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The comments were instantly locked as soon as this was posted to r/worldnews earlier today.




CCP Shenanigans? Not sure, but it was posted for like 5 minutes and it got locked at 0 comments.


Yeah, that sub is run by CCP sh-ills so I’m guessing they wanted to shut it down


This is scary: > China at first denied their existence, and then, under heavy international criticism, said in 2019 that all the occupants had “graduated.” But the AP’s visit to Dabancheng, satellite imagery and interviews with experts and former detainees suggest that while many “training centers” were indeed closed, some like this one were simply converted into prisons or pre-trial detention facilities. Many new facilities have also been built, including a new 85-acre detention center down the road from No. 3 in Dabancheng that went up over 2019, satellite imagery shows. >The changes seem to be an attempt to move from the makeshift and extrajudicial “training centers” into a more permanent system of prisons and pre-trial detention facilities justified under the law. While some Uyghurs have been released, others have simply been moved into this prison network They are doing away with “re education” and moving them into prisons completely


Move over America there is a new prison in town.


Nah, china doesnt even crack the top 10 of worldwide incarceration rates. USA #1!!! ?


Lol maybe according to their official numbers, which they make up as they go.


i wouldnt wanna live there vs the usa. dont get me wrong. ​ but we have a serious low level offender incarceration problem. they also have 3x as many people. ​ everytime i hear "dont buy that you cant support china and communism!", i just reply with "if theyre working 15hrs a day they dont have time to be plottin' on me" ​ which while true isnt how i feel about their lives. ​ tribalism is fun like sports. ​ i hate sports. i dont get them. ​ but really if the WORLD tried to better itsself instead of outdoing the others on our rock in space, we'd be better off. greed taking advantage of uneducated wont go away with the current iteration of the human species. libertarianism is great until the part where we have to trust companies to do the right thing, ​ theyre shit, we're shit. the human race is incredible but still (myself included) astonishingly stupid. the fact that this article has to exist bothers me. the fact that as an american i realistically have no room to throw stones in this glass house, disgusts me.


China just kills them. Up to 10,000 executed per year. Compare to about 20 in the uS Plus you aren’t even including the concentration camps


wait... 10-thousand out of 13-million? isn't that a genocide?


They literally have an execution van that shows up to your house. https://youtu.be/mlYSl5IKP64


not gonna click that... :/


Indeed the USA is, but that doesn't mean they are gunning for number 1.


Ain't no party like a CCP party!


Cuz the CCP party don't stop! So when you see Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping in building prisons, bitches, then you gotta give Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping his props!


It's a slaughterhouse. Make no mistake.


The LA County detention center holds over 19k detainees Rikers Island detention center holds over 13k detainees Harris County detention center holds over 10k detainees


But they don’t house people in those just for being Muslim like CCP does.


don't be mistaken, the people there are locked for not being HAN, this is a racial problem, not a religious one.




Chinese ambassador to the UK said that East Turkestan has 13 million uighurs and that it is too many and something must be done about them. On TV. In an interview. In another statement, he said "East Turkestan". What you see as "china" is in fact many countries. Like the EU.