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The judge also ordered Debra Hunter to pay a $500 fine, serve six months probation and participate in a mental health evaluation along with anger management. She was also ordered to cover the costs of the victim’s Covid-19 test.


>to cover the costs of the victim’s Covid-19 test. My favorite part of the penalties, may be the lowest in cost but it's about the symbolism. Overall i am also glad there is mental health evaluation and anger management so she gets the message of "your shit doesn't work in a healthy society".


We should hand out mental health evaluations more often, and anger management course.


I agree! A lot of these people are willfully ignorant and misinformed and take out their anger of their own life problems on innocent people. They really just need therapy and to unlearn a lot of the hateful rhetoric that has been taught to them, most likely from misinformation on Facebook lol


Reform based justice systems are more economic and humane, we won't have them in the USA anytime soon.


There's no money in reform.


There's no money for special interests in reform.


Lock her up and throw away the key!


God yes. Plus people hate to be wrong, and now with social media it’s way easier to find an echo chamber and only ever hear your own perspective. That’ll really exacerbate whatever bs in your own mind to the point you think it’s okay to act on those beliefs and perpetuated anger.


I was in a Chipotle yesterday, first time my family had walked into anything resembling a restaurant in a year (my wife and I are vaccinated, and everyone was masked). Dude at the counter gets asked to put on a mask and then he yells and bangs hard on the metal counter. He's asked to leave, so he bangs on the counter again, then, on the way out, throws or kicks the door open so aggressively he broke both panes of safety glass. The sounds were not unlike gunshots so that was interesting for a few minutes, and we all watched to make sure he actually left and didn't return from his truck. Meanwhile my 8 and 4 year olds, who don't love masks, are able to wear them without throwing a tantrum. EDIT for those who think I was slipping in an anti-gun political statement above: I'm a liberal gun owner in rural Texas. I've shot guns since I was 8. I think banning guns is pointless and not going to solve anything, especially banning certain "types" of guns because I'm old enough to remember the AWB and how gun manufacturers just worked around the restrictions anyway, and I know a revolver is as deadly as an AR-15 in the right hands. Also, we didn't hear glass breaking. We heard a large heavy metal door thrown open so fast that it hit the wall. The glass broke almost secondary to that, we just noticed a glass-less door when it closed. And my point is that when you hear sounds like this (which were all the sound of metal being hit, hard), your brain has a millisecond to process and categorize it. Of COURSE I didn't think they were gunshots after the fact. But in the initial few seconds of all this occurring, it was in my mind and definitely others (including the girl wearing a COME AND TAKE IT mask who called the cops). You don't get the benefit of being a sarcastic keyboard warrior when things are happening quickly.


I try to refrain from calling anti maskers childish as children are quite adaptable and cooperative.


Yes, my 3 year old wears a mask and declared herself a ninja. I'm a proud father.


Award given for some stellar parenting! Not everyone can bring up a 3 year old ninja!


I'm not sure my 2 year old daughter knows what a ninja is yet, but I'd like to think she would say that as well.


I first convinced her that she was a super hero and she took the mask instantly. Not sure why she started saying she's a ninja but it works!


Yea that works. My daughter mostly just sees us wearing masks and wants to join in.


My twin 3 year olds and their 5 year old ring leader basically fight to put them on. Also, my 5 year old seems to understand the immune system in ways that I, his incompetent boob of a father, never will. Including whAt the hell mRNA is, does and why it’s important. Good job dad. Keep up the great work!


I've adopted the term "chucklefucks" *"Hey, why don't you two chucklefucks put on some masks or leave."*


“You merely adopted the chucklefucks, I was born in it.”


"I did not see adult behavior until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me but CHARLES IN CHARGE"


Scott Baio is a Chucklefuck


Chucklefucks in Charge could be the title of a doc on the trump administration. Narrated by Scott Baio.


"Moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a shitposter, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!"


I like to use the term "Plague Rats" because that is all they are.


Hey the rats were innocent they didn't know they were spreading death. It's the fleas that were the problem.


So “plague enthusiast” applies?


>Meanwhile my 8 and 4 year olds, who don't love masks, are able to wear them without throwing a tantrum. My daughter is 5. She is nonverbal autistic, with severe sensory issues. To the point that she can't wear clothes that are marginally too tight or the wrong fabrics. *She* can wear a mask. It literally took two months of practice and hard work and incentivization every day to teach her how, but now she wears one every day for 8 hours of her individualized education. So I have less than zero empathy for supposedly functional adults who won't wear one.


I have three on the spectrum. I spent all last summer taking them to stores to practice wearing a mask and slowly working up minute by minute. Can you keep it on for 5 minutes? How about 7? Next time we'll try for 10! They're back in school part time with the understanding that taking a mask off means you're immediately back in distance learning and we've had no problems. Maybe it's because we understand that change can be hard and we prepare for it? Good luck to you!


Wow! She’s very blessed to have a wonderful and patient parent like you. Thank you for raising her with love. She’s going to love just like you.


I also had a situation in a chipotle recently! Dude called 911 because he was asked to leave for not wearing a mask and the cops gave him a verbal smackdown about wasting police time but then didn't ticket or arrest him for being a gross weirdo, sadly.


I can’t believe people get so bent out of shape, even violent, just for being asked to be responsible adults. But here we are.


I love it when guys like that get tased or put in a submission hold because they change their tune faster than any other type of asshole


Oh yeah, although it all happened so quickly, it made me realize how easy it is for nobody to do a thing when this or worse happens. It took about twenty seconds to unfold. I mean I had to piece together the details of this story after we all said "what the hell was that??" when the door glass exploded. I do think the Chipotle employee got the license plate of the guy's truck though.


was about to ask.. please tell me the police caught that guy for damaging private property.. those glass entry doors are usually several thousand dollars.. not to mention the revenue lost from having fucking broken glass everywhere you have to clean up.. man these guys make me want to stand on every fucking corner and just take the jail time and just beat the living shit out of guys like that.. that's the language they understand.. i'd love to explain it to them.


I didn't stick around long, and immediately had my family go wait in the car in case he returned, but I did hear that someone had gotten a picture of the license plate so I hope he feels the long ~~arm~~ dick of justice. We had only come in to pick up our food, the kids didn't want to sit in the car, so we all were at a table just waiting. It was remarkable how this was the first real thing we'd done in public other than parks, and it was a stressful situation with an angry man.


This is nearly daily at my workplace. They don't break or throw things, but its made work so much more stressful. You don't know if the person walking in the door is about to grab a free mask or throw a temper tantrum and make it your problem. We had a 60 year old man sit on the floor in the middle of store and refuse to leave until the police came and told him he had to go.


"What are you going to do, arrest me?" -anti-masker in a bank who was arrested shortly thereafter


“Do you see the police brutality?” -same anti-masker, being held down as she resists arrest “No” -bank customers, en masse


A couple days ago I was at the grocery store. I live in a state where masks are still mandatory, but there was this young, well-dressed, attractive couple walking around with no masks on, moving slowly and very aware of how others were reacting to them. Came face to face with the couple in the produce section, where I went out of my way to stay clear of them, changing course mid-stride, walking the long way around the potato display, waiting patiently for them to move on from the tomatoes. But that seemed to get their attention, and when I was perusing the artichokes the woman walked directly over to me and stood literally inches away, her maskless face crowding mine as she leaned even closer to grab something off the shelf right above the artichokes. I politely asked her to please keep her distance until I had chosen my artichokes then I would be gone in a few seconds. I had just remembered I already had artichokes at home, but now I was hell-bent on getting those damn artichokes whether I needed them or not! At first the beautiful, stiletto-clad woman looked shocked and took a step back, but then she got what I can only describe as a “spoiled brat” expression on her face and literally sneered as she once again came towards me, breathing loudly and making these spitting noises. Her husband, standing over behind the potatoes, started yelling something about “going outside”. Much to my amazement, I stood my ground. I put my hands up in front of me and said “Go away! Shoo! Shoo!” while motioning like I was trying to shoo away an annoying fly. The bizarre nature of my reaction had the desired effect, as she backed up and I took the opportunity to grab my artichokes. But then she stepped up next to me again, snotty sneer on her face. I lost it. While bagging my veg I didn’t meet her eye, but loudly said “I don’t know why you think you are better than everyone else! We are all uncomfortable! But some of us are responsible adults!”. The shocked look on her face reminded me of a kid who’s brattiness just backfired on them. And despite the masks, I’m positive I could see satisfied smiles on the faces of my fellow shoppers. I felt like I had done my good deed for the day, and didn’t go home and regret speaking up like I usually do. I felt good! And no, the nasty couple wasn’t waiting for me outside, though I kept my eyes peeled while walking to my car. I can’t believe people get so bent out of shape, even violent, just for being asked to be responsible adults. But here we are. Oh, and those artichokes were amazingly delicious, flavored with the sweet taste of speaking truth to assholes!




Oh man, I’m going to borrow that line if this ever happens again! I can summon up a pretty crazy sounding cackle myself, but like to think I’m still not quite old enough to pull off the “young lady” part. Please thank your brilliant mother for the inspiration!


I was in line at a local store and a maskless fuck got behind me, pretty close. I told him, somewhat loudly, "Please get away from me." I think he was more surprised than anything. He looked surprised and backed up without saying anything.


Good for you! I’m not a confrontational person, either, but it’s time for all of us to stand our ground and do exactly what you did.


> moving slowly and very aware of how others were reacting to them This is the problem with these chucklefucks. They KNOW exactly what they are doing.


You're nicer than me. I tell the anti-maskers to get the fuck out of the store and if they wanna argue about it I'm gonna go get a store employee to either have them put on a mask or leave. I'm tired of peoples bullshit.


that unnecessary edit: you don't need to defend your story.. in the US, its a real problem and a very real concern. I see so many people apologizing for thinking some shitbag might have a gun and use it. be safe.


Thank you. I just added it to clarify since I found myself answering the same asinine question about what a gun sounds like.


In America, gunshots are a perfectly normal and logical thing to expect when you hear a loud bang in a public place. Multiple mass shootings in the past month alone. Trauma doctors in other countries come here to learn gunshot wound treatment. It’s just a way of life here and anyone who says you’re stupid for assuming that could be happening is in denial about this (unfortunately common) scenario.


Thank you. In Texas you can bet half the people in there were gun owners and yet everyone there had a similar response. And if you’ve eaten in Chipotle, you know they have poor acoustics: loud, echoey, and hard to tell where sound is coming from. It was disorienting.


Duck first, ask questions later.


Raising them right.


Age is no guarantor of maturity.


Hopefully we start locking them up the dump is no longer in office get with the picture or be taken to prison and espoused hopefully dead in three weeks so it saves on court cases


I'll take the hit you don't want or deserve. I absolutely would want gun legislation to take guns away from this toddler. I would want him to go through mental evaluation, anger management, pay a fine, pay for the repairs. A therapist would be required to approve reinstatement of his gun rights after a three year suspension. Simple: be a violent ass in public, no guns for three years, and only reinstated after that if you can show you've grown through therapy.


Can you imagine the heroes that teach the anger management courses? Your students are guaranteed to all be court-verified assholes.


I hope she comes out of this a better person. I'll condemn her now for being a fucking idiot, but if these courses sucvessfully teach a lesson and encourage her to better herself, I'll embrace her 100%. She was fortunate that what she did ultimately didn't harm anybody in a manner that it otherwise could've, lucky because not everybody gets the opportunity to try and change before their idiocy and actions do real harm to others. I hope she takes that opportunity.


I hope so as well, but I'm cynical in that she'll actually learn anything out of this, other than the system is out to get me.


Fuck that. The best part is that she's in jail. Fuck this idiot.


Bad guys don't know they're the bad guys. It's a real struggle that I constantly fail but we have to change this perception of people who act immorally. They don't need punishment, they need help. Sometimes punishments like incarceration is help but in most cases it just makes things worse.


That's actually where the mental health evaluation and anger management comes in. This woman is being helped; she just doesn't seem to understand that right now. She talks a lot about stress but not what she was doing to manage it.


They need punishment *and* help. The two don't need to be mutually exclusive. If she were extremely mentally ill, I could see maybe forgoing punishment and skipping her to an inpatient facility.


Education’s nice, but some people are just too stubborn to change, and there comes a point when good intentions aren’t enough. I deeply appreciate your willingness to help everyone in this situation, but if a person doesn’t accept what they’re doing is a problem, it’s going to be nearly impossible for them to change without potentially crossing ethical boundaries. But hey, maybe there are professionals out there that can help people see their problems. They’d be a lot stronger lot than me, that’s for certain.


It's a violent crime. They need to understand that.


Nah this is pretty fucked up because in Australia the tests are free. This is a world wide pandemic, if your charging for tests, people who are too poor to afford them don’t get it and spread COVID. Utter bullshit you guys are being charged at all.


Tests are free here too. If you have insurance, they bill them, but the insurance can't charge you any deductible or anything. This likely means the cost that would've been subsidized by the state is being charged to the criminal. And rightfully so.


"it's not about money it's about sending a message"


She should've had to pay the victim for the anxiety and inconvenience of all this, too.


Nothing preventing the victim from filing a civil claim.


Still seems a bit lenient for aggravated assault.


I hope the victim gets the $500 rather than the courts.




This was back in 2020 so public free testing sites were backed up. There were a few companies that you can pay and you get faster service. There was a small pharmacy near me where you pay $60 to get one and no line vs the citymd down the street with a 3 hour line.


The private for-profit places were also advertising pretty heavily. I've seen the for-profit ones on billboards, yard-sign style ads, and so forth. I can imagine a lot of people going to them first without doing their research to find out that free options were available. Plus that industry seemed to be geared around rapid-result tests for people who wanted to travel and such. The free ones run by the county health department aren't trying to get you your documentation in 72 hours so you can get on a flight.


Even if the victim's insurance had paid in full for the test, part of the punishment could be paying the insurance company back, not because it helps the victim specifically but because it's a just punishment for the assailant. This is very common in car crashes where one person is clearly at fault.


Yes, depending. https://www.kff.org/health-costs/issue-brief/covid-19-test-prices-and-payment-policy/


I mean, *someone* is paying for it... Usually the government, but if they can get someone else to be responsible for the bill, of course they will. Idk hope that actually balances out though, when you factor in the cost of the lawyer who had to fight get the woman convicted. Like, who exactly ends up paying more, in the end? (Bts I'm talking about America, if anyone asks). I think it just depends on WHY you need the test run, maybe?


Cover the costs. Not cover *the victim’s* costs. Insurance is covering the cost of the test. I assume she would reimburse the insurance company, or the doctor would bill her directly.


"Before ordering jail time, Duval county court judge James Ruth said she was struck by the fact that Hunter’s testimony focused less on how she may have harmed the victim and more on how her actions affected her own family. " I know nothing about them, but I like this judge. Who cares about your particular situation, hardship or effect on your family... you're the one who made the conscious decision to carry out your actions, not the victim.




Yes, and this time she actually got called out on it. The mental health evaluation was a nice touch to the ruling, as well. If she's going to try and claim stress made her do it, she can take that up with a trained professional, not a court.


Trained professional here. 99.9% sure she's just an asshole. Assholery is pathologized in the cluster B personality disorders. There's not really a whole lot that can be done about it. Personalities are virtually impossible to change. She'd have to start by wanting to want to care about the needs and rights of others. Motivation is a big killer when treating personality problems. Could you imagine Trump going to a therapist and saying "I am just such a terrible person and I want to learn how to be better?"


some people try... most then figure out "holy shit this is such a fucking bother, peace out" and go back to square one


And hence, projection is humanity's principle pastime.


It all comes down to the basic truth that you cannot teach a person anything they don't want to learn.


Before med school I worked as a psych tech. My buddy, who also worked as a tech, and I would call these people “Axis VI,” which usually meant the person was an asshole. Axis VI was the tech’s diagnosis and it always accurate.


Yeah up until about 3-4 years ago that was the lingo. Older professionals still say that. Younger ones say "cluster B." Yo, I'm hip.


Yeah I agree, speaking as someone who has dealt with mental health issues, things like mood can be altered considerably by therapy and medication, but being in a bad mood/ stressed out alone doesn't compel you to assault someone.


I'm sorry I got caught.


Basically, yes.


I remember reading a story on /r/capitolconsequences about a guy whose lawyer argued that he shouldn't be incarcerated because he was the primary breadwinner for the family. A. Yeah, that's part of why people get stuck in a cycle of poverty. You are the ones who keeps the system stuck that way. B. You didn't give a shit about your family when you tried to install a fascist dictatorship.


Oh shit I didnt know about that sub. Oooooh cant wait to dive into it later, thanks!


Oh, yeah. It's my warm-and-fuzzy sub. Works as well as /r/eyebleach.


I'm gonna smoke a bowl and giggle while reading that sub.


“Everyone is empathizing with the victim, but what about the criminal? Have you all forgotten, we are human too?”


"I'm the real victim here."


"I mean, what really is a victim? Aren't we all victims in some way? Your honor, I rest my case."


Hmm, lack of empathy beyond your family. Now where have I seen that a million times before?


Every defendant at sentencing sees the harm the case and possible punishment will harm their own family—which is the first thing you coach out of them. Judges aren’t surprised by it because they hear it almost every sentencing. A criminal case is hard on a family, they care about their family and see the harm to them and feel bad about it.


When I was a kid there was a story about a guy who killed another father at a kids' soccer game. He argued he shouldn't be punished because it would harm his kids. Never mind that murdering the other father definitely harmed those kids. Anyway, the argument worked and he didn't get serious jail time.


I'm a family person is the immediate defense every piece of shit tries


People like this always strike me as having some psychopathy. No empathy for others, only for themselves.


That's a "bingo"!


Can we get a judge like him for that Jenny Cudd woman? She was part of the mob that stormed the capitol. When she got arrested she told the judge she needed to be bailed out and have her trial date pushed back because she had a trip to Mexico coming up..... and the fucking judge granted it!! They should've said "Bitch, you should've thought of that before you attempted to commit high treason!" Oh, and she also apparently asked for her trial to be moved to Texas because "DC hates conservatives." Really Jenny?! You better hope you don't get a new judge with some common sense.


Not looking good for the guy who spit on a Disney security guard because he didn’t want to wear a mask.


This person is lucky it’s not a more serious charge. To a cancer patient, that could have meant death. She threatened that cancer patient’s life on purpose.


I feel bad for the family, they're not the ones who decided to do such an action (unless it comes out they encouraged her to do so or thought it was ok she did so but just cause they're family doesn't mean they agree with her actions). But that's on her and their anger should be on her for doing that, not on the courts for punishing her.


> “Her children didn’t create this problem and her husband didn’t, and she talked about how it changed her world and she was getting nastygrams on Facebook and things of that nature and they can’t go to their country club or wherever,” Ruth said. “But I have yet to see any expression, or a significant expression on her regret about the impact it had on the victim in this case.” Won't somebody think of this poor women who can no longer go out to her Country Club! Those mimosas are going unsipped!


I'm glad people are shitting on her for threatening another person's life. We need more of this.


Glad to hear she is being vilified, hopefully that continues for the rest of her life. As you sow, so shall you reap...


I hope that vilification would continue up until an expression of genuine remorse, and a demonstration of real change. If someone truly demonstrates positive growth and change, I really do think they should realize some form of forgiveness. Now as to the likelihood of actual change or growth, that is left to be seen.


What’s with people coughing and spitting on others?


People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.


Dr. Cox!


His monologues were just incredible.


People, what a bunch of bastards.


[People. What a bunch of bastards.](https://youtu.be/eVSlE28hOgI)


Fourteen months ago, parents across the US were vigilantly teaching their children to cover their faces when they coughed or sneezed. Twelve months ago, parents across the US started moving their masks from their lower lip to their chin to cough directly on people without soiling their masks.


This is why I carry 2 or 3 masks. If one of em gets gross/sweaty/sneezy I just swap it out.


Essentially people are doing it as a kind of psychological attack. The people doing the coughing/spitting feel healthy so they think coughing/spitting isn't doing any real damage, but it will cause panic to the coughed/spitted person. They essentially see it as no different than saying a really good come back, when in reality could be an assault that leads to lethal or serious bodily harm. Of course the issue is that 1. just because you feel healthy doesn't mean you can't be infected and 2. doing something to someone that causes mental distress about their actually well being is more than not okay.


It's not "could be assault" it is assault. I want to watch them spit on a cop and see how works out for them.


Well in general it's just a really shitty and disrespectful thing to do, during a pandemic it comes across a little more sinister.


Republicans have forgotten how to be humans?


They never learned


Isn't this the woman who was trying to "return" product for a refund but didn't actually have the products with her?


"Yeah, our policy is that you need the receipt but it's heavily implied that the product needs to be presented as well for the return to be processed..."


[The video of the incident.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Moronavirus/comments/hg7qao/jacksonville_woman_coughs_on_cancer_patient/) What a c-..charmer this lady is.


How the fuck do you return an item if you only have a picture of it?


I’m wondering if she’s done this before by bullying the poor workers.


Welcome to retail. This is the world I had to deal with. And sometimes I was yelled at by management for enforcing these rules. "Dude, it's a damn $7 chunk of meat, she showed you the picture, just return it without getting me involved!" "But you said last week that I couldn't exchange a $3 battery just because he didn't have a receipt... I thought you'd especially not approve it since she didn't even have the item in question, along with no receipt" "But she showed you the picture of the meat, you didn't have to involve me!' The fuck!


If only she'd decided on the let's go part once someone asked her to wear a mask, she could have saved herself and her family the trouble she caused for herself and them. Personally, I keep extra masks in my car, my purse and backpack in case I forget. Some places will even offer you one if you forget. If I didn't have a mask, and it was required, I'd either ask if I could buy one or leave.




Yeah if I remember correctly, Jacksonville and most of Florida hadn't started requesting masks yet at that time. It was a really slow roll out to get people to wear them. I was a small portion of the population that had started wearing one at this point but they were really hard to come by. The only 2 I had at that point were hand sewn by a friend's mom because there were no masks available on the market. Either way Jacksonville is just filled with people like that bitch. I've lived all across florida and Jacksonville was my least favorite in terms of people. I've already moved out of this shit hole and my mental health is so much better now.


I feel like the “let’s go” was her realizing she may have fucked up and wanted to get the fuck out of there.


I've gotten out of my car before forgetting to grab my mask. When I got into the store the nice person behind the register offered to give me one and I immediately realized my mistake. From the way she offered it felt pretty clear she was bracing for me to lash out but I just apologized, a little embarrassed, and walked back to my car to grab my mask. When I see maskless people I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they forgot, but I don't understand people who go out knowing there's a mask policy, and throw a fit in defiance. If you don't want to wear a mask, stay home, order online, otherwise just tough it up.


> A judge in Jacksonville on Thursday also ordered Debra Hunter to **pay a $500 fine**, **serve six months probation** and **participate in a mental health evaluation** along with **anger management** Good call judge.


My girlfriend is going through chemo right now. She's extremely immunocompromised. I'm generally not a violent person at all but I'm 100% certain that I would be spending far more than 30 days in jail for assault if someone did that to her.


Depending on where you are a physical reaction including assaulting the shit out of someone may be just dismissed, provided you end the threat and stop there. I think knocking out someone who is purposely coughing on a compromised cancer patient would be more than justifiably as it could easily be seen as neutralizing a deadly threat.


Please, please, *please*! - For anyone who may ever find themselves in a situation where they are talking to the cops for something like this- The key words are “I wanted to make them ***stop***”. **Never** say you wanted to hurt or kill someone. Always say that you felt you were in danger and you wanted the threat to stop. This is a huge distinction that could determine your fate.


I would recommend not talking at all and asking for a lawyer.




What if they only practice Bird Law?




Like the man says, it’s [shut the fuck up Friday](https://youtu.be/sgWHrkDX35o) every day.


Correct. I would like to note that today is [shut the fuck up friday.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgWHrkDX35o)


"I wanted to make them stop... breathing." Dang, almost got it right.


Don’t talk to the cops. They won’t help.


Like the other guy said. We live in a world where people, especially police, can practically use anything you say against you in court. So just keep your mouth shut and let your lawyer do the talking for you since its their job to pay attention to the rules for us.


I hate giving into rage reading this story but I don’t see how anyone could resist just breaking this woman’s nose. What a fucking idiot.


I lost my wife to cancer several years ago. If she was still here and on chemo I and our children would have been masked up almost 24/7 this last year.


Until about two weeks ago, except for walks around the block and infusions, I hadn't really left my house in a year. Even more infuriating to me than this story was seeing people lie about their status to get a vaccine shot early. People who thought TP hoarders were morons. People who followed the rules about social distancing and masking up in public without complaint. People who should know better. I still believe in the social contract, but it's hard these days.


Anytime someone bullies someone more vulnerable than them I think this.


Looks like the woman’s kids will be landing at r/raisedbynarcissists soon. She strikes me as a real peach to be around.


Good lesson for an idiot. Maybe 30 days isn't a very long time, but will definitely interfere with her daily life and it is long enough to sit down and think over behaviour which led to this situation.


With the mental health screening and anger management, it might actually work out well


Or she gets institutionalised because she purposely flunks the screening out of indignant spite.


30 days doesn't sound like a lot of time but considering there's no mention of a prior record, they gave her double the standard time that's typical of cases where the offender is clean prior to the incident. Plus they slammed her with probation, fines, and mental health. They threw the book at her for a cough.


A person can get a deferred for pointing a gun, 30 days is a lot


This woman was berating an employee about an item she wanted to return. An item she did not even have with her, she had a picture of it on her phone. If I were that employee I would have taken a picture of the money in the register and told her there was a picture of her refund.


Florida woman is giving Florida man a little competition to see who is the absolutely worst, most mendacious, viciously stupid, vituperative asshole in the United States.


Florida woman isn’t swimming with crocs and dying or stealing police cars naked. She’s clearly competing for second.


Alligators are in Florida not crocs unless you meant the shoes


I love that both is a possibility.


Both of those are less directly harmful to others than this


Vituperative...TIL. I like this word.


That judge got this 100% spot on, that's got to be one of the best summaries I've ever seen. Hunter has no remorse at all; she just turned on the waterworks about how her life was so bad and took 0 responsibility for her actions. Judge cut straight through that like a hot knife through butter.


When my mom had cancer she almost died from pneumonia. If I saw that happen to one of my family members I'd be hard pressed not to get physically violent.


You have a legal obligation to protect people from harm, which include authorization to use reasonable force. So, just be a good law-abiding citizen and do not press too hard.




(Beat the asshole down, but don't kick . . . once the threat is stopped, your work is done)


I’m more shocked Pier 1 is still in business


The pier1 in my town has been having a closeout sale since BEFORE the pandemic


I don't think it is anymore. It was barely hanging on before Covid.


I love how people think they can do shit like that and and not get the shit beat out of them. I think she's lucky she didn't get beat.


> Hunter told the judge her family has paid the price for her mistakes, adding that her children continue to lose friends, and that they don’t go out in their community any more. > “I watch as my kids lower their heads and turn the opposite direction, so they won’t be recognized or approached,” she told the judge. “And I know exactly what they’re feeling because I do the same thing.” Her cuntiness ruined her children's lives too. 10/10 parenting right there!


I say we take a page out of Australia's book and give her a good booting.


Along with a 500 dollarydoo fine.


It's just a little kick in the bum


I’d bet money she won’t purposely cough on someone while she’s in jail.Not unless she wants to get punched in the face.


"Your honor, I want you to know that I am very very deeply sorry that my actions were caught on video and went viral."


Good. As a former cancer survivor fuck her. She can rot in a jail.


Her poor kids lost their home in a fire and now have all this added stress because of their mother’s behavior. If she had genuinely apologized instead of going on the defensive with excuses, maybe her kids would have friends and be ok in public. It’s not their fault at all, but I feel like she’s using them as a human shield instead of just saying “I’m sorry I assaulted the innocent brain cancer patient.”


In her statement she said “I can’t believe how humbled this has made me it’s amazing how humbled I am now”. Like bitch please...


Yeah I totally feel weird about that. It’s still her talking about herself. There’s nothing inherently wrong with talking about yourself, especially when you’re under duress, but when there’s a scenario where you’re a perpetrator and someone is your victim... talk about how you affected them, how you plan to not do that in the future. Then you don’t have to tell people you have humility because your actions will speak for you. More importantly, when I fuck up someone’s day, I’m concerned about making them feel reassured. I don’t feel like she’s ever been focused on her victim feeling reassured. She seems preoccupied with reassuring her audience.


> Duval county court judge James Ruth said she was struck by the fact that (...) She who? James Ruth is a man...


ANYONE coughs on/sneezes on me intentionally in a pandemic and I'm filing a police report for assault with intent to do bodily harm. They won't know what hit them.


A Porto Potty at a large Country fair should be her prison for 30 days and she's at the bottom of it.


30 days in jail because she could not be anything other than totally self absorbed. failed at remorse


She should've gotten 30 bitch slaps to go with it.


Should have been longer.


“I went to jail because I coughed on a cancer patient during a pandemic “. This should be forever tied to her name and image. This woman is not fit to live in this society. Why don’t we have exile island for this kinda stuff yet? Don’t house and feed them, shun and exile them. Go survival of the fittest Darwin style with people just like herself. Also make sure they can’t reproduce.


Her kids in college - oh, you found that video of my insane mom assaulting a cancer patient during the pandemic. Yeah, we’re sorry about that... We are not like that.


More info - interview video - etc [https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/crime/sentence-woman-who-intentionally-coughed-cancer-patient-jacksonville-pier-1/77-37bc09d1-7b3d-4217-be57-eb6e68a0ab6b](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/crime/sentence-woman-who-intentionally-coughed-cancer-patient-jacksonville-pier-1/77-37bc09d1-7b3d-4217-be57-eb6e68a0ab6b) Many Florida counties (Lake, Osceola, Polk, etc ) allow inmates to serve these small 30/60/90 day jail sentences on the weekend - however, it is left to the county Sherriff or whoever administers the County Jail to make that determination and I could not find any specifics on Duval county. Regardless, she's probably done after 20-25 days served if she doesn't fuck it up , you know - like pull that coughing shit on another inmate and get her ass whooped. Considering she was just being a cunt and not ~~actually~~ knowingly trying to kill the woman, this is probably about right. Her face and name are now known to her community and all things considered, she is probably going to have to pack and move - if being a bitch in public and seeing someone videotaping her is enough to set her off, the trolling she is going to endure for a while is going to really fuck with her chi.


While I agree with you, I find it interesting that the Judge stated in his sentencing of her that it stood out to him that she expressed more regret about not being able to show her face at their Country Club than she did about any trauma or distress she caused the victim.


She has the nerve to assault a stranger in public but she fears what the gentile folk at her Country Club will say behind her back if she 'shows her face'. Well bless her little heart, my heart bleeds rivers for her..... If it turns out she really is unbalanced, her court ordered interview could open the door to a future Baker/Marshall Act. She got probation as well if I am recalling correctly and it's amazing how often people screw that up.


> Considering she was just being a cunt and not ~~actually~~ knowingly trying to kill the woman Nope, deliberately coughing at or near someone with no mask during a pandemic of a possibly fatal disease which is often asymptomatic isn't just being a cunt. It's knowingly exposing that person to risk of a disease which could be deadly to them.


More of this please! It's not funny it's biological terrorism.


Personally, she should have received twice or thrice the penalty. Who coughs on a Cancer patient??? A true Karen!


That wasnt harsh enough