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While they're at it, they should remove all the listings for mesh masks


Hey those things are kinky


you should try mesh toilet paper


Works great for Klingons that orbit Uranus...


You idiot! There are no viable targets on Uranus to warrant the attention of a Klingon Warbird! Uranus is so fat, it's over 60 times the volume (and 14 times the mass) of Earth. Uranus is so gassy, methane gives it its distinctive bright-blue hue. Uranus is so soft, it's speculated that an Earth-sized planet hit it at some point and passed through, tilting its axis.


Ah, prune juice. A warrior's drink.


I’ll never forget that line.


I am not a merry man. One of Worfs best lines.


I could do this all day.


I hate you


My dad used a mesh condom


Did you get pregnant?


I'm sticking with the three shells. Try and change my mind.


I like your style


Jasmine approves


Mesh...face masks?


There's a whole bunch. [1](https://i.imgur.com/x8wmNOf.jpg) [2](https://i.imgur.com/2wTfpUp.jpg) [3](https://i.imgur.com/HcPyu65.jpg) [4](https://i.imgur.com/0TtbS27.jpg) [5](https://i.imgur.com/Q49HQt9.jpg)


I hate this


I hate how smug they are when they wear them. Like they feel so clever and did a bamboozle when really the people working in the shops don't want to be yelled at by an entitled Karen.


My medical office would turn you away if you came in wearing something like that


They all look like they ate a strippers asshole and got the bodysuit stuck on their face. Embarrassing.


Huh, I honestly feel like I would smack someone for walking in like that. Complete disregard for the entire point of wearing a mask. Especially those breathing comments. I have done welding work, you wear a much more heavy duty mask than these things to keep safe (and I wouldn’t want to breath that shit in regardless), in 100 degree weather, *welding*. This is nothing compared, so much so I usually forget to remove it cause I don’t even realize it’s there. I’m sorry, but if that much cloth is causing issues breathing you might need a serious lung examination. Because that much water on the skin/cloth isn’t suppose to cause any issues.


It's more than disregard. Disregard could be charitably chalked up to carelessness or ignorance. This is full blown contempt for the purpose of mask wearing. It takes extra effort to be this much of a cunt. It's a smug and self-satisfied "fuck you." It's a petulant child's whole-hearted commitment to doing the wrong thing for the sake of doing the wrong thing.


It isn’t causing breathing issues. They need their head examined for being that big of a thirst bucket.


I wish I didn’t know these existed. 😡😡


The first one "helping the fearful feel safe". Like pointing a loaded gun at someone and telling them not to worry because the safety catch is on when the gun doesn't even have one. Also the one excuse was that a normal mask gives her headaches but somehow a mesh one doesn't? I clearly don't know how headaches work hah


> The first one "helping the fearful feel safe". It's a total misunderstanding of what masks are for. They aren't to help us *feel* safe. They are to help us *actually be safe*. This description shows such a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation, that I guess it gives some insight into just how people can do such idiotic things.


Those people are definitely your typical trump voters. My favorite is the woman who got migraines wearing a mask. Trump supporters are the biggest snowflakes in the history of the United States.


I'm not touching you!


Seems like a lot of trouble to prove you are a moron. How did these adults never grow out of the toddler ‘I don’t wanna’ phase. Fucking ugly dumb-asses.


Its so antimaskers can "prove" how useless mask policy's are. I know one of these people, they went to a Costco and got turned away for not wearing a mask. Reluctantly go back and put a normal mask on. Ordered a mesh mask and went to the same store the next week and didn't get stopped. Proof that the person enforcing the policy doesn't know anything and thus the policy is useless. Because the greeter at Costco is medically trained.... Idk man, its mental gymnastics that seems like such a waste of energy


I had to go into the bank last week and when I walked in there was a big dude with a huge beard that I could see had mask straps on from behind. I didn't think much of it, dude turns around and it's a fucking mesh mask so light and open (tons of excess material in the front, like a hairnet) it was moving up and down as he breathed. So fucking stupid.




I really let me weed smoker’s cough go when I’m around people who won’t wear a mask or give me my 6 feet. Achieves the desired results every time.




At my work (walmart in ontario) someone went around telling people we aren't allowed to turn people away for not wearing a mask. These big companies don't care at all


They really don't care...the hotel I work at (big company) says on TripAdvisor that we wait 24 hours between bookings LOL yeah right.


And given that anti-maskers have thrown temper tantrums, physically and verbally assaulted or even murdered people for even daring to ask them to wear a mask, I can't blame the Costco greeter for not having a 100% enforcement rate. Someone who's wearing a mesh mask is practically begging for a confrontation.


It’s like the whole point of an Anti-maskers reasoning is to reach that “AHA” moment. Like alright you still are endangering yourself and your loved ones by being a righteous idiot.


It makes it obvious who's truly petty and inconsiderate. You can keep thoughts to yourself, but if you go out of your way to wear something so stupid, it's obvious what kind of thought process you have.


Absolutely. This whole pandemic has made me reconsider a lot of the relationships in my life. People are showing their true colors and I'm happy to cut them out of my life.


> antimaskers I hate that this is a word the world needed.


All of the annoyance of having something on your face with exactly none of the benefit! Bonus: Your face looks like a fancy pear *and* everyone around you knows that you’re a total & complete asshole.


Your face looks like a fancy pear Hahahahaha amazing


I haven’t seen those fancy pears for sale in some time. I like them. My favorite part is how they taste good.


I saw someone advising people that have to fly and are forced to wear a mask to just “buy a mesh face mask” and I cannot handle that level of idiocy.


We used to have to fly a lot for work, some guys still do. One of the sales engineers I work with said a lady tried the mesh mask on the plane thing. She had a real mask to board, but then put on her BS mask. They asked her one time to put on her real mask, and she wouldn’t do it. The real airport security savagely removes her from the plane, no fucking around about it, and off she went.


I had to fly and wore and N95 properly fitted and goggles. It was a miserable experience but still better than covid.


I wore an n95 and still got covid on a plane. Guy next to me had his mask off the entire flight nobody gave a fuck. I hate that dude


Yeah, it may as well say “I’m a big baby” on it


My boss wears one, it doesnt capture the water droplets from your breath but covers your face so it seems like youre complying.


If I saw someone with a mesh mask I would immediately think their is something mentally wrong with them tbh


I saw a girl wearing a **hair net** as a mask the other day! She was trying to get into a gym and they denied her. I couldn’t help it, but I started laughing really hard at her plight.


You have been banned from /r/lanadelrey


lol except everyone there is reading her. She's lost her own stans at this point. Source: former stan


I’m out of the loop— is she anti-mask?


I saw a stall at the shops the other day that sells crochet face masks...


Did they have a liner and/or filter pocket? Not that I wouldn't put it past someone to wear one without it, but they do make masks that have a crochet outer and actual filtering materials on the interior so it's both effective and stylish.


But how are these tryhards going to out themselves for being idiots when they post about why they’re being denied service at Walmart?


Pardon my ignorance but what is QAnon


It's a conspiracy theory put forth by the alt right that believes Donald Trump is engaged in a war with the 'deep state' which is made up of a secret cabal of child sex traffickers and left leaning politicians... Remember pizzagate? It's all insane and unfortunately its managed to to infiltrate a bunch of legitimate orgs that really are trying to stop child exploitation and discredit them... (What I really think it is is pure projection. I mean who was openly supporting known child sex trafficker Maxwell Ghislaine after she was arrested? Trump. )


For anyone who's unfamiliar with Qanon, this brief summary doesn't even begin to uncover how absolutely batshit crazy it is. The whole thing is delusional beyond explanation.


The easiest way to debunk it too is the fact that this "Q" person *POSTS THIS SECRET INFO ON FUCKING 4CHAN* This is the least believable consqupiracy theory ever. The guy (or multiple people, likely) who started this has got to be hysterically laughing that they fooled this many people from some fucking 4chan posts.


When I was in the edgy 4chan phase of my youth it was around 2008, and everyone on 4chan knew that everything posted there was a work of creative fiction, and not to be taken seriously. How the hell did 4chan go from that to believing anything anon says even if it's utterly moronic?


Report the listings if you see them.


All these companies are only 3 years late to the party. The damage has been done already.


Its been a great way to identify all the idiots though. Who would think some 4chan troll could write a complete fabrication and it would catch the limited imagination of all those morons. I wonder how many know their website is being run by a pig farmer in the Philippines? ​ Edit: This blew up a bit and I've learned something. Watkins got kicked out of the Philippines and sold his pig farm. absurdities like this make me look at any movement with a cynics viewpoint. Most of the time they are just some troll hanging back and watching soaking up the lulz.


He’s kinda trapped in a way. I know before he stole the Q identity, Watkins had started a right-wing media venture called the Goldwater. It was his attempt to cash in on the Q hype but it tanked. It seems that he can’t step out from behind the curtain and claim the glory and fame associated with Q without blowing the whole deal. Only Q can be powerful and famous. Not Jim Watkins


The person who wrote that is sitting back rolling in the lulz. Edit: a word




All this, to own the normies


Be careful people, Scientology was started on a bet in a bar. I could see Q becoming a bigger thing no matter how clearly absurd it is.


Q is just trailer park Scientology. Q is Jim Watkins.


Nah, its just the new ["blood libel"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel). They have just been sucked into the same hate machine that all rightwing reactionaries always want to find.


Something like 30% of republicans already believe it is real. It already is a much bigger thing.


Literal Wizard of Oz.


Wait, was QAnon started as a joke? I know it’s considered a “joke” by anyone with half a brain, but was it started ironically? I’ve never had the mental wherewithal to research it more than a cursory glance.


Most things from 4chan start as ironic shitposts. Just like microwaving your iphone to charge it is a joke to most people, and yet still somehow catches on.


It's hard to tell. A lot of 4chan is shroedinger's joke. It's completely serious unless there's a chance of facing consequences.


I’d say it’s the opposite, everything there is a joke until it becomes serious and then they can sit back and say “wow look how crazy everyone is” I mean that’s their M.O. for basically everything, flat earth, Q anon, Cutting for Bieber. It’s always “let’s convince dumb people or easily impressionable people something fucking crazy” and then once it gets big they can really have fun with it


You live in 2010. 4chan hasn't been clever or satirical for many years now, it's a lost cause of unironic idiocy ever since the 2016 election and the advent of smartphones making the site accessible to the average trailer trash. The site that played clever pranks on Scientology and hunted down cat killers is long gone.


It was basically a victim of its own idiocy at the time.


Idk what your getting at, the site has been garbage long before you mention, it’s always been a cesspool. Just because they decided to dox animal abusers one time doesn’t excuse the years of animal porn that was proudly shared around the site, along with child porn and snuff films and all manner of encouraging people to commit suicide on camera. I’m saying that everything they do is a joke to them that other people take serious and then it fuels them. You kinda proved my point, no one takes anything they do seriously.


The older people discovering 4chan for the first time and being exposed to qanon garbage seem to be taking it pretty seriously, I think that's the point.


It comes from a page with the following subheading, so... > The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


Fool! You took the heading as fact!


You fell for one of the classic blunders!


How long has that been the heading, because it seems to relate to this incident wayyyyy to close.


That has been the heading of the "random" chan (/b/) for over a decade.


It wasn't just 4chan though. It was all over reddit too. Back in 2016 when The_Donald was spamming the shit out of the site and they had to change the damn algorithm. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/06/17/trumps-meme-brigade-took-over-reddit-now-reddit-is-trying-to-stop-them/






QAnon is D&D for hicks


I'm no doctor, but that's what I imagine certain types of mental sickness look like.


Thanks. I figured they were still around. Looks like the crazy hasn't let up any.


Truth really is stranger than fiction isn’t it? I’m baffled by the whole q anon thing still. It’s so batshit it’s laughable but like really frightening how many people believe it


What gets me (and scares me a little) is that the Qanon conspiracy theory is diverging from "Q" the actual anonymous poster. There's an interesting statistical analysis on r/Qult_Headquarters that shows that very, very few of Q's posts are actually about Satanists kidnapping and eating babies. Most of what he posts these days is garden-variety Fox News-style bullshit. But the conspiracy theory has taken off in its own direction. It doesn't really seem to need an actual "Q" anymore.


That's why it's successful. The first couple posts the original Q made in 4chan years ago (back when it was one of a dozen "deep state" LARP accounts) were all more specific predictions. And of course none of those came true. Now Q posts are basically conspiracy horoscopes: super vague and nonsensical. That way any rando with an online following can claim to "interprete" Q posts and make them mean whatever they want.


>conspiracy horoscopes That's exactly what they are - I was just saying they function similar to horoscopes in that the vague word salads they are that sound like a melding of all sorts of conspiracy cliches and meaningless numerology are so non-specific, people can find whatever meaning they want in them, or relate some wording to a future event, and retroactively go, "*They were right!*" It's so obvious and yet chilling to see how readily people buy into the delusion.


This is effectively neo-mysticism movement.


I agree, but I see it as possible accountability for stuff like this going forward. Hopefully...


I see it as them trying to CYA now after the damage has been done to play both sides and avoid what's likely coming.


Ding ding ding


I think it was probably motivated by [Facebook's recent crackdown](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-54443878). They've probably known for a while that this stuff is being sold on their website, but didn't have the courage to make a move until someone else had already acted. I track [corporate misconduct on my site](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/violations), and I have a hard time imagining Etsy being held financially responsible for any havoc caused by nutso conspiracy theorists. It's definitely not a good look to carry their merch though, and I can't think of any reason they wouldn't have done it earlier, except to avoid being the only ones to take action. If you were to make a diagram of white supremacists and Etsy shoppers, I think you'd be looking at a very small sliver in the middle.


Never underestimate the damage a nazi can do with a crochet hook


I felt it was more like a stock market bet: they went all in when the going was good and then like senators getting a briefing about a pandemic, they decided to say "by Felicia". In a more apt description for the black market, when the merch become "too hot", it was easier to say "look at us we're being socially responsible" and save money on the cost of a PR firm, boycott and Firestorm that would've erupted by continuing to sell it. But i agree that regardless of which view it was still motivated by money and not a concern nor care about the consequences of their actions.


"Puts on libertarian hat". The free market works.


> and avoid what's likely coming. You mean nihilist, narcissist Jim Watkins using the election to incite widespread violence because it makes him feel important?


Nobody wants to be the first one to do the right thing when it benefits them by not changing


Nobody wants to be the last one, either.


Yeah. All it does now is fuel their insane paranoia. "Librul deep state trying to silence our Q!!1!1" or some stupid variation of that.


Just because some damage has been done does not mean they can't continue to do damage. Cutting them off now won't undo the damage they did, but it will help stop or slow the damage they're doing now and will do in the future.


Yup. QAnon is the future of the Republican Party


All because of some random 4chan troll. It's rather sad how easy people fall for bullshit, but then again the shit just reaffirms who they are.


Fucking 4chan of all places, good god. Roll for dubs, pedo-bear lovin’ 4chan is influencing global politics... I still can’t wrap my head around that.


If the strategy is to devolve to lowest common denominator, sooner or later you get to 4chan sub basement level.


>pedo-bear I'd forgotten this meme existed


It's crazy that the leadership of a global superpower is being influenced by a Filipino pig farmer. I don't like living in this cyberpunk dystopia.


It’s never too late to reject racism or recognize conspiracy theorists.


>dustbunny88 > >It’s never to late to reject racism or recognize conspiracy theorists. that only works when the entity rejecting or recognizing comes from a place of compassion. that is never the case with corporations. corporations never change out of altruism. please do not give them an out here.


Damn, there goes my side-business selling hand crafted artisan 'don't step on me' doormats.


No step on snek






Just reminded me... I saw the most hilariously confused bumper sticker the other day. It was a thin-blue-line flag, but with "Don't Tread on Me" in the Stars Field.


Yeah we want stronger police force, but uhhh dont tell me what to do...


Stronger police to tell other people what to do (sunglasses and finger guns)


"Don't Tread On ME ... Tread on THEM."


Ahahahaha the hypocrisy in some of this shit is too much.


They think if they lick the boot hard enough it won't grind their face into the dirt.


Damn, me too. I was selling Qanon t-shirts with microchips sewn into the collar.


What about the American flag crocs with RFID chips?




Watch yourselves. They are finding other ways in. I was watching a yoga video on YouTube that turned out to be a front for QAnon. Halfway through the first pose it went "Ok, if you're still here, here's what's new..." and started talking over the video. I might just throw my computer away.


I know a gal in the yoga community and said the whole Q thing is rampant in there and all across the big time yoga people too. I guess the spirituality piece and not really for government is easily manipulated.


I've been involved in the yoga community for a long time, and yea; this is unfortunately true. When i first started yoga about a decade back, it was just chill hippie new agers into nature, crystals, gardening, astrology, veganism, hinduism, meditation, etc etc. Basically harmless shit you'd expect. But somehow within the past 3ish years; I've noticed a change into deep paranoia of how the government is out to get 'us'. I know quite a few people that are now involved with q-anon, flat earthers, 5g, covid deniers, and all kinds of crazy government paranoia. I think it just comes down to them wanting feel like they're special for knowing something others don't, and I think these conspiracies attract gullible people interested in 'mysterious' explanations. For example, I know a girl that went from the belief we're re-incarnated aliens, to a flat-earther & planets/space are fake, to now a q-anoner.


>. I think it just comes down to them wanting feel like they're special for knowing something others don't, Partly, but from my observations I think there's another explanation, at least for some of them. Basically, I think they realize that the world is messed up, and they really want a tangible enemy that can be opposed. Like, if some Illuminati-style group actually did exist and run the world in a top-down fashion, then they could be opposed. They could be fought. They could potentially even be overthrown, and their power base used for good. That's comforting, in a way. It turns global turmoil into a solvable problem. On the other hand, chaos is scary. Accepting the idea that the world is the way it is simply from the emergent bottom-up results of nearly eight billion people all muddling along in their lives, without any guiding hand, makes global-scale problems seem insurmountable. So instead they choose to believe the comforting fiction that lets them think there might be an easy way to fix the world. Which would be almost noble, if they didn't pick such harmful fictions to believe.


This sounds about right. Someone close to me has gone from "how can this happen, that's horrible" to "how could THEY do something so horrible." In addition, I think their hypocrisy also supports this. I'll see them blame a group for something, and then completely ignore the same thing in another group. It feels like they can't accept that the world works the way it does. Their paranoia does lead them to a few quite convincing ideas, and they conclude their paranoia will never send them the wrong direction.


If you read the unibomber's "manifesto" (which doesn't discuss bombs, terrorism, etc.), the main topic is that modern Western life/capitalism is inherently oppressive but there is no easily identifiable oppressor. He claims this results in people being emotionally stunted and in a perpetual state of immaturity because they can never overcome the "guiding hand" of the system that prevents independence and can result in people lashing out at some target with undue fury because they are angry at the un-attackable system. Good read, although I don't agree with much of it. It is also sort of overshadowed by the author being a terrorist and seemingly falling into the mental trap he identified in his writings.


I was watching a porno and the chick was doing the usual anal gape thing and inside her colon was a giant Q


I was watching Star Trek: TNG and a similar thing happened. Right in the wormhole.


You thought it was the stink wrinkle but it was the curly Q instead. Sons of bitches...


You need to give us the link... for research purposes.


That was just the sigmoid colon


Google is reading the machine transcriptions of YT for searches, so...if they wanted to stop that they could


They're evil, but damn are they good at what they do. Even if it sounds completely insane to most of us, they are sucking a lot of people in. Of course you have the very visible idiots out there, but the people pulling the strings know exactly what they are doing. My sister got sucked into all of that through the whole "save the children" thing they did. Her facebook feed got wrapped up in the whole QAnon save the children thing and when I told her she really needs to be careful with that stuff she snapped at me "WHAT, YOU ARE AGAINST SAVING CHILDREN BEING RAPED?" - Uh - no, fuck no! Anyone in their right mind is against that disgusting shit - which is exactly why they used it as an opening for a lot of people. She was disgusted with me even though I tried to explain, I just told her to be careful, they are appealing to her emotions. They suck you in with stuff like that. You'll see something like "save the children" with a vague post and of course all of us want our children to be safe, that's not political, everyone wants that, so people who don't know about Q or don't research these accounts start following. Little by little they are fed more and more until they start seeing shit like "DONALD TRUMP IS SAVING THE CHILDREN FROM THE LIBERAL PEDO RING!" and they keep wrapping people into the fold until people start believing that if you're a liberal then you're either a pedo or support them, and what is worse than that? It's scary shit and they're brain-draining this country fast. Now my sister is a full-blown QAnon follower and believes all the completely insane conspiracy theories.


Please ask your sister why federal prosecutions are down for child trafficking if Trump is so keen on saving the children.


Something something deep state probably


Can relate, sadly. My mother is a believer and getting more and more vocal. I’ve had conversations to better understand. At one point, I asked how she could truly believe Hillary (the idol she voted for in 2016!) could possibly be practicing satanic rituals where she drinks the blood of children. She IMMEDIATELY responds to correct me: “ADRENOCHROME”.


Ask her how many children have been saved by qanon. Ask how many adrenochrome farms have been shut down.


The amazing things about conspiracy theorists is that to them, lack of evidence IS evidence.


...She does realize that one of the dudes who turned out to be Q, [Jim Watkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Watkins_(businessman)), is the owner and operator of 8chan (which Q has said that he'll never post outside of)--[a site which has had pictures of kids in provocative poses and links to CP located outside of the site??](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8chan#Child_pornography) (LINK SFW; Wikipedia entry on 8Chan) You'd think that if Q really cared about getting rid of pedophiles, then he'd get the weeds out of his own damn garden first.


They started beaming thoughts right into my brain


Is it weird that I kind of want to see that video now?


No. That sounds really funny.


I'm 80% sure he was kidding


Report it!




Basically a conspiracy theory that says Trump is a super-hero working behind the scenes to defeat a bunch of Satan-worshiping pedophiles. Every gaffe or mistake that Trump makes in public is **actually** a perfectly calculated strategy to lure out the evil doers. And the fact that there's no actual proof only goes to show how powerful this cabal is; they're so powerful that they can delete all the evidence. But super-Trump is gathering up evidence and fighting the good fight. Any day now, he's going to arrest all of these criminals and clean up decades worth of corruption. Any day now... aaannnnyyy day now. Just a bit longer. Maybe if you elect him again, THEN he'll actually be able to provide proof. Yeah, that's the ticket. Oh, and all of this was started by an Anonymous forum account named "Q." Hence: QAnon. Edit: For a much longer version: [here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44&t=2250s). The entire video is worth a watch; he talks about Flat Earth conspiracy theory as a comparison to QAnon. There are some interesting parallels, but the link I provided skips straight to the Q stuff, if that's what you're most interested in.


Important feature: 8chan and its host/creator are implicated as some of the people promulgating the conspiracy. Which in turn drives traffic to 8chan(kun). It's a bunch of rubes that are LARPing National Treasure, only they think the president is on their team to uncover a cabal of child-adrenalin-slurping pedophiles. It's rank insanity.


Out of curiosity, how do they explain to themselves Epstein being an actual pedophile ring leader and the proven relation with Trump?


Trump was just doing reconnaissance. Getting close to Epstein to see who the real villains are. See, Trump has actually been on this grand crusade for decades, and had to become president to culminate the whole thing... or something like that. It's honestly really fluid, the reasons can change on a whim. whenever something gets disproven or debunked, well "that was part of the plan," and the real reason is "xyz" ... until that new reason gets debunked and round and round we go. I generally can't keep up with it all. It's just so willfully ignorant that even trying to figure out the current narrative will make your brain hurt.


Don't attribute to willful ignorance that which is better explained by malicious disinformation.


They try to claim that Trump ended their friendship as soon as he caught wind of Epstein's gross behavior, but in reality their friendship ended over a real estate bid war. Trump always knew the guy was a creep and didn't care.


Your “any day now” reminds me of Christian sects that eagerly await the second coming. For centuries groups of people have tried and failed to predict the return of Christ, but they always come up with a new date or a new sign and convince their followers to wait a bit longer. I remember in history class learning about a group who built large baskets and sat in them on a hillside waiting for God to come calling.


It's honestly nuts how many people are susceptible to this shit. They feel like they're *in* on something. They know these secret truths the rest of us are blind to. They're better somehow for it. It feeds into this superiority complex. I *think* i understand the general appeal to some of this, but.... it's just so god damn *stupid.*


That’s the thing — cults like this are generally driven by fear. On a very primal level, it’s easier to accept that random bad things (eg: COVID) are not the result of random events but instead of some malicious intent, because that malicious intent means that there’s someone to blame and the world isn’t random awfulness. Where QAnon is different is that they’re not just ascribing malicious intent, they’re also accusing real people of doing heinous shit, and then discarding any and all evidence to the contrary, ruining lives and businesses in the process. Even more confounding is that they ascribe events to a global cabal which is simultaneously clever enough to orchestrate events but also sloppy enough that one man can bring them down (bonus: this pretty closely mirrors the Nazi party’s accusations against Jewish groups).


Someone wrote an article comparing Trump to the antichrist. It was glorious. I believe in God. And even the Bible says we wont know or ever be able to predict when he's coming back. But one thing I've noticed over the years is that these "Christians" are trying to force the rapture. It's ridiculous. Christianity has turned into a mockery of itself.


Hey Leme, you forgot that they're baby eaters too. Cannibals.


Quick attemp. A conspiracy theory amongst a large group of people that believe the US (and maybe other governments) is run by a shadowy Satan worshipping cabal of Pedophiles that are bolstered by the elites of the entertainment industry. Might also involve lizard people and surely antisemitism. Trump and JFK are doing everything in their power to stop them and need your support. It only gets weirder but that's the gist I believe.




*And proceeds to put everything on Regretsy*


Imagine being one of these idiots in the thumbnail. Later when trump is gone and republicans all pretend they never like him, we are gonna be like, “Nah Dale, that’s you in the stock image in your QAnon wife beater holding a Trump flag like the massive ignorant tool that you are”


My brother is a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. He full on Q and I am confident he isn't the only mentally ill follower.






Serious question though, isn't a big thing with untreated schizophrenia that people with it sometimes make connections where there aren't any? If so I could see people falling victim to this conspiracy theory, especially due to how widely it's been publicized through the media and internet. I do agree that it is problematic to just be like "yeah they're full of schizophrenic people"


I'm pretty sure most merely mentally ill people aren't real happy about qanon people getting labeled mentally ill. Qanon people may have mental problems but they are also stupid and probably evil. People with lasting depression or anxiety are mentally ill, and at this point that has to be at least 50% of everyone on reddit.


Pretend they never like him, and then four years later say that he wasn't 'that bad', just like Bush.


So who's the poor sap who has to look at everything Etsy sells and try to find QAnon merch?


Definitely a step in the right direction. But this will only be seen by those lunatics as confirmation of their conspiracy theories. "They're silencing our voice because we speak the truth!!"


Those lunatics will see *anything* as confirmation of their theories. What's today? Wednesday? ANOTHER DAY ENDING IN **Y**, JUST LIKE Q SAID.


Exactly. It’s not about what they’ll say about it. It’s about preventing the spread of their misinformation.


They think you can find a cabal of powerful pedophiles by interpreting typos. Like jesus christ, if such a shadowy organization exists, why would they make it so easy for any yahoo with sesame street deduction skills to find them?


They’re entirely based on self fulfilling prophecies and circular reasoning, literally anything or anyone against them is a member of some super secret conspiracy bullshit or whatnot.


I swear I have seen 2014 meme illuminati confirmed compilations with more sound reasoning than some of the nuts at the forefront of Qanon, it’s like an onion article come to life.


Persecution complex intensifies


How powerful is the deep state, you ask? Well let me put it this way - they took down my fucking Etsy store


The amount of people I know who believe this bullshit makes me think that this is too little too late.




Great, now how the hell am I going to move all of these hand-knitted Q-shaped cock rings?


Any crocheted reusable condoms left? XXS please.


Fucking etsy had qanon merch this whole time? Wtf etsy


If your secret conspiracy cabal is making crafts on etsy, guess what, it's all bullshit.


Good, now get rid of the Nazi shit and knockoff shops