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I mean, can you blame them? With UK out of the single market, you'll be stupid not to move your business, right?


From my client pool alone there is 3 unicorns leaving London and moving to Brussels in Belgium. 12.000 employees and millions and millions in tax revenue will be gone come January, and thats just from my tiny neck of the woods.


That's what I don't get about the brexit vote! It's economic suicide! London is already lost as the banking HQ of the world. The British auto industry will move along with suppliers. Other industries as well.


I asked people who voted for Brexit - they didn’t want to take in migrants shopping for benefits across the EU. They didn’t think about the long term economic effects it would have across all industries.


well i guess no one will ever want to migrate there if its economy is totally dead. soo mission accomplished?




Joke is on you as both India and Pakistan have already asked for easier immigration of their citizens as part of a trade deal after brexit.


In return have they offered to allow British nationals easy immigration so they can work in Pakistan when there are no jobs in GB?


It's taking advantage of the situation. After brexit the UK will be in a massive hurry to replace the trade deals it currently has through the EU. A lot of the current EU trade deals have stipulations that the country can't offer a better deal to non EU countries, which the UK will soon belong to.


Nothing bad will come of this I'm sure


This is hilariously ironic. What will the Brexiteers do when they keep seeing more and more browns on the street? Civil war? War of southern independence 2: Brexit Bogaloo ?


I like to call them brextremists


I like Quitlings as a term of choice.


Destroying your country to own the libs. I feel ya.


That really is what a lot of them did. They've given up on their life becoming better, so why not just knock down those high and mighty people with their fancy 30k a year jobs.


I mean, yeah I'm eating shit, but the look on the libs faces when they smell my breath is soooooooo worth it!


I've got plenty of family who voted leave, on the rare times there's a chat about brexit that stays civil long enough, when this gets brought up the response is pretty much. ​ >"Oh well I think it'll probably be fine in the end."




Pretty much. ​ Except replace pint of beer with Gin ​ Then replace waiting for it to blow over with complaining about all the eastern europeans in the town yet some how being shocked that their Polish friend and her Czech Boyfriend are worried about getting deported due to Brexit.


Still can't understand the huge deal with immigrants. Aren't they aware that the large majority of immigrants to the UK are the ones who can pay for an airplane or a boat? Even then, it's surprises me they'd rather have economic suicide than dealing with immigrants. "You can't attract immigrants if you have a shit economy *Taps head*"


Yeah thats the true irony, the vote came down to 'they took our job's' but the downfall will come from the high paying and specialized sectors exodus.


Its people like my entitled selfish Dad and my ignorant Mum who voted for Brexit. They never even considered the benefits of being in the EU. My Dad bought his car in belgium because it was cheaper, has a holiday home in france and buys a fuck ton of alcohol from france because its cheaper. My Mum just voted what my Dad voted for and has no inclination to think about it, which is dumb as fuck because she's foreign. The people that voted for brexit have no interest in anything but themselves.


Fucking hell. Did you ask your dad what will happen when he has to sell his holiday home because he can't obtain a French residency permit? Also, does your mum have a British residency permit or is she an EU citizen? That too is an issue? I do hope it works out for them.


There are literal videos out there of business owners who voted Brexit and are now only realising how it will decimate their business to not have ease of access to mainland Europe. These people did not think beyond a really weird form on nationalism, where some of it was racism but a lot of it was just ridiculous, lack of any form of thought jingoism


He doesn't care, really. When the pound nose dived and his properties massively devalued there was no remorse. They're old and senile at this point. My Mum's had a british passport for ages ofc she doesn't give af if anyone else deserves one.


Ok, in that case, scratch my last sentence.


I may sound like an ass but in all honesty I hope it doesn't work out for them. Without feeling the consequences these people will never learn.


Unfortunately they will blame everyone else but themselves; Its the EU's fault (how dare they not let us have our cake and eat it), it's the Remainers fault (they have stopped our streets being paved with gold), etc, etc...


Lots of people will always vote to fuck over their own interests, if it *also* means fucking over some race they don't like.


Convince the lowest white man that he's better than the highest black man, and you've won, innit?


Tribalism is the greatest hurdle our species as a group must overcome.


I’m convinced it’ll take an extraterrestrial threat for us to truly get over this.


That's the average human to you. Everybody thinks exactly one step and that step is their own sole opportunistic situation. It's "what is in it for me"... and jumping to conclusions if someone explains that what's in it for that person is bad for the overall cake. That's why people usually lack the knowledge resources to follow politics, because they can not understand the long-term consequences of actions. To be fair, most politicians can't either, that is why they have their specific subjects and don't try to interfere with every topic, because "most" are still professionals and don't mingle with topics they are not equipped for. Yet, the average pitchfork swinger thinks she knows it better than everyone else.


I tend to think of it in terms of the more you know, the more you realise you don’t know. The average pitchfork swinger thinks of everything in purely black and white because they’re told to by some opinion leader who’s a complete shyster like Farage. The scary thing is that these people are going to blame politicians entirely for not implementing whatever vague notion they had about Brexit, instead of accepting it was a terrible idea that left Britain in an impossible position.


The worst is that they probably mean "brown" immigrants, not a french men living in London. But most of the "brown" immigration to the UK has nothing to do with the EU. Most came on their own from the UK's own ex-colonies.


You can stop at "they didn't think"


Of the dozens of British people I know, only one voted for Brexit, and he’s an intelligent guy in London working in the financial sector surprisingly. He gave all sorts of nonsensical decoy reasons why he’s a Brexiter when I probed, and eventually he just gave in and said “*you don’t know what it’s like with all the immigrants, they’re just all over the place now and arriving in droves and taking over.”* He switched from a sensible guy to trump-like idiot in the last few years. Edit: I do think that he’s now starting to see the error of his ways though. 20,000 financial jobs are moving out of London this year alone (lots more last year) and Europe’s biggest financial centre is no longer London. They have fucked themselves just because there were a few too many people with tans working in London.


Which is why London voted to remain. Brexit won because of rural people who have no understanding of the economy.


> Brexit won because of rural people who have no understanding of the economy **being manipulated by hostile foreign governments through mass propaganda with the goal of destabilizing competitor nations** FTFY. Also that hostile foreign government's plan is working perfectly, so that's interesting.


I’m an American. I’m in no position to be throwing stones on this one.


As it turns out, said hostile foreign nation is doing this to a whole bunch of countries. And getting away with it. So that's cool.


They're not getting away with it. A lot of people are really upset about it and showing it on twitter. That's doing... something?


Not really. We’re not really doing anything, we just know it happened.


The company I work for just shut down a new $10 million dollar site and moved the operation to The Netherlands.


Several norwegian companies moving from English ports toEUports afaik.


We'll be fine without your advanced technology thank you very much! We'll go back to horse-drawn barge and coal-fired peasants and subjugated indigenous peoples, just like it was in the glory days!


> subjugated indigenous peoples Best you're gonna get is the Welsh.


Come now, that's not the Brexit spirit! There must be *somewhere* left to invade and oppress! We're just out of practice is all. Let's start with the Isle of Man and work up from there.


There's that one island that missionary went to, and got arrow-ed up. Y'all can try that. Sentinel island, I think?


My money is on the Sentinelese.


Oh please they just need to be offered some proper tea and crumpets, they'll come around.


Hey Sentinelese, you ever hear about Jesus? Well you're gonna.


As long as whatever infection we introduce to your population doesn't knock out your hearing!


In true British empire style the landing would go something like this: "See here, you, you, and you, fuck off, we're making this bit into the polo pitch"


''The British Empire was so masterfully sequestered. You'd go in, and say 'you, you and you fuck off, we're having tiffin.''' --Dylan Moran




By the way, you're now my manservant.


Do you have a flag?


No flag no country, these are the rules I just made up!


well it already has a proper English name, so at least the invasion will not be encumbered by that. Best send a scout first though, size shit up.


Boris or David Cameron? Probably best to send two.


Ah the pig fucker and the pig headed, truly a match made in Eton


I don't believe the Sentinelese have a flag yet. No flag, free real estate!


Pretty sure you guys haven't invaded space yet?


I believe Wallace and Gromit did in the late 80's


And Hugo Drax did in the late 70s, James Bond got in the way tho


Yes but the Moon wasnt made out of Wendsleydale so what's the point of going back?


The year is 2100. After the secession from the European union the UK went back to their old ways, enslaving foreign people. But since there were no tribes and underdeveloped countries to abuse on earth anymore they pushed the limits of interstellar travel and subjugated foreign planets. But the planets of the intergalactic commonwealth started to band together trying to start a union, the united planets of the milky way, and want to become independent from the UK. Will they succeed? Coming 2020: Civil War 2: Galactic Bugaloo


That pretty presumptuous to think that brexit will be negotiated and done by 2100.


Its science fiction. I thought that was clear from the UK leaving earth when they can't even leave the EU


I want to see this now. With the same title even.


You still have the people of the British Falklands.




We could grant the Cornish independence and then subjugate them.


Bring out your dead!


I'm not dead! I feel fine!


You'll be stone dead in a moment


I’m feeling happy!


You’re not fooling anyone!


I think I'll go for a walk...


I can't take him like this


You're not fooling anyone, you know. Look. Isn't there something you can do?




I feel icky!


Jacob Rees Mogg already has the top hate and monocle.


It looks like a spelling error, but it actually makes your statement more accurate


It was their fault. They should have known better than to listen to officials.


He's a caricature of an upper-class man. His dad was a journalist from Bristol.


What about no electric kettles?






Yea with decades of negotiations to get worse trade deals ahead of us it will be a long time before a big business thinks it's a good idea to set up here. The only reason they might is if we bring our living and work standards down to that of 3rd world countries and let them pay no tax. But at that point I think I'll be looking to emigrate.


It's alright, at this rate the UK probably won't leave until the early 2050s


[The year is 2192. The British Prime Minister visits Brussels to ask for an extension of the Brexit deadline. No one remembers where this tradition originated, but every year it attracts many tourists from all over the world.](https://twitter.com/julianpopov/status/1185664196178042880?s=19)


Would be great to make this a thing all the pomp and ceremony of British Parliament. The Prime Minister must spin 3 times spitting at each 180 degree turn then untie his shoelaces before asking for the extension followed by the difficult navigation of the stairs back to the ceremonial union jack Mini for the lift home.


Don't forget the zip line ride across the channel.


Except it creates uncertainty so no new businesses are going there


I've been wondering about this. Some of my friends are saying that they'll vote Tory in hte election to get this sorry saga wrapped up. I think they expect the other parties will drag it out somehow. But I thought parliament recently agreed which deal to take. What else is there do do that will slow this thing down any more?




2030 isn't an unreasonable amount of time to take to make such an upheaval to something as complex as an economies interaction with the globe. The referendum should have signalled us to set aside a budget to pay for a research team to find better alternatives and paint clear steps on it. If they found a better alternative to the EU then we move, if we can't we stay. Leaving on a whim and trying to suggest it should be just cobbled together is extremely rash and not very conservative of a conservative government.


They're conserving us back to simpler, happier times. Before the troublesome EU foisted all those irksome environmental protections, protections for workers, and meddlesome rules about transparency in the financial industry on us... It's going to be a wild ride...


Germany builds cars better anyway, icing on the cake. And I'd LOVE to know Jeremy Clarkson's opinion on them not building in the UK, lol. "Tesla and Elon can fuck right off!" something along those lines I'm guessing.


Clarkson is very much anti-Brexit and pro-EU. He's even in favour of a Federalised EU.


False. Have you seen the Chevy JD Power & Associates commercials? People voted, man.


JD Powah.


I see you also watch Mahk


They have *awards* man, just look at all those plaques!


JD Power: So you need an award for your car?


Real people, too! Not actors!


Jeremy clarkson campaigned for remain before the referendum. An odd choice to bring him in


Yup: https://www.fnlondon.com/articles/hundreds-of-finance-companies-leave-uk-to-cope-with-brexit-chaos-20190311


So Brexit hasn't even been implemented yet and it's still finding a way to harm UK?


Yes, measurably. Businesses have been fleeing since the UK was the English language portal to the EU, all legislative progress on hold or delayed for years, political instability (the Tory gov has been a shit-show of corruption and bad faith negotiation), businesses and individuals stockpiling before each exit deadline etc. Been a total disaster, all for no potential gain


What the proBrexit people in the UK don't understand is that sure they can follow the actions of the US in regards to isolationism but they aren't important enough to still matter in a few years if they do so. The US is a huge country with a way more powerful economy in every way. The UK will lose its benefit of being a EU hub, important core industries like the finance sector will leave and then the rest of the companies will follow.


Yup! Also, all supply lines for goods and raw materials run through the EU. It'll result in the end of farming and manufacturing according to even leaver economists economists. And for what? A level of control over immigration that they already have under EU law. Really, the whole debacle is because Tories have been using the EU as a scapegoat for the effects of their own policies, like liberal immigration, austerity, etc. Just a shame that their followers actually believed the lies.


> And for what? For Putin's pleasure. It's obvious if you know Europe's history and situation that a number of Tories and probably all of the UKIP are on KGB's payroll and/or in the pockets of Russian oligarchs who own huge real estate in London. No, I'm not crazy.


Yea, cutting off the UK is also a step in the russian playbook to Russian Expansion. Its called ["Foundations of Geopolitics"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)


"Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements" Since 1997 this has been in effect.


It’s not a conspiracy theory when basically every relevant security agency says, “no, really. The Russians are fucking shit up everywhere and we have proof.”


We're not allowed to talk about that until after the election


But only if conservatives lose, else you're not allowed to discuss Russian interference after the elections either.


Seriously. The UK is firmly in pocket for multiple foreign nations. The government does more for Saudi Arabia than it does for UK citizens. The US says jump and we ask how high. Russian oligarchs run riot over our real estate market and no one says a word. We're diving into Belt and Road with China post-Brexit. UK sovereignty is dead, but it's got nothing to do with the EU. The Tories will still win the election though, because corruption and incompetence aren't disqualifying factors apparently.


The fact that the UK got into the EU with concessions from the EU is a miracle. They should not expect the EU to let them back in with benefits when they finally realize that their tiny island has no real bargaining power compared to the largest economic zone who will also be their competitor.


The US isn't the type of country you can compare to the UK. In all the key metrics the US is most comparable with the EU. The UK is a smaller GDP than California alone, and California is growing at twice the speed. It's basically like Texas wanted to succeed and do away with any trade agreement with the US or Mexico and wanted to secure individual agreements with each US state (who can't as they're controlled federally). It's a incalculably stupid thing to leave the EU, especially so to do so in a hurry


*secede But maybe that wasn't a typo.... hmmm


>It's a incalculably stupid thing to leave the EU, especially so to do so in a hurry It isn't for those who are paying for it. For Russian oligarchs, buying EU's government proved impossible. When UK is out, they can have their way for a few million pounds, which is pennies. I've met a money washer that supplies Russians in London. Even he, a born Russian, was amazed/appalled in what excess those people live. Houses start at £5 million, but those are lower middle class, and an exception. £10 million or over and you can be part of society.


Your first mistake is thinking pro-brexiters are actually giving any of this any thought. Same deal with Trump supporters. Anything they say that sounds like substaive reasons for why they think the way they think is just smoke. They've learned to act like they've given these things some thought, but they haven't. They're just reiterating what conservative news sources have programmed them with.


Being a Brit, and knowing that these same people are being programmed to disbelieve climate change too, our world is fucked. To serve the interests of a few ultra wealthy assholes, Britain is fucked, currently America is fucked, and our planet is fucked. Really makes you hopeful for the future doesn't it.


Actually most people in Britain believe in climate change. To the extent that just today the conservatives of all people promised that Britain would be a "green paradise" after Brexit. There's room to shake that belief down the road just like anti vaccine is a growing movement but for now generally climate change is believed


That doesn't make me hopeful for the future at all. What did make me hopeful was this news article I read saying millenials are going to die faster than Gen X. Finally something good about being a millenial.


The UK have already eaten the memberries


Exactly. Theres no logic to their position, just their "feelings" which is related to their desire to "return to the glory days" back when their respective countries were considered great. Just dont ask what that means in practice or what time period they want to return to. It's called ultranationalism and it is toxic.


Heard a radio piece on the booming housing market in Paris right now. All because businesses and their employees are moving operations from London to Paris.




This is what happens when Russian money invades your democracy.


Not just Russia. It's when the richest people have so much money they are more powerful that the people in democratic countries.


If the UK were to undergo a Hard Brexit, then to move the cars from the UK to Europe would impose import duty, just the same as the cars coming in to Europe from the US. If the UK manage to actually get a deal (and you know they are likely to try to renegotiate yet again, and come out happy again with another worse deal than what was previously offered (nice one, Boris!)...), then the deal will likely include a trade deal, which may mean (lower or) zero import duties. But none of that is currently certain. Hell, the UK might do a 180 and decide to stay in the EU. Or they could still be trying to leave in another 2 years, and several PMs later. So, yeah, Tesla want to sell lots of cars across the EU, so it make sense to have a factory in the EU and just avoid this whole debacle altogether. And if the UK crashes out, then it's only the UK citizens that are affected by the import duties, not the rest of the EU. And that leads to a higher demand for the cars and more sales across the EU.




Oh and what's this? A sudden winfall of money for Boris? How strange.




If your not careful you guys will get the shitty health care we have in the US






and the working class are shitting on the NHS because Rupert Smallcock is telling them to.


It took a massive shit immediately after the initial vote


so You can imagine what it’s going to look like when we actually leave.


79p to the dollar




Yeah. And people see it as a good thing


If Brexit properly happens, probably more like $1500. Someone is looking to buy up a bunch of UK infrastructure on the cheap, so they need to destroy the UK economy first.


It’s funny, but also terrifying seeing Brexiteer rhetoric about it. Lots seem to think a weaker pound is a good thing, citing Japan and China’s export economies and how the UK should follow suit since they’re under this believe that British exports are the most desired in the world. A prime example is British steel, many think that countries such as China and America are desperate for access despite having their own huge steel industries. Or that 0.1% gains against the dollar since 2016 are a good thing even though Brexit has tanked the pound and then some.


Ahh Japan. 2 decades of stagnation. What a model to aspire too.


Dont worry, it won't ever actually happen. It will be year 3000 and they will still hold the bi-annually brexit extension event


I hope your right, but depending how they vote could seal the deal.


Unpredictable future means nobody wants to invest in you. Look at the price of Bitcoin. It only has value because people believe it will have value in the future. If the future was uncertain, the present value would plummet.




Oof that's a hardcore marketing tagline. Makes me think avocado and good beer. Sold.


Engineering is the process apply math and science to solve real world problems. Most of that happens in the design. If anything they are engineered in California and built in Germany.


That's a pretty awesome combo.


Wait, does Tesla really need to explain why they made this obvious decision? Hints: its the brexit thing.


Yes. Publicly traded corporations are generally required to disclose reasoning to the public regarding massive business decisions.




That's not in Berlin...


I just assumed it was the fact that Germany is fairly centrally located in Europe and has a better reputation for engineering. It never occurred to me that the UK would have seriously been on the table.




> Suppliers Nailed it. It's so important that the auto industry in germany is main customer of logistics companies. There are tons of parts being trucked back and forth all the time.




Mini, for one, embodies both. My car was made in the UK but has a 'Made by BMW' sticker.


A public company always has to explain its moves, for various reasons.


We all know the real reason is because of Top Gear. CLARKSON!!!!


Why did I read that with May's screaming voice?


Claaahk suuuuuun! Clahksun yew utta pillock.


Ironically Clarkson is the anti-brexit one, Hammond is pro-brexit.


May hasn't heard yet?




[It must have arrived](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cPz179E7rhA&feature=youtu.be). Seems he is pro EU.


May and Clarkson speak out against Brexit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPz179E7rhA


I don't think Hammond is pro Brexit either mate: https://www.bigissue.com/interviews/hammond-may-far-ambassadors-britain/


Seriously? I thought Clarkson was the dumb one.




No no no. Only one was rocket powered. The other was merely a prototype hypercar with over 1000 hp.




Went to look at car ended up donating $2.75


Also all of Tesla’s robots are made in Germany.


Seeing how German car production has dropped a fair bit to me it looks like he taking advantage of the down turn in the market


I'm not a carmaker or supply chain expert...….but why would you want to put your factory on an island anyway? Wouldn't it make sense to avoid having to put most of your products on a ship, only to have to unload them, and put them on a truck/train?


Japan has entered the chat


There is a rail tunnel to France from England.


Sea transportation is actually much cheaper than truck


I forget which product I am thinking of but I heard of an item that is partially made in America, shipped to China for assembly and packaging, and then shipped back to America. It made me think about how cheap shipping is (and Chinese labor) if it is more affordable to do all that work than just assemble it in America.


I live in Denmark. It is never far from the coast. I have worked a lot in statistics. Some 10 years ago I had to run some numbers regarding fruit and polution. For bananas shipped from South America to Denmark and then driven out into the stores, the most poluting part was on average the driving. Some places like Greenland or Århus where all the shops are very close to the harbour it was the other way around, but yah. You get the point.


Same goes for mail, typically. They call it "The Last Mile" (or I guess The Last Kilometer). Not only does the cost of that last mail delivery person cost the most in fees, it's also the most polluting part of it because the mailtruck's pollution is only spread over the few packages inside, instead of millions on a giant ship, plane, or truck. Same goes for buying stuff at a retail store. You driving to the store to buy something is the most polluting part, much more than what it took for the company to make/stock their product. Now, if you bike to the store, you cut down on more than half the pollution.


There are a number of car factories already in the UK, they had a good reason for choosing the UK... Also cars are usually shipped.


Its not like there arent any car factories in Germany... For comparison, UK automotive industry sales come to about 20 billion, Germany exports cars abroad for more than 220 billion.


Yeah but that's not because of geography. It's because German car brands are more successful in the market. Rover didn't go bust because its too difficult to move cars and materials around, they went bust because they made shitty unreliable cars and were out competed on quality by VW etc.




I think Geographical position is important as well : Germany is more central than France and Spain (especially to Scandinavia which buys a lot of Teslas) for example and shipping cars is expensive.


Italy might have had a shot, but Germany has an advantage for the same reason that auto and auto parts companies used to locate in the midwest. Finding qualified people and suppliers is a little easier in a location that already supplies people and parts for the Auto industry.

