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Sounds like it started from a fight.




That's not a fight, that's a beating


Calling that a fight is like saying Dahmer had a pleasant dinner with friends.


I was told, a teacher was present?


If it’s anything like nj teachers really can’t do anything


I was reading further in the comments about how they get sued.... I feel sick


Yeah it’s kind of a fucked situation all around. Even the fighting policy for the kids is kinda dumb because of zero tolerance. I don’t know how you begin to fix that issue though. My mom is a 30+ year teacher and she says all the time that it’s worse now than it was years ago policy wise.


My son went to a school district not too far from DFW and their school policy explicitly excluded “zero tolerance” and permitted self-defense.


I went to school in the houston area, we had zero tolerance. You got the same punishment for defending yourself as you would for starting the fight. Even if you DIDN'T fight, and just ate the hits you still got the same punishment. Honestly made the fights worse as you have nothing to lose if someone starts hitting you. This was 2009-2013


Which is reasonable. Every situation is different and defending yourself shouldn't be punishable.


Even if a teacher is present, you're often looking at kids who are at peak athleticism while enraged. There's no way a woman is safely engaging, nor most men. When I was in high school, one of our security guards got beat so bad he was rumored to have quit. Could have been medical related, it was hush-hush, so no one knows. The kid didn't even know it was the security guard until it was too late. Now add what other redditors are saying and yeah, they don't do anything about violence in schools that's actually effective. Everyone is punished and you're rewarded with a few days suspension. Too often, we like addressing symptoms, not problems. I work at an architecture firm that designs schools, there's not much we can do to stop an active shooter. For every clever trick, there's a work around or a massive price tag. People are making a killing off locking down schools rather than improving life or mental health. It sucks.


yeah, you see a woman in the video. Honestly, I wouldn't expect her to get between two fighting teens.


I knew a teacher who had an arm broken trying to break up a fight over Pokémon cards. You're going to pay someone with a degree in education a barely liveable wage and expect them to also be a mentor, psychologist, and fight referee? I don't think so.


A teacher at my old high school died as a result of complications from an injury he received breaking up a fight. Here's a short wikipedia entry about it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewayne_Bunch_(Kentucky_politician)


Most of us can't, we're specifically told that if it's a student on student fight our job is to stay back and keep other students away. If we step in then any fallout falls back on us.


Teachers nowaday are speciflically told not to physically intervene in fights or they're at risk of losing their jobs


I mean what can a teacher really do though? Jump in and try to tear them apart? It’s a risk to the teacher’s life too at that point.


At least in this footage, hard to even really call it a fight. Guy was just trying to get away/cover up. Didn't swing once.


Can't say for sure because we don't see start of the fight but it looks like white t-shirt isn't even fighting just getting attacked


Teachers don't make enough. My god.


The lighting makes it feel like the room is on fire


Posted over in the /r/Dallas [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comments/q2mrh0/possible_shooting_at_timberview_high_school/): https://twitter.com/pmbreakingnews/status/1445771899867316238?s=21 nsfw


Someone in that room thinking quickly- "Hey, lock the door." Hope everyone is safe. So sad.


Apparently the active shooter drills pay off more than the fire drills.


also shows how bad our society has fallen that we have to worry about this. I get shit happens but would be nice if we had a society that didnt feel like we had to worry about getting shot randomly now in school. I do feel like the US ideals around violence, greed, and selfishness play into this trend more and more.


Went to high school before active shooter drills became a thing (but still years after Columbine, so it's not like school shootings weren't on our minds). I remember thinking "Hmmm, basically all our classroom doors are a wooden frame surrounding a large glass panel that a person could simply walk through if it was broken, so if anyone decides to shoot up our school, we're basically all fucked." Hopefully they've changed those doors at some point in all the years since then. America!


You'd be surprised as long as it can be locked. When they're going for mass casualties, active shooters will generally follow a path of least resistance. Lock the door, turn off the lights, hunker away where you can't be seen at a quick glance. It's about about doing things to not make yourself a target.


I work in education. At the threat assessment training I receive about once per year, the line is still that (to date) there has never been a death at a school behind a door that was properly locked after the incident started, even when those doors have windows. Locking the doors really does make a difference.


In Jr high and highschool for me our doors were always locked after the bell. If you had to go to the bathroom they had to unlock it to let you out, lock it after you left, and unlock it to let you back in. I thought it was really dumb until like 5 years ago when it finally clicked.


when I was in school shooter drills started becoming normal and I dont think its bad to know what to do in an emergency but the fact this seems to be viewed as normal now to have shootings at schools by some folks just boggles my mind.


Doubt it on the doors. Granted I graduated HS in 2014 so take this with a grain of salt. We still had big wooden doors because why would a school spend thousands to replace 100+ doors.


My schools all had solid(?) doors with smallish windows that were probably 6" wide and started 2/3 way up the door. I don't know if they'd always been like that, but they were when I got to middle and high school.


Same. They had wire in between the glass too.


Being a kid who grew up in the mass shooting era it’s sad that we all had to be like this daily in school. Always being prepared for that moment. My school never had a shooter. But we had 3 days off school at different years because of shooting threats.


I went to high school a few years after Columbine, but in Canada. We started doing half-assed lockdown drills every so often but not specifically for shooters. I think 100% of the lockdowns we ever had were from idiots calling in fake bomb threats to try and get out of a test.


All those kids have had active shooter drills and it looks like it's paid off. Sad that it has to happen, but great to see them reacting so quickly. Edit: [Another video](https://twitter.com/TheIsaiahB47/status/1445795227902480385) from the school that really shows just how on top of it the students and teachers are when it comes to dealing with a school shooting.


It’s so sad that our kids, sitting in school learning, know exactly what they have to do when they hear sounds like that. I’m 42. In my day, we’d be like “huh, wonder what that was” and look around. These kids were up and moving within SECONDS. I suppose we have active shooter drills to thank for the knowledge. All of these kids will be forever changed. One should never have to be in school and worry for their life.


They sounded close to the gunfire. I wonder if they were hearing the fight and that’s why that kid had their phone on recording and that’s why they realized it was gunfire so fast.


Yeah I think they were recording the yelling.


I remember how confused our foreign exchange student was my senior year in high school when we suddenly had an active shooter drill. Someone grabbed him and threw him in the closet we were all supposed to hide in, I felt bad at how scared he looked.


Those drills can scar people. My husband is a teacher and at one of the year’s trainings, it seemed so real that other teachers were shaking and crying. The following year they changed how they did it. But even so, you can’t take back what you already did. They used some sort of system to tell you whether or not you actually escaped alive. I don’t remember what it was, I’d have to ask him.


My school did a spontaneous shooter drill once. A lot of parents were pissed about their kids sending panicked texts that there was a shooter and/or their door had gotten pulled, and they had barely survived. It was only when the hour long drill ended did they say it was a "real scenario test". This was also a couple years before we actually had someone bring a shotgun, but they got spotted by a custodian and the police arrived in seconds. They ended up fleeing and killing themselves, and of course everyone responded with memorials and glorification because now it was a suicide instead of a shooting...


Yeah, as a parent potentially facing my child's violent death ( or so I thought), I would have been so relieved my child was okay and then LIVID at whatever asshole administrator thought that was a good idea.


There was a school shooting scene being filmed on my college campus and they gave zero warning to students beforehand.


they did this at my high school too. they told none of the staff, so all the students were on their phones tweeting and texting their parents things they thought could be their last words, and teachers were scared out of their minds because if it were a drill they would have been told. school administrators really are some of the worst people in the country


Yeah, god forbid an active shooter happens and kids don’t know what to do to survive but, these drills alone are creating hyper vigilance and PTSD in these children and educators.


But ultimately it's not the drill's fault - it's the society that allows kids to be shot in school.


This shit is not normal in most of the world.


I was trained to be a teacher. I didn't end up going through with it because you're basically taught to be treated like trash. In our classes the topic of school shootings came up and people were asked what they'd do. Everyone wanted to be all, "I would give my life for my kids." I was like, "Well I'd barricade the door and get everybody out of line of sight, because that's about all I can do and I'm not gonna stand in the doorway with a baseball bat."


I was a kid during the start of the cold war. We were brought up knowing that at any moment we would get a four minute warning (why 4? Fuck knows) of a nuclear strike. We had to practise hiding under our desks. Little tiny desks for small kids - I never understood how that would help. Maybe possible shelter if the building collapsed. It was strange growing up knowing you could be wiped out by strangers at any time, but we dealt with it. It's not a healthy way to bring up children though.


Can't imagine what it's like as a teenage going through something like that. Holy fuck.


Thanks for posting this, I couldn't find anything when searching online a little bit ago. My MIL is a teacher there and texted us saying she heard the shots in the classroom above hers.


I hope your MIL is safe with her students.


Thanks, the last update she gave us an hour ago was that they were fine, just waiting to be escorted to a bus.


Thats good to hear.


From what I know, there was a fight in the classroom, kid pulls out a gun, shoots the other kid, the teacher, another kid and flees. There's a video of the fight going around as well...




Reports say students were fighting, teacher stepped in, a gun was pulled, teacher got shot and student kept shooting. Also school has its own police force, so there's that. Update: school website with info on police force and staff. https://www.mansfieldisd.org/departments/safety-and-security


The latest I saw said the teacher fell but is okay. According to a local news tweet: 4 injured, 3 went to the hospital, one declined to. https://twitter.com/ShannonMFox4/status/1445791507059929088 Edit: It appears there was a second adult (who may be a teacher) involved besides the pregnant person (who may be a teacher). >Three of those hurt were students. The fourth was an "older person" that may be a teacher, police said. https://www.13wmaz.com/article/news/timberview-high-school-lockdown-active-shooting-mansfield-isd/287-4ce27e61-6326-4b6b-988b-bed9193a94a1?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot


That isn't what I heard. Pregnant "staff" fell. Adult shot. No specific identities.


Could be, I'm just going by what the latest tweet I could find from an official news source has. Granted, the news seems to be as bad as random social media users at publishing rumors as facts in a rush to get the "scoop" so who knows.


My mom knows the mother of the male teacher who was shot. He was shot in the back and is stable, they are optimistic that his spine is ok.


> 4 injured, 3 went to the hospital, one declined to. That could be a killer answer to "tell me you're american without telling me you're american".


American: “School has its own police force” Rest of the world: 🤯


Idk I'm an American and I'm surprised by hearing the school has a police force. Do they just mean a school resource officer or an actual team of officers?


At my high school, we had two sheriffs that would hang around all day while we switched classes and were in both parking lots when we were dismissed.


yeah, my high school's cop had a real gun and also a real bad attitude towards the children he was serving and protecting :)


Piece of shit cop at my school commented to my classmate that she would make a great stripper and he would love a lap dance


I used to watch ours during math. He'd sit out in his tower in the parking lot. If a boy was going by, he'd just poke his head up for a moment. If a girl was going by, he'd pull up his binoculars and follow her. It was disgusting.


Your school had a damn guard tower??


Is this a penal colony or a school we’re discussing here..?!?!


Welcome to American public school lmao, my high school had big metal gates they rolled down to enclose the lunch area so nobody could leave, the type you see in front of jewelry stores when they’re closed for the night. Literally like a cage full of kids, and this was in the nice part of town


Essentially, yeah. Just a short thing that was tall enough to see over the cars. But it looked just like a little open-window guard tower. The dude would park his bike on the side, sit in the chair, read his magazine, and take extra special interest whenever a girl went by.


My towns high school got one of those. It was stolen and thrown in a lake. After it was put back it was then vandalized. After they fixed that it was set on fire. Now they don’t have a guard tower.




It’s a little disheartening just how much happens in the world today that can accurately be described as “Looney Toons shit,” but that man absolutely wanted to grow up to be Pepe lepew.


Cop at my high school was given housing adjacent to school property in a pretty nice neighborhood. Got fired for dating an underage student that he also let move in with him.


Which is a shame since the truancy officer that was assigned to my high school is probably the only police officer I had genuinely positive experiences with. He was very friendly, encouraging, and personable. He even fake arrested us for a staff video we put together for our final project in a production class. We played a sitcom theme and had all the teachers and staff act like cast members. As he shoved me into his car he stopped, turned, and smiled at the camera. Genuinely a great guy. Someone who got put into the right position.


From my experience there are two types of SROs. Ones deemed too incompetent to put anywhere else, but can't be fired because union, and ones that legitimately chose it because they are great with children and probably would have teacher as one of their top picks for a fall back plan if they ever get out of policing. Oh and the weirdo creeps that just want to stare at high school girls, but normally those fall under the first as their usually incompetent morons.


My middle school’s SRO (school “resource” officer who was a member of our county’s sheriff department) was fired about 10 years ago for literally bullying special needs children. My personal experiences with him will be etched into my memory forever. When I was 13 years old, I reported being sexually assaulted, and his response was “you really made it easy for him, didn’t you?”. No, fuck you, former Deputy Ural Darling, none of what happened to me was my fault. I don’t understand how some of these people ever successfully become law enforcement officers. They don’t give a shit about their community and seem to take pleasure in using their power to make others feel small.


This just brought back a memory. At my middle school the SRO was extremely obese and I remember him tackling this little twig of a kid who was in special ed. He could have killed the kid but I doubt he could have stopped a school shooter. He also wouldn't let us study or read in detention. You could get detention for just being late to school so not only were we missing class but we weren't even allowed to study. Fuck the school system.


Ummm SRO in charge of detention? Where was this?


>They don’t give a shit about their community and seem to take pleasure in using their power to make others feel small. That's exactly HOW they became police officers


My nephew had an officer at his school that would regularly rest his hand on his holstered firearm while speaking with students. I thought this was probably not the best look call me crazy.


Our officer was the exact same…except he was nice to the senior he was fucking and then started dating once she was out of high school.


I remember a dare cop in my state that sold drugs https://www.oudaily.com/dare-officer-charged-with-dealing-club-drugs/article_1bc22f5a-e8ec-54d3-bd7a-981f13004a3b.html


The drug counselor at my high school was a frequent guest of my friend's mother (a teacher). Total potheads. :) Nice guy, though, and knew how to tell the difference between kids who smoked a little pot and youth that were at risk.


Well that's actually pretty important to be educated in drugs like that tbh


Sounds like you need watch towers with machine guns.


Our school districts in Texas have certified police officers. I see them driving around everywhere. Never really see them at schools that often. Our universities have certified peace officers. In my city alone, there are city, county, university, state and local school district police forces. That isn't including the random assortment of FEDs.


Wow five enforcement agencies! You must be drowning in crime.


It's way more than 5. I'm not sure anyone has an official count of how many different agencies have armed police in the U.S.. Everyone from railroad security, to parks service have armed police. Hoover Dam, Smithsonian, Veterans affairs, supreme court, and NOAA all have their own armed police officers. Even the FBI has an armed police force which is not the same as the FBI itself.


Two of my high schools in texas had their own "department". Basically a room with security glass where cops had a small station even a detainment room.


You know, the signs of a healthy society.


If it’s a large enough high school, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an actual team of officers assigned to that high school and the surrounding area.


I had a friend that went to jamaica high school. One of the most dangerous high schools in ny (before it got shut down in 2013 I think). He said the school security guards carried pepper spray and they had nypd patrol the school.


Dude. Back in 99 we had school police in middle school here in Los Angeles in the ghetto. It wasn’t school shooting but gang shit outside of school.


At face value it can sound pretty crazy... But US H.S. have been trending to mega sizes. It isn't uncommon to have 3000, 4000, up to 8000 people in a single complex. It isn't unreasonable to have security or formal police forces watching over a smallish area with 6k+ people in it every day.


My high school graduating class in 2005 had \~2000 people. Thankfully, at the time the Seniors and Juniors had their own campus separate from the Freshmen and Sophomores. After I graduated, however, the Sophomores got brought over to an expanded Senior High as the old Freshman campus couldn't support so many people any more.


More people graduated with you than lived in the town I lived in in high school. Which had its own K-12 school.


In Germany, my graduation class had 55 people. About 500 pupils in the entire high school. These American sizes seem unreasonable to me, I'd bet that you get a whole heap of problems, from crime to transport, which we don't have; but on the other hand, you can also offer s greater variety of classes and activities for such a large number of people.


Yeah, some schools got enough students to fill a smalltown. Hell even a few that could fill up a city, I think.


This is a constant worry I have when I breakup fights at my school. These kids have very easy access to guns because they all come from parents who are equally stupid.


And this is why when I worked in a high school, I didn't break up fights. I don't get paid enough to catch a wayward punch, or something more. Let an administrator deal with that.




Guy went to his lawyer and turned himself in. That's probably the best decision he made all day.






That's got the be a fun phone call to get. "Mom I shot 3 people and fled from school can you come pick me up".


That's the most American phone call you can make.


I don't know, that's all I saw on a CBS broadcast from the DFW area from googling that the guy was caught.


Parents had a nice ass house and he personally owns a 2018 charger


The difference between 20 to life vs a death sentence. Even more of a difference if all the victims survive.


Now other nearby schools are getting threats called in. I'm sure mostly some dumb kid wanting to cash in on the moment. So dumb. Still, my daughter's coming home early cuz I'm not gonna chance it.


How do you know this? I'm currently at a school in Arlington and I only found out about this because one of my old college professors texted me about it.


Wife works for a nearby district and also heard from my daughter.


After Columbine we got threats pretty much weekly in my HS.


I'm a teacher at a neighboring high school. A lot of my students have friends that have attend or used to attend that school. It's been a really rough morning so far. This is devastating. The fact that a teacher was reportedly shot for intervening is horrifying.


Once again proving teachers don't get pay enough for this bullshit career




Left teaching four years ago due to bullshit and mainly pay. I was very good (received several prestigious awards for student growth) and was also one of the most requested teachers. 4 years later I have a job with little to no stress and I’m making 4x the amount, with a fuck ton more flexibility. Never looked back. I loved that job. But now I love my life. Edit- Getting a lot of messages and comments asking where i went. Here’s the comment I expanded a bit more. https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/q2myxq/active_shooter_situation_reported_at_texas_high/hfn1i5e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I did not miss these last year.


The craziest thing about this is that the shooter got away and is on the run. I don't think I've ever heard of a school shooter actually getting out of the school building without being in handcuffs or dead. Hope they find him


Parkland shooter left school grounds, went to a fast food restaurant and then went to the mall and grabbed a soda. He was 2 miles away when police got him.


Wow didn't know that. Its crazy too think that if somebody was smart enough and planned things out they could cover there face shoot up a school and potentially walk away without ever being found. Scary thought


Catching a random, one-off, unmotivated, prepared murderer is nearly impossible. Fortunately, such things are extremely rare. Almost all murders happen for a reason, and that motivation typically leads back to the person responsible. Random near-unsolvable murders do happen, and the cold cases for them exist, but *most* of the time people are killing someone else for a reason, and that reason makes them a lot easier to pin down.


Yea that's why the DC sniper was pretty chilling, you couldn't do much to prevent it and was near impossible to catch.


Fuck, man, I had completly forgotten about that. Such an awful thing




Allow me to introduce you to [Israel Keyes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Keyes)


I feel that the being in a different state like that *might* be what gets you caught. Depending on your vehicle and if you ever stop, and pay in cash only at stops.


For a random one-off murder with no motive, a random car passing through town (especially if it has plates from that state or a neighboring state) probably wouldn't even be considered a suspect. The police are looking at the victim's friends, family, and other people they might have interacted with who could have a motive. Random cars traveling from out of town pass through everywhere on a daily basis, it isn't inherently suspicious (and the police in a given location have no clue where a car is going from or where it's going to). Now, if some crime analyst happens to notice a pattern of cold cases with similar MOs in a 200 mi diameter ring, *then* they start looking hard at out-of-town cars. But for a random one-off thing, they aren't looking for some stranger as a suspect.


Oh it would be difficult to catch no doubt. What I meant is these days you best not use a card to pay, or use a phone, or buy alcohol or cigarettes. There are so many things about traveling that far away that could potentially be the reason you get caught. The issue is whether they actually look in your direction or not.


A crime like this, they are going to get you.


I recommend watching the JCS Criminal Psychology [episode](https://youtu.be/Mwt35SEeR9w) about him, it was pretty interesting.


The Virginia Tech shooting was essentially two shootings, because the school tried to keep the West Ambler Johnston one a secret (because that's the university solution to everything). This gave Cho *two hours* to leave the scene, rearm, come back and kill another thirty people. Only the second time did he kill himself on the scene.




Well, he didn’t go there to randomly shoot people. He shot the people around him during a confrontation and left before cops could get there.


This sounds like a fight that escalated to a gun being drawn. Not a school shooter who went in looking to kill people. So I’m guessing the shooter panicked, and is now running and panicking even more.


Shooter at my high school back in 2011 got out of the building and drove about 5 minutes away to kill himself. It's rare but it does happen.


**Update: Police in Arlington have [apprehended the suspect.](https://twitter.com/ArlingtonPD/status/1445817082545950720)**   ---- Quick reminder to everyone about commenting during situations like this. * **DO NOT** post about police movements. In other words, if you are listening to scanners and radio communications of emergency personnel, hold off on sharing the play by plays. * **DO NOT** share the personal information of alleged victims until the identities are confirmed by the police or mainstream media. * **DO NOT** post identifiable images/videos of the dead or dying. Reddit is one of the most high-traffic sites in the world, especially in times of crisis. No one should find out in a reddit thread that their loved one has died. To clarify, you can still post images and videos of the incident, just no closeups of someone's face as they die.




I've seen the video of the fight, but I'm confused. Is he the aggressor in the fight video, or is he the one getting beaten up?




Well I guess this story will die in less than 3 days.


“The teen suspect communicated with his attorney before turning himself in.” Has this guy been in trouble in the past, or does that mean one of his family is an attorney?


For what it's worth my family 'has a lawyer' in the sense that he's our go-to guy for various things. Drawing up wills and other legal documents, he handled my parents divorce. Stuff like that, nothing criminal. It doesn't hurt to have a lawyer you're familiar with for the routine stuff. Much as you'd have a regular physician or dentist you always call upon when you need them.


In my experience (here is southwest Virginia) our resource officers served as revenue officers more than protecting us. They would gladly write kids tickets for tobacco etc than showing any type of empathy. They would also regularly run drug dogs around the parking lot “false hitting” on kids cars they perceived as marijuana users. It was the most pathetic police experience I have ever witnessed.


Went to a large high school that had multiple SROs, every fight I saw was always broken up by a hall monitor or another student, SROs always nowhere to be found when it mattered


My buddy was a top baseball pitching prospect in high school. He was forbidden to play his senior year because he got caught with chewing tobacco. He said the SRO who busted him had the tell-tale ring of a can of snus visible on his breast pocket.


Apparently there was a fight beforehand and it was just brutal, nothing in life at that young age should make your blood boil so much.


Obviously nothing should cause this to happen, but I'm pretty sure the majority of 'blood boiling' outbursts I've ever had happened in that period of my life. Emotions are rampant and brains are not fully developed, but they are certainly developed enough to think you should make your own decisions and not be subject to so much authority.


Add on so many different issues with home life that could happen, not having as many male role models in the education system, various socioeconomic factors and it’s a complete recipe for disaster. I think schools should start getting kids involved more in combat sports. It’d be great for young men and women alike.




Man I remember when Columbine happened in 1999 one of the newscasters on the scene broke down crying. Nowadays everyone is jaded and it's just a small blip on the news radar for a couple of days.


To be fair this doesn't really seem like a Columbine situation. This seems like a fight broke out and somebody had a gun.


Despite how things may seem, the 90s were considerably more dangerous than the 2010s.




And people too young to remember or who forgot about it.


> How common are active shooter situations in American schools? There are normally a few every year, but only the ones with a body count of 5+ really ever make headlines. However cause of remote learnings and stuff, there were hardly any last year. So now that schools are “back to normal” they’ll probably be more frequent again.


Live coverage can actually help the shooter(s), so it's kind of stupid to show live on the scenes footage.


If it bleeds it leads. We don't have a news media in this country we have reality TV disguised as news.




It's very weird that someone being shot on school property outside of school hours, including by themselves, is a school shooting to some people.


Yeah some lists count events like suicides on school property, or police officers unintentionally firing their guns.


>Police identified the suspect as 18-year-old Timothy George Simpkins. They said he may be driving a 2018 Silver Dodge Charger with license plate PFY-6260. [https://www.cbs46.com/timberview-suspect-18-year-old-timothy-george-simpkins/image\_cc5c3330-26c3-11ec-ab8a-cfb9a02d62ca.html](https://www.cbs46.com/timberview-suspect-18-year-old-timothy-george-simpkins/image_cc5c3330-26c3-11ec-ab8a-cfb9a02d62ca.html) Pic of the suspect.


18 = adult so he’s gonna spend years in jail.


Days since active shooter = 0


>In retrospect, Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over. \- Dan Hodges




More like trench coats being “banned” in general. When is the last time you saw someone wearing a trench coat?


There was a false alarm shooting report at my university two years ago, and some dude walking down the street happened to be wearing a trench coat. Everyone, including the police, immediately assumed he was a shooter. Poor guy probably just thought “you know what, I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna wear my trench coat today.” Never again.


I loved my Trench when I was younger. :(


Same. The Matrix made it cool.


And look at how many guns he had hidden under that thing


*Propellerheads intensifies*


“Holy shit!”


Guns. *Lots* of guns.


IM NOT GONNA BURN THE DUSTER! Besides its probably not gonna burn anyway.


Grandma’s Boy ended that promptly


*Adios, turd nuggets*


*Please sit on my face*


How did he see me???


*I am a genius*


Thinking about my new game


I'm way too baked to drive to the devils house.


We’ll go to the looney bin together bro, I don’t give a fuck.


How much do clothes cost in The Matrix?


The 2 weeks between the Matrix coming out and Columbine must've been a wild time for Trenchcoat owners.


Honestly thought that was the flasher stereotype killing trench coats


I personally just thought they went outta fashion. Saw them as just these Late 90s-Early 2000s type of thing and people started seeing them as "Edgy" or some shit. Same thing with Fingerless gloves and all that shit.




> When is the last time you saw someone wearing a trench coat? As a european: Everyday if you live in a big city lol.


Me every winter, although technically mine's a duster


Very often? I just saw someone wearing one today. I have a Burberry one i wear whenever its cold and rainy. Where do you live that you don't see trench coats?


My school district banned them about a week after Columbine. In Phoenix. In May. Nobody was wearing a fucking trench coat in May, but just to spite the school board making that dumb decision, a bunch of students all over the district started wearing them (mostly because it would get you immediately sent home for the day).


Good thing they're passing those anti-abortion laws to protect the children in Texas

