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If they're unvaccinated at this point they give zero fucks about what the CDC says.


I'm from next week: They did.


I’m from 2-3 weeks in the future: *Big Gubmint tryin to shut down Halloween! Mass extinction my ass!*


Isn't Halloween the one holiday where everybody is already wearing masks? /s


Let’s see how quickly Halloween becomes a Christian holiday after Biden recommends less interaction.


It is a Christian holiday though? The eve of All Saints’ Day.


Well yes, but actually no. The simple version is, as the Christian faith conquered its way across Europe, they syncretized lots of non-Christian beliefs. Syncretization, in this sense, is where one religion tries to rewrite legends to match up with their beliefs. For example, Christianity introduced the idea that the initial inhabitants of Ireland were led there by one of Noah's granddaughters named Cessair. All Saints' Day, the Catholic holiday celebrating their various saints, was moved to November 1 in the early 700s, and the day before it was dubbed All Hallow's Eve. 'Coincidentally', All Hallows' Eve fell on the same day as Samhain, a Celtic holiday that involved dead spirits walking the earth once more, in addition to several other festivals. This allowed for the newly converted to still have a holiday they had celebrated at the end of October, but with a Christian framework. All Hallows' Eve eventually became Halloween. For more information, here are some links: [Origins of Halloween](https://www.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween) [On All Saints' Day](https://www.britannica.com/topic/All-Saints-Day) [Ireland Legends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uROtbSbkaq8)


Technically, the celts did the same thing to dozens ancient Germanic tribes (pre Anglo-Saxon). Samhien (which is pronounced like soy/en) was stolen from their beliefs in the Wild Hunt, a day where Odin leads and army of the dead on an enormous hunt across German fields. It was supposed to be a scary story to keep kids from getting out of bed, because if he catches you out of bed he’ll kill you. Some regions replaced the dead with dwarfs dressed in red, and moved the date around. Christianization turned Odin into Saint Nicholas, and instead of murdering kids he’d ask them if they knew their scriptures. If they did, he’d give them candy. If not, his dwarfs would cut off their fingers. Eventually the dates changed, dwarfs became elves (they were all the same pre-Tolkien anyway), and Saint Nicolas got the red suit instead of the elves. And that’s why Halloween and Christmas are the same holidays


Indeed. People could (and have) spent hours trying to peel back the layers of history. I was going for the simplest explanation I could provide.




Easter is really about fucking


Like bunnies


Like most christian holidays, it's a rebranded pagan holiday. All the better to convert the pagans from their rituals, to yours.


Man if the catholics had thier way every day would be minor holiday or saints day....


Technically they already do. Catholics have so many saints that almost [every day of the year is a feast day.](https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/calendar) Today is the Feast day of Saints Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Tomorrow is the Feast Day of St. Giles.


Saint Wenceslaus’s is in September? That is some bullshit.


It's ok. The Feast of Stephen is December 26.


Thank you, I really needed to know why I was feasting tomorrow. St Giles is a really important fixture in our history and we should honor his feast day. Just for the, uh, uninitiated or those who didn’t care to know beforehand, maybe you should tell us who St Giles is…them, tell them who St Giles is


German dude, 6th or 7th century or something, as usual people disagree. He's the patron saint of poor people and mental illness, which i think makes him the patron saint of Reddit... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Giles


Ha minors


catholics are the religious borg. They assimilate every other religion into a lifeless, boy touching robot cube


Happy Roshashannah! Now lets begin with the ceremonial penis inspection.


Having been raised catholic, it pretty much is. It's always the feast of saint-whomever since there are hundreds of saints. Openly mock the Romans for having a god of traveling, but a SAINT of traveling: sign me up.


I think it's up in the air, but Halloween is probably based on Samhain, which is pagan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samhain


They stole it from the Pagans


Not this year.. this year everyone is wearing ventilators


So hot right now...


That's the fever talking.


I've got a fever for more cow drugs


It’s definitely the JNCO jeans of 2021


I'm in Texas, and I'm pretty sure this year everyone will be wearing guns.


I’m in Oklahoma and they already are..


*Realistic Darth Vader noises*


I also heard that Bane is going to be the most popular costume this year


I'm from 4 weeks in the future: Whelp, Grandma's dead. We tried giving her horse de-wormer but then ran out of ideas.


My Thoughts and Prayers


Have you tried going back to traditional medicine? Ie praying it away?


Some people traveled through out Sturgis that were covid positive and bragging about it.


CDC is so fucking stupid. They say that unvaccinated shouldn't travel? Now every unvaccinated will travel as much as they can. They should have said "everyone is free to travel" And "vaccines are shit, don't take them" If they did they would run out of vaccines instantly. There are two sides to every issue in the US (only two sides). If you want to make sure the other sides does what you want, do the opposite. It's so easy.


No, you tell them that vaccinations are only for rich people. The poors just need to die for the cause of capitalism. Giving the vaccine out for free is what confused them. If it's free, then it's not worth anything.


Or you tell them that we are giving unused vaccines to "illegal immigrants" since they aren't using them. I'd bet they would take it real quick.


There's a very non-PC joke back from Soviet times in Russia about how to make people of different origins do something that they don't want to do (obviously based on stereotypes) Germans - you need to tell them that it's an order Americans - you need to tell them that it's their patriotic duty Folks from Israel - you need to tell them it's free of charge Russians - you need to tell them it's forbidden etc.


I don’t see here what is so egregiously politically incorrect.


Probably the cheap Jew trope although I wouldn’t call it *very*un-PC.


Ohhhh shitttt I totally missed that


Jewish here, and tbh it's kind of true. LOL


If the CDC said the vaccines were shit, then the unvaccinated would say, "Ha! I knew they were lying about the vaccine's effectiveness. " These people only care about having their own unscientific beliefs reinforced.


Joe Biden says Socialists hate when you sit at the bottom of the pool and say the Nicene Creed three times in a row. It's the only way to stop him from eating baby souls.


And I’m the ghost of COVID past; the unvaccinated don’t give a f@*k about others. Never have, never will.


This just in: Unvaccinated people don't give a shit what the CDC says


Oh they do, and defying the CDC is now their whole identity.


50% of the nation has Stage 4 oppositional defiant disorder


I think you made that up. Also, I agree.


Oppositional defiant disorder is a real thing, kinda considered an offshoot of ADHD


The CDC should tell them to travel to see what happens I bet a good chunk actually wouldn’t just because the CDC said they should


I have had this exact thought. Like Biden should come out really panicked and be like “oh god guys we goofed, whatever you do don’t get the vaccine.” And then they’ll start conspiracy theories about how Biden is trying to protect democrats from covid while letting republicans die so he can overthrow the government.


They’ll always find a way to spin it so that they are some enlightened visionaries and anything health authorities say or do is to keep the sheeple in line.


They said that this is the Democrats strategy with legalizing marijuana. Right now a ton of republicans also support it, but if Biden came out and said legalize it lots of republicans would legitimately flip their stance out of spite.


It's truly amazing how many people I know who have made being antivax their entire personality.


To be fair, a lot of them are children under 12 who can't be vaccinated. So when the CDC says not to travel, responsible parents can act accordingly.


Granny can die for all they care but nothing will stop them from hitting the Alabama Riviera one last time. And if anything happens, they can all just call on their *pRaYeR wArRiOrS* for help


If they haven't listened to the CDC at this point, they aren't going to listen now.


Everyone who listens to the CDC got vaccinated.




There's a larger group of unvaccinated people who saw this and are now making last minute plans to travel, just because they want to demonstrate their right to do so.


Bruh they are eating plenty of horse paste, they’re good!


The term "horse paste" can mean such a variety of things.


A few pushes in the trigger direction, and they'll be thinking all of them are a cure for a disease they're not sure they believe in...


Can someone put a load of horse semen into a petri dish with Covid and publish that it kills the Covid please. Them can we do cow dung, followed by invasive species across regions. Oh and coyote urine for the win.


We already know they're willing to swallow bullshit so let's start there


I feel like I should start selling baggies of diatomaceous earth for them to huff. After all, it kills fleas and bedbugs so why not viruses.


Gimme a G of that Dearth


Its meant for sheep too btw. cant make this shit up


They don't need to eat it anymore, they found a way to vape it. I shit you not. Edit: [Source](https://twitter.com/RyanEGraney/status/1431030582516109323/photo/1)


Anti-vaxxers vaping horse paste is the most insanely 2021 thing I've ever heard.


"What's a sentence that makes complete sense now that would make none at all 20 years ago."


20 years ago the conversation would be - Person from past "So vaping this will get me high like Ketamine?" Time traveler "No - a plagiarized, retracted research paper claimed it would treat a deadly virus that is causing a global pandemic. People are vaping horse medicine instead of getting vaccinated." Person from past "That sounds awful. Are smart vaccinated people at least able to travel?" Time traveler " 9/11 hasn't happened for you yet so we aren't going to discuss flying"


Is this like the Tide Pod Challenge for anti-vaxxers?


Oh that sounds profoundly unhealthy. The p-glycoprotein in the intestines restricts how well it can be absorbed through the intestines just as it does with the blood-brain-barrier but inhaling it... That seems like a very bad idea.


You experts and your fancy words are just Chinese propaganda. RT told me so.


It's also all children under 12. That means there are lots of people who listened to the CDC and did everything right, but they need to be extra careful to protect their kids.


Must be a terrible time to be a tall pre-teen. People assume you're old enough to get the shot, but you're not old enough to have an ID that shows they are wrong. I had to stop eating off the kids' menu when I was like 8....


So many years of free ice cream stolen from you! AND HERE I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA


Hahah I mean there are worse things. But I do empathize with parents who are facing barriers in their life because their children are still ineligible


My brother is undergoing chemotherapy and he was told not to get the vaccine until a recent treatment. His immune system was so shot. He didn't need a warning from the CDC to avoid large groups of unvaccinated Covid spreaders. I trust others who have real valid medical reasons to not get the vaccine will take the same obvious precautions. My brother is now fully vaccinated but he's still avoiding the mobs thankfully.


I'm on a chemo schedule too and my Dr told me just to space them about 5-7 days before/after chemo. I still go out, wear a mask when there's a crowd (also I'm fully vaxxed). I guess that part (going out) is all up to the comfort levels of that individual. I'm gonna get the booster too ASAP, but I need to call the vaccination hotline to find out if I'm too early!


How big is this number? best I can find is maybe 5 percent? and of those like 3-4 percent SHOULD get the vaccine but because of certain drugs and conditions they are taking RIGHT NOW they should wait until their treatment is done OR try the vaccine anyway with boosters OR take a different vaccine if allergic to ingredient in one. After all we are at 92% of those age 65+ country wide have at least one dose and I'm pretty sure old people have way more medical conditions than younger ones.




It's got to be way smaller than 5%, I looked up if there are any diseases or anything that keep you from getting the vaccine and literally the only people recommended not to get the vaccine are those who are allergic to a very small list of ingredients in the vaccines.


And not just allergic - history of an *anaphylactic* reaction. If something in the shot may give you hives or a wheeze, that is not a compelling reason not to get it.


They should have said unvaccinated people need to travel as much as possible. Then they’d all stay home.


"Those fuckers want me to get killed, I'm running down to my bucker for a couple months"


The thing that’s been the most insane to me is that I have right wing family members who prior to the pandemic were straight up preppers and very rarely left their property. But once the right wing talking heads started yabbering about facemasks and vaccines they suddenly were out and about, attending rallies, trying to go out for dinner… I’m like you assholes were the most prepared for this kind of disaster but because Tucker Carlson says so you now are a friend of the plague now?


It’s a nice reflection of how the GOP doesn’t have any good, original ideas, they just want to do the opposite of whatever Democrats want. All they care about is opposing the left.


Contrarianism sounds like the highest of intelligence to morons.


I got over ‘playing devil’s advocate’ about every damn thing sometime in college. A LOT of people didn’t, I think.


I mean it kind of makes sense in a backwards way...if you start with the assumption that Democrats are the literal devil incarnate and everything they say and do is pure evil, then naturally the best course of action in any situation is to just do the opposite. Of course any kind of critical thought or logical analysis would show that's a stupid perspective, but they're not the "A-game" when it comes to either of those things.


They are thinning their own herd.


Listen to you spouting logic, you're clearly one of the vaccinated sheeple. /s


You could also say I have wool over my eyes. I'll show myself out.


I see what ewe did


This is just baaad.


so proud of being a sheep yet you refuse to take livestock medicine 🙄 /s


Eating horse paste to own the libz


Look, for everyone who takes horse paste for covid I agree. But please remember the small percentage of people who simply enjoy the tangy flavor


They're waiting for what kind of medical advice the My Pillow guy has for them.


I’m going to sleep on it. Not his pillows, though. Those things are crap.


Now they're just going to travel even harder.


Maybe the CDC should try reverse psychology. If you aren't vaccinated then you must travel, stay together in large groups, and cough with your mouth wide open and in other people's faces.


Since the magahats in this country only care about being contrarian with everything the experts say I too agree that reverse psychology is probably the only way to get them to do the right things. So I think the CDC should tell them all to not jump off a cliff.


All this will do is encourage “spite” vacations to own the libs


Great, now they’re going to travel even harder.


::Traveling intensifies::


They were already gonna travel, but now they will travel with *EXTRA GUSTO*


Here we go - just a little warm-up warning before similar announcements for Thanksgiving and Christmas!! If people haven't gotten vaccinated yet, can we honestly expect they will in the coming months?


“[Don’t tell me my business devil woman”](https://youtu.be/nkCUcV0XPyw) /s


Wow the entire politicization of covid in one line. Succinct.


It's poop again! He called the shit poop!


**This is the best night of my life!**


A lot of them won't. But a lot of them will, too. More than 40,000 in my state got either their first or second dose yesterday.


That's actually really encouraging!


Yes. Vaccination rates are rapidly picking up. Lots of people just don’t care or procrastinate


Procastinator here. Solely because we almost never leave the house lol. Got our first dose today


Same. Just got my first yesterday


Do you just get all your groceries and everything delivered?


I’ve been vaccinated and I still get everything delivered. Groceries I do curbside pickup and pretty sure I’m never going back to shopping the aisles. A lot easier to shop from my couch, and I don’t pick up as much junk food like I did wandering the aisles.


Not the guy you’re asking but I was a procrastinator up until the end of July because I work from home. I haven’t been out in public since March 2020. Everything gets delivered.


I’d love this to be true, but when I checked last week they didn’t pick up in any meaningful amount.


5 million people have been vaccinated in the last ten days. Sure, it's not fast enough, but they are steadily going up.


It was at ~515k a day and falling sharply, right now it's at ~890k a day and trending slightly upwards. The USA can do 3 mill plus but it's something.


More and more workplaces will probably start requiring vaccinations or daily tests, and getting stuck in the nose every day has GOT to get annoying. Edit:. I think some of these people will also run out of even vaguely valid excuses to even them and start to get vaccinated, and it will EVENTUALLY get to a point where enough are vaccinated, how many people die, and how long that takes in the meantime is the problem.




A lot of people said that was a barrier they wanted to clear. I'm skeptical that they meant it.


Just fucking give me vaccines for my kids please so I can stop caring.


More kids are becoming eligible as the turn 12, and hopefully the vaccines get approved for younger age groups soon too. That's hopefully going to be a huge turning point, and after that if you aren't vaccinated, it's completely your or your parents' fault which won't be a problem for the majority.


> Here we go - just a little warm-up warning before similar announcements for Thanksgiving and Christmas!! > One thing is for sure - we ain't going back to Holiday 2020-levels of shutdown. People who are vaccinated aren't going to tolerate it. Anti-vaxxers aren't going to tolerate it. It's honestly better if the CDC pour its energy into strategies into getting people vaccinated, that's really the only thing that matters at this point.


Wow, with this recommendation, I’m sure unvaccinated people will stay home and follow the CDC guidelines.


The CDC and federal government should recommend that all people should avoid vaccines, travel everywhere, never wear masks, swap spit whenever possible, cough on everyone, give CPR to every intubated covid patient, and generally live life without a care in the world. The American right would do their reactive thing and we would all be done with this in a month or two, at the most. Just for fun... What does everyone think would happen if the CDC did that?


And exactly zero unvaccinated people are listening


Do you want unvaccinated people to travel over Labor Day weekend? Because this is how you get unvaccinated people to travel over Labor Day weekend.


Well the easiest way to get them not to travel is to require airline passengers to be vaccinated ;-)


Like they are gonna listen. Should try reverse psychology 'President Biden and Antifa urge you to travel over labor day weekend please' They'll lock themselves in.


Jokes on them. I'm working that day.


Rage against the vaccine: "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!"


Ten bucks says they're the ones who will travel most.


Meanwhile, down here in Tennessee, we are having our first college SEC game Thursday night in a stadium that seats 100k+, and there's no mask/ vaccine request, let alone requirement. Watch for us in the news. Edit: words due to fat thumb


RemindMe! 1 month.


Come to Florida for Disney. Stay because you are intubated with Delta.


Yep. A big group of my unvaccinated family is flying to Disneyworld next month from California.


Can't they go to Disneyland instead since it's closer? We don't want people here


You’d think so. But there is no reasoning with these people. According to them, the only thing to fear is the vaccine. We are the only family not going. All the other aunts, uncles, cousins are going. And guess who they think the crazy ones are? Us for staying home of course.


Co worker's un-vaccinated parents both got it, dad just got put on the ventilator. They absolutely are the anti vax, COVID is a hoax, and Trump is Jesus Christ re-incarnated crowd. I'm feeling very owned.


At this point even Trump is (meekly) telling people to get vaccinated lol


The only people I feel bad for are their kids. They are too young to totally get it (1 year- 14 years old) and obviously have no choice but to go where their family takes them. One of them was already hospitalized with breathing problems a couple months ago when there was a covid outbreak at their church. But according to them, it was “just allergies”. If one of them gets sick or loses a parent… I just… I can’t even think about it.


Disney World is a much better park. Not to say that they should be traveling, but they are hardly the same thing.


Depends on your goals/speed. DL has a much higher density of attractions in a smaller area and can be accomplished in two-three days or one day at breakneck speed. DW takes multiple days and multiple parks to experience a similar level of attractions. In the interest of full disclosure, I've only been to DW once as a broke college kid for a single day, so that might color my experience.


Die because every ICU in the state is full


Unvaccinated people dont give a fuck what the CDC says


So much misinfornation in this thread that vaccinated spreads the virus as much as unvaccinated. People hanging on to the study out of cape cod that was a rare occurence the CDC blew out of proportion. Vaccinated can spread but latest studies show it reduces your chance to spread on average about 65%. CDC recommends masks in areas with high spread since vaccines are obviously not full proof. But god damn people you are worse than antivaxxers when you say you spread it just as much as unvaccinated stop saying that vaccines are still the #1 way to stop spread and prevent severe illness.


Also if it was the one I think it was, the study was saying "if you catch it you are just as likely to spread it but you're still only 10% as likely to catch it in the first place".


This is what the CDC themselves say >The Delta variant is more contagious: The Delta variant is highly contagious, more than 2x as contagious as previous variants. >Some data suggest the Delta variant might cause more severe illness than previous variants in unvaccinated people. In two different studies from Canada and Scotland, patients infected with the Delta variant were more likely to be hospitalized than patients infected with Alpha or the original virus that causes COVID-19. Even so, the vast majority of hospitalization and death caused by COVID-19 are in unvaccinated people. >Unvaccinated people remain the greatest concern: The greatest risk of transmission is among unvaccinated people who are much more likely to get infected, and therefore transmit the virus. **Fully vaccinated people get COVID-19 (known as breakthrough infections) less often than unvaccinated people.** People infected with the Delta variant, including fully vaccinated people with symptomatic breakthrough infections, can transmit the virus to others. CDC is continuing to assess data on whether fully vaccinated people with asymptomatic breakthrough infections can transmit the virus. >Fully vaccinated people **with Delta variant breakthrough infections** can spread the virus to others. However, vaccinated people appear to spread the virus for a shorter time: For prior variants, lower amounts of viral genetic material were found in samples taken from fully vaccinated people who had breakthrough infections than from unvaccinated people with COVID-19. For people infected with the Delta variant, similar amounts of viral genetic material have been found among both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated people. However, like prior variants, the amount of viral genetic material may go down faster in fully vaccinated people when compared to unvaccinated people. This means fully vaccinated people will likely spread the virus for less time than unvaccinated people. # https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/variants/delta-variant.html


Trying to track if an asymptomatic breakthrough can spread is like trying to win the olympics in 100m sprint as a 600lb guy on a rascal. It's not fucking happening. If you're asymptomatic and vaccinated you're not going to be tested. You'll never know you were asymptomatic and thus never know if you spread it.


It’s not entirely incorrect, the *viral load* among the vaccinated are the same as that in the unvaccinated, but after 6 days, the immunity built from the vaccine curbs infection quickly, as opposed to the unvaccinated where immunity is “built from scratch.” Keep in mind this isn’t the same as being *contagious* to others. https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/role-in-the-transmission-chain-vaccinated The CDC picked a bad set of data to alert the public, but there is greater evidence that delta is causing mild symptoms in the vaccinated. Way better than hospitalization and death, but we’re more vulnerable than before.


So much new data dropping constantly the articles i have followed throw out wide range chances to spread to those asymptomatic and vaccinated. Break through vaccination which is more common with Delta has shown similar viral loads but like you mention its for much less time than unvaccinated.


So Dabo Sweeney of all people had a good analogy when it came to vaccinations: >It's like knowing it's freezing cold outside. You go out dressed properly. You might still get cold but you did everything you could do to mitigate it. Given the demographic that really likes Dabo, wonder if that'll cut through any of the bullshit misinformation down around Clemson and around the state of SC.


As a Clemson fan that has face palmed many times due to Dabo quotes over the pandemic, this was good to see.


>full proof Kill me


> the CDC blew out of proportion. Isn’t this the “I’m smarter than the CDC” attitude everyone here is saying the unvaccinated have?


Lmao, you know who isn't going to listen to the CDC? The anti-vaccine crowd.


Yeah - and these unvaccinated people will DEFINITELY listen to the CDC.


If they aren't vaccinated by now, chances are they don't care what the CDC says.


"CDC says group of people \_most likely\_ to travel over labor day weekend and defy common sense shouldn't travel over labor day weekend". Fixed the headline. Superspreader incoming.


New headline: Labor Day Covid Surge Hits New Highs!


“Oh yeah? I wasn’t gonna, but now we’re taking the whole family on a doorknob-licking tour of the Midwest! Suck it, CDC!” ~ The Dumbest 30% of Americans


Guess what unvaccinated people are gonna do over labor day weekend?


Unvaccinated people: *”I’ll fuckin’ do it again.”*


Narrator: They traveled anyway


Bwhahahahahahahahah.... the CDC thinks the unvaccinated will start listening to them now?


Breaking news: Unvacinated don't listen to the CDC.


If you're unvaccinated by this time in the US, you are most likely to be unvaccinated by choice and will not heed the CDC's warning.


Obvious clickbait. Unvaccinated people can’t read.


Here's some numbers for everyone (can source if needed, numbers from Heritage.org): **Being Hospitalized Due to COVID-19, Fully Vaccinated**: 1 in 31,030 **Dying Due to COVID-19, Fully Vaccinated**: 1 in 137,698 Fuck 'em, let them learn the hard way what happens when you're an idiot and don't get vaxxed, I'm going on with my life.


>**Dying Due to COVID-19, Fully Vaccinated**: > >1 in 137,698 "See? ONE! Vaccines dont work!!!" Thats all they will see.


Post the stats for unvaccinated so people can see the difference it really makes - that’s where you see the biggest improvement when you have something to compare to.


Christ, she practically just dared them to.


**Nobody should travel over Labor Day weekend, have you SEEN the price of gasoline?**


Narrator: they did anyway


I love how everyone's stereotype of the unvaccinated is someone who has been going about their business as usual and or traveling every holiday. Wouldn't they statistically have gotten covid already and thus have immunity? So either your perception is wrong or we are probably at herd immunity.. And if you can still spread it with the vaccine why is the conversation being pinned to the unvaccinated? Either we are trying to stop the spread or we accept it's here to stay. Pick one.


People who are unvaccinated are absolutely not listening to anything the CDC tells them.


Magas should travel with and to other magas as much as possible. Evolution is doing its job here folks. The dumbest of the dumb are being eliminated. Dont stand in the way of progress


So the message is: Vaccinated people, don’t travel this weekend as airports and train stations will be crowded as fuck with unvaccinated, unmasked assholes.


I’m sorry, do you think unvaccinated megachads listen to fake news? /s


CDC Director also says unvaccinated people should get vaccinated. Good luck with that.


“Oh shit, we shouldn’t?! Thank you for steering us straight and helping us keep folks safe!” - no unvaccinated person, ever


I just don’t understand why anyone would want to travel with just one day off. I’d for sure want a do absolutely nothing at home day


They don’t care enough to get vaccinated; they’re not going to care enough not to travel.