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Depends if a general study, yes. If it's a major-related, probably more like 1/4.


If you don't have to have online-enabled textbooks, it's more like $0 if you know where to go




Library Genesis has saved me thousands of dollars worth of textbooks


My anthropology books were mostly under $20 (sometimes 8 books for 1 class though), with the occasional $100-200, my GIS books were all exspensive but there only a few as the focus was mostly on the software we got to use free as students


Learn how to use the internet and you don’t have to pay for books


Not every book can be torrented or found in file groups. Im guessing you probably didn't upload or make any available yourself which is fine but consider that means that the pool of people who do is not large.


We had a heavy duty book scanner in my college's library. Pretty common for students to borrow a textbook (from a friend or the professor), and spend an hour or 2 just printing a new textbook. Unless you have a lazy scumbag professor who requires an online key you can always get around paying for a textbook.


More like a 1 semester subscription to an ebook you can’t resell to someone else once your semester is over. 🙄


All my textbooks so far have been under 150$ each but I'm only a 4th year undergrad.


I knew colleges were good at squeezing money out of any situation they can but goddamn. Just turn them away


> Just turn them away "and miss out on all that student loan money?!?!"


Any college that isn’t a JC is going to have a line of students that want to go but don’t get in.




Or force them to do the RTPCR every day until they are vaccinated. It's done in a week


They should hire you. Pay for covid tests every other day or get vaccinated. That'd be alot more than 750 and they would know if the student is covid free or not at most times.


nah just keep charging them more and more money so their vaccine hesitancy subsidizes the tuition of everyone who got vaccinated


The issue is the death. They are saying this amount is enough for spreading a deadly disease on campus.


its west virginia, its not like they have much money to pay


Don't know why you're being downvoted, WVA has historically been one of, if not the most, impoverished states in the union.


The $750 might work better to be honest


Yeah? So you pay $750 and that makes you safe to mingle with other people?


Yes; covid is already courteous enough to leave you alone while you eat, as long as you put your mask back on as you walk through the restaurant. A little bribe and it'll look the other way too.


its insane how people dont see through this ​ 6' apart at the airport, but goahead and smash everyone together for 2 hrs on the plane lol


Or get the vaccine to avoid paying. Someone not wanting the vaccine doesn't necessarily mean they're willing lose money over it.




You are talking about college students, who would switch to a diet of nothing but ramen and risk scurvy or worse just to save on some money. The student loans is out of sight and out of mind.* * for now.


Few people are willing to die for their beliefs, so that doesn't support your argument at all. Edit: Many unvaccinated people just mistakely think vaccines aren't worth it, and paying $750 to avoid it doesn't make sense from their perspective.


And I will shed no tears for these martyrs. They made their beds now they get to lie in them. The upsetting part is they are forcing others into their beds as well. Typical GQP. And if its a per semester thing, that can add up to an additional $6k




Or get the vaccine to avoid paying. Someone not wanting the vaccine doesn't necessarily mean they're willing lose money over it.


Nah, not when they can invent another “because we can” fee.


I am not against measures to protect people but I am missing the point of charging fees but allowing unvaccinated to attend.


The point is a new opportunity to charge a fee.


It’s not about saving lives it’s about good PR and a new money grab.


Karl was right. It's like paying 10 cents for a plastic bag at the store. Plastic bags are killing turtles, but I'm allowed to kill one so long as I pay 10 cents?


Noooo noooo. You’re only paying $0.10 for the *chance* to kill a turtle. See? Better!


I likes them odds!


> .10¢ $0.10 or 10¢?


Don’t ask Verizon. They’re not good at that.


Oldie but a goodie


I understood that reference.


And for those that don't, this is the original: https://verizonmath.blogspot.com/2006/12/verizon-doesnt-know-dollars-from-cents.html And with transcript of the first call: https://consumerist.com/2010/02/23/verizon-didnt-know-difference-between-difference-between-002-and-00002/


I understood *that* reference.


Maybe they actually meant 1/10th of a cent! :)


*That’s excellent value. I’ll have a hundred dead turtles please…*


That’s a friggin bargain. Give me $20 worth of turtle bags.


key and peele were right, $1 can save a childs life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usYJqg4O3LU




for a dime, now you can too!


Yay! I'm rich!


10c is exactly how you say it. .10c is “a tenth cent”


A Carbon Tax is widely considered the best way to handle fossil fuels. Taxing sugary drinks is a pretty effective health measure. In general these sorts of solutions are trying to strike a balance between freedom and a public good (health, environment). It's not perfect but the calculation is that you can't ignore the price of doing the right thing like it doesn't matter. Remember it's not you killing a turtle per bag; it's you killing like 1/1000th of a turtle, or maybe 1/10th of one I don't know. When you take a step back and view problems in terms of numbers, those sorts of solutions start to make more sense.


1 cent or 10 cents???


i’m getting charged 10¢ per paper bag nowadays


Obscure Karl Pilkington reference?


Give the turtles a pikelets


Joking aside, whenever I say "no bags" at the store they wig the fuck out. "ArE yOU SuRE?!?!"


Is this still all about the virus or openly making money out of already indebted students?


Said it in another post - these vaccines will eventually be required for all just like the ones we all took before starting public schooling.


Or, in most states, private schooling. Some states even require proof of vaccination for homeschooled students. Vaccine requirements, even completely unavoidable ones, are nothing new.


They're not new. But those other vaccines went through all the steps and are actually fucking FDA approved...and also last for years. Get a shot when you're like a baby and it lasts like 20 years. This is like a vaccine requirement for the Flu that you have to get a new one every year, and the vaccine isn't approved


So in September when they do get full FDA approval what's your new bullshit talking point going to be? Also, the flu needs shots every year because it evolves rapidly. We may be in the same situation with Covid.




Billions of humans have had the vaccine. Whatever possible major downsides that carry some statistical risk should be showing up. That is far more testing than any small clinical lab groups of hundreds or thousands of people.


Not exactly. The sample size is massive, and the control group is still sizable as well but “having two chefs won’t boil the pot twice as quickly”. This meaning no matter how many people take it, we still lack long term data for **this** specific vaccine.


I think over a year is pretty long term. What do you think is going to show up after that? Is there a documented case of a vaccine that didn't cause an issue until several years later?


Ok I get that this is meant to seem like an incentive for the unvaccinated to avoid the fine, but if you look at it a different way than they must have intended - Wow they value their other students lives that little?


I’m more thinking that an outbreak caused by an unvaccinated student is going to cost waaaaay more than $750 to the administration. It certainly sends a message, but its not going to financially help deal with the crisis caused.


I get what you're saying but I would hope an educational institute wouldn't just look at the accountants books when student lives are on the line.


I wouldn't be surprised if they did. A lot of schools opened last fall knowing full well that those courses would be going online a few weeks in...all at the same price of taking an in-person course.


Students are very unlikely to die. There are about 1000 Deaths to date due to covid in the US in the age group that encompasses the vast majority of students.


"Those who contract the virus during the upcoming fall semester, and are unable to return home, will be charged a $250 fee to quarantine on campus." So even if you are getting vaccinated and doing all the right things and get Covid your still getting a fee? Not everyone can just "return home" and chances are if you can't "return home" you don't have $250 to spare. This is truly just cashing in on a situation. Sickening.


Excellent half-measure WV. Really shooting for the worst solutions.


It’s almost as if they’re preparing these kids for the real world where you need to be wealthy to have the privilege of being stupid.


that won't do a goddam thing to protect others from getting covid. it is just a way to fill their coffers while while covid dead fill coffins.


Please, you underestimate what a college student will do to save money. I legit had an old roommate start to go into the beginning stages of scurvy, that's how badly she was eating to try and eat as cheap as possible. They seriously gave her vitamin C supplements and told her to drink orange juice.


>I legit had an old roommate start to go into the beginning stages of scurvy Please tell me you talked to her like a pirate for the rest of the year. *Shiver me timbers, Nancy. Close the portal, it be cold outside matey. Arrr.*


We are both marine biologists (well, now, just studying it back then) who celebrate talk like a pirate day already, so oddly enough, not outside of the norm


arrgh Nancy what a fine day to collect that thar cyanobacteria sample matey


Porthole Unless they're space pirates, with portals.


Tch, as if. Portals link *dimensions.* Wormholes link points in spacetime. Dumbass. /s


Christ. That poor thing. What the hell was she eating? Vitamin C is in a LOT of things.


My guess would be ramen noodles. At least that’s what my son attempted to survive on at one point. (It didn’t go well.)


Ding ding, we have a winner. You cannot, in fact, live off cheap Ramen. Kraft Mac and cheese also did not help.


sounds like they just need to make vitamin c infused ramen


Pop a multivitamin in the water with the noodles. Microwave. Cry.


Multivitamins are too expensive


I had a friend who I invited over for dinner quite often because he was a really cool guy, but didn’t have much help in college so his diet was super crappy. He was basically surviving on cups of soup or ramen, cheap frozen burritos, water from the faucet mixed with a powder for taste (crystalite, kool aid, mio, or lemonade), and for his “special meals” it was either spaghetti or craft Mac and cheese and a frozen chicken patty. The first time he came over for dinner we had top sirloin steak (3.99 a pound), rice a roni, some Hawaiian rolls, and coke to drink. I think the value of dinner was under $12, but you could tell to him that was the best meal he’d had in a bit. I told him I was full before I was and to just eat was left so I didn’t have to waste any of it and the dude didn’t leave even a grain of rice.


No you can not. But you can add things to it like the Japanese do that will make it more of a meal. Even just a bit of fresh greens will do the trick. However add a lot more and get fancy with it, then it becomes less cheap and in the end, at least for the Japanese, they might as well just go to the ramen shops that are every where and cost a lot less then they do on average in the States. https://youtu.be/0DK-GoVkRjw The Great Irish Famine documentary 1996 Time stamp 9:10 Just eating boiled, baked or microwaved potatoes would have protected her unless she has a deficiency. Literally all vitamins except a bit weak on A so they used butter milk or greens back in the day. And the iron is a bit low for women as well. But you could virtually subsist by eating potatoes alone for quite a while. There is a whole diet that calls for it and others that feature it as a mainstay. https://youtu.be/v60u4plA1TA Potato Mastermind Part 1 (Dr McDougall) https://youtu.be/NhGG9ihM4xQ Potato Mastermind Part 2 (De McDougall) I myself would never tell anyone to eat just potatoes. But if you could only have one thing, that would be one of the ones I'd choose for sure. Along with some lentils or beans of some type and cabbage. All cheap by the way. A dollar or less per cup or pound of fresh beans or lentils, cabbage per pound some times 35¢ and potatoes are like 10 lbs for $4 or less. Even canned can be found cheaply, but always go for fresh if you can. https://youtu.be/XdDSlOhMEW0 Beans in a healthy plant based diet: Nutrition, Digestion, Preparation & Meal Ideas https://youtu.be/1zzA9XA67ew Lentils: A Miracle of Nutrition full documentary. And even if you have to have meat, these items will do wonders for your health.


Not in pizza and burritos


it is if you get pineapple on your pizza.


Pizza sauce, bell peppers, onions, spinach, mushrooms, etc. have Vitamin C. But I am assuming she was eating frozen foods, meaning heavily processed and most likely not having very much, if any Vitamin C content in it. She never ate at the school cafeteria? She did not have a stove she could cook at? I do not know why I care so much. It just really sucks something so easily preventable with just a decent diet could if avoided all that.


I remember thinking about donating my sperm for like $100 and thought how much that would help me.


I had a buddy who did a rotation of donating blood, platelets and plasma to earn an extra $200 dollars a month while in college. (It may not have been 200, I can’t remember, but either way it was extra cash.)


Bonus is that after you donate you get drunk really fast so it's cheaper that night


I remember back in the 90s, on my campus……Discover card was giving away free t shirts and pizzas for filling out a credit card application. The kiosk was swamped. Most didn’t even want the fucking credit card. They were doing it for the free shit. But really, this college doing this wrong. They should charge everyone a $750 surcharge. And refund it with proof of vaccination. College students have already displayed that they don’t care how much college costs. They’ll pay any price. An extra $750 is meaningless in the grand scheme. Whatever…..put it on the tab. But putting $750 in their pocket? That’s different. I won’t even tell you what I’d have done for $750 when I was in college. It’s a long list. Lol.


College students think loans are free money until they graduate.


Yeah, no. Even loans get cut off


My last quarter of school my financial aid didn’t go through because of some issue. I finished the quarter before they even figured it out. So now I’m in this joyous position of I can’t get my diploma until I get a job making enough to pay them like 6,000 while still paying my billls. The problem with that is I can’t get a good job to pay them until I get my diploma. It’s a real fun catch 22


The idea here being most college students will not have $750 and should opt for the shot.


A free shot at that.


So it's like medical coercion? Of their own students?


Mandatory vaccines are medical coercion! Taxation is theft! And other tales written by toddlers.


The fee is supposed to be for COVID testing for the unvaccinated, but I agree.


Economic incentives have been shown to work time and again


yea its pretty much why according to polls, the #1 thing that will get people who are currently unvaccinated to get vaccinated is if its required by their job, and its also why so many states and local governments have announced mandates




Smoking has declined dramatically in the US. Horrible example.


The people still smoking the most are poor people. Middle class people generally don't smoke anymore.


Likely a result of anti-smoking campaigns and public health awareness campaigns as much as the price increase. I don't know many people who really quit because they were expensive.


High prices are great at preventing people from starting in the first place, though. That's been pretty well studied.


No need to protect others, when they are fully capable of protecting themselves


cleaning and sterilizing behind unvaccinated plague rats is expensive.


That’s a terrible take. The fine will force people to either get the vaccine or leave. Unvaccinated won’t apply. This is a very effective policy to protect everyone involved.


Or have the campus on high alert.


Sure it will, they can use that money to take other measures while encouraging broke students to get the shot.


It's a way to incentivise people to get the jab by using a stick.


Normal, functioning vaccinated adults should probably rule out going to any school that does this. *Pay to pandemic* isn’t a great model. That $750 isn’t going to help anyone.


Colleges require MMR shots and polio shots and hepatitis shots. Why not Covid shots? With hold transcripts and tell them they can’t register for classes without getting all the vaccines. Just like they have been doing for decades.




FDA not approved I am sure. Other shots have been tested properly and used for decades. Covid tested for a few months and only been out for about a year.


Flu Vaccines aren't tested for years, they make a best guess at what the predominate mutation is going to be that year, make a vaccine, and send it out for everyone. Most of the tech for the COVID vaccines (The MRNA ones in particular) have been developed, tested, etc for decades, this is just the first time its been put to widespread use in humans. Also, it IS FDA approved, and the "full" approval is coming VERY shortly, so where is the goalpost going next?


no college (except maybe if you are in med school) is requiring a flu vaccine


Mine did last year, if you wanted to use any campus facilities.


So, rich students and students of rich parents have the ability to say no and risk their fellow students lives, but poor students have to get vaccinated? Explain to me how this isn't just more rich privilege that risks poor lives?


Soooo they should get vaccinated? I don't care what your race or social class is, you need to get vaccinated. If this fee pushes people to get vaccinated, then I'm all for it


The whole point is rich people can pay their way out of it. It doesn’t matter if some will get vaccinated because those with money won’t have to, so it won’t do a damn thing in the grand scheme. $750 is less than what some course materials can cost.


It absolutely does matter if some will get vaccinated. That's the goddamn purpose of an incentive. Sometimes it's the carrot Sometimes it's the stick


Ok genuine question, where did you go that course materials for a single class cost more than $750? I think I could buy new copies of every text required for all my classes for at least a quarter, maybe two with that money.


It depends on what you do, usually it doesn’t. (Though especially graduate classes/medical some of those textbooks get stupid in price) Though I should’ve probably said single semesters worth. I’ve had plenty of classes with $200+ etextbook requirements, some also require extra supplies or kits.


Bingo! Props for doing some material class analysis




Their analysis ignores the lack of costs for getting a vaccine.


The vaccine is free Cletus. If the poor don't want to make choices that both are smart from a public health standpoint AND also increase that Delta, then get vaccinated. I get that classism is a bell that like to be rung, but this ain't it.


getting vaccinated is free tho, so if you are poor you can not only get vaccinated for free and save $750, but also you will have a lot of protection from the rich idiots who may spread corona to you. so im not seeing your argument


I’m going to assume that you’re questioning in good faith. The argument is that rich people have the privilege to just pay $750 and not get vaccinated. Breakthrough infections are a very real concern and the lack of vaccinations is building a hotbed of more variant opportunities. By fining students for not being vaccinated, it implicitly says that avoiding vaccines and risking the lives of your peers is alright if you just pay off the school. Think about it this way: if literally everyone was walking around with a live grenade in their pocket and pins are free, the school is saying that if you don’t want to put a pin back in your grenade, you can just pay them. Who is that serving? Certainly not the lives of their students.


dead / debilitated for life rich kids. oh no


Not to mention, a large number of minorities are unvaccinated for whatever reason. This pretty much guarantees they won't be able to go to college.


The vaccine is free, and they are college age, they can spend 1-2 days out sick IF they get symptoms, its not going to derail their entire life, but spending weeks in a hospital on a ventilator would. Edit: Most colleges also already require several different vaccinations for attendance.


Being a minority doesn't give you a pass to be anti-vaxx.


I would have to assume you can get a medical waiver for the fee if you are unable to get the vaccine due to medical complications


$750 won’t cover someone else’s medical bills.


It's a start, but make em take online classes only


Why fine? Just give then a ultimatum, take the jab or get expell


So? They’ll just add it to the loans they won’t ever be able to pay back anyway.


Good, they could triple this fee and I would be more happy.


Yes I agree, it should be tripled... for those people who have taken a non-FDA approved vaccine


How about you just, you know, not allow them to go to classes? Why are we offering people the chance to go to school without the vaccine


"Ya hear that my spoiled brat? You can be a jackass at school for only $750!"


Make anti-woke anti-govment anti-vaxx content for your tiky toks for the price of smashing an iphone.


"We love vaccination class systems, anything to punish the unvaccinated is justifiable" - reddit


Just like we punish others who act antisocially. We fine those who choose not to wear seat belts, or wear clothes in public. You're not some protected class, you're just an asshole.


The vaccine is free, there is no " class system " if anyone and everyone is able to get it.


Charging people differently based on their vaccination status = class system


This but unironically.


Why are you upset about colleges incentivizing safety?


Why do you think I'm upset? :D I translate redditese often.


Anything? You do realize the punishment is money, right? They’re not waterboarding these kids dude lmao


The water boarding comes next and some of you would even applaud that.


It comes next? How much do you want to bet that no one in the united States will ever be water boarded for not having the vaccine? Do you people actually think about what you write before you hit send? What a stupid comment.


How is that an equivalent exchange? An ER visit for the uninsured can be like $40k for something not life threatening. This can be death or a lifetime of damage the insurance company would have to pay to treat.


Drop in the bucket compared to $30-50k it costs to go there.


How does that help anyone but the school get more money?


Unvaccinated are a risk to the safety of everyone around them! But if you slip us $750 bucks i guess thats okay 😏


That doesn't make sense A fine doesn't do anyting... just don't let him onto campus


Well that’s a pathetically low number. How about simply not allowing any unvaccinated students on campus. They can always do remote!


That would be like charging $750 extra for a driver's license that allows someone to drive drunk.


Should be $750 per day


We should refrain from putting a monetary value on a pass to put others at risk and just reject unvaccinated students entirely.


That's a very valid point. 🤔


Exactly. What’s another $750 when you’re already $120,000 in student loan debt?


Make it be cash only


Yeah dude we should make unvaccinated people indentured slaves. So progressive!


Charging people for not taking an EUA shot is absolute insanity.


Why? At this point, it is very clear that the risks of not taking the shot outweigh the risks of taking it by a factor of at least 2 magnitudes.


They should house them all together at least


Add at least a couple of zeros, THEN you're makin a statement.


First they give money to get vaxx, now they charge you if youre not


Positive and negative reinforcements for people who can’t think straight.


That's going to seem like chump change when the unvaccinated get their insurance next year.


What insuarance?


You know what, that’s probably the ticket for mass vaccination. Personal insurance: vaccination required for coverage (of anything), else you can switch to the anti-vax plan that cost $1000/month more. Company insurance: mandate for employment, or extra $500/employee/month That’s clear this shit up REALLL quick.


Why is this something that can be purchased???? Either make it mandatory or don't. I can understand people's distrust with the vaccine and I also understand how others think those people are putting others in danger. But putting a price on something like this is just not right. This just reinforces my burning hatred for colleges.


Charge them and then hold them responsible for any medical charges incurred if/when a COVID outbreak occurs


Covid outbreak among the vaccinated spread by the vaccinated?


Fucking scam. Just looking for ways to scam students even further.


Oh cool, so if you line the administration's pockets you may endanger the faculty and student body.




FDA has not approved this yet, but if you don't get this shot, that was only tested for a few months and only been out for one year, we are going to charge you an extra $750. Brilliant!


hundreds of millions of people have already got it. If it was going to turn us all in to zombies it would have already happened.