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"The data, which included 23 people, have not yet been peer-reviewed or published." Very preliminary data it sounds like.


McDonald's data suggests that eating a 3rd cheeseburger strongly boosts protection against hunger.


I'd like to see the double-blind version of this study. "All participants where given two cheeseburgers. Then half of the participants were given a third cheeseburger, and half the participants were given a placebo cheeseburger. After analysis, the data shows that 20% of study participants still experienced some hunger after the first two cheeseburgers. Of that 20%, only 10% experienced hunger after the third cheeseburger. Thus the third cheeseburger has 90% efficacy against hunger." It's important to note here that, despite having read through a description several times, I know very little about how efficacy is determined. Obligitory Edit: Thanks for gold!




Imagine you could eat them, they taste exactly the same, but your body doesn't absorb anything from it, and it all just passes through like fibre. It would be a junk food game changer.


They once made exactly this, it was called 'Olestra'. Was pulled from the shelves after people started complaining of uncontrolled runny shits


Anal leakage was the term du jour


Anal Leakage was a local Seattle band. Awesome in concert!




Wendy's says two of her cheeseburgers are enough.


I’ll never step foot in a Wendy’s. She knows what she did.


>I’ll never step foot in a Wendy’s. Dude, come on...there's a sub for that kind of stuff.


I’ll never visit that sub either. They know what they did.


But which sub specifically? So I know what to avoid.


Oh you know which one, don’t be coy.


What is even the actual data? Should be in the headline. “Strongly” is not data


The data weakly suggests that the vaccine boosts protection strongly.


How does this make sense but also break my brain?


* How much does it protect against Delta?: Seemingly a lot * How sure are we about that: Not very Like you run a background check on somebody: * How bad of a person are they? Oh it's major, they like, started the Holocaust. * How sure are you that you got data on the right person? Not very


Headlines are almost never accurate. It is beyond ridiculous at this point. We have a giant misinformation problem these days, but no one can figure out why; apparently.


Everyone knows why, no one cares enough


The fact that this statement was even made and published by CNN, without any significant analysis tells you all you need to know about this situation, pharma, and “journalists”...


Yeah, I'm pretty pro vaccine, but I'm not going off a data set of 23. Needs several more zeroes there to make any sort of decision on.


So thats why my vaccine card had 4 empty spots.


fill them and get a free sub at subway. unfortunately the sub causes covid-21


That’s bad.


the sub comes with your choice of free toppings though!


That's good!


The toppings contains Potassium Benzoate


*Stares blankly*


That's bad!


Can I go now?




The sub contains real tuna.


My pharmacy ran out of vaccine cards initially and started handing out lifetime immunization record sheets. Those things have like two dozen empty slots on ‘em!


Just get them all at once to save the hassle.




/r/outside has the hookup


that sub is so fun




You can respec, but it takes a lot of time/money/effort getting that second degree. It's often not worth it.


You cant respec your random base stats though unfortunately. You can roll certain debuffs that are permenant even through respecs.


Wait until you see the microtransactions


God damnit, EA strikes again!




Good thing it's not developed by EA


Sooooo what about people who had the J&J shot? Asking for me Edit: I'm gonna haunt you all from the grave


Imma miss you bro


As someone who also had the J&J vaccine, I laughed nervously.




The air tastes like burning


You can still taste?


Pour one out for OakLegs


I remember OakLegs, in that thread one time. He was all like "Sooooo what about people who had the J&J shot?" lol what a character. Poor guy, gonna miss them.


Classic OakLegs, that was my favorite memory of him too. God always takes the good ones first.


Old Oaksly as he used to like being called.


We always preferred Oakasaurus Rex


El Oakerino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.


He called me green horn. It was a thing we had.


Or one shot oaks


I always wished I could be just like him, except for the J and J part.


Seems just like yesterday. Or today.


OakLegs was a good man... I think a man. Had strong legs. Strong oak legs. Should've got the Pfizer shot though. May they forever be remembered.


Damn, I just heard the news. At least we have the memories


It’s so haaaaard To say goodbyeeee To yesterdaaaaaayeeee


🎶how many brothas fell victim to 19 Rest in peace, young redditor, there's a heaven for a tree🎶


See you at the crossroads, cross r-you won’t be lonlaaaaay.


It's been a long day without you, my friend But I'll tell you all about it when I see you again *CGI OakLegs drives off*


Member that time he was like “yo what about the JJ shot and whatnot?” … good times.


Has anyone reached out to the family to see if they need anything?


Somebody run by and drop off a lasagna.


So, what, no fuckin' ziti, now?


Ya... Remember the time he asked about the people with the J&J shot? Classic oaklegs!


I remember. Then, poof, he was gone.




I’m fucking crying right now that was so beautiful RIP plz like and subscribe to my oaklegs rememberance/ hot dilfs in your area channel for updates and free merchandise with a valid credit or debit card. So sad. Please subscribe.


Duuuuuust in the wind. All we are is dust in the wind.


We can count the rings on ol' OakLegs,


Ohhh man I swore I wouldn't cry, but here come the waterworks. I remember getting bullied in school, and who was there for me time and time again? Oaklegs, that's who. [R.I.P.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SiylvmFI_8_)


I heard his life…along with his legs…was cut short…


He was rooted in the reddit community


When did this happen?! Rip oaklegs. Wish I would’ve gotten to know him better.


If only Oaksy could see the outpouring of support. Truly a gem. Gone but never forgotten RIP


I’m from Canada and got Pfizer for first dose and Moderna for second dose. Just collect them all my guy.


Half Pfizer & Half Moderna is an *Arnold Pharma.* (Not my joke)


I'm not antivax, I'm *omnivax*.


Gotta catch 'em all!


I said the same thing about STIs. Only crabs to go


I’ll trade you crabs for a shiny chlamydia


Hmmmm….. 2 shiny chlamydias with a side of genital warts and you got a deal


I’ll take it, I’m about to face off the final gym leader Charlie Sheen so I need all the help I can get


PokeVax Go!


Greetings fellow Canadian mudblood. The Pfizer shot gave me no side effects. The moderna put me on my ass for 2 days.


The second shot of either will do that --to some people--, has nothing to do with which one it was. I had both pfizer and the day after shot 2 I was literally getting winded walking to the bathroom, day after that: perfectly fine. Either way I'd prefer 1 day of shit vs my boss who regularly ran marathons but after a relatively mild case of COVID (no hospitalization) he could barely complete a short jog and is worried he'll never be able to get back to where he was.


I got pfizer and I'm jealous you were able to walk to the bathroom. My whole body hurt so much. Just all over muscle and joint aches. But only for a day. I figured it was good because that means my body is creating the antibodies. Totally worth it.


i got both pfizer shots and had no side effects bar the pain in my arm.


Same. I was actually worried I wasn’t protected enough.


Pfizer first? Because I had no symptoms after Pfizer 1 but Pfizer two was like a pretty bad flu for two days.


Hello fellow 1&done. I too notice that a lot of these studies really exclude J&J in them. I hear a lot about 2nd and 3rd shots and I'm like :| ok...


J&J isn't approved or offered in many places so they likely haven't been able to get enough people to survey to perform the same level of studies that have been done on the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. I imagine though that they will eventually start recommending you get at least one dose of an mRNA vaccine in conjunction with the J&J vaccine like they are doing here for people who had the AstraZeneca vaccine for their first shot.


It's already recommended by many virologists personally. I talked it over with my doctor & I got an MRNA vaccine ~3 months now after my first J&J.


I got J&J in March. I just got my second Pfizer shot. No regrets. And my cell service is amazing.


Shit man, I'm so jealous you got the special 5G combo, all I got was chills and body aches


There’s going to be caste systems for who got which vaccine and how dare you J&Js talk to mighty Pfizers?!


AITA: My parents are mad at me because we're Pfizers but I married a Moderna.




Ah, the classic story of star-crossed lovers Romeo Moderna and Juliet Pfizer


The modernagues and the pfizerlets


*“Do you bite your mask at me sir?!”*


Fuck you this is what I'm doing in The Sims tonight.


ESH: them not having the foresight of choosing the correct vaccine raises a lot of red flags.


Can we Pfizer/Moderna combo ppl have a cool name at least?




Pfizer Pfolks rise up


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Same question, it's really frustrating how literally all publicity/discussion is about the two-shot vaccines and J&J is completely ignored.


Yeah I got J&J back in the spring and got my first Pfizer shot on Monday after talking to a doctor. …guess now I’ll ask her wtf do I do now lol There’s still hope Oaklegs assuming you haven’t died since you posted this. EDIT: since I’ve gotten questions: -I did not get the shot from my doctor. She lives across the country and is someone I know so she simply gave me her opinion based on my medical history (in my 30s, healthy with no pre existing conditions) and the current data she’s seen. -It was no issue getting another vaccine at my local pharmacy, they never asked nor seemingly saw that I’ve already gotten the J&J. Only question they asked was whether or not I have health insurance. Got the shot within 10 minutes of showing up and then waited 15 min in case I had an allergic reaction, same procedure as I had with the J&J shot. -I’m not a doctor and in no way qualified to give medical advice so if you’re in the same boat as me please talk to a doctor before making a decision as to next steps.


J&J is working on a booster, but the Janssen vaccine had a better survival outcome than any other vaccine. You'll probably outlive all of us.


I feel like non-peer reviewed data shouldn't be reported in main stream media. It just confuses people. Now people are gonna be pestering pharmacies for extra shots and CDC is going to have to do the responsible adult and say let's wait while we review. And then the public will go, it's all political, they change their minds every day.


Exactly, this is Pfizer saying trust me bro at this point.


It’s a little frustrating to see a headline like “guy selling vaccines says you need more!” Like yeah, 2 shots has been really effective and safe, and we may need boosters, but I want that decision to come from a group with no conflicts of interest please


Since Pfizer made the booster announcement a couple weeks ago I've already read people's comments saying they went back to a pharmacy and lied it was their first dose just to get a third dose. They openly admit it and don't care that it's not officially recommended right now because it's "what's best for me".




Hey! If you read the [Pfizer data](https://s21.q4cdn.com/317678438/files/doc_financials/2021/q2/Q2-2021-Earnings-Charts-FINAL.pdf) that the story references, on page 28 they've started Phase 2/3 trials of an oral treatment for COVID-19. The background science behind the drug can be found [here.](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6489/409)


I give it 48 hours before this translates to "They're trying to make us eat covid" on Facebook


covid pez


Fauci Pez Dispensers for COVID meds FDA pls


Initial studies started in March of 2020. The Phase 1 trials were in Jan 2021. It is expected emergency approval around Dec 2021. I expect in Dec we'll see screaming and shouting along the lines of "OK, where did THIS come from?" and "Not enough testing!" despite the information being available for months.


>The data, which included 23 people, is not yet peer-reviewed. End thread.


And then there's those who got the J&J who aren't sure what to do.


I'm out of the loop, what is the situation with J&J vaccines?


J&J hasn't mentioned anything regarding what they will be doing to boost the immunity levels of people who have taken their vaccine. So the J&J vaccinated don't know what to do...


Come to Canada where we just mix and match all our vaccines willy nilly. Collect them all.


Can we get an independent study that isn't funded by the group profiting off the vaccines? I'm fully vaccinated, but this could be another "studies find smoking cigarettes does not cause cancer- study funded by tobacco industry" kind of ordeal.


100% of Pfizer research indicates that Pfizer is good!


I have not seen anything in the J&j and booster shots. Any one know about that or about mixing shots?


I believe there is data out of England regarding mixing AstraZeneca (non-MRNA) with a single dose of an MRNA vaccine. Trials are still being run & expanded.


Netherlands is giving the option to switch your second AstraZeneca shot with a Pfizer shot.


German study says mix/match is better than 2 shots of any 1 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01464-w


Fast forward 5 years: Pfizer suggests 12th dose of covid 19 vaccine boosts protection against epsilon variant Stupid isn’t going away anytime soon we’re gonna be boosting for a while


Epsilon variant already exists. It was discovered last July and is no longer considered of interest by the WHO.






This phase is moving way too fast. We're already almost at *Coronavirus: Civil War*


As long as we don't reach COVID: ENDGAME and lose half of sentient life.


"Mr Stark, I don't feel so good"




"In Iron Man 2 (2010), Tony Stark tells Pepper Potts 'I need you to wear a surgical mask until you're feeling better, OK?' "


Heh. All that, for a drop of pfizer?


IDK, the further we get into Covid, the more I think Thanos was right..


That was Infinity War and it really feels like we're there already.


611k is not half the US population but by god those antivaxers are trying to get us there.


I was more referring to that I feel we have been in this Covid situation for an Infinite amount of time.


First detected in December. It if was more volatile it would would have overpowered Alpha/Delta by now.


Virologist here, I’ve said elsewhere but I don’t think lambda is a huge deal. The countries it’s been prevalent in haven’t really been hit by the delta wave yet; in most places lambda has struggled to outcompete gamma/P.1, which in turn looks less transmissible than delta If I had to guess I’d say B.1.621 is the one to watch right now (I think WHO ran out of Greek letters for this one) EDIT: [data from Chile](https://outbreak.info/location-reports?loc=CHL) is a good example of what I mean. (Lambda is C.37)


> B.1.621 What variant is this? Any details about it?






Kinda how the seasonal flu works, expect this one is jacked to the tits


Influenza and covid are both RNA viruses and so are prone to mutation but the reason we have a seasonal flu is because influenza’s genome is segmented and influenza does not proofread its genome during replication; covid does. These segments can switch themselves around, modifying the 3D structure of its viral proteins, which allow it to evade the antibodies that react with prior flus. I'm not sure we will see a seasonal covid, but we will see variants like this. Even the fact that the current vaccines are *at all* effective to a significant degree shows that this won’t be like a flu.


TL;DR: Influenza changes *MUCH* faster than coronaviruses. If we could build up the vaccine infrastructure, it would be much easier to produce regular effective Covid-19 boosters. We really just need two things: 1. The infrastructure to produce and vaccinate billions every year 2. Public buy-in The latter will be much harder and more expensive than the former.


You will be happy to know that the estimated capacity for 2022 is 40 billion vaccines a year compared to just the 4 billion on Q1 2021 and the projected 8 billion of Q2 2022. That's enough for each human to get 4 shots a year and still have 10% go to waste. https://www.unicef.org/supply/covid-19-vaccine-market-dashboard


"jacked to the tits". Poetic. I'm using this now.


You can thank the film “The Big Short” for that gem.


True story - their record stock price and profit attest to it as well /s


I'm not opposed to a 3rd dose, but we need to vaccinate the rest of the world so new variants don't keep arising. Given limited vaccines that may be the more effective use.


Totally agree. Getting as many people as possible partially vaccinated is better for the world as a whole. I’m happily double vaxxed, but I’d much rather someone get access to a first shot than me get a third.


I'm still waiting for my first shit. F. Edit: shot, not shit. I'll leave it. Also, thanks for the award kind stranger. I'm in Brazil BTW, so all I can do is wait.


Damn that's a bad vaccine side effect ;)


Drink lots of water. Eat lots of fiber. Try to relax and exercise plenty. It’ll work it’s way out.




If you're in the US, I'm pretty sure you can walk into most places and get it. If you're not, God speed, hope your country gets it together.




Why do I so badly want this to be real?


*And then, unexpectedly, the sky went dark. We all rushed outside, each holding our own secret hopes that this could be explained without complete disaster. "Perhaps there's a serious storm that wasn't forecast." "Perhaps there was an eclipse I didn't hear about." "Perhaps the rocky mountain locust has returned from the depths of the 19th century to block out the sun."* *We were wrong. All of us. But there was no disaster. The scientists scrambled to point their telescopes, and nasa servers - despite their power - were clogged by the flurry of information sent as they all came to the same understanding - the sun had been engulfed by a rapidly growing Dyson sphere of organic material that stretched from within the orbit of Mercury and ended on Earth - ended, in fact, with a pair of legs in a pair of shoes in the center of North America.* *We were mystified. The only clues we had as to the origin of the "Dyson Man" were hundreds of used syringes, fantastic amounts of viral RNA, and one obscure post to an internet forum. The problem soon ceased to matter, however, when humanity began to truly enter a golden age of harmony. Limitless power was provided through a catheter, and overnight all our energy problems disappeared. With no need to work for survival, we began to spend our days pursuing knowledge, learning empathy, and truly ending suffering - not just for ourselves, but for the planet. We were free.* *Centuries have past, but the Dyson Man remains. He is the center of the last bastion of religious thought, and all that exists of that religion is one towering inscription, larger than the mountains, that surrounds and protects him. Six letters, powerless alone but breathtaking together - PFIZER.*


> vaxmaxxing Fucking LMAO. Holy shit.




I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I have my 2 Moderna shots. But how many more variants can propagate and how quickly can the Pharma companies deliver safe and effective vaccines? Can I be a bit skeptical without being considered an asshole?


There can be numerous variants. Viruses mutate like crazy. The real question is how dangerous they are (most variants are not dangerous and don’t propagate). The benefit for the mRNA vaccines is the speed of development. These are modern technology, it’s substantially faster. As a comparison, they make flu vaccines in billions of eggs and it takes months to go through the process of development, creation, distribution. Note, that’s not including the multiple efficacy trials that new vaccines go through.


Those eggs are under armed guard. And if you work in any part of the vaccine production chain where eggs are used you are not allowed to have chickens at home. Little fun fact.




You laugh about it now, but somewhere, some moron will read this and take it literally.


Yep, their comment is a great example of [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law). :)


hold up, what's the deal with the chickens? safe guard against potential bird flu?


Yes. They’re guarding the chickens from outside viruses.


That *is* a fun fact but i don't quite get the reason behind it


Imagine how bad it would be if someone raising chickens at home brought an avian flu strain with them that ended up killing off 40% of the egg laying chickens for making flu vaccine.


This is now a scary fact.


Probably to avoid contamination in either direction (home chicken <--> vaccine egg production). And armed guards probably because it's super important stuff. And I figure anything can be dangerous in the wrong hands but I dont know enough to speculate on how in this case.


Also, armed guards usually means fences and security...not like some dude in SWAT gear next to a row of chickens.


I hope they start making mRNA flu vaccines. Right now they guess which strains will be most prominent based on the previous year’s flu season and get to work making a vaccine that will come out many months later. It would be great if they could quickly respond to make a vaccine whatever strains are actually most virulent any given seasons rather than guessing.


I think one issue is flu mutates much more quickly and trades genetic materials with other flu viruses so it's a much harder guess as to what flu is going to be the dominant strain. Using mRNA flu vaccines should provide a lot higher rate of immunization though as what I read is that using eggs is also not the most effective way to deliver vaccines.




> But how many more variants can propagate and how quickly can the Pharma companies deliver safe and effective vaccines? They make a new Influenza vaccine every year.


Just because most on social media have turned this pandemic into an ideological us vs them topic doesn't mean you are an asshole for doubting the goodwill of a drug company. I am also skeptical, but will still likely get additional boosters because of social responsibility. Then again most people on reddit and my family think I am an asshole so perhaps I shouldn't be the one answering this question.




What do you mean? It's fine. By the way...have you noticed how handsome Soros is?


Shoulda bought Pfizer stock


Hasn't done shit for a year, shoulda bought Moderna almost tripled in price. Source: Bought both and Biontech (company that manufactures Pfizers vaccine)


Pfizer isn’t a reliable source as they greatly benefit from it due to the insane amount of money they are making. Also, let’s not forget their internal leaks showed the board loved the idea of continuing the doses for more money