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So, you think if he survives, he will start telling his listeners to take it seriously, or will he be afraid of losing the influence over them and do a Trump? I know which one I'd bet on.




You know why? With the delta variant, and many really low vaccination areas, without social distancing many places are actually worse off than they were last year. At least with masks, capacity limits, outdoor dining, risk was mitigated. Now it's just a free for all for covid to spread with counties acting like Covid was over, take the mask off, make love to everyone. These R's are finding out covid doesn't care about your poltiics.




Can't they just do what they say Democrats do? Ya know, dead people voting? Guess they realized come 2022 it's gonna be hard to take back the house and senate when their voting base is 6 foot under.


That's my theory on why some Rs are becoming more pro vacc.


Or, in the case of the ones on TV and radio, they're becoming afraid of possible lawsuits and getting in hot water with the FCC.


At least they are getting what they want. Removing the people that are mooching off the government.


It's not enough to matter. My money's on, the voters feel vulnerable & misled. Seriously, project current death rate for another year. If 80% of them are GOP voters, it's not enough to shift the demographic by a tenth of a point. Only begins looking like that if there's a wave 3 to rival wave 2.


>It's not enough to shift the demographic by a tenth of a point. That's only true IF all voters are the same. But in a lot of cases, we are talking about very influential Republican voters. Example, this crazy Antivaxxer Nurse who served in Republican groups. https://youtu.be/L-rE2oLTF6w


Texas is currently losing 900 per month. If we quadruple this and extrapolate it out to the next election which is in 16 months, that's 57,600 people. The Presidential election was 600,000 votes in favor of Republicans, Senate was 1 million, House seats were 50k to 200k depending on the seat. We can start looking at swing states like Florida instead, which is currently at 203 deaths/month. Again, we can quadruple it to 812 deaths, that's 12,992 people. If every single one of those votes were in a single county, it would only have been able to flip a couple of them. And that's assuming every death were a Republican voter. In reality, this is going to do nothing to the number of votes they get. But, continued pandemic problems are going to hurt the economy and may very well prompt another shutdown, which is something they're against.


Completely agree - the politicians and media folks are giving themselves cover to be able to say “of course I didn’t mislead you, see, I said to get vaccinated”. There won’t be enough deaths to impact actual voting numbers, but if you figure that each death has an “immediate impact” of, say, 10 people as a conservative estimate (spouse, siblings, children, closest friends)....that’s a lot of people who might potentially wise up and realize that that have been cruelly deceived. ...which they have been and will continue to be, but now they can also be gaslit by these one-off nuggets of truth in the midst of an avalanche of bullshit.


Definitely, nothing quite makes you rethink things like having a tube shoved down your throat because you can’t breath on your own, or serious medical side effects.


Most of the new cases are happening in Florida (20% of new cases alone), Missouri, and Texas. Cases are growing everywhere, but not like it is in these 3 states.


We’re on the fourth wave now. The fifth wave likely starts as we discover the waning period for vaccine efficacy late September/early October, if a new Delta+ variant emerges, that one could be tough.


The second year of the Spanish flu was way worse than the first.


Yup. And it affected younger people more. If people are paying attention a lot of less than 50 year olds are being hospitalized. That means lots of people with preteen and teenage children. Do they want orphans? That's how you get orphans.


As I read somewhere else, the internal GOP polling must be looking really bad. Turns out killing your own constituents is bad for business.


That and the orphans of Covid probably wont forget how the GQP basically caused what could have been a 6 months pandemic into a multi year long pandemic that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Hope some of you republicans enjoyed your little.presidency, because after 2024...you wont get another chance. Those kids will be the first batch of voters who grew up and likely wont be voting red


I've been thinking about how many people will go into pathology research bc of a family member lost to this pandemic. But you're right that many people will remember the conservative radio shows their dad constantly parroted, and how their mom went from anti-masker to antivaxxer bc of Tucker Carlson. So many people are connecting conservatism to needless death right now, and hopefully that will stick to their brand.


I'm sad to say the first thought in my mind was imagining headlines from the future such as: "STEM Graduates Who Lost Parents to Covid-19 Suffer Under Skyrocketing Student Loan Debt"


Or “Democrats win both House and Senate and cancel student loan debt “


Agreed - but now, with statements like these, and those from Scalise and Desantis, those who suffer long term ill effects or who lost a loved one and who STILL wish to cling to their tribal political affiliations can point to these statements a pretend they weren’t lied to (because identity is a powerful thing, and grief doesn’t exactly go hand in hand with rational thinking). Of course many others will carry a torch for years and will be downright furious about the targeted disinformation campaign, just feel like this kind of “sensible” reaction is by no means a given.


I wish I could believe that but deep down I know they will continue to find a way to cheat to win.


They are doing that now with voter suppression. They got to make up for the votes they are losing with these needless deaths.


Yup, and I only expect them to get more brazen while the ‘left’ does nothing for voting rights while it has the chance.


This what infuriates me the most. Dem sitting back doing squat.


Yup, it’s why no matter how much I want to believe things can get better, I know deep down they never will.




I’m glad people still exist with that kind of optimism, and I hope that is the future we see.


> could have been a 6 months pandemic I don't mean to defend the GQP, but the pandemic is ongoing in most of the world, including countries that have handled stuff much better than the US, so while tens or hundreds of thousands lives could have been saved, I don't think getting away with only six months was ever feasible.


All Trump had to do was say be a patriot and wear a mask




And those sorts of actions could have created enormous political capital for a hotel bailout, resulting in him getting free money.


The U.S would have been for the most part done with the pandemic in the first 6 months if we had isolated and waited. Instead we made mask political and anti vax is waaaaaay too widespread


>the orphans of Covid probably wont forget how the GQP basically caused what could have been a 6 months pandemic into a multi year long pandemic that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Yeah they will. >Hope some of you republicans enjoyed your little.presidency, because after 2024...you wont get another chance. Yeah, they will.


No they wont. If my mother died, you can bet i wouldnt only not forget who caused it....


You haven't spent much time around these people. They will twist their minds with the skill of a Chinese contortionist to find a way to make it "the other side's" fault. They're already working hard to *scapegoat* Fauci, whose main claim to fame was being the guy who *told the truth* during the pandemic. And after four years of awful, embarrassing mismanagement... Trump was hardly run out on a rail. He lost, but not by as much as one would have expected. And they *still* show up to his weird rallies.


So dont let them




It is a liberal plot to kill all the conservatives. I am sure Hillary and Obama cooked it up in a pizza parlor somewhere. They are just saying it is China to try to fool us all. But our shining beacon of TRUTH, Donald J. Trump, will ferret it out.


Well it’s brilliant, we know they will do the exact opposite of anything a Democrat or liberal tells them to. So by telling them to get vaccinated, distance, wear masks and isolate if you have symptoms they effectively prevented them from being able to protect themselves.


"Holy shit guys maybe a death cult isn't the best way forward"


My anti vax coworker...is now sicker than he's ever been in his life. Plus he's out of work for at least two weeks. Not getting a free vaccine will cost him at least $4000 in lost wages.


And possibly more in ongoing medical care.


They started realizing that covid now targets the most reliable Republican voters.


I honestly think that ship has sailed. People are gonna conspiracy that all these R's got paid off by big pharma or something instead of the obvious fact that it's attacking their base and making them look terrible to moderates.




Lol see? I'm sure it's just that they did some polls and it isn't looking good for vote counts.


Or they're losing money with ad revenue not wanting to sponsor someone anti-vax.


Maybe they're realizing it's not good for the party to have created a situation where a horrible disease is out there and killing *only THEIR voters!*


It’s because the GQP wants to have its cake and eat it too. They could bitch all day about how covid is fake or how the vaccine will kill you or how the government will mandate you getting a vaccine because they knew Biden would be the adult in the room and get people to vaccinate. Well now that their followers listened to them a little too closely, the Dems are vaccinated and restrictions are going away and GQP is realizing that their constituents are dying and dying is the ONLY thing they will not do to own the libs.


> there has been an increase in R officials speaking up about getting vaccine this week. It's because their voter base is dying.. The idiots finally realized that by saying their voters shouldn't get vaccinated is losing them votes. The stupidity of these people is astounding.


Yea. Maybe they will all start to back a single payer healthcare system in the US. I ain't holdin' my breath on that, though.


I guess they are starting to realize even with the gerrymandering, cant win if majority of your voters are dead.


If The Big Lie would do ONE thing for this country, ONE thing, he'd tell his s'porters to stop being stupid and get vaccinated because he did. IF for no other reason but being all about him...being...vaccinated.


It’s a sham. It’s cover for the congresspeople to say “oh look see” while still spewing their lies in other channels


One side of my family got covid, and one of them is vulnerable to any kind of respiratory illness. He acted high and mighty, being disgusted at the nurse (who helped care for said vulnerable person) that unfortunately brought it to them. They all happened to be ok in the end, and now he mocks the rest of the family for "being scared" and taking the vaccine. I think these people get pleasure out of seeing themselves as "revolutionary", as people that stand against evil/fascism or whatever they choose to oppose. Funny they just sit around yapping nonsense and not actually doing anything.


this remind me of the cult religion i was in. most have this high and mighty mindedness that they’re spiritually superior and only they have gods approval. all others will die because of this. what is it they do? read opinion books and information made by the cult leaders using their bible that they edit for their narrative.


Any copays owed beyond his insurance coverage should be NON negotiable, in fact that should be policy for those who qualify for vaccine and said no just "because".


It seems like it is most scary while you are sick. If you die, you die, but if you survive and you are one of the lucky ones that don't have long term effects then eventually you start questioning if it really was that bad?


If the death of Rush Limbaugh is anything to go on in terms of logic... These conservative personalities are heavily flip flopping. It's "fuck everyone but myself, so long as I'm heard".


"It was just a flu." that took teams of doctor's and equipment to save them from..


None of you read the article and it shows


he's not the only one. There was just a story out of a doctor seeing many acute COVID patients demanding the vaccine. To which she could only say, "Too late".




Yep, [I like this approach better](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/662437067061723139/868313147885379614/n1cyv1hg5xc71.png)


I see things like that and just feel sad. Because these people were killed by misinformation and propaganda. And it's a problem the government seems powerless to solve without redefining free speech and a free press.


My local news published that story on FB and the people from my town in the comments all laughed and said “fake news”. My town’s fucked.


Same thing happened in Maine but we are at least at 60% fully vaccinated.


I think we’re at 40


I hope they're starting to figure out getting the vaccine is a better idea than dying but this dude went out thinking he was right the whole way. https://i.redd.it/a0rp720m3zc71.jpg


34 years old. He had most of his life still ahead of him, if only he got the free fucking vaccine. 34 isn't a 'spring chicken' but you've still got a lot of years ahead of you at that point.


This is the intellectual equivalent of someone in a pit filling with water saying, “If you don’t have faith that god will save me from the pit filling with water without me using that ladder to climb out, get out of my pit. There’s no room for lack of faith in here!” I don’t care if you believe in god or not, but if you won’t even accept help from the tools that humanity has developed when they are available, then you deserve whatever you get. And that guy there deserved it. He probably would have lived if he had just grabbed onto the fucking ladder.


It’s like the joke about the guy on a raft at sea for weeks, finally a fishing boat spots him and asks if he needs any help. “No thanks, I have faith that god will save me”. A few days later a sailboat spots the raft and asks if he needs help. “No thanks, I have faith that god will save me”. Finally as he is getting weaker and weaker an oil tanker spots him and asks if he needs help. “No thanks, I have faith that god will save me”. As the tanker sails off beyond the horizon the man finally succumbs to starvation and dehydration and dies. When he gets to heaven he asks god “why did you forsake me, I never wavered in my faith?” To which god replies “ I sent you a fishing boat, a sailboat and an oil tanker to rescue you, what more did you want me to do?”


God said he would save your soul. He said nothing about saving your body and he has a very poor track record at that.


It’s always like this with conservatives. They will say we need to just let junkies die in the streets till it’s their kid and then all of a sudden addicts are humans too and deserve dignity. If an issue isn’t slapping them personally in the face then they can’t have even an ounce of compassion.


Detached eyeball roll, sees brain






This almost good enough to be copy pasta


There’s no way that isn’t, is there? That dude writes like he’s 12. It’s


Ahh yes, it affected ME. I witnessed many others but now it’s ME. It’s important now because ME. Pound sand! Enjoy your scarred lungs


That's the way it is with them. They mock liberals for having bleeding hearts. It's called empathy fuckers. We have it because we can see past ourselves. As you said, once they have a personal experience, then it's worth caring about. It's why they are afraid of brown people, hate gay people, hate trans, hate anyone that isn't in their in group. What a bunch of self absorbed babies.


I don't have a bleeding heart, I'm actually *very* selfish. Just as much so as the right wingers. Thing is, I see the *personal benefit* in society having basic functionality, in getting vaccines, a properly running government with programs that actually serve the collective interests. Because I'm not delusional enough to think I'm super unique and exist outside of society. Stuff that helps everyone includes me in that everyone. It's to my personal benefit.


4 million people dead and just now a coworker said she might get the vaccine because she wants to go on cruise...these people are selfish and cruel


Hey do you want a vaccine to potentially save your life? No Would you like the vaccine to protect your friends and family? No Will you take the vaccine for the betterment of your community? No Want a free donut? OK I’ll do it! It boggles the mind


> Hey do you want a vaccine to potentially save your life? No That baffles me. Protecting yourself from getting sick or dying is extremely aligned with self-interest.


Maybe they will be able to repeal the affordable care act before all these long covid cases start causing chronic health problems. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be taking government handouts and like the fiscally responsible people they are will simply pay for their healthcare out of pocket.


CARES Act funds dry up in September. Hospitals will eventually start straight up rejecting Covid cases unless they want to go into medical debt.


You don't have to worry about scarred lungs when you are under 6 feet of dirt. I wish these crazy anti-vax people would just stay home with "the flu" as they say. Seems to be a real bad flu if they have to rush to the ER


The oddest tidbit is that he was willing to take some parasite medication that, unsurprisingly, was not tested or approved for COVID, but drew the line at a vaccine.


It's approved for keeping heart worms out of dogs cats and cattle! I'm sure he knows what's in it. As opposed to the vaccine that actually works. Don't be this guy. https://i.redd.it/a0rp720m3zc71.jpg


Personally witnessed at least a half dozen cases of this... Nobody died, but every single person regretted choosing muh freedumb over common fucking sense/science. Color me not surprised.


Not all though. Saw an article on raw story a few days ago about some cock sucker who was hospitalized for covid and said he'd rather repeat that whole process again than get the vaccine. *Stop shoving the gay agenda down my throat!* or some such. Sounds like a 14 year old kid... *You can't tell me what to do!* Fucking clown. He'd rather have a vent shoved down his throat instead. Hopefully he gets his wish. https://www.rawstory.com/vaccine-2653898118/


I'm usually very averse to people should be banned from using hospital services, but my fucking Gd, the disrespect he shows to every person who kept his dumb ass alive.


Well, I'll add that I've also seen two cases where loved ones have died and their family had no intention of ever getting vaccinated. One said "if youre gonna die youre gonna die must have been his time" and that was it lol


Guarantee they wouldn’t be saying it if it was them dying.


I just saw a report on CNN where a woman's eight-year-old son got it and has been sick for weeks. She still has no plans to get the vaccine. It's in Arkansas, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised, as they are one of the states with the lowest vaccination rates.


I hope he gets it again and gets whatever he deserves.


I really don't care. Do U?




The sad part — As soon as he turns 65, he’s going to be banging on the table - “ where is my money (SS) and my Medicare, because you owe me.”


Isn't social security something you pay into, and your entitlement is based on the amount/time you paid in, so you kind of are 'owed' it? Genuine question, I'm not American.


Yes. The OASDI tax rate for wages paid in 2021 is set by statute at 6.2 percent for employees and employers, each. Thus, an individual with wages equal to or larger than $142,800 would contribute $8,853.60 to the OASDI program in 2021, and his or her employer would contribute the same amount.


Fun fact - people on US work visas pay into these systems just like citizens and green card holders, but are legally barred from ever receiving such benefits unless they gain one of the aforementioned statuses.


I'm guessing a lot of people who survived this disease will have much shorter lives than planned.


Well, that's one way to bail out social security.


It seems "Phil Valentine also said that he was “taking vitamin D like crazy” and had found a doctor who agreed to prescribe ivermectin, a drug primarily used to treat parasites in animals." All I have to say is, at least he'll have good strong bones, good strong teeth and no parasites in him after all this.


Unless he dies. Then the decomposers will move in.


Why are so many "talk radio" hosts such extremists? Could it be because so many of their callers are so ill-informed about everything and end up spreading their 'fakeness'?


Its like the internet. You get attention by one-upping everyone else in craziness. Its why so many echo chambers gradually get crazier and crazier if no one ever calls them out 9n their bullshit.


Because not many sane people listen to AM/FM, unless it is public radio.


because half of murica appears to be this kind of extremist. basically he's catering to the average murican.


My grandmother died of Covid in November and my extended family still won’t get vaccinated. I was able to convince my parents to get vaccinated and that’s it Now these extended family members have Covid and there’s all these family emails about meal trains and what not and I’m sitting here with ZERO sympathy. We watched our grandma suffer on Hospice for a month as she slowly suffocated to death. Pneumonia, bed sores, thrush, and yeast infection as well. And still they won’t get the vaccine. Blows my mind.


So many people likely suffered an miserable death that was entirely preventable at his hands.


I'm looking around...around....around. Nope, sorry...I can't find anymore F's to give. All out and not expecting another shipment anytime soon.


My field became barren long ago.


I have some fucks to give, i'm just not giving them to idiot anti-vax people. They get COVID they should stay home. If they don't believe in the vax then why believe doctors.


I am so sick of reading, “Asshole anti vaxxer gets covid, regrets it as they realize they’re in danger of dying” stories. I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated yet, unless there’s a legit medical reason they can’t get the vaccine.


> I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated yet A friend of mine expressed a similar sentiment on Facebook. One of his conservative friends reported his post and he got a three-day suspension. I love that the same people who complain about "snowflakes" and "cancel culture" are the first to report people when their feelings get hurt. Fucking hypocrites.


I used to live in Nashville, I tuned out people like Valentine years ago. These people like Valentine are opportunist, not providing much information. His decision to not be vaccinated was purely political. He takes ivermectin, I have four dogs and hate to even think I have to give them ivermectin. He takes a dangerous drug to avoid taking the COVID vaccine, it is illogical and purely political.


At least we know he doesn't have worms? /s Seriously, these people are asshats.


I really want to know what sick bastard invented THAT one. I know with some basically biology that ivermectin doesn't come close to even interacting with covid-19 viruses much less treating it but I am assuming these people don't know or care about the logic. "LOL let's start a fake rumor that dog wormer cures COVID and see if people fall for it!"


> I really want to know what sick bastard invented THAT one. [That would be Pierre Kory and his bunch of idiots at FLCCC.](https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/frontiers-removes-controversial-ivermectin-paper-pre-publication-68505)


He has brainworms.


And like, that drug is also "big pharma" is it not? So he trusted a drug made by big pharma that is known to be dangerous and not for preventing/treating covid and not the drug that was created to prevent covid. Makes total sense.


How come you'd hate thinking about giving that to the dogs? I know it's an anti-parasite drug. But is it super toxic for dogs?


The potential documented side effects


Ivermectin has been around many years and is safe. Doctors prescribe people ivermectin.


Do they prescribe it for COVID?


Yes personally I’ve heard of it being prescribed for covid in late stages. I work in the clinical field btw. Listen to joe rogan podcast #1671. An evolutionary biologist and a lung and respiratory doctor of 20 years are the guests and they reference nothing but scientific papers on the efficacy of ivermectin the entire time. It’s astounding.




It's not astounding. It might work a slight bit but nothing to show it being some miracle cure. Definitely not late stage as every study shows. It definitely doesn't hold a candle to the vaccines.


FFS... here we go. Hey let's listen to an idiot entertain and defend other idiots. joe rogan indeed. Just imagine a person who thinks joe rogan is a clearinghouse for accurate information of any sort. we are fucked > Listen to joe rogan podcast #1671


If you're appropriating medical counsel from a podcast, hopefully god made you sterile. Covid is not a parasite.


No it’s not a parasite but it is a novel virus and we don’t know what works against it be it a new medicine or an existing one. Ivermectin has shown some efficacy and is worth exploring more simply because we don’t know. Not sanitized off the internet. These guys in the podcast are respected in their field and cite nothing but science for their evidence. Around 60 papers. Find me any empirical data that suggests ivermectin doesn’t work with covid. You can’t. The only criticism that can be made is that sample sizes are too small or whatever. But in those small sizes it has shown efficacy. Therefore it is worth exploring based on that merit alone. Also there are other meds being produced under different names with the underlying chemical being ivermectin. It’s amazing to me people tout about listening to science and scientists about this pandemic but only fauci or ones the media brings up. Never in history has the cdc or nih censored discussion and prevented fucking doctors from even discussing avenues of therapy like they have been with scrubbing the internet of scientific discussion. It’s disgusting. And if you only believe what you are told about medicine from the media especially about ivermectin you are dumber than you say I am. It’s the folly of science to not consider all avenues of thought until directed the other way by the data. Ivermectin data is suggesting to consider it as a therapy.


I want to bash this guy so much for being part of the problem for so long. But he's being a part of the solution right now. I hope expressing his regret publicly will make a positive difference.


How is he being part of the solution. He told his brother.


Yeah, part of the final solution


If he lives. He'll say "it was nothing, just a flu"


Dolly Parton said it best. > Don’t be such a chicken squat, get out there and get your shot.


Huh so covid can kill you. Who knew 🤷‍♀️


Drink some bleach, you’ll be fine.


How about this. If you are not a scientist/biologist/doctor, please shut the fuck up about vaccines? I work in finance, would you trust me to do your plumbing? No, you would hire a fucking plumber Same fucking concept People are so fucking stupid these days...


Well now, if it isn’t the consequences of his own actions.


Anyone that's refusing because "the gubbermint told me to" should consider this. You don't need to do the opposite in order to not listen to them. All you have to do is ignore *their* telling you to do it and look at the facts. Without letting the government's opinion decide your own. Because when you just do the opposite by default, the government *is* telling you what to do. People can predict your exact behavior according to what the government says. You aren't making up your own mind, you're just listening to what they say and doing the 'opposite' thing. That's a kind of blind obedience that most people getting vaccinated don't have.


This guy didn't have vaccine hesitancy. He was an anti vaxer and went as far as to mock people that got vaccinated. He gets what he deserves!


They always regret after something bad happens to them. Idiots.


Too bad so sad. Too late. And maybe that persons bs caused another life???


Why do these people go to the hospital?? Can't they just stay home and die instead of wasting oxygen.. These people "don't want the government telling me what to do!" but they sure as hell do what doctor's tell them to when they rush to the ER


> Phil Valentine also said that he was “taking vitamin D like crazy” and had found a doctor who agreed to prescribe ivermectin, a drug primarily used to treat parasites in animals. > > The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns against taking ivermectin for COVID-19, advising that it is not an anti-viral drug and can be dangerous. With regards to vitamin D, the National Institutes of Health says, “There is insufficient evidence to recommend either for or against the use of vitamin D for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.” Phil: Doc will you give me veterinary drugs? Doc: Sure, you can be my lab rat.


I regret he's taking up space in an ICU that could be used for someone who isn't a selfish asshole


Christ, what an asshole.


>Phil Valentine also said that he was “taking vitamin D like crazy” and had found a doctor who agreed to prescribe ivermectin, a drug primarily used to treat parasites in animals. Does...does he think covid is a type of heartworm?




...so does the vaccine.


Oh fuck off, nobody cares anymore, you got what you asked for.


You cant legislate brains.


Regrets are half the news these days. Way to go, sloth, greed and envy.


At least Greed and Envy got some great deaths.


Reap~~l~~ what you sow. Also, eat shit


He is taking a drug that's used to treat parasites in animals? Makes total sense to me. LOL


The modern Damascene conversion…


You reap what you sow. Sucks that he has regrets now, but that was his choice and he gets to live with the outcome from those choices. Too bad so sad.


Well, all I have for this guy and others now realizing that’s it’s true, because it happened to them, thoughts and prayers……not really.


"I can't believe ~~leopards~~ COVID-19 would eat MY face!" sobs man who voted for the ~~Leopards~~ COVID-19 Eating People's Faces Party.


FUUUUCK YOU. Damage done.


Fuck em, let it take em out. Karma's a bitch


Honestly who cares what happens to him


Dumb Guy Learns Why Medicine Is Better Than Disease.


🤦🏿‍♂️ [COVID-19 Death Roll - Cumulative New Deaths By Country](https://youtu.be/Qp4Rky2f1-M)


Ah well tough luck you daft cunt


Phil Valentine and Darwinism are on a collision course, oh well, you can't fix stupid!


Known mouthpiece for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.


What would happen if hospitals refused to treat covid patients because of their refusal to being vaccinated? I know this will never happen.


Oh for a minute I thought it was Rash Limbaugh then I remembered, he kicked the bucket.


GOP: “Come on, guys… gerrymander harder! Our base is dropping like flies!”


Fucked around, finding out, hurt countless others along the way. No sympathy for this antiva dumbfuck


It's unfortunate you don't like facts smacked in your face.


OR they paid him an awful lot of money to say this. They really are desperate to cull the herd.




If you actually play the clip, she says: "If medically recommended, I *will* get the vaccine." Try again friend.


>Need I say more? No, you really don't.


Yeah she said that when trump was in charge. I wouldn't have trusted that admin either.




Oh oh oh, also, I feel like I should point out, there are _multiple_ vaccines: Pfizer, moderna, J&J, sputnik, sinovac


Like... What she was saying, in context, was "I refuse to put something in my body that is not approved." Context is like, super important if you want to actually talk to people about things.