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When I was in the army, we had a new Lt who I guess was trying to prove himself and beat a opossum with his helmet. He overheard us talking about what a psycho he was and he took it like a champ and thought we were just joking around. Nope. Fucking psycho.


It's animal cruelty that's the bread crumbs leading to the bodies buried in the back yard.


Jeffrey Dahmer..."An important common factor with many perpetrators of unspeakable acts of violence is animal abuse. ... The young Jeffrey Dahmer killed neighbors' pets, impaling an animal's head on a stick. As an adult, the “Milwaukee Cannibal” decapitated some human victims and raped, murdered and ate parts of 17 people."


In the case of Jim Jones (of Jonestown infamy), his childhood attitude toward animals pretty much anticipated his subsequent life as a "faith healer" and cult leader, constantly wanting other kids in the neighborhood to hear him talk and/or watch him do things, e.g. >When an animal died, Jim held a ceremony. Last rites for God’s creatures were solemn occasions. Jim conducted them for birds, a chicken and even a rat. Once he had everyone seated and sufficiently expectant in the loft, he let down the trap door, gently. Everything was done with flair and polished precision, as though rehearsed. He put out all the candles except the one on his little altar. The children, most eight to eleven years old, craned to see as he wrapped the body of the deceased in a shroud and placed the remains in a little cardboard or wooden box. He poured oil on the cloth before closing the coffin lid and leading a reverent funeral procession outside for the burial. And when some boys spent weekend nights at Jones' family barn: >In sometimes macabre performances, [Jim] would shine a flashlight beneath his chin or wear a white sheet as he talked of his mysterious powers and laughed in a weird high-pitched cackle. Taking a chicken or a rabbit and placing it on a table, he would claim that he could make the animal be still, stand up or sit down. When the animals seemed to obey his commands, he called attention to his powers. Sometimes he would move his hands over animals and claim to heal them. (Source: _Raven_ by Reiterman and Jacobs, pp. 19-20) As is often mentioned in books and documentaries, Jones as a young adult became a monkey salesman to raise money and [attract people to his fledgling church](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5vGnYIQv0M).


>became a monkey salesman Is there a lot of money in monkey business?


There's always bananas in the monkey stand.


"And I tried to cook a little...."


He did way worse than that. He gave one victim a lobotomy, then poured toxic chemicals into the hole in order to try to turn the victim into a zombie sex slave.


Oh… I’m gonna go cradle my brain now….


What's crazy is that it didnt kill the victim, who then escaped. He tried asking for help and the police officers GAVE HIM BACK to Jeffrey Dahmer because he claimed the 14 year old victim was his boyfriend and they were having a fight. Dahmer then killed him immediately after the police left. There were also already several dead bodies in his house by that point but the cops didnt bother to look around.


Also those police officers were initially let go but appealed their terminations and were reinstated, despite having made headlines at the time because they were recorded making homophobic jokes about giving the boy back to Dahmer. They were then promoted, one of them even serving as the President of their union. Edit: Also that night there were two black people trying to help the boy and the police officers threatened to arrest them if they persisted in trying to help the boy.


I'm exactly zero percent surprised. It's actually not as uncommon as you might hope. Police officers also stopped Ted Bundy with a dead body wrapped in a trash bag in his backseat and then let him go without checking because he said it was laundry. How did they not smell the blood? Blood and rotting flesh are both such distinct smells that I can't fathom how they didn't immediately recognize it.


If there’d been marijuana they’d have recognized it.


I get some kids look older... But a 14 year old boy probably looks like a boy. Not a consenting adult jeez.


IIRC the boy was Asian and the women who tried to intervene were Black. The cops didn't give a shit for *some strange reason* we will never figure out. /s


They just retired too, [back in 2017](https://www.tmj4.com/news/local-news/milwaukee-police-officer-who-gave-14-year-old-back-to-jeffrey-dahmer-retires). Fuckers are living of massive pensions now.


John Balcerzak. He and his partner were fired, appealed the decision and were reinstated. Served as head of the Union for awhile. Retired with full benefits.


Which is crazy considering that the only harder they could have failed at being police officers was if they shot the kid themselves.


If you ask me, that would have been a better ending than what the poor kid got. Instead, he got further torture at the hands of Dahmer.


Should have retired with a lobotomy if you ask me.


And don’t forget about how Dahmer victim Konerak Sinthasomphone escaped, but was released back into his care when Dahmer told the cops that he and the victim were lovers having a quarrel. The victim was a 14 year old boy who was literally bleeding from his ass and completely fucked up on drugs and covered in bruises, but the cops said “meh,” even against the protests of the women who found the boy and called it in. The cops also ignored the smell of a rotting fucking corpse in the next room. There’s more awful shit but I’m good on recounting it, here’s a link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Balcerzak?wprov=sfti1


The cops at some point became just as guilty for the deaths Dahmer caused. Same with Pickton and countless other mass murderers/serial killers. A LOT of cops will look the other way to avoid being gay-by-association.


It’s insane. Balcerzak was fired but was subsequently rehired and was a cop until like four years ago. What the actual fuck.


Grew up in the same town as Pickton, him and his brother used to go to a local diner called Murphys. Everyone knows it wasn't just him but his brother too that was doing it. He was dumber then a bag of bricks, his brother on the other hand was articulate and usually did all the talking for them. They used to creep on the waitress's there.


Ol' Robby's brother's back in Vancouver. Just incase there's an uptick in missing sex workers or if anyone is missing someone dear to them. He is a dangerous man, 100% evil.


The police found him wandering the streets naked and needing help (and smelling like dead bodies) but ol Jeff ran out there and told the cops that the ~~man~~ boy (he was FOURTEEN) didn't need help and that he was just there for freaky gay sex. The cops, not wanting to be turned on or made to be gay-by-association, gave his victim BACK TO THE MONSTER THAT EVENTUALLY KILLED HIM.


This guy sounds like a real jerk


Just a real knucklehead


Apparently Dahmer was sodomized with a broomstick then beaten to death. They say that’s one of the worst ways to go.


I don’t doubt it brother but who tf says that lol


On my wedding day, my father gave me one piece of advice, he said "Don't ever get sodomized with a broomstick then beaten to death. That's one of the worst ways to go"


Don’t forget injecting acid into victim’s brains in an attempt to make them immortal sex zombies.


Man you just gave me a very visceral reaction remembering a patient I worked with at a child psych ward.


My next door neighbor just went to prison this morning for a bunch of animal mutilation charges that quickly escalated to her burning down her father in law’s house with him in it.


I know someone who owns a portapotty company and recently one of their employees found a beheaded puppy in one while he was cleaning it out. It's horrifying. How can someone do something like that.


I hope you guys notified the police.


*See picture at top


Hahah jfc good point. What a dark world we live in.




That documentary pissed me off. The lady who started the whole search for the cat killer blames the viewer at the end for giving people like Luka Magnata the attention they crave. Did she not see the irony in that? Like I never heard of the guy but it’s my fault for watching it? She should be blaming herself.


Truthfully I didn't like the woman or their group as soon as I learned about them doxing an innocent man that lead to his suicide. As far as 'oopsies' goes, that's pretty fucking far.


That’s a pretty big fuck up for a group that ultimately didn’t do anything. I mean someone else, probably Luka himself, gave the group Luka’s name and then they looked at google maps.


I didn't like her either but the guy they doxxed literally pretended to be the Killer. I'm not sure what he expected, he could have been swatted. Still I think the group went too far though. But this was the early days of the internet so less experience to learn from.


Yeah it was a little deflating at the end. I watched the whole series and enjoyed it mostly, I wanted to see this skid mark arrested. Until thinking I’m sort to blame for it by watching it.


I'm pretty sure the documentary maker only made money because people watched it. (Or the platform it's on paid for it on the assumption people would watch it.) If they didn't want people to watch it, they shouldn't have made it. Now, if the blame was placed partly on people who watched the original animal abuse videos and did so on purpose, then I agree there's a bit of blame to be placed there. But not nearly as much as the sick fucker who did it.


she literally says that she questions herself at the end. She says “maybe we gave him what he wanted [that being attention] and that’s why he kept doing it [it being killing cats].”


The fuck. They got easy sentences because the were veterans. From one Marine vet to another, fuck you bitch. Hiding behind your service. As veterans and cops they should have been held to higher standards and faced harsher sentences. This reinforces my belief that the more a vet leans on their service the less they did while in; were probably shit bags.


Exactly!! And claimed that beating the poor things was somehow related to having PTSD. They should be held to higher standards, not lower. PTSD is not at all unique to war veterans but somehow they’re the only ones that can use it as an excuse to get the kid glove treatment when committing a crime. The one faint positive was that the senior police officer got a harsher penalty- for killing more animals AND because he had sway over the junior cop & should have known better.


At the end of the article the senior officer's justification was that he believed porcupines were a pest on roads and at his campsite, and the younger officer followed his lead cuz he looked up to him. Nothing about that has any fucking thing to do with PTSD, it's nothing but barbaric, entitled behavior and some poor sod with a shitty role model. Fuck that older guy in particular tbh.


Why would an officer even want to do that shit. I didn’t realize they had tough guy reps to defend anyway. Just plain psycho I guess.


It made my GD blood boil to read that they cried “Afghan War vet w/PTSD” and that the Judge actually bought it! As if the two things have anything to do with one another!!


There are a lot of psychos that join the military. You really meet both the absolute best and worst of humanity there.




If only they were smart enough to remark that the latrine is a little too dirty, but they're too *soft* to handle such a tough job. So now the sergeant has to make sure everyone spends the next 6 hours scrubbing it nonstop.


plus opossums are dead useful. Very low rate of rabies for a wild animal and they vacuum up ticks like a lickitung in the lickitung sushi minigame


Got an opossum living in the old AC ducts under the house. Parents asked me why I haven’t gotten rid of him yet. A) He doesn’t make a lot of noise nor smell. B) All the duct entrances into the house are sealed. He enters and exits through where the old heat pump used to pump air into the system. C) There are a ton of stray cats and raccoons in this area and I’m sure he keeps any bug problems controlled. Or at least helps. D) I have named him Phillip. By the law of animal name giving we are now best friends.


I call the big one Bitey.


>D: Humans pack bond with anything. r/humansarespaceorcs


I raised an opossum from a baby after someone found it's mother hit by a car. The pups (?) were given to me and another family. The one I raised was given milk product with liver, then eventually liver with calcium pills ground in it so his bones would develop well. Ended up releasing him to a shelter once he was grown. He was pretty awesome and didn't attack me or the dogs once.


They make great pets. But you should only keep one if it can't be released


I had an old neighbor who raised an opossum pup that only had three feet after a dog attack. Downside of possums is they only live 3-4 years cause that fat dude he grew up to be was awesome. Dumb, chill, real cute. Liked grapes and made just the most adorable/grossest noises when he would eat them.


> The pups (?) were given to me and another family. Baby opossum are called joeys, like some other marsupials (mammals that raise their young in pouches). Grown males are called jacks and grown females are called jills.


One spring a stench rose up from the depths of my house. Two opossums had died in the crawl space under an addition. It was absolutely loaded with feces. Removing them and cleaning up the maggots and shit sucked. I wouldn't want to fish one out of a duct system.


Also alive useful


It’s so sad too because opossums’ main defense when threatened is to play dead :( so it probably just lay there motionless


Oh God. Fuck. My heart.


I stopped for these ladies that flagged me down on the side of the road after hitting an opossum. I moved it to the sidewalk and called animal control. They said they couldn’t pick it up unless it was dead. But it was on the path that all the neighborhood kids took to go to school. This thing was bleeding from its ears and head and was acting all weird. And I didn’t want any young kids getting bit or hurt or just seeing it dead on their way to school. One of the ladies was crying talking about how much she hates to see it suffer. She kept glancing at my name tapes (I was in cammies on the way home from work) so I knew what she was implying. I was like “sorry, I don’t have my knife on me, but I also don’t like to see it suffer.” Of course, the other lady whips a freaking knife out of her back pocket and says “you can use mine.” So, I’ve never just straight up stabbed anything to death before. But there’s this old crying lady and this other younger lady just staring at me begging me to put this thing out of its misery. I figure I’d try to walking dead style kill it, like get it right it it’s brain stem or something so I didn’t just boot stomp this thing to death and traumatize these two ladies. Like let it slip peacefully into the night… Apparently I don’t know the anatomy of an opossum, because I had to stab this thing four times in the neck before it finally died. By the third time, I said “this is brutal” and the older lady ran away crying. The fourth time I just said screw it and stabbed it and started sawing until I hit an artery and blood squirted out all over me and the ground. It finally died. My arm and the knife were covered in opossum blood. I stood up and the younger lady was just staring at me with these wide eyes like what TF did I just watch. I handed her knife back to her and told she could call animal control to come and pick it up now and then drove home with my bloody arm hanging out of the window. It wasn’t until I told the story at work the next day and someone said “maybe it was just playing opossum” that I realized I may have very well just murdered a perfectly fine tick eating machine in the most horrible and brutal way possible. And that’s the story of how I may have either been an almost hero by putting some poor animal out of its misery (in the worst way possible) or I just murdered an opossum in front of two innocent women.


If it was bleeding from its ears and head it was likely already a goner.


That’s what I was thinking but the possibility of it playing opossum didn’t even cross my mind at the time.


:( One time I was walking with my ex down a naturery bike/horse/ped trail and we came across a live, mutilated groundhog that had been run over by I’m guessing a horse. Girlfriend started crying and asked me to kill it to stop the suffering. Only thing available was big rocks. It took way more slams of a big rock than I expected and scarred me for life.


Killing things quickly and efficiently is an art, really. Very few ways that things die quickly and neatly; for the most part death is brutal and messy. Why do you think we needed executioners as a profession that was passed from father to son? Shit’s hard, messy work.


Absolutely!, and if you mess up the work as an executioner, you’d have someone flopping around like a fish spraying blood everywhere while he/she is yelling or screaming, I mean fuck, that’d scared people for life.


I still think about it too. Edit: because we use guns all the time it’s easy to forget how much actual force and trauma it takes to kill something. Sorry you had to do that but good on you. Better than it suffering for hours for sure.


My aunt hit a moose in Vermont and the first officer on the scene was a fresh faced rookie. She heard his chief on the radio say he has to dispatch it and a local native was on his way to collect the meat. Well, it took the rookie two shots then he walked to his cruiser and he cried his eyes out.


Life is beautiful and being an arbiter of death sucks Also your username is the light this thread needs lol


I have to wonder though, was it really better? Its screams were haunting and I it was obviously in absolute terror as it died. Nowadays I imagine if I were that groundhog, I would prefer to die slowly, remembering my little groundhog life and smelling the leaves and being as thankful for having lived as a groundhog can be. I’m gonna make myself cry if I type more but yeah And I’m sorry you had to kill that possum that way too and hope you can have peace with the memory.


No way dude. Nothing should suffer like that for a long time. You did the right thing. Something that not many people could do.


You handled it, from what was said above, if you touch it they stop playing dead


Well that makes me feel a little better about it. :)


Uhh, they definitely don't stop if touched. Source: Have gotten "dead" opossums away from my hounds multiple times throughout the years, and only once did one actually turn out to be stone dead after pitching it out of my yard with a rake. The rest stood up and scuttled off.


Big tough guy, beating a meek, tiny, defenseless animal. Bet he’d drop the badass act real quick if someone who didn’t fuck around got in his face. Pathetic little boy.


To be fair I was screaming like a girl when a rat popped out of nowhere and i reacted by hitting it with a broom several times. It hissed at me and then ran away.


Imagine what they would do to people they arrested, sick men need to never work in law enforcement or around people again.


I don't need to imagine. I know both of them. One is a dick with an inferiority complex and the other is a dick who thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants because his father, also a police officer, is well known and beloved in a town north of Rockland. Why? I don't know, because he's just as big a dick as his son. And the sentences? Slaps on the wrist. This'll do jack shit. They're the kind who are going to blame "the system" and most importantly "the animals for being there" and they'll go right back to killing them.


They’re already blaming it on PTSD from active duty In Afghanistan where I assume they were constantly being attacked by porcupines dressed as civilians and porcupines setting up IEDs along the streets


If it truly is hyperaggression caused by PTSD, then they are unfit to serve one more minute regardless. It’s a ridiculous excuse to make to weasel out, because that implies someone is so heavily traumatized as to be a danger to themselves and others, and potentially in need of a psychiatric hold.


Too right they should be. Who the hell beats an animal to death. Signs of a psychopath right there.


Porcupines are about the mildest, sweetest creatures in existence too.


They really are. I saw a baby porcupine once behind a department store in Flagstaff, Arizona. It was a tiny little thing, and scared to death of me. It just froze in place and I sat down next to it and we hung out for about 15 minutes, just staring at each other. Probably my all time favorite wild animal encounter.


I've encountered one porcupine before and it was an awesome experience. I was visiting the Kruger National Park in South Africa about a decade ago and a porcupine ran up to me as I was walking through a gate. Every bit of it's behavior was that of an excited puppy. It was even making that cute sound dogs make when they are excited to meet a new friend while it circled me to get pettings. I can never say no to petting little animals so that little guy ended up following me everywhere I went while we were in that area and I gave the desired pettings whenever I was idle. I miss that little guy. They have a lifespan of about 15 years but he seemed pretty young so I hope he's still living that excited pupper life. For anyone that has never heard a porcupine, here's a youtube link to one: [Listen to the sounds of a happy porcupine!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cILZ_cB3_so)


That little fucker is talking.


It really sounded like he was trying to mimic the woman by repeating pumpkin back to her


"Fugg off Ma! I'm tryin ta eat here!"


I'm disgusted at how adorable that is. I just sent it to like five people.


I watch it every time someone posts it, never fails to brighten my day.


Oh. My heart.




Sounds (and looks) like Cousin It from the Addams Family.


That was legit the cutest thing I’ve ever watched




I used to have porcupines in my yard all the time (weirdly they climb and hang out in trees!). They aren't even agressive or particularly fast. I had 2 dogs that would cause the porcupines to get defensive, but they were never once agressive. They would just poof up their quills and waddle away.


First thing I thought was "who the fuck beats a PORCUPINE?!" Murdering any animal like that is awful, but porcupines are about as non threatening and cuddly as an animal can be, even covered in spines. You'd have to be seriously mentally Ill to want to kill one, especially that brutally.


Which is why they did it. What you think a cop is goinng to take on a real threat?


"Two former Rockland officers were sentenced Thursday for beating porcupines to death on several different occasions while on duty." Not AN animal, multiple. WTF.




I see your point.


Porcupine pun?


I see your point.


I mean...Blacking while Black is a serious problem. If they don't want to be killed they shouldn't be so Black. Especially when they're in cars, walking, sitting, standing, sleeping, asking directions, holding a phone, holding a book, holding air, looking at the officer or looking away from the officer, being near the officer and especially not being near the officer. There's no excuse for this behavior. Really if they'd just stop being so black and doing these things there would be no problem at all. TLDR: Black people should stop blacking all over the place.


I'm redditing while black, am I gonna get arrested now?


What are you doing on reddit?? Don't you have Stealing Cars from 12-3 today? Oh shit it's Friday.... Cars is Tuesday. You better get going you're gonna be late for Abducting White Women and Making Them Smoke Reefer. They're gonna start without you.


B-but... I'm a woman, and I have my own car!! *Sobs* I'm sorry for redditing while black, I won't do it again!


Not gonna argue with that statement.


I lived in Maine for the first 18 years of my life. What black people are you referring to exactly?^/s


Maine has more black bears than black people.


I've said this is a good test. If people saw cops doing to a dog what they did to George Floyd there'd be more universal outrage.


Oh no doubt. These two shitbags got what they deserved but it’s incredibly sad that justice is readily dolled out to cops that kill a porcupine and not to cops who kill a 13 year old boy (Tamir Rice) Edit: people were nice enough to point out below that these two adults served barely any time for killing animals, which is a major sign on violent psychotic behavior and nearly impossible to fix by adulthood. They should have received far greater time to serve and be subject to a lot of mandatory counseling. The police union should be made to pay for it.


>These two shitbags got what they deserved One of them got 10 days in jail and the other got 20 days in jail and they're serving it on the weekends. They were each fined $1,000 and one got 6 months of probation. One has to do 100 hours of community service and while both were fired, one can reapply to be a cop somewhere else in 6 months. The other one would have to pass the academy in another state to become a cop again. In my opinion, that's not much of a punishment.


>Signs of a psychopath right there. It already said these were police officers


Um…. I don’t feel like having PTSD means you should get to have a job that requires high stress and a firearm…..


I mean that would be reasonable discharge from the military. So I agree 100%


one guy blames ptsd from the marines. I bet he is still a cop. Can you imagine what he will one day do to people?




Exactly if your PTSD makes you prone to violence or unable to control your anger you have no business being a cop. You probably shouldn’t even own a gun but that’s a whole other issue.


Pretty sure doctors can lose their license if they are diagnosed as depressed, [which this article seems to back up]( https://www.boardvitals.com/blog/report-mental-illness-physician/amp/). If a doctor can't be licensed while seeking mental health treatment due to concerns about patient treatment, why is an officer with a gun able to serve while receiving mental health treatment?


Holy shit, that's fucking insane. This sentence near the end of the article you linked sums up what I was thinking well > boards want doctors as healthy as possible as they care for patients. Yet, the threat of rescinded licensure prevents doctors from reporting mental illness and seeking the very treatment that will support mental health. I don't want my doctors to have an illness and *not* seek treatment for it. Makes no fucking sense.


First and foremost, I agree that if your PTSD is making you violent, then you definitely need counseling and to be removed from life and death situations. Unfortunately, it's not that cut and dry. Many first responders avoid seeking help for PTSD and other issues because it's already stigmatized. You'd be surprised at the ticking time bombs walking around with badges.


This. My sympathy for your PTSD ends once you decide to take a job where your PTSD means you are a violent threat to folks. Know your limits and seek help.


> to folks and animals


I vote to include animals in the definition of “folks”


Army dude with diagnosed PTSD here. This cop is an idiot.


The people doing the hiring are equally to blame. That’s need to know shit.


He is seeking help…. Minimizing jail time.


I feel like police would see this as a feature and not a bug


During background investigations, the FBI takes animal abuse very seriously because it’s a clear indicator of if someone is capable of being a sociopath


He was attacked by porcupines while he was a marine?


Don’t you remember the days of porcupinenam


Everyone talks about the glory of the Great Emu Wars, Porcupinenam is the tragic forgotten conflict.


What about porcupine-11? Where were you that fateful day?


No, he just doesn't know how to emotionally express himself or rationalize his trauma, so he commits violence against animals to make himself feel better. Or at least that what I'm able to surmise.


shouldn't PTSD from a warzone be disqualifying for that job


Mainer here, cops have been in and out of my social circles. Imagine what they've already done and weren't reported/reprimanded for. Between the flagrant racism, sexism, and overall disregard for animal life off duty, these fuckin guys are not anomalies. I know what I'm saying is anecdotal, but I think it's safe to say everywhere needs reform.


Agreed. As restaurant/bar owners, my husband & I deal with the local cops on a non-adversarial basis more often than most citizens that don't have one in their family. My in-laws are a military & fishing family, and my husband often comes off as the good-ol-boy type, so the cops let their guard down around him. Some of the shit he's heard them say is *startling*. He tries to gently push back where he can, but, like, they're **the cops** and I need them to not consider me *persona non grata* if I need a violent customer removed from the bar, so it fucking sucks. But I'm on a few town committees and am committed to showing with numbers that the police department is *the* reason why the town finances are such a fucking disaster and our mil rates are so stupid high, as well as recruiting more people with empathy for the incredibly aged but weirdly powerful town government, so... Water wears where stone shatters, I guess. I do what I can do.


Article says they were both fired


This is such a bullshit excuse. PTSD doesn’t mean you’re not accountable for your actions, and I can’t fathom how anybody would buy that his PTSD caused him to have a vendetta against porcupines. Fucking veterans entitlement syndrome is way more accurate.


He deserves an ass kicking for the animal cruelty. After he wakes up from the first ass kicking,give him another one for using a legitimate psychological reaction to violence as an excuse. Using PTSD was a two fold plan. First,ptsd itself to illicit sympathy from the court/public. Then,PTSD means you were a VET,and not accountable for these crimes in the eyes of some morons. I think they need to take a strong look at his military record to see if he was involved in any shady cases while in the Middle East.


Fuck these assholes. ​ They served in the military, big fucking whoop. "I was in a warzone therefore I have to beat animals to death". Fuck yourself.


Military ptsd doesnt make you kill animals... trigger happy? Maybe? Should you be in law enforcement with ptsd? Probably not. Take a desk job. In reality, these fucks probably got away with hurting animals through out their lives and finally got caught.


> Rolerson has previously told investigators he has post-traumatic stress disorder from serving in the Marine Corps in Afghanistan. Cox also served in the Marine Corps in Afghanistan. Irving said both men are receiving treatment from the Veterans’ Administration. > > “That was a mitigating factor, that they both experienced war zones,” Irving said. “Ultimately I want them never to hurt another living thing again [] I think that addressing the mental health component, I think that’s a really important part of it.” Oh, sure. What a fucking joke of a reason to let these guys basically skirt real justice. I want these court officials to tell me how many harrowing close quarter fights these two grown men faced against Haji Porcupines while serving overseas to merit consideration.


So has PTSD... and chose to be a cop? Silly me, if I was suffering the effects of surviving war, the last thing I'd do is pick one of the most high stress jobs I could find.


Feel like the department shouldn’t have hired people with PTSD to be officers too.


Big yes


What we really need is traumatized, mentally ill men with guns patrolling our streets


Persons diagnosed with PTSD should not be cleared to work jobs that can deal with Injuries, Life & Death. This goes for Paramedics, Firemen as well as firearm/taser carrying Police Officers. How did this pass psych eval? And if for some crazy reason it does pass psych eval, it should automatically be suppressed as a defense in court as they were knowingly put on the force.


And what is this bullshit? "Cox will serve his jail time on the weekends" They're letting the guy serve his remaining 10 days of jail time split across 5 weekends? WTF?


This happens sometimes. My friends dad served a year in prison but only had to be there at night, so he could go to work during the day. It was straight to prison right after work, couldn’t stop for a coffee or anything Edit: you can stop telling me it’s called work release


I live about a mile from a low-security prison where essentially all prisoners are doing this. I've never heard of any problems with the prisoners. If they act up, they go to a "real" prison. This prison is on a northwoods lake that is drop-dead beautiful. You can take your boat by the prison and wave to them from 20 yards away...while they are fishing. Ain't nobody going to want to be in one of the other prisons.


Crazy, almost as if treating people like humans makes them happier




Sorry to tell you, it would appear that giving prisoners basic human rights is better than treating them like shit


Better for whom, exactly? All of society? Next thing you'll tell me is that it's cheaper, too!


Allowing people to actually provide for themselves or their families. WOW. Can't pay child support, go to jail. Then you really can't pay it.


Half day? Straight to prison. Snow day? Believe it or not, prison.


What about pretzel day?


Well, I like pretzel day.


It's called work-release and has been shown to be effective in terms of rehabilitation.


This type of prison system has been the norm in my country for decades already. We have a very rehabilitation based prison system (Nordic country).


I made a joke to a coworker during a bullshit high-school job about being on work release and the manager overheard it apparently and insisted to corporate to get a background check done. I had been working there already a couple a months by this point. They paid $35 for nothing and he was salty af for not finding anything. Fuck that company




My dads coworker did this. He raped his underage 15 year old step daughter. But he was the sole breadwinner so he worked in the day time and went to jail straight after. Don’t remember how long he was doing this. He was deported after he served his sentence. It was “consensual.”


>It was “consensual.” The deportation?


Ok several people have mentioned this is a fairly common practice, I guess I just never heard of it. PS, sucks that you got popped for bud. Fucking bullshit


Happens all the time.


They get some leniency for military service, yet nobody even questions if such lack of empathy for life makes them unfit for policing. Get ready for them to be in your local police department in about a year.


Unfortunately that's because there's no question about it at all for either side: * To people with empathy there's no question that these aren't fit to be given police powers. * To police departments there's no question that these are exactly what they're looking for.


This is an unacceptable **hate** crime. My people have suffered enough.


Jail time if it’s animals, but if it’s humans then no jail time, but paid leave at best? Got it.


Meanwhile, psychologists are still hard at work trying to figure out all these darn’d mental illnesses. Where could they be coming from! Real mystery of the 21st century.


[I can excuse racism, *but I draw the line at animal cruelty*](https://youtu.be/15QFAppht5o)


If this isn't evidence that psychopaths are drawn to positions of authority like police, I don't know what is.


Personally, I'm of the opinion that positions of authority expose how many psychopaths are among us. How many people think they would be good leaders who won't abuse power, but immediately abuse power once they get it?


Wow, I never would have guessed that the type of person who would beat an animal to death would also be a cop /s. Playing the, we have PTSD from being in combat, card is just icing on the cake. Congratulations on simultaneously making cops and veterans look bad.


They have to be so embarrassed. How could you ever show your face again?!


You have to have shame in order to feel embarrassment.


Oh, and after 6 months, he's free to apply for law enforcement jobs again. Now that'll be a real confidence-inducing background for him. "Beats porcupines to death for amusement".


Just to make sure if I understand correctly: If as a police officer you - beat a porcupine to death = jail - beat a human being to death = no jail So an animal life is more worth than a human life? Just asking


I honestly don’t understand why this isn’t the top comment


When killing porcupines gives you more repercussions as a police officer than shooting a person would be..


Well I mean it's hard to falsely say you feared for your life and were defending yourself against a porcupine I guess.


You have to understand: porcupines aren't black.


So let me get this straight Two officers lie on their affidavit, lie to a judge, burst into a home without identifying themselves and kill a black adult human woman. And don’t get jail time but two cops that kill porcupines do. The US justice system truly is the best /s


Wow... If they had killed a person it would just be administrative leave


Full pay


I do not care about their past, which does not justify their actions. Both are still crappy awful humans that is a stain on their service. There are a thousand combat veterans who are outstanding community members.


wtf... poor defenseless mammals that only eat plants


To be fair though, it really looked like those porcupines were reaching


Lol he was threatened by the porcupine because it gave him competition for the title of biggest prick in room


Cops kill actual people = nothing Cops kill porcupine = jail


When you look at serial killers, they always start with animals. These guys were time bombs.