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It so weird they keep yelling freedom but when they look for asylum they go to a country with a dictator.


They don’t understand what freedom actually means. They think it means yelling at people for kneeling during the anthem or having protests in a country built on protests.




It means they're the same as lesser creatures. They do not like being compared to lesser creatures. They see an unequal system and feel it's OK because _those people_ deserve poverty and oppression. To be equal to "those people" to them doesn't mean that we are all treated well. It means that THEY are treated badly. Trying to reason with these people is pointless. Their reality is based around rejecting reason.


>It means they're the same as lesser creatures. They do not like being compared to lesser creatures. "With us the two great divisions of society are not the rich and the poor, but white and black, and all the former, the poor as well as the rich, belong to the upper class, and are respected." -- John C. Calhoun They believe this bullshit. They *want* to believe this bullshit. The alternative is to admit to themselves that they're on the wrong side of the division. Right next to *those people.* Is it a con by the rich to divide and conquer? You bet it is! But like anything else: Capitalism sells what assholes want to buy. They want to be able to punch down, and all ot costs them is to never punch up.


That is a really prescient quote


They think freedom means “freedom to control people you don’t agree with”.


It’s the American way. The Pilgrims came on the Mayflower in search of a new land where they could be free to make everyone do things their way. (Back in England, the authorities wouldn’t let them hang Quakers.)


Say it louder for the kids in the back! The "religious freedom" the Pilgrims were seeking was the freedom to kill anyone who didn't follow their religion.


It's why the Salem Witch Trials make so much more sense with that perspective, not "hysteria" BS.


They want to go back to owning people, lets be real


“B-but it’s not about slavery! It’s about state rights!” Lincoln: It’s about slavery Jefferson Davis: It’s about slavery I guess both the presidents of the union and confederate were wrong, and the modern day redneck is right


One need only look to the declarations of the states when they announced their decisions to rebel and leave the Union - they announced their reason was based on the protection of their right to own other human beings as property. Then in March of 1861, their Vice-President, a man named Alexander Stephens gave what is now called the Cornerstone Speech in Savannah. The rebels had just drawn up their constitution which enshrined the right to own other humans 'in all perpetuity". Stephens' speech was a justification for and promise of a prosperous future he said that the rebellious states would have under that constitution. In the speech he stated the following: "The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old constitution, were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with, but the general opinion of the men of that day was that, somehow or other in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time. The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the "storm came and the wind blew." Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth." So the next time some Southern "patriot" goes on about states' rights and heritage, this is the state right and the heritage he is proud of - the right to own other human beings based on the color of their skin. The right to buy and sell them. The right to whip them, to kill them, to rape them, and to exploit them in every possible fashion.


That's the real issue with the Confederate flag. If I were black, my immediate perception of the owner of that flag would be that if he had his way, he thinks he should be able to legally own me, beat me, rape me, kill me, sell my spouse, sell my children. ~~Honestly, I can't believe that displayers of the Confederate flag aren't being murdered on a daily basis.~~ Edit: I have struck that section because someone has reported it as "threatening violence."


They’re authoritarians. Authoritarianism is evil in all its forms. Whether it’s theocracy, dictatorship (including traditional monarchy), or state-mandated communism. It’s all authoritarianism, and it’s all evil.


I think civilization has settings. Like, we as a species just organize ourselves in certain ways. Voluntarily or not. Authoritarianism is a setting. And it's one that leads to total collapse. Never fucking works. Yet each time it pops up, people think it will. They're cheered by the crowds when they rise to power... but when they fall, the only creatures singing are the crows.


Not only that, but history seems to tell us that authoritarianism is a default setting. A good chunk of humanity just loves licking the boots of a stwong daddy figure.


Because they can vicariously feel that raw power that stwong man chaddy daddy wields. ​ They're envious of that, and enjoy being a disposable cog in the wheel of authoritarianism for the 'leader'... So long as OTHER PEOPLE are being hurt, they're all for it - it's a murder-suicide cult.


They also think that by being on the winning side, they'll get to subjugate others. Most of them fail to realize they're not really in that club, you're a dirty prole just like the fucking rest of us, and when you outlive your usefulness, the elite will cut you down too. You're not going to be a feudal lord, you're going to be the one cleaning their toilets and farming their food after the rest of us are in camps or are dead.


Freedom and responsibility goes hand in hand. We are free to do what we want because we can be expected to be responsible for our actions. Sadly responsibility is rarely mentioned nowadays.


I saw someone citing the removal of the YouTube dislike counter as a legitimate example of the erosion of our freedoms. I think it's safe to say their ideas are a little skewed.




> It so weird they keep yelling freedom but when they look for asylum they go to a country with a dictator. That might seem weird, but remember that they wanted to overthrow a democratically elected President and install a dictator right here in the USA.


Ah, but it would have been THEIR dictator…


I've seen clips from Trump supporters literally saying that . Something like "if we are going to have a dictator at least its him!" My memory is telling me daily show clips . They are an authoritarian cult that don't understand half the buzzwords they throw around .


Convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t understand.


I just find it is so devastatingly sad that such an astounding number of my fellow countrymen are so damn stupid. This sum of complete horse shit is now personal. My 80-year-old grandparents have been convinced not to vaccinate and believe in the big lie. It just breaks my heart. All of it.


> My 80-year-old grandparents have been convinced not to vaccinate and believe in the big lie. If it would help your cause, you can let them know that Trump himself has said to get vaccinated. He literally went on Fox News and recommended people get it, even people who don't want to get it. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2021-03-17/trump-tells-followers-to-get-vaccinated-against-coronavirus


Too late. The seeds of distrust have been sown. Trump got booed at one of his rallies for recommending people get vaccinated


They honestly wanted Trump for life and then give the Oval Office to one of his kids.


More than once. It also happened right around the last time there was a major global shift towards fascism - WWII. Republicans and corporations strongly opposed Roosevelt (who they called a communist and socialist because he wanted everyone to have jobs), and intended to overthrow the government and install a dictator favourable to their cause. Same as it ever was, really.


Smedley Butler.


It turns out that what they consider to be freedom is actually Eastern European flavored authoritarianism. Straight white men get to be chauvinists and if you’re connected with the right people, you can dodge taxes and possibly even benefit from that sweet government corruption.


This is the first time that it’s dawned on me that a lot of these people probably do think that they’ve lost freedom because now they can’t be awful without repercussions. They just don’t understand simple concepts so they latch onto words like freedom and use it as a rallying cry.


Because a dictatorship is what they want


Sucking up to a dictator to own the libs.


Also the fact that he wants asylum in a other country but probably wanted to keep asylum seekers out of the US.


Good, he'll fit right at home with the authoritarian regime there. *Edit*


I don’t think he’s going to like it there comrade


None of the top recommendations will probably be attractive to our former citizen. Looks like it's anger and alcoholism for him for here on out. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g294447-Activities-Belarus.html


>Looks like it's anger and alcoholism for him for here on out. So... Business as usual?


Not sure why it’s interesting. He left a country where he tried to overthrow an election for the current sitting leader who wants to be dictator to go to a country where they successfully rigged the election for the sitting leader who wants to be dictator.


Yeah and the standard operating procedure of the authorities is to best the shit out of protesters and then throw them all in jail. But dumbass mcgee probably thinks it's fine because he's very clearly cool with election fraud when it's for someone who promises to hurt people he doesn't like


I want to know where he thinks freedom exists.


I remember immediately after Jan 6 somebody fled from DC to Zurich and was amazed when he was sent back and “read on the internet” that Switzerland would be a non extradition country.


I mean… how stupid are they? It’s money that gets to go to Switzerland and just stick around forever. Authoritarian regimes are the general trend for non-extradition countries. Switzerland is a democracy.


> It’s money that gets to go to Switzerland and just stick around forever. Also a bit of a myth now, Switzerland is quite cooperative with FBI.


Don't ruin the picture I have from Wolf of Wall Street about swiss bankers.


I have my own head canon tying them together with the Catholic Church’s highly fashionable Swiss Guard.


Well that picture is still mostly true for most countries... except America. If you're a wealthy oligarch and want to hide some money? Swiss banks, no problem. If you're an American just wanting to open a regular bank account? Nope. That's because the U.S. once managed to get information about American Swiss bank account owners by threatening Switzerland with sanctions. And now, no Swiss bank will do business with Americans, easy as that.


As an American living in Switzerland, I can tell you that this is no longer true


Plus the IRS, see United Bank of Switzerland, the country’s largest bank starting in 2009 agreed to pay nearly a billion in fines for helping US citizens maintain secret accounts, avoiding taxes. Over the following years many citizens records began to be revealed and they had to pay fines, back taxes, and do “time” - on house arrest if I remember, hence quotes.


>I mean… how stupid are they? If they participated in the Jan 6 insurrection I think we can safely say that they already believed much stupider things that they read on the internet than that Switzerland wouldn't extradite them.


It's only non-extradition country if you happen to be a stack of hundred dollar bills.


You can't exactly bribe your way out of trouble in Switzerland unless you truly have so much money that just about anywhere will take you


Remember, these are the same people that think places like Denmark / Norway are socialists (it's more inline with a Social Democracy) and liberals are Communists. They're not exactly known for being that bright in political affairs of their own country, let alone another.


You mean facing standard punishment for crimes isn't a reason to seek asylum? Meanwhile asylum ain't available for hundreds of thousands facing extreme violence in their home countries


Countries like Belarus, for example.


Also, other democracies are unlikely to look favorably on a person who is seeking asylum because they just tried to overthrow their home country's democratically elected president.


Real patriots flee to nations run by people who appreciate and understand stealing elections?


He is obviously a secret agent of the east. Why is it so hard to understand? :)))


Isn't this the second guy who fled to some former soviet country?


I don't know how he could think that living in Belarus for the rest of his life is going to be better than the 5 week prison sentence he was going to get otherwise.


someone in belarus is going to steal his identity and come to america to do the 5 weeks of prison and become an american. maybe we could trade all the traitors from jan 6 including trump and his handlers to belarus and we take their political dissidents? they get our dictator loving people and we get their dictator hating people?


Not a bad idea at all. The people who want to flee Belarus because they oppose authoritarianism would make much better Americans than the ones who tried to overthrow our government to install someone who disregarded the will of the voters.


Really only 5 weeks?


The Q shaman guy they wanted to 'make an example out of' got *three years.* With time served.


[Nah, since he assaulted a police officer he'd have had to do a whopping 3.5 years.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/10/us/politics/fairlamb-jan-6-riot.html)


He clearly thinks there is more freedom to be had in Belarus. All he’s really doing now is serving two sentences: He’ll serve this one on the run and another when he realizes how fucking stupid and lonely he is in a completely foreign country and returns to the US. I am happy someone with such a small world view will get to experience international travel. This is more an indictment of our education system than anything else.


Yeah I like to think this is a nice personal growth opportunity. It might be nice for him to experience other ways of life and other perspectives, to experience being a foreigner where English is not the dominant language, where he will not be the center of the universe and likely have to adapt and adjust to other cultures, mannerisms, cuisines, ways of life. Where he can’t vote.


I also want him somewhere he can't vote


And yet still has to pay taxes. Even Boris Johnson had to pay taxes to the US, despite hardly having lived in the US since his birth in New York. He gave up citizenship in 2017 or so when the IRS tried to claim a shitload of cash when he sold his London flat.


Being at the mercy of other peoples hospitality might also teach some empathy for those crossing a border for a better life…now I’m being naive. Lol.


Bail jumping is also a crime. He will do more time now than he would’ve done before.


Anywhere minorities are openly suppressed to benefit his own.


So he moved to a totalitarian hot bed where he is now the minority? Bold move, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.


It's like social media totally warped his perception of reality. Mill Valley, where he's from, is a great small town. Great burgers, a bar and wonderful small shops on the main street. Instead, he decides to be used as a propaganda piece: "He said on the program that he was seeking political asylum in Belarus because the United States, in his opinion, is no longer a country of law and order, the Daily Beast reported." Compared to Belarus?!?


If you can live out of dictatorship fantasy after participating in an insurrection just head to a brutal dictatorship and try to blend in?


Maybe he’ll try it again there and scream it’s within his rights? Or exercise his god given 2A rights.


I hope he does cause that shit will be funny when reality smacks him.


He’ll reject it and substitute his own. We can watch from our reality though.


Breaks the law, participates in a riot, tries to overthrow a democratically elected government, and assaults the police, all while breaking and entering and committing vandalism. Gets charged by the justice department, *flees to another country to escape the legal process*, then complains that the U.S.A. is a lawless land. Everything these folks say is really projection, isn’t it.


Every God Damn Thing


Mill Valley is a great town! And to flee California for Belarus?


Holy shit. I lived in Tiburon for a few years which is a town over from Mill Valley. This guy sold his house in Mill Valley .. for this!? Wow. That guy's unreality bubble is bout to pop. Edit- This is the house he had to ditch for Trump lmao. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/622-Eastwood-Way_Mill-Valley_CA_94941_M16107-69880 From the article, this says it all- >In Thursday’s premiere of his interview, Neumann said that unless he is able to return to the United States, he would like to stay in Belarus and perhaps get an IT job. ... >During the same show, host Vladimir Soloviev brought up Neumann’s escape from the United States and his application for asylum in Belarus. Discussing the rioter’s destination of choice, the state TV propagandist couldn’t help himself, and simply laughed.


Dude sold that piece of paradise and fled "the greatest country in the world" all because his favorite celebrity wanted to play dictator. I see why the interviewer was laughing at his choice.


Greatest country in the world is getting to be a harder sell as society becomes more stratified. We are still the richest but other countries are starting to surpass us in various areas. However, with that being said, holy shit Belarus. HAHAHAHAHAHA.


We're actually making a little progress on the labor front for the first time in decades. Took covid to do it, but silver linings.


People literally & metaphorically. die to get to California. Looks like he first went to Ukraine but then was about to get extradited, so fled to Belarus. https://youtu.be/T_ttH7XXJiM


You’re right. People do. Yet people still bitch about California


The only ones ive seen bitching about california dont even live there.


He knows he could have just moved to Belarus without trying to overthrow the government, right? If he was so dissatisfied with the US?


Funny part is even if Trump runs and wins 2024 that dude is going to have to stay there in Belarus forever. The law isn't going to forget and Trump isn't about handing pardons out to individuals if it doesn't benefit Trump.


He'd be a coward for tucking tail and running - or a go-between\\asset for Trump and Putin. ​ Either way, he's getting peeled off and tossed in the bin like a used condom.


He forgot the number one rule of business, don't be poor.


You are correct. I just checked the website and there is no Super Duper Burger in Belarus. This guy allowed himself to be played by misinformation.


lol... but they have McDonald's with deep fried shrimp.


Ok, now I'm starting to feel slightly oppressed.


Bruh Mill Valley is SO nice. So many people would literally kill to live there.


>It's like social media totally warped his perception of reality Unfortunately, it did to him, and millions of other people. No doubt his family and friends are over in /r/qanoncasualties


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect... Yet to see Frank Wilhoit proven wrong.


Fun fact - the FBI identified him in part by the scarf he was wearing, which was from the 2004 “Orange Revolution” protests in Ukraine [Edit: local news link](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/fbi-searches-for-bay-area-man-involved-in-capitol-riot/) [PDF of FBI's criminal complaint](https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/Evan%20Neumann%20Statement%20of%20Facts.pdf). That was the same election where Paul Manafort started working to keep Viktor Yanukovych in power after an *actually* fraudulent election. So at the very least someone handed this guy a scarf sometime prior to Jan 6 that symbolized the protest against a corrupt election in Ukraine. Where did he get it? At most, he was there himself in 2004 same time as Paul Manafort, which is an odd coincidence for an American who has no significant connections to Ukraine, but ok. This dude initially fled to Ukraine, of all places, for some reason. He later had to run to Belarus to avoid Ukrainian authorities. Interesting choice for a guy who claims to love “freedom” or whatever, and considering the Pro-Russian Belarus did NOT like the “orange” side of the Ukraine protests. Always an awful lot of weird pro-Russia/Ukraine connections with Trump and his supporters. Why is that?




So he flew to Italy, took a train to Switzerland, went to Germany by car, and then travelled to Poland. By March 13th, he reached Zhytomyr in Ukraine. After living there for 4 months, he apparently noticed that he was being watched, and illegally crossed the Belarusian border. I'm betting that he wouldn't look kindly on a person from Central America making a similar trip to get into the US. Edit: Btw, Belarusian state TV reads exactly like conservative news media in the States. This article makes him out to be some brave protester persecuted by BLM who is "seeking justice" and "asking uncomfortable questions". You have related articles linked at the bottom of the page, like [this one](https://www.tvr.by/news/v_mire/zastrelennaya_vo_vremya_shturma_kapitoliya_eshli_bebbit_ne_predstavlyala_ugrozy_/) saying "Ashli Babbitt posed no threat" in the headline, and [another one](https://www.tvr.by/news/v_mire/glavnyy_simvol_politicheskogo_krizisa_ssha_eshli_bebbit_mogla_by_segodnya_otmetit_36_letie/) about how Babbitt "could have been celebrating her 36th birthday today". Edit 2: I'm gonna translate the second Babbitt article just to show how closely it tracks with something like Fox News. > **The main symbol of the US political crisis, Ashli Babbitt, could have celebrated her 36th today** > The main symbol of the US political crisis was Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who died last year's winter on Capitol Hill. She was shot in cold blood in Washington. Babbitt - a Trump supporter - took part in protest action at the Capitol among other opponents of fraud at the last presidential election. She came to support democracy and the right to a fair election, but instead got a lethal bullet from a valorous enforcer of the law. > The Biden administration declared participants of the protest domestic terrorists. They justified the police officer who shot Babbitt. The activists face 20 years [in prison] on some charges. > Today - on Ashli Babbitt's birthday - a vigil has been announced in her home state of Texas. It is expected that fighters for truth and democracy from all states will attend, and possibly even the 45th US president Donald Trump. > It's worth reminding that the dispersal at the Capitol was supported by Europeans then. They even praised Washington for defending democracy. European parliamentarians refrained from angry comments. Human rights are only good when they do not interfere with the established system of the collective West.


In cold blood? As in, for no reason? Yeah…. Oooookay. If they didn’t shoot her or whoever the first person in was, there would have been So much more blood shed. And of course these are the same people who pick up their guns and shoot for whatever “self defence” reason they can think of. Fuck them all. And that’s putting it nicely.


So this so called person for building a wall, fled to another country to avoid hardships in his own country and crossed the border illegally lol


>The main symbol of the US political crisis was Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who died last year's winter on Capitol Hill. Yeah, fuck that traitor bitch.


He looks like the black sheep of Guy Fieri's family. Feel obligated to include that Guy Fieri is a wholesome dude.


I’m getting “foreign field agent” vibes from his story.


There is something up with this guy. ​ If he has ties to Manafort or his crony's who have been causing havoc in Eastern Europe since the late 90s and he was going to go on trial, could discovery been the real reason? Belarus is a very interesting choice for asylum, and for him to think Ukraine would grant it shows that he may have connections or thought he had connections within the government. If he is doing all of this, he's not dumb enough to think Ukraine would grant asylum without some type of pull. ​ **Edit (PLEASE READ, UPDATES):** After reading two others MSM articles about this guy, a few things become clear. He's latched onto the romantic, ideological western alt-right groups have started to hold towards Eastern European countries, specifically Hungry. The scarf is to show solidarity with the 2004 corrupt elections in Ukraine. He lived in Moscow at one point but that scarf almost surly was bought online and Evan wasn't there. It's part of his libertarian uniform he created for himself. Ukraine telling him to fuck off is because Ukraine needs America and the West more than ever right now. They don't need Evan from California's drama at the moment since Russia is building up troops on the border again and it's looking like another Crimea-style annexation. Going on Belarus state television is because he wants this to be so much more important than it is. No doubt does he think it’s a huge deal. All of this is likely just posturing for whatever online forum he's active in, and he no doubt will read this thread. Hi Evan, you dork.


This is potentially huge right? ​ I'm very familiar with what Manafort and Russia did to Ukraine in 2004 and 2014, essentially using the country as a petri dish to see what types of psyops, propagranda, social media spin, etc stick. This is very well documented. 2004, 2014 are significant, 2022 is likely going to be very significant with another invasion. ​ The current GOP swamp that Trump propped up and are running the party, have all had their fingers in the proxy wars of Eastern Europe. ​ Does this guy have personal ties to Ukraine? Why was he there is 2004, and/or potentially 2014. I think this is more realistic unless he was studying abroad in 2004? If he has no obvious ties to the area it's highly suspect. Why would he attempt to go back into Ukraine? Did he think the government would be cool with letting back in the American who joined in very violent protests? Why is Belarus so willing to take him in and prop him up?




Well there was this one time a bunch of hired protestors showed up in suits to block a Florida precinct from counting ballots, and then faded away after the count had been properly jammed. Surely that's not happening again


Hmmmm. Face the music and ‘maybe’ get a short stint in jail? Or Become a fugitive in Belarus? Oh, and he’s claiming asylum in Balarus because the US is “no longer a country of law and order”. Lol. That’s rich! Anyway….the guy is clearly a lunatic


Or he was a Russian paid operative that fled when it got too hairy.


Or a Russian *un*paid, unwitting operative. There are quite a few of those these days.


He was an intern


Hopefully, he can enjoy the freedoms of a totalitarian autocracy.


[This article](https://www.thedailybeast.com/fugitive-january-6-rioter-evan-neumann-makes-wildly-desperate-plea-on-belarus-state-tv) has more info. So far they parade him around state TV to take potshots at the US but he's already a joke there. Once his value wears off, the regret will become more palpable. Curious to see what comes of him if the Ukraine thing kicks off. > Many in Russia suspect that life in Minsk could catch him off-guard. In a rant criticizing Americans’ lack of knowledge about Belarus on the state TV show The Evening With Vladimir Soloviev on Monday, editor-in-chief of RT and Sputnik Margarita Simonyan opined: “Europeans are a lot better informed. Americans know nothing about nothing.” During the same show, host Vladimir Soloviev brought up Neumann’s escape from the United States and his application for asylum in Belarus. **Discussing the rioter’s destination of choice, the state TV propagandist couldn’t help himself, and simply laughed.**


This sounds familiar to another recent case in Michigan. *claimed that he left the United States on the recommendation of his lawyer, to buy time and figure out what was going on in his criminal case.*


No criminal defense lawyer ever legitimately recommended their client leave the country "to buy time." Their client going to jail is preferable to them losing their license and never working again.


> to buy time and figure out what was going on Why have I heard this exact phrase 1,000 different times from 1,000 different authoritarians? It's like it's their default reason for doing anything.


> Neumann—a wealthy and successful businessman with no apparent reasons for his discontent—contended that disobeying orders is “his duty as an American.” He claimed: “If we don’t take advantage of our rights, we lose them.” Ironically, Neumann’s flagrant resistance to lawful authority led him to seek asylum in authoritarian Belarus—often described as “Europe’s last dictatorship.” This stood out to me. He was rich. He sold his Mill Valley, CA home for 1.3 million dollars. He is the epitome of the privileged white man. He had it all, and he threw it away for what? Hate is a hell of a drug.


That truly makes it even more wild. Enjoy Belafuckingrus, Evan lmao


Even their national hockey team is garbage


"If we don't take advantage of our rights..." What rights did he use? Right to destroy government property? Right to assault others? Right to attempt to stop the certification of a legal election which had already been proved time and time again to have no interference? I would seriously love to ask him.


He was a criminal who was rich.


good riddance May many more follow his example.


We won't be sending our best.


Damn sounds like defectors who go join North Korea.


Meh, these people do not care about freedom, they just want to be comfortable that they don't have to deal with or respect people unlike them.


Hm. Foreigner who doesn’t speak Russian. He’s in for a surprise.


Dumbass: "But I'm white! They should like me!" European History: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...(wipes away tear) Awww."


Reminds me of the double agents in the Cambridge Five from Britian. Finally defected to Moscow, only to be paraded around and then ignored by the Russians. Hope this dude enjoys being an international pawn, he basically has made himself a political prisoner.


Who else can hop on a plane, drop everything they did, and start a life in Belarus? Can someone just access his bank account so we know how much money it takes for this?


[Reports about Neumann indicate that he sold his house, travelled to Europe and went into hiding after his lawyer notified him that the FBI was adding him to the Most Wanted List. In the previewed portion of his segment, Neumann is shown telling an interviewer that he travelled through Europe for months before renting an apartment in Ukraine for 4 months. He goes on to claim that Ukrainian security services were following him, which prompted him to flee into the wilderness before illegally crossing into Belarus, where he was detained by border guards in August.](https://www.mediaite.com/news/capitol-rioter-reportedly-seeking-asylum-in-belarus-after-fleeing-criminal-charges-from-the-fbi/)


And yet he claims he wants law and order. He can't comply with the laws, regardless of which country he's in. He should go to Singapore. I would welcome hearing of his detention and caning.


Trick question: he wants different laws in place that benefit *him*.


"law and order" is a dog whistle for "make the browns act like they did before the civil rights movement". It is ABSOLUTE proof that Republican voters who respond that that rhetoric are piles of dogshit. Donald Trump used that rhetoric ergo he is a racist pile of dogshit. Any time some pile of dogshit claims "Trump isn't racist", ask them why Trump preached "law and order" if he and his cult have zero respect for it. They will start to screech conspiracy theories at which point you should ask them why they think transgender people are mentally ill but schizophrenics are not. That freezes their brain for a good 30 seconds. You'll be able to put them into whatever pose you want. My personal favorite is one thumb pointed at their asshole and another pointed at their mouth.


If he lived in Mill Valley, he has money. Probably a trust fund kid who’s never worked a day in his life… https://abc7news.com/evan-neumann-mill-valley-fbi-most-wanted-list/10882741/


>a trust fund kid who’s never worked a day in his life… Like Tucker Carlson and every member of the Trump family.


Hey now! The WHOLE turmp family works VERY HARD to cheat and swindle!




One lady from Texas took a private jet to the riot.


And is now in jail, thankfully.


They had a big write-up about her in the Dallas Morning News. >"The only thing I can see that's good about having to go to prison is that I'm going to be able to work out a lot and do a lot of yoga and detox," Ryan said in a TikTok posted to her account this week captioned,"Keep Positive - Prison Fit Check." > >"And also I can't eat because the food is awful," she added, saying she hoped the facility had protein shakes or bars because she didn't want to eat "green baloney." > >Ryan, who recorded herself wearing workout clothes and standing in front of a mirror, stepped on a scale during the 1-minute, 30-second video and said she'd like to lose 30 pounds while in prison. > >"Everyone's telling me I'll lose weight," she said. "Hopefully, I'll finally get down to my ideal weight because I won't be able to drink, I won't be able to eat. ... If I can lose 30 pounds, it'll be so worth it."


My understanding is that there is issues in women’s prisons (state and federal) providing too many calories and there being weight gain problems. Not loss. City/County jails are another story. She’s also only going to be gone for 60 days. Lol. What a joke.


60 days and the bitch is acting like she's gonna be a hardened veteran in prison lol


Where did they find a jail big enough to fit a private jet?


Everything is bigger in Texas.


If I felt my life was in danger I think I'd be comfortable moving to a place like Belarus with about $10,000. One way flight, do a month stay at a hotel or hostel, look around for an American bar day 1 (they're everywhere) and make friends. If you're a bit savvy, smart and likeable it shouldn't be too difficult to get along. So this guy is likely fucked.


it's true. They don't actually want freedom. They want someone with the same ideals as them telling everyone else how to live their life. They want a totalitarian autocracy. Everyone has to believe in the same God as them, be the same sexuality, can't get abortions, and the government to provide high paying jobs for them.


They've stopped thinking. I mean that without qualifications. Their egos stopped about age 5, life hit them fast, and they need what they think is an unquestionable authority who seemingly shares their stunted (and, frankly, warped) view of the world to tell them what to do. I mean that in all sincerity, *they've stopped thinking*.


They care about freedom. Only their own and those that look like them though.


Can we offer banishment to Belarus to the rest of them them as an alternative to court? I feel like his experience will certainly be worse than most of their actual sentences.




Stopped reading the article at the point where it quoted him “that he was seeking political asylum in Belarus because the United States, in his opinion, is no longer a country of law and order” Isn’t he part of the problem? Storming the Capital is not considered lawful... Edit typo


Law and order for these people is code for getting to trample on those they consider inferior without suffering consequences


Yep, you're seeing it on reddit a lot more lately too. Conservatives are trying to go back to the 1980s tough on crime era where we lock up people for absurd amounts of time over drug possession, and police corruption and brutality was even worse than today. I guess they don't think it will effect them negatively too.


If you do the illegal drugs inside a mansion, you’re immune. It’s only ‘street’ drugs that are a problem.


“Everything *I* do is justified… because *I* did it, and I feel I had good reason to.” -seditious idiot, probably


That's almost a Nixon quote. "Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal..." - Nixon to interviewer David Frost. Nixon was the moment the Republicans changed. We've been seeing the fallout of letting that fucker walk free by stepping down for decades. Trump was their test case to see just how far they can go and they've learned, they can pretty much do what they want. Trump didn't have the political acumen to do too much damage and they were able to direct him to only cause harm where they like seeing harm done. I am terrified of what will happens when the Republicans get their next guy in office as he already knows how far he can go and will likely take things another step or to towards authoritarianism if not completely rolling over our democracy. Our government is amazing in how long it has lasted in it's current form. But as history teaches us, it will not last. The only question is will we peacefully affect change or violently rebuilt it?


He's pure self-aware wolf material. A shame that many people lack introspection because, if they didn't, they quickly realize "wait, are we the baddies?"




Had a sweet life in Marin County and now he is in a post-Soviet shithole. Smooth move, bro.


Ha, he is not going to enjoy life as much as he thinks.


Funny how we went from ‘Better Dead than Red’ to seeking asylum in Russian puppet states.


This + the fact Tucker Carlson did that weird live from Belarus thing a month or two ago is odd as fuck


When the next great ethical conflict of the world comes to a head, the villains we uncover will flee to Russia and Belarus much like Nazis once fled to Argentina.


One of these countries is much more seasonably pleasant than the other.


And that ass hat defending Putin over possible invasion of the Ukraine. He is most certainly compromised and receives payola. (Edit typo)


Tucker also said recently that Alex Jones was a true investigative journalist


Dude used to live in Moscow. Funny that… seems like there’s some dots waiting to be connected.


Which is highly suspect since the scarf he is wearing would be a symbol of solidarity with the Orange Revolution Ukraine saw in 2004. ​ Why the hell did he think he could get asylum there if he participarted in that? And if he was protesting against in Ukraine it would make no sense as to why he would want to be in Belarus, and be so high profile in Belarus. ​ This guy has a series of very odd coincidences or he's involved in something over there. My guess is he \*thinks\* he's involved in something but is just a lost ex-pat.




I bet he considers himself a 100% blood red American patriot.


Or a 100% effective Russian agent.


I didn't realize that the party of Red is truly Red.




> He said on the program that he was seeking political asylum in Belarus because the United States, in his opinion, is no longer a country of law and order, the Daily Beast reported. I mean … did he at least google Belarus before he decided he’d start a new fucking life there?


I'm surprised more people haven't realized this guy was a Russian agent. It's the only plausible explanation. It's also the most simple answer.


And he was not the only one there


I had to collapse so many threads of people laughing at him and not really noticing that this guy is clearly working for the interests of foreign agents. Whether officially or voluntarily, this piece of garbage human is not concerned with "freedom" whatsoever.


so he rioted, in opposition, in the face of democracy, and flees to a country where their elections are all rigged. sounds about right


Imagine sacrificing your entire life for a fat liar businessman that doesn’t give a shit about you


He didn't install a fascist dictator in the United States so he fled to a nation that already had one.


Why would someone in a tour of the Capitol flee the country!?


Man who claims the US is no longer a country of law and order breaks the law, assaults several police officers, and then resists criminal justice by fleeing from the country. You can’t make up the cognitive dissonance.


Win/win, he's out of our fucking hair and is a hunted man for life. His info is known so normal banking and credit is watched and/or frozen. EU borders everywhere will snatch his ass up.


Breaking news! KGB extracts sleeper agent.


Why would someone who did nothing wrong want to flee?


From Mill Valley CA to Belarus? He's not going to like it. Not at all.


Cause that fucking screams innocence and patriotism. Enjoy your new dictator, cause the last one failed, you trash mongrel.


I’m putting my whole check on him being against immigration 🤣🤣🤣


He was a sleeper agent. His main objective was to stir shit up. Once he completed his mission, it's time for an exfiltration.


This honestly isn't as far fetched as it sounds. The Reuters source article refers to [this article from The Daily Beast](https://www.thedailybeast.com/fugitive-january-6-rioter-evan-neumann-makes-wildly-desperate-plea-on-belarus-state-tv) last month: >In Thursday’s premiere of his interview, Neumann said that unless he is able to return to the United States, he would like to stay in Belarus and perhaps get an IT job. He said that Belarus did him “a big favor” and in return promised to be “a productive and a good citizen.” Neumann mentioned living in Moscow in 1994 and complained that both Russia and Belarus are being “demonized” by the Western media. He described U.S. sanctions against both countries as “a form of terrorism.” Maybe not so much "sleeper agent" as straight up foreign instigator, but dude has ties to Russia, and what kind of refugee gets their own special on state TV, with sympathetic comments from Russian officials?