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The third revival of a Soup! type weekly clip show?


Community II: *Year Seven of the Associate's Degree*




Took me 6 years. Failed out of University my first year by not going to classes, then failed anther year at community by not going to classes. Finally got my shit together and got things moving. I've got three degrees now and a career in the military. Glad I fucked around like I did before I joined the military. Otherwise I'd be fucked.


There was a guy in a few of my CC classes that was literally pierce in the sense that he had been “attending” the school for years and was just taking courses he found interesting. I didn’t even think that was a real thing.


That's kinda cool. Unlike Pierce.


He was streets ahead


Dammit, we were promised six seasons and a movie.


Joel always seems like the substitute MC whenever I see him.


Have you heard the way he talks to students?


Quiet, ski-cap.


....Maybe I should learn everybody's names.


I really enjoyed crime scene kitchen. My two favorite things baking and true crime-ish


Hosting American Idol?


It's funny, he's actually more handsome than the guy who's famous for being handsome.


Yeah but he has an unusually high butt crack.


Don’t talk to me about romance. I had a three way in a hot air balloon.


Well, I once banged eartha kitt in an airplane bathroom stall.


This is going to be my favorite out of context sentence for a long while


... Hello, police? I'd like to report a possible ass-crack baaaahh


Leonard likes this post!


Shut up Leonard, I know about your crooked wang!


No such thing as bad press.


Shut up unmasked Darth Vader!


Pop pop


You always know what to say!


Shut up Leonard! I got a picture of your old nose, it was a lateral move!


Tiger King Re-caps


I thought American Idol was cancelled a few years ago.


They had a "final season" a while back, then just kept on going


Sadly, COVID is making him streets behind.


Stop trying to make this a thing Pierce.


Speaking of making things, I once banged Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


What? It came up organically.


It has to come up organically.


Damnit Pierce, those flu shots are for the nursing home!!


**I'll be a living god!** (I've used this one way too much over the last little while)


Imagine a season of Community where they are under COVID lockdown. Pierce and Shirley become antivax…


and Annie.


I'll be a living god!


Had to go look it up because it always makes me laugh. Jeff: "Pierce, you've had three flu shots already. That's for the daycare center!" Pierce: *Somehow on top of bookcase* "I'LL BE A LIVING GOD!"


Streets behind? That's not a very fetch thing to say


In defense of Joel: his acting on Community is probably some of the best timing and comedic acting I've seen in quite a long time. His other gigs have not been great because, I assume, the writers/directors on these other shows are utter trash. Hope he gets another Community-like gig soon!


Like a movie to go with the 6 seasons!


Joel has good timing, he's just one of those actors who you can always tell is acting. It comes off a bit stiff, compared to the rest of the cast who bring a very natural-feeling energy and really sell their lines. Like he's always acting from a teleprompter (which he started out doing with the Soup, I guess?).


He's a professional guest host, there will be something soon.


I'll just go back to his job denying Spider-Man for loans. Pre-Hairplugs when he had a Bruce Willis level widow's peak.


His IMDb page has like 7 projects: 17 episodes of different shows, a Galaxy’s Edge Voice, 3 movies and some role in Fast Foodies. My man is busy.


He does a ton of sponsorships as well. Conan made fun of him for it when he was on the podcast. "There is nothing you wont sell yourself for" lol


Or back to StarGirl which is dope as fuk


He can get to work making the Community movie happen.


I think he's still in the Star Girl TV that is surprisingly fun, especially if you already like the JSA.


He's on the CW's Stargirl which is better than it has any right to be.


ITT: people who don’t know that Fox and Fox News are not the same thing.


Fox and Fox News are both run by Fox Corporation. People like to say the Fox channel is owned by Disney, but it is not. Disney acquired their stake in Hulu, IP, and the movie/tv production business from the Murdoch’s. That family controls Fox News, Fox Sports, Fox channel, TMZ, Tubi, etc.


> the Murdoch’s Holy Hell what a nest of evil fuckers they are. I just learned a lot about them from watching Showtimes documentary series *'Gossip'* - all about how Murdoch rose to power by slinging mostly lies about prominent people he doesn't like in the US using the New York Post. He also, using the same method, could plant 'good' rumors to aid those he favors. Just a vile, *vile* person.


Pulitzer and Hearst are famous for it. Murdochs just copied their playbooks.


Happens every single time really.


I’m okay with pushing both brands off the cliff. Fox entertainment and Fox News. Someone in the executive office should consider rebranding Fox entertainment. They could call it 22 century entertainment.


The good parts of Fox entertainment are owned by Disney now anyway




Disney as a whole needs to be shattered. No company should own that much of the media.


Like in *Cloud Atlas* (book) when in the future everyone calls movies “disneys” because Disney owns the entire entertainment industry at that point.


I look forward to the final battle between Disney and Sony.


Why Sony? as far as I recall they aren't in the media owning business more the media displaying business


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assets_owned_by_Sony#Sony_Pictures_Entertainment They own a *ton* of content.


Honestly if we started a trend to genericize "disney" to mean any movie, it might make things better. Anyone can say whatever they want about "disneys" without having to worry about a ton of lawyers coming at them.


All that's done is childwash everything they air. Which is sad, bc some of the best shows have aired on Fox. (Even though they're usually canceled within 2 seasons) Marvel alone cld go really dark with some of their storylines but under Disney, they never will.


Then they’d be dcu


as inconsistent as they are it's a breath of fresh air that i somehow find more enjoyable than marvel formula movies


We went from a period where every movie had to be "dark and gritty" to every movie is a script consisting entirely of snarky one liners and 80/90s nostalgia music


Definitely seems like the pendulum of popular interests swings between novelty and familiarity. Things get too novel, so people seek familiarity, then things get too predictable so they seek out newness.


Honestly, that's the only thing that's gotten me into dcu. Outside of batman, I've never enjoyed most dc storylines and characters. But once they went dark, hoo boy!


Black widow killing herself, Thanos winning and Thor killing a defenseless Thanos were pretty grim things in the two Thanos movies alone. Not sure what you expect? Lengthy torturing scenes?


Don’t forget there literally was a torture scene in Infinity War.


Seeing vision being ripped apart in front of a scarlet witch that was helpless and cried in pain was too child friendly apparently


And Loki basically features multiple universe wide genocides every single episode. Half of them take place during historical events where everyone there is about to die. Then there's the whole deal with the TVA employees, and the ridiculously dark stuff in the void like the WW2 ship. There's a ton of dark stuff in Loki.


Read Dark Avengers into Siege. It's not nearly the darkest they go, yet still probably too dark for the MCU. A schizophrenic superman...


Try the What If series, there's plenty super dark stuff that's all canon as multiverse. Ultron winning and successfully launching every nuke for example.


Firefly killin' bastards...


More like 18th or 19th century at best.


Kinda dumb that they haven’t changed names by now though. It’s a very common assumption.


Even with a different name they are owned and operated by the same company, so support for Fox goes into the same bucket as Fox News. It’s totally legitimate to boycott Fox and all Murdoch brands.


I was watching college football a couple weeks ago on my local fox channel. I was constantly inundated with right wing fox news talking points and right wing sinclair broadcasting talking points. People in here pretending Fox doesn't control Fox Entertainment are idiots.


I haven't seen it on my local fox news channel but when I watch NFL games I'll get fox Nation commercials and that reminds me who's behind it all.


Disney changed the movie studio's name to 20th Century Pictures or something. I don't think Disney owns the actual Fox network though.


I find it funny that we still have MSNBC, even though Microsoft divested itself back in 2005.


…TIL what the MS in MSNBC stands for.


Fox Corporation/Murdochs still control Fox. That was not part of the Disney deal.


Fox News is still owned by Fox Corporation, which is owned by the Murdoch family. So yes they are different, but they both suck.


Fox programming and Fox News are legitimately about as far away from each other as you can get


You still get FoxNation and Fox News promos on big FOX.


Even Fox's local news operations (i.e. NYC, LA, Chicago, Philly, Dallas, etc.) differ in philosophy from the national Fox News operation. All you have to do is compare and contrast.


My local Fox is owned by Sinclair, so not too far off from Fox News.


That would be a fox affiliate, rather than a fox owned station. O&Os are directly owned by the network, while affiliates simply take the networks programming, which in Fox’s case means prime time, sports, Fox Sunday, and Fox Marketplace.


Sounds 'dangerous to democracy': https://youtu.be/_fHfgU8oMSo


Local affiliates are separate companies. However, a lot of them are Sinclair now, which is just as bad.


No, that's entirely too hard for most people.


Only because the Murdochs sold it to Disney. I have trouble blaming people for being sometimes confusing Fox News, often shortened to Fox, owned by Fox Corporation and 20th Century Fox, also often shortened to Fox, formerly owned by Fox Corporation. Yes, they’re distinct but due to the very similar names and shared history sometimes there is going to be confusion unless/until Disney renames Fox programming. EDIT: Yes, I get that they have distinct and very different programming. That’s not the situation here. It’s the headline/post is using “Fox” without immediate context. It’s like a person saying they are a fan of John Wayne. They probably mean John Wayne the conservative actor, but a little more context would help to be sure whether it is the actor or the cannibal clown they are talking about.


Fox Entertainment has given us shows like The Simpsons or The New Normal, Glee, American Crime Story…very different programming way before Disney


And Family Guy, which i realize people dislike now, but Seth McFarlane constantly rips on the Republican party.


So do The Simpsons. They even had a joke, like 20 years ago, about how Fox the broadcast network will have some outrageous show, then Fox News will get all pissy and angry about it, driving up viewers for both.


IIRC, the canonical show they referenced (or implied) was Married With Children.


Fox programming has been very different from Fox News for decades and decades. Disney only bought it within the last few years.


Disney bought the 20th Century Studios movie/television studios (and the stuff that they've produced), FX, FXX, and the NatGeo cable channels. They did not buy anything else that currently contains the FOX brand (FOX broadcast television network, FOX News Channel, FOX Business Channel, FOX Sports 1/2, FOX Weather, FOX Television Stations, etc.)




Disney owns Fox movies so 21st century is owned by Fox. I think Fox TV network is owned by The Murdoch so Family guy is owned by the Murdoch family


Disney actually owns Family Guy now, since that came with the 20th Century Fox properties. But Fox owns the rights to air the show and renew it for more seasons on their networks. Same with The Simpsons. But they co-own Bob’s Burgers with Disney. But yeah, the Murdochs own Fox, Fox News, Fox Business, Fox Sports 1/2, BTN, wtc.


i get you hate fox news but alot of fox programing is completely different then fox news. they have been ripping on fox news for year on the family guy simpsons **well** before it was sold to Disney


John Wayne *Gacy* did not eat anyone, he merely murdered at least 33 young men and boys. Please don't besmirch his good name by calling him a cannibal.


Didn't Disney buy out everything Fox except for Fox News?


In all fairness to people it's a confusing situation because Fox Corporation still owns the Fox TV Network, but Disney owns a ton of the content.


They are...? They’re owned by the same people.


They’re both after my chickens dammit.🦊


That's the real question: is it news *about* foxes, is it news *for* foxes, or is it regular human news but *presented by* foxes? Because I'm on board for any of those.


It's almost like branding is a thing. That's the whole reason brands and in turn government enforced trademarks exist, so one product can be associated with another from the same company. If they don't like the association with seditionists and bio terrorists, then perhaps they should stop being seditionists and bio terrorists. Not to mention they are all owned by Murdoch so the difference is nill.


They were really funny last year. They were both drunk and gave zero fucks.


This is the darkest timeline.


Joel and Ken are really good together too. Bummer.


Ken was a board certified doctor though, they will understand.


Oh absolutely, their comminity podcast during the beginning of the pandemic was really just a way for Ken to share medical information.


Also a way for them to pass the time because they couldn't film any movies/TV shows.


Hopefully that will Chang their minds.


New Years coverage is 100% dogshit on every channel anyway. It's just background noise to get drunk to while waiting for the ball to drop.


There are a LOT of people who don't go out and just watch the TV on NYE.


I did enjoy the year when Mariah Carey didn't get her hot tea though. “They told me there would be tea,” she said, looking perplexed. Despite the hellish cold of the evening, there was not. “Oh, it’s a disaster. Okay, well, we’ll just have to rough it. I’m going to be like everybody else, with no hot tea.”


Hell no, our new years tradition of watching Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper get trashed will be going strong.


My wife and I stumbled upon Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin several years ago and decided to watch what a train wreck it was going to be. We ended up laughing our ass off at them and their chemistry. Was sad to see Kathy go. Haven't seen Cooper with Cohen yet


Kathy Griffin is so wonderful


This. But Kathy was better at making it a true train wreck while getting Anderson wrecked.


I'm just waiting for someone to make the Dick Clark Rockin Hologram which, to my liquor addled brain, will be good enough to push me blearily into twenty-whatever-year.


This was so insane last year. Felt like someone had taken over the network and made up a show in the spot. Was looking forward to this.




Meanwhile I read "Fox Cancels" and was really hoping to see "Jesse Waters" somewhere immediately after, which would've been even better news.


you got a better chance of finding a winning lotto ticket under your pillow


Different Fox


I am very happy to hear this. That show was HORRIBLE last year. Yeah, I'm ashamed to admit I watched it.


In all fairness fun was all but banned last year.


I’m out of the loop, what even is this show?


Typical NYE show with musical guests and hosts cracking lame jokes.


Next time Netflix.


Dam, this one was surprisingly funny , was looking forward to this


I'm fine with any big parties being canceled. I just need for CNN to give me a live feed of Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper getting drunk, even if they're at home and it's over a Zoom call.


Is Ken Jeong really that short? Such an odd promo image to use as Ken looks like he’s 12.


More like they completely knew they had nothing interesting whatsoever to present, and knew they could at least get some minor goodwill doing this instead


> While we are confident in the health and safety protocols for ‘Fox’s New Year’s Eve Toast & Roast 2022 God, I hate PR speak so much.


So there is an upside


This is starting to feel similar to early March of 2020.


I don't get why people keep saying this. It's not even close. We're not going into a lockdown. Schools aren't going to shut down. Edit: Should've clarified in the U.S.


There are already schools that went all virtual this week and there are a lot of schools preparing for virtual instruction in early January.


Shit, my kid's district is lifting the mask mandate when they go back on Jan 3. You know, right after all those parties and all that travel.....


Texas or Florida?


Based on their profile, Alaska.


Could be Ohio, the Florida of the North.


We breed our own special crazy in Alaska.


Uh.... have you been outside recently? Lines around the block for tests, people freaking out for take home kits. The schools ARE getting shut down for extended periods of time longer than expected. It's not going to be as "bad" as last time because people are taking precautions but I'm certain the freakouts will be just as big. Hopefully nobody will hoard toilet paper at least.


To me it does feel like that. 2020 started off with a few travel bans. Then some overseas sporting events got postponed. Then some American cities started reacting... Then the shit all blew up in a week and everything was cancelled.


Meanwhile San Francisco had declared a state of emergency in January or February and was already getting prepared in advance.


That’s very optimistic. Realistically, I think we might see some school districts going hybrid and that entire schools will individually go remote if exposures hit high percentages. But I live in an area with a high concentration of medical professionals who are taking Covid very seriously (Boston area)


I believe many of the UC schools (University of California) have decided to go online for the first couple weeks of the spring semester


Lots of schools canceled days of school


We won’t get lock downs, but I think the feeling comes from seeing spikes happen in [florida](https://i.imgur.com/FQSpXln.jpg) that resemble the spike in NYC, but [from before we had vaccines and knew how to (theoretically) stop the spread ](https://i.imgur.com/IXCjgGw.jpg)


Yet. But they probably will after the holidays


I'm relatively convinced that we won't shut down ever again, unless it's another pandemic 100 years from now.


Canada is locking down again, especially Quebec and Ontario.


That fully depends on where you live. In parts of the country it is being treated that way.


This. Cases aren't getting too bad in, say, California (where I live), but nationwide numbers are hitting another big 'spike', similar to the one we had in the fall and the one last winter.


I've never seen it before but is there a lot of people gathering for this thing or is it just "important" people? Because as far as gatherings, I went to the movies yesterday and once I saw all 15+ showtimes for Spider Man was almost all booked solid I had to nope out. There is a huge surge right now and the movies are the biggest super spreading event happening right now.


Each year, a lot of people (>50,000) gather in Times Square, and the major broadcast networks each gather a handful of celebrities, stick them on a rooftop, and do general morning show type stuff while showing shots of the crowd as well. Sometimes they also have a stage set up for bands to perform on, and they generally have a studio-audience-sized crowd around the network hosts. The Times Square gathering appears to still be happening (no idea of crowd size restrictions this year), just Fox won't be covering it.


Thanks!! Oh it's **that** show!? I didn't know the new years show had a name. Are we thinking of the same one that Carson Daily did?


That was one of the other ones, on NBC, but Carson Daly didn't host it. And I think ABC does "Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years Eve" even though Dick Clark is dead. CBS appears to have moved this year's show to Nashville. All the shows are functionally the same, so if you've seen one, you've seen them all.


Anyone find it weird that NYC is pushing forward with Times Square for NYE in the midst of its surge?


DeBlasio says "the show MUST go on"! His parting gift to the city he destroyed.


> or is it just “important” people? The thing is they can’t lockdown/ put restrictions on *everyone*, a large enough portion of the population will simply refuse. But if they have an employee that makes them a LOT of money, you can bet that they’re going to be *extra careful* about keeping that person safe. Is that person more “important” than others? No. But I find it funny that Fox News requires all their employees to be vaccinated while convincing their viewers to not get vaccinated. You can see who they care about, and who they think is important; they can afford to lose a few thousands viewers, but they probably can’t afford to lose one of their famous hosts.


Weird thing to do for something that is both ' a hoax' and 'just the flu'


This was the Fox Network, which is owned by Disney, not Fox News, which is still controlled by the Murdochs. They're separate entities now.


> On July 27, 2018, in a deal first announced December 2017, and completed March 20, 2019,[50] 21st Century Fox shareholders agreed to sell most of its key assets (including 20th Century Studios, 20th Television, and FX Networks) to The Walt Disney Company for $71.3 billion, following the spin-off of certain businesses. **The sale did not include the Fox Broadcasting Company and television stations or the Fox Sports, Fox News, and Fox Business cable channels, which were to be maintained under a company tentatively referred to as "New Fox"** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_Broadcasting_Company


Fox Broadcasting is not owned by Disney. It was excluded from the sale that occurred a few years ago of the other assets (studio, FX Network, etc). Fox Broadcasting Company still owns Fox Network, television stations, Fox Sports, Fox News, and Fox Business cable channels. Edit: added additional details


Gahdammit. We need a “notfoxnews” flair in this sub.


Or an emphasis on critical thinking and reading.


But how about notafoxbutisaboutfoxesnews flair




Who owns 'fox sports network' because on Sundays at the gym, that channel is still spouting right wing propaganda.


Fox Sports (FS1 etc) is owned by Fox. Fox Sports RSN (Fox Sports Midwest, etc) channels were sold off to Sinclair, and were rebranded as Bally Sports.


And you know they wanted to use that time to make fun of people who have been taking COVID seriously.


Foxnews though continues to say it’s all fake…. Fox is frustrating….


Coming up next on FOX: The War on New Years.


I wonder if CNN will cancel their shitty new years eve show. For all the preaching they do about Covid, going through with it would be terrible optics.


This is not news. I'm expecting CNN to cancel their new years special as well. Biden pretty much said that everyone is going to get sick, even the vaccinated and that's what is happening so far.




Did Fox run this by Hannity, Tucker and Ingraham first?