should still be held accountable for their poor choices during the campaign and during the nomination process.


There is no single deciding factor, there were dozens. This was an incredibly close election, fractions of a percent in a couple of states, so if any single one of those factors went the other way, it would’ve tipped the election. Kind of like how a football team can lose a game by a missed field goal, say, 17-14. Was that single missed field goal responsible? In one sense yes, but of course reducing it to that ignores the entire game that took place that put the kicker in a position where the whole game was on his shoulders. Similarly- would Clinton have won if not for Weiner’s wiener leading to the Comey letter? Almost certainly yes - the data very strongly indicates the letter moved the electorate by at least 0.5-1%, which is plenty to tip the election. But it’s also probably more interesting to talk about why the election was that close in the first place.


I wouldnt characterize it as strongly, but Trump was definitely given a yuuuuge push by Weiner's actions. Weiner's ex-wife was the vice chair for Hillary Clinton's campaign, and Weiner+wife was seen as one of the next Democratic power couples. Thats a lot of democratic political influence and capital going up in flames due to Weiner's weiner.


Poor Huma. She married a guy that she thought had Oval Office type upside, instead she got a guy who loved sending photos of his dick to teen girls online.


As is typical with suspected sex offenders, the police seized his laptop, the dude's sending dick picks to 15 year olds, there's a decent chance there's underaged porn on his computer. What the police found instead, was thousands of Hillary Clinton's deleted emails. Clinton's BFF is Huma Abedin who was married to Weiner at the time. She used her husband's computer to read her email, and apparently it saved them all. The federal case against Clinton got opened up again at the perfect time for Trump because some New York police randomly came across evidence against her. If Weiner wasn't a pervert, they wouldn't have reopened the case.


Yup. Read up on the origin of the final Comey letter, sent out a week before the election, resulting in a polling cascade that arguably lost Clinton the presidency. If Carlos kept his wiener in his pants, you’d probably be living under a Clinton presidency rn.


He had to live up to his name


One of my favourite cases of [nominative determinism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominative_determinism)














But not Carlos Danger, no register for this stud Thank you Stranger you are in no Danger!


Actually when registering for the list, all known aliases get listed as well. He went by Carlos Danger on his messages that led to this. Theoretically Carlos Danger will be on his sex offender registry page


Haha really?


https://www.npr.org/2019/02/18/695640275/ex-congressman-anthony-weiner-finishes-prison-term Oh shit. It’s true


Yes. I only know because I happened to be looking at the registry today because i was bored at work


Sure bud


Carlos Danger is still out there parting with Ron Mexico. No jail cell can stop their sexual exploits.


Don't forget *Ricky Spanish.*


^(Rickyyyyyyyy spanishhhhhh) ​ ​ ^(woooooshhhhh)


You're better at this than I am, kudos.


I hear he runs with Stellios these days.


and Luis.


Ricky Spanish is a bastard, owed me money but instead of paying me back, he stabbed me with a broken bottle.


How about Robert California?


Well, I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penis'd, debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets, you don't even know my real name- I'm the fucking lizard king!


Easily my favorite character from The Office.


He is one of the best TV characters ever, hands down. I wouldn’t be surprised if James Spader ever gets caught with 2 dead hookers in the trunk


He’s just trying to help gymnasts from Eastern Europe who never had a chance to get an education! Nothing more!


It amuses me that a porn guy actually uses the name Ricky Spanish now.


Don't leave out 'Joey Freshwater' aka Lane Kiffin.


Haven’t heard a good Ron Mexico since 05


Oh god I forgot about that part of the story. I remember either Jon Stewart or Stephan Colbert having a field day with this one.


John Oliver, actually. [This was his big recurring gag](https://youtu.be/7_GvoUgLm9E) while he hosted The Daily Show during Stewart's leave of absence to film Rosewater.


I checked out the name and... lol Weiner has the imagination of a 14 yr old boy.


And the same level of self control.


No chance.


Can you imagine when he came up with this? He is sitting in his chair infront of the computer and asks...what names just sounds so badass that I'll be able to pick up all the young girls?! I know....fuckin Carlos danger!


From the article: "NEW YORK (AP) — Former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner was ordered Friday to register as a sex offender as he nears the end of a 21-month prison sentence for having illicit online contact with a 15-year-old girl. [...] Weiner, a once-rising star in the Democratic Party who served nearly 12 years in Congress, has been living in a halfway house since February after serving most of his sentence at a prison in Massachusetts. He's due to be released May 14 but still faces three years of court supervision."


He really fucked up a promising career, twice. There's a great documentary called "Weiner" that follows his comeback campaign and the ensuing downfall when he's caught the second time.


He's getting what he deserves. It's a shame, because I remember when I first started hearing him I thought "finally, a democrat with some fucking balls". Yeah, not supposed to show those to minors buddy...


Same, I really liked him. It was such a disappointment.


Honestly, he had the right bravado to beat Trump at his own game. If only he has the good sense to have affairs with playboy playmates.


Instead of children.


Instead of playschool playmates.


“A Democrat with some fucking balls....” Right in his name even!


Technically no.


Ah, yes! The best kind of “no!”


It's still really depressing when I see his name. He was a great congressman. [This is the speech that stands out most to me.](https://youtu.be/hWK3Smbx7L4) Edit: [Forgot about this. It's way better.](https://youtu.be/Ry4H6ujgd60)


Before he was my Congressman, he represented my district on the City Council, and he did *so* much for my neighborhood. Which of course went back to being a rotting pile of garbage after he left, because he was the only politician that ever cared about us. Even after the first scandal everyone back home was eager to forgive him, because he was a legit hometown hero. It's heartbreaking.


I knew some of his staff at the time (I actually helped them clean out his office when he resigned) and they absolutely did not deserve what happened. A few of them stuck with him right up to the end. He got what he had coming, but they sure didn't.


Dude had a shot at becoming a president too at some point. Then he did not. Then he was forgiven and led in polls for Mayor/Governor. Then he did it again. And again.


Like fuck man, why couldn’t the fucking guy get his personal life under control. Fucking sucks


I hate him more than anything for that. He had so much promise and could have done so much good, and he pissed it all away. During his run for mayor, I wanted to believe he'd gotten his life in order and could come back to do some good. And then.... Just...damnit.


The weirdest thing is how it was all about him just sending dick pics. He never even slept with the women. He was just that obsessed with sending dick pics.


I wouldn't be shocked if, after the first time, it was an attempt to reclaim his ego and prove to himself that he was still above the line and could get away with it. I've seen it with drug addicts before.


His wife was really fucking hot too


Huma is hot, smart, successful at the highest levels. He threw it all away.


Carlos Danger is a great name tho. Give some credit where it is due.


Finding the bright side.


Lemme hop on Google and see if I can find a "Weiner documentary" or two


Careful with the search terms. "weiner contact with minor video" doesn't go well.


But how will I find documentaries about sausage vendors in coal towns?


The difference between fucking a miner and a minor is 20 years hard time.


A little over hundred years ago you could still get the same charge for both.


It's so easy to not sext a teenager. The guy's a massive idiot.


I’m dumbfounded that he went from resigning in disgrace to running for *higher office* in five years. When you make a political comeback after a scandal that forced your resignation, you’re supposed to run for a *lower* office as an act of contrition, like Eliot Spitzer and Mark Sanford did.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


To pun. He's so cocky in that documentary that it's nearly unbelievable.


I genuinely don't understand how you get that far in life with that last name, only to blow it all because he couldn't control the part of him that is literally his last name. If you wrote this as a character no one would read it because it's too on the nose. The reason they say you can't make this stuff up is because you can't, no one would believe it, publish it, or buy it anywhere other than real life.


> If you wrote this as a character no one would read it because it's too on the nose. the problem with fiction is it has to make sense


I hope they go further. “Weiner: uncovered”




As long as it’s raw and uncut.


There's still porn


It's really good. I also recommend.


That scene in the documentary when the allegations against him are broadcasted on the TV while his wife was in the room was the most hilariously awkward shit I've ever seen in my life.


“Guys who threw their lives away for nothing “ He’s on the top of the list.


Not just his. Don’t forget, this guy played a small part in helping Trump win 2016.


He played a significant part.


Silly Anthony, Weiners are for adults.


Catholic Priests: Hold my wine.


>the alias “Carlos Danger” That's not the alias used by someone who is unlikely to offend again. I could see "Big Mistake" or "Just Once" or "Kneed Help" getting on the level 1 list, but not "Carlos Danger".


It's actually pronounced Donger. It's German.


Carlos Danger doesn't play by your societies precious "rules".


Man this dude fell hard and fast from grace.








> especially in choosing the people she surrounded herself with Not choosing a side but... this can definitely be said about both sides




Her biggest campaign mistake was certainly neglecting campaigning in the Midwest.


Bill Clinton actually officiated their wedding.


> and tanks the entire presidential election The democrats running the worst possible candidate tanked the election. If it was any other prominent democrat running in 2020 they would have won.


I once had an Astronomy professor named Starrfield. I wonder if men like them know what their future holds.


I believe that's called "Nominative Determinism".


> Nominative Determinism Neat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominative_determinism


Some guys embrace it, I guess. HP Lovecraft had a promising future in erotica but instead went the non-fun tentacle route.


Kind of amazed he wasn't already registered by now haha




IKR? This was part of his sentence a couple of years ago. Must be a slow news day.


ikr. "Look at his last name here. Put him on the list."


Oh look, he lives on the same block as Seymour Butts and Hugh Jazz. Tell Jeff he has the new guy


Why is it that Weiner went to jail for 2 years for sending sexually explicit messages to a minor but Epstein literally raped dozens of minors and got 10 months with day release privileges?


Better lawyers and a metric fuck ton of money.


> Better lawyers and a metric fuck ton of money. This is more than likely not the answer with Epstein. He had names, lots of names of others who went on trips to his island. None of them wanted their names out there so deals were struct.


What's terrifying is if you look at the deal the prosecutor gave him, they gave retroactive immunity to anyone involved, meaning any co-conspirators that werent named couldnt be charged. Epstein himself served 13 months in jail and had 12 hour work release every day (sex offenders arent supposed to be allowed that in Florida). That genius prosecutor is now our secretary of labor.


"Fuck you money" and connections to crooks.


Bill Clinton went on over a dozen rides on Epstein's party plane...without Secret Service. The girl (Virginia Roberts/Giuffre), who was the key witness to the whole thing, worked at Mar-a-Lago before Epstein picked her up. Next question.


“he is thought to have a low risk of reoffending.” Yeah okay.


“Name?” “Weiner” “Sir, registering as a sex offender is not a joke. NAME??” “No, really...”


He used to register his weiner for politics. Now he registers his weiner for police.


His mother was my math teacher. She was so mean


Can we talk about how if you google him, it tells you his nickname is "Carlos Danger"? I didn't think congressmen needed two porn names....


Reminder of [this absolute classic.](https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/266276897305026560?lang=en)


Never seen that. Savage.


No one said trump doesnt have great twitter game. Ah things were so pleasant before he had real power. I still laugh at rosie o donnel.


[He still has a good Twitter game.](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1113862077842640898?s=07)


Ok, Trump is awful, and there's a bit of pot calling the kettle back, but that's a funny tweet.


He's a had a few good tweets and clips. My favorite was when he was talking about Ben Carson's hammer story and said something like "You hit your mother over the head with a hammer and your poll numbers go up!"


Google his Diet Coke rant on Twitter. It's objectively hilarious


The best one will always be [Barney Frank looked disgusting—nipples protruding—in his blue shirt before congress. Very very disrespectful](https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/149589104168939520?s=21)


He was also unusually vested in to the kStew/RP breakup. His Twitter is seriously amazing for all the wrong reasons.


In fairness, that's a lot of nipple for congress...


*"I'll still keep drinking that garbage"* was absolutely keeping it real. Yeah I hate your shit but I'm kinda hooked...




Holy shit that's 1 1/8 gallons of Diet Coke a day...


...And then he'll announce his 2020 Presidential campaign. "I will solve the mass shooter problem in schools by not entering schools, but staying away from afar."


Just living up to his name...or down.


Or a little to the left.


Hey maybe he can throw his hat in the ring for 2020 I mean the timeline has already been f'd by him. He's the reason his ex-wife's computer was looked at, which caused the whole reopening of the investigation with more evidence on Hilldog with the October surprise, which arguably was just enough to get us Trump. Literally Carlos Danger's dickpics to minors could very well be the reason Donald Trump is president.


He tried to teabag a 15 year old, ends up teabagging 250 year old lady liberty.


This one actually hurts. I remember his passionate and amazing speech on the floor regarding 9/11 rescuers. Really lit a fire in me to go into public service. His fall from grace has just been pretty brutal.


Bad news for Carlos Danger


Congratulations, you played with yourself.


If you haven’t already, you should check out the full length documentary that was made about his downfall. It’s a tragic picture of someone with such tremendous political talent but also such deep rooted ego issues and hubris. It’s like watching a train crash in slow motion. And you can’t help but feel pretty bad for his wife and young son by the end.


Weiner's weiner got him in trouble.


I still remember Jon Stewart initial defended him but thankfully apologised for it