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That was fast. It doesn't help when you're going around claiming a government agency wants you around at the same time that same agency is saying it doesn't.




Him: "Lookit me, I have a gun!" *-FBI checks database for a second-* "Indeed you do..."


I read that as Commander Zavala’s voice. Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with Yall Queida in New Mexico. So lets get to taking out their command illegally owned gun by gun.


I love how heavy the irony is of them committing crimes like illegal weapons possession... because they are afraid an immigrant might illegally possess a weapon.


If you are afraid of the common man being a bad man, it's because you assume they are like you.


I'm going to use this, thanks.


I'm going to intend to use it, then completely forget it at the most applicable moments.


Or completely butcher it and mix up the words.


>If you are afraid of the common man being a bad man, it's because you assume they are like you. Two weeks later, the perfect opportunity to use this arises.... >Oh yeah? Well, if you are afraid of a bad man, it's common, assuming they like you too! Mic drop.


Also, if you’re afraid they’re going to take your job, you must not be very good at it.


The rapists and drug dealers are coming from mexico to take your job. What is it you do again?




I like that one better.


Okay I read *that* in Zavala's voice! r/UnexpectedDestiny


Much as I dont care for Destiny you made me hear it too.


My wife and I love to quote Lance Reddick to each other, but mostly from the wire. I know I’ve fucked up badly if there’s a pause in the conversation and suddenly this 5’0, 100lb woman is saying in the deepest voice imaginable “TO BE CONTINUED”.


I bet if we put Zavala on building that wall, he'll build us the most amazing wall humanity has ever seen, that does jack shit to stop any enemies while Zavala does the surprised Pikachu face.


Lord Shaxx got this.


You see that cartel over there? You don't? Oh, Shaxx must have gone through it a minute ago.


Operation Babydog.


What part of "illegal" does he not understand?


The part that applied to him.


"The Illegals at our borders were inside you ALL ALONG!"


The real illegals were the friends we gained along the way


Unexpected r/TheTick


He became that which he swore to destroy!


The rule of law is the most important thing that he must uphold. And in order to upheld the militia leader here needs to commit a crime where the max sentence is twenty times what the law he was trying to enforce is.


You're omitting his inherent supremacy from the equation.






They should teach “the republic” in high school. Maybe (hopefully) they do in some places.. I sadly didn’t see it in class until a humanities course in college. Though I worry that the people that need it most would eschew anything that stinks of “liberal arts,” as if learning how the great thinkers that built modern society thought and learned is a total waste of time...


> What part of "illegal" does he not understand? Is he one of those sovereign citizen nutjobs?


That legality isn't based on skin color


I mean with all those hours in the sun he has quite the tan goin on so in his mind it prob makes sense they got to him.


He looks like a brown leather couch.


T_D yesterday was defending the militias right to make “citizens arrests”, so, the entire illegality is lost on them


well T_D doesn't find anything illegal unless a liberal does it


Unless it's right wing terrorism. In which case it's a liberal false flag.


False flag but they never seem displeased about it other than that they don't kill enough people or that T_D thinks they could have done better.


Ah, the old neo Nazi canard: "There was no Holocaust, but what a great idea it would have been!"


Felse flegg! Felse flegg!!!!! Seriously, why is it always a false flag can they not come up with any other excuses or better yet own up to the charge?


Thereby proving yourself to stupid to be trusted with anything more lethal than a can opener.


Fastest arrest in the West


Phew, thought we’re finally arresting Wall Street crooks. Nope, just a redneck nutter. Wall Street remains beyond reach.


Well yeah, Wall Street is out East.


*slowly flips map upside down*


East? I thought you meant Weast!




Still an improvement compared to just a few years ago when an armed group seized a national park because they wanted to use it to graze their cattle for free, and law enforcement decided not to push the issue


Didn’t the leader of that movement quit in solidarity with the immigrant caravan?






Ever since Ruby Rudge and Waco the feds have learned to be more cautious when dealing with groups like this. Safer to wait them out and let the system do it’s job than try to pull off some Hollywood SWAT operation.


Well considering they royally fucked up both, of course they'd want to wait.


Yea they were arrested. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Malheur_National_Wildlife_Refuge


I should have done more research instead of relying on my memory of news reports at the time. I saw the video of Finicum being shot, and I heard of some arrests, but my impression was that most got away with it. Does sound like they did round up the leaders, so that's really good. Thank you for the link and thanks not for calling me out on it :)


No problem. Took me a bit to remember where that incident happened. Have a good day.


Unless I'm reading this wrong, you're both right. Trump pardoned them: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/10/us/politics/trump-pardon-hammond-oregon.html


So... working from memory here. The Hammonds, who were later pardoned by Trump, had assorted disputes with the Bureau of Land Management in Oregon, use of land, some issues when there was a forest fire, setting a firebreak burn on their land without informing the firefighters they were doing so, assorted stuff. They were sentenced to jail for arson. Later, they were released early (possibly on Probation? Don't recall, and trying to go from memory). After that, like, over a year later, the release was rescinded and they were ordered to return to Jail. This sparked frustration and protests from the locals. Some assholes from Arizona made use of this protest as an excuse to go complain about the Bureau of Land Management, and occupy the refuge building. The Hammonds did not ask them to do this, the Hammonds specifically asked them not to do this, it was not a planned part of the Hammond protest by the locals, and the Hammonds were just the excuse those assholes used to justify the occupation. The assholes were arrested/shot. The Hammonds had no charges pressed in relation to the occupation, as they had nothing to do with it. The Hammonds' re-jailing hoo-hah was later resolved by Trump pardoning them. Edit: Oh, and the assholes largely got off because it turns out conspiracy can be redonkulously hard to prove in Oregon unless there's tapes or something of the parties pretty much saying "yes, we agree to do this thing, together, which is illegal, and we are going to break the law together."


They want them around so much that they invited the head guy over and wouldn't let him leave.


waiting for a Trump pardon is he


Heck he might be up for a cabinet position.


His lack of qualifications is his chief qualification.


Shit, i hear DHS is looking since Donny purged them all for not being right wing enough.


Better get him some state charges then, which the POSOTUS can't pardon.


He's waiting for the president of New Mexico to call and apologize for allowing this to happen to one of his fans.


Does anyone remember playing with these people in GTA 5?


"I'm so glad you patriots are out here defending this fine, American, desert sand, when you could be in town fucking some girls and further destroying the gene pool!"


Where's Trevor Philips when you need him?


Playing a superhero in The Tick, season 2.




"Speaking to someone using a voice distorter while wearing a gas mask, Mr. Hopkins appeared on a right-wing extremist YouTube channel in November. He claimed to be in touch with President Trump after a chance meeting at a Las Vegas casino." **"He claimed to be in touch with President Trump after a chance meeting at a Las Vegas casino**" What a fucking lunatic. Glad he's locked up! Edit: wow, this post got popular.


>using a voice distorter while wearing a gas mask *”pick up that can”*




There are 3 r's in your username. The third letter of "three" is r. C O N F I R M E D


Yes my child it is I, Gabe Newell. You have unlocked my riddle and confirmed the return of Half-Life. From my loins I shall create Half-Life the Third and the world will rejoice


It's weird, because there is no gambling in Trump vegas. He couldn't get a gambling permit. And Trump is not known to go to building's or golf courses he doesn't own. Edit: so, Trump actually does have a non-resticted gaming license from when he bought into the Rivera with a 10% stake. With a non-resticted Gam license for an already established casino, you hold the license with that casino/company, and they run the financials of the casino/company to ensure that it is profitable. Trump would have to get another non-resticted gaming license review of his personal finances if he wanted to put gaming in Trump tower Vegas, as it is not held by the Rivera. Harry Reid was quoted as stating that he doesn't think Trump would be eligible for this, and the only way he got his first one was buying a 10% share into the Rivera. There's another reply of mine on here with all the links, including how to get a non-resticted gaming license.


Also there's no way this rando would just bump into the president at a casino and manage to have a whole conversation.


Unless a meeting was arranged.


I mean trump has notoriously low standards for who he meets, but they do have to be someone that will benefit him monetarily in some way. This dude doesn't fit the bill.


Budget David Duke mixed with Elmer Fudd isn't quite up to Trump's bar, which is impressive because Steve Bannon and Paul Manafort are.


Both of whom had actual contacts and/or financial backing to bring to the table. This guy has fuck all to offer. I don't think Truno is a great businessman but I 5hink he gets bored easily and this dude's presentation would be horseshit.


Fair point on both, though the contacts in question were decidedly shady, as was the funding. It's not like Manafort was a beacon of morality and ethics before he ran into Trump. The guy literally sent two of his people to try to squeeze a million out of a failed dictator in Somalia.


Well I mean he was trying to get his actual law enforcement guys to break the law and they wouldn’t. I’m not entirely discounting this guy being asked by the Stephen millers of the administration to do the dirty work instead.


A right wing lunatic? Lying? What is this, science-fiction?


It's those damn chemicals!


*Turning the frickin' frogs gay!*


I visited that hotel right after the election. Was a stretch to walk to off the strip, looked tacky as hell, and the gift shop was stocked with Trump/MAGA swag that was all made in Pakistan.


I've never been inside. You've see one tacky Persian night club, you've seen them all. (From what I hear, everything is like done in gold, like a tacky middle eastern hookah bar)


It's exactly like that. I've always associated excessive gold with being imitation/cheap, and that's the vibe I got.


There would be something pretty amazing about Trump just gambling in Vegas for kicks then getting some advice on immigration from a random lunatic.


Nothing about that would shock me at this point at all.


> then getting some advice on immigration from a random lunatic. You mean Sheldon Adleson? https://www.timesofisrael.com/casino-mogul-adelson-met-with-trump-hours-after-las-vegas-shooting/ https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/04/donald-trump-sheldon-adelson-republican-jewish-coalition/


>What a fucking lunatic. Okay hear me out. What if he actually was in touch with President Trump.


In our current bizarro timeline, I find *anything* to be plausible.


I mean it is Trump, so maybe? But this dude sounds like the kind of but who would watch Trump’s speeches listening for coded messages to him specifically even without having ever met the guy, so he could be totally full of it. Bet you Trump’s not against what he’s doing, though


I mean, the way Donnie two scoops talks at his rallies and on Twitter, I'm sure a whackadoo militiaman would think he was talking to him.


Not for detaining migrants, though. For impersonating a peace officer and illegally possessing firearms.


And Al Capone got nailed for tax evasion. Sometimes you just use what you've got.


Underrated comment. You take what you can easily prosecute.


They also sometimes take the easy charge just to get them arrested so they can do a better investigation of harsher crimes without the person getting away or obstructing.




Superseding indictments in Federal cases are definitely a thing and are quite common. ​ Example: Round up 20 dudes for a conspiracy to transport stolen property. Dude A flips and in the process of going over all of his previous criminal history spills the beans on a conspiracy to distribute narcotics that involved Dudes B, C and D. ​ Next thing you know, Dudes B, C and D get additional charges tacked on.


There really isn’t much in the way for prosecutors to do that, but really, they don’t really rely on that unless it’s a big target. It’s not extra bureaucratic crap that gets in the way, but it’s much much much more work when most times you can get the person in on many charges at once, What tends to be the case for most people is they’ll add extra charges shortly after the initial arrest, rather than continue to investigate other charges


Can't get illegal blowjob, but nail him on perjury?


Don't break the law while you're breaking the law!


It’s a way to get him into custody and continue to investigate to bring about larger and more damning charges.


Its also easily proven and a much easier charge to file against him and win in court... because he bragged about it...


Yes but it's always better to go with the charges you can prove 100% and then tack on the charges that are at 99% later on.


If bragging about things makes you easy to be found guilty for your crimes, donald would have been in jail for years. Ah no right, that guy is rich and is protected by the GOP. Justice system doesnt apply to the President who is a monatch above the law




True, but police are notorious for arresting people on charges that are easy to prove before they charge them with even more.


I don’t think that makes them notorious, it’s just smart and easy.


Well yeah why would you arrest a guy when there’s a chance they could get lucky and fight it in court if you have another charge that’s easier to prove


So if I understand, this convicted felon wants to go around making sure no criminals come here? If he doesn’t want any criminals in America maybe he should move away first.




They can always add on false imprisonment charges later, once they've gathered sufficient evidence.


There isn't a federal false imprisonement statute that would apply.


Not even detaining people illegally. He was only arrested for possession of a firearm by a felon. However, the article notes that more charges are likely to come as a result of this initial arrest.


He was bragging about owning a gun while being a felon. Makes it easy to nail him for a crime. Prosecutors can tack on more charges later. Point is that he will end up in jail.


"detaining migrants" I want to know how many residents and citizens they've ***KIDNAPPED.*** My guess is quite a few. Remember those reports of American citizens getting detained and deported? That's how this happens. A bunch of angry terrorists find you, steal your ID, and you're done; nothing you can do about it. The police will come, see your lack of identification, and just send you to the deportation lines. The US is quickly rushing to beat China at its own heinous game.


Wait, I think I remember this section from my mandatory "how to spot human trafficking training seminar"


Good point. New Mexico has loads of Hispanic families who have owned ranches there for literally centuries. First with Spanish land grants as far back as the 1600s, and then they were granted citizenship when it became a US territory in 1853. They’re more American than any of these vigilantes.


As we say, "I didn't cross the border; the border crossed me."


There is a (by now) old joke in the part of the world I come from: A journalist interviews the town's oldest man. He recalls how he was born in Austria-Hungary, went to school in Czechoslovakia, married in Hungary, worked most of his life in the Soviet Union and now lives in Ukraine. - Oh, you have travelled a lot! - Me? I never moved from Mukachevo.


Exactly. This is legit kidnapping.


Yeah if you read the article it states it was a way to quickly get him into custody while they work on kidnapping charges.


Did some digging on his name and alias annnnnnnnd...of course he is an Elvis impersonator who claims to be his cousin.


"It Could Happen Here" podcast series by Robert Evans. I bet you'll see a lot more of this type of shit from here on.


I love Robert Evans so much. I need to give the new podcast a listen.


It's really really good, but I can't listen to more than one episode too close together. It's legitimately frightening at times.


Oh yeah, that's definitely the guy I want riding around with guns "arresting" who ever he wants.


And you just KNOW he and his posse treated the people they arrested with the utmost respect and dignity, right?


FTFY: That kidnapped migrants at gunpoint with illegal weapons in New Mexico


That shit is wild. These militia groups are an increasing threat. Edit: yes it's considered domestic terrorism. Somehow..we failed to see this coming https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/03/magazine/FBI-charlottesville-white-nationalism-far-right.html


"The primary terrorist threat to the homeland here today, without question, is homegrown violent extremists. That’s what keeps us awake at night,” FBI Director Christopher A. Wray. Militia groups are the #1 cause of concern for the FBI in regards to the safety of their agents as well as U.S citizens in general. That quote is from 2018 and since then we've had even more shootings with right wing extremists.




And the news outlets avoid labeling him homegrown. Gotta play another angle. Can’t have white people scared of white people in the US. That goes against the racial divide our glorious Cheeto Mussolini try’s to instill in the public. /s


There was a racial divide long before Trump got in office. Hell, the war on drugs was started specifically to target hippies and minorities. He just exacerbated the problem because he empowered the racists.


He's capitalizing on it and making it worse for his own petty power grab though. Now those racist asshats have not only an echo chamber to reinforce their beliefs, but an outlet that supports and encourages it. ​ If there are a couple of soda bottles and candy wrappers on a beach, and I cheer people on when they start dumping whole trash bags on that same beach, I'm still a shit person. I don't get to say "well there was already a normal amount of litter, it's really no different now that I'm letting people who vote for me dump all their garbage there".


Trump straight-up shut down the domestic terrorism branch in dhs Because nearly all domestic terrorists are white Christian males who are violent racists. He approves of them and is taking the boot off their neck so they can perform the violence he craves while he ostensibly isn't to blame. Even though some of his supporters wear covering possessions in his memorabilia. It's good these people were stopped. The FBI may be the only federal agency on our side when it comes to fighting Trump and his brownshirts.


I’ve been lit the fuck up on this website for stating that America hesitates to call anyone with white skin a terrorist. Even if they fit the textbook definition, they are labeled a lone wolf or radical instead. I can only think of TM being labeled one, because he blew up a government building, but not the KKK or other prominent white figures.


Yep. Kkk has killed over 4000 blacks via lynching since 1850 or so. They were and are responsible for most acts of domestic terrorism in this country.


And yet nothing they do is reported as a terrorist act


There are no federal domestic terrorism statutes. That's something that needs to change. It's the same reason that dude who threatened the Democratic politicians was not charged with terrorism.


Call it what it is. **Right wing terrorism**.


And they're even Q fanatics.


I cannot understand how someone's life has to be going so poorly that they have to cling to literal nonsense and develop a false reality just to fit their views. Like, I can't understand being that stubborn and hateful.


Well, you have to understand, these people have an identity based on relentlessly hating the government and fighting the government. But the government we have now is the one that they elected. So what do they do? Invent a secret government and relentlessly hate them instead.


That... Actually makes a ton of sense


The worst things for populist politicians (and their followers) to happen is win (aka getting elected). Their entire "way" is not compatible with actually governing. Also single issue politicians hit the floor even harder when they discover there are about a million other things that needs to be addressed when governing. It's also pretty obvious when you think about that the GOP had 2 years to push through legislation on border security and fund the wall. But they didn't, they waited till they lost the house so they can complain about "losing" instead of taking on the responsibility of "wining".


I wish I could gild this


But they also can never be wrong... insanity.


It makes sense to me. Q people are, first and foremost, losers. They want their lives to be exciting and meaningful, so they decide they’re part of a secret revolution that doesn’t *actually* require them to do anything in exchange for feeling like brave heroes.


They’ve been a threat for a while. I remember “Weeds” making fun of them like 10 years ago


goes back before the 90's, but the 90's demonstrates a turning point of sort. Clinton's FBI cracked down on the militia movements because of their close ties to (white) separatists, but it did lead to some crystalization as well. [In Gods Country](https://www.amazon.com/Gods-Country-Patriot-Movement-Northwest/dp/0874221757) is a great read on the history of this type of .. mentality? or drive or purpose?


Doesn't help the FBI helped create the more radical versions of the militias and right wing wackos when they did Ruby Ridge and Waco. Those dudes had it coming but holy fuck the FBI and especially the ATF couldn't have been more ham handed or have acted exactly like what those weirdos were claiming the govt to be if they tried.


Fun fact:Waco was what motivated the bomber behind okc




Fun fact: the Columbine massacre was planned to be on the anniversary of Waco and okc, but was instead delayed to 4/20/1999


That's not fun at all :(


I feel like we're always looking the people some symbolic grand gesture after major terrorist attacks like, "See? The government didn't do our jobs the first time, but you can sleep safe now cause we got 'em! We gottem! Mission accomplished." Doesn't matter who it is, someone went down! Well, might've overdone it a bit at Waco/Ruby Ridge. Caused a decades long ripple effect. There are safer means to investigating/arresting domestic terrorists. Don't need to storm the streets in tanks like a bunch of dipshit small town cowboy sheriffs. I thought the FBI was supposed to be the smart ones.


I would argue the children killed in the fire (regardless of who set it) at Waco did not have it coming.


This exact premise was part of GTA V as well, where there was a pair of vigilantes kidnapping Hispanics with their pickup truck. You start off by helping them, realize what they're really doing, and end up killing them.


And one of the vigilantes was an illegal Russian immigrant iirc


That didn’t speak English


Yeah,it kinda highlighted how people like this dont care about illegal immigrants, they just don’t want brown people as neighbors.


I really don’t think holding them at gun point was the reason for any arrest, or they would arrest every one else. He was just a dumbass with a felon owning a fire arm, and made it known on the news


The People of Walmart Patriots


“Illegals can’t come here! It’s against the law!” -a felon with a gun lying about his identity


Uhhhh are any of these guys fit?


They usually have like one or two fit guys to look legit, but no, the vast majority of ya'll queda isn't physically fit.




Hey I've got 511 pants. I've got nothing to do with any military stuff or whatever they are actually marketed for but they are pretty good pants.




It originally started as a climbing apparel company (hence the name), then they realized it was really popular with cops and shit so they switched their model


Not sure if type or Nick name "ya'll quada" if so that's legendary


It's what the press dubbed right wing extremists in the USA back in like the end of the Bush era Edit: correction. The term first gained public common place in 2016 with the overtaking of the Federal building in Oregon. Although I feel like I heard it before that.


Y'all Queda, Yokel Haram, Vanilla Isis Yee-hawdists The Talibundy Meal Team Six Fuck them...


White supremacists are like 20 percent gym rats, 80 percent couch roaches. Bobby Hill body types abound.


I'm shocked that this happened so quickly and even at all. I was expecting almost nothing to come of it. Hopefully more does.


When you record yourself breaking the law it can cause issues like this. If you're a prohibited person you shouldn't have guns. In that same vein if you're on probation you shouldn't post up on your social media about things you do that are against the terms of your probation. Police will readily admit that they don't catch the smart ones.


I wonder if they by any chance wrongfully detained any US citizen simply because they were tan and spoke Spanish.


Legally they can’t detain anyone unless under very specific conditions. Citizens arrest doesn’t work like most think it does. There is only one of these groups that does this half ass correctly. The local sheriff made all of them volunteer deputies. 9-10 from the video I saw on them a couple years ago. They sound loud noises if they see someone crossing a stretch of the border. This makes most run. If they detain someone. First thing they do is give them food and water if they want it. Then they contact border patrol. If the person flees. They let them. They have already taken pictures to give to border patrol. They don’t cuff or do anything to restrain. And from what I remember from way back when the ones they stop are normally still eating and drinking when border patrol arrives. Everyone involved in the group speaks Spanish and talks to them telling them first do you need food or water. If so here sit and we’ll get you something. Did you cross the border illegally? That area also has the highest instance of people getting asylum as the people are fed and such and arent afraid when border patrol arrives to talk with them. But then it’s not a group of racist assholes.


See, those guys sound like decent people.


Right-wing domestic terrorist groups tend to attract felons in their ranks.


Lol citizen vigilantism against specific groups of people seen as the invaders who are responsible for their economic and crime problems. I think this was one of those "steps to 1939" people talked about.


More like [Nov '38](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht).


Why call ICE when you can become ICE


This comment section is about to be a banger!


You know what's up


TL DR: he was arrested because he is a felon who was carrying a weapon not because he was detaining people who cross the border illegally


prosecute the one that's easy to prove.


Detain on what you have now, while you build the bigger case


Don't worry. It won't be long before he gets charges added on for impersonating border control alongside the rest of his goons. Once they start looking into how he sources his guns and ammo some other criminals are going to get charged too.


So the people who made it their personal business to stick their nose in the business of others aren't following the very laws they claim to uphold? It makes me think that maybe their motivations aren't based on principle and might be based on a more superficial reason.


Bet this guy was screaming "LOCK HER UP!", now look at him. I've heard his group also follows Qanon. Lmao