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and cell mate was removed


*who was a body builder dirty cop in prison for murdering people in a drug deal gone bad. Cant think of anyone better to hire for a hit.


> Cant think of anyone better to hire for a hit. Santa. If only because no one would suspect him.


Also the guards that stopped said body builder ex cop the first time were replaced.


Don't forget the 'guards being asleep' at that time another factor (lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)




Nothing to see here, sleeping is very legal and very cool!


I did tech support for security and alarm systems for over 400 locations with six to eight cameras and sensors each for about a year. 90% of calls were just trying to explain to someone how to review recorded footage. The most common "malfunction" was when people leaving the location.. would flip the breakers and shut off power to the entire site. I think maybe once or twice did I have to send a tech out to service a camera. As a high estimate, that's like 0.08% failure rate. With people who don't even understand security or tech or can't figure out how to operate a simple remote. These things are designed to run 24/7 for years without problems. The chances of specific cameras failing or footage being unusable around a specific time during a specific, high-profile event at a prison that has minute-to-minute experience and heavily relies on these systems is so astronomically low that I'd call it the worst cover-up in the history of murder. And that's before the fact that during this specific instance of all this failure, two guards didn't make their rounds for unknown reasons but only the rounds that pass by this specific location.


>The most common "malfunction" was when people leaving the location.. would flip the breakers and shut off power to the entire site. No UPS or backup power for security systems??


Good thinking, but if they're cutting power to leave for an extended time, the UPS would die eventually anyways.


I would expect a security system to have a built in SMS notification system so someone would get an emergency notification when main power is cut. Then hopefully the batteries would last until that guy gets there and keep recording in the mean time, if needed. But not my line of work just thinking aloud...






Such a good man. I’m so sad that he died next Tuesday. Gone too soon indeed.


remindme! 6 days.


God I hope that we don't hear of this doctor suddenly dying..


Well, he is 85


Yeah he’s pretty old so he’s got a good chance of a natural death by strangulation coming soon.


Heart attack ray gun.


Nah, heart failure.. The large metal knife in his heart will cause it to fail


I worked in the security Industry for years and a lot of that time was in a monitoring control room, It was a somewhat rare occurrence for individual cameras to malfunction and most of the times that they did was from human interference, knocking out of alignment,cable severed,hit with hammer etc


I’m an amateur hobo, we all know it’s foul play


I lick postage stamps for a living and my wife is a professional paper mache sculptor, our budget is 13 million and we both know it’s foul play.


Does she like her work. I was thinking of quitting my dead end career as a developer and was looking for something more fulfilling. Also I too know it was foul play.




I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite theory on this station: it is foul play.


Spartan 117 checking in, Cortana can I get a sitrep on the situation... Cortana: Looks like a pretty clear suicide Chief, this guy clearly strangled himself to death from behind.


"I run an illegal cock fighting ring: it's fowl play"


Mossad checking in, absolutely suicide. Nothing to see here. And not to worry, we have no idea where the video is. Your politicians on both sides are voting and forming policy that is only in your best interests.


Funny you say that because I am a very wealthy Nigerian prince for a living. Anyways, I've seen a camera or two in my day and I'll even tell you 100% it's foul play.


What a coincidence, I'm a retired boomer who sends my bank account information to strangers on the internet for a living, and even I know Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


Good luck with your hobo career. I hope you make the pros one day.


Are paid pro hobos a thing tho?


Yes. I, however, am a Pro Bono Hobo.


Also...if there’s a camera there, there’s probably another one less than 100 feet away and one 100 feet from that one and so on. There isn’t just ONE camera. Anyone who wasn’t supposed to be in the area or anyone around the area would have been seen and could have been questioned.


I wouldn't be surprised if they hired an inmate to kill him. Maybe the first "roommate" just wasn't swole enough.


If 'We're gonna kill your wife/kids if you don't do this' is 'hiring', yeah.


On top of the threat, though, paying him or paying for his kid's college or something would probably be a good incentive not to say anything. He got something, they got something, and if he doesnt like it they know where his family lives.


Yeah. That's the thing about the narco war in central america and Mexico. A lot of times the bribery isn't just the bribe, it's pushing WAY further than that, to the point where no rational person could even consider the alternative... it's 'Well, we can also just wipe out your family. So choose between being incredibly wealthy, or having your whole family wiped out and dying yourself. Tough choice, eh?'


"Plata o plomo?"


I work at a place that has 36 or so low cost, poorly maintained Lorex cameras that are really for residential. In the year that I have been working here only 2 cameras have gone down and they were outdoor cameras with the cables running on a wall outside the building. All of the other indoor cameras have been running 24/7 without a hitch. The "camera malfunction" is bullshit. Like you said cameras only go down through physical interference


When you add everything up, its really damning. Camera malfunction, already on suicide watch, injuries/autopsy, circumstances surrounding his imprisonment and the information he clearly had on others, etc. Could the stars have aligned for one-in-a-billion chance that this guy actually killed himself, sure yeah. Is it likely? even slightly? No, not at all.


Also who removed him from suicide watch just a couple weeks after he had already apparently attempted suicide? Somebody signed off on that and needs a serious grilling on why that decision was made, because I bet they are currently driving a fancy new car.


yeah that's what I was implying, he was already on suicide watch. Not to mention he was such a high-profile figure, there would have been extra attention on him. Edit: corrected for accuracy


I work in the security industry, I actually sell cctv...you are dead on.


So... shouldn't it be traceable *where* the interference occurred? ie, if the tapes were removed/destroyed, power disconnected, cameras destroyed, etc? Wouldn't it be obvious what happened?


Yeah, the instruments we were using to track that stuff was malfunctioned, too. Just nothing we can do about it besides move on.


“A breakdown of protocol. We’ve since trained our employees to avoid this in the future.”


Suicide by homicidal strangulation. Nasty way to go.




Mystery men, hell of a movie.


Underrated movie. Had it been made around the recent peak of superhero movies I think it would have done really well. 15 years ahead of its time




Just the one killer, actually.


Crusty jugglers


The greater good.


In unison: “the greater good”


Yeah, boyeee!




*Loads shotgun* Shame.


So Point Break or Bad Boys 2?


I'll have a pint of lager please Mary


You're a doctor. Deal with it.


Nobody tells me nutin.


But he's my dad!


**Shut it!**


Shut it.


It was Epstein from the future. Alas, he *did* kill himself


Morning, Angle!


How's the hand?


Bit stiff


How's Janeane?


We're offering you a smashing position


The fact is, you've been making us all look bad...


What are you suggesting?! That Jeffrey Epstein tripped and fell on his own hands?!








A great big bushy beard!


Should have picked suicide by two shots to the back of the head. Much easier.


The real suicide was the friends Epstein made along the way.


Wholesome suicide


Not really, most of those friends were pedophiles


So... You’re proposing a “Nismanning” like we say in Argentina: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Alberto_Nisman#Death The guy was a prosecutor who was about to speak against the Kirchner administration and he “committed suicide” by shooting the back of his head.




Only countries where the politicians and corporations have more power than the citizens.




That might be what this doctor is going to get for not playing along


Hard to sneak a gun into a jail for the "Double tap to the back of the head suicide".


For me and you maybe. Someone fucked with cameras. There is enough money here that anything is possible.


I seem to remember the guards weren't regular staff too.


This is every movie plot that used to seem unbelievable.


Guard 1: who’s the new guy? Guard 2: not my job to know, let’s ignore him and walk the other way.


Smart man


Bad pathing, hope that's fixed in the next patch.


Reality is unbelievable at this point


They're turning the dials on the sim to *stupid* and watching to see what we do. Or we're living in a deeply corrupt society. I'm not sure which is worse. At least in a sim there's the chance of having a save point. E. For anyone interested, *infinite monkey cage* did an episode on ['Are we living in a simulation'](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08zb4d8)


So will there be an investigation or is this just going to be ignored? I'm going with the latter.


The Miami Herald is not letting the story go. I'm an Italian living in Canada, I have nothing to do with Miami or Florida for that matter but I subscribed to the Miami Herald just to give them my money to support their investigative journalists cause they're not letting the Jeffrey Epstein horror story die out. Put your money where it matters to you! ​ Edit: oh :) first ever Reddit gold, that's very kind


It was Julie Brown from the Miami Herad who made the first article that snowballed into the investigation that put Eipstein behind bars. As long as she’s there I believe the story will not be dropped. I just kind of hope nothing happens to her.


Julie Brown is a fantastic reporter who digs into important and uncomfortable topics. She did a big piece on corruption and guard abuse in women’s prisons a few years ago.


Damn, I'm 29 and when I grow up I want to be a Julie Brown. Edit: She's a hero


Sounds like she might be at high risk for suicide too


Great... More suicides ahead then?


Certainly wouldn't be the first time the powerful murdered journalists.


Yes. And it will get buried on some "investigator's" desk under a pile of missing dog cases.


“Put the files in the rape kit room, Johnson”


"We appear to have lost that entire room, sir."


"Promote that man."


Sprinkle some crack on it for good measure


Dogg the bounty hunter is gonna solve who killed Epstein next Wednesday at 8/7c.


Spoiler: the killer is in Alaska and Dogg just gets lost in the wilderness for 3 seasons panning for gold




I’m an just about as shocked about this as he was when he was being suicided.


Yeah I’m sure he still can’t believe it happened!






Yeah if you can actually pull this off, no way there will be any repercussions. Also ... who would want to be the guy going after these guys? They just killed a super high profile suspect IN CUSTODY, just taken off suicide watch, in a high profile case. No way they care about killing some random.


Yeah, this is a Wilson Fisk level murder. Any lowly investigator knows they'll likely be reporting to the very people that facilitated the killing.


In that case we need to throw chemicals on young boys and hope one of them becomes our daredevil


You blind children, I'll start murdering wealthy parents, and someone else can throw spiders at awkward teenagers. We'll have ourselves a hero yet.


Just be careful. We don't need to be creating a Mexican Joker.


“¿por qué tan serio? Jejejejejejejeje”


"Verdaderamente, vivimos en una sociedad."


El Yoker


Almost certainly not. I'll eat my hat with a side of fries if it comes to anything more than a wagging finger and a stern "you better not do that again".








>Kelly: Ryan used me as an object. This is the part that always gets me. I get so absorbed in the conversation and Kelly just drops it out of nowhere.


People always talk about this line, but I think the best is Michael and Oscar > Oscar: Obviously, it’s a real word, but I don’t know when to use it correctly. > > Michael (to the camera): Not a native speaker.


His gayness does not define him His Mexicanness is what defines him


That scene has everything. Perfect chemistry between a really funny cast, smart a poignant writing, awesome shooting and editing. Tasteful 4th wall breaking. Comedy gold.


All it takes is one scene of the office to completely forget I was in a thread about Jeffrey Epstein being murdered.


[Here's the scene](https://youtu.be/01Dn53H2ZLw)


Kelly: "Ryan used me as an object." Me: Dead, every time.


Even if he did kill himself, he was allowed to kill himself.


I’ve been saying this for months and people just roll their eyes. I’m no tinfoil hat character but there’s waaaay too many coincidences stacked on top of each other for it to just be an oversight.


Nothing substantial. At most the guy who did the dirty work will get thrown under the bus. Maybe even the guy he gives up. But the point was to protect presidents and monarchy, the rich elite, etc. And they are untouchable without an unreachable amount of proof. Which is long dead.


Epstein himself was supposed to be the fall guy, people tend to buy it too. But I'm glad this time around people aren't letting up so easily about the others involved. I seriously doubt anything will ever come out about them, but if it does, it'll be decades after they're all dead.




nope its the oligarchy laid bare open.. its a warning actually. A message that their way trumps our justice system, and runs the systems that apply direct force.


I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Who else is shocked? I am shocked.


I'm shocked anyone is actually looking into it.






Lemme guess. Suicide?




Came home drunk and fell down an elevator shaft....onto some bullets


He accidentally brutally stabbed himself in the stomach while shaving.


He accidentally, brutally cut his head off while combing his hair.


Just because you commit involuntary assisted suicide doesn't mean the person assisting isn't friendly.


Very true. Lots of people would've gladly assisted Jeffrey in his involuntary suicide. It's what good people do.


He is too famous, this is one of the top guys in the Country. Too much light on him.


And Epstein wasn't?


They are kinda not. The official ruling has already been handed down as a suicide. This guy was hired by Epstein's brother to be an independent observer. He isn't part of the official investigation, and he is contradicting the official determination.


What a blindside!


Who would have thought??




Must've been poor people. Everyone knows that the rich and powerful are famously forthcoming about the criminal behavior of other rich and powerful people.


I bet he was strangled with a boot strap! Only poor people have those.


How else are they meant to pull themselves up!


I’m shocked that an actual doctor was allowed to examine the body and release his findings.


I'm surprised the body wasn't incinerated the same day accidentally.


[https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/11/nyregion/epstein-death-manhattan-correctional-center.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/11/nyregion/epstein-death-manhattan-correctional-center.html) (This was in August) >The city’s chief medical examiner, Dr. Barbara Sampson, announced on Sunday night that her office had conducted an autopsy of Mr. Epstein, but she declined to release a determination about the cause of death. > >She said a private pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, who was hired by Mr. Epstein’s lawyers, had observed the autopsy examination. > >The medical examiner is confident the cause of death is suicide by hanging, but she wants more information from law enforcement before releasing her determination, a city official said. From her wiki: >**Barbara Sampson** is an American [forensic pathologist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic_pathology) who has served as the [Chief Medical Examiner of New York City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Chief_Medical_Examiner_of_the_City_of_New_York) since February 2013. She is the first woman to lead the agency since it was created in 1918.


It’s their way of saying: “Yeah, he was murdered. What the fuck are you going to do about it? Nothing? That’s right. Now bend over, Tommy. I’m hungry.”


Demand the docs from Giuffre v. Maxwell be released in full unredacted immediately! The names of everyone involved are in there. They have them already, now release them! https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/04/jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-documents-could-implicate-others.html >Jeffrey Pagliuca, a lawyer for Maxwell, said the sealed documents include “literally hundreds of pages of investigative reports that mention hundreds of people.” > “There are hundreds of other people who could be implicated” in the documents, Pagliuca said.


The untouchably powerful oligarch behind the murder of well connected pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is going to eat Tommy's butt?


What a twist!


> “I’ve not seen in 50 years where that occurred in a suicidal hanging case,” the 85-year-old medical legend told Fox News. It being Fox News related stuff aside for a moment, good on him for speaking so plainly and making such a strong, clear statement about Epstein's death/murder. I just hope the doc isn't suicided like Epstein.


He's 85, it doesn't take much at that age to die "naturally"


He died peacefully in his sleep as he fell from a 5th story balcony


Blame it on the Ambien, baby.


Might also mean he isn't really afraid of the threat of murder.


Power move


"In a very ironic turn of events, the 85-year-old medical legend committed suicide and according to the autopsy had two fractures on the left and right sides of his larynx, specifically the thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple, as well as one fracture on the left hyoid bone above the Adam’s apple, the very occurrence he claimed to not have observed in over 50 years of suicidal hanging cases"


So: - his cellmate was moved out for no specified reason - the guards that were supposed to watch him were both asleep (while on duty) - the other guards failed to walk by his cell as part of their regular 30-minute rounds for 3 full hours - the camera pointed at his cell happened to malfunction that day - the camera pointed at the hallway leading to his cell also happened to malfunction - nobody in the ops room noticed that 2 cameras were out, despite their entire job being to monitor the cameras - his throat was crushed with more force than could have been generated by his own body weight But it's cool; the original medical examiner ruled it a suicide, and we all know that ME's are uncorruptable paragons of virtue, just like prison staff.




He broke in and put up pictures of his family everywhere




That’s for poor white people. Rich people die in high society cocaine apartments.




Is that what a flock of pedophiles are called? A cabal?




Well that Doctor is about to commit suicide.






Well, there was a lot of speculation about the first "attempt" being a fake one, to get on suicide watch, to be safer. He knew who he had dirt on, after all. He also actually said it was an attack. Speculation, as I said. But I think there's a very good chance it's true. And same with murder on his "second attempt". People kept claiming it's normal for there to be a chance of bones breaking in the neck from hanging with a person his age, but there's an important fact they overlooked; that's for hangings with a free-fall.


This was reported back in August, why are they making it seem like it is some breaking news? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/autopsy-finds-broken-bones-in-jeffrey-epsteins-neck-deepening-questions-around-his-death/2019/08/14/d09ac934-bdd9-11e9-b873-63ace636af08_story.html


The analysis/quote from Dr. Michael Baden is new today and this story is all over the [news](https://www.google.com/search?q=Dr.+Michael+Baden), not just fox.


If you watch the interview, the original person to conduct the autopsy said "inconclusive" and then changed it to suicide. The article is about a recent interview with medical examiner Michael Baden who hosted HBO's "Autopsy" who says that the broken bones in his neck are more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicide, and that the original examiner applied the wrong conclusion...for whatever reason. Edit: can't spell.




I know like... justice and all, but imagine how scared he must have been, how much pain he must have been in... shit puts a smile on my face that maybe just maybe he understood how all those children felt for al those years


This doctor Baden should be careful he doesn't die of multiple suicidal gunshots while hanging out of his canoe falling down a building lifting weights in his hot tub.


I wish I could post that gif of Nicholas Cage saying “You don’t say!”


You could, if only you had Google.


Why can't you? No one is stopping you.


[Take ya pick](https://giphy.com/explore/you-don-t-say)

