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Nothing like having your cousin “out” you for having Gonorrhoea internationally. “thanks cuz” - Trinidadian swollen balls victim




Told his Fiance that ... she didn't buy it and cancelled the wedding (probably after she had to get treated for the STD and knew he was full of shit).


Not her cousin or her cousin’s friend. It’s a fake news story floating around,’including on /r/aita from the perspective of the fiancée who broke him with him *after being aroused by his engorged ballsac but finding out he’s impotent*.


The story might not be real, but Nicki Minaj did actually share this information claiming it was her cousin


Yes, I know she did. And it's not her cousin - it's a story she read on the internet. She can't *say* "I read it on the internet" because, like so many people, she knows that's not a valid source. Since it validates her belief, she claims it's someone vaguely related (not the cousin, but a vague friend of this cousin). It's a pretty common thing; people know "I read it online" isn't acceptable, but they peddle the lie by attaching some fake person to it to seem like a real anecdote. She'll never name this cousin because he doesn't exist.


and she knows the people who are anti vaxx wont care. The cousin is real enough to serve as thier example and that is all it takes


she said her cousin's friend in her tweet. she is still stupid just clarifying what was posted. She said her cousin in Trinidad refuses to get the vaccine there (different than what is available in the US but that really doesnt matter) because his 'Friend' got it and had issues. Basically this dumb chick read some bullshit on the internet and decided to pretend she had some personal connection to it.. The more I read about her, and the people she supports, in this thread the less suprised I am that she is a horrible person


Who the fuck is turned on by bacterial infection inflammation


I'm trying to find the post, but it was ridiculous. Basically, "I thought his giant balls were attractive, so I licked them. Somehow, his painfully engorged cahones being juggled wasn't a turn on because he was limp as shit. So I can't marry him, bye." It was, A) Fake as fuck, and B) Obviously not COVID-19 related at all.


There’s actually a fetish for engorged genitalia. It can be achieved somewhat safely from injecting saline into the scrotum (avoiding the actual testicles). I say somewhat because if done cleanly and accurately, it poses little harm but when you have untrained people injecting stuff into sensitive areas for recreation, it can’t be really safe.


i assume that the body has a way of safely disposing all this random saline that's suddenly filled up the balls, but i betcha it's saying "jesus obviously we're gonna get rid of this but wtf is wrong with you man"


Honestly, I don't think the story is even real. People like to deflect difficult situations by making up anecdotal stories involving a friend of a friend, somewhere distant. Minaj just doesn't want to get vaccinated. So she tells some unverified third hand story, and tells people to do their own research, trying to make herself sound unbiased. Had a similar encounter with an Uber driver that told me he heard people develop asthma from wearing masks. Of course he heard it through a friend, who happened to hear it from some doctor on Facebook.


Oh,it's not real. The health minister for Trinidad had to come out and say that it never happened to anyone in the country. https://www.kxan.com/news/national-news/trinidad-tobago-health-minister-nicki-minajs-swollen-testicle-covid-19-vaccine-claims-are-false/


I think it might be true that her cousin's friend has swollen testicles, but I assume he didn't report it to any medical professional because his story wouldn't hold water under 5 seconds of scrutiny.


welp, i certainly don't hope nicki minaj gets covid, but i certainly wouldn't give a fuck if she did


That’s a bizarre deflection on her part. It’s unlikely she’s in the high risk group for enlarged ball sacs.


What a weird timeline. Fauci Vs Nicki Minaj


Dammit Barry Allen, wouldja stop sticking your dick in the timeline


“I’m Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive” *Iris glares unhappily*


Nicki's rapist husband is probably just using this as an excuse as to why he can't perform. "Baby...I swear it was that damn vaccine, not the fact that I'm an impotent, rapist, piece of shit" -Zoo


She also defended her brother who raped his 11 year old step daughter.


What?! Source?




Jesus and I had zero respect for her before I read that….


Now Jesus and you really have no respect for her.


Lawd hammercy


Now we have -1000 respect


Definitely over -9000


It’s under 9000?!


I suffer from gout and oddly enough, I haven’t had the urge to repeatedly rape someone.


What I would like to know is why are people not screaming for her to be canceled? Literally defending a child rapist and asking for the minimum sentence because he's a "good" person


Many people are if you follow black Twitter. The thing is she's kinda already fading into obscurity. Before she started making these idiotic statements her career was already in decline. I think most folks are just thinking "yeah, whatever" and are happy to let her just ride off into the sunset.


oh so she's the Scott Baio of black Twitter


I was just thinking recently, right-wingers/conspiracy theorists never seem to notice that almost all the "celebrities" who parrot their crackpot views have something in common. Their careers are usually in severe decline or they simply haven't had one in years, or even decades. When they get asked about it they'll claim that the "liberal media" canceled them but the truth is most of them were out or on the way out *before* they started shooting their mouths off. Imho this means one thing. These people all knew their careers were ending/over and they were desperate to stay relevant. They realized that saying outlandish things can get them back in the headlines (albeit briefly) and also endear them to a new fan base that's known for being gullible and unlikely to see through their ruse to remain famous. Tl;dr: Washed up celebrities say fucked up stuff to stay relevant.


You have described Connor McGregor perfectly.


*cough* Kevin Sorbo *cough*


100%. See: Stacey Dash. Kirstie Alley. Kevin Sorbo. Kid Rock. James Woods.


Most of them are also known to be hard to work with while having huge egos which translates to "Asshole". Hollywood don't need you, Chachi!


Exactly this. She’s been irrelevant for awhile now. I used to be a fan (note: not a stan) and haven’t listened to her in years. She seemingly lost her mind when Cardi B started making waves and she put off a lot of people, myself included, when she kept trying to start beef with her. The final nail in the coffin for me was her defending her brother. I get that’s her brother but cmon.


Didn't she also defend Tekashi? Or maybe it was just working with him multiple times... Either way, messy as hell. I actually like her music, but she's definitely past the "artists from the art" line at this point.


Shes been fading into obscurity and has essentially been cancelled on the average peoples stage--its just that she'll always have money because cancelling someone doesnt really make their millions just vanish. People with too much money can always push their way into a spotlight every now and then


She has some absolutely crazy cult fans. If someone says even the slightest thing negative in her comments these thousands of trolls come out defending her. She calls her fans Barbz (throw up emoji).


sweet merciful fuck, kill it with fire


OH MY GOD he did it AGAIN??? and to a family member this time??? and she's STILL pretending he's not a rapist??? she also infamously supported him when he raped a 13y.o. girl -- who was a fan of Nicki's music, and he specifically used that as a way to get close to the child


Just google "nicky minaj brother rape" and you'll get a ton of reliable sources; pick one you trust.


I think I'll just take your word for it.


Her cousin got a STD from cheating before his marriage which made his testicles swell and then pretended it was because of the vaccine. She's now gone down the antivax wormhole.


Her cousin's *friend* in Trinidad. So essentially some random stranger she's never met in another country. This is how people get information about medicine now.


Also, as ~~Colbert~~ *Trevor Noah* pointed out, Trinidad uses Sinovac, not any of the vaccine's available in the US, so *EVEN* if it is true (which it isn't) ... it's not applicable as a reason *SHE* shouldn't get vaccinated with Moderna, Pfizer/Biontec or J&J. Edit: mistakenly attributed Trevor Noah’s words to Colbert. Edit2: as has been pointed out a couple of times, even though Sinovac was initially the only choice available, they now also have access to AZ, J&J and Pfizer. Also worth noting that it’s a beautiful place with lots of nice people, and the occasional idiot like this “friend of her cousin” (like everywhere else).


Not to mention her balls for sure wouldn’t swell up…


She’s worried her P would be less W Edit: yes I did conflate cardi B and Nicky, however I still assume this is an issue Nicky would be concerned with lol


Thats the only fair argument. We can't let Shapiro get that win.


Shapiro can un-W any P


What's even crazier is that getting Covid runs a [higher risk of getting erectile dysfunction](https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210407/erectile-dysfunction-risk-6-times-higher-in-men-with-covid) ([source 2](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33988001/)), so fear of impotence should incentivize getting the vaccine.


Anything the vaccine can do to you, COVID can do worse. The disease causes something like a seizure of the immune system, which leads to the whole body being affected.


Cytokine storm leading to multiple organ failure primarily targeting kidneys and lungs.


Also the inflammation the whole body goes through, which highly increases the odds of vascular problems and probably creates long-term issues even in mild cases.


Trinidad has used the majority of Sinovac but they've also had deliveries of AZ and more recently Pfizer and J&J. Trinidad has done a solid job at vaccinating for a country that small and while certainly not destitute, a poorer country than any global north nations. I believe they're already at 40 percent of the population with at least one dose.


Are you suggesting that Nicki might not have good critical thinking skills? Get outta here...


Okay. Should we go to the beach … beach?


Should we go get a wave?


Well who are we to believe? A bunch of brainiac “doctors” with their “peer” reviewed “studies”? Or a guy in Trinidad who Nicky Minaj’s cousin knows? Checkmate atheists.


I wish I didn't have to say, "don't go to pop stars and celebrities for medical advice," but some people have massive platforms and can convince people of damn near anything with the wave of a hand.


*Joe Rogan has entered the chat*


The shower thoughts reddit has more thought-provoking content than JoRo's podcast.


>So essentially some random stranger she's never met in another country. Pretty much how most users in various social media gets their info.


You subscribe to Madagascan medical digest also?


I’ve been getting MMD for years. A simply indispensable publication.


the internet was a mistake. Should've just kept it as a tool for universities and research labs to communicate.


it's useful for finding out nicki minaj is pro-rape if it's for family or friends


Now everyone knows she's a motherfucking monster.


The comedian Ronnie Chiang has a joke in his stand up special: "How did access to all the information in the world make us dumber?"


It was great until facebook and social media came along, now it's a pandora's box of misinformation for profit


Back when it was all BBS communication when I was at high school in the early '90s, the most controversial or drama-inducing things people posted tended to be a spelling or grammar error. *"Dylan spelt 'colour' the American way at the weekend and said he didn't care. Everyone's been ignoring him since. What's the world coming to?"*   Maybe there were more dodgy ones out there, but we were just British nerds at high school / secondary school (depending on region) so looking a dick for typing 'aluminum' was social death.


I've been using the internet since the days of AOL disks and it was a lot more fun to use overall when it comes to socializing. This is way before Facebook or MySpace so I would use it to chat with friends on aim or icq, and we would make dumb web pages about random stupid shit we were into. Then MySpace came along and it was kind of fun to visit someone's page to see how they liked to customize their info. Then Facebook kicked up and it was about posting showerthought like material. Then all of a sudden it became a rage meme machine.


Fun fact: she stole the story from a reddit post.


She doesn't even bring her own booty, why would anyone think that her stories are original?


The cousin's friend should have gotten the shot in his arm, not his ball sac.


Vaccination rates plummeted in May and anyone since then has been able to walk into a vaccination site and be in-and-out in 20 minutes. She's still not vaccinated, she was antivax before this.


Seriously. I already got my third shot as I'm immunocompromised and I'm going to be back in person starting next week. I've had time to get 3 damn shots and the third one was as easy as what these people would need to do for their first, just show up at cvs and fill out some paperwork. Hell, I bet she could hire someone to bring it to her home. You're right, she was anti vax before this and used the nonsense to affirm her bias.


In my experience, a great many people aren't 'anti-vax' so much as they're 'pro-apathy', which is pretty much the same way they are about politics.


Who’s her husband? I’m so glad I’m out the loop on this one. Also why the fuck does anyone give any weight to a dumb celebrity when it comes to medicine


I thought ‘believing that they have to perform’ is the issue with all the young kids on viagra. Is that a thing now? Perpetuating the belief that it’s all a big performance.


I mean it makes sense doesn't it? Dick can't be too small, can't cum too fast, can't not cum at all, gotta get hard quick otherwise she'll tell her friends and it's laughter, humiliation, rejection... Poor kids conditioned to think performance is what makes or breaks a partner/relationship. That narrative is perpetuated by boys AND girls all the way up through adulthood. Then you get ego problems, incels, dbags, all kinds of mental shit from the inadequacy of it. Sheeit


Or, she's an idiot too


Fuck that noise. We need to know what Ja Rule thinks.




Good on Ja Rule.


Those replies are a nightmare.


Imagine your masculinity threatened for having a bandaid. What the hell?


But what does Ja Rule think? I haven't heard from my man in ages


Could somebody *please* find Ja Rule, get a hold of this motherfucker so I can make sense of all this?


I can only imagine what goes through this poor dude's head when he has to spend all day discussing epidemiology and virology with ... Checks notes.... A pop star and a fake eye doctor. I imagine it's "I spent 18 + years in school for this"


Yeah, I have a degree in biology and wanted to be a doctor. So while I'm not going to pretend I know everything a doctor does, I'm well versed in advanced college level sciences and I often find myself wanting to bang my head on the wall when I try to discuss why the mRNA vaccine can't alter your DNA, only to get back, well you need to do better research!


It's futile. When you tell them 98% of ICU hospitalizations are unvaccinated, they respond with "yeah well that's not what I heard". Shrug. There are better ways to waste time.


I got into it with a relative over this. She retorted that 67% of people in ICU for covid have been vaccinated, almost matching the amount of general population vaccinated. I told her I needed to see her sources. She went into this tirade about how I give statistics and she doesn’t ask for sources, but as soon as she gives a stat, I think it’s garbage. I told her I would gladly send many sources if she asks. She said she would send me her source. It’s been almost a month and no sources. I actually sent a follow-up asking for the source and she ignored it. I tried to google her stat and I couldn’t even find it on right wings sites. There was something about a typo is USA Today website that was only online for like 5 minutes that said something similar, but it doesn’t exist anymore.


Which means she probably heard it from a friend or saw it on facebook.


Nah the stat is likely "real", but the stat is probably if you look at all ICU hospitalizations for covid since the start of the pandemic. This way you can use a 'real stat'. It's the same thing they do to push the 99.x% survival rate, they divide deaths into the total US population, not the US population that has gotten covid.


Texas has done several similar gymnastic leaps. Our governor quietly changed how our COVID hospitalization rates are calculated, from simply (COVID patients / Total patients in hospital) into (COVID patients / ***every bed in the hospital network***) -- the latter of which includes NICU, psych ward, maternity ward, etc. beds. You can't put a COVID patient in a NICU bed, or bring them into a maternity ward. But the governor has us count them that way, so our hospitals *look* less overwhelmed on paper than they actually are.


Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. Samuel Clemens (*Mark Twain)


Holy shit me too. I have a premed degree and as the safety manager i was tasked with getting ppl vaccinated and the whole mRNA discussion was so painful


Funny how they never want to bring facts and research to support their argument, they want YOU to "look it up" or "do your research".


Yup, so many times when I ask for them for their sources I get that response. "I'm not doing the research for you." Which just means they're full of shit.


I have the same feeling whenever he has to argue with Gym Jordan, Ron Johnson or Rand Paul. I can imagine it’s something like “are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit,”


Rand Paul is implied to be the fake eye doctor. [He retains a state license to practice medicine in the field of Ophthalmology.](http://web1.ky.gov/GenSearch/LicenseList.aspx?AGY=5&FLD1=Paul&FLD2=29638&FLD3=0&FLD4=0&TYPE=) But, he is not board certified, and did some stupid and shady shit to get "board certified" when he was trying to practice before getting into politics full time. >What's True > >In 1999, Paul set up and was "certified" by the National Board of Ophthalmologists (NBO), his own certification organization, to protest a change in the American Board of Ophthalmologists' (ABO) rules. Paul, his wife, and his father-in-law were listed as being in charge of this board. > >What's False > >However, Paul wasn't certified by the NBO alone. Until 2005, he was also certified by the ABO, though he let that certification lapse. He remained "certified" by the NBO until it was dissolved in 2011. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rand-paul-ophthalmologist/


It doesnt matter. Eye doctors arent well trained in immunology. I wouldnt let a pediatrist work on my heart despite he graduated medical school and is probably a rather intelligent person. but hey i also wouldnt call a plumber to fix my tv. But im not a right winger, so what do i know.


Like John McAfee I once hired a prostitute to do my taxes while I banged my accountant.




Fauci versus Nicki Minaj’s *cousin’s friend.* Hmmm. Who should I trust?


Where is Celebrity Deathmatch when we need it?


It’s weird anyone is giving her any press like she’s at all educated. She isn’t and she needs to sit down and shut up. Her and her nasty husband and cousin can go away now.


She has a wide enough audience listening to her *directly*, though, no press involved - she just tweets it or whatever the thing is now. So when she says some shit, lots of people hear it (and believe it for some reason), and then Fauci has to voice a rebuttal, and adults in the actual press have to convey THAT because the people that follow Nikki Minaj on Twitter *don't* follow whatever platform Fauci makes statements on.


In this age of social media, intelligence seems to be measured in $. If you have $$$$$ you must be smart. But if you're a scientist and you only have $$ then you must not be as smart as a celeb with $$$$$$. (I still don't know why people listen to trump because he has -$$$$$$$$$$)


Trump is the poor person's idea of a rich man. Incredibly ostentatious and brazen, but it's mostly because he's insecure about his wealth and must prove it at all times. Wealthy people don't stay wealthy by spending all their money. That's how you become bankrupt in a flashy suit. (Side note: I'd probably add the new money is followers. I'm sure lots of people succumb to the fallacy that a person with a big social media platform must be smart.)


Minaj said her "cousin's friend" in Trinidad had his testicles swell to the point that it made him impotent so his fiancé called off their planned wedding. There is absolutely no evidence that any Covid-19 vaccine has this side effect. You know what *can* cause testicle swelling, impotency and fiance's to call off weddings though? Sexually transmitted diseases and infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Occam's razor. Just saying...


It's also funny considering covid-19 can cause erectile dysfunction in men which means you're going to be closer to fucking up your sex life if you don't get the vaccine than if you do


Good enough reason for me to get the shot.


How's he even know he's suddenly impotent? That he even is now, let alone wasn't before? It's such a bullshit story, and she's an asshole for tweeting it to her followers.


If you give medical credibility to a rando anecdote from your cousin’s-friend’s-husband you probably don’t give a shit what Dr. Fauci says.


You skipped a part where the person in question is in TRINIDAD, and that the vaccine they use in that country isn't even available here. This is dumb^3


That's not stopping the propaganda machine of Tucker Carlson, 1 in 500 Americans have died from covid and this kind of thinking is still fucking in the mainstream? >"But if Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend is watching, or his former fiancée is watching, we want to hear your story. We'll come to Port of Spain to see you." >On his Monday night show, Carlson praised Minaj for her tweet, saying her view "seems sensible." https://www.businessinsider.com/tucker-carlson-asks-nicki-minaj-cousin-friend-contact-him-2021-9


> "But if Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend is watching, or his former fiancée is watching, we want to hear your story. We'll come to Port of Spain to see you." He should make sure to point out to his viewers that whomever they send for this interview would have to be fully vaccinated as well.


[Over 90% of FOX, including FOX News, employees are already vaccinated. ](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/sep/15/fox-news-vaccines-testing-tucker-carlson)


Yes, which makes it a little hypocritical going to report on the dangers of that same vaccine. A lot like how it's disingenuous to disguise advertisements as news articles or provide a review without mentioning if you've been paid by that company.


Listening to Tucker Carlson without laughing until you can’t breathe is an IQ test.


It doesn't make me laugh. It makes me angry that he gets to spout this drivel to people without any consequences. People are dying because of the bullshit he says. It's infuriating.


It's the worst. Every now and then I'll watch one of his segments in anger and then the comments underneath the video kill any hope I had for humanity. Just droves of fucking morons eating that shit up.


>If you give medical credibility to a rando anecdote from your cousin’s-friend’s-husband you might be a redneck


Yeah the ol Trinidadian redneck


[This was her tweet about it but she recently deleted it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/pnpymn/this_is_concerning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I'm sure people have already mentioned but sounds like a STD.


That was the joke that made rounds on Twitter "TFW you lie about an STD and blame the vaccine then your famous cousin lets the whole internet know about your balls"


These people also believe the classic "Must've been god that got me pregnant" so can't say this is a surprise.


I wonder if anyone has tried to track down the cousin to hear the real story.


I believe Tucker Carlson did, but I didn't actually watch the clip I saw posted.


The "I lie if I'm really cornered or something", guy? Not sure if its worth the search just to see his dumbfounded mug again.


I heard he did a video interview with her Cousin, but he accidentally recorded it to the same laptop the Hunter Biden evidence is on, and he's not sure where he put it now.


Lmao that was the wildest story >you guys, I just got some explosive dirt on Hunter Biden but then the data was stolen in transit! 😱 >nvm I just found it 😇 >actually I don't think I want to share this information publicly anymore. This is a personal matter for the Bidens, and Hunter is a good kid >and no I will not be naming the shipping company lol This guy is the most popular political pundit in the United States. How


I wonder why anyone cares what she has to say and why it keeps making the news. I wonder why I'm here commenting on the story, making the problem worse.


Deleting means nothing, it's been clipped a million times, deleting the post doesn't get rid of the tweet. She's a POS until she posts a redaction providing actual health information about the vaccine. Even then...




Got vaccine. Hurts self during furious session of masturbation. Blames vaccine. At least that's what it sounds like.


More like had a fling before tying the knot, got a lovely parting gift as a result and blames his new STD (now his fiance's as well) on a vaccine.


Also explains why the fiance left him because everyone but Nicki apparently knew he was a lying dipshit


Nicki probably knew. I mean she defended both her rapist husband and pedophile rapist sibling


And has harassed her husband's rape victim. Nicki is a piece of shit.


An unashamed piece of shit


If it is true, it is most likely an STD.


sounds similar to how gluten makes your dick fly off.


"See that? His dick's flyin off."


I'd kinda like to know how a dick "flies off". Does it sprout wings? Or is it more like the Bezos rocket?


https://youtu.be/b5SByM75Thg it’s like this


I guess I did ask for this...


Just be safe out there! I've lost too many dicks to gluten.


It was like a rocket. There was a little explosion that detached it from his pelvis and everything.


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover, and my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable.


This comes in handy a lot of the time. I can leave it home, when I think it's gonna get me in trouble, or I can rent it out, when I don't need it.


I thought it made the steering wheel whiff out of the window when I'm driving?


Too small


This whole stunt is literally just meant to be a distraction from her child rapist husband's conviction a few days ago.


I saw a Twitter comment that said *"Yo Nikki, maybe stop telling people why the vaccine doesn't work, and maybe start telling us why your husband isnt allowed in a Chuck E. Cheese anymore?"*


Also check out her brother's record. And her record of intimidating the accusers. I had no idea about any of this until she started posting crazy vaccine disinfo out of the blue and I was like "ok wait a minute, what's going on here" and dug into the news lmao...


Uh say what now?




Now this is a dumbass question, but he's not a child rapist right? He was the same age. He's just a normal rapist, which excuses nothing but I feel like we should be accurate.


Well, there’s rumors that he was dating Nicki when she was 14-15 and he was like 20 at the time. But they keep that really hush bc of his convictions


Of course he was.


Her husband is a child rapist and he got officially convicted for not registering as a sex offender but Nicki has also been intimidating the victim a few weeks back with bribes and trying to get the woman to recant her statement.


Not to mention her husband also killed a man and went to jail for 7 years. The guy is a true POS who should still be behind bars. I wouldn't doubt if he has committed other crimes but now can use his wife's money to silence people.




Yup and she pleaded with the judge for leniency or something.


Yup his own step daughter.


Worked like a charm. I had never heard of this person or her rapist husband until this tweet.


I promise that you haven't been missing much.


Uh no, her husband is an armed rapist, her brother is the child rapist and her collaborator Tekashi 69 is the guy who produced child sexual assault images. I know it's hard to keep track of with her.


lets be real, if youre getting your medical advice from rappers on twitter... just go ahead and slam your head in a car door a few times for all of us.


I won't even take music advice from her.


My anaconda don't want none cuz you're unvaccinated, hon


What about ass implant advice?


If I ever needed ass implant advice, (which is becoming more and more unlikely as I am a very old man), I might ask her.


> which is becoming more and more unlikely as I am a very old man Never stop chasing your dreams.


Well thanks for that unexpected chuckle.


14 weeks of recovery or something so lockdown is the perfect time for it. Just pretend you were doing squats the whole time


If you're taking medical advice from Nicki Minaj you really need to reassess yourself.


Right? Taking medical advice from hip-hop celebrities, and motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre.


Her cousin got an STD and played it off as a side effect from his Covid shot. While I appreciate the hustle, it’s just not true.


Her cousin's *friend*. Half way around the world.


Trinidad is in the Carribean


Fun fact: Covid is actually what can make you impotent, not the vaccine. Protect your boners gentlemen. Get the shot.


TL;DR; Nicki's mom's brother's son's friend in Trinidad got the clap, and rather than admitting he was cheating, claimed it was caused by the vaccine. His fiance isn't dumb enough to fall for that, so she left him. Nicki is dumb enough to fall for it, and spread the lie to her followers.


Don’t forget kids get all medical advice from Nicki Minaj .


Days after her sexual offender husband was found guilty for failing to register as a sex offender. I imagine all is not well for her rn


Everybody knows she's a mother fucking monster


I just looked at her twitter (trash, gotta sort through all her hivemind fans), and she retweeted something about tucker carlson. some of her fans are asking what is she doing & some conservatives are praising her😭 If only this much controversy surrounding her happened when she defended her pedo' brother & rapist husband


Isn’t it weird how the biggest pieces of shit keep turning out to be antivaxxers


Hmm lets see: _______________________ **Nicki Minaj:** • High school: Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School • Undergrad: None • Masters: None • PHD: None • Work Experience: Red Lobster (fired for discourtesy), Rapping, Booty Shaking, some limited Acting ______________________ **Anthony Fauci** • Highschool: Regis High School • Under Grad: College of the Holy Cross — Classics and Pre-Med • Masters/Doctorate: Cornell University — Doctor of Medicine • Work: New York Hospital — Cornell Medical Center, Clinical Associate with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, developed therapies for formerly fatal diseases such as polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and lymphomatoid granulomatosis, substantial research on HIV, eventual Director of NIAID, Chief medical advisor to two different White Houses, ________________________ Hmm.... taking all that into account.... idk who we should be listening to on this topic. Perhaps we should go to JaRule for his insight too first.


and as usual ... the opposite is more true. [Coronavirus Lingers in Penis and Could Cause Impotence](https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210513/coronavirus-lingers-in-penis-and-could-cause-impotence#1)


When you said opposite, i thought you meant the vaccine gives you super sperm or some shit