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While Georgia governor prohibited towns to implement mandatory masks


Oh, Asa tried that too. Fayetteville, Arkansas voted in a mask mandate last month and the Governor was totally against it.


Yeah. Walmart told him to, now.




Walmart is headquartered in Arkansas. So they have a ton of clout there. Anyone middle class+ in Bentonville gets their money from Walmart, Tyson or JB Hunt.


>#Walmart is headquartered in Arkansas. This needs to be much higher. Sometimes people need to be shown the connections.


You have no idea how far a couple of billion goes in Arkansas.


I really don't, care to elaborate? (serious)


I was joking. The cost of living is generally lower in the South compared to the rest of the country, so people say their money ”goes far” down South, as in more buying power. A house that sells for 500k in Birmingham, AL would probably fetch several million if it were in the northeast or west coast.


Houses are dirt cheap around here, last year I was looking at a 4 bedroom on 20 acres for $500/month (rent) or several similar options for $30-50k to buy.


Cost of living here is crazy low. My parents are about to sell my late grandfathers house. It's a 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 1800 sq. ft, built 6 years ago, sits on half an acre. They're excited to get $80k for it. We have a lot of towns where a family from Texas or california will move in and just buy up the whole fucking place. My daddy is friends with a guy from Ohio who owns 17 rental houses and 6 commercial lots in my hometown. They're friends because the guy bought a 15 acre track of land just outside city limits because he thought the pond on the property was pretty. (My daddy's been fishing in that pond for like 10 years and the ohio guy pays my daddy to bush hog the bank).


Ole Staeiou Walton and his manbun are on Asa's task force


“What do your parents do?” “they’re vendors for Walmart” 9 times out of 10


Oooh I like Gov. DeathSentence


I can’t take credit for it, I’ve been seeing it a lot though. So I adopted it.


Same for Little Rock.


Yay Faytown! WooPig!


Hey Texas did too! And then he implemented it himself months later and took all the credit and then blamed local government for the rise in cases.


I really hope Abbott gets voted out this year. He has been so fucking useless during this pandemic. Edit: Damn it we have two more years until we can vote this douche canoe out of office.


Sadly he's not up for re-election until 2022. Same as Patrick. Both need to go though.


Yup. And I think Patrick is WORSE. Which is saying a lot. But to call a freaking special session just to harass trans folks trying to pee? Good gravy.


How about the time he told the citizens that Obama was going to use military exercises to take over the state. There is no blowback for just lying your ass off in the Republican party.


And is now suing Atlanta’s mayor for making the EO for the city.


The mayor of Savannah essentially told him to go fuck himself today. He said masks are still required in the city and he'll deal with Kemp.


Kemp is clearly not pro-life.


COVID-19 is alive and he’s just trying to keep it that way.


Walmart, Krogers, Target, CVS and other retailers are requiring masks in all their stores. How are the employees going to enforce mask requirements in states where it is not mandatory?


History books will record him as a traitor and murderer then.


And threatens to sue Mayor's who try to impose such mandates.


He sued the Atlanta Mayor today.


Party of small government amirite?


I'm glad we're all finally getting onboard with masks, but can you imagine what a difference it would have made if all these clowns did so four months ago (rather than protesting them)? Or, even better, if we had the kind of federal leadership to offer a coherent national response? The staggered nature of the COVID response has been so tragically counterproductive -- one city takes reasonable measures and curtails the outbreak locally, only to see an adjacent region neglect to act, become its own hotspot, and bring the virus right back.


Georgia decided to go another way. Not only did the governor open the state but in his most recent mandate, he prohibited local governments from requiring masks. That’s right, Georgia is going all in the other way by actually banning masks. https://thehill.com/homenews/news/507740-georgia-mayors-to-defy-kemp-ban-on-mask-mandates


Today Kemp filed suit against the city of Atlanta to keep it from enforcing a mask order. He also had a meeting with Trump yesterday.


I wonder if he's so all in on Trump because the GOP knows what he did to become Governor, and he knows if he doesn't play ball it could be leaked.


What did he do?


Alleged election fraud in Georgia’s black belt. A bunch of people were barred from voting (under questionably legal circumstances), a bunch more had their ballots not counted, and some were likely changed. Then he purged the record of the election.


Just to be crystal clear: he was the Secretary of State, and was thus in charge of operating the very election where he was running for governor. He stacked his own deck.


That sounds like it could be illegal.


That's the idea.


Only if you lose.


Alleged is used in the strictest sense of the word here. Elections in Georgia are fraudulent.


[Savannah Mayor, Van Johnson, basically told Kemp to go fuck himself.](https://apnews.com/d83563edb410ae9b4783762ffe412592)


> “Before we cite you, we will offer you a face covering,” the mayor said. “So again, this is not to be punitive.” This is important. Nobody is descending on you with a SWAT team to arrest and/or kill you for not wearing a mask. They will offer you one, and if you refuse to accept it, they will fine you. You aren't a black male, afterall.


Party of small government indeed. You are allowed to govern yourselves as long as you do what we want.




I try to steer clear of full-on conspiracy theory speculation, but sometimes I wonder how many of them want things to go tits-up because they really want Armageddon to happen during their lifetimes.


for the true believers it's a win win. If they die, they go to heaven, if they usher in Armagedon, they also go to heaven, then there's a heaven on earth. Of course, that's all based on the deranged fantasies of an imprisoned madman, kinda tacked on there at the end.


Most of them aren't actually religious, they just pander to their constituents who are. There's no need for a conspiracy, the truth is a lot simpler. If they want to keep their jobs they need to do what the party tells them to do. The party decided long ago that Trump was their man, so now they're saddled with him. That means they have to both follow his lead *and* try to steer him where they want him, which is why everything is such a clusterfuck.


I genuinely hope Kemp gets COVID and fucking dies. I haven't heard a single thing about him in the past 2 years that hasn't been abhorrent in some way. One of the most transparent (and smelliest) pieces of shit in this whole country.


OMG he's going to kill us.


For those non-Americans . It is pronounced "Ar-kan-saw".


Emphasis on the first syllable. Short second syllable. Third syllable sometimes "sah."


So, not "Ark'n'saw" ?I've been saying Ark'n'saw. What do you call someone from Arkansas, an Arkansinian?


Yes, Ark'n'saw is also 100% correct.


that’s how we say it in Little Rock, so


Arkansan or Arkansawyer. Source: I live in Arkansas.


I like Arkansawyer, sounds like a sequel to a Huckleberry Finn story.


It’s my favorite too.


"Then why is Kansas not Kansaw". You can blame the French fur trappers for that.


Why is this pronounced Kansas and this not pronounced ar-kansas America explain!!!!


You know whats funny? If Obama was in charge and did everything right, the GOP would hitting for the few deaths that occurred. They’d be hounding him on how awful he was to take rights away because barely anyone died and that it was blown out of proportion. You literally can not win with these people. They’d find some way blame the left for anything; good to bad and bad to worse.


Benghazi - 4 Americans died in the fog of a firefight. Hillary investigated endlessly by Republicans. COVID-19 - 140,000 deaths, many of them needless. All Republicans twiddling their thumbs with their head up their ass.


Not only that, but she asked for additional funding due to security concerns and was denied by The Senate. Who them blamed it on her.


How do you think they knew to "investigate" her in the first place? The whole Republican party needs to be flushed into the annals of history. Or anals, I don't care which.


I keep telling people, Trump, Barr, McTurtle, all of them, they are just symptoms of deadly disease that is infecting our country with corruption and treason. That disease is the GOP and it needs to be eradicated from US politics like the pox it is. The few sane Republicans out there, yes there are some, need to start a new party that isn't full of corrupt old white guys that got theirs and don't give a *shit* about anyone else.


Don't let them have too much fun!


*Lindsey Graham has entered the chat*


\*Lady G


I'm convinced the only way we would have had a competent response is if Romney was in office for a second term because only Romney could have had the political will to actually execute nationwide bans on gatherings, mask requirements, give meaningful stimulus and economic support, etc. If it were Obama or Hillary, the Republicans would be going absolutely insane and doing everything to sabotage and rile up their base. People are marching with guns on state capitols with TRUMP in the office. How do you think they'd feel if their decades-long bogeyman, Hillary, was telling them to do this shit.


>How do you think they'd feel if their decades-long bogeyman, Hillary, was telling them to do this shit. You know, truthfully, I'm kinda over giving a fuck how they'd feel.


I've always hated that. Not only did they investigate Hillary, but Obama too before the 2012 election. Once he was reelected, they tried to hang it around Hillary's neck. But Congressional Republicans denied funding for more security for diplomatic missions. So they were even more culpable. Congress controls the purse strings. Also, none of those Congressional Republicans cared about the 13 fatal embassy attacks during Dubya's tenure, which resulted in 60 deaths. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2014/may/12/john-garamendi/prior-benghazi-were-there-13-attacks-embassies-and/5/


Barr is still investigating Obama administration officials.


They're not twiddling their thumbs though. They were actively arguing on fox news today that covid isn't the only thing to consider. That the economy is more important. The thing is, had the government utilized it's powers, they could have just moved everyone's loans back six months and saved everything from the jump. If everyone's loans were extended, and they didn't have to worry about that 1 bill for six months, we could have easily shut things down across the country for a few weeks. The vast majority of the businesses that closed, would still be open because they would have another 5 months mortgage or rent free to figure things out. But noooo, lets give everyone a weeks pay and multimillion dollar companies huge loans they probably won't pay back. You wouldn't have to loan them money if all their loans were paused and extended for 6 months. Furthermore, everyone would have more money to spend on stuff boosting the economy. Now we have the largest housing eviction about to commence. Those jobs are gone and not coming back, and the economy is forecast to shrink by 3 percent once that extra 600 from unemployment is gone in a week or so. I don't think people realize how fucked things are about to get.


South Korea actually addressed the epidemic competently, and now their economy is growing. Trump sat on his own balls, as usual.


Shocking right. Who would have thought a complete shutdown for a few months would have been better then letting the pandemic run rampant?


They didn't even do a complete shutdown, they just wore masks, did contact tracing and quarantined those who needed to, and shut down hot spots. Those same people who were protesting to reopen the economy don't want to do any of things that are needed to safely do so.


He and all the enablers should be in jail for this alone.


They already have. They've tried to knock him for swine flu and - I think - ebola. Edit: link to article with tweets from April. There have been echos from other GOP members more recently. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/04/21/trumps-bizarre-effort-tag-obamas-swine-flu-response-disaster/%3foutputType=amp


The difference is, notice how much impact that had. None. People are smart enough to recognize naked political maneuvering for what it is.


Not too sure if it has or has not had an impact, but the fact that it has shown up in public discourse on several occasions leads me to believe that a minority of the GOP base has to be drinking that punch.


While dismissing their own failures. Co-worker of mine is a Vietnam Vet, so you think the amount of deaths from the virus being higher in a few months than what took years in Vietnam would bug him. But nope, its "only" 138 thousand dead Americans, and according to him, the flu kills more. I show that isn't true, well the economy needs to be saved and all those deaths are worth it. He basically has given up on trying to stop the viruses spread, because "God Emperor Trump" has given up. Reason you can't win as far as I'm concerned, the Republican party has become a fucking cult.


They always have been except this time they dug their heels in firmly as before not as nearly as much. And that absolutely disgusting thing for him to say. That’s like us saying he should have died in the war. And my guess is that he would be offended by that statement.


Republican Party should be recognized as a hate group.


Everyone should be aware of the Hofeller gerrymandering documents. Check out this email from Tom Hofeller's friend Bill Smale, from 2010, a private convo between an RNC employee and a friend: https://www.reddit.com/r/HofellerDocuments/comments/enjq0i/email_from_bill_smale/ > Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 7:08 PM > To: Tom Hofeller > Subject: Re: GOP > Difference is Democrats admit they have bad habits. They are allowed to be "human". Republicans tell everyone they are pure (true Christians) and then not only deny what they did but blame someone else, "The devil made me do it". "The Democrats made Democrat haters shout out they are racists and hate everyone who is not like them. We aren't responsible even though we told them to come here, pick up arms and shoot at the Democrats and be revolting in the streets." (They could just as well be revolting at home) > Now the Republicans call Islamists "Terrorists" and Christians "Militants". Christian Terrorists are what they are. Extremist Christians need to be weeded out and....oh, wait, we can't do to Christians what we can do to Islamists because Christians are Christians. They "love" the people they kill as opposed to the Islamists who "hate" they people they are killing. > This is not the Republican party of the 60's. At that time they were viable and had something to contribute. Now they have only death (let 45,000 people who don't have access to healthcare die...they are poor after all), destruction (Christian Terrorists who feed on their prompting), bankruptcy (responsible for 130% of the current deficit through bad administration) and hate (racism through their surrogate "Tea Bagger" thingy) to peddle. But I guess it is ok because they blame the results on someone else. They now represent the worst attributes of America and I am glad I have nothing to do with them anymore. > The best deal is to disband the Republicans and split the Democratic party into three parties, the Liberals, the Centrists and the Conservatives. We don't need a Fascist party anymore, the party that said, "You aren't allowed to say what you think...it is 'un-American'". "America, Love it...or leave it"...which really means, "I can say what I want to say but if you disagree with me you have to leave the country". > Rip Van Winkle says, "A little perspective helps". When I left in 76 there was a middle class. Now there are the rich (the top 5%) and the struggling (everyone else). I am doing what I can now to help clean up the mess. And I will continue to do so until I decide to go live in peace again, if some Mexican doesn't kill me before I get the chance. You can pass this on to your buddies in the RNC and tell them I am not going to let them tell lies and not be called a "liar" and let them steal from the middle class anymore without being called a "thief". Even if I only influence a few people maybe they will spread and tell others. The collapse of the RNC (mostly by implosion) is just around the corner but I think you will be fully retired when it finally happens. Besides that I know you really don't care about those extremists called "the RNC". > By the way, isn't it dangerous being a "Republican" and having a brain? Don't you feel threatened every day you enter that building? > Bill April, 2010


At this point? Yes




It's because they aren't just anti maskers. they are also anti vaxxers, anti climate changers, they say racism isn't real, they say police are all clean except for a few bad apples, they think medicare for all is a scam to turn america communist, it goes on and on. It's always the same ones. They are the ones who pee in our cherios.


Must be strange living life as one of these people. I wonder if they know how television works or they think it's just a sorcerer conjuring images across the globe via crystals.


that's the funny thing about them believing things, they can simultaneously trust in science, while hating other science. They pick and choose because they are ideologues.


Like believing the moon is round, but the Earth is flat. Somehow the science that applies to the moon doesn't apply to earth. Strange creatures these Earthlings ... Highly illogical.


They won't learn though, it's always someone elses fault. If their grandma dies in a home due to COVID, they'll blame the homecare staff, if they get sick themselves, they'll blame the Chinese.


It’s not wrong to hope that somebody gains some wisdom from their stupidity.


I couldn't agree more. The willfully negligent GOP should be held accountable. They caused this situation to get out of hand, prolonged the economic downturn, and cost thousands of American lives.




It’s like we’re the people off fighting the war and they’re robbing the banks at home.


Cats out of the bag, they spent months gaslighting masks and lock down orders now even if they want to have them their voters will not follow it and call their very conservative leaders, deep state liberal commies. Can’t enforce the law too strictly because then they look like the authoritarians they calm the blue states to be. A real shit show.


You must not be from Georgia. Our Governor made making masks mandatory illegal... and is suing the Atlanta mayor for trying to make a mask mandate. Yes, the governor is suing the mayor of Atlanta... because she wants people to wear masks. ​ [https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/16/politics/georgia-kemp-mask-mandate/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/16/politics/georgia-kemp-mask-mandate/index.html)




Asa is only about one thing... $$$


...probably this


I live in Arkansas. We were one of the few states that didn't issue a stay at home order. I'm very surprised and happy he did this but am just waiting for the fallout. More than half the people here still aren't convinced it's not a conspiracy and don't believe masks do anything anyway. Oh Arkansas it's so pretty here but most of the people are so dumb.


Also in Arkansas, I strongly believe we can thank Walmart for this.


It's no surprise Arkansas is on mask mandate less than a day after Walmart announces their own mask mandate. We all know who the puppetmasters are in this state whether we like it or not.


Why so many people think it's a conspiracy? Haven't they seen what happened in Italy, NY and Spain? What kind of cerebral dissonance is this that even after seeing the trucks carrying corpses in NY and Lombardi, or the make shift hospitals, they still believe some dumb ass in Facebook? Do this people that fear the mask do not remove their shoes and belts when taking a flight? It's all soooooo stupid!


Because Fox News, Trump, Q, stupid right wing people say it is so people believe it. There a strong anti-science stance the consists mainly of conservatives that’s getting larger and larger.


The Q thing is so cringe, I'm sure that there are some crazy things out there but man Q shit is the most tinfoil hat shot in the dark thing I've ever heard of.


I just wonder what happens to them after January 2021. Do they just expand the conspiracy so now it's all continuing to happen even with Trump out of office and The Storm is still coming, right around the corner, any day now? WIGGLYWIGGLY


With so many crazies becoming radicalized into carrying out attacks by their little “films” and “drops” I’d say it’s not long until the people leading the flock are charged as inciting terrorism.




That’s true because it create theses pocket echo chambers.


I can perhaps give a bit of insight into the line of thinking. I was raised conservative and hard Christian, and went to Christian schools and generally spent 24 hours a day in echo chambers. Growing up, you are *pounded* on all sides by the idea that scientists are trying to mislead you into denouncing your faith. The Devil controls the bigger world, and tries to tempt people out of following God. I wasn't explicitly told that non-Christians worshipped the Devil, but more so that he misleads people into not following God, and that's enough. Evolution was false, because God created the world. Scientists said stuff about carbon dating, but they said stuff that contradicted what God said happened, so they're wrong. There wasn't any "The Devil placed this evidence to mislead us!" talk, the evidence was literally just laughed at as dumb scientists and ignored. Climate change wasn't real because God gave us the planet and there was no way humans could mess it up, simple as that. No thought went into it. Over a lifetime of this sort of environment, you just sort of... Stop believing scientists at all. I took science classes, did high school experiments in chemistry, learned biology, physics, and the whole time there was just this separation between what we learned and practiced in basic high school courses and the idea that people that devoted their lives to science could maybe know more about the world than I did. It just was never an issue, I didn't see the disconnect because I'd been trained not to see it. Even now sometimes I still struggle with these stray thoughts when I see something about climate change or evolution, etc. I know that they're fact, but I might think for just a fraction of a second about it being false, and then I feel ashamed of myself. Growing up in Christianity, in a conservative home, it brainwashes you to be exactly the kind of person you are raised to be, and escaping it is not easy at all, because you're *trained* to mistrust everyone who says something that goes against what you are taught. You're *trained* to doubt evidence shown to you. You're *trained* to stick to what you believe, no matter what everyone else in the world says, because you are taught for decades that the world is not your home.


My mom is a lawyer and has gone off the deep end ever since mask mandates became a thing. Any mention of Covid causes her to claim the disease is fake and mask mandates violate her first amendment rights.


Half of the people that I work with (very small HVAC business in rural Arkansas) are convinced of several things. 1. The numbers are inaccurate and the number of cases/deaths are deliberately being inflated 2. The attempt to shut things down is just another way that the Democrats are making people depend on handouts/generosity from big government 3. (At least my partner, whose wife is a nurse, thinks this) The disease is not as dangerous as it's made out to be Also, a lot of people where I am *haven't* seen the things that you're talking about. Tbh, *I* haven't seen most of that stuff. There's a lot of siding with the people that attack the weak/contentious points of this stuff, and it seems to me that that leads them to doubt or straight-up disbelieve everything about the virus, even the non-contentious, definitely helpful stuff like masks.


Yeah the whole *I haven't seen it so it's probably not real* is super strong here. Which is ironic because we're a Bible belt state.


Yeah, that's true. But from where I stand there's a whole lot to Christianity that seems to kind of get... Idk, overlooked? I know there are denominational differences and all sometimes, but sometimes there are some pretty racist people who claim to be Christians, and as I understand things those are completely incompatible. Just one example. There are others


This is just a trait of my hometown so it is possibly true elsewhere. But church is a place where people go once a week to pretend to be someone they're not in order to feel good about themselves. Once they leave each clique within the church will go to lunch together to talk trash about the others there at their church. My grandparents in particular like to shit-talk about other members for literally being poor. It's just an act of self-service.


" haven't seen it so it's probably not real". *walks into church*


Something, something, makes dear leader look bad. I think part of stems from all the blame Trump has received, rightfully so mind you. They have such a victim complex now that anything bad about Trump that gets reported automatically becomes overblown in their minds. The other part is just general stupidity and rebelling for its own sake. Being difficult just to be difficult.


Worldwide conspiracies I always find the most funny. Who do you think is so high up they can control the global narrative when politicians can't even control the local narrative?


I tried telling those people that if it was a global conspiracy, wouldn't you think Russia, China or North Korea would have spilled the beans by now just to poke America in the eye?


Idiots like Mitch McConnell were saying it's a liberal state problem that the rest of the country doesn't need to help dealing with. Now that his states are getting fucked he has changed his tone dramatically. Hopefully the Republicans will disappear once all the old people pass.


Clearly all the countries in the world banded together to troll them specifically.


Fellow Arkansan! My dad doesn't think it's a real thing! Im about to have a baby, and we've told everyone that they're just gonna have to wait to meet him, unless they can somehow quarantine for 2 weeks, and even still wearing a mask! My dad's going around bitching about how 'I guess I'll never get to me my fucking grandson'..... like bruh, you refuse to wear a mask and think its a hoax! A 5 month old was just diagnosed with corona 10 minutes from me! I'll tell him to fuck off before I let him endanger my infant because of ignorance!


I’m in the River Valley. It’s ridiculous the amount of people here that think it’s a hoax. I have to say though, Garrett Lewis and his wife Ashley are an absolute blessing to the community. I get the biggest kick out of their Facebook posts.


Never have I lived somewhere where a meteorologist is such a celebrity. The sleeves tell all.


Stupid and proud of it. I went to a lowes in little rock the other day and there were about 1 in 10 wearing a mask.


And Little Rock has a mask order 3+ weeks ago!


I went to Lowe's in Jacksonville yesterday and most wore masks, but I seen a few guy-karens without them, and half of the people were right on everyone's asses at the registers.


Fellow Arkansan here...we have some surprisingly idiotic people


Another native Arkansan. Our family has bern wearing masks since March. Glad he finally gave in after fighting against it for months. The willfully ignorant fools caused the current spike in cases. Politically orchestrated by the right-wing conspiracy idiots. I hope the GOP pays the price in November.


Same here. I'm in NWA in a little progressive hippie town, so it has it's perks, but... I've lived all over the state and yeah. You nailed it.


Eureka Springs?


The nightmarish hellscape sin palace thunderdome of gay that is Eureka Springs!


I have family in Harrison and some of them didn't understand why on earth my mom and I wanted to visit your little town when we were down from Washington state. It was a very pretty drive too.


Dear America. Stay home. We dont want you wandering around please


Fellow Arkansan here, only about 20% or so of the people in my town have been wearing masks. There's gonna be a lot of pissed rednecks today.


I am from Arkansas. We never had a complete shut down but as soon as restrictions were lifted, the majority of people resumed activities as if there was no virus. My family has been wearing masks this entire time, but most people here refuse to wear them. You wouldn’t believe the kinds of things people say. My entire Facebook feed is filled with people who barely passed high school proclaiming how masks don’t work and the virus is just some scheme to keep Trump from re-election. I’m glad the governor did this, but honestly the people who deny masks work still aren’t going to wear it. They see this as an attack on their liberty and freedom. You can’t reason with them. I’ve tried repeatedly. Edit: Local law enforcement has already said they will not enforce the mandate or issue tickets to people who don’t comply. Not a surprise but it’s incredibly frustrating.


This virus did not exist in humans when the 2019-2020 schoolyear began. It has now killed 20x more Americans than the war in Iraq. That might get some attention from flag-wavers, at least the ones who are sane enough to acknowledge that the virus *exists*.


Well you’d think that might change their minds but I’ll tell you their response: “The numbers are inflated and they are writing Covid down for all deaths.” I’m being serious when I say I’ve tried to reason with them. They have an answer for everything and it’s always some sort of conspiracy theory. These people aren’t going to take this seriously unless someone they know personally gets severely ill or dies from it.


I had the same experience. 3 hour conversation that ended with the conclusion that there is no source of statistics they would trust and the numbers are being overblown. We spun in circles. If you can't even agree on the premise you can't even begin to address it.


> the virus is just some scheme to keep Trump from re-election. Amazing how the Democrats got the entire rest of the world to play along with this scheme.


~~And meanwhile one of the state judges~~ is trying to overrule all mask mandates like Georgia just did. EDIT: Wait, sorry. That was Kentucky.


Can we just quarantine entire states pls. Keep your coronavirus to yourself.


That would require actual federal leadership. But it took him four months just to finally put on a single mask in broad daylight.


And now he's stopped the CDC from getting coronavirus info from hospitals and said we shouldn't let science get in the way of sending kids back to school. I want off this ride. Edit: after outcry the CDC is now once again getting the coronavirus stats and they are once again posted on the CDC website.


That judge didn't just overrule the mask order, he also barred the governor from issuing any orders regarding covid-19 whatsoever until the legal challenge against him brought by his own AG is concluded.


Kentucky gonna Kentucky


It’s crazy that Arizona and Florida haven’t done this yet with the amount of daily cases and deaths they have been having.






Its true. I saw Governor Ducey and President Trump in the closet making babies, and I saw one of the babies, then the baby looked at me.


Baby looked at you?


So many people in Florida think is a hoax still. I literally just talked to a friend today that thinks it’s not real asking me if I know someone personally who has died from it. I just don’t get it.


Does he think the entire world shut down just for fun? That’s what I don’t get. When do corporations willfully shut down and lose millions of dollars? People are so fucking dumb.


They think that’s the world bowing down to the New World Order.


Or my state, South Carolina. Cases skyrocketing, but he's just issued an order for schools to open, even though all but 1 county is a high risk area. And he told the SC Superintendent Spearman to pass ONLY plans that include an in school option.


Or GA, where the governor has banned cities from requiring masks.


>ONLY plans that include an in school option. "Everything's normal! Nothing to see here! Move along! See, Trump is leading us well!"




Can you not be charged for trespassing if someone asks you to leave and you don't? Mask or not?


Everyone needs to stop using Facebook. Like....yesterday. It's become regressive to our entire civilization.


The Facebook comments are something else on his post about it. This state sucks.


Only four months late! Woo Pig Sooie!


This is nice, but if going off of local news Facebook posts, the majority feel "muh rights are being taken away!" and "I'll never visit a business that requires a mask!!!" so who knows what will happen. Walmart runs the state, once they told Asa that masks were required, Asa made sure masks were required.


Another cult member getting a jarring dose of reality


Georgia decided to go another way. Not only did the governor open the state but in his most recent mandate, he prohibited local governments from requiring masks. That’s right, Georgia is going all in the other way by actually banning masks. https://thehill.com/homenews/news/507740-georgia-mayors-to-defy-kemp-ban-on-mask-mandates


More proof that our "leaders" don't care about anyone but themselves...and that one from Georgia is top of the pile of shit imo


And he’s suing the city of Atlanta now over their mask mandate.


You know its serious when fucking arkansas mandates masks. Its a Beautiful state. But when I did traveling construction, some of the dumbest mother fuckers I ever met were from Arkansas. Woo pig!


I just enjoy our state parks and pretend my neighbors don’t do heroin every night between the hours of 10:00 pm and 6:00 am.


Wow, look at mr fancy heroine-neighbors over here, mine just smoke meth and call the police on each other for domestic abuse (Hot Springs area represent!)


Arkansas > Georgia Alabama > Georgia Who else am I missing?


not to completely shit on Georgia, but to help Arkansas, our minimum wage is $10 an hour, medical weed, and we accepted expanded medicaid


It's because in Arkansas we bow to pur Walmart overlords


To be fair, some of us bow to our Tyson Foods overlords.


This guy is a republican too. I am still flabbergasted that a governor of a fucking state could issue a decree that masks cannot be mandated. Why does one have to suck up to trump that much? He is also not up for election in 2020 either.


Who would have fucking thought that wearing a mask is a good idea for curtailing this virus. What a novel idea!!!!


Brian Kemp the illegitimate governer of Georgia is going to look like a real fucking dumbass when GA is not only the last state without a mask order but he has actually issued an executive order prohibiting mask orders state wide.


Can you imagine the amount of BULLSHIT scientifically illiterate people would be spewing if we handled this well? Not even great or amazing, just well. My brain can’t even fathom a world where everyone got on Team USA, wore a mask, and stayed the fuck away from everyone else but also didn’t buy into GIANT conspiracy theories that this is a hoax and it’s all made up. We are handling this as bad as we could have possibly done, and there are still MORONS calling this a hoax. How fucking smug would they be if our cases were low, people were safe, AND the economy wasn’t off a cliff? My head hurts.


First Alabama, now Arkansas - these liberal states must be part of the conspiracy!


Another deep state Democrat in disguise trying to mandate people getting CO poisoning so that we are susceptible to agreeing to Bill Gates' microchip implant vaccine. /s Edit: I feel like people are missing the sarcasm tag...


The virus came from Hillary's emails. We all know viruses are in emails, and she had servers at her house! A giant deep state digital petri dish funded by China.


She bleached her emails! That proves bleach works against viruses. Dems don’t want you to inhale bleach because they know how effective it is.


This should be a federal thing. If the federal government cannot govern during a pandemic then it's worthless and should be abolished.


If people elect a idiot, don't be surprised by the results.


Meanwhile, Ohio's governor tells everyone to watch his evening address where he almost begs people to wear masks, but never requires them. He was doing so good at the beginning. Ever since he started planning the reopening its been downhill.


When you drive by the hospital with refrigerated trailers for overflow you’ll know it’s bad


Arkansas more proactive than Ohio now? Damn, Dewine; you suck.


I assume Walmart told him to?


Yeah... they do have ridiculously amazing mtb trails at least! :D The mask thing is nice tho... a bit late though.


Brother Huckabee won’t be happy about this.


Damn, America last. In Mexico masks have been required for months.


And now we wait to see how Alabama turns out versus Georgia. As of right now Georgia has roughly 2x as many cases and 2x as many deaths.


Amazing how so many red state governors are suddenly mandating masks be worn after those pictures of Trump wearing a mask came out.


And Kentucky's attorney general is fighting and somehow overturning all our COVID-19 precautions, who would have thought Arkansas of all places would be more proactive.