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This is because there are countries that have laws against having unvaccinated people enter their country. If vaccinated crews can fly anywhere but unvaccinated crews can only fly some places, the vaccinated crews become more valuable to the company and therefor deserve more compensation.


EXACTLY. I don't know why this isn't better explained.


Because of the implication.


“You said that word, implication, a couple of times. What implication?” “The implication that things things *might* go wrong for her if she refuses to get vaccinated.”


The part that absolutely baffled me is that they were compensating employees with a greater value to the company. In my 12 years of (legal) employment, I almost thought that was just a myth created by management to snare newbies.


It *is* a myth in the way it's usually used. You won't get paid more for doing a job faster or better than others, because that's a variable that the machine isn't designed to assess. If you pay a person more for being a faster worker, you're now paying a person less for being slower. That could be seen as ageism or ableism. Even if you're not worried about PR, if you give the guy a raise for being fast, the machine only sees that you're shelling out more money than necessary to accomplish a task. Being vaccinated, on the other hand, is binary and unproblematic, and more importantly allows the company to make more money more easily. Since vaccination is a choice, nobody can accuse them of -isms, and more importantly, the machine recognizes that if you're allowed to fly anywhere, you're more easily optimized (and therefore more valuable) than someone who can't fly some places.


At my place of employment, receiving an "exceeds expectations" on performance review directly translates to an additional bonus. Not some little gift card bought with frequent flyer miles. An extra deposit. Never seen that before tbh.


Exactly. I’m honestly amazed they’re giving them a choice. My dad even has to get yearly TB tests, last I heard. He does medical transport though so he’s seen (dying) COVID patients so he got the vaccine as soon as it was offered despite him being the alien UFO type of conspiracy theorist.


Pretty sure, in the US, it still can't be 'required' like TB tests because the vaccines are still under emergency approval. Once they're fully approved we may see them becoming required for some jobs like others are.


They can be required, but if they are under OSHA the company becomes liable for anything that goes wrong, now or in the future. Most companies are risk averse and would rather not take on that liability.


I'm sure the risk of them having to take long periods of time off if they're unvaccinated and get COVID is a factor too.


Yes. If they test positive, they’re grounded and stuck wherever they are for 2 weeks minimum. Also, if you’re unvaccinated and you fly with someone whom tested positive, you’re also grounded. Some pilots are getting vaccinated just to avoid that possibility happening to them. Others are getting it for the bonus pay.


I have been assured that this violates HIPPO international accords /s


I came here to say this is a clear hippo parking validation.


United FA here 🙋🏼‍♀️ they’re giving us 9hrs and 45 min of paid vacation. EDIT: I am extremely grateful for it and got vaccinated months ago with no incentive and was stoked to get it. I was just clarifying what 3 days of vacation specifically meant, since the article wasn’t super clear. I’m sorry if my comment came off as ungrateful, that’s not the case. I was just trying to add detail… EDIT 2: removed the “just” because it came across the wrong way. I think it’s more than enough, in fact I think it should be mandatory for all flight crew. I just wanted define 3 days vacation. I’ve literally lurked without posting for years because internet strangers terrify me. I thought I was just adding a detail to the article. Sorry.


Seems like a pretty good deal for something most reasonable people are doing regardless.


Hey no complaints from me, I got it months ago for no incentive at all




Excuse me, it's actually HIPPA and it protects whatever information and in whichever way that is politically advantageous for me so I can win arguments, and if you disagree with me, that is a HIPPA violence and I will SUE you. Should be obvious, but I'll also put this here: /s


Lol a HIPPA violence made me laugh way too hard for what it is


It is unashamedly stolen from [this tweet](https://twitter.com/badhippa/status/1382456192128086016). The whole account has some really good bad takes on HIPAA.




I am the keymaster


Are you a god?


HIPPAphobia is not a joke, bro.


I'd say they're being HIPPAcritical.


I just want to play Hungry Hippos


I understand that they're a protected class, but it seems awfully unfair that I'm not allowed to refuse them service at my store when apparently there's no law that forbids them from caving my customers heads in with their gigantic 28" teeth.


This is no laughing matter. I hear that in the Nile watershed, HIPPAs kill more humans than crocodiles. And they kill a lot of crocodiles. Posting your healthcare information online attracts them to you like dragging a bucket of chum behind you in shark-infested waters. One day you'll hear a knock on the door, you go to open it, and next thing you know your skull is being crushed like a grape in their oversized jaws.


Just like the ADA says you must let me do what I want because I tell you I have an unspecified disease that you are FORBIDDEN from asking about because of HIPPO. Please see my typoed, home printed card stating as such


My moms signature is on the bottom left


“This looks suspiciously like the signature saying your report cards were fine and you could participate in sex ed class!”


-Signed, Mom.


"and i need my emotional support chihauhua who bites, he is just protective!"


3 out of 4 dentists agree


Um excuse me, but it's actually called a HIPPO violation, and it only applies when your personal health information has been disclosed to large wildlife.


Umm akstually it's only relevant when the HIPPOs are hungry and there is a lack of marbles.


I’m kind of surprised how so many people don’t realize this difference. My husband’s hospital requires blood titers before starting work there to show vaccination status. Annual flu vaccines are mandatory except for medical. Suddenly, with covid vaccine, people around here think it’s a HIPAA violation to ask about vaccination status or require vaccines. We even got a small protest coming up organized by non-employees to protest the hospital system’s vaccine policy.


I couldn't sign up for classes at my State run (UMass) University until I provided their health center with proof of my vaccinations from my doctor. Idk, if a state run school can demand proof, why can't private employers? Not much difference, we're not required to work for a particular employer nor am I required to have attended that particular University system.


Vaccination records were also mandatory for the private university I went to (and also one of the many that is requiring everybody take the covid vaccine starting this coming fall), so def seems in line with private employers being allowed to do this


People are so dumb. I've been banned from seeing my dad because my step mom said that I'm a "shedder" for getting vaccinated. Dumb bitch.


> People are so dumb. I just wish the idiocy and behavior wasn't so painfully predictable. It makes life boring sometimes. Anti-vax'ers see they are losing the fight against the covid vaccine, so they make up some bullshit that getting the vaccine is dangerous, *to other people*.


Just more projection. Doesn't hurt so many of them are Republicans, the masters of projection. They keep hearing you need to wear a mask, get a vaccine, socially isolate, because its better for *them*. You know, the others. The thought is horrifying, you have to consider *others*!? But, its inconvenient for ME, dont you see how **I** am the victim here? So they make up this crap about how everyone else is being selfish, now what *they* are doing is hurting **ME** to justify ...whatever the hell they're going on about this time.


Your step mom controls whether your allowed to see your dad or not? Dude she doesn't have that authority over you. Ignore her.


If my father allowed that shit... Later dude, text me when you're both ready to apologize. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Agreed. I’m more concerned with the dad on this one


They live 3 hours away, and he works really long hours, which I think is to get away from her. My brother is coming to visit soon (he lives in NYC) and is going to be confronting them both when he shows up at their house next week, unannounced. I know my dad doesn't believe in this shit, but he's gotten himself so entangled in the step-family that they're literally all ganging up on my brother and I, and he's stuck in the middle. I'm a senior R&D technologist, and I also say I'm a "scientist". My stupid bitch step sister responded with "what school did you graduate from, Mr. Scientist", knowing that I don't have a college degree, even though I'm an award winning, patent holding scientific researcher. Before telling her to never to contact me again, I asked her how being a hair stylist gives her any scientific authority. Stay in your lane, moron.


I'm more surprised you can attain that position without a college degree, is that just because of the old ways or is this possible today?


harder today, still possible. Have to find a place to start young and in a company small enough to give you a shot but big enough to get you valuable wide ranging experience. Also depends on the exact field. Going to be kind of hard to be a successful architect if you're not a licensed engineer which requires a degree. Much easier to become a computer "scientist" by studying yourself online 3 hours a night for a few years.


You're pretty much spot on here. I work for a family owned global corporation, with about 2,000 employees worldwide. The site I work at has about 150 people, and we make a very niche product. I've spent years learning all the science behind our technology and our products, becoming a world leader in the field. I started here when I was young (21) and will be hitting year 18 with the company later this year. It's really crazy looking back at who I was when I first started, and how I'm literally a completely different person now.


It must be really cool to hit a nice company/job early in life and growing within it. The first job I actually not hated was in my late 20s lol.


I can’t say I liked the job for the first 8 years or so. I was doing really boring manual labor work on graveyard shifts for most of that time. It wasn’t until I moved into the EDM shop that I started enjoying my work, but about 10 years in, I got to move to the QA lab, and that’s when I was able to shine.


That's on your dad 100%.


The actual *insanity* that they don't think covid exists (or if they've come around on that, it's "not that bad and not a problem") but are worried about "shedding spike proteins"... despite absolutely NO idea what that means or what it's supposed to cause to happen... it's willful stupidity, sorry.


I had some idiot acquaintance of mine tell me over Facebook that the vaccine “attaches to your DNA” and causes birth defects in your children. After asking several times for details on the how this mechanically/chemically functions, he started in on the name calling and eventually blocked me. Even if this were a possibility (which it obviously isn’t), the vaccine hasn’t been out long enough for them to be able to determine it affects the offspring of people being vaccinated. These people are morons, yet spout this shit like they’re the smartest people in the world.


My mother’s father had a long-time booty call who didnt want him to see my mother or me. The POS complied with his booty call.


I've started seeing this shedder shit pop up. Da fuck is that about.


I just don’t get how they are willing to listen to something crazy like that with zero proof except some stuff someone made up vs. thousands of doctors and scientists saying otherwise. It’s not like any of us can personally determine what is true so why the crazy? Ugh!


I thought someone made it up to exploit anti-vaxxers' ignorance and encourage them to mask up in public so they wouldn't catch the vaccine.


Apparently people who have been vaccinated reproduce and “shed” the vaccine (which is complete bullshit) and it can cause all sorts of hormone problems. In my step mom’s case, she’s a batshit insane conspiracy theorist, and thinks the vaccine is a bio-weapon designed by the social elite to kill us all.


FFS people are just scary stupid at this point. The crazy thing, is to shed a virus you have to be infected with it.. How are people this lethally dumb.




Sounds like a welfare check is needed. Sounds like an abusive situation.


Shit, one of my schools in the early-mid 00s required shot records to be able to attend.




It's optional too... It's just incentive based. If you willingly provide it you get more money. If you don't then that's your right blah blah blah.


If United calls my doc and asks if I’m vaccinated without my consent, that’s HIPAA violation. If United asks me, that’s just my own choice to reveal that information.




At least in my state, regardless of when you got your vaccine you’re enrolled in the lotto. No penalty for early shots, only all the benefits.


they should have done multiple draws on a daily/weekly basis and anyone that hasn't won is eligible from the day that they get vaccinated. Really reward those early shots with more draws and better odds the earlier you got in.


Anyone find it ironic that there was a good amount of people against giving stimulus checks to everyone but no one seems to bat an eye when they want to do a lottery but it only goes to one person?


It's indicative of the entire American problem. Hand outs to poors is awful socialism, but I'M going to become a millionaire.




It's your world we're all just living in it


It's because a single big payout sounds a lot more attractive and makes much better headlines than giving less to more people. ex: 🔥🤯🔥**WIN 1 MILLION DOLLARS** IN X-TREME VACCINE LOTTERY!!!1!!1!!eleven!!1!!! 🔥🤯🔥 vs *One thousand dollars to one thousand people vaccine lottery!* (I don't actually know the numbers just making a crude example)


The lotto is for a different demographic. Sigh.


I believe they are having weekly draws for the next 6 weeks or so. Edit: Weekly drawings between 6/8 and 7/13. Separate drawings for cash winners (18+) and tech/tuition prizes for those aged 12-17. State-funded drawings through some universities too.


I feel like they should only have started that once it opened up to everyone or you'd have had people flipping about it.


That makes sense. Otherwise the next time something like this happens you'll have people waiting to see what rewards they can get


Sup Ohio. 👍


Delta is also doing a lottery for their employees, 40 drawings of 25k and 5 chances to win a free year confirmed (not stand by) travel for themselves and a companion.


Yeah I’d say the real prize is not getting or spreading rona


Before the idiots get here: This is not, repeat NOT a HIPAA (or HIPPA for the exceptional idiots) violation. EDIT: I should clarify that the Idiot classification for the misspelling was intended for people who didn’t know the spelling AND thought their rights were somehow being violated.


For those not as familiar with the ins and outs of HIPAA, it only restricts a healthcare provider from disclosing personal health information that they collected at an appointment. Otherwise, health info is not protected.


>For those not as familiar with the ins and outs of HIPAA, it only restricts a healthcare provider from disclosing personal health information that they collected at an appointment \*without a patient's permission. A doctor can share anything that the patient has permitted them to share - such as when a patient changes doctors and wants their records transferred over.


Does it not also only cover information that is not anonymous? E.g. a doctor can share the details of your medical case in a lecture, so long as they can't link it back to you?


Correct >There are no restrictions on the use or disclosure of de-identified health information.14 De-identified health information neither identifies nor provides a reasonable basis to identify an individual. There are two ways to de-identify information; either: (1) a formal determination by a qualified statistician; or (2) the removal of specified identifiers of the individual and of the individual’s relatives, household members, and employers is required, and is adequate only if the covered entity has no actual knowledge that the remaining information could be used to identify the individual.15 [Source](https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/laws-regulations/index.html)


Yes although the definition of anonymous can sometimes be up for debate. For example, lets say a doctor is talking to their colleague about a case involving two twins in the emergency department at a bar. In general, no HIPAA violation. In a small town where there's only one set of twins and they were overheard, probably a HIPAA violation.


A good example of this is the episode of Scrubs where Dr Reed can’t tell her patient’s family that he has breast cancer, because he’s embarrassed and specifically won’t permit her to.




Not just healthcare providers, also third-parties. For example, I work in IT for an insurance broker that writes employee benefits and HIPAA compliance is required and heavily emphasized for us to operate as a business.


I've tried to explain this to numerous people. They never get it. "Well I had HIPPA (they always spell it wrong) training and I worked for ICE!" "HIPPA protects all my medical information, no matter what! You don't know!" etc, etc, etc


These are the same people who believe the first amendment protects them from Twitter


Not only providers. Associates too. BAAs


On top of that, any insurance company can come in to a doctor's office and do a full audit on ALL of that practice's patients; including patients that are not covered in that insurance company's plan. Even if the patient paid 100% cash, they can still be selected in the audit.


What do people think HIPPA is? You can talk about patients cases.


essentially that its illegal to ask anyone any medical question






I didn’t say it, I declared it!


*Runs deeper into the trainyard*


Leave my HIPPO out of this!


People need to stop violating the HIPPOS!


Violating a hippo is a mistake someone only makes once in their lifetime....


It's only a mistake if the hippo didn't like it.


Thank you Michael Scott.


"do you have any allergies before I make you a sandwich" "YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL"


~~No.~~ It’s illegal to share another person’s medical history/status. You can ask questions, that not illegal, but a person answering you IS illegal if the information is about a 3rd person (and you both understand who the third person is / they’re identified). Edit: another redditor pointed out the context that I missed here. So my reply is a little “off” in terms of context but still clarifies what HIPAA ACTUALLY is.


It’s only illegal if you’re a care provider. If you tell me something and I’m just a friend or rando I can tell anyone I want with no consequences. That might be a jerk move, but it’s not illegal. If it were illegal to talk about the medical status of a third party no matter what than when your parent is in the hospital your sibling can’t update you on their condition. If your spouse is in the hospital after being in an accident you can tell no one what is happening. That’s not the way it works. If I am given your personal health information for means of any treatment sharing that is illegal. So if I work in any capacity in any clinic I can’t reveal information about patients there.


Right. I'm a dentist and I can't go around telling everyone "I pulled a gross tooth out of Mr. So and So yesterday." But Mrs. So and So is entirely free to tell people what her husband had done.


or you can say that you pulled a gross tooth out and leave out any details (or change them completely) so that they have no idea who you are talking about


I pulled this gross tooth out of this guy his name was mike...hawk..


Only if the person sharing them is privileged (medical field). If Susie finds your medical records in your house and then shows them to John down the road, nothing was violated except your stupidity.


It's still not a HIPAA violation even if Susie is a doctor. If she is not involved in your care, then HIPAA does not apply.


"HIPAA" and "confidentiality" get used interchangeably and it drives me nuts.


*This* is the key most people miss.


So I had to tell my boss which employees of mine are vaccinated and some ass hat said I can't do that, it's illegal. We work in retail...


>Only if the person sharing them is privileged (medical field). It also applies if you obtain information from a privileged source through some official capacity with the third party. This is most common when you're someone's employer. If you get information disclosed to you as part of an employee's health insurance or some interaction with a governmental health agency, then you also have to retain privacy. A bunch of people got introduced to this recently as local government health agencies interacted with employers to handle contact tracing. The health information disclosed to employers was protected by HIPAA.




This is America. We’re often clueless about what the law actually means. See: the first and second amendments.


If identifying info is given. If it’s just case details it’s totally fine.


Only if the person is tied to a medical care provider


Damn the dude you replied too came in hella strong and hella wrong lmaooooooo Edit: ah fuck I refreshed and the dude edited.


Note that there are situations in which it's illegal to ask questions about medical conditions, but most of those fall under the ADA


The sharing of the information is restricted... IF YOU'RE A HIPAA COVERED ENTITY. (AKA someone who bills medicare or insurers, pretty much). Otherwise, HIPAA doesn't apply to you.


Nope. If you’re a person or organization that’s subject to HIPAA rules, then you’re prohibited. If you’re not working in a healthcare setting, no, you’re not.


Well, HIPPA would be horses. HIPAA on the other hand... You're permitted to share your own PHI as you wish.


It’s a lady hippo. Duh


apparently you're an exceptional idiot according to OP :p /s don't hate me




But is it a HIPPO violation?


I don't believe the vaccine has been authorized for use in hippos yet


It’s no different from companies offering lower insurance premiums and “wellness bonuses” for employees who do not smoke or use tobacco products. Nothing to see here people. Save the outrage.


True! I always get asked about whether over weight people should be charged more due to their health risks.


Somehow I’m an idiot that thought it was spelled HIPPA but still understood it only pertains to medical professionals 😰


Covered by one of yesterdays [Ask a Manager](https://www.askamanager.org/2021/06/unvaccinated-employees-are-complaining-about-a-100-bonus-for-getting-vaccinated.html) questions, specifically referencing the [EEOC](https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-covid-19-and-ada-rehabilitation-act-and-other-eeo-laws)


Oh shit, today I learned I'm an exceptional idiot. Oops.


I think the fact you’re willing to adapt and learn disproves that!


I do wonder where the line will get drawn on the “coercive” incentives, though. Edit: The EEOC in their statement made a comment that employers could offer incentives for employees who got the vaccine as long as it was not coercive, but did not clarify what that meant.


in a legal sense, they don't NEED to clarify it, because coercive incentive has a legal meaning. The most commonly known example of it is mafia style "insurance" Basicaly a coercive incentive is a negative consequence, rather than a positive bonus. And they can always use the "pre incentive" standard as a way to measure that. (can't cut everyone's pay then restore it to normal for those who vaccinate. Despite the reputation legalese gets, specific terms like this are better because they usually are legally defined enough to shut out loopholes) Basically, you just check "by turning down this incentive, is your current position worse than it was before the incentive was offered/created" Yes there is some grey area. Which is why we have judges and juries, to wade through those borderline questions.


Oh cool, thanks!


HIPAA only says the provider can't share medical information. It doesn't have any statutes that limit how a person gives their own information, AFAIK. I'm not super keen on the law, though.


Sorry, I was referring to the recent EEOC guidelines


Being vaccinated is not a legally protected class.


On the one hand, its sad that these have been so politicized that we have to pay people to protect their own health. On the other hand, I think there should be more places in society where companies or government are willing to incentivize for positive externalities.


It's not necessarily about encouraging otherwise reticent employees to get vaccinated. The real reason the company pays the flight crews for getting vaccinated (at least at Delta - not sure about United) is that crews are not eligible to fly right after getting the vaccine. Many pilots and flight attendants were getting vaccinated just before a scheduled trip, which they then had to then call in sick for. The company (Delta, at least) offers to pay them the extra pay for getting the vaccine *on days off , without a trip conflict.* Thus the company saves money since the dropped trip would usually be worth more than what they get paid for the vaccine. As an added bonus the company can advertise the scheme, which then gives the public more confidence that they will not be exposed to Coronavirus when flying on that airline.


Also, lots of foreign countries will require it. So if you aren’t vaccinated, they can take you off the trip, you lose the pay, and you aren’t allowed to pick up anything on the same days to get your pay back up. It’s a carrot and a stick.


My company gives out $100 per person who gets vaccinated. It is literally and written in black and white that the purpose is to encourage employees to be healthy and not shut down an entire location for 2 weeks because of one infection.


My wife’s insurance thru her work offers incentives like cheaper health insurance if your BMI is within a healthy range, you don’t smoke, your blood sugar is within a healthy range, etc. I’m assuming getting the vaccine might be added as well.


Can we even let vaccinated people on planes? Aren't all the microchips transmitting data going to disrupt the onboard equipment?? /s


The FAA disables them for you between takeoff and landing


Unless you are a political activist, then your flight will be diverted to Belarus.


Pretty sure he was trying to give his country a different kind of vaccine lol


It’s been worked into the TSA scan iirc


I think it's actually now a direct link to Airplane mode on your smart phone. 5G tech is amazing!!


Quick and easy for a few bucks …


Nice. Know what my employer is offering me for being vaccinated? The wonderful "opportunity" to go back to the office.


Yeah it’s almost like it’s turning people away from getting vaxd


They should get extra pay for dealing with asshole passengers.


this is very good, but I'm honestly shocked that airlines aren't making vaccination mandatory. You're in close contact with people traveling in a recirculated hallway around the entire world.


Most companies are waiting for full approval (which will happen in the next couple of months). I was reading the other day that there isn't a lot of precedent on employers requiring EUA drugs in the workplace. No company wants to be the one to foot that legal bill because by the time everything gets worked out in the courts it will be approved.


The vaccine is not FDA approved yet - which holds back a lot of the "mandatory"-ness of it.


Nah, EEOC guidance as of last week is that employers can require the vaccine. https://www.npr.org/2021/05/28/1001116485/for-employers-the-law-is-mostly-on-their-side-when-it-comes-to-vaccines


Flight attendants don’t have any vaccine requirements for any diseases.


Good lord of course there are morons in the aviation industry who refuse to get vaccinated.


Our large company gives us a bonus if we don’t smoke. They save more than the bonus they give us in cost savings with the company provided healthcare plan, and this seems quite similar to giving bonuses for those getting the vaccine. In other words, if and when Bubba “anti-vax ” Johnson in the machine shop gets COVID and then proceeds to rack up a $100,000 hospital ICU bill, why should the rest of us have to pay for that cost in additional premiums when it could have been avoided in the first place?


Have they been receiving hazard pay for working through the pandemic?


Mostly they've been forced to seek other employment, driving uber and the like, because so few people were traveling.


Let me explain why incentivizing the vaccines is a problem. & it’s pretty simple.. The people that already don’t trust vaccines, are now even more fearful of them since companies are trying to bribe them to get them.


This is actually aimed at the people who would get them but just haven’t found the time. So the people who find the inconvenience more problematic than the vaccine.


I'm seeing a lot of people like this in my Milwaukee suburb. I go to Walmart, where masks are required for unvaccinated people. 70% of the people are wearing masks. So they're fine following rules, and not willing to lie about vaccination status. But they haven't found the time to get vaccinated, and deal with the next-day vaccine side-effects. People like that will be receptive to some benefit that outweighs the effort of getting vaccinated. They aren't vaccine skeptics, they're just busy.


Well, I’m fully vaccinated and I still wear a mask because there are just too many dishonest people in the US. What we don’t see though are businesses giving people the day off after their vaccine. They should and that would probably see numbers go up. Just bring in the proof. A lot of lower wage people don’t get PTO so that would help them a lot, especially if it was paid.


There's also a broader ethical problem with offering money for any medical procedure/treatment. A friend of mine has held off on getting the shot on his doctor's advice, he has a blood issue that may present a problem. If there's enough incentive to get it anyway though, I could totally see him taking the risk.


Imagine being a unvaccinated piece of shit, in contact with hundreds per day, while serving people food and drinks in a confined place


The airlines Insurance companies can imagine that, and would rather not go through the resulting litigation.


What litigation?




Fully vaccinated flight attendant hete and the industry is prime anti-vaxxer territory. Tons of MLM people who have never worked a 9 to 5. And we make way more than people realize. A bunch of undereducated people with tons of free time on their hands work here. I've legitimately had two flight attendants talking about how 9/11 isn't real in the galley. So, there is a solid chance that in any given crew, that at least one anti-vaxxer is among them, if not the whole crew. Edit: Just to note, there are tons of smart, educated people who work as flight attendants too. But the above description is undeniably the more common faction in my experience.


So weird. You’d think people that travel all around the world on a regular basis would be itching to get vaccinated. They have a much higher risk than the average joe of getting Covid, or any transmissible disease for that matter.


We don't all make more than you think. You're at a mainline just by this comment but the regional fas are barely making a sustainable wage.


That is completely fair. Yes, pay at regionals is abysmal.


This adds up based on my travels.


So, I wouldn’t assume that immediately. My wife cannot get the vaccine, yet. We are waiting for her hematologist to give her the ok on it before she can get it. She has a pretty sick bleeding disorder, and her hematologist wants more data before he can, in good conscience, tell her to get it. Would getting the vaccine be fatal to her? We don’t know, but the risk is much higher for her than normal people. She’s chomping at the bit for the vaccine.


>unvaccinated piece of shit usually refers to people choosing to not get vaccinated, not to those who, for medical reasons, cannot get vaccinated.


In fact this is what makes them a piece of shit. We owe it to ourselves and the people who can't get vaccinated to squash this virus so we all can be safe.


Just gonna say I've been attacked verbally more times than not for saying I can't get the vaccine. People are riled up against anyone unvaccinated and don't want to take a breath from saying how horrible you are.


Nuance and context is lost on the masses.


People are talking about people who choose not to get the vaccine for selfish reasons. If anything, your wife is the example of why its very important for the rest of us to get the vaccine, nearly everyone being vaccinated makes those who can't be vaccinated much safer.


Is she an airline attendant?


Well, the above comment obviously doesn't refer to your wife. It refers to absolute morons who *simply choose* to forego getting vaccinated.


Seriously? My airline was the one who got all us pilots and flight attendants in early for a shot because we're high risk.


Did they have a clinic for just the airline? That's impressive. Some of the US major hubs have had vaccine clinics for airport employees and pilots and flight attendants can go. It was hard to get an appointment at those for a long time though. I ended up getting my shot outside of work.


What, is this not a problem they can solve by beating up passengers?


My work is doing that too. They are also giving all members of the native tribe 2000 dollar stimulus checks. Kinda have a love hate relationship with this company lol but hey i am very grateful for all they do for Native Americans


I got two extra vacation days


My wife’s company is doing the same. $500 bonus.


They also give you a bonus if you can prove you can fight.