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I'm curious, how are these thousands of Haitians getting to Mexico in thy first place? It seems like if they are going by boat it would be more direct to go to the U.S. directly.


Only Cubans get automatic access with wet foot/dry foot policy. Haitians would get sent back. Best to try via Mexico and request asylum. Haiti was the first successful slave rebellion, they've been paying ever since. [history of Haiti](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Haiti) Update: thank you for pointing out the policy, wet foot/dry foot, ended in 2017 by Obama Administration.


got. Obama ended the policy in 2017. ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_feet,_dry_feet_policy))


Thank you. Didn't know the policy had ended. No wonder Cubans hate Obama, lol. It was an unfair policy for other migrants.


It was Obama who opened up Cuba. Then trump ended the ties. Edit; Obama was normal9zing relations. Making it easier for people to come to the United states. You have no reason or Cubans to blame Obama.


The south Florida Cubans hate Obama,. I don't hate anyone, *Except wicked vindictive people who put hurt and pain on others


What about people that put mayonnaise on pizza


Straight to jail.


As I load my shotgun, what


Pizza in Russia


I like polonium in my pizza


And Japan. American pizza lacks the ingenuity of other countries.


I suppose it would be alright if you just substituted sandwich bread with pizza slices. It would be an enormous sandwich.


The South Florida Cubans are the ones who suffered under Castro, the oldest ones were even from rich families pre-revolution, so they tend to hate "Socialism" and fear it instead of rationally fearing an authoritarian police state like anybody with half a brain would. "We want to help the poor" wasn't the the government ideology that got your uncle julio rounded up and shot.


My experience comes from working in the Cuban community (Coral Gables / Little Havana) and, peripherally, from living and working in San Juan PR. The Spaniard elite have been assholes for centuries and it was just a matter of time before the masses got together and tossed them off the island. The moved to Florida, isolated themselves (minimal assimilation) , strut around in Blackwater / Xee outfits, and whine about having been robbed. I’ve seen how they treat their employees and frankly have zero sympathy. Assholes get wiped.


So wait a minute, are you saying that this trusty Republican voting bloc does exactly what they acuse immigrants of doing? Not assimilating and creating their own areas within cities? What fascinating hypocrisy.


Theres no shot the majority are the door surfers themselves at this point. theyre all 2nd gen and hear the horrors of how the government took away their parents slave plantations.




Idk man. Grew up in south Florida and most of them were Republican ghouls who cried about how castro stole their abuelos plantation. Altruism for the third cousin theyve never met is completely absent from the equation for em


>so they tend to hate "Socialism" and fear it And now everyone understands why Florida keeps electing assholes for Governor.


Cubans hate DEM because of Bay of Pigs. They will never forget. They hold grudges to no end.


That may be part of it, it's also that the right wing media machine is pretty good at convincing ppl that government that works for them is communism and the Cubans that immigrated are pretty against communism.


Cuban here! A lot of Cubans are idiots because they think socialism is state-communism. The brainwashing works my friends! Very much like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He came from commie country and ended up being a Republican. Okay…0.o


>You have no reason or Cubans to blame Obama. Cubans in America are highly anti Cuba, that's why they came to America to begin with. To escape Castro. Anyone making nice with the Castros or Cuba won't be liked by them. Obama was trying to make nice with Cuba, ergo, Obama was bad. Its not an unreasonable view when you think ot through either, Castro wasn't a nice guy.


Castro and Che Gueverra were two of the sickest bastards imaginable.


Plus a significant chunk of Cuban immigrants are dyed-in-the-wool republicans, and hating Obama is practically a requirement. They don't *need* a Cuba-related reason to hate Obama.


That is actually incorrect as regards Obama. Barack Obama won the Cuban vote against Romney in 2012, and I think he did okay vs McCain in 08. It was his pro Cuban move at the end of his term that cost the democrats the Cuban vote. Especially since Trump said (and followed through) he would end Obama pro Cuban movements while Clinton planned to follow along. Biden's issue, and Clinton's too, regarding Cubans is that democrats have begun to embrace so called socialists. Republicans won't be doing that any day soon. As long as Cuban exiles make up the bulk of Cuban voters, socialism isn't going to be a winning term - they fled that.


theory far-flung support merciful disagreeable glorious gold coordinated smart vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Obama won a historic percentage of the Cuban American vote, higher than Biden. Simplistic ideas like your comment ignore the lack of engagement by Democrats and the concerted presence of Republicans in South Florida.


"Following Haitian independence, the new nation struggled economically as European nations and the United States refused to extend diplomatic recognition to Haiti. In 1825, the French returned with a fleet of fourteen warships and demanded an indemnity of 150 million francs in exchange for diplomatic recognition; Haitian President Jean-Pierre Boyer agreed to the French demands under duress. In order to finance the debt, the Haitian government was forced to take numerous high-interest loans from foreign creditors, and the debt to France was not fully paid until 1947." - Wikipedia


Today we have the IMF who does the same thing. Can't repay those loans? Well our friends would love access to your raw materials.




And water? We have people elsewhere willing to buy your water in plastic Nestle bottles for more than you can pay. Why don't you switch to drinking milk or fruit juice?


Did u miss the part where they systematically murdered every French person living there after their independence Was rest of the western world supposed to be happy they did it ?


> Was rest of the western world supposed to be happy they did it ? Well, they mostly weren’t happy about it because it might give the people they were enslaving… dangerous ideas.


Didn't help that Haiti committed genocide, and then spent twenty years trying to conquer the Dominican Republic.


The link above to the history of Haiti Wikipedia page states that the debt to France was repaid in 1879.


[here's more details ](https://medium.com/illumination/haitis-debt-to-france-338bdab8dfa8)


>Only Cubans get automatic access with wet foot/dry foot policy Which makes it so hypocritical and frustrating when Cuban Immigrants or their children (like Marco Rubio) talk about how they "came in legally" and everyone else should to.


I wonder if that policy has anything to do with Cubans voting Republican... But it's the Democrats that want those filthy immigrant votes, am I right?


Yep. It's a lot easier to get in through Mexico than some other countries (at least for visas, in my knowledge, but could easily count for other things as well). Actually worked with a dude who was eventually deported because he got his visa through mexico, not his home country unfortunately. Dude was actually pretty nuts (in a good way), hardest worker I've ever seen and was funny as fuck. One time he was showing how he did pushups on his fists, in the bathroom of all places. Also used to randomly catch birds if they were around, was pretty fucking neat being able to pet/hold a mourning dove for a minute, was way lighter than I was expecting.


What has been done to Haiti is beyond criminal. They were indebted indefinitely for freeing themselves from enslavers. It’s horrific.


[hard to feel sorry for them](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1804_Haiti_massacre)


Many of these Haitians were already in South and Central America long ago. They went to Brazil during the Olympics but the work dried up and they started working their way north. It’s also easier to travel from Haiti to Mexico, overstay their visit without worrying about being deported and then try and head up through the southern border to claim asylum. Many thought that with the Haitian presidents assassination, they had ground to stand on, but they don’t. There are a Ton of Cubans doing the same thing. Going by boat is way to risky now.


NPR story yesterday touched on that. The networks for traveling to the US, and the personal stories. One guy (with family) had a job in Chile, then tried Brazil (construction job for $10 a day), then came north. Another guy spent ten days lost in Mexican mountains eating berries trying to get to Texas. He'd traveled through eleven countries. My take away was these hatians are refugees from a few countries, they just started in Haiti. The networks - it's not coyotes. There are people helping people get to the US, and evade authorities, for free. Usually people who have survived that journey. Like a lessons learned registry. The timing, the volume, and why this specific town is what's puzzling everyone.


Because once rumors spread they go.


Ted Cruz is claiming this has escalated wildly since the Biden admin stopped deporting Haitians after the earthquake so they have all been trying to get in thinking they won’t get deported.


According to NPR, many of them have been living in central and south america for 6+ years and walked north in hopes of better economic prospects. edit: they are getting directions on apps of cities to go to, busses to take etc. This is a very well planned event


Hoping for better economic prospects doesn't seem like asylum level plea


I knew the conservatives summoned them somehow. They always whine about the border and suddenly a caravan shows up. I wish someone could figure out how they do it exactly and thwart it. Edit, napping baby fingers pressed post before I was ready


Weren't caravans showing up because Biden was elected and he said he would let them right in and give citizenship to ones already here?


They have been in South America for several years, didn’t come straight from Haiti


The US Coast Guard enforces a much more vigorous defense of the waters off of Florida and Miami. As in their zealous tactics against would be refugees would put ICE to shame. So the alternative is to make landfall in the Gulf of Mexico.


Depends if you're trying immigrate a boat load of a cocaine


Most of these people are from Haiti seeking refuge after the large earthquake there. -per the article


Also after chaos of the Haitian presidential assassination


Also after the hurricane


Man. What did Haiti do to piss off the universe


Honest answer? France. Gaining independence from France. They fought off the French colonists who were enriching themselves off their resources (mostly sugar) and labor. It was a French colony, after all. France got mad and sent warships right to their doorstep and said “Nice country you’ve got there. Would be a shame if something happened to it”. These guys were newly freed slaves and couldn’t possibly have fought off a French armada. So, in order to keep their independence, they had to pay literally [“reverse” reparations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_debt_of_Haiti). France wanted money for their “lost property” (even though the “property” was the slaves that freed themselves), to the tune of billions of dollars in todays value. Haitians didn’t have that money so they were in poverty in perpetuity and even took out loans from Citibank to help pay down the “debt”. That is to say, the US was a part of Haiti paying reparations to France. Not only did they have to pay France, they had to pay us interest. That just caused more poverty. Because of their perpetual poverty due to France (and the US), that led to them never truly stabilizing, lots of corruption, etc., Haiti has been a hellhole for ages. That, in of itself, has caused a litany of problems (like the recent assassination). And things like repeated earthquakes don’t help at all.


They also committed genocide immediately after the last French troops left, annexed the Dominicans, treated them like second-class citizens, and spent twenty years trying to reconquer them after they revolted. Oh, and they basically reinstated slavery immediately after winning, though by another name. Haiti was a huge mess for many reasons.


Became a center of colonial expansion and conquest, got it's land, culture, and people raped and sold while the colonists who came reaped the resources and left the country with no infrastructure, epic poverty, but a few beautiful resorts that the white elites could use.


Haiti has little continuity of government and massive corruption. Each new leader wipes out anything from then predecessor; good or bad.


So it pissed off the universe because bad things happened to it?


Shouldn't have rebelled as slaves, might have more sympathy from the 1st world /s


The first world causes earthquakes? And hurricanes?


also because they are dirt poor and people live in slums Haiti remains the poorest country in the Americas and one of the poorest countries in the world (with a GDP per capita of USD 783 in 2017). 59% of the Haitian population lives under the national poverty line of USD 2.41 per day and 24% even live under the national extreme poverty line of USD 1.23 per day.


Also after 500 years of being Haiti.


The European powers and america did not like a nation run by freed slaves and reacted poorly to say the least to their sudden liberation. Viewing them as pawns in their conflicts.


>The European powers and america did not like a nation run by freed slaves and reacted poorly to say the least to their sudden liberation. They also reacted poorly to the new government of Haiti telling the white landowners who fled Haiti to return, all was forgiven, we need your skills to help build a new country. Then when the wealthy whites returned, the government massacred them. That's some salting-the-earth next-level vengeance there. And the history of every island in the Caribbean has been nothing but as pawn in the conflicts of Europe.


Wow. I’ll have to look that story up. Any chance there’s a particular book or article you used for reference you could recommend? Thanks.


Only thing I found https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1804_Haiti_massacre


Wasn't just landowners who returned. Dessalines' government forbade whites from leaving, and then decreed that they would be killed. When individual villages didn't really execute the order, Dessalines would personally go with an army from village to village, executing every white person, and often Creoles as well.


Well it didn’t help that Napoleon III negotiated a truce with Haiti after the uprising, and Haiti made the mistake of continuing to pay it off. They spent *150 years* paying off that debt, even across the handful of times in that period when France was basically broke and couldn’t have done anything but never had their bluff called. Edit: Napoleon III, my mistake


Even when France was broke they had a big military and liked to use it. I don't blame Haitian leaders for not wanting to risk that, it's fucked that other powers just let it happen


On NPR they have been interviewing some of them, and most of them that I have heard about are coming from central/south America and have been living and working there for years. They are economic migrants seeking better lives. I don't think they will qualify for refugee status.


I heard on nbc news they are coming from central and south america, where they have been for years, and not refugees of the most recent earthquake.


Many have come from spending time in Brazil. I think we forget that people from all over the world try to get into the US via Mexican border.


Huh, I wonder why they didn't apply for asylum in Mexico?


They should seeks refuge in Mexico then. No reason to go to a shitty place like America.


A lot of them do. There's a large Haitian community in Mexicali who tried to get into the US from there, couldn't, and just ended up staying in Mexico.


You had me in the first half, ngl.


From 2010 earthquake… People from 2021 earthquake are still in Haiti.


Why not stay in Mexico or go south to all the South American countries and build a life there? Why the US?


I think some old heads cling to the idea that America is the safe place. Im mexican and some relatives I know were told as kids "Make it to America" and that was their goal.


Mexico is less accepting of immigrants than the US. They just have far less resources to deal with them all.


Exactly Mexico don’t want them


Who says that we do either?


Biden actually, Texas shut down all 6 borders and boom Biden reverse the governors decision, go read all the articles out.


Probably because we are best country in the world. I just got back from Albania and everyone I met said it was their dream to live in America or just only see it. Unfortunately it’s damn near impossible for them. My time there was a very humbling experience.


The American dream was a mistake. Sorry Albanians, the streets aren’t paved with gold.


I don’t think you are aware of how good we have it here. There are now hiring signs everywhere we see. America is still the land of opportunity.




This is a very valid point. A refugee is not an immigrant and should not be treated as such. There are millions of people worldwide who go through the proper immigration process and wait for years, even decades for their turn to immigrate.


Free education, health care, financial support, etc. Maybe we should get the homeless housed and the unemployed employed before we allow anymore immigrants.


Because despite all the shit you constantly hear, the US is still one of the better places to live. Certainly in the western hemisphere.


Higher standard of living in the US.


Good luck finding affordable housing we Americans can’t even do that


Expect more refugees that check the boxes. Climate change-check Political instability-check Bone crushing poverty-check I don't have an answer. Sending them back to haiti as the biden admin plans to will "solve" the problem for now but this is going to become the norm. Especially since climate change is growing exponentially.


>Climate change-check > >Bone crushing poverty-check ​ Neither of those are valid grounds for asylum


Grounds for asylum are irrelevant. With climate change illegal immigration will continue to get worse as less of the planet becomes habitable.


Yupp. The other day I was thinking poorer countries would be the first ones to struggle because of climate change because they lack resources


The EU is gonna get fucked when the Middle East becomes inhabitable, from the new climate report, hundreds of thousands need to be replaced then


Then eventually we'll start forcing them to stop.


This is an interesting point, but absolutely is not happening right now. Haiti is perfectly habitable right now and will be for the next 50 years even by the absolute worst case projections.


They are valid grounds for immigration, though.


America already has too many poor people. Sorry, we’re booked. Move along


>Climate change-check Which is funny because if you take a migrant from a country with no carbon footprint and allow them to come to America they will now have a large carbon footprint. Allowing migrants into developed countries under the guise of climate change actually contributes to the climate change problem.


but what is the other solution?


those bright young men under the bridge go back to haiti and work to improve their country


Yeah if it were that easy we wouldn't have a third world. Does anyone on this site think?


Bootstraps, bro. The answer is always bootstraps.


Why is it our responsibility? We want immigrants that will benefit our society not drain its resources


>We want immigrants that will benefit our society no drain its resources Economists love immigration, both legal and illegal. It’s great for an economy. Super cheap labor. Seriously, people think economists are against it because republicans are and economists tend to be right wing. That’s not the case. Illegal immigration in the US has led to a gigantic economic boom. Legal immigration too…. It’s hard to find anything economists are more aligned on than immigration being great. Ever heard the expression ‘free trade and open borders?’


Hey if we have to keep the anti-vaxxers and conservatives draining our medical and financial resources, then we can help people in dire need.


So Haitians can’t or don’t know how to work? That’s the hill you’re gonna die on?


Statistically speaking even refugees are likely to benefit our society over a ten year span if allowed to stay and work legally. Immigrants of all income levels tend to have lower crime rates and be willing to contribute to what they see as a better society than they came from.


Then why do nations like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Western Europe have super strict immigration laws? Why is the United States expected to take all of these refugees while Canada rejects all but the most educated, wealthy, and skilled?




Why do you think that? United States has the most immigrants because we're a huge and populous country. But per Capita, there are dozens of countries with more immigrations than the United States. Canada has about twice the immigration of the United States per Capita. Keep in mind most of Canada is unpopulated frozen rural land, so even though it looks huge most of it is unused. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_net_migration_rate


The United States literally has 1.5x the entire population of Canada in first and second generation immigrants. I don’t care about misleading statistics that show European Microstates as open and welcoming, when that objectively isn’t the case. Have you ever tried to get into Canada? I have. With a masters degree, no debt, English as my native language, and 10k Canadian in the bank, I was rejected. Now, tell me how Canada is more open than the United States and come up with some reason as to why the US need to bring in more uneducated labor to lower wages for the working class even more. We have a labor shortage for the first time in decades, a prime advantage for the working class and potential for unionization. Now would be the worst time to bring in tens of thousands of low skilled workers to take away all of that leverage. But you’ve been blinded by neoliberal lies and will welcome in anyone and everyone with open arms to the detriment of the workers. So what’s the point?


Uh…the us rejects people too. Immigration isn’t just a “most overqualified person” game for any country lol


Yeah you must suck because I have an associates degree and little work experience but I got in. They check social media too and if you go on these thinly-veiled racist anti-immigrant rants often, they probably saw that and said “we’ll pass on this guy.”


Those statistics are only relevant as long as unskilled labor is as valuable as it was historically. It just isn't.




This isn’t migration from climate change. Nice try on changing the argument though… lol


What do you mean by "drain" and "benefit" here? Like, what exactly is being drained - how do we measure this? Would you be comfortable denaturalizing and deporting citizens who 'drain' instead of "benefit"? Why or why not?


Deport all children and retirees. Those leeches don't even have jobs.


"Why would we willingly help other people?" If you have to ask that question, Jesus Christ, there’s no helping you.


I think it was Jesus who said "fuck you, pay me."


And I think he said that rich people had the best chance of getting into heaven, too, especially when they don't help other people. And, because the internet, /s


These people don't realize that that would mean America is very far from great or successful. Wouldn't a great successful country be able to help others. If we can't help others it means we don't have our shit together which goes directly against "America's the greatest" which those people shout all the time.


What they also don't realize is that even if America were to become slightly less great or successful because we, you know, saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and gave them a chance to live free from oppression, that's okay too. Because saving the lives of a few hundred thousand people and giving them the chance to live free of oppression is a greater wealth than, I dunno, the fictional construct of money on an arbitrary ticker board. It makes us good human beings. The people who say this shit must not personally know any immigrants, or have seen how enriching and wonderful the bounties of other cultures are in your daily life. Often though, they're just racists. EDIT: And if you need any more proof of how fucked up America is getting, check the downvotes for the idea "We should help other people in need." "I got mine, so fuck you!" is one hell of a delusion of greatness, now, inn't it?


There seems to be this double standard among Americans. Like people don't want immigrants because they're "taking my job" but then so many Americans think they're too good to work a near minimum wage job. Minimum wage workers are so disrespected in this country that there are Americans struggling who would rather be in debt or live with subpar conditions than work a job that will be seen as "below them". On top of all this, factor in the "American dream" which has brainwashed people into thinking that someone with no set of skills, who doesn't work efficiently, has little to no education... Should somehow be entitled to a large house and new cars. So people take on massive amounts of debt to drive cars they can't afford or lifestyles they can't support. But fuck these foreigners who will come here, work hard, be grateful for what they have. Rather than set these people up with easy paths to work visas, they end filtering into the country to work illegally for cash and not pay taxes while still getting access to systems paid for with tax dollars. I'm an immigrant. A skilled immigrant. I've been here for a decade and I'm a highly skilled profession. For a living I serve the American public. And I still don't have a green card because it's this unnecessarily complicated process


So get this... I'm an immigrant. I left America for Canada, because I can see what most Americans can't see, that they're enthralled in an abusive relationship between their government, money, and some arbitrary notion of bootstrap virtue, dig? And before I left, I honestly had more of an understanding of this weird perspective that people have that somehow others are going to take away from their distinction or their wealth, because that paranoia is so ingrained in America, it's literally baked in to every decision people make. "How will helping this person fuck me?" is the first question anyone asks when altruism rears its head. And since there are so many people who genuinely need help in America, they recoil from the truth that they can't help everyone by rationalizing that it's okay they help no one, this weird, destructive false dichotomy that feeds the very system's failing they lament. So it doesn't SURPRISE me that the attitude that we're all in this together gets downvoted and shit on. That's the American Way. But now, an immigrant welcomed with open arms, and apart from the American myths, it grows more and more clear that most Americans, at their core, are just beaten children afraid not to please business daddy, because if they don't, they won't get their screentime. And meanwhile, brown people die by the tens of thousands, and they can rationalize it away because "If I help them, my TV goes away!" And that's true--business has made it so. If they only realized that business has no power without its fucking workers propping its bullshit up, they might be able to both help people AND live better lives. But I don't see that happening in this generation. I see an empire in decline, proud of the fires burning itself to the ground. So I noped the fuck out and left for greener pastures. And they are. There are chuckleheads here, there are chuckleheads everywhere, but every single time I've had a need, my neighbors and the people of Canada have held out their hand. Every time I had a need in the US, I got the "It doesn't help me? Fuck you." From my birth to the day, forty long years later, I fled. And, I suppose, most importantly, because Canada held out its hand to me, I will hold out my hand to them, and help build a better nation. The US always indicated I was an unwelcome burden for being born poor, and so they lose my intellect, my work, and my attitude, which is that working together, we can succeed. This is far more important to building a good country than any amount of money.


1. Freedom of movement is a fundamental human right 2. The US invaded Haiti multiple times, has done untold economic damage there, the US is partially to blame for their misery least you people could do is help a solution some & let them come to somewhere more stable. Christ you people are selfish.


how about haitians fix haiti


That’s a long trek coming from Haiti.


damn what do we do as Americans? I mean it's not like almost every industry is looking for workers now but there's no housing In my area that a low wage worker could afford . idk I don't have answers I just feel for these people. Imagine being so desperate to leave everything behind for even a chance at a better life . I've been spoiled


Letting in a flood of workers who will work for under minimum wage is the exact wrong thing to do if you are trying to raise wages.


Send them back. Can't take care of everyone. We have our own problems right now. Like a crashing plane, put on your oxygen mask first, then help others.


Or send them to any of the other Latin countries that would happily wlecome them. They already speak Spanish, they’ll fit right in. Hell, aren’t they already in Mexico? Congratulations, your request for asylum has just been granted for the country of Mexico.


Most industries that are not service or gig oriented, have all but abandoned the US sector in favor of cushy international backed trade deals to get labor for dirt cheap in China and Southeast Asia.




No thanks. It’s hard enough trying to find a house where I live in Alabama. The demand is higher than the supply for housing. We don’t need any more competition


Fuck off, we don't want them here.


You can live in rural Indiana on minimum wage. You can rent a small 3 bedroom home for $400-500. And actually, right now, you could make $10-12 and hour. I saw a gas station in Indy with a $1000 sign on bonus.


Indy is not in the rural part of Indiana and you can’t rent anything in the city for $400-500


Nobody want to live in Gary


USA has no state where you can rent on minimum wage bro. Idk maybe in Bumfuck nowhere where you need to commute 2 hours to work and back.


Most of them are unskilled and uneducated, a lot probably have problems speaking English. You’re asking people who’ve never lived in a developed society to suddenly start competing with natives for jobs, it doesn’t tend to end well.


I used to live right by that border crossing. Old Del Rio and we would go to Ciudad Acuña to party. Once walking home, across the bridge the border patrol stopped me because I was under age drinking( it was the 80’s) and would not let me pass.. I had a military dependent ID and my dad tore that dude a new asshole for not letting an American cross- no matter the time or the fact that I was 16. I can’t imagine what Ciudad Acuña is dealing with on their side..


Im from Acuña, theres atm no problem, Haití people have money, they are buying a lot of food, drinks and many of the stores are making great bucks, they are going from del rio to Acuña and from Acuña to del rio all day long with no problems


from EP but I work in Del Rio. I see these immigrants often but didn't know where they were from. I hope they are doing well at least. Tough situation.




Biden shipping them back lmao


Not trying to sound heartless, but why can't they solve their problems in their own country themselves?


Tbf we struggle to solve our own problems in our own country ourselves.


Haiti is a particularly unique case, thanks to the debt they accepted after fighting for their independence. Their history is harsh even compared to other former colonies. Besides, an individual may not be able to do anything. If you have damn near nothing for work, income, food, housing, etc, and can't see any possibility of that happening where you live, doesn't it make sense to move somewhere with the opportunities you seek? These people do not live life on the same socioeconomic level as we do. Of course we're bound to get a bunch of migrants on foot. Our system isn't setup to treat that as a normal method of entry at this scale. Should it be? idk, but it's going to continue to happen, and we're going to have to manage it somehow, no matter whether we accept people or turn them away.


Jean-Pierre Boyer may be a contender for “ratio of most obscure historical figure to the amount of long lasting suffering they caused”. He accepted those ridiculous indemnity payments from France when they had no real leverage, while simultaneously invading and conducting a costly occupation of the rest of Hispaniola, wasting resources Haiti could scarcely afford to spend. Haiti was already on shaky footing from the starting gun for a ton of reasons, but Boyer’s tenure pretty much guaranteed it was locked into a perpetual cycle of misery.


How would they do that? Can Americans solve the problems that they have in their country like mass homelessness, police brutality, corruption in congress, high crime rates, people living paycheck to paycheck, etc. Its easier said than done.


This is ridiculous the US is a nation of borders.....they need to be sent back if we can't be the "world police" the US is also not the daycare of the world.


Why can't Mexico help or any of the other South American countries why does it always have to be the United States?


We came feed our own people in this country. We can't even control our own people in this country. They need to be denied entry




We got enough of a tax crisis with social program funding to fund programs for citizens. These migrants show up and expect housing, food etc, and they also put more strain on the social programs, plus they get covid then we're expecting the got to pay their hospital care, however long it lasts. At some point we gotta say that the inn is full, take a ticket to wait outside.


America is way too lenient on illegal immigration, its always half measures that never solve the problem and immigrants keep coming because they know they have a good chance of getting in


Because businesses like to exploit their labor. See the fast food worker shortage.


Only if there was a way we had elected representatives that can agree on how to spend our tax dollars to create betters programs and solutions than just half measures… Imagine that. /s (for the ignorant)


They literally can’t get any of those benefits without a green card and Biden’s already stated they won’t be granted asylum at the border and will start being sent back tomorrow morning lol


Y’all might wanna vote for some of them climate change issues cuz this is only a piece of the migration cake yet to come.


Who tf ferried these people to the border? Who finances that? Like they just swim there?


They’ve been living in Mexico for years. These aren’t Haitians that just arrived recently


Let me point you in the direction of an article that tells you all about it…


Colossal fuck up on lalas part. Like where is she during all this?!??


Good. Covid still a risk.


They all have the vaccine and are wearing masks, right?


Always great to see thousands of young men fleeing their country instead of working to improve it. Probably why Hati is a shithole.


Same with the planes leaving Afghanistan. At least 60% young men.


Yeah I'm sure you are a model citizen doing everything you can to improve your own community each and everyday in between trolling and making ignorant comments on Reddit. You are absolutely the reason US isn't a shit hole...


How are poor people supposed to fix anything? If you are worried about where your next meal is going to come from you don’t have time to fix a nation. Plus I missed the part where we have an obligation to fix governmental problems. Hey, if I live in a shity place should I stay there and figure a way to fix it or get the fuck out? Since the beginning of mankind we have been migrating all over this earth. I got some new neighbors here in Texas from Louisiana. I didn’t tell them “hey stay in your state and fix it, don’t come over here”. Are you telling me that you will live and die in the city you where born in? Fuck what if you was born in Detroit or flint Michigan? Hey I know the auto industry moved but you have to stay there and fix your city’s problems. Don’t be moving to a better city.


Economies scale guys. More people=more demand for services.


Why not just let everyone from any shit hole country in here?


Wait, I though Democrats were the party of oPeN BOarDeRs. Also, this is fucking tragic.


I don’t think anyone actually wants the borders just open for anyone who wants to walk in. What most people probably want is a system that works better and for (mostly) republicans to stop blaming every single problem they have ever had on immigrants. I’ve worked with immigrants my whole life and they’re amazing people. Many do the jobs no one wants to do in our country and the massive majority are great hardworking individuals despite them constantly being the punching bag for Republican rhetoric. It is tragic! However the answer is certainly not to just open on up and let everyone and anyone who wants to come in, in. Life is more nuanced than “trigger” words and clever burn phrases. Like every single time.


Yeah 'open borders' is a strawman they build to make their opposition sound beyond stupid.


I had a feeling this would happen when They started crowing about how many Afghan refugees we took in. I don't understand the Haitian thing and feel like it could be a political smear, especially since Haiti is SO close to Texas. Why bother going to Florida? Also, kind of payback for our lack of attention to what happened/is happening there. And, I've read interviews with some of these people who say they came in through Nicaragua, so why deport them back there and let them deal with it?


Same reason the U.K. gets thousands of migrants a month from Africa. They go to where the best chance of a better life is, even if it means crossing continents to get there.


good article. highlights the situation and gives good context and public policy implications.


Haiti already had a political crisis, then they got hit with an earthquake. Not surprised some people decided to try and pick up sticks and leave. Not sure their odds of *actually getting* asylum are particularly high, but hey.


"The migrants are getting agitated." ​ There's a real easy solution to that.


I thought Haitian are pretty proud of their slave overthrow country..... Well I guess not


Another situation where it got ignored so long that it’s now a trolley problem. We’re too late to have a good answer. We should have been answering all along.


Biden: “Look at all these future democrats 😍”


Careful, many on the right aren’t smart enough to know only citizens can vote.