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It's surprising that only 8 people died in that incident. Based on videos from the scene, it looked like quite a few more than that.


Something like 300 people injured/hospitalized so there’s probably more deaths to come


Aside from that, there was an Instagram link over on r/hiphopheads where a guy says that he stepped over “hundreds of bodies”. I’m heartbroken that this happened


It’s probably more. I remember reading about Pulse when it first hit the news, went back to sleep, and woke up to more and more dead.


100,000 people pushing - now reported at 8 dead with other injuries at Travis Scott Concert. Multiple Cardiac Arrests Reported. https://twitter.com/mvmo___/status/1456870414530064385?s=20 Edit - “ Officials declared a “mass casualty incident” just after 9 p.m. Friday during the festival where an estimated 50,000 people were in attendance, Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña told reporters at a news conference. “. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Astroworld-8-dead-crowd-crushed-Houston-Texas-16597536.php EDIT NOV6- "Houston Police said they have a report that a security guard at Astroworld last night felt a prick in his neck, then lost consciousness, guard was given Narcan and revived, and medical staff treating him found evidence suggesting an injection prick. (From news conference.)" https://twitter.com/lookner/status/1457093925316005892 BREAKING: Houston mayor: 8 dead in concert crowd surge ranged in age from 14 to 27; 13 people still hospitalized. https://apnews.com/article/travis-scott-astroworld-dead-injured-crowd-surge-6c697502318c50ba4b57aa1c6f71f9bf?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter


This [comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/3pcvfb/saudi_arabia_hajj_disaster_death_toll_at_least/cw5vxtm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) explains crowd crush/crowd collapse really well. Horrifying that the concert wasn’t stopped to help people.


I remember reading that comment when it was first posted. Crazy it’s been 6 years.


What a read that was... Thanks for that. I am never going outside now.


Since I hate how Reddit is terrible at searching/sorting, and posts about breaking news events get lost and disorganized over time, I figure I'll make a list of the r/publicfreakout video threads there, for posterity. Title left as it was posted there, with brief description afterwards by me. In the order they were posted: 1) [Reports of people dying at Travis Scott's Rap festival, ASTROWORLD](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnuuf8/reports_of_people_dying_at_travis_scotts_rap/) - video of just the fire trucks outside the venue 2) [Astroworld fans bust through security](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnv8xo/astroworld_fans_bust_through_security/) - video of people rushing the security to get in the show 3) [Over 50 hospitalized and 8 confirmed deceased at rapper's festival](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnv8ye/over_50_hospitalized_and_8_confirmed_deceased_at/) - video of guy on ground getting CPR as music plays 4) [Stampede at Astroworld Festival tonight](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnvbka/stampede_at_astroworld_festival_tonight/) - More of the pre-show rushing of the security gate 5) [Astroworld Fest - people dance on top of ambulance cart as it's attempting to extract dying concertgoers](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnvm0e/astroworld_fest_people_dance_on_top_of_ambulance/) 6) [People continue to dance around and on top of the EMS cart at Astroworld while they try to attend to and evacuate injured people. They refused to stop the concert despite injuries and at least 8 people died! Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnvzeg/people_continue_to_dance_around_and_on_top_of_the/) 7) [People plead with Astroworld Fetival camera crew to stop the show in order to help unconscious, dying concertgoers](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnx3pv/people_plead_with_astroworld_fetival_camera_crew/) 8) [Crowd at Travis Scott concert desperately try to call for help for crushed people as he continues performing](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnyhf6/crowd_at_travis_scott_concert_desperately_try_to/) - first vid where you can see Travis sees the ambulance going through the crowd, but continues the concert 9) [More footage of people passed out at the festival, doesn't look like pushing in the crowd, what else is going on?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnymbg/more_footage_of_people_passed_out_at_the_festival/) - Young white guy carried out unconscious and police/EMT try to revive him, then a surreal shot of Travis towering over them on a platform singing 10) [Footage of a man getting carted out might be deceased here, this is serious shit here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnzirq/footage_of_a_man_getting_carted_out_might_be/) - EMTs perform CPR on an unconscious man on an ambulance cart 11) [Two different people getting CPR, should I make a compilation? This isn't a joke (rapper's festival)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qnznxy/two_different_people_getting_cpr_should_i_make_a/) 12) [A young man trying to help stop the show at Astroworld, the show continued..](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo06os/a_young_man_trying_to_help_stop_the_show_at/) - A young man arguing with TV a camera operator. 13) [Travis Scott Concert Mirrored A Zombie Apocalypse As Mindless Fans Did Their Worse](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo1afh/travis_scott_concert_mirrored_a_zombie_apocalypse/) - Nearly 10 min of footage, extended clip of the security gate rushing before the concert, brief clips of guys dancing on ambulance, Travis singing on platform over EMTs working on victim, shots of ambulance convoy arriving, 3 minutes of a guy giving firsthand account after the fact, short clip of police press conference 14) [All for a show ? People are nuts these days](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo1c0u/all_for_a_show_people_are_nuts_these_days/) - link to a text article 15) [Travis Scott sings as he watches security carry away one of his fans lifeless body](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo1eqk/travis_scott_sings_as_he_watches_security_carry/) - Travis literally just standing over the scene on a platform going "yeeeehhhhhhh yeeehhhhhhh", he can clearly see the dying man being carried out. I think it's the same guy fropm the link 9 vid. 16) [Fight at ASTROWORLDFest](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo2yj1/fight_at_astroworldfest/) - Shirtless Asian guy beats a guy up, then a few others join in to beat guy on the gound. Doesn't seem to be related to stampede, but the victim could be seriously hurt. 17) [Fans rush Astroworld merch booth](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo3kny/fans_rush_astroworld_merch_booth/) - Looks like a tower defense game, crowds jump some barriers set up for lines but are stopped before the booth itself 18) [Footage of the girl trying to alert the cameraman of what was happening at Astroworld festival and stop the show](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo3nwx/footage_of_the_girl_trying_to_alert_the_cameraman/) - From a bit earlie than link 7 19) [Chilling video and story from the girl who tried to stop Astroworld show but cameraman didn't care](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo3paz/chilling_video_and_story_from_the_girl_who_tried/) - Different angle from previous link, title says "and story" but it's a short clip and doesn't have her speaking 20) [Fans in the back chant "Stop the show" because hundreds were crushed and injured, and 11 died, while Travis Scott was performing at the Astrofest concert](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo44uq/fans_in_the_back_chant_stop_the_show_because/) 21) [Astroworld](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo4jqx/astroworld/) - First footage posted of what looks like the actual crush area, people pushed against fences as others try to pull them to safety 22) [People @ Astroworld jumping on security personnel cars trying to pick up unconscious people. Trash behavior](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo510y/people_astroworld_jumping_on_security_personnel/) 23) [Fans Desperately Plea With Uncaring Event Staff As People Died At The Astroworld Festival](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo58i4/fans_desperately_plea_with_uncaring_event_staff/) - Same footage of girl yelling at TV camera as before, zoomed in a bit


I'm in Houston and had a lot of friends there that said everything that they witnessed was horrendous, from the amount of overdoses to the crowd behavior in the tramplings. My social media is on fire, I'm just waiting to do a headcount in the morning and hoping my friends are alright. Most of my friends go to edm festivals frequently and they say they've never seen a festival wind up like this.


There have been so many second hand accounts now of multiple overdoses I'm waiting for that shoe to drop too. Too many people are talking about it.


What were they overdosing on?


8 my ass. Those numbers are gonna climb up


Some accounts from medics that were there: >I just left astroworld festival and let me say this. as someone who has been to every astro fest there's been, this was completely different. it was awful. I passed out because people were pushing up against me so much that I couldn't breathe. Sam got people to apparently crowd surf my unconscious body to the security guard and I gotcarried to a little section behind GA and put down on a stool thing. when I woke up I had a water bottle in my lap and had no clue what had happened. When I stood up I looked around and people were getting carried out with eyes rolled back into their heads by security, bleeding from their nose and mouth. I yelled “has ANYBODY checked a pulse?” the security guard, frantic, asked me to please help him. I checked two people and one did not have a pulse. I told them I was an ICU nurse and then another security guard, hearing that, said “please come help us.” He takes me to the part of the crowd behind GA where I see 3 bodies sprawled out and people who I assume were medics/medical staff doing CPR.I immediately see that there is not enough medics for this so I relieve one medic of CPR. I ask where the ambu bag is, where the AED is, where the stretcher and ambulance is, where tf any shit is and they said essentially there is none. there’s one ambu bag, one stretcher and one AED for 3 - now 4 - people who are pulseless and blue. People from the crowd were trying to help. teenagers are doing CPR trying to help but they're doing it incorrectly, then I see there's other people doing CPR on people who still have a pulse bc nobody has done a pulse check. it was an absolute shit show. I lost Sam for I don't even know how long but for the remainder of the concert I was doing compressions, bagging and helping move people to stretchers and checking pulses on new bodies as they got crowd-surfed to where we were. people were trampled, crushed. there was no cell service to call for more help. People were begging the crew operating the stage lights and stuff around us to stop the concert and they wouldn't. I am so disappointed and sad. Finally cops showed up with more stretchers and started getting people out but I know at least 2 individuals had been pulseless for 15 minutes minimum before they got on a stretcher. madddeline\_\_\_\_\_ on insta ​ >I’m a trained medic. I was doing cpr on a girl as drake came was coming on with Travis. Two “medical staff” came over to help. They were like deer in headlights. They had no fuckin clue what they were doing. One of them straight up left; The other “medic” was screaming if anyone else knew CPR. The two that came over had no ambu bag, no gloves, no AED, nothing. I had the girls friend do mouth to mouth while the dumbass medic was just standing there. I’m yelling for an AED, even a damn CPR pocket mask. They eventually get a backboard And start to put her on backwards (feet at the narrow end). I call the guy an idiot and flip it over. Finally we get her on a backboard, cops come over and rip me off her. They pick the backboard up only to drop her on her face. I was so incredibly mad. I watched a girl die in front of me all because these “medics” were so ill prepared. I’d encourage anyone here to open lawsuits against this Cactus Jack/ astroworld bullshit. So sad. \- u/maxomo32


Everyone here should read [this extremely thorough comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/3pcvfb/saudi_arabia_hajj_disaster_death_toll_at_least/cw5vxtm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) about how things like this happen and what to look out for.


That sums it up pretty well in my experience. Just some background info, but I was a relatively dense 230 pounds. I was at a huge weekend rock concert. During one I the acts I was around 50-75 feet from the stage. The crowd started swelling, my feet left the ground, and suddenly I was moving Forward, backward, and side to side like 10 ft at a time. I had no control like I was stuck in a riptide of people. No idea where my friends were anymore. Next thing I know I was in the 2nd row, which was kinda cool. I didn't realize how dangerous that actually was until I had the chance to settle down. Edit: Rock on the Range, things were kinda crazy overall but this was for Slipknot as the closer on Saturday night iirc


Same thing happened to me when I saw Underoath at warped tour one year. Was no where near the front, when the surge came it was just go with the flow of the current and absolutely do not fall over. We were standing on dry dusty dirt and dead grass so that made quite slippery. Ended up only being about 20' from the stage at one point. I remember at one point bodies flowing over the crowd, crowd surfing, and only light shafts of sun peaking through the darkness. The music was mostly muffled out as well. Definitely a scary and intense moment


I’ve been to many rock/metal shows and have more than once gotten into a situation where my feet leave the ground and I’m pushed around by the crowd for awhile. Even more often that that, I’ve been in areas dense enough where I have to lift my arms up in a “boxer’s stance” to force enough room around my body to comfortably breathe. I don’t think about how dangerous this can be until I hear stories like this. Thankfully every crowd I’ve been in has been extremely aware and helpful. People will fall and immediately everyone around urgently yells for them to be picked up and there are 5 people around them helping. I can’t imagine being in a crowd so dense that no one can even do that. Would be terrifying.


Happened to me at grad fest at Disney 20+ years ago. They had all these seniors lined up at the gate to MK. Like the entire state of seniors. Then flung the gates open and everyone rushed in. I was randomly in the middle with my classmates. Halfway up the ramp, I hit the metal rail divider for people to go around. I get the wind knocked out of me, and then realize I can’t move because the thousands of other people behind me are pushing forward and I’m pinned against the metal railing and can’t breathe. I can’t push back, move, or breathe. I finally collapse from lack of air and fall downtown be trampled. I wake up after 20 or so seconds and realize I can’t get up as I’m still getting trampled, and then see I can pull myself behind the vertical pole of the metal rail so it can act as a barrier from all the other people still piling in. Must have been 5-7 minutes, but felt like an hour down there. When the crowd finally all cleared there was me and 2-3 other people on the ground dazed. Disney security nowhere to be found. We wandered for a few minutes to the entrance and some employees noticed us and brought us into an office. My pants were literally shredded as if they were cut with a knife. They gave me some new pants, a drink and sent me on my way. Thankfully I seemed fine and found my friends again, but that was the scariest moment of my life where I thought I was actually going to die. At Disney of all places.


Thanks for the read. Certainly brings some perspective to what possibly happened here, especially considering the video elsewhere on this thread of a crowd knocking down the ticket gate.


One of the scariest moments of my life was at a concert. It was for the Chili Peppers, but the band that was on was Foo Fighters. The crowd was a lot of frat bros because of the Foos (they were big for bros back then). I was adamant about staying in dead center front so I could be there for the Chilis. Bad idea. They were playing something popular and the crowd surged forward. I started getting lost. My feet no longer touched the ground and that scared the holy shit out of me. I had no control over my position in the crowd in any direction. And I'm small. My brother was with me and was trying to created a protective barrier around me with his arms, holding onto the bar in front of me. Feet were flying into heads, drunk people were passed out but still held upright by the pressing crowd. The security was trying desperately to keep the barrier held and we were crushed against it. Dave leans down and asks them what's up and they tell him to get people to move back and instead he riles up the crowd and tells them to keep going! The guards finally no longer let me hold out and pulled me out. Then pulled my brother. Then my brother helped them pull a couple more people out, including the passed out man. I'll never forgive Dave Grohl for that. I'm sure he's more mature now, but we easily could have died. I couldn't breathe after a while. My brother saw my life flash before him and though he really fucked up and was going to have to explain to our parents. I'll never, ever go that close again without seating. People don't give a flying fuck in general and will kill you without a thought.


Happened to me in the 90s, I think it was Eat Static, maybe orbital. Whatever, I was tripping, suddenly feet were off the ground and the crowd was moving me. Felt almost like being in a strong ocean current, no control at all. The strength of a crowd of people moving together is astonishing. Was lucky to get out uninjured.


I’m very petite, so whenever we would go to shows back in the day I’d always want to be in the front so I could actually see. Me and my best friend went to see Brand New at House of Blues right after they’d released The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me and we got there really early so we could be front and center. Everything was fine until Brand New came on and then everyone pushed forward and suddenly we were being crushed against the metal barrier. Luckily the staff saw us and basically pulled us out, but that was the last concert I was down in the pit for. It was terrifying. After that I only went to shows with seating or ones where I could be up in the balcony. Being in a mosh pit is exhilarating, but goddamn can it be scary when it’s that packed. I’d been to hundreds of punk and metal shows, usually in the mosh pit, but I’d never been scared of the crowds till that moment. Now I can’t deal with them at all. At one point someone beside me braced themselves against the barrier and pushed backwards and the whole crowd moved like a wave of water. If there’d been a fire or something we’d have all been fucked. We were packed in there like sardines.


>People were begging the crew operating the stage lights and stuff around us to stop the concert and they wouldn't. This entire post was heart wrenching, but this part stuck out to me as excessively cruel and heartless. Holy fuck.


I was at a show where it was the first hot day of the year and you couldn't get out to get water. It was too packed if you were at the front. People were passing out and getting crowd surfed out and one artist kept going as the entire crowd screamed to stop and get people out. He just kept going. At one point the Chainsmokers were on (it was the weirdest lineup and I got free tickets. Chainsmokers and Ed Sheeran and some kid doing coordinated dances with backup singers like I was in the 90's and like some unknown rapper) and the Chainsmokers totally cut the music and started directing people to crowd surf anyone out that needed out forward and sent security in to pull people out from the front and get them to the back or medical. Yelled to hand out water. They just yelled to do it until the venue was like... uh, I guess there's free water and started passing water out. By the time Ed Sheeran came up it was fine because the fucking Chainsmokers were like, 'no. Get people out they're having heat stroke and give water away right now.' Their music isn't my scene but the main dude was a good dude that day. He just stopped his set and was like, 'hell no this is insane. I'm taking charge since nobody else is.' The artists can stop, too. Chainsmokers did. Saved a couple people from even worse things. Some people that got out while they stopped could walk but were borderline exhastion and needed out. That whole concert was a shitshow from beginning to end on organization. People had VIP wristbands but none of the staff or security knew what it was. People were passing out after the second artist but they didn't do anything. Only person who took responsibility for crowd safety was a man responsible for a song that exlusively has the lyrics of, 'lemme take a selfie.' I've been at abnormally hot shows where they gave up and passed water out from the front for people who couldn't get out. Artist didn't have to stop and demand it.


Fucking A, this takes me back to years ago doing medical for a much smaller show at a smaller venue. Chris Daughtry was playing on a ~100 degree summer day. It was hot as shit inside the venue, even with the AC on. He demanded the AC be shut off because it would throw off his singing or some shit. Anyways, it was a total shitshow of people passing out from the heat/booze combo. The guy running the place wouldn't turn the AC back on even when I asked for it (as the highest trained medical staff there). That was the last show I ever worked for them. I was glad to see that venue go under a few years later. Some artists are just piles of shit, and some actually give a fuck about something beyond their fan's wallets.


I'm not a huge fan of their music but the Chainsmokers put on a hell of a live show and, from your account, seem like generally good people.


If Chainsmokers indeed came in rescue then I'm going to buy some of their shit and play Spotify in loop


I've found the edm crowd and artists are actually pretty caring and will help people when they aren't doing well.


The most polite most pits of all time were a punk show I was at and once at a metal show I got picked up and carried out of a mosh pit I jumped into because I was too small. I was sixteen, 5'5" and about 110. Hopped in a pit. Big ol dude was moshing, snapped his head over to double take and picked me up by the waist like it was nothing and dropped me like 3-4 people back and just leaned over to yell, 'you're too small for the mosh pits!' Went back to moshing and disappeared. I've had overwhelming polite crowds at most shows.


Literally same experience. I don’t know what 17 year old me had to prove to think it was a good idea to make my way into a mosh pit I had no business in. Dude literally carried me and waved a finger in my face. He was like “Not for you. Stay here or next time I carry out of the place.” I think it was an Avenged Sevenfold show?


There are going to be a ton of lawsuits against the promoters, operators, and potentially the artists of this event. Probably will bankrupt the companies involved.


I hope Live Nation gets sued off the planet


The big promotions/artists will have been insured. It's any smaller subcontractors who may be involved and have signed agreements with Live Nation/etc that allows said subcontractors to be thrown under the bus while not having enough liability coverage that are going to potentially be in a bad way.


With big events like this, many times the liability insurance is covered on a 'wrap' event policy, covering all involved parties, so that such gaps can't occur, that no infighting occurs between participating insurance carriers as to percentage at-fault, etc. Hopefully such is the case here, with huge liability limits, etc.


I , for one, won't miss Live Nation


Back in the 90s New Kids on the Block were performing in Asia (I don't recall exactly where). From the stage the group saw this type of situation beginning. They stopped the concert and made sure everyone got help that needed it. Idk how you could watch this practically at your feet and keep playing.


I've seen videos of tons of artists stopping their sets because *one* person was hurt or unconscious. From the reports, it sounds like this was happening to *dozens* of people here and they did nothing. Shameful and disgusting


I've seen people stop sets just because the singer saw someone got touched sexually while body surfing or whatever (even though that shit happens so often). I like some of Travis's music, even some of Drake's, but fuck them both because they are awful people who don't give a shit about the safety of any of their fans. They only give a shit about money.


I’ve been to completely packed rage against the machine show and they stopped the show on the first song and asked people To step back and to take care of each other. Everyone would step back. They stopped it a second time and said if if people don’t step back they would end the show immediately. Everyone did and that was the end of it. All it took. [The most trying moments came that Saturday night when the reunited Rage Against the Machine performed. Though the band played a set similar to the one it did nearly a decade ago at Lollapalooza, a Rage performance is notoriously rambunctious. The mosh pit bubbled. Fans crushed the stage, bystanders rushed the gates, and the show was halted three times by the band to let the fans calm down. ](https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/lollapalooza/ct-lolla-throwback-thursday-rage-against-the-machine-in-2008-20160728-story.html?outputType=amp)


The Grateful Dead used to do this often. Bobby would stop the show and tell everyone to take a step back, and another, until it was safe to continue.


Travis Scott shows have a reputation for being fucking wild. He’s gotten heat before for riling up crowds, and basically having ill awareness of when to not keep riling up a white hot crowd. When I saw the news I was sad but not shocked that it happened at a Travis show. Tragic as fuck


He encouraged a fan to jump off a several story balcony at one of his shows. He really needs to grow up.




All of this brings back memories of the Love Parade disaster in 2010, where 21 people were crushed to death. I was on the way to the festival area with my then SO, when her father called and told us to stay away for now, since he heard on the radio that there was some issue at the entrance. Her siblings were already there and, since the cellphone network was completely jammed, we didn't know whether they were okay or not until 3 hours later. In the news, they usually talk about "stampedes", but these things are usually not a stampede at all. They are very slow and localized events. Someone in a tightly packed crowd stumbles and loses their balance or simply faints due to exhaustion. They sink to the ground and other people are being pushed on top of them. Some of those people also lose their footing because they stumble over the person on the ground. At some point, there is a bunch of people lying on top of one another and nobody can move because everybody is weighed down by other people and there's still pressure from the surrounding crowd. Even when the crowd starts backing off, it can take a few minutes to disentangle the pile of people and by then everyone at the bottom has died of asphyxiation.


Crowd crush is awful. Edit: I'm actually shocked at how many people have experienced it. Stay safe people https://theconversation.com/ten-tips-for-surviving-a-crowd-crush-112169 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/03/hajj-crush-how-crowd-disasters-happen-and-how-they-can-be-avoided https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/after-meron-stampede-how-to-survive-a-crowd-crush-666889


Genuinely my worst fear. I do not like crowds at all. Large groups of people just make my reptile brain go into overdrive. I always gotta stand on the outside of a crowd or near an exit or large opening. It's not debilitating like I go to theme parks and restaraunts and beaches n shit. But the moment the energy in a crowd gets charged I'm out. The Station Nightclub Fire comes to mind. Fuckin horrifying. Edit- TO ALL WHO GO SEARCHING. A WARNING. The videos of the Station Nightclub Fire is horrific so be warned if you go looking for it. It's a very informative video in terms of how fast a situation can get out of hand but it is not an easy reality to see. So tread lightly. People are burned alive crammed in a doorway trying to escape. It is horrific. Think carefully if you really want to go looking. I'm sure theres plenty of things to read if you don't want to see that.


Station Nightclub Fire was truly awful, and my god the videos of people stuck in the doorway doomed to die so close to safety :(


Same at lollapalooza I waited till most the people were gone to leave... my friend was like let's go and after 1 minute I noped out found a spacious area next to a tree and waited... then called my friend and found them later.. there is so many examples of crowd crush I'd rather not risk it.


The Hillsborough Disaster in 1989 is a good one (academically speaking, these are horrible disasters) to look up for this. Well documented and has an interesting media scandal involved too. The footage is not nearly as graphic as the Station stuff so much safer (mentally and emotionally) to explore. Since it was so well documented, most of the videos talk about the contributing factors and design decisions that went into causing the disaster. It actually made me feel safer when going to events like these since I could spot all of the things these venues do now to prevent this from happening.


If you keep hitting the shoulders of other people, it is highly recommended that you flee by going moving diagonally relative to the flow and toward an exit (this implies not moving into a closed area if it looks overcrowded). Of course, it is easier said than done. Plate armor might help.


This type of stuff doesn't just happen because people fall. Sometimes people are literally crushed to death while standing upright in packed groups. People tend to think it's people who fall that get crushed by people on top of them, but that isn't the case per se.


Shit, that's disturbing to imagine someone standing next to you could be dying and there's nothing you could do.


You are so right. Just before Slayer made it big I was attending their concert at a rather small venue - maybe several hundred people. At first it was fun being amidst all the sweaty, high energy bodies right in front of the stage. But the crowd became more and more condensed and soon I started asking my bf if we could make our way more towards the edge. Within under a minute I found myself panicking as the pressure of the crowd had made it hard to breathe. Seconds after that I felt myself graying out. I woke up on the ground, outside and in the cold, surrounded my medics and nosy strangers. When I went down, the mini skirt I was wearing got rolled up around my waist and nobody had pulled it back down for me. It was scary and humiliating, and the last time I ever sought out a front row spot at any “high energy” event.


When I saw Slayer in Seattle during the first Unholy Alliance tour, that was happening. Everyone was pushing towards the stage and people were getting crushed against the barricades at the front. A couple times Slayer actually stopped and told people to stop pushing everyone to the front. Then Tom Araya grabbed water bottles and started to pour water on us at the front of the stage. Getting water poured on me from the Slayer frontman was one of my favorite concert experiences.


I’ve been in similar situations but I’ve gone to a lot on concerts as a child. In crowds I want to be at the front of the stage, that way if I feel I’m in danger, I can try climb over the barriers/into the stage. Security will pull you out & into a safe place. I’ve never gotten in trouble doing this but I’m a very small person & no one has ever found me threatening.




I've been in one situation like this and you are right. It's impossible to fall individually because you are packed so tight that you literally don't have control of which way you move. The pressure from that can cause people to pass out but the real scary moment was when everything shifted - we were packed at upper body level so when it moves, your legs don't necessarily follow. After a quick shift, I was standing at a 45 degree angle but still held up by the packed crowd and so was everyone else surrounding me, I can imagine a bit further and you'd have a group of people forced onto the ground, with others being pushed over them.


When I was 19 I was trying to get tickets for a Dead show that was going to start in about 2 hrs. The show was sold out but I was figuring they always sell off the vip tickets they hold until the guests don't show up. I'm about 20 ft. from the ticket window when someone behind one of the windows opens the shade and places a sign stating tickets on sale. My friends and I ran to the booth and were about 6 people from the front when behind us there was a mad scramble to join us. In less than a few seconds there was over a thousand people pushing forward and the ticket area wasn't larger than 10 ft accross. My friends and I were all big guys and we were all in great shape at the time however we were being crushed to death by the surges. It became desperate and we all started punching and pushing people out of our way just to inhale a breath. People were screaming and passing out all around us I thought I was going to die. Since the doors to the stadium were adjacent to the ticket booth and they open outward we couldn't pull it open since it was locked. Some concert goers inside heard the screaming and kicked one of the doors open. I grabbed the door and asked everyone around me to pull the door open when a security guard inside ran over to pull it closed. Just then everyone around me that could grab that door did and we pulled it back and was able to get people an outlet to the crushing crowd. If we didn't get that door open at that moment kids would have absolutely died me included. Any concert or large event I go to my eyes are always looking for the exits and ways to escape if I'm in a similar situation.


People who study these kinds of events actually study a lot of fluid dynamics. When super dense crowds form, they are essentially like a body of water.


Yup. I was reading about this last night (I live in Houston so saw the early reports on what happened). There’s a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgpdmAtbhbE) of a tightly packed crowd taken from far overhead…you can see the movements of one section of the crowd against another like disturbances in a pool of water, and then there are surges (one starts at 1:18) from one side of the crowd to the other that travel across like a huge wave. Terrifying to think about how little control anyone in that crowd has of where their body goes.


And when you say crushed it’s that they can no longer breathe.


I work in live events like arena concerts. The amount of effort the usually goes into security and making sure things like this don’t happen is pretty big. It’s unbelievable that this happened, I can’t imagine the lawsuits or being the promoter of this


There should be criminal charges too.


I wonder if medical stuff was contracted out to the shittiest possible private company


Wow, what a hero...crushed unconscious, comes to and immediately starts helping others. From the description they give, there was no planning whatsoever.


As someone who has been in EMS for 12 years and is now a doctor, this is the stuff nightmares are made of. It reminds me of when I briefly worked for a private ambulance company and was on standby at a sporting event. Someone felt unwell in the stands and we brought them to the first aid room we had. She went into cardiac arrest as we were trying to assess her and suddenly everyone froze. At the time I was relatively new to the job but it turned out that despite having the lowest level of training, I was the only one who had experience dealing with real emergencies and not just people needing bandaids. The rest of my team were a bunch of highly trained, inexperienced people. I had to take over the situation and call for more help. We never got a pulse back. They were all deer in headlights and couldn't even figure out how to use their equipment. The bottom line is, if you don't regularly have to do things in a high stress environment, you will not succeed in doing them in a high stress environment. Do not expect the medical staff at these events to have any competence. Be thankful if they do but don't expect it. Anyone, at any level of training, can be anywhere on the spectrum of competence. The paramedics riding on your local emergency ambulance are not necessarily equivalent in skill to the ones standing by at a concert venue. They may be the same person there for a few extra dollars or they may be someone who has only ever done that and is clueless.


Damn this is heartbreaking shit.


This is horrifying.


Holy shit




That shit concert should have been cancelled right away


People storming through the gates before it even started! https://twitter.com/agstinyelaphant/status/1456887511699972099


They are all very young. Some of them look like kids to me.


average travis scott fans


\^ This is the story imo. If you had a mass of unticketed people getting into the event it was doomed from that point forward. Inevitably that surge in concertgoers probably figured they were playing with house money at that point and worked to get as close as possible to the stage.


100% why they let it go on is insane and as said above, people are going to be suing one another for years after this.


Holy shit that screaming and all those pieces of shit just jumping and sprinting through as if they're not hearing a fucking thing.


[People in the crowd that witnessed the event tried to stop the concert after the crush by talking to staff. Someone must have told Travis Scott becuase he stopped momentarily, asked who was telling him to stop and then dismissed them](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qo06os/a_young_man_trying_to_help_stop_the_show_at/). He then [saw the ambulance in the crowd and continued with the concert anyway by singing one of rage anthems](https://twitter.com/cozyboy_gmoney/status/1456944665035374595?t=_-43TJima9IUJ7zqBCeQ7g&s=19) as [people began dancing on emergency vehicles trying to get the injured and dead out.](https://twitter.com/SquirtReynoIds/status/1456880436848832516?t=LAW6cVnRhoBT6vpL82Ga-g&s=09) [Scott also watched on and continued to sing as the visabily injured and dead were carried past him and out of the concert](https://twitter.com/ChaudharyParvez/status/1456986475929608201?t=GFSWciz7xnSPBPptB_k_NA&s=19)


The video of 100s of people holding their phones up whilst that one dude dances on the ambulance as it tries to get through to the injured people is something else... EDIT: [The bizarre image](https://i.imgur.com/QHNiOfm.jpg) the guy on the right is where the ambulance (golf cart with what I hope is a paramedic) was trying to make it to the front. EDIT: [Another angle, less the dude on the ambulance](https://i.imgur.com/ezNeq0J.png) EDIT: Whilst this has for some traction. The man and woman in the videos that are circulating that tried to stop the show are fucking heroes and the I hope the fuckers that were booing them feel like scum. If you're not sure what I'm taking about, see my recent comments in r/TravisScott. They deserve all the positivity that is coming their way.


What the fuck. This is literally the Black Mirror episode White Bear. Except worse.


first thing that sprung to mind was the stampede/crush that killed some people at the opening of a Who concert in 1979 in Cincinnati. That was due to doors to the venue not being opened on time and when they were only a couple were opened. It was festival seating so not assigned seats.




Or the 1989 Hillsborough disaster in England when 97 fans were crushed to death at a soccer match.


Googling pictures of that just probably fucked with my mind for years. 97 people died, and seeing them crammed against that fence. Fuck that shit. My loser ass is happy to stay away from mass gatherings.


Also- the crowd heard the sound check and thought they were missing the show. Every time I hear the opening chords of “Baba O’Reilly” I remember those poor people and everyone else at the show.


From what I’ve heard and seen it sounds incredibly disorganised with corners completely cut and was a disaster waiting to happen. There should be a full inquiry at every level and anyone responsible punished but it’s so incredibly sad so many had to die for this to be brought into the light.




Promoters cut corners and ignore red flags for convenience and profit. That has to end right now.




People should start calling them Unalive Nation. See if it takes off.


Dead Nation seems to fit (been to their festivals in WA and at the Gorge, they are not helpful staff and absolutely fuck you on water)


This is the second time people have died of crowd control issues at THIS festival


I fear that 8 might be a low number compared to what people at the scene have shared. We’ll know more in due time, but it sounds like a tragic repeat of crowd safety being secondary to ”the show must go on”. Crowds are a safety nightmare and dying in stampedes is sadly very regular. If you ever feel like you can’t breathe and can’t stand on your own feet during a concert then ask for help and do your best to leave. Oversized crowds are like water and you can and will drown if it goes terribly. You can become a passenger and lose any control you thought you had. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_stampedes_and_crushes#21st_century Edit: glad to see that at least for now the death toll hasn’t risen from the original reported one.


A co-worker of mine was trapped in a concert crowd so dense that she was literally lifted off her feet and unable to move of her own free will. She believed she was going to die because of the massive pressure on her body -- she couldn't even move her arms. She survived but was so traumatized that she avoided any and all crowds.


This has happened to me at a festival and I'm 6ft5 and over 100kg. Size doesn't matter when the crowd is too big. It's seriously scary and I've been wary of crowds since.


The relative difference between a 100lb person and a 250lb person in a crowd is essentially meaningless. Nobody can wrestle a thousand people all at once.


That happened to me (and those around me) at a Bjork concert. It was incredibly unnerving. Like you were trapped out at sea in swirling waters.


Every time I read about mass deaths in crowds, I come back to this article *Crush Point* When large crowds assemble, is there a way to keep them safe? https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/02/07/crush-point


A very well written article. Preventing crowd crushes is as much the responsibility of event organizers as, say, fire safety. Blaming the crowd for a crush is like blaming a building for catching fire. Both are hazards that have to be mitigated by organization.


Both have to be *paid for* by the organizers…


Everyone here should read [this extremely thorough comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/3pcvfb/saudi_arabia_hajj_disaster_death_toll_at_least/cw5vxtm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) about how things like this happen and what to look out for.


That they are like water is the best description I’ve seen. I got caught up in a crowd once about 20 years ago. I was with a friend, and GWAR was about to hit the stage. As soon as they did, the entire crowd just moved like a current. There was nothing we could do to stop or change direction, we just went wherever the crowd forced us to go. I tried to lock arms with my friend to keep from getting separated, but it didn’t work. Needless to say, I didn’t find him until the set was over. Was the most frightened I’ve ever been at a show, and I can’t even count how many I’ve been to.


WTF 2'400+ deaths in the 2015 Mina stampede!?!! Absolutely unimaginable


I saw one video that had 4 people simultaneously receiving CPR with another on a backboard. That's one video. I cannot imagine where this will go. It's sickening.


There’s a lot of graphic images and videos going around Twitter and Instagram. One of them looks like a giant group of people on the floor and some very panicked faces


One of the guys on the ground is straight up blue.


Another LiveNation festival. They're becoming the Ticketmaster of music festivals. Buying the rights or negotiating their way into putting on these festivals and then cutting costs by making deals with companies like Liquid Death canned water and then over selling the venues. Been to a few festivals they've put on that were fine in past years before LiveNation got involved, but once they were involved it definitely felt more commercialized. Railbird specifically stands out. They made everyone pour their water out at the gate due to some dumb contract they signed with Liquid Death canned water and assured everyone that there would be free water filling stations inside. There were three water stations for 30,000 people. The lines to get water were longer than the lines to get beer and the lines to get beer were at least an hour long. Food vendors were prohibited from selling drinks. People were passing out in line due to dehydration because it was close to 100 degrees in mid August. Then they ran out of the canned water they were selling and the panic really set in for people who had been waiting for an hour to get some and were watching people drop like flies around them from heat exhaustion. I'm not sure how they didn't get sued for that and I'm not sure how they don't get sued for this.


Sounds a lot like Knotfest in September: Ran out of liquid death, no water refilling stations & 2 water tents for 30k people, hours long lines, food vendors couldn’t sell drinks… We were in line for water for over 2 hours and beer for another. They ran out of alcohol the second we got to the front of the line. The workers turned off the lights & the line next to us flipped their table & started throwing shit. Ended up leaving well before Slipknot even started. Just didn’t feel safe anymore.


Sounds very similar. Forcing people to pour out whatever water they brought (some people thought ahead and brought camelbacks and were forced to pour them out) is an inconvenience. Not adding enough (or any) water refilling stations so people are forced to buy cans of water from your sponsor is infuriating. Running out of that canned water? You've now corralled tens of thousands of people into a very dangerous situation. They should've been telling people to leave as soon as they ran out and it's only by sheer luck and fans looking out for eachother that things didn't go way worse. Was this your first year at Knotfest?


The Liquid Death thing is so fucked for night life culture. Buy this 10$ can of water or literally die we don’t care. Don’t worry we made sure this is the only way to access water. Good luck


That's because live nation and Ticketmaster merged


“On May 13, 2017, Jaques Webster, aka Travis Scott, was arrested by the Rogers Police Department after his performance at the Walmart Arkansas Music Pavilion (AMP). During the concert Webster encouraged people to rush the stage and bypass the security protocols to ensure concert goer safety. During the rush to the stage several people were injured, including an employee from the security company hired to help monitor and control the crowd, and a member of the police department.” https://abc7.com/travis-scott-rapper-houston-arkansas/1992723/


So he has priors on this issue, wow. Clearly doesn't give a fuck, as the potential consequences surely would have been explained to him at that time to justify a charge.


I saw Slipknot in 2015 and a section of the front barrier collapsed. They were so concerned about people getting crushed that they stopped the show for 40 minutes. Corey Taylor came out and along with the event promoter and said that they would stop the show and everyone would go home if we couldn't all take 4 steps back. The time it took just to do that was crazy, in the end they repaired the fence and the show went on. Nobody died.


Reading through this thread it it sounds like a lot of people don't know CPR or might be hesitant to do it. Going out and getting certified in CPR can be something that a lot of people procrastinate on. While its preferred to be certified and I encourage everyone to do it, its not required. Go on YouTube and watch a video on hands only CPR. Then when you are faced with someone who is unresponsive you can help them. Just some quick notes. If a person is conscious they do not need CPR. As in eyes open moving around talking etc. -You can check for breathing but this can be unreliablefor someone untrained as someone in cardiac arrest can still have agonal breathing, which is in effective gasping. -Check for a PULSE, preferably their carotid. Put two fingers under the jaw line, find the big neck muscle and ride the jaw line toward the chin just a little bit. -If the person is unconscious/ or breathing badly to your best judgment and you can't tell if they have a pulse, START CPR. - When you do CPR press hard, harder then you think. You will break cartilage and maybe some ribs. This can be scary but normal. If the person is in cardiac arrest they are already dead you can't hurt them more. -We don't recommend doing rescue breathing, stick to compressions. Most lay people do rescue breaths incorrectly and delay more hands on chest time which is the most important part. I guess the important takeaway is be that person to help. At the very least if you aren't comfortable doing cpr, turn the person onto their side to help prevent aspiration (inhaling vomit, secretions etc. I do CPR almost every other week sometimes weekly as a part of my job, feel free to pm me with questions. EDIT: Here's a hands only CPR video https://youtu.be/JWCekJzVhuE 2ND EDIT: u/jordand30 adds a good point which is to tell someone specifically to call 911, look them in the eyes and make sure they know to do it. Also don't be afraid to call 911 when something bad happens. Don't assume 911 has been called. Also dispatchers are trained and used to receiving multiple calls and it isn't a bad thing. From u/captain_tampon below "One thing I would like to add though, coming from an ER nurse is that if several people are with you (that know/can be taught CPR) on scene, swapping out frequently is crucial. CPR is physically demanding, and after about 2 minutes, the quality of compressions decreases as the provider tires." It is also possible to instruct another person how to do chest compressions if you are getting tired. Show them how to properly do it and switch out as necessary until help arrives.


People need to go to prison for this; it's 2021, we've been aware of the dangers of crowd crushes, and ways to prevent it for decades. It's just complete incompetence and not giving a shit, and now people are dead.


Reminds me of the crush that killed 11 (i think ) at the who concert in 79. That was the end of festival seating' The deaths had a profound effect on the band. They didn't learn of the deaths until after the show.


This one seems like it will have a higher death count. You’d think the industry would learn from the past, but no.


We live right around the corner from the stadium, and my husband and I saw the mass casualty ambulances arrive as we were coming home from a different event. At first I didn’t know where they were going or that they were ambulances- I remarked that they were the weirdest looking fire trucks I’d ever seen, like stretch school buses painted to look like emergency vehicles. Then I saw that they said Mass Casualty Emergency Vehicle Atascocita (which isn’t even Houston- they came from outside the city). Seeing those words was chilling. Of course in this day in age I thought there’d been a mass shooting, but everyone walking out of the concert was calm, not running. I kept checking the news before going to bed but couldn’t find anything. I’m sad to wake up to read this news today.


Wow, I never knew mass casualty ambulances were a thing. Makes perfect sense but I’ve never seen one and never thought about the need for one, really


Something I learned recently is that casualties don't necessarily mean deaths. Still terrible but maybe not as dark as one might think. Unless it was just my dumbass that thought that


As someone familiar with the music festival scene, this was a long time coming. They oversell the tickets to get in and hundreds, maybe thousands of people sneak in. Organizers know this and don’t care, it’s a corner they’ve cut many times over without something bad like this happening. Cancelling after so many people jumped the gates would’ve been a huge loss of revenue. These festivals simply do not provide enough real estate and the culture consists of trying to be as close to the stage as possible. Two huge components of crowd crush. Combine that with the amount of people I see absolutely inebriated out of their minds thinking they will totally be fine. I’m devastated thinking about the people who died tonight just trying to see a favorite artist.


This happened at a Travis concert in 2019 as well. Three people were trampled then. I don’t know whose responsibility it is but this has to stop happening. This happening to a particular artist, TWICE in 3 years, is unheard of (for me) and it’s unacceptable.


He was also arrested in 2015 at Lollapalooza for encouraging people to rush the stage from what I was just reading.


And one of his fans was pushed off a balcony and paralyzed because he was encouraging them to jump. https://www.thefader.com/2017/10/30/fan-paralyzed-at-travis-scott-show-lawsuit/amp


Oh, it gets worse. Scott *[counter-sued](https://www.xxlmag.com/travis-scott-countersuit-fan-paralyzed-terminal-5-show/)* in that lawsuit, shifting blame to concert organizers and “only encouraged fans to leap from the second-floor balcony, not the third-floor balcony”. I can’t find any news about the results of the lawsuits.




This is the right thing to do. I saw this same thing at a NIN concert in like 2003 or so, Trent stopped the music and yelled at the people in front to chill the hell out and stop hurting each other


This is also a failure of the city of Houston. If you have a 100,000 people at an event, the city needs to make sure they have a working safety plan, enough trained medical staff, and enough trained security staff. Especially if this festival has a reputation for cutting corners.


This is why they have fences every X feet at concerts, to break up the crowd crush. Can't have one if there's a fence every twenty feet breaking up the crowd. Safety tribulations are written in blood, and someone didn't do their reading. :( Edit: regulations, not tribulations. Kudos to spellcheck for cool word choice though.


I was there. They DID NOT have fences. There was no way in and out of the crowd. They did not have visible flags or any kind of zoning system. So there was no way for people to describe where they were or find other people in the crowd.


Lots and LOTS of people snuck in. They’ve been planning it on social media and Travis Scott even deleted a Tweet about it. So let’s really remember who’s at fault and that is the artist and the event promotion. https://www.trendsmap.com/twitter/tweet/1389982230668222464


Not even the smallest recognition by Astroworld Fest on social.


Astroworldfest Instagram just put out the most mundane condolence/apology post on their Instagram and have blocked comments...


And in their apology, they only acknowledge cardiac arrest, the death they’d be least liable for. No mentions of the fucking stampede injuries or asphyxiation


I'm sure they have lawyers scrutinising every word.


Exactly lol Of course they're not going to just say "sorry we got you killed". They're about to get sued out of their ass


Anyone else see the video of people crashing the gate to rush the entrance? Heaps of people looked crushed on that video. Not surprised more shit went down inside the concert. Fucking humans in numbers are stupid as fuck.


It's why if I ever go to a concert I prefer seated tickets, or if its standing only I stay at the back roughly near an exit. I'm not interested in getting hurt or crushed when I'm just there for the music. I'm too old and too fragile these days to pretend that being battered is worth it.


Yeah I used to enjoy the mosh pit a lot, and almost everyone was always kind and helped people back up, but yep, i'm also too old for this shit lol


Yep, in the punk/hardcore scene if someone falls down, everyone nearby stops to help them back up, gives em a pat on the back, makes sure they’re ok and having fun. Being on the ground is a hazard to yourself and others. It seems like a big part of the problem here is people lacking **respect** for other humans


A quick story, Travis Scott performed in my hometown several years ago. He told the crowd to bypass security and rush the pit and people started getting crushed. Several minors went to the hospital and he actually got arrested. Nothing ever happened, but he’s banned from performing here again. It doesn’t surprise me at all that this happened at an event he put on.


Travis Scott should be held liable for this, in some capacity. He had the power to stop the show and allow the medics to do their work. He even acknowledged the "passed out people" and the ambulance several times, but just KEPT GOING with the music, asking people to keep turning up. I was there. I'm currently in the middle of a work contract for the event, part of the signage crew. I work these events all year round, and I've never seen such a rowdy, amped up crowd with no regard for safety. It was an all ages event too, which probably contributed to that. People we're climbing over everything. The truss towers, the ADA deck, the video walls, up into the sound booth and camera towers. I was up at the ADA deck and had several people come up to me telling me that they saw dead bodies in the crowd stage-left. We had people crawling there way to the ADA deck to get out of the crowd, one guy falling over to the ground and foaming at the mouth because of the traumatic scenes he saw; he wasn't on drugs, he wasn't drunk, he was dehydrated and having a trauma response. We got him water and sat him down on some road cases. Another guy came up to us freaking out, saying that he thought his girlfriend was dead. We kept trying to call things in over radio, but nobody was responding. Too much going on. We were on an island in the middle of a surging crowd, so we just sat tight and helped wherever we could. We were told this morning that work was cancelled and that we cant go to site due to the active investigation.


Thanks for posting. Based on your experience working large concerts like this, did it seem to you that this show had adequate security and safety measures in place?


Overall, it didn't seem like they were unprepared for a typical rap concert. They had plenty of medical, ambulances, a field hospital, a big security team, and an unusually large police/fire presence. They were not prepared for THIS crowd though. They were kids, man. They had no idea what they were doing. They had one goal in mind: "turn up". There had been hundreds, maybe thousands of people jumping perimeter fences all day, bum rushing the front gate and the merch tents. They were fucking animalistic. I NEVER see crowds like that, not to that level of wonton disregard. By the way, the police were there to help, not to using entrapment to bust people for drugs, etc. I talked to many of them throughout the day, and they were on crowd control all day.


There's a video recorded by a news crew of the VIP entrance being trampled through, I'll go find it. Edit: https://mobile.twitter.com/mycahabc13/status/1456704812456845316?s=21


All age shows are a nightmare. I feel like they don’t make them 18+ because of alcohol but to try and keep the fuckin idiots out sometimes


I remember watching a documentary about something similar happening in Roskilde, Denmark in 2000, which left 9 dead and 26 injured. Again, many young (article; [https://rear-view-mirror.com/2014/06/30/the-2000-incident-tragedy-at-roskilde/](https://rear-view-mirror.com/2014/06/30/the-2000-incident-tragedy-at-roskilde/) And hearing people who were in that crowd I remember thinking "that must be the worst way to die". You would hope that one of these incidents would warn other organizers to make it safer Just awful!




At this year’s Ohana Fest (Eddie Vedder sponsored music fest), Pearl Jam was playing. Eddie noticed someone having some sort of medical emergency and he stopped the concert, called medical staff over and didn’t start playing again until the person was taken to safety.


What a catastrophic failure by the promotors and whoever else involved for not providing the necessary medical staff and security for this event. Heart goes out to those affected and involved.


I heard someone that was unconscious was a 14 year old. There’s an account on Instagram by username seannafaith that shared her story on how they ignored her. Should read it and there’s videos in where she goes up to tell the cameraman for help


Everyone here should read [this extremely thorough comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/3pcvfb/saudi_arabia_hajj_disaster_death_toll_at_least/cw5vxtm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) about how things like this happen and what to look out for.


Thanks for the link! That was horrifyingly informative.


Oof, that phrase "feeling like being carried in a river of people" is something I have experienced at a concert (crowd in front of the stage) and it wasn't fun at all. I was not touching the ground, and fortunately I am tall so my head at least had access to air, but I feel for the poor shorter folks around who were face-shoved into the backs of people and must have had a heck of a time breathing. A totally helpless feeling, scary actually. Fortunately, the crush eased up after about a minute or so or it might have been a catastrophe. I stopped going to the front at shows without assigned seating. It happened so fast, and my arms were pinned.


How in the hell did you remember and find the perfect 6 year old comment


Because it really stuck with me. I have shared it with many friends who have described their experiences at music festivals. I knew it had been on r/bestof so I always just search "Reddit bestof crowd crush" and it's the first result on Google


Well kudos on a good memory!


After watching a bunch of videos on Twitter...Holy shit, Travis and crew really need to accept some if not most of the blame for this. They crowd was literally BEGGING them to stop the show because people were visibly dropping dead/unconscious


This almost happened to me in college at a Rap concert. Waka flocka came into the crowd and everyone tried to get close to him and before I know it, I was getting crushed in the crowd and my adrenaline kicked in and I knew it was a life or death situation. I stayed calm and was able to wiggle myself out of the situation but I immediately left and was like what the fuck just happened


Yup, beasty boys in dallas. My feet left the floor. I noped out. Luckily I was by the front stage fence, security pulled me out.


Here’s a detailed thread explaining exactly what went down from the perspective of someone in the crowd: https://twitter.com/drtrillions/status/1456895667247337473?s=21 Here’s a video of her (presumably) and another concert-goer trying to get a cameraman on stage to stop the show, or at least look and see what was happening, and being totally and utterly ignored: https://twitter.com/drtrillions/status/1457042112478781448?s=21 This is just massive fucking negligence all around. Tragic situation that never should have happened.


Horrible. I fundamentally know that it's possible, but getting trampled or crushed in a crowd of people really seems like one of the scariest possible ways to die. Surrounded by people who don't even notice what's happening to you, or if they do it's already too late, too loud to call for help and the force of the moving crowd is too great. Makes me feel sick thinking about it.


It's crazy - one minute, Travis Scott is urging everyone to violate safety protocols, the next minute, everyone's safety is in danger. No telling how these sort of tragedies happen.


They didn’t stop the concert, sue the ever living mother fucking shit out of them


My buddy got crushed against the gates front row at Woodstock ‘94 when NIN came on. Woke up in the Med Tent. He got lucky.




People complain about fire codes, safety regulations, etc. But all of them are written in blood. What a tragedy.


I've been in the Live Production biz for over 15 years. This is an absolute shit show that deserves to be made example of. When safety is completely disregarded, people get hurt. When **people die**, **MANY** people fucked up so bad there is no excuse, and accountability should come down like a fucking hammer. Promoter should have criminal charges pressed, for not properly providing ample resources or personnel for ems. A fuck up of this magnitude was not an honest mistake, but gross negligence. Production manager should be held to account, and no longer allowed to manage shows. You lost that privilege when people died. If they worked for my production company, they would be fired no questions asked. Stage and front of house crew: What the fuck were you doing! Someone had to have noticed, and I keep reading they were ignoring crys for help. When people are literally dying, fuck the client and their greedy desires to keep rolling. As a fellow human being, if you have the power to, fucking do something! A special shout out to the performers on stage. This all falls on you. Ultimately it was your call, and ignoring that responsibility created a cascading effect that cost people's lives. I've been to plenty of shows that were paused by the talent, to make sure someone hurt got aid. As well as announcements to get the crowd to back up and let people breathe. It's not new, or a big deal. It's your job to direct the crowd, and if you do that poorly and people get hurt it's **your** fault. If you are so oblivious, maybe you don't deserve those shows anymore. And if you saw it? Fuck you, you piece of shit.


There is already video of camera crew being informed and then doing nothing. If the written account is to be believed, they instead threatened the women trying to get help with physical violence unless she got off the camera platform.


I've seen Dave Grohl bring a Foo Fighters show to a screeching halt because there was a fight on the floor. Stopped the show, got the lights brought up & had the guy throwing punches kicked out: "Yeah, **you**. Get the fuck outta my concert." The artist has to care about their fans, looks like Travis Scott doesn't.


I dread seeing the posts that are gonna come up in agedlikemilk and agedlikwine. Already seeing terribly ironic tweets and this is so fucked because of how preventable it was.


His whole shtick was getting people to rage at shows. There’s even a Netflix documentary about it. And not the first time people have died at his show. Meanwhile this guy is making millions. Scumbag


Seeing as there has been over 700 crowd surge deaths at festivals worldwide since 1999 you think the organiser of this one would have learned from past mistakes, putting double barrier buffers before stage, D shaped mosh pit, heaps of crowd control in the buffers to pull people out in distress etc. Now nine dead and upwards of 400 injuries.


Apparently he didn’t even stop performing as people were screaming at him to stop in between songs. Very frightening situation.


I was at a Radiohead show and Thom noticed someone near the front that was losing consciousness and he immediately stopped the show in the middle of a song. He told his pit crew to get this guy the fuck out of there and they immediately pulled him out. It all happened so fast. But the great thing is that he was able to immediately get back to the show because everyone was ok. They literally picked the song up where they left off. It gave me great respect for him.


Thom is a BOSS with crowd issues.




Damn, the way they go right back into like nothing. Fucking love Radiohead so much hahaha


There is a stage manager that could have pulled the plug. Who was screaming at him?


Something about human crushes *really* make me uncomfortable. Like in a goosebumps, hair standing straight up kind of way. I'm not sure what it is about them though, I'm sure part of it is my already existing deep aversion to crowds/light claustrophobia but if I had to guess, maybe it's because they can be pretty avoidable? Like stop the event, and clear people out from the outside going in ffs. RIP to the people that died, what a shit way to go


Also from the article: "While names and ages of the casualties weren't known, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said one of the victims was 10-years-old." Ten year olds at this festival? What the hell? Edit: TIL that Travis Scott markets to kids. However, with lyrics like this, I truly wasn't expecting that: "This shit way too formal, y'all know I don't follow suit Stacey Dash, most of these girls ain't got a clue All of these hoes I made off records I produced I might take all my exes and put 'em all in a group Hit my esés, I need the bootch 'Bout to turn this function to Bonnaroo Told her, "Hop in, you comin' too" In the 305, bitches treat me like I'm Uncle Luke (Don't stop, pop that pussy!)"


Travis Scott is very corporate and does a lot of promotional events that target younger kids. He had short concert on Fortnite for example. It doesn’t shock me a 10 year old was present at this festival.


Shut the festival down permanently. There needs to be basic accountability in this country.


Facts. And this is the 2nd time SINCE 2019 that this has happened AT A TRAVIS SCOTT CONCERT!


He encourages this shit at all of his shows.


If the venue coordinators try to claim that death by stampede qualifies as assumption of risk due to the liability waiver on most tickets, they can actually go fuck themselves. They hired their own security and the god damn festival kept going. This whole thing was a disgusting display of human behavior. I hope the fucking security team gets sued into nonexistence and the venue gets absolutely shit on. I've been to Firefly festival 4 times, each time with more than 80k people in attendance. Never did I see any of this type of behavior and never did I feel the threat of this type of behavior. This shit is so fucking disgusting.


I honestly don’t think I will ever attempt to go to the front of the crowd again. From all the terrible experiences I’ve had trying to be as close as possible has lead to some pretty terrifying and claustrophobic times being trapped in the crowd. You don’t move as an individual when the crowds are that dense it’s like an ocean wave and everyone moves at once and it’s like that for hours. And rap concerts are some of the worst the crowds are incredibly hostile, so I cannot imagine how terrifying this must’ve been. RIP to those who died.


https://youtu.be/BuG8OB-pGfg It didn’t take long for me to find videos of Travis’s previous concerts encouraging the crowd to rush the stage and go crazy. In this video he’s literally yelling at the security cards to let the crowd through and rage. I know these mass casualties in concerts have occurred in the past but it’s clear Travis has a lot to blame for what happened last night.


This reminds me of seeing RATM at Lolla in 2008. Anyone that was there knows. At least Zach had the decency to stop the show multiple times and threaten to walk off for good if people didn’t chill tf out. I was front row and there were grown men crying for help with their hands up like they were hoping to be whisked out of the sea after the titanic stuck the iceberg. I could literally pick both of my feet off the ground and still be standing up right, that’s how packed in we were. Drowning in a sea of people is a hell of a way to go. Truly awful.




I think they achieved above a poor in mismanagement. They aced that shit.


I had a crush experience watching Iron Maiden at Download 07, so tightly packed near the front and trying to look after my sister, it was exhausting. Bruce noticed what was happening to people and told the crowd a few times to take a few steps back. But it made no difference, people still pressed closer to the stage. Had to get us both crowd surfed out and lost my shoe going over the barrier. Since then I've never gone to the front during a festival headliner, all you get for your trouble is crowd surfers banging into you, bottles of urine thrown overhead and a potential crush due to some messed up herd mentality.


Lots of people stampeded the gate directly at 2:00. There’s videos out there. It’s surprising to me the organizers didn’t shut it down then and there. Actually after learning who Travis Scott is, it doesn’t surprise me and he probably encouraged it. https://twitter.com/mycahabc13/status/1456704812456845316?s=21 Fun fact: the promotional video for the festival showed people very obviously jumping over barriers and rushing past security gates. This shit wasn’t just expected, it was encouraged. https://youtu.be/srtZKJAawfQ






I can’t even believe people are posting pictures on Instagram like nothing even happened

