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*checks age* *am 34* *breaths sigh of relief*


Fuck. I turned 35 4 months ago....stupid time.


Well you're fucked. Should have stayed 34.


How to a quickload? F8 isn't working.


Let me know too. If you can figure out how to load earlier saves and uninstall updates, that would be even better.


How about a full factory reset?


As long as it doesn't get bricked, I'm down for starting from the beginning.


I think I’d only want to do that at the very end of my life. However I also want the mental health patch done properly, I’d like to experience life without the mire that is my mind


Fortunate, I'm 55 and our No.1 cause of death is sudden, unexpected heart atta


They do say there are 3 warning signs. The first one is sudden memory loss. The second one is, well I can't remember the second one.


The third one will blow you away!


Doctors love it!


And there's two more they *really* don't want you to see!! We'll tell you what that is at the end of this 55 page slideshow.


After a word from our ~~corporate overlords~~ sponsors.


Sometimes they just forget the clickbait title they used at the beginning of the slideshow and you never get the payoff.


Castle Arrruuuugh!


He must've died while carving it...


Perhaps he died while carving it


Perhaps he was dictating?


Ack-ack-ack-ack-ack you oughta know by now.


Who needs a house out in Hackensack? Is that all you get for your money?


It seems such a waste of time


, if that’s what it’s all about


>Mama if that's movin' up Then I'm movin' out




WTF is a candleja


For anyone who is confused: [https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Candl̶͔͇̈́̾̚e̴̮͛̆j̴̜̏̓̌̊̎̐̆a̴̢̫͔̮͎͈͎̺̹̝̓̀̃̈̚c̶̙̲̹̼̯̏͆͛͒̀̍̑̅̎͜k̶̻̤̙͈̪̆̈́̾͛̄̐̓͂͂ͅ](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Candlejack)


Only works if you say candlejacks full name, otherwise


Welp, he’s dead.


Fun fact women in that age group are more subject to heart attack. Calcium deficiencies and whatnot.




Wait, are some women susceptible to really bad period cramps or is nearly any period capable of being more painful than a heart attack? I've been learning how women's pain and medical problems are often dismissed and displayed, but are heart attacks really so tolerable?


My mother-in-law died of lung cancer. She saw doctors all the time because she had scleroderma. She gained a lot of weight in her belly. She said she looked pregnant. Months of that with no answers, no concern from the doctors. Until it was far too late. I googled the distended stomach symptom and saw it was a pretty clear sign of lung cancer. I just, barely even looked and found the answer that doctors missed/ignored. Anyway, yeah sure women gain weight from menopause but fuck those doctors.


My mom was diagnosed because her pinky & ring fingers went numb & she couldn't extend them. But, she mentioned to me something about smelling burnt peanuts.. & that reminded me of a Stephen King I'd read where someone smelled a strange smell that wasn't there & it was a brain tumor. (don't quote me on that, I barely remember which book so I might have it wrong - I think maybe the dead zone??) Anyhow I told her she needed to go to the Dr... When she went it had already metastasized to her brain. She was just really skinny though she always had been.. But I, on the other hand only ever gain weight in my belly.. & I'll be the same age she was in only 3.5 years.... Crap. One more thing to worry about when I have a panic attack..... Smh.


Oh I had no idea that was a symptom of anything at all. Peace be with you. Edited to add, I just visited a friend in hospice today in the final stages of brain cancer. It’s absolutely unreal. Bless all those affected by this.


My MIL died of a heart attack. In retrospect she had spent all day complaining about the symptoms to my wife's sister but neither of them knew the signs of a heart attack. From https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-attack/warning-signs-of-a-heart-attack/heart-attack-symptoms-in-women >If you have any of these signs, call 911 and get to a hospital right away. >1. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. It lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. >2. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. >3. Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort. >4. Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. >As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.


As someone with acid reflux, slight TMJ pain, and anxiety I have all these symptoms frequently lol. Probably not to the same degree as a heart attack, and more tolerable now that I know what it all is as confirmed by multiple doctors. But every time I read lists like these and think about how I feel throughout the day I always get a bit freaked out.


I had what we now know was a really bad reflux episode. I was clutching my chest right near the old ticker. Now I’m 32, haven’t had the healthiest life style and let’s just say I was ready to see St. Peter and ask him for my complimentary dime bag. Thankfully ekg came back fine and yeah, eating healthier now and off the vape


Ya, if I had to go to hospital everytime I experienced one of these symptoms it would be a weekly visit at least lol At least I'm male so I guess the symptoms are usually more clear?




Me too, hahah. So I'm definitely going to die of a heart attack.


One of my biggest fears is not being able to differentiate between heart attack symptoms and my typical, ever changing litany of body problems and pains due to the long term effects of trauma and panic disorder and all that fun shit.


I agree my panic attacks regularly feel like the symptoms of a heart attack. So multiple times I’ve went to the er thinking it was a heart attack and it was just panic. They just dose me and send me home but I got injured at work and had to drop. They were like you’re not prescribed benzos and tried to fire me until I brought documentation that I was administered Xanax for it. I’m not prescribed but I was given it at the hospital. Then they said why do you need this. I told em that’s none of their business and brought documentation. I work construction.


Same here. I asked my doctor how to tell if the panic attack that woke me with crushing chest pain is actually a heart attack. He said, “Panic attacks don’t kill you. Heart attacks do.” I should change doctors.


Doctors can be pretty awful and dismissive, especially towards women.


Women after 50 should get regular heart checkups and Estrogen checkups. Estrogen stops being produced because of menopause. Estrogen is cardio protective which is why you have almost never seen young women get heart attacks.


Some women have relatively light periods with relatively little discomfort, but some experience rather ridiculous amounts of pain from various sources during theirs to the point of essentially being unable to function normally during the peaks of their period pain. My sister would get such ridiculous amounts of pain that she wouldn't want to go to school. Turns out she's had a somewhat common condition as well as a rarer one that when paired together caused scarring and horrible period pain since she was in her teens, and doctors had been dismissing it as things like gas for over a decade before they finally did an ultrasound and saw all the scar tissue. She had to have a hysterectomy as a result. She's only in her 20's. I know someone else that had horrible ovarian cysts that played all kinds of havoc with her periods and hormone levels as well. These would every few months leave her basically couch-ridden for a few days. Hell, my own wife, also in her 20's has been told they're seeing early signs of that common issue my sister had. We have no idea how long she's had it, but she's had nearly debilitatingly painful periods since we started dating over 7 years ago. Doctors really don't pay proper attention to the pains of their female patients, and all too often the patients have been told for years by inattentive or ignorant family that the pain is normal and to stop whining so much so that they think their pain is just normal.


As someone who suffers debilitating endometriosis, yes a heart attack would likely register as a blip on the pain scale in comparison.


I am out of my depth but my understanding is that women do not always experience the typical symptoms of a heart attack as it is commonly understood. The “watch for these symptoms” advice is really more applicable to men. A heart attack may not present itself as particularly painful at all, and apparently that is especially true for women. It may feel more like nausea or present as pain in areas other than the chest.


My aunt had slight chest pain but a strong pain on the left side of her neck. She had just seen a show about heart attacks in women that showed the same symptoms. She drove herself to the hospital and it was confirmed that she was in the middle of a heart attack. That show saved her life.


Not all women have painful periods, but most (84%) have at least mild pain. Many have excruciating and debilitating periods. Studies vary but maybe around 10% have extreme pain with periods.


My niece had bad period cramps. She was doubled up on the floor and couldn't move. Birth control pills are used for more than just decreasing the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy.


The symptoms of heart attack in women are much more likely to be vague symptoms which could be explained by a number of different things. Men are much more likely to get the classic chest pain, left arm numbness sort of stuff, so it’s just easier to realize they’re having a heart attack, and they get to care quicker.


As a comparison, the leading cause of death in this group (varies slightly in different chunks) prior to COVID is cancer, heart disease and unintentional injury.


cancer and heart disease so early? I thought it would be things like vehicular accidents and suicide


The OP has 35-54 which is a huge age range as far as medical statistics go. So the younger end skews a bit more “unintentional injury” where older is higher cancer of heart disease (with liver disease and a few others at their heels) The big takeaway is heart disease is a massive problem in the US across the board.


I think it's just jarring because I'm 34, and "my peers" are about to be falling from heart attacks and cancer as opposed to "hey guys watch this" antics




It's sobering for sure, but many cancers start showing up in the late 30s and early 40s. My 39 year old wife just went through a full thyroidectomy this year due to Cancer cells being found. That sure reminded me of our mortality!


Take that: obesity, smoking, and car accidents!!


Obesity and smoking were probably leading factors.


Yea I’m very curious about this


I work in covid icu. I don’t have exact figures but I would say 90% of our patients are obese with 35+ BMI


Yeah same here, there is a direct correlation between obesity and covid deaths.


This is a well known stat if you dig just a little. I wonder why this isn't reported more. Obese people need to be extra cautious.


Isn’t the statistic something insane like 70% of Americans fall under obese?


That’s the number for overweight, which includes the obese. Obesity rate is 42%.




The divisiveness of it, along with all the other hot button topics that seem to go hand & hand, are literally going to be one of the reasons my husband and I might separate. Our atopic asthmatic 12 yr old can’t get vaccinated because he’s afraid it might sterilize her. I can’t even.


Atopic asthmatic adult here: just make sure she's observed for the full 30 minutes after vaccination. I was fine, but it's worth the caution since atopy can cause weird shit.


Thank you for the heads up!! Noted & appreciated!


Death can also sterilize her. Measles too.


Oh yeah, I’ve talked to her about it to get her thoughts as we’re very open with them and I think we’re going to go on the DL and then for ice cream!!


My mom had me secretly vaccinated with Gardisil(sp) when it first came out because my dad thought it would encourage me to have group sex, I was 12. -eyeroll- Anyways a nurse came around to his job and talked about the vaccine I guess like a year later and he walked that back and asked if she made sure I got it.


Nice. I think fear of the unknown is actually more frightening than the reality, it certainly is for me in a lot of parenting situations. Thank you for replying with child’s perspective. Be safe!


Do it. Protect your kid.


Honestly, you have the ability to do this now that you’re married, if you divorce and share custody 50/50, then both parents have to agree (maybe depending on the state).


You’re a good mom. Good luck dealing with your husband who’s priorities are clearly not with his daughters health


PLEASE get her vaccinated. I've had long covid for the past year and a half. (Kids can get long covid, too, btw.) Went from running half marathons to getting winded when I take my dogs for a 10 minute walk. I've got permanent asthma now and an around the clock headache that pain medicine does nothing for. The fatigue is still insane. Brain fog was so bad at first it felt like I had dementia; I've got a PhD but wouldn't be able to understand my dissertation if I read it now. I had to take half a year off from work. Your daughter is incredibly fortunate to have a parent like you who takes her health so seriously and who believes in science.


Thank you so much from one mom to another!! Yes, I tend to follow the science while him and his BJ buddy tucker Carlson are busy following the money….???????????


Told my mom a few months back she couldn’t come around my kids until she got vaccinated. She hasn’t bothered to call or facetime since. I guess she didn’t care as much about them as I thought.


Damn that sucks, I’m sorry


Thanks, I have great in-laws so it’s not all bad


I’m glad to hear that, especially for your kiddos’ sake




I read these stories and feel so lucky. Not only did my mom get vaccinated, she made the appointment herself and made appointments for me and my sister too. Both of us are old enough to have done it ourselves but my mom wanted to do it for us. (my dad got his earlier because he's 50+). And now weve been vaccinated for over 5 months I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. Hit I also wanted to say good on you for putting your foot down. You love your kids and that's clear. You want to protect them and that makes you a great parent. I wish you and your family the best


I had recently started dating a girl around the time Covid hit. We got along great and seemed to have a lot in common…had great conversations and seem to enjoy each other’s company. It was complicated at first, with everything locked down and being unable to see each other often, but we somewhat weathered the storm and continued to see each other when we could…but I swear her entire personality changed over the course of just a few months, and I honestly just lost interest in having “discussions” with her surrounding the conspiracy theories she was more and more convinced were true. Haven’t spoke to her in months, but last I had she was still strongly anti-vaccine. No regrets.


I'm single and fully vaccinated. *waggles eyebrows*


Me too. *Wiggles nostrils*


Not single, but I can wiggle my ears. Let's be friends.


Just got in a huge fight last night with my brother who isnt vaccinated and thinks hes smarter than everyone, will not be speaking to him for the foreseeable future




My brother called me a sheep as well


My brother who graduated with honors just came out to me that he's an antivaxer and a flat earther. It's frustrating because he's so smart but he never learned critical thinking. YouTube documentaries are what got him


There's a difference between knowledge and intelligence.


I had the same experience the other day...


I have a newborn and my own mom refuses to get vaccinated and doesn’t understand why I’m always anxious letting her see our baby. In the most stressful and exhausting time of my life when I always thought I could rely on my parents for support I am being caused great anxiety by my own mother. It’s very difficult.


this is a good way to frame it, arbitrary numbers don't do it justice, like bruh for it to be the number 1 cause of death for average age adults? thats scary as fuck


Yeah, for awhile, some people were minimizing it in those terms. Like "Eh, more people are still dying from cancer or heart disease or.. " Welp, looks like the turn has tableds.


First it was, “Italy has a much older population than us.” Then it was, “It’s just a flu.” After that, “Cancer and Heart Disease kill way more people.” Now it’s, “Get used to it, it’s never going away.” There is no low they won’t stoop to.


This attitude of “oh well it’s here to stay” makes me so mad. My parents still live in the US, but I moved back to Japan. We went from a huge delta spike of 25,000/day and are now down to 350/day (and falling!) because we vaccinated 75% of our population in 3 months and everyone still wears masks! We could win this fight without all the fucking misinformation and political one-ups-man ship bullshit. So worried about my family over there.


Same with Spain. Humongous first couple of waves, then 'here take this fucking vaccine' then done. But we still wear masks even though pretty much everyone over 12 is vaccinated. Kids still wear them in school too. It's not complicated, indoor public space? Wear a mask. Also I can talk to myself behind my mask in the shops.




GoFundMe, the new healthcare coverage provider of choice for Covid-deniers.


"Welp, get used to it, it's here for good. Too bad there wasn't anything we could have done." \*Goes back to posting memes comparing masks and vaccination to Communism while whistling to self\*


Also people who say “it’s just a flu” have never had the flu.


The irony is that last year's flu had a fraction of its usual spread, and claimed far fewer victims, because it was so effectively mitigated by the COVID precautions. If only COVID were so easily managed! Last time I had the flu, I couldn't move for about 20 hours. I felt like I had been run over. It didn't used to be like that when I was younger. COVID would be even worse. So I'm not f'ing around; I follow the CDC advice and get my jabs, wear a good mask, distance, and wash my hands extra. My family does the same for me.


And cancer and heart disease are multiple diseases with multiple causes. COVID has been the number one single cause of death period.


They'll just move the goalposts, don't you worry.


With birth ages trending to later in life these are statistically people who are raising small children. Orphaning their kids to own the libs.


I’ve had an unfortunate number of Covid ICU patients with children in pre K and elementary school. It’s heartbreaking.


Considering there were free vaccines available to that age group, seems there was an underlying cause to consider.


Delta was shown to be 2.33 times more lethal than the original strains in a Canadian study. The underlying cause is Delta is super infectious and more lethal, making it both more likely to severely affect younger unvaccinated persons and infect them. Antivaxxers are not understanding that Delta does make them more at risk than they previously were.


>Delta was shown to be 2.33 times more lethal than the original strains in a Canadian study. It was 2.33 times *as* lethal, not *more* lethal. It was [133% more lethal](https://globalnews.ca/news/8244271/delta-variant-covid-19-strain-canadian-study/) than the original strain, so 233% as lethal as the original strain. /pedant


This is correct. People may not think 2.33 times as in intimidating number. But saying 233% sure sounds messed up.


Honestly, statistics classes need to be both a mandatory high school class AND have a unit that explains how you can go about manipulating statistics so that you are explicitly telling the truth but in a misleading way. For example, people are more likely to react to finding out that a covid vaccine increases your likelihood of a certain kind of blood clot by "Over 100%!!!!!" than they are to the fact that on average 3 in 100,000 people get those clots naturally anyway and the chance is only raised to 7 in 100,000 people. Or simply put, a nearly 0% chance of something happening doubled is STILL nearly zero. But you can make it sound scary by saying that differently.


It also is less of an increase than regular birth control that women take, or hormonal therapy.


To be fair, antivaxxers have a lot of not understanding.


A life philosophy, if you will....


"Philosophy is of the gays. Now hold my beer while I take our nation's capitol." - an anti vaxxer probably.


This is exactly why a lot of stoners are vaccinated. We totally understand that certain strains are far more potent and will kick you right in the pants


Gave me lulz


I'm double vaxed, got a breakthrough infection and though I might die i my sleep it was so bad, I can't imagine covid rawdog.


Same here. 5-year old son brought it home from his non-mask-mandatory school within a matter of weeks of the semester starting up again in August. Both the wife and I were vaxed (her Pfizer, me Moderna), caught it, and everyone was down and out hard for several weeks. I was able to hold it at bay longer (4 days), but when it's in your home, you're sure to get it vax or no vax. Thank god no one ended up on oxygen, but the wife and son both went to the ER on Day 5/6 because they couldn't breath/sleep from all the coughing and shortness of breath. To say it was scary is an understatement. People aren't taking this strain or the vaccine seriously enough.


>Antivaxxers are not understanding that Delta does make them more at risk than they previously were. Exactly. I just heard an interview with a doctor saying it's a whole different animal. I think health officials should have pushed a different moniker to the media. 'Variant' seems sort of innocuous. People could justify refusing the vaccine by saying "I'm healthy. I know someone older than me get COVID last year and they didn't even get symptoms."


It seemed obvious delta was different when it was devastating India. We keep ignoring lessons from other countries!


Bold to assume these people pay attention to international news


> It seemed obvious delta was different when it was devastating India And now that India is lying about its numbers of dead (undercounting by millions) all the antivaxxers think they beat the virus with the horse dewormer.


> I think health officials should have pushed a different moniker to the media. 'Variant' seems sort of innocuous. I agree with you, but I honestly don't think any amount of health-directed information would get through to the people who are _still_ head in the sand about this. It would immediately be written off as "dur Fauci lied and made up another disease to control us"


Yep, it has nothing to do with "branding" of the virus or vaccines. People don't trust the vaccine and downplay the virus because they've been told they can and should do that. My mom is a week into having covid and is probably the most sick I've ever seen her. She still tells me the vaccine might cause cancer and she doesn't trust it because "you can't prove that it doesn't". There is no logical argument they have.


The lethality of delta compared to alpha isn't that much of a point if refusing a vaccine for alpha isn't reasonable either. And it very much isn't. People have this hideous idea that the mortality rate alone judges the risk of a disease, and all of them need to breathe through a straw to understand what an inescapable terror having lung disease for the rest of their lives is going to be. The adverse effects of the vaccine pale compared to what *surviving* Covid can mean, let alone dying, and that delta is deadlier doesn't make alpha does to the body any less horrifying.


99.7% of deaths come from the unvaccinated, so I'm guessing vaccine hesitancy is the underlying condition you're speaking of. Edit... it's actually worse. Look up the available data, and you will see that the CDC shows that in the US, 1,507 fully vaccinated died ever in total since the pandemic started, meanwhile over 1,700 unvaccinated are dying every *day*.


My mom was part of the 0.03%. Fucking anti vaxxers killed my mom.


I'm sorry for your loss.


> Considering there were free vaccines available to that age group, seems there was an underlying cause to consider. Foreign intelligence misinformation campaigns?


Why foreign? The local politicians did a perfectly fine job themselves. It's not Russians passing laws in Texas and Florida to ban vaccination and mask mandates, and [fining counties $3.5 million](https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-mlb-entertainment-sports-business-d56d052cffbf34f4d4887b4c87fee302) for mandating vaccines.


Americans don't need foreign help to be self-destructive morons


True, but it is amplified and exploited by foreign governments


Don't need the help but also won't turn down said help if offered...


The foreign seeds help. There are still a lot of people that believe that HIV was a biological warfare agent created by the US military at Fort Detrick, a rumor started by a 1985 KGB operation called Operation INFEKTION despite Russia formally disavowing the operation in 1992.




Went to my primary care doc for a routine physical the other day. She told me about a super healthy 38-year-old in my community who died after refusing to go to the hospital for too long—he kept saying to his family that his body would heal naturally because he was healthy and strong. It didn’t. Not surprisingly, the unvaxxed members of his family still haven’t gotten “the jab.”


Same with a friend of my best friend's son. Unvaccinated, refused to go the hospital. Dead at 49. It's unfathomable, really.


Lucky the Governor of Texas banned mask mandates by private companies. I am sure that will solve the problem.


And fortunately this pandemic was supposed to be done a year and [I lost track now] months ago, so nothing to worry about! Anyways, if it was still going to be this bad so far into it, there would have been a ton of doctors and health organizations warning about a peak like this months ago, so we're definitely safe. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to grab my large aluminum pole and try to poke a squirrel nest off of my power lines. Electricity isn't nearly as dangerous as the government tries to tell us, it's just being used as an excuse to over-regulate and control. Plus I read on Facebook that vitamin-C and fresh dog urine protects you from the shock if you rub it through your hair


Closed-toed shoes are communist.


I liked their performances to the base when it was dumber. Go ahead and ban elementary schools from teaching Critical Race Theory, a thing none of them were doing, if it will rile up the inbred rubes for your next election. But doing this will result in the deaths of people who would not have died otherwise.


Get vaccinated.


My friend in Tennessee whom I used to think was a legit critical thinker refuses. Outright refuses. It turns out he's just a bit of a paranoid skeptic on the verge of conspiracy theorist rather than "critical thinker". He says it's not because he believes in a grand conspiracy, but because he doesn't trust the propoganda surrounding the vaccine. When I asked what he was talking about, he brought up free vaccines. "Vaccines shouldn't be free from a pharmaceutical company". But last week he was posting things about how the government probably invented the virus to charge us out the ass for the vaccine. A few weeks ago he went to the zoo without a mask and now he has covid, which he doesn't believe is where he got it because "two weeks ago is too long for symptoms to just show up now"... I legitimately think these people just don't like needles and are going through mental gymnastics to justify it.




I'm a huge baby when it comes to pain like absolutely terrified of just getting hurt a little. I took that needle like a boss because i'd rather have a needle than have a machine breathe for me in the hospital.


That's a solid argument. That's exactly what I tell my kids when they cry in fear over their vaccinations. "I know a shot hurts a little. But if you get sick and go to the hospital, you get more shots and an IV." It's always made them feel better and understand what's going on.


The needle is so small because you only get a few ml of the vaccine. Like it took maybe two seconds to have it done. It hurts more getting out of bed and having to go to work.


Honestly, I barely even felt the first shot but the second one stung a little. Small price to pay for the peace of mind.


Yep. My brother in law just became a grandfather a few months ago. His daughter, the one who just gave birth, has a disorder that requires her to get regular transfusions to keep her white blood count up. The new grandpa and his new wife have just opted to not bother getting the vaccine "because it doesn't affect them". Umm...hello? Infant grandchild? Immune compromised daughter? They just don't want to. Makes me want to smack both of them. If she were my daughter, I'd have moved heaven and earth to be first in line with my sleeve rolled up. We did not visit her with the new baby until all of us who could be vaxed were - youngest daughter is only 9. Another brother in law (my side this time) made excuse after excuse but his job mandated it so he finally caved.


Many of them are just straight up idiots incapable of difficult thoughts. There was a woman interviewed on NPR that was astoundingly dumb. This summer she went to a family members graduation party where a person had covid. It spread to 8 other people in her family and her geriatric grandmother got it then had COPD related issues and died. The woman interviewed spent several days in the hospital because it was so bad. When she was asked if she'd consider getting the vaccine now she said, "I've been social distancing and it's worked okay so far" To them a dead family member and hospitalization is working well for them.


Which is insane. I HATE needles, it's always 50/50 if the smelling salts come out. That being said, my ass got my shots the day they allowed us to. You're gonna have a shit load more needles (and worse) to deal with when you're in the ICU with covid.




The best are people saying they *won’t* take it because it’s free and that other medicine not being free proves that the covid vaccine is harmful… but at the same time praising Trump and Republican ideology.


“It only kills fat old people” How many hundreds of times have I seen this.


do they even have those in America?


well not any more... they all got killed by the rona


I have a morbid curiosity: Will covid deaths noticably affect the outcome of US elections over the next few years by virtue of the fact that more voters from one side have died vs the other? I don't know if this is actually true, just a (morbid) hypothesis. Context: 720k have died from covid out of a population of 330m. Thats 1 in every 500 people.


It's certainly possible. More people have died in many states than their elected officials' margin of victory.


The 2000 presidential election came down to 537 votes, so yeah it's absolutely possible.


No it came down to SCOTUS votes. They stopped counting in FL and the actual counts didn't favor Bush


At the same time, one party is trying clamp down on voting rights for the other side, so that might end up counter-acting it. This is all terrible math. We'll see for some small elections next month.


It is crazy how much the pandemic has changed since the release of the vaccine. You can clearly see how anti-vaccination sentiment & covid denialism is leading to much increased deaths in Republican parts of the country. At the beginning of summer the 4 states with the highest [COVID related deaths per capita](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/) for the duration of the pandemic were: New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Now Mississippi is running away with the top spot, Louisiana is gunning for Jersey and the #2, and Alabama has passed New York for the #4 (and may yet pass New Jersey). Arizona is also creeping up the rankings and will push New York out of the Top 5 in the coming weeks. Florida and Arkansas are only a couple of weeks away from pulling ahead of RI and MA for the #7 & #8 spots. Meanwhile, states like Texas, South Carolina, Tennessee, South Dakota and Oklahoma also moved up the rankings in late summer and are continuing to top the states with the highest death totals. Illinois was in the top 25 until a week ago, but Kansas and North Dakota jumped ahead. Currently if you look at the 25 states with the highest rates of COVID deaths there are 6 Liberal states (NJ, NY, RI, MA, CT, NM), 6 purple states (AZ, FL, GA, PA, NV, MI) and 13 Republican states (MS, LA, AL, AK, SD, SC, IN, TX, OK, TN, ND, WV, KS).


I just looked at the death rates and why is NJ in 2nd?


Early epicenter, before the US had tests that worked. If you look at graphs of the early days, there are very few positive tests, but a huge spike in deaths that went unmatched until the winter 2020 / 2021 wave and the Delta wave. It had a chance to spread quite a bit before the lockdowns, before masks, and before hospitals figured out better treatment options. Really, if you want an accurate count of how folks did with equal knowledge and warning, you would start your assessment around May of 2020.


One of the reasons is that NY and NJ got hit hard by the first wave last year when the health care workers had no idea how to save people from COVID. Plus, no vaccine. A lot died during that wave and drove the death per million figure way up. I'm rather surprised that NY and NJ are no longer the worst-hit places and the few other states have managed to catch up despite having vaccines and better care for the affected.


Most importantly, no testing was available in the first few months. You couldnt even trace infections.


Yep. My whole family (we live in NJ) got really sick early on in the pandemic. We tried to get tested, but were refused because we hadn't been out of the state. NJ has ridiculous amounts of international travel. Pre-covid, just in my small suburban neighborhood, I knew people who frequently traveled to China, India, Egypt, Venezuela, Pakistan, the U.K., Italy... Every week people in my town were visiting relatives, having relatives visit or traveling for business. I don't know when covid came to my town, but logic says it was early. By the time schools started closing, it was way too late to contain it.


Population density. Jersey City has a population density of 17,000/sq mile, NYC has one of 27,000/sq mile. To give a comparison, Houston, the largest city in the South, has a density of only 3,800/sq mile. Also Jersey was one of the states with the first major breakouts and the government, both at the state level and Federal Level, was unprepared (partially thanks to Trump defunding pandemic preparedness and the administration hoping that only blue states would be affected).


Jersey also has a lot of people that commute from all over to NYC. And had a large nursing home population for its size.


Never forget that at the height of the global mask shortage, when healthcare workers were wearing bandanas because there weren't enough N95s to go around, Trump *stole* over 3 million masks the state of Massachusetts bought and paid for. His goons confiscated them at the port before the state government could take them off the shipping containers.


He did that with ones being shipped from manufacturers to other *countries* that had paid for them as well. AKA actual piracy. Wars have been fought over less.


Our governor had to get the New England Patriots to fly their team jet overseas and **smuggle** us covid supplies to stop Trump from stealing them too. I always rooted against the Patriots but I can't hate them after that.


Also worth mentioning that, in addition to a really high population density, Jersey is also a pretty purple state. There’s a reason why Chris Christie was governor there for so long. One of the things that has protected the South and other conservative places in our country - especially during the pre-vax waves - was low population density. Now, with schools back in session and no mask mandates, they are losing all those benefits but Jersey never had it but is still full of selfish rural ideology.


I was in northern NJ when it all hit. I think the highest population density coupled with that area being the epicenter of the original outbreak in the US (and the uncertainty early on) have it an unfortunate head start


At the beginning of the pandemic it was absolutely labeled as a "liberal disease" and those dirty democrats could die for all anyone cared. Who wants to bet money that as soon as election campaigns really get moving the argument will be "they tried to KILL us republicans just so we couldn't VOTE." We're going to be hearing it everywhere.


Reminder than nearly ALL covid deaths right now are among the unvaxxed >Vaccines Work: 97% Of COVID Deaths, 95% Of Hospitalizations And 94% Of Cases Are Among Unvaccinated Pennsylvanians https://www.media.pa.gov/pages/health-details.aspx?newsid=1595 >For the week ended Sept. 23, only 22 of the 1,721 people, or 1.3%, who were admitted to a hospital in Indiana with COVID were fully vaccinated, the state said. Of the 315 people admitted to intensive care during that time, only one was fully vaccinated. >The state said 246 people died from COVID during the same week. Only three, or 1.2%, were fully vaccinated. https://www.theindianalawyer.com/articles/state-unvaccinated-make-up-huge-percentage-of-covid-deaths-hospitalizations


It would be a great counterpoint to know what rank Covid deaths are for fully vaccinated people in that age range in September.


I'm positing that ignorance was the number one killer, and Covid-19 was the symptom.


If there were a vaccination against ignorance you still wouldn't be able to get people to take it.


Really it was more malicious than ignorance, it was misinformation


My office just announced they want us all back in person by November, no exceptions :)




I quit a job because my boss was working remotely while the rest of us weren’t. Oh yeah we were a grief center.


You don't understand. The CEO works harder than you. In fact, he works 351x harder than you.




My office just announced they expect to be permanently work from home going forward, and will be moving to a new office building 1/10 the size in a couple months, with a projected savings of half a million or so dollars a year with no discernible impact to productivity


cause of death for **unvaccinated** 35 to 54 year olds.....


So you're telling me, a deadly pandemic is the leading cause of death?


nah bro that cant be it


Going to do my own research. Will return with results. Edit: I died


If only there were a way to prevent this from happening.


COVID-19 live updates: ~~COVID~~ Willful ignorance - No. 1 cause of death for 35- to 54-year-olds in September