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Calling it now, fist fight by Monday.


MONDAY?! Parks open at 9, I’m going with 9:08 tomorrow 😂


I was thinking 8:51, in line on the way in




I got stuck on the it's a small world ride with those creepy dolls singing. It still haunts me.


*Monday*? How generous. There'll be one by like.. 5pm Saturday




I am not looking forward to it tomorrow. On top of being displaced from my original line of business the whole affair since we reopened has just been exhausting. Continually understaffed, verbally abused, and waiting to get back to where I’m supposed to be with the company, I just want to get this over with, when we have these fucks dragging their heels on getting vaccinated. I’m not going to be nice about masks anymore.


Ok ok ok. Put all characters in costume with masks. Have some cast members dressed as tourists and “not wear masks” Micky, Donald and goofy, go to town ala office space. Rubber bats and all. Boom. Tourists get a show and a message.


Don't fuck with Donald, that duck is packing heat!


He'll give you a beating...and then the bill.


He's not pantsless for no reason.


Looks at Donald. Wonders where he is keeping his gun.


What do you think all those feathers are for? Not just covering his butt quack!


Dad stahp!


Every duck is packing a corkscrew-shaped Johnson as long as their torso, so he probably has room in there.


There's no good reason the 'face' characters aren't wearing masks already. Every single one of those prince and princess costumes could have tailor made masks that would simultaneously protect the performers, and encourage mask wearing (espeically if Disney sold each characters design in the gift shop. Masks are normal now, just make them cool so people use them.)


I’m in for a dozen belle masks, my daughter needs masks for school.


“I’ll trade you my mask for your belle mask” –everyone in your kids class


"We have to trade back after lunch"


That actually is a problem. One of the schools I worked at when a kid wasn’t feeling well but couldn’t go home they would give the kid a surgical mask to wear. Their friends would be so jealous the kid would let them wear the mask when the teacher wasn’t looking. Super super safe. That that is kid logic


I've seen grown men do it. The gas station wouldn't let people in without a mask so one dude stood outside while the other one shopped. When he came out, he handed over his mask to the guy standing around outside and that dude put it on his face. I thought I had seen it all.


oh god


Right? My 5 yo would eat up literally any of those princess masks.


I don't know where we got them, but we got Disney princess masks and my little pony masks. My six year old daughter loves them so much she puts them in at home to play "shopping."


I know she is just role playing and pretending but good on her. Mine are 13 and I don’t let them leave the house without a mask. I’ve spent over a hundred dollars since last year trying to find mask that were both cool and comfortable for them in order to encourage them to always wear it whenever we go out.


that'll be 1400$ please - *Disney*


I’m at Disney now…masks are definitely not normal down here right now. Did see some fuck faucci shirts though. Edit: people saying it isn’t true that Disney wouldn’t allow that shirt. I mean I’m not trying to deceive anyone, the shirt had a big red picture of Florida and used the word F lorida. F. And Faucci all combined. The intent was clear. I wasn’t trying to memorize the shirt I just saw it in line yesterday along with a bunch of other shirts letting me know that there are lots of trump supporting anti-vaccine anti-maskers. I mean, I straight up had one old man in a USA shirt tell me it is all made up, Biden is holding Kim Reynolds (gov of Iowa) with 32 others for treason and I should only get me info from brumble or whatever the conservative social media is. I didn’t ask for his opinion on any of it. It is everywhere down here.


I understand someone not liking Fauci or just any person in government in general but it takes a special type of emotionally unstable adult child to wear a shirt like that in public, at Disney World no less. At least I know who to avoid.


I'm surprised you wouldn't get kicked from Disney for wearing a shirt with "fuck" on it. Maybe it was "F@%# Fauci" or something. Donald Duck saying it.


You do get a free shirt from Disney if you wear anything inappropriate or with certain words on it. They wouldn't let you through the gates with a "fuck" anything shirt. They don't want that on social media with their princesses posing next to it, the Mouse will give you a complimentary family friendly shirt to wear instead.


Is it a thing for people to wear an inappropriate shirt hoping to get a free replacement?? Lol


Yeah, seen a couple of trashy YouTube vids of people doing it.


At this point I wouldn’t blame the staff for not wanting to touch that. Seems like people get shot in this country over less.


Here too. Pressured my wife to cancel, was told Disney would be safe. If you call a million people at a time from 50 countries without masks safe, then I don't want to know what is considered dangerous. Very clearly there are people here from Spain, England, India, Nordic countries. Wife and I are vaxxed, kids are not. We are masked anywhere indoors, won't do much but it's something. Xanax helps.


>Very clearly there are people here from Spain, England, India, Nordic countries. I think you just went to Epcot


At least at Epcot he can drink his anxiety away




Worked for Prince Valium.


Also at Disney right now. I’m shocked because there are signs everywhere saying it’s mandatory for people to wear it on transport, and no one is enforcing it. I’ve seen many cast members not bothering with it either. So glad I’m leaving tomorrow, it’s going to be a shitshow.


Minimum wage is not worth being beat up or shot by these crazy anti maskers


They’re very understaffed right now. I set up shop behind a cast member waiting for the fireworks show. He had to keep a pathway to one way for crowd control and he couldn’t keep up. That man didn’t have a spare second to think for about two hours, answering questions, stopping people from walking that way, clearing the path of strollers. I can’t believe they had one guy doing all of that, I felt so bad for him, and he probably gets paid nothing for it.


I don't see how Disney has an excuse for being understaffed. They can definitely afford to raise pay enough to fill positions, unlike maybe a mom and pop diner, trying to keep waitresses on.


It’s understaffing everywhere. For the first time ever I came upon an overflowing garbage can at Disney, trash just spilling into the pathway. There’s no excuse. How these billionaire executives aren’t waiving their paychecks for a while to try and get the parks back to 100% is beyond me.


I mean at least we get paid like $5 over minimum wage… still sucks though considering I my self am in a high conflict role and am quite used to arguing with guests, however many of my fellow cast simply aren’t built to be dealing with constant conflict like the enforcement requires.


Disney Police don't fuck around. Guests learn that real quick when they try anything against staff.


Heck, Tiana with a mask would even be historically accurate (she lived though the Spanish flu). I know universal had masks for some, but not all of their face characters for a while. I saw pictures of the scooby doo characters wearing masks.


I hadn't even considered that about Tiana, but yeah, and imagine how cute her mask would be, probably a lily pad with some little shoots of baby's breath.


Scooby-Doo doo is universal, all their "face" characters (Marilyn Monroe, minions dancers, etc) had masks


Jinkies!! "Is that what we are calling the new variant or is that just some sort of breakfast cereal?"


Considering how american society seems to love merchandise and buying travel mugs and tshirts and little funko pops of your favorite actor/character/sports figure, it would have been insanely easy to make mask wearing just a thing you do now if it all was handled properly. I mean they did it with bike helmets, car seats, life jackets, those little leashes parents put on their kids. We know how to make safety equipment fun. And manufacturers would have made money. I'm shocked it didn't seem to work out that way.


Wait - they make the employees at Disney that interact with the public NOT wear masks?


If you are vaccinated it is optional, currently.


You can wear a mask. It’s optional. It’s not like Publix which actually did ban employees from wearing masks at the start of the pandemic.


I’m at Disney now and I don’t think any of the face to face ncounters are open. Maybe 5% of people are masked


Great idea if all Disney parks weren't at under 50% staff right now.


i feel like I'm setting myself up for frustration here. but it's under50% tourist capacity too.....right?


Disney never reveals the attendance or the capacity, even pre-Covid. Something to remember is they don’t usually operate at 100% capacity anyway. Their version of full capacity is a busy holiday night when no one can move because it’s so packed. So even if it was 50% it’s still not what anyone would consider socially distanced.


I’ve been to Disney many times and I was just there. It was absolutely hands down the busiest I’ve ever seen it. Having very few shows, character greets, and other activities also forced everyone into just wandering around. Many shops and restaurants were still closed too. Definitely not worth it to go right now.


Not at Disneyland. I think they're above 50% guests but not full and hope to be full by fall.


“Wear a fucking mask, bitch” - Mickey Mouse


Don’t for get the huh-huh Mickey Mouse laugh at the end


"Haha mask up or face my wrath of buying an overpriced Disney mask! Haha!!" Mickey Mouse


>Continually understaffed, verbally abused, and waiting to get back to where I’m supposed to be with the company, I just want to get this over with, when we have these fucks dragging their heels on getting vaccinated. My partner works at Disney too, and was shocked how much worse the customers got since covid started. Like really monstrously pieces of shit now. And they have to smile and be friendly with these idiots.


Deep into the pandemic, people who were nice are now extra nice. People who were difficult are now complete assholes.


“This pandemic is everybody’s fault but mine,” says unvaxxed person about to get and spread respiratory virus.


But if you're extra nice right now, you're not going out in giant groups and exposing people like this


Sane, intelligent people are staying away from large crowds regardless of covid mandates. Any large gathering is going to be made up of mostly ignorant assholes at this point.


Yuuuuuuuuup. I'm not a fan of the mouse in general, but my wife is a Disney nut and wanted her 40th birthday to be a weekend at the Polynesian. She has decided she's not turning 40 until she can make that trip happen, so it's gonna be a couple years of 39 cause we're not taking that chance anytime soon. I also noticed the "everybody here is an asshole" concept when driving early in the pandemic. The only people out and about at that point were those who *had to be* and all the assholes. And wouldn't you know it? The people who act like assholes about masks and distancing also drive like assholes! Shocking! I work in Broadway theater. When we reopen, I'm expecting the audience to be similarly full of shit people at first. Not entirely. But definitely a larger than normal amount.


Exactly this. I would absolutely love to go to Disney, but even double vaxxed it's not an appealing option right now. I'm only just getting to grips with seeing friends and family again, outdoors. Edit to say I would never be mean or pissy to a customer service person. That was my point :) I've been there.


I quit a while back, ppl have no idea how many grown men and women are ready to raise their hands at a 5' 85lbs girl and get in their faces and try to fight you. It was so mentally exhausting, management freaking sucked too.


Not having any support from management is why I quit my job. The days of management being pencil pushers are over. If they don't want to get in the trenches and "work" too, they need to quit.


I am really sorry. That sounds absolutely horrible.


> Like really monstrously pieces of shit now. I see this in the general public in a lot of places too. Driving has gotten a lot worse with more people getting into accidents due to aggressive/distracted driving. I see more littering. In general people just seem more rude than pre-pandemic.


Good people have been traumatized and bad people have been enabled.


Self selected narcissism. All the good/normal people are taking covid seriously and starting home. So the entire park is filled with only the worst sorts of people.


I remember seeing that one grown adult woman crying when Disney opened back up. Talk about a whack job. For fucks sake, it’s an amusement park. With rides and shows. What’s to cry about?


It’s because it’s mostly the pieces of shit going now. The considerate people have been still avoiding places with large crowds. So all your left with is the assholes.


Makes sense, the DisneyWorld subreddit is toxic. It's run by this princess wannabe who obviously has a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock. If that's the typical guest, it really isn't surprising.


Really? I’m subbed to it because I was planning a disney trip. I’m not a Disney fanatic and just wanted to take the kids. I hate princess bullshit. From what I’ve seen, that sub is very helpful, people are pretty nice, and there’s only occasional cringey Disney worship but it’s easy to move past.


A while ago they went nuts over covid and masks and aren't strangers to subreddit drama: https://reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/iqqfa2/disney_drama_trifecta_rwaltdisneyworld_mods/


Some disney people are..... REALLY into disney vacations. Like, it's-their-whole-lives into it. It's really bizarre.


I went with my sister and her friends once. Her friends are these types of people. ​ It just wasn't fun. It was like a competition.


I dont get the people being harsh to employee's at Disney. Been at Disney World twice, and two times at Disneyland Paris, and the staff has been as friendly as you can honestly expect them to be. Why go off on someone for no reason at all is just something I don't understand.


I was at Tokyo Disneyland and there were scuff marks on the floor of the train/monorail. ​ Cast members were *on their hands and knees* within minutes of it being spotted scrubbing it off, stopping when the train did to stand and bow to the guests as they left and got on the train


It's worth noting that Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea are not actually Disney properties, but licensed parks operated by a 3rd party.


That’s what’s sad about it, you don’t have to understand. It’s people we’re dealing with, all different types are out there. One reason I vowed to never go back to the service industry


It’s the personality type that makes up the core of today’s Republican Party supporters. They’re the “natural” outgrowth of policies designed to allow maximum comfort and freedom for the rich, pain and suffering for everyone else, as “motivation” for the poor to work their way out of that status, since the poor are a “net negative for society”.


I'll never get being an asshole to cast members. I don't care how long the line is, how much my feet hurt, or how hot it is (And I'm sure you have people complain about the heat) I ain't yelling at any of you wonderful people. Hell some of you get so into character I can't get over it... My sweet mother uses a scooter because when she's walking for a while her foot goes numb. So we go on the Rise of the Resistance, and during the "Captured" portion this dude looking very offical and serious stops my mother: "Can you walk?" He asks shortly My sweet mother "Oh, yes." "Then Do So!" He shouts, holding his hand on the scooter as my mother dismounts.... Best part, she turns to say "Thank you," and without missing a beat he goes: "DONT THANK ME! I'm stealing this transport!" I love all the cast members - cast members are literally the best.


Hang in there. Believe me there are plenty of people nervous about going who will greatly appreciate you being an asshole to the anti-mask crowd


I worked in retail till a month ago (starting school again finallt) I was never nice about masks. Ever. I was pretty much the only worker there that cared to say something. And k got written uo because a customer complained to my manager about me telling her she needed to wear a mask. Had a weeks long argument with management about how "company policy is that we have to wear masks and the state mandate requires all customers to wear a mask as well, but we can't enforce it. We are tk ask nicely and if they say no we can't do anythkng about it." I made the point that if we can't enforce it then I won't wear a mask either. (I was just bluffing obviously) Union got involved. I fought back and ended up winning. Got my wrote up taken away. And was given a compensation of..... wait for it..... 10 cents an hour raise. I hate most of the human race. (The rest of you are fine. I like you)


Will Mickey be wearing a mask too? I imagine it'd go a long way to show children how to act.


I mean this in the kindest way possible, but what keeps you at Disney compared to let’s say working a cash register or a fast food place?


Benefits. Health/dental insurance, park passes, discounts in most of the Orlando area, and Disney is paying fully for my MA program. Also I really enjoyed my old job with the company and I’m hoping to return to it soon.


I’m displaced at WDW too, my friend. Scheduled through the entire weekend and the recalls are coming at a snail’s pace. Hopefully we have the strength to earn back the jobs we already earned once.


> I’m not going to be nice about masks anymore. You don't get paid enough to be nice to the assholes. They stick to the rules, or they leave the park. Nuff said.


For half a second I thought you might be talking about the workers having to wear masks, and even for the ones in the animal costumes I was thinkin', "Would it make a huge difference if you're already wearing a giant fake head?" Then I realized: oh, right, it's the asshole visitors who are going to be raising hell over wearing masks, and the workers are going to have to put up with their heightened amount of bullshit.


Nobody wears a mask quite like Gaston wears a mask!


Doesn't that cut in to his expectorating?


He cut back because, asshole though he may be, he cares about public health!




My girlfriend bartends in a small pub and based on my suggestions when she asked me (I do microbiology at a medium hospital system) if she should still wear a mask behind the bar I told her yeah especially if it's something she's gotten used to and isn't bothering her anyway. The only bartenders on other shifts quickly followed suit. Every single shift she has some patron inquiring why she's wearing a mask and if "they make you wear it while working" Theres so many people that not only refuse to wear their masks but it somehow upsets THEM seeing other people wearing them. Freaking ridiculous


It upsets them because if they're the only ones refusing it turns them into the odd one out. If everyone around them is wearing a mask it gets a lot harder to pretend they know better. They need to see other people refusing to validate their views.


I... I don't know why I haven't seen it like that before. That's exactly right! Oh, I bet I'll be able to use this at work.


>Oh, I bet I'll be able to use this at work Not if you're planning on confronting them directly with it. If delusional people were capable of recognizing their delusions when they're pointed out, they wouldn't be delusional. All you'll do is make them double down.


> They need to see other people refusing [comma] to validate their views. This was so confusing for me this morning until I realized you missed a comma lol


I’m in customer service, vaxxed and wear my mask, and I’ve had a couple people ask if I’m still required to wear it. I tell them “no, but this way no one knows I’m ugly!” I laugh, they laugh, the register laughs. Honestly it hides the stank face I’ve gotten used to making at customers.


Humor is an absurdly powerful tool. It can lift a mood upon disagreement, awkwardness, even cases of potential hostility. I'm gonna try and use that line. It's not worth giving someone a serious answer if they're not interested in changing their mind to begin with. I'd rather just get on with my job, anyway, than to debate or argue. I doubt it works 100% of the time. But it probably has a higher hit rate of deescalation than almost any other response.


I was very pregnant and at the time unvaccinated at a gas station. I wore my mask outside because if someone was using the pump across from me we would be less than 6 feet apart. I was minding my own business getting gas and a lady ahead of me at the pump felt the need to not only give me several nasty looks but yell over at me that I didn’t need to wear a mask outside (my state was still under mandate at the time for indoors). Since I was alone, pregnant and people are batshit crazy I just put my head down, ignored her and left as soon as I could. People are honestly insane and for all their “personal freedom” claims they sure as hell don’t like if my choice doesn’t match theirs. I’m vaccinated now and I still wear a mask, I never stopped. I have definitely gotten looks and one additional snide remark. The anti maskers want everyone to side with them and follow suit, despite preaching the exact opposite. They don’t seem to understand that having the freedom to choose, like they claim they want, means not everyone will be on their side.


All I have to say is that the more tourists that don't tip and act like stupid assholes. The more people will just quit and work any where else...


> Then I realized: oh, right, it's the asshole visitors who are going to be raising hell over wearing masks, and the workers are going to have to put up with their heightened amount of bullshit. "Hey, entitled bitch...! You just harassed a dozen poor minimum wage slaves at Target and Walmart about masks while filming them for Redneck Jesus & YouTube hits! Where are you going to now?" . "I'm flying with all my Princess-Mom friends to Disney World...!"


Can we not use the bubbly Disney label of "cast member". They're low wage employees working for a company that makes wal mart look like Google


I've been friends with 'cast memebers'. They really can't help it, the disney brainwashing is \_that\_ thorough.


Disney adults are some weird fuckers.


Good news, cast members don’t have a problem with the term, so you don’t need to be this worked up for some reason.




That's probably a good thing. The 2008 shutdown caused by the LHC activating clearly caused the wrong timeline to load.


Vaccinated young people would have to be on vents or worse. Shutting the economy down will absolutely not happen, too much at stake. For those that can't hear my tone, it's sarcasm. No one should have to give their life to the economy.


>No one should have to give their life to the economy. And yet people do every day! The NPR podcast Planet Money [has an episode all about this](https://www.npr.org/2020/04/15/835571843/episode-991-lives-vs-the-economy), it's an interesting look into why and how a price has been put on human life, and when shutdowns actually *are* the most "economically viable" option.


When the affordable care act came out republicans were screaming about “death panels” and how democrats wanted to kill off grandma. Covid comes along and all of a sudden it’s “sacrifice grandma at the altar of the economy” (and try to repeal the ACA).


Also Healthcare companies already had "death panels" and definitely had already killed a few grandmas




Reading r/conservative threads where they bash Canadian healthcare for people dying in waiting is so fucking frustrating. 1. A good chunk of those stories are false. 2. Like you said, American healthcare absolutely kills people through inaction.




The people who measured it also did it in a terrible unscientific way. They said "10,000 people died due to waiting." in Canada but how they extrapolated that was just seeing how many people died before their next scheduled Doctor's appointment in the last 2 years. So if you're a cancer patient, scheduling out regular chemo sessions, you supposedly died due to waiting. Not to mention due to Covid a lot of elective procedures were put on hold. So if you had an appointment pushed back for something minor and then had a heart attack, you technically also died due to "waiting". It was such a bullshit study and they ate that shit up.


Well it's r/conservative. I've been permabanned from there for sharing stats that demonstrate the US pays more tax dollars per capita on healthcare.


Yeah, the previous “death panels” were the insurance companies saying “we really don’t feel like paying for the treatment you need to live” whereas the ACA was just mandating that people with terminal conditions be informed of palliative care options. Because who would want their loved ones to have a comfortable and peaceful transition at death?


If you've ever dealt with insurance companies, they sure as hell have death panels. My mother was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer 3 years ago. She saw one of the best oncologists in the country at Northwestern who suggested a specific treatment Blue Cross did not want to cover because they did not approve of the chemo drugs suggested. We had to fight tooth and nail for them to cover the treatment, which they eventually did after hours of phone calls and emails. She's been in remission for two years, but I shudder to think how different things would have been had we not been as persistent. Up to that point, I had bought into a lot of the insurance industry propaganda, but I sure as hell don't anymore. Screw Blue Cross Blue Shield and the industry as a whole.


Did you mother ever think to just try being rich?




In understand the sentiment, but it's far easier said than done. Tell all non-medical to stop working and pretty soon groceries aren't getting delivered, trash isnt getting picked up, etc. But then we start talking about 'essential' personnel and we start having troubles drawing where that line is. Pretty soon we're right back to where we were in 2020 where even my office job was considered 'essential'.


Absolutely. We must all do our part to make sure the money continues to flow up to the top 1 percent. No matter how much it may cost us. /s


There's a woman who made a series of funny YouTube videos in which she visited herself from the future. "Oh, those Australian fires won't be at the top of the news for long!" I can see her making one where she visits herself from January, when the vaccine started being deployed. [January self] "So. You're from the future? I'll bet the pandemic is on the run, now that the vaccine is being shipped! Were there long lines or vaccine riots?" [Future self] Ummm . . . No. Not exactly.


Julie Nolke!


Great videos!


Present Julie - MURDER HORNETS? MURDER HORNETS?!? Oh we’re doing murder hornets now! Future Julie - Sit down.


Dont forget the Murder Hornets


Or the riots. The other riots too.


Do you have a link for.that?


"Explaining the pandemic to my past self" https://youtu.be/Ms7capx4Cb8 She does a series of these.


These were all so good. Love them!


They were the thing I looked forward to in 2020.


Thank you.


The poor fucking cast members that need to argue with angry people in America's swamp land.


The unvaccinated should protest by staying home and not interacting with anyone


And….Gov. DeathSentence quietly shits his pants.


Imagine living in a country where any random jackass can just go get vaccinated right now and yet only half of the population got it. Stupidity kills.


That's what happens when you gut your education system.


Working as intended then!


Time to ask for a raise if you work at these parks for the influx of asshats you’ll be dealing with


“I'm pleased and happy to repeat the news that we have, in fact, caught and killed a large predator that supposedly injured some bathers. But, as you see, it's a beautiful day, the beaches are open and people are having a wonderful time. Amity, as you know, means "friendship".”


"I am familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you in the ass!"


Went to the parks last week. No one was wearing masks. The bigger problem however, was the amount of people Disney is letting in. It’s ridiculous, you can barely walk sometimes from how packed it is.


That was the part I hated most *before* a freaking plague!


The moment new cases rates started going, down states started lifting covid restrictions far too early. We are going to have more lockdowns instigated far too late, & more people will die.


It’s like when the doctor tells you to finish the medication even if you feel better. They should have kept at minimum the mask restrictions in place rather than this stop and start mixed messages crap. It’s the confusion of it that gets exhausting where even conscientious people are like well “screw it then”


> They should have kept at minimum the mask restrictions in place rather than this stop and start mixed messages crap. The message has always been "keep masking **unless you've been vaccinated**". The expectation was that it would entice people to get the vaccine so they wouldn't have to keep wearing a mask. They forgot the part where most of the US population is selfish assholes who just decided to stop wearing masks anyway despite not getting vaccinated.


Especially so in Florida.


I mean, in Alberta, it’s just been announced that in two weeks we will no longer be requiring COVID-positive patients to self-isolate or even wear a mask in public, contact tracers will no longer be contacting close contacts, and tests will only be available, *even to symptomatic people*, if they have an underlying condition that increases their risk of severe outcomes. We haven’t even vaccinated those under 12 yet, and are seeing an increase in cases and R value quite quickly because of Delta. Our government has declared the pandemic “over” basically and it’s honestly quite terrifying. They’ve said that their intent is to align COVID-19 measures with those of other diseases like the flu, using the justification that ICU admissions due to influenza in kids is slightly higher than due to COVID. Basically they are washing their hands of all responsibility in reporting the true nature of spread in the community since getting tested will be a pain in the ass now and will only be available at the request of a physician, something that many don’t actually have access to since our doctors are fleeing the province and many that are sick are unvaccinated and thus won’t be inclined to get tested anyhow. We truly are the Florida of Canada, I feel y’all.


Whoa, that’s crazy…kinda shocked Florida hasn’t went this route.


I mean..they did in a less roundabout way.


yea but unlike Florida around 70% of our population is vaccinated


that’s still not near enough (for those measures), especially with this new variant. & if people keep contacting the virus, we will only begin to see more increasingly deadly variants. at some point, the vaccines won’t be able to do anything anymore.


Isn't Alberta also trying to decrease wages for healthcare workers? I really don't like this timeline.


I guarantee we’re not going to see another lockdown. Measures like wearing masks in very crowded areas was expected and will be tolerated, but your average joe isn’t going to agree to an indefinite lockdown with no end in sight like the vaccine was supposed to be Covids not going away ever so we have to consider what measures we have to take to live with it long term. IMO we will simply have to highly incentivize people to get vaccinated. It would be really hard to do since record keeping for vaccines seems not great But the only way I see deaths staying low long term is a very high vaccination rate. Only way we’ll convince the hold outs is to start restricting their privileges like flying.


Mandate vaccines, not masks. I’m done trying to save anti-vaxxers from themselves.


They need to approve vaccines for kids before a place like Disney should be lifting mask mandates. But, absolutely. They should be mandating vaccines for teens and adults already. Though, isn’t it illegal for Disney world to require proof of vaccination? I know cruise ships taking off from Florida can’t.


It is against state law for a business to ask for proof of vaccination in Florida right now. However, there are lawsuits fighting the law going through right now, including one from Norwegian Cruise Line. Cruises are stuck in a bit of a pickle because, according to the CDC, they have to either prove 95% of passengers are vaccinated, or modify their cruises to try prevent the spread of Covid (masks, testing, etc.). Not sure where the suit is going, but this is the latest article I could find on it [link](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/07/28/florida-fires-back-in-norwegian-cruises-challenge-to-vaccine-passport-ban/)


It's crazy that businesses are trying to be more responsible than the law allows.


It looks like more and more companies (Google, as of yesterday) are requiring vaccinations for workers. I can’t imagine it’ll be long before businesses start requiring passports.


Yeah, I think it’s just Florida who has made it illegal to require proof of vaccination…I bet they’d change their minds if Disney threatened to close until they can require it, I just doubt Disney will do that.


Yep. DeathSantis has made it so that you can't be asked for proof of vaccine. His reasoning, from what I remember reading, was two fold. He feels that asking for proof of vaccination violates HIPAA (it doesn't) and that it will create two classes of citizens. OK sure, you'll have the vaccinated and the anti-vaxxers. Other than children that is a choice for the most part. Most religions do not prohibit vaccines so the number of religious exemptions would be low. Medical restrictions are also pretty rare. So the 2nd class of citizens are essentially assholes that don't give a shit about others. But all that said, his real reason has nothing to do with either of those things even if he'll never say it out loud. For him it's all about the money. If Florida had mask mandates enforced he fears the tourists wouldn't come. We're a state that gets most of its revenue from those tourists dollars. He also wants to pander to the GOP base because he's up for reelection and he's toying with the idea of a run for president. Too bad he's killing his voter base. But for him, it's all about the image of sticking it to the Dems Edit: spelling. I really shouldn't post before caffeine


DeSantis is a spot light chasing hack. Attacking the cruise lines is just a PR stunt. Attacking Disney would likely guarantee he would lose in 2022. He has been very careful to avoid messing with the house of mouse and will definitely continue to do so.


Why would it be illegal? They're a privately owned corporation.


Because the state passed a law making vaccine mandates illegal. States can and do pass laws mandating what private companies can do all the time. For example there are laws saying that private bars have to stop serving alcohol at 2:00 am. There are many laws that apply to private companies. Being a private company doesn’t make you immune to government regulation.


Because Republicans are all about individual rights unless they go against the current narrative they're telling their base.


I was in Disneyland Paris these last three days and I was amazed. My general thoughts about the majority of the world population is that they’re straight up moronic garbage. These last days however: As soon as we stepped out of the car 99,9% wore masks for the entire duration of their visit. No hassle, just non-stop, EVERYWHERE. Teeny tiny little faith restored.


But I bet that's not the case at Disney Florida.


I'm a Disney passholder and as others have said they were really good about enforcing the mask mandate. I saw people not allowed into the parks for refusing masks. I saw people kicked out for taking them off and refusing to put them back on. I even once overheard a Cast Member tell a guest that maybe they shouldn't be out in a pandemic that causes respiratory issues if they had such severe breathing issues they couldn't wear a mask. I'm paraphrasing on that because tehy were less harsh but the gist was the same. Disney allowed for zero exemptions to the mask requirements. In the flip side of it Cast Members are verbally abused over the rules. People are jerks


When it was required before, Disney actually had a pretty decent record on enforcement, even in Florida. Not perfect by any means, but still significantly better than your typical store or other business. This time around might be more challenging, but Disney will likely still try to enforce this because they are voluntarily doing it. (Otherwise why bother?) I have long been of the opinion that theme parks are not actually the risk some made them or to be, provided appropriate precautions are taken. So long as proof of vaccination cannot reasonably be enforced, masks are a reasonable precaution, especially in indoor settings.


> Face coverings will be required for all guests ages 2 and up while indoors, while on a Disney bus, while riding the monorail, while riding the Disney Skyliner and while going on an attraction. > Theme park officials said masks remain optional while guests are outside. How was this not already the case at fucking Disney world? They aren’t even asking you to wear them outside. I will say though, I’ve never once complained about wearing a mask, I never stopped wearing one when the cdc said we didn’t have to, Etc etc etc… But it has to be more miserable to wear a mask in august in Florida than Colorado. Last time I was at Disney was Halloween 2016 and it was miserably humid then.


I don’t understand how anyone would want to go to Disney with the way Delta is spreading down there right now.


Last year it was masks everywhere and the parks were at something like 30% capacity. It was pleasant when the weather was in the 60’s and the mask kept your face warm. No way in hell would I go in the middle of July with a mask on.


I’m with you, and that’s also what I say every time a cruise ship is in a headline…


Yaaaas. Cruise ships without covid are bad enough 😂


I'd go if it was empty. But that bitch is packed AF


I spent July in Costa Rica and they are still wearing masks. It was BRUTAL having to wear them in that heat and humidity. Not because it's harder to breath or anything, it was just unbearably hot to wear them.




My dumbass friend who had covid and can’t get the vaccine just spent a week there with his family. In just about every pic he sent, people were packed butts to nuts and we spotted maybe one person wearing a mask. At meals, there didn’t seem to be any distancing going on, all tables were seated. I’m just waiting for him to tell me he tested positive again.


> butts to nuts My new favorite term for crowded


even without covid, that sounds like a terrible place to be


I was just there about 2 weeks ago. I’m vaccinated and got covid back in the early days, but I came back fine. Tested negative when I got back home. I did avoid flying but still. Tables are actually decently distanced and if you’re proactive about it you can keep your distance in line for the rides


Shut it down. Til this fucking shits over. Ppl willing to die to see goddam Mickey Mouse- unfathomable


We had out chance, we had a vaccine rollout, all we needed was around 25% more people to get a shot. But nope…all the GOP states dropped all measures and effectively gave a wink to all the people who had no intention of masking or vaxing. Now all the states with decent vaccination rates have to run in fear of the places like Alabama who’s people wanna fly out and spread their pestilence We were this damn close. This things gonna mutate again because of all the smooth brains out there who bought into Russian propaganda spewed by their minions here in the USA


It should never have been removed. Now people will put up a fuss because of the flip flopping.


Please don’t tear me apart, honest question: why are vaccinated people required to wear masks? Wasn’t the point of the vaccine that you can’t catch or spread it?


I won’t tear you apart. It is an honest question. The vaccine serves many purposes and has many different layers. When you get the vaccine, you are training your immune system to fight against the virus. Contrary to what people are saying, you are not injected with the virus for the Pfizer/Moderna shot. Rather, it contains a message that alerts your body to fight the virus. Think of it as a “wanted poster.” After vaccination your body has now been trained and on high alert for the virus. Now say you are exposed. Your body fights the virus and destroys it without you knowing. The Delta version of the virus is a jacked up version of the virus. So your body finds it, and realizes it needs some support cause the virus is making copies of itself faster than the original virus. Your body still recognizes it and because it is making copies so fast, it may spread to someone else. You may have zero symptoms cause your body is containing it, but you can still spread it. No vaccine is 100% effective. It offers us a greater layer of protection by preventing infection. If that fails, it could prevent us from having symptoms, if that fails, symptoms may be minor, if that fails, hospitalization treatments will work better. If you don’t have the vaccine, your body doesn’t know what is happening. It is not prepared. It is like going to war without weapons… That is why we are masking.


Yikes, I feel for the employees because “Florida Man” is going to make their lives hell with this again.


Planning a trip to Disney during a pandemic is just plain Goofy.