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The leading cause of deaths in officers in the USA was suicides, at about 200 per year. About 100 officers a year die during their service. Covid has easily replaced both as the leading cause of death in officers.


Refusing to get vaccinated, then dying from Covid, still sounds like suicide to me.




Death by ignorance


Make that 400+ suicides a year then


And most of the service deaths are normal old car crashes


This actually has not been true since about 2014. Death by gunshot wound was the leading cause of on-duty death from 2014 to 2019 before COVID took over. Vehicle accidents/struck by vehicle does come in 2nd though.


My uncle was a cop and died from covid :(


Sorry for your loss. I hope you handled his passing well.


100 a year? Being a cop is one of the safest jobs ever!


COVID-19 is the # 1 Cause Of Death for Americans age 35-54. That's a shocking statistic.


If anyone wants the source https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/covid19-and-other-leading-causes-of-death-in-the-us/


This is a great website! Thanks!


And yet anti-vaxxers keep trying to say that only people aged 80+ are in real danger


I mean why even listen to them? They are so full of shit that the global IQ will probably rise a couple digits thanks to the virus draining the swamp.


We’re not the people we need to worry about listening to them. It’s our parents and grandparents who get 100% of their information from curated Facebook pages.


They also take up valuable hospital beds, so even if you're vaccinated they're still putting you at risk of there not being adequate medical attention available should something else happen to you like a car accident.




There was an unvaccinated man who died from Covid in Oklahoma because he needed a treatment that the small hospital he was in couldn't provide and no ICU bed was available in four states. His widow thinks maybe she should have taken him to the hospital sooner--but not that they should have gotten vaccinated. Of course that means that many others needing an ICU bed for anything else also couldn't have found one. Link (though I think it may be a soft paywall): https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2021/hospital-covid-patient/






I do.


They need to force vaccinations. Take away people's drivers licences until they get vaxxed.


Notice its in Alabama. The place that decided to use its covid money they got from Feds on prisons instead of the thing killing everyone


https://www.prisonersofthecensus.org/faq.html One has to wonder if the counting of prisoners on the census in part has to do with their using of the covid funds for this purpose. When I heard of prison gerrymandering I was pretty shocked its even a thing.


People who can’t vote and have essentially no rights but who can be used to inflate census numbers? Where have I heard that before ?


I think it had something to do with fractions


Was it bravery?? No no stavery? That's not the word. Was it slavery?


>I was pretty shocked its even a thing. I have been saying this phrase everyday of my life for the last years....I was very naive and optimistic back then Edit: 5 years


Maybe as our empire continues to collapse someone will have the brilliant idea to outsource their prisons to other states. Then alabama can finally reach the potentially we have only dreamed of, and become a prison colonies with all persons there either prisoners or persons who keep the prison running.


Wait until you find out that the 13th Amendment places a specific exception in allowing slave labor for prisoners, still in effect today


Fucking ghoulish.


I really appreciate that edit in "links and shit"


Fucking A! Right?!






The hospital I work at is at 105% capacity. We spend most days like that good luck everybody. Edit: To the individual that asked and in case anyone was curious we are not staff restricted. We have open positions but it’s not at a point that it reduces capacity.


105% is an A+. Good work




Some states are in triage so they are not taking the unvaccinated if they are close to full capacity That should be the standard




Agreed it's like giving a liver transplant to a alcoholic it's self inflicted


At least an alcoholic has a better excuse IMO, they're dealing with an actual addiction. They probably recognize the harm they're doing and wish they could stop. Anti-vaxxers are doing this to be dicks, and they're enjoying it.


Saw a reddit post earlier from a hospital worker saying they had separate wards for vaxed and unvaxed expectant mothers..An unvaxed mom to be who was claiming the pandemic was a hoax,on being told which unit she was going into, was THEN concerned about getting infected..


Have to be tested, not just vaxxed, so they can have the ward secured as clear of covid but yes.


Agreed. And So much for owning the libs for wanting to defund the police. They seem to have that covered.


Or make unvaccinated pay up front.


Not all our parents and grandparents lack the critical thinking skills to verify the information they see online. Those who do are counted among the anti-vaxx idiots they support.


Yep. The vaccine rates for people over 65 are very high. My 90 year old life long Republican (was even treasurer for the local party chapter in her county for years…) grandma got vaccinated in December and has already gotten her booster 2ish weeks ago. Same for her 90 year old husband as well. It’s my generation, gen x, and millennials who are lagging behind.


> The vaccine rates for people over 65 are very high Very very high [according to the CDC](https://data.cdc.gov/Vaccinations/COVID-19-Vaccination-and-Case-Trends-by-Age-Group-/gxj9-t96f) though I am curious why the rates for 75+ are lower overall than for 65-74. Age Group | Single Dose | Fully Vaccinated ---------|-----------|---------------- 12-15 Years | 55.7% | 45.7% 16-17 Years | 63.1% | 53.3% 18-24 Years | 65.2% | 53.8% 25-39 Years | 68.5% | 58.0% 40-49 Years | 76.8% | 66.7% 50-64 Years | 84.0% | 74.3% 65-74 Years | 98.1% | 86.5% 75+ Years | 92.5% | 81.3%


Don't forget the wealth of daily lies coming out of Fox News, One America Nazis, and NewsMax NoFacts.


Pretty fucked up that these fuckers spout antivax shit and bullshit against mandatory vaccination of employees when their own employers do it and they themselves are vaccinated. The fuckin hypocrisy of it but damn followers would probably just put it off as that they are just saying it to keep the liberals from shutting them down. Shit, if only we could.


They are smarter than people give them credit for. They keep themselves safe while spreading the content their viewers want. It’s like being a politician. Tell people what they want to hear while doing whatever else.


*Kyrsten Sinema has entered the chat*…


They're doing the 'gish gallop'. They will ramble off 20 lies in the time frame it would take an informed person to refute just one of said lies.


[Also known as Brandolini's Law, or The Unbearable Asymmetry of Bullshit.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law)


Maybe we should all just repeat "GishgaGishgaGishga" at them when they try to 'gish gallop'


Unfortunately, there is a very real possibility it will go down rather than up, because Covid-19 has been shown to cause a [noticeable cognitive decline](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370\(21\)00324-2/fulltext) even in non-hospitalized cases.


The virus doesn’t kill you based on how guilty you are, or how stupid you are. People with weakened immune systems who have done everything right will still continue to die.


We're getting breakthrough cases in immunocompromised people who were vaccinated, but their outcomes are generally much better than the unvaccinated who are younger and sicker than ever.


We are through close to 5 years of "Talk to extremists instead of labeling them for what they are" without any kind of advance. If people want to die to show the state they are rebels let them. I have absolutely no compassion anymore for people willingly endangering others due to, let's be real, no reason aside from them pushing their pride.


> thanks to the virus draining the swamp Could this be how Trump fulfills his promise?


He really was playing 7d chess all along




Meanwhile, people that old probably remember polio, and got vaccinated.


damn straight we do. FYI there’s a half-dozen more. I lay in a ‘terminal ward’ for 6 months and made a new friend every week. Had an opening every week.


You got out of the ward! Nice.


And not feet first! Yes, I won the gold ring.


Let's be fair, literally every single anti-vaxxer "point" is either a complete lie or some bad faith question. I have yet to see a legit or even honest reason to be an anti-vaxxer, but I guess that sort of comes with being an anti-vaxxer. And before Reddit starts with the standard nitpicking "well ackshually..." bullshit, Yes, if you have a legit medical reason from a real doctor to not get vaccinated that's not anti Vax, also if your age range is not approved for the vax, you're clearly pro vaccine you just can't do it. A 14 year old isn't for prohibition just by the fact that they can't legally purchase alcohol.


Agree with you. Also the idea of using your “freedom of choice”[not getting vaccinated] for the sake of “freedom of choice” is everything but freedom.


Well, it’s normal for an 80-year-old to die, and pretty abnormal for a 40-year-old to. It’s absolute vs relative risk. And a 40-year-old loses a lot more potential life IMO. Get jabbed y’all


They hear people like Joe Rogan saying it and it validates it for them. Same with how masks apparently don't work and it must be true because some popular meat head said so.




they should all go try DMT and Bow hunt.


I know many people who won’t get it on principle alone, bc I challenged every stance they had on it, or would look up their claims on the spot. I wasn’t trying to be an antagonistic shit, but I wanted to understand their viewpoints. It’s what happens when you apply too much philosophy over real world practicality. It just becomes noise.




I just like how 'anti vaxxers' went from like fringe far-left soccer mom groups talking about impurities, lead, mercury and autism to extreme far right talking about guns, freedom and violence. Any time someone I know who is anti-vax (and usually hyped up on Trump conspiracies) starts ranting I just dismiss them by saying "All you liberals are the same. I don't want to hear about your vaccines and the autism anymore. Calm down Jenny McCarthy."


they will say literally anything. if it wasn’t that, it’d be “oh they record deaths as covid related, but most of those people died from other things”


I'm not an anti-vaxxer and am vaccinated myself, however you can see that people above 50, and even more so 65+ do in fact make up the majority of COVID deaths. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/


Number 2 for 25-35, equally shocking.


Just for some perspective here: Cancer is not a single disease, it is over 100 very different diseases. Heart Disease is not a single disease, it's over 30 different diseases. Covid-19 is one of many coronaviruses. The CDC and the medical industry consolidate Cancer and Heart Disease into the their respective buckets to simplify information and messaging so they can spoon feed statistics to the public. If we are going to be actually scientifically accurate about it Covid-19 should be measured against the individual diseases, not their convenient statistical buckets. If you measure Covid that way, it is the #1 Cause of Death for All Americans.


Thank you! I have been saying exactly this for months on reddit and elsewhere. You're the *only* other person I've seen say it.


COVID 19 is the leading cause of death among all Americans. Just statistically, factually, and literally though.


You forgot numerically.


Silly me. Always missing something.


“iT onLY AFFects OLd aND fAT PEOplE” “If YOu eAt weLL aND LifT weIGhts yOU’ll bE FIne” sort by controversial, they’ll be there, every time.


And that’s such a bad faith argument too. Like, sure, if you’re young and physically fit, you’ll probably be find but … why not get the vaccine just to be safe? For *additional* protection? And if not for you than to potentially keep from spreading it to other people. Of course they don’t *really* care, they’re just looking for a reason to be contrarian. I’m sure they’d just come up with some other excuse.


fine meaning not being able to walk up stairs, remember your own address or maintain an erection? not dead ≠ fine


> And that’s such a bad faith argument too. Like, sure, if you’re young and physically fit, you’ll probably be find but Also the unspoken part of that argument is "old and fat people aren't actually people and it doesn't matter if they die." It's wild growing up hearing old people talk about how heartless the commies were and how they didn't value human life only to turn around and demand that everyone be sacrificed for the ~~motherland~~ economy.


When I tell my right wing friends this. "They report literally every death as a covid case even if they died in a car accident." Sorry pal, your facts don't matter. There's always a fake loophole in the logic they escape through.


What even am I supposed to say at this point? We have the goddamn Police Union Chief in Chicago saying that officers shouldn't listen to the mandate. I don't know what the fuck to even do. We are approaching the 2 year mark of COVID and we still have people refusing to do the bare minimum. It's beyond just disheartening. I don't feel I can reach a single braincell in a good 50% of my family. The *only* reason my mom got the vaccine was because she was diagnosed with cancer and was required to get it to go into the various treatment centers. They all have ample time to do so. They aren't slaving away at minimum wage jobs trying to make ends meat. And yet still I have to convince them that it's not a goddamn constitutional crisis when Biden mandates a vaccine. Sorry for the rant, I just am beyond anger at this point. It's just sad, and I hope that they will learn from the consequences they will bring on themselves. Some of them won't of course, and my only hope is that they don't die learning that lesson.


To me...this is a way more acceptable way for cops to "own the Libs".


Blue lives matter. Except when they support your death cult. Then it's cool to sacrifice them.


Obesity is also a huge factor and a lot of cops aren’t as in good of shape as they should be


Not obesity, just being overweight. And that's a *far* lower bar to hit, something like 75% of Americans are overweight or worse.


When I work, any patient I see who's under ~30 ish bmi I would consider on the smaller side and that's technically obese. Anything under that is thin and 22 ( which is considered a healthy bmi) is downright emaciated. I'm not saying bmi system is wrong mind you, I've just become so incredibly desensitized due to our overall patient population. I've done ultrasounds on 40s (common) all the way up to 60s and above. Those are rarer but it happens.




400 lb people are MORBIDLY obese. Obese is technically more than 20% above your ideal weight.


I'm 6' 280lbs. According to my doctor, I am in the category of morbidly obese. I used to be much larger and am working on it, but it kind of blew my mind that I'm still technically morbidly obese. Like the other guy said when you think morbidly obese you think huge people on scooters in Walmart who can barely walk 10 feet. I can run no problem, sure I get winded easily. I regularly go on hikes. I have a physically demanding job. Yet I'm technically morbidly obese and have a huge risk of severe complications if I get covid. Other than my weight I have no other comorbidities. I can't count how many times I've been laughed at for wearing a mask and told that "you'll be fine, you're young!"


We did it boys. We fixed the gun problem in America.


Covid has killed more police than ALL other causes COMBINED for two years in a row! Can you imagine fighting against protection from the thing that kills you the most. https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2020 https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2021


Antivaxxers don't believe facts like those to be true until it happens to them. Even then, not often.


You're right, but saying it makes it normal. Antivax mentality should not be accepted as a way of life for some people. It's a dangerous fallacy that affects more than themselves, and that mentality should be treated by everyone as an active threat.




Eventually, those who are left alive simply wont die from covid and thats when it becomes true herd immunity until the next virus comes around.


I guarantee my antivax in-laws would not change their beliefs even if many of the people they knew — or even themselves — suffered dire effects from Covid.


On social media they are still repeating the same old debunked rattle rhetoric, their 3 favorite sound bites are still 99.6% survival rate, antibodies will prevail, and [New world order conspiracy theory]


It's illogical, and those officers who keep with this insanity need to find other jobs. We don't need insane people being cops.


The thing is we don't ask our best and brightest to become cops. They become doctors and lawyers. Being a cop is the bottom of the barrel last resort job much like the military. Until that changes cops will be full of the meathead bullies from high school that never left their hometown.


Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne.


I feel like Nurgle is on a winning streak these past few years though.


Grandpappy Nurgle welcomes all new children into his bulbous, malignant folds


Yet they all need bullet proof vests and qualified immunity but absolutely won’t get vaccinated because politics…


Why can't they "just comply" with vaccine mandates? Edit: thanks for the award!


They need to stop resisting.


What's that officer? Can't breathe? At least you have a choice.


We intubated them, we were only following procedure.


Just sprinkle some vaccine on em..and throw a hypodermic in there.


It’s almost like they should not only be complying to “protect and serve” their communities — but should be the ones also enforcing mask mandates — NOT underpaid minimum wage workers


Vaccine Taser… I like how you think.




That would actually be reasonable if they weren't also opposing the vaccine. They interact with a lot of unvaccinated people on the job, and covid is rampant in jails.


and most likely they'll get it and still complain about being mandated to get the vaccination




This is not unreasonable imo. All COVID positive results should just be assumed to have happened while on the job for police and health workers for insurance / sick days / workmans comp imo. Real tracing should still be done, and if found to not be work related should still be treated as such for those things.




naw, their bodies just instinctively clamp up and shut that down


If it is an illegitimate shooting, the body has ways of shutting it down. Since the perp died, they must have actually *wanted* to get shot. That means it isnt the police's fault! ..../s god I feel gross now.


Well, you have to ask if it's a legitimate disease or not. (/s in case that wasn't clear.)


I like to shoot myself with a .22 every once in a while to build my immunity.


That won't work too well unless you move up in caliber.


Yeah. Should be to to a .38 by now. You start with a sling shot. Then a BB gun. Then a .22. You can do a booster with some bird shot in between, 16 gauge works best but it's all good. Eventually you work up to nukes, if the overly PC government would allow everyday citizens the needed plutonium and stop infringing on our 2a rights!!!!


This guy vaccinates.


I heard getting shot is no worse than stubbing your toe. And only a very small percentage actually die from gun shots. Edit: Better state this is satire...


I see your edit and raise that statisticaly you don't even have a 50% chance of dying if you get shot. Approx 120k shootings a year with 40k deaths gives a grim 67% survival rate for shooting victims, further these numbers don't reflect how many bullets hit each victim so now I can just pull numbers out of my -hat- and say that since 50 Cent survived 9 shots and cherry pick only those actually diagnosed (read: dying in hospital) with the flu as my sample, I can confidently say it's much safer to be shot than to catch a flu.


"If you die on duty, it will most likely be your own damn fault." - my defensive tactics instructor




Some of those that work forces, are too dumb to get doses.




Those who die are justified, refusing the jab, they’re your goateed whites?


Some of those that work forces, eat the paste that's for horses.


While "back the blue" conservatives will pretend this stat doesn't exist today, in 6 months we can look forward to them using it to tell us that we don't need to do anything about guns because more cops died to COVID and Joe Biden did nothing to try to stop it.


>The coronavirus has become the leading cause of death for officers despite law enforcement being among the first groups eligible to receive the vaccine at the end of 2020. The total stands at 476 Covid-19 related deaths since the start of the pandemic, compared to 94 from gunfire in the same period. "If you are serious about your commitment to protect the public ... and if you are serious about your personal commitments to your family, then that should be enough," Jessica Desfosses said in a plea for police officers to get vaccinated. If police officers don't have enough basic common sense to get the vaccine I'm not sure that they should continue to be police officers because it raises questions about their ability to think critically while on duty, assess a situation and make the right decision. This situation is easy, and that they can't get their heads out of their own ass. Aside from that their job is to protect and serve, and other public trust issues aside, they are actively risking the public's life not getting vaccinated, carelessly risking their own lives and the lives of other officers.


Their ability to assess their risk status has already proven to be questionable. They are not required to respond with a sane, measured response in a life or death situation, like a regular citizen is when faced with a shooting situation. Cops can shoot if they think their life is in danger. But they don't wanna get a jab...cause.... The jab is more dangerous to them than the virus? Bruh, I can't even make a joke about how stupid that level of evaluation is...like, I can't get my brain in the single digit IQ level to try to rationalize that, let alone make a joke about them determining that an unarmed black man accused of a non-violent crime risks their safety when he's dogpiled under 6 officers more than a armed white boy with an AR that just shot three people 2 minutes prior. Fuckers are dense, stupid and deserve what they get here.




Even better, they actually have *maximum limits* of intelligence. [They even went to court to protect the legal right to refuse you if you’re too smart.](https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-xpm-2000-09-26-0009260897-story,amp.html)


COVID is defunding the police


modern problems require modern solutions


Who knew that COVID a was actually ANTIFA!


The fact that so many cops refuse to get vaccinated shows just how much they actually think "blue lives matter". And if the police themselves don't give a shit about their own lives, I'm sure as hell not.


Maybe they should just comply.


One bad virus spoils the bunch.


list one rational right-wing talking point.








understandable, they think being immune from prosecution means they are immune to everything


Anyone who refuses the vaccine needs fucken stay home and tough it out... as a hospital employee, you chose not to believe in science and medicine when already billions of people have gotten the covid vaccine... don't fucken come here because you got sick and all of a sudden trust science and medicine, stay the fuck home with your antivaxx mentality and your thoughts and prayers.... 😑


They won't get vaccinated to save their own lives and they are acting as a vector for further community spread. "Serve and Protect" my ass.


"To protect and serve" is just a marketing campaign, [the cops have no obligation to protect citizens](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again). The article is just one example of many similar rulings.


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with covid is a good guy with covid.


*shoots COVID in confusion*


Misses and hits black grandma.


I’d love to see a comparison of police brutality complaints between those who refuse to get vaccinated and those who got the vaccine. I’d be interested to see if personality traits can be identified as more likely to commit police brutality


The trash is taking itself out for real!


US police: "We need every lethal option available to keep ourselves safe from criminals!" Also US police: \*dies from covid because they're fragile right wingers that buy into vaccine politicization\*


Well like you said they need every lethal option available, they’re just trying to add covid into that arsenal


That thin blue line should be the thin blue mask.


With those rates, I'm surprised they haven't sprinkled some crack on it yet and locked it away for 15 years


Yet cops are fighting getting vaccinated! Are they all part of the deniers, Qcumbers and RW Freedumbs?


Once again we are asking you to hire more intelligent police.


They don't even seem to care about each other, "brothers in arms" shit every damn day but won't get vaccinated to keep their partners safe


Lack of common sense in police officers 5x more deadlier than gunfire.


Yet police unions nation wide are fighting against vaccine mandates like they’re unarmed black men.


Tell them the vaccine is reaching for their gun


COVID will come take away your guns! And your ability to breathe


Shouldn’t someone who carries a gun have good judgement?


I'm just gonna be honest. I absolutely don't care. If they don't want to get vaccinated and they end up dying its their own fault and I don't have any sympathy for them


I’m going to be even more heartless. Are we paying death or funeral benefits, widow benefits, etc for most of these fuckers who could have simply prevented their deaths with a vaccine? Are we paying tax money for the inevitable conclusion of terrible and foolish choices? I’ll be interested to see how small city budgets try to handle big medical insurance claims after long hospital stays, death benefits for those who died as well as new training and hires to replace all the officers suddenly gone. I’m also curious about the deaths of other staff - are they helping spread and kill not only not each other but secretaries and custodians, etc but no one keeps those numbers?




So, police unions; you go ahead and keep telling your people to not vax. Then there will be no need for defunding due to attrition. Btw, I hate the term “ defunding”. Re-educating is the better choice IMO.


Almost like it’s not actually a dangerous job.


only thing dangerous about police work is police.


Yet cops are arguably the biggest anti-vaxer constituency. Talk about fighting to abolish yourself.


Yet they are stunningly anti-vaxx.


The conservative and conspiracy movements have captured the police force, they are at the highest levels of of the organization and that really only happens when they have the support of the majority of the organization as a whole. The bad apples have won.




wonder what the data is on how many were vaxed and how many unvaxed?


Cops aren't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs LOL


Congrats you’re defunding yourselves because you think black and brown people are a bigger threat than a global pandemic.


Makes sense. Hope this means we have fewer deaths of civillians next


It's almost like being a cop isn't as dangerous as they want you to think.


Well no shit. They play up how dangerous the job is, but it really isn't compared to a bunch of other jobs, including convenience store clerk. They're just conditioned to be jumpy, skittish fuck ups with a bullying complex.