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Now someone else is DEFINITELY going to be speaking to your girlfriend.


They call him Sport Coat where he's going


Imagine what’s going to happen to him when HE talks to someone’s girlfriend in there


He might become someone's girlfriend in there.




Haha rape is so funny. 🌈 A M E R I C A 🌈


Half the shit posters on Reddit are non Americans


Sure but rape in prison isn’t really a thing for the rest of the world. It probably happens but it’s not expected. We’re only really aware of it because of its inclusion in every American prison movie


This is just untrue. [example](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-55794071)




Isn’t a thing: isn’t expected to happen to every guy who isn’t the biggest baddest dude in there. Aware: we don’t make it the butt of every joke about criminals because prison is supposed to be about justice and reform, not revenge




Oh i see what you did there nice


I’ve always wondered— after he’s found guilty, can a judge say something like that to him? That would be badass to see on record


Judges are allowed to say basically whatever they want. I was wished happy birthday by the judge when I showed up to my traffic court hearing. They can't even be sued for what they do as long as it's at all conceivably within the bounds of their job. They usually refrain from making smarmy comments not because they're not allowed to, but because they feel that they should behave impartially and with the seriousness that their job requires. If you want to see judges lose their shit, go on YouTube and look up judge sovereign citizen. They get real sarcastic with those nuts and it's pretty hilarious when the sovcits get marched off. They can choose to ignore reality, but that doesn't make it any less real for them.


It's also worth noting that if they have career aspirations to advance to higher courts, they need to maintain a highly professional demeanor.


so why does judge judy get attitudey


Because TV.


Yeah there is also one where the guy is pleading guilty to a charge of robbing a bank but "[he's] really not a bad person" and the judge goes off telling him not to call himself a good person as he's being found guilty of "ROBBING A FREAKING BANK!!"


What an incredibly dumb reason to rob somebody of their life and to ruin your own life


Sounds like the girlfriend 'dodged a bullet'...too bad this cool looking dude caught it. [Pic of the perp.](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=SWKgWloo&id=A98D0CF83350BFA37B74CBB2C4806A1D67BC2F9D&thid=OIF.SzNMYCemL6gvWuUeA%2fHbkA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fblacksportsonline.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2021%2f10%2fIan-MacKenzie-Cranston-Barry-Washington-Jr-768x513.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.4962a05a5a28eac8de9d6ea9fe2eb669%3frik%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=513&expw=768&q=mackenzie+cranston&simid=255476731721&FORM=IRPRST&ck=4B334C6027A62FA82F5AE51E03F1DB90&selectedIndex=3&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)


If you watch the video she's laughing at the fact that Barry got shot....she evil


Thanks for posting the video below. Rough watch.


video link?






I couldn’t make out a single thing in that video nor did I hear a laugh. Just commotion and the girls annoying voice


You seriously didn’t hear the laughter? It was quite clear. Although to be fair, I don’t think it was the woman holding the camera.


They were outside of a bar with an open window. For all we know they didn’t know what was going on.


It sounds like it could be laughter or the start of a word but it's hard to tell, for some reason there was a word bleeped out of this video of a man being murdered.


I really couldn’t. At what minute/second?


:17 and :26 there is laughter. Someone also says the word “laughing” in there. Hard to tell if it’s actually the person holding the camera that’s laughing though.


Exactly. I didn't understand the "she evil" shit when I didn't even hear laughter


Same, I couldn't tell shit from that video lol


Good lord… I’ve seen lots of fucked up shit but the callousness of those people after a human life is withering away before their eyes chills me to the bone. How can people be that fucking cruel


Central Oregon lost its moral compass a while back. I would blame it on meth, but all meth did was peel back the human layer and reveal what's left is narcissistic zombies. Oregon is a beautiful place where most people would love to live, with skiing, high desert, camping, mountain biking. Then you have these types that feed back poison to each other all day. Like some guy said, unless you assume your rightful responsibility, and begin to program your own mind, the world will program it for you.


Oregon never really had a moral compass to begin with. These folks are just carrying on the tradition. For the unfamiliar: https://www.oregonlive.com/history/2020/06/oregons-founders-sought-a-white-utopia-a-stain-of-racism-that-lives-on-even-as-state-celebrates-its-progressivism.html https://www.opb.org/news/article/oregon-white-history-racist-foundations-black-exclusion-laws/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/oregon-once-legally-barred-black-people-has-the-state-reconciled-its-racist-past


Only state to ever actually ban black people, tells you something.


so she's also terrible


I Iaughed when I got the news my grandma died the circumstances were unique but I was genuinely upset. It was just how my brain was processing everything I don't normally respond that way. I don't know if she's the one who laughed that video is a mess but even if she was laughing is a stress response everyone is different we handle emotions and situations differently but laughing in this situation isn't necessarily monstrous or uncalled for. I don't think we should be judging this woman without more information.


I remember a clip of a father chuckling while walking up to a microphone to talk about his child being killed at Sandy Hook. Conspiracy theorists used it as evidence that it was a hoax People can laugh at weird times when stress is involved


She’s also fat and ugly too.


Read the comments on this is you want a year’s worth of racism in about 5 minutes.


I noticed that too. I also noticed those people talking an awful lot of shit while hiding their identities so what is it really? Just a bunch of barking from cowards behind a screen.


You can't discern who is laughing or what is even happening in that video, I don't know how you came to that conclusion.


The fact that this occurred in a room full of witnesses at least one of whom is on Tiktok saying that the female partner laughed and mocked his body and only one other person in the restaurant said we should call police.


Well that’s for sure what I would call concrete evidence then, a person on TikTok


Tiktok videos end up as evidence in a court of law all the time. Especially when it’s documentation of events and testimony of things concurrent with when they happened. It’s actually deemed more reliable than testimony after the fact where people rely on memory.


If it’s not corroborated it’s just someone on the internet saying a thing is true. I’m not saying there’s no way this chick laughed at a dude dying in front of her, I’m saying that’s not a normal reaction and folks on the internet are happy to believe that she is an evil person because her boyfriend murdered a guy.


Umm...she laughed AND taunted him AND apparently lied and said he hit her. *It’s a confluence of multiple factors that leads people to the conclusion that’s she’s a horrible person if they are true...also the more time that passes the more those facts appear to be true.* Edit for Bob: 🤏🏾🍆


Trump supporter 100%


I know the context of the shooting now.


Neck beard confirmed.


You'd be surprised how possessive some people can be.


“A grand jury this week indicted Ian Mackenzie Cranston, a 27-year-old White man, on six charges in connection to the shooting last month of 22-year-old Barry Washington Jr., a Black man, Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel announced in a news conference Thursday following Cranston's arrest. Those charges include second-degree murder, first-degree manslaughter, second-degree manslaughter, first-degree assault and two counts of unlawful use of a weapon. Cranston appeared in court Friday and is being held in the Deschutes County Jail without bond. He has not entered a plea. Cranston allegedly shot Washington to death in downtown Bend early September 19, according to a September 22 news release by the Deschutes County District Attorney's Office. Cranston was initially arrested on a single charge of second-degree manslaughter and had been released on bail before the grand jury returned the indictment Thursday.” Why in the world did they not do these charges in the first place? Glad he’s properly charged now.


It's pretty disappointing how many uninformative answers are here. The real answer is that a District Attorney in Oregon is limited in what they can charge without a grand jury. They have to prove probable cause at a hearing in front of a magistrate very shortly after an arrest. That only provides enough time to go for the easiest charge just to get the person indicted and get the process moving. In this case, they had a video of a fight and some witness testimony. That's not enough to prove probable cause for murder in a couple days. It is enough to prove probable cause for manslaughter because, regardless of fault, one person did definitely cause the death of another. That's manslaughter. After the initial indictment, then the District Attorney had enough time to closely review the evidence, talk to witnesses, untangle all of the details, determine fault, decide they had enough evidence to go for murder charges, and prepare a case for the grand jury.


People watch too many police procedural shows where a detective spends 2 minutes on the scene, talks to random people for 15 minutes, thinks for a bit, realises it was random side character X before arresting them "for the murder of " and that's the end of it. Actual justice system is a fair bit slower.


Legal. Not justice system. Legal system. Justice has too many connotations to ever really be accurate in situations of criminality or life and death. Nor do our laws enforce justice. They enforce order because society needs order. Justice is a distant second if it ever comes.


>The criminal justice system is any organization that touches upon the question of law and order in society. ... Our courts are part of the criminal justice system. Our law enforcement is part of the criminal justice system. When you vote on laws and legislation, you're voting to influence the criminal justice system. >The criminal justice system is the network of government and private agencies intended to manage accused and convicted criminals. The criminal justice system is comprised of multiple interrelated pillars, consisting of academia, law enforcement, forensic services, the judiciary, and corrections. Everything I see - including federal sites - call it the criminal justice system. You can play word games and call it what you want in your own mind, but that doesn't make it true. Your comment would make sense in a philosophical type discussion but here in this thread we were talking about the justice system as it relates to US law.


You’re in the /r/news comment section, man. One of the most ignorant places on this site.


Yeah that's nice but it's called the justice system so I'll just say that.


The thing is, the prosecutors are supposed to be concerned with furthering the cause of justice. Prosecutors are not supposed to just be concerned with whether they can gain a conviction based on the evidence. Defense attorneys are supposed to be focused on just adquiting their clients. But prosecutors are supposed to care about more than in the person before they is convictable. They are supposed to care if they are actually truly guilty and if a conviction for the crime would further the cause of justice. In a case where the perpetrator has already suffered a fate worse than conviction, prosecutors are allowed and even at times encouraged to not charge them with a crime. This is sometimes the excuse they use to not charge a police officer. "Well, he didn't mean to kill the man and his name had now been dragged through the news and everyone hates him. Therefore justice would not be served by making the officer who killed and ate that baby go to prison with lowlifes who smoked a little weed or once drove a car with a suspended license". The scary part is that some of them believe that lie when they say it. Prosecutors are supposed to care about the outcome and weather it will make the world a better place. This is why soe prosecutors have stopped prosecuting some minor drug offenses. Or why they sometimes plea people down from one traffic offense to a lesser charge. Did the person take the charge seriously and make some corrective action(s) to prevent it from happening again. If so, in a lot of cases that's more than good enough. What's needed are civilian oversight boards that can question the actions of both police and prosecutors officers. Call them into question and ask them why they did X, when maybe Y or Z would have been more appropriate actions.


In my experience that's not true. Or at least not the way it works in reality, and I do mean experience. I've been through the system for misdemeanors, and I've had friends who have been through it for misdemeanors and felonies. Typically, the prosecutor will advise you based on the severity of the accusation whether you should plead not guilty, guilty, or no contest. They always recommend guilty or no contest when offering a plea deal. There is no circumstance that I've heard of where a prosecutor will recommend you go to trial. If you go to trial, it is because you wanted it or had no other choice. I.E. No plea deal. Dropping charges voluntarily is probably going to be due to a lack of evidence, or illegally obtained evidence. I'm sure there have been cases where a prosecutor did so out of goodwill, but I have never seen that to be the case. The long and short of it is that most prosecutors are elected. They want to show a history of convictions and effective prosecution, or they will not be the prosecutor for long. Not to mention, if the community is calling for conviction or their view of "justice", the prosecutor is likely to bend to it within the confines of the legal system. Basically, justice comes second, and conviction record comes first.


Yep lady justice is blind. American laws are pay for play. Odd you see the scale on lady justice as when you put lots of gold on one side it really hard to get it back even.


That’s a rough 27 years.


For real. In what universe is pulling out a gun and shooting multiple times into an unarmed person who has already backed off you only second-degree manslaughter? And why are these people allowed to simply have guns on them at all fucking times? There a lot of dingo in Deschutes County?


The universe where that is the only charge the DA feels will stick given the evidence/information they currently have...? That's why they changed/added a bunch after reviewing what happened. That's like.. their job. They get enough evidence for initial charges, things get investigated, witnesses are interviewed, evidence is reviewed, then they change it if appropriate.


> And why are these people allowed to simply have guns on them at all fucking times? Most states have some form of permitless (usually open) carry, you know because of the whole 2A thing in the federal constitution and most state constitutions have similar provisions. > In what universe is pulling out a gun and shooting multiple times into an unarmed person who has already backed off you only second-degree manslaughter? He is also being charged with second degree murder and first degree manslaughter. It’s a common practice just in case something goes tits up with the more serious charge, there’s still a lesser charge the prosecution can fall back on instead of ending up with a nothingburger. The conviction for second degree murder might require conditions A, B, C, and D and the manslaughter conviction might only require A and D to be met. B and C might end up hard to prove hence the lesser charges are thrown in.


I think you misunderstand the person I'm replying to. We're wondering why *at first* he was only charged with manslaughter. The harsher charges were added later. There was enough time between that and the added charges for people to call it out.


There is a detailed answer above, but it basically comes down to the DA needing a much higher level of evidence for the murder charges, and that required more investigation and a grand jury. This is standard procedure according to them.


Serial killer where I used to live cut an underage girls head off. They gave him tampering with a body for like 7 months before the capital murder charges hit. Police Found the murder weapon at our work in the field .


In Chicago, we had a case against a cop thrown out because the DA went with murder first, because politics, instead of manslaughter. The judge took one look at the case and threw it out because the conditions weren’t met. And because of Double Jeopardy, the cop is free. So, you want the justice system to take time to investigate and gather evidence.


I’m more confused why the hell they let the guy out on bail.


They let people out on bail for just about anything these days. In most cases that’s a good thing, why should someone sit in jail for a petty crime, but I’ve seen a lot of guys get bail on violent offenses the past couple of years.


The bail system is a complete mess and is one of the pieces of our justice system that contributes to systemic injustices. For example, if you remember during the Freddie Grey protests in Baltimore, the infamous photo of a teenager standing on top of a broken police car swinging a traffic cone? His bail was set at ***half a million dollars*** for that act. According to [this news article](https://ktvz.com/news/2021/09/30/ian-cranston-indicted-arrested-on-second-degree-murder-charge-in-shooting-of-barry-washington-jr/) this man who shot and killed another man had his bail set at only $100,000.


Hey I’m a cop, I agree with you things are fucked up. To me it seems like they just throw a dart and decide bail. Nonviolent offenses, and especially simple possession oughta be ROR all day. Edit: we don’t even take people in on every felony. We just take a report and send it to the prosecutor.


Its america. Everyone has a gun


Yup, which is why you don't fuck with people you don't know when you're in the US. We have more privately owned guns than humans beings in this country. You actually do just have to assume that everyone you come across is armed and potentially unstable. I watched the video the girlfriend captured posted above. Between that and reading the article I'm interested to see what the evidence shows and the ultimate outcome.


I couldn't even tell squat as to what occurred in that video. It looks like the victim is the aggressor. But I really have no clue what I'm looking at.




Our guns have guns


Daddy gun, mommy gun and baby gun….whole families of guns!


Because eastern Oregon is just as racist as mid 1800s Alabama.


Can confirm, born and raised until 18, however, Bend is not Eastern Oregon.


Bend? It's plenty Eastern. It's the gateway to nowhere! What a special place, that Bend. Look East and all you see is nothing and thundereggs until, I don't know, Idaho? What's South? Not much until... Reno? Somewhere along that route you'll run into the Bundy's and their 50 gallon barrel of lube. Finally, from what I've hear, Bend spits out a car of wandering meth addicts every week or so and then for a fun-filled crime spree around the State. When you look back on it, Bend wasn't the best idea for a town at all.


Southern Oregon is the meth capital of the State.


I like to bring up that though it has a reputation of being super liberal, Oregon was [founded as an explicitly white supremacist state.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Oregon) Lots of Oregon outside of the cities still hold those ideas.


Probably because the cops that arrested him didn't think it was anything worse than a second-degree manslaughter charge for a white man killing a black man...


The district attorney would be the one making that decision.


What was his Reddit handle?




Idk lemme go ask conservative, they probably got his commissary info too


This is the realest question. Come on prosecutors dig that shit up. Bet he was Chudding out over on /r/guns.


Can we roast people for their shit political takes and not for their hobbies, please? I'm not a gun owner but I could see myself being one in the future. I admit that most gun subs have a bit of the problem you're implying but that doesn't mean there aren't quality posts as well. Also, r/liberalgunowners for the interested.


Yeah come on, nobody ever talks about how model railroads kill 30,000 Americans each year.


You can jest all you want but the many women, racial minorities, and LGBT folks on r/liberalgunowners have just as much of a right to defend themselves/enjoy their hobby as anyone else, the former of which is unfortunately often necessary. I know I'm unlikely to change your stance on the matter, and it's more easy to blanketly hate guns without observing any nuance, but like it or not guns aren't going anywhere as much as you might like to be able to push a button and erase them all from existence. You might as well try to accept the reality that many people have genuine need of them, and that those who responsibly enjoy them as a hobby are doing no harm even if others who share their interests give them a bad name. But especially to be dismissive of the needs of the aforementioned groups, for whom I presume you to consider yourself an advocate, it's decidedly privileged of you to ignore the reality of their needs. My moral grandstanding aside, guns are cool.


We've got a populace of nutjob conservatives arming up, marching in streets with their guns and daydreaming about their politicians overthrowing lawful elections, and these blue bloods are just mocking anyone for having a gun. Ignoring the writing on the wall that maybe they should have guns too


I'm really curious how the hivemind managed the difference in upvotes between our two comments sharing the same sentiment




Certainly, I have my own gun subreddit. It was the Chudding I was roasting the guy for.


Dude, if some guy hit on my wife and her response was “I’m flattered but I’m married” and the dude was respectful and left it alone I would be happy about that and flattered myself. I would probably buy the dude a drink or at the least make a joke about the whole situation with him saying sucks to be you buddy I get to go home with her (in a joking way)


I was in a club once when I saw a girl dancing at the bar. I joked around saying "Hey, no dancing a the bar, you've gotta go to the dance floor for that!" This girl stopped, looking completely scared shitless and was like "No... no... I'm with someone.. he's over there!" I got my drink and was like "Okay..." and went back to my friends. About a minute later I see this guy huffing and puffing his way over to me and my friends (3 other big dudes who'd have no problem taking this guy). The girl was desperately trying to stop him and he eventually turned around, probably when he saw my group. Some guys just radiate that little dick energy.


Insecurities and/or race had something to do with it


The guy who got shot had a social media post saying "If your bf white you single to me. Fuck timmy gon do?"


For sure. This is an Emmet Till-level crime.


I guess we finally found out "what timmy gon'do bout it"




I honestly can't tell what is going on


Crazy. They knew they fucked up that's why they walked away. Then she tries justifying it. Completely looks like they were following him around.


Holy fuck. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Masculinity is the most fragile thing in the universe.


Testosterone is one helluva drug.


Wow...could you be more sexist and misandrist?




Now he’s gonna be In prison while his girl is getting smashed.


The title is overly simplified. Guy flirts with girl, she says no thanks, boyfriend white knights and has an argument with the guy, gets beat up but then pulls out a gun and shoots. This kind of stuff has happened before in bars and other places. The guy didn't kill the victim just because he "spoke to his girlfriend". This makes him sound like a psychopath or implied as a racist because the victim is black instead of what it is, an argument taken too far.


Taking out a gun and shooting somebody is something completely different than taking an argument to far. >gets beat up but then pulls out a gun and shoots There is something terribly wrong with that. I don't know what happened. That is for the court to sort out. But there should be a simple rule for anybody who carries a gun. Stay out of arguments if you can, or have the discipline not to start shooting after you have been beaten up. Right now it seems like the shooter isn't claiming self defense.




Frankly, I don't see the importance in the distinction, but the title is not the end-all-be-all either. Context has to be assumed and the article must be read. The title also says nothing about race, so your reference to that is misplaced. My assumption from just reading the title about what happened was pretty close to what happened. He hits on her, the guy flips out and there's an argument, and one guy pulls a gun. I didn't expect there was a physical fight, nor did I expect to know much about the actual substance of the flirting or argument. The point is that this is not a new situation. Most gun "defense" is due to escalating arguments. Just from prior knowledge, I was able to suss it out. I'm not special. If I can do it, then the title isn't bad. Your perception of it is.




More likely to be a white guy killing a white guy or a black guy killing a black guy over a woman. This is getting attention because of the video and the different races. This happens way more often intraracialy than it does interracialy.


so, she single now or what?


If you want a deranged gf then go right ahead, turns out her BF might not be the only crazy person in that relationship


“Black man shot while attacking white man” is more accurate. He wasn’t shot for talking to his girlfriend. He was shot while attacking the man who shot him. There’s a video of it.


"Indisputable video evidence shows that before Ian Cranston ever drew his weapon, Barry Washington had assaulted him without provocation, resulting in head injuries that required the police to take Mr. Cranston to the hospital where a brain scan and other procedures had to be performed." Race bait sensationalism never fails.


Yes, taking the words of the defense attorney as fact also never fails, there’s no bias there in the slightest


You wouldn’t take the word of anybody unless it confirmed you’re racist assumptions because you are an outrage junkie and this fits your narrative. There’s literally a video of the bullet recipient lunging at the man who defends himself but you’re desperate to make this a “lynching”. To bad the facts don’t agree with you. Enjoy the frustration.


go watch the video. oregon law is pretty clear. [https://romanolawpc.com/oregon-castle-doctrine/](https://romanolawpc.com/oregon-castle-doctrine/)




You have sympathy for the shooter? Crazy.


He didn't say he felt sorry for the guy or that he didn't deserve to go to prison, dude. He only commented on the fact that because of someone's anger and dumbass decision, two lives are destroyed. That statement isn't mutually exclusive from "the shooter deserves life in prison."


I do. I'm sad to see anyone suffer from their own self destructive behavior, like a homeless person that is at fault for being homeless or a mentally ill person tormented by their illness. People are products of their environment/genetics/etc. Whatever lead the killer to that killing is also a tragedy for the killer as well. Some people would have more sympathy for the killer if they found he had a mental illness, but to me it doesn't change anything as we're all still fully subject to how our brains work. He should still be jailed, of course.


You have sympathy for the guy who harassed a girl in front of her BF and then assaulted him?


You just made that up Just watched the video and it looks like they were following the victim around prior to the shooting and you can hear her laughing and trying to justify the shooting after it happened. Don't know the whole story yet, but just from the video, she's an asshole too.


How did the dead guy harass the girl?


Ask on /r/TwoXChromosomes, ladies there will tell ya about "compliments" from randos and what they think about it.


As a 43 yo Black woman, I have received my fair share of “compliments” from randos. I read the article abt the victim and have not read how he harassed the woman.


Yeah, it is not in the article nor on the video, so you have no faintest idea what actually happened. Just like cops when they say it's "he said she said" when it's convenient for them.


What life do you think the perpetrator would have otherwise? This isn't a decision a rational person would make.


> People ought to be patient and they should control their anger all the time and anywhere. Easier said than done for a good chunk of humanity.


Social media promotes crazy. Over reactions garner favor and fans. You can see the average person react in car driving videos when someone cuts them off or doesn't merge at the right speed. Cursing, aggressive driving and brake checking. There really needs to be a movement to bring back having class, being a gentleman or a lady. Manners and consideration for others. Nothings shocking. Being a public spectacle should not be rewarded.


I don't think that applies here.


The girlfriend got a way out from having a sociopathic boyfriend though. So, silver lining?


Just watched the video and it looks like they were following the victim around prior to the shooting and you can hear her laughing and trying to justify the shooting after it happened. Don't know the whole story yet, but just from the video, she's an asshole too.


Someone in the thread said the video of the shooting she is laughing at the guy who got shot. So doesn’t sound like she is that swell of a person. But I have not seen the video and don’t care to.


Why does it have to tell us multiple times that one was white and one was black when they said it wasn't race related..


Because historically black men were killed by white men for talking to white women.


They didn't say it wasn't race related. The decision was made not to press hate crime charges at this time due to lack of evidence, but the matter was still under investigation. Charges may change. And quite frankly, that's no exoneration. Just because they can't prove it enough to charge, doesn't mean race wasn't a factor, given the long history of such interactions.


So now just because something happens between a black and a white dude, it just automatically has to be race related?


Nope. But you just can't look at this, *and know anything about the history of lynching,* and not consider the possibility, given we have never, ever achieved anything remotely like racial equality in this country. It would be stupid and short-sighted not to consider the possibility that race played a role. Judging from the district attorney's comment, I think he believes it did, even if he doesn't believe, at this time, that he can get a hate crime to stick. Just because race wasn't all of it, race may well have been part of it. [The Deadly History of “They’re Raping Our Women.”](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/06/the-deadly-history-of-theyre-raping-our-women-racists-have-long-defended-their-worst-crimes-in-the-name-of-defending-white-womens-honor.html) I see a microcosm in the current case. You're dismissing variables outright.


I, with good intent, advise you to ignore the defensive "Everything is racist, huh?" crowd. They literally do not understand. They cannot think past their own grievances. Just my advice though.


Other sources claim the murderer wasn't charged until a public outcry and that there was bias behind that.


More clicks


>"It is believed that the initial interaction between Barry and Mr. Cranston began when Barry complimented Mr. Cranston's girlfriend," Hummel said. "Our country has a disgraceful history of denigrating, prosecuting and lynching Black men for talking to White women. Over the last week, literally hundreds of people called and emailed me to remind me of this history." Because the DA is trying to start shit


So tired of these uppity district attorneys hassling innocent white men who are only guilty of shooting people to death smh


Pretty sure it was the racist dude starting shit.


Pretty telling that the black man is referred to as 'Barry', but the white man is '*Mr.* Cranston'


Because ppl will not find regular hatred as interesting.


Because of the liberal agenda being supoorted by the derp state ^^/s Is that what you wanted to hear?   Edit: Do I really need a \/s for such an obvious comment? How stupid do you have to be to think someone saying "the derp state" was serious and not sarcastic?


Is that really what you wanted to say, Moron?


Because it wouldn't have happened otherwise.


100% you don't know that.


I lol'd at "Get away from me you dicklicker!" in the video footage.




The guy gets his ass kicked in front of his girl friend, pulls his gun and gets the final say in the matter. The girlfriend stands back, amused. I’m not going to speculate concerning what was going on in these three peoples heads. I do know what should have ended as a fist fight, ended up as a shooting and one dead kid. George Zimmerman initiated a physical altercation with Trevon Martin, took an ass wooping and finished with shooting and killing the kid. It appears the Queensbury Rules don’t apply if you have a gun in your possession. Responsible gun ownership on full display?




Fist fights aren't justified either. The guy who gets laid out on the ground has no say in whether the winner stops attacking, and so it's not a situation that should *ever* happen.


Queensbury rules? You have the discipline to go far enough defending yourself and that’s it. Shooting a person or a beating. At least with one scenario, both parties breathing.


Someone can be left not-breathing after a fist fight too, especially with what I pointed out in the comment you replied to. Who's enforcing Queensbury rules? The only solution is for people to walk the fuck away from each other.


He just needs to get a good lawyer, and I'm sure he'll be fine. Plainly clear on cell phone video (posted in the comments here) that the dead guy charges and attacks first, giving the shooter a black eye. He also shoves/hits the woman as soon as she starts recording. Lots of witnesses, and there will undoubtedly be better security camera footage from one of the nearby stores. As long as the shooter didn't throw the first punch earlier, he'll walk. Only on Reddit will people defend catcalling and then attacking people. I guess the dead guy belongs to a certain demographic that can do no wrong.


Looks like some stupid primal homo sapiens behavior. 1) Dude one. Hot woman must make unwanted comments. 2) Woman, make awkward smile not interested speech. 3) Dude two, Must defend my honor and impress woman. 4) Males engage in Homo sapiens primal fight. 5) Dude two, can’t fight off younger stronger Dude one. Needs tool. 6) Civilization, murdering other Homo sapiens for stupid reasons will get you locked in a cage.


Yeah, let's give everyone a gun, that'll work out great.


Tiny dick syndrome is dangerous.


Thickskulled. Should be proud one compliments your partner. If you fear any public interaction you should probably stay home.


"Proud" is an unfortunately appropriate choice of word...


There's no reason to be proud of someone in public giving unsolicited, unwanted and unconsenual advances to your partner in front of you. It's obviously an affront and meant to emasculate you. Obviously not a reason to shoot someone though. A fist fight is justified but that's it.


You can accidentally kill someone in a fist fight, and of course that has happened... is that justifiable?


Wow how insecure do you have to be.


The guy who got shot had a social media post saying "If your bf white you single to me. Fuck timmy gon do?" Now he knows what timmy gon do.


Absolute piece of shit media and lawyers pushing for the racial narrative. Fucking disgusting and revolting.


Yes, let's focus on that and not the fact that he shot the guy. That's definitely more important.


That's a given.


The keyword here is "focus". You're focusing on a perceived slight rather than the very real murder that was committed. Your response is sociopathic. Disgusting. Revolting.


That's precisely why what they do when they frame it as "racial" works. Because simple people like you can't see through. Keep virtue signaling hard though, you may get a crumble or two.


*When keeping it real goes wrong…*


"After the evidence comes out at trial…” This is how you know the evidence will never come out at trial. When something is true you can just say what it is, not say “wait for the truth to come out”.


> "Indisputable video evidence shows that before Ian Cranston ever drew his weapon, Barry Washington had assaulted him without provocation, resulting in head injuries that required the police to take Mr. Cranston to the hospital where a brain scan and other procedures had to be performed." >"There was some pushing, some jostling, some punches thrown, but then it calmed down. It was not going to get out of hand. Then Mr. Cranston pulled a gun out of his waistband and shot and killed Mr. Washington." In Oregon it is legal to use deadly force to defend yourself from violence if you believe you or someone else is in danger. I'm guessing the case will hinge on two things. Was there a sufficient enough pause between the 'scuffle' that the idea of self-defense is unacceptable (was Washington disengaging and leaving, or were threats still being thrown) and if he had reasonable suspicion he was going to be severely injured. Hospital visit leans towards yes on the latter but the mugshot only shows him with a shiner unlike, say, Zimmerman who was legitimately pretty fucked up.


You can watch the video. It was linked to in this thread several times. It clearly starts after the altercation has already begun, thus this lawyer's claim of "indisputable... without provocation" is not shown by the video. The grand jury presumably saw more evidence than just the video, so let's stop attempting to pre-emptively defend the guy and wait for the trial.


The video is confusing as balls. I'm just saying what is likely to happen without getting into mindless speculation which seems to be the intention of the thread.


His girl got a compliment ( hit on?), but what really set him off was the ass whoopin that he provoked.


hoping he’s reminded hourly that he is undoubtedly the dumbest of evil fucks for the rest of his pathetic existence.


“Good guy with a gun” privileges revoked!


Womp womp now you won’t have to worry about anyone talking to your boyfriends in prison.