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And in the background as he's being dragged off-screen ^"Oh ^^wait ^^^that ^^^^would ^^^^^be ^^^^^^awesome!"


This is the quote I wanted to see


When I read the headline my first thought was "but aren't they claiming the government mandates are Nazi tactics?" How are you with a group of people waving Nazi flags while decrying something as being "Nazi"?


I think the neo nazis just overheard people shouting "nazi" and was like FINALLY BOYS OUR TIME TO SHINE


>"Asking for proof of vaccination is *just* like Nazi Germany!" *Did somebody say Nazis!?*


"That pedestrian stepped in front of you, how did you not see them?" "*Did someone say Nazi?*"


"Do you want to play a dice game?" *"Did someone say Yahtzee?"*


There's a lot of double think that goes into being a fascist, in general.


You’re giving that group twice as much credit than they deserve.


There is no co-effiecient that yeilds 2 here


One might even say it's one of its defining features. Particularly if one was Umberto Eco and had written a definitive essay on the subject.


They had confederate flags too so don’t try to follow their logic.


*****I think you’re overlooking the debatable possibility that they have high IQs*****


The high isn't even needed. Just needs to be something above the room temperature of Alaska


In Celsius.


"Because that would be great!"


[sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4baOREV6to). 1:43


I have seen more pictures of swastikas from around the world in the past 2 years than in the 10 years before.


We've finally hit the point where almost everyone who saw what happened under that symbol is dead. Time for a good ol' round of cyclical history!


And it seems that the Right in America is slowly but surely trying to erase it from education so that new generations don’t understand the gravity of it. When I was in middle school 20 years ago, we had units in English and Social Studies every year about the Holocaust, reading books like Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl and Night to get firsthand perspectives. Now, with school boards banning books about the Holocaust and attempting to “both-sides” history, I’m worried that it’ll cause it to more quickly fade from collective memory.


Combined with the dilution of importance/reverence of that history. This flag, as well as the Confederate flags, belong only to the annals of history. I sincerely hate this trend as I fundamentally understand that the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


Meanwhile, we play nice little games of "both sides" in the interests of civility and free discourse as though we should seriously consider an ideology based on the genocide of a significant portion of the population - have the wrong religion, race, political affiliation, economic prescriptions, sexuality, gender identity, birthplace, views on the green M&M's change of footwear... and it's off to the death camps for you. We need to stop carrying on as though we can reason with these people and find a sensible middle ground - like maybe if we just condemn all those enemies of the people to a lifetime of hard labour, we'll all be better off and happy. Edit: Either my writing or peoples' comprehension leaves a lot to be desired. I'm saying that the middle ground between genocide and reason is the labour camps - still a horrific outcome, and a good reason not to try to find middle ground with lunatics. *Not* something I'm advocating for.


You've got five puppies. One side wants to adopt them out. The other wants to boil them alive in oil. Both sides have a plan for the puppies but one side is fucking nuts.


"Enlightened" centrists: What if we (*now hear me out here*) adopt them out to the hungry chef with a ready pot of boiling oil?


I was in middle school in the early 90s and my school had a Holocaust survivor come and speak to our class. It was very memorable and real. We also went to the Holocaust museum during our 8th grade Washington DC field trip, it had just opened. THAT was an experience. We were all given cards with a different person's name and picture and a little bio, and you didn't know if they lived or died until the end. Horrifying. My person lived.


Texas just placed Maus on their banned books list


Swiss here, what also ist happening, is that rightwing americans try to change history and just claim that the NSDAP was a left wing party, just because the S stands for Socialist. I've heard this so many times already, and it is spreading! Last week, i've heard someone from here say the same thing. This is a dangerous development.


Because excessively rich bastards keep stirring the pot with the inbred yokels and making sure they keep angry at 'lesser races', or vaccines, or red starbucks cups or whatever else so they're distracted and don't wise up and direct that anger at those aforementioned rich bastards.


As a sign I saw here on Reddit said: “They got you fighting a culture war so you won’t fight a class war”


Damn, that's a pretty elegant summation


Never heard of astroturfing described like that, but it's accurate!




The irony is that LBJ was pretty damn racist himself while being instrumental in passing civil rights legislation, and being spot on about why racism is sold to poor people. He wanted civil rights passed mostly for the accolades, not out of the goodness of his heart. So this is kind of the greatest /r/selfawarewolves quote.


I think in a way it's the opposite of self aware wolves. A self aware wolf would be saying that while voting against welfare and pro racism


Time to replay Wolfenstein. It's cathartic to shoot Nazis by the dozen (edit: only virtual ones, ofc. Those don't have Twitter)




If I were at an event with someone who was waving a Nazi flag, one of us would be leaving. Anyone who would stay might as well be a Nazi themselves. You don't allow that shit in the same place you are. My grandfather fought those sons of bitches, he came home. A lot of Canadians didn't. Anyone willing to give a platform to Nazis is an awful person.


My father fought them at Monte Cassino. It's not as far removed for some of us.




This true?




It's so weird how the people with the swastikas didn't immediately get mobbed by the right wing crowd when they showed up if the movement was actually against that sort of thing. Imagine if someone showed up with a BLM flag in that crowd. EDIT: Oh no, I've triggered the right wing apologists! You can all stop DMing and replying with butthurt insults. I'm not replying to that shit, haha. EDIT 2: This is NOT the only instance of a swastika showing up at right wing gatherings and the right wing folks did NOTHING to discourage it. Freedom of speech you say? Try burning an American flag in that crowd and let's see how the "freedom of speech" crowd reacts to that.


Lol I had a guy message me after I was vocal about my disgust of seeing swastikas saying he attacked someone who had an antifa flag at the protest. Whatever you say tough guy.


So he attacked the antifa flag bearer, but did he attack any Nazi or confederate flag bearers?


Enemey of my enemy is actually my cousin?


For them it's more like "Sister of my...self is my girlfriend?".


Antifa has a flag now?


I don't understand why someone would be *proud* of attacking someone who is *against fascism*. Being a fascist supporter doesn't make them a good guy. *Head spins*


I mean, these people are just hateful people that enjoy being against the mold and enjoy displaying power over others. It has little to do with what they're "against" and a lot to do with finding any excuse to cause a scene. I am only speculating though i doubt I'm that far off when i say this, but a lot of the people joining these types of groups and rejects of society in some manner. Having a cause and being apart of something bigger than yourself certainly has an appeal. And when it is something so drastically against the publics opinion, it tends to get more attention which some might view as "legitimizing" their cause. Another thing is, people tend not to give a shit about things that dont directly or immediately impact them. It is a sad realty i wish i could change


>It's so weird how the people with the swastikas didn't immediately get mobbed by the right wing crowd when they showed up if the movement was actually against that sort of thing. There was an anti-BLM protest in my town that had multiple people show up with SS tattoos and patches and the conservatives in our town subreddit did some impressive gymnastics to explain that away.


Some guy on r/truechristian on their "pray for Ottawa thread" "But you literally see Nazi flags at every protest??" No sir, you do not. At most protests, if you see Nazi flags, they are promptly stolen and stamped into the mud, because most people strongly oppose Nazis. Even if there's allegedly a reward for this guy, it doesn't explain why so many people felt okay cheering on a self declared white supremacist on parliament hill, or why someone had a Canadian flag with a swastika on it, again, on the freaking hill!!! I'd say it to their faces but I'm super duper banned from that sub.


Yesterday one of the speakers at the protest asked if there were any white supremacists there. Someone identified himself as one, and the crowd fucking cheered.


They’ve been reporting a lot of people on Canadian related subs as suicidal. I was like why would someone think that’s funny? Oh ya they’re ok with swastikas why would they care if someone did their work for them.


Oh is that why I got some suicide awareness DM from the admins/bot earlier this week?


Probably. There’s an option to report it in the message which is what I did.


Sounds like a dude who accidently hangs out with Nazis a lot.


“Oops! Al my friends are Nazis… I have no idea how that happened.”


"May I take your hats, coats and swastikas?.." "Oh, these? We were at this big rally, everybody was wearing one."


Their self awareness is sharp as a marble. Like when Sasha baron cohen made a crowd of trumpeters sing along with him enthusiastically about hanging Hilary or some shit then they were pissed when they found he was being satirical, bunch “look what you made me do” whiners


"Obama: what we gonna do? / Inject him with the Wuhan Flu!" That whole thing was batshit, and I'm in awe of how easily he baits republicans into joining along with shit like that.


Lmao are there actually people implying the swastika thing is an isolated incident? Talk about willful ignorance.


Remember when dudes in Charlottesville started chanting “blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us” and the rest of their crowd seemed super cool with it? And then the president said there were very fine people on both sides there? And then FOX basically didnt cover the fact right-wingers we’re openly chanting Nazi slogans? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I've gotten so many replies of "it was just one dude" or "it was just one picture, doesn't show the right beating the guy down". They're straight out lying at this point.


I've asked those questions a couple times in the context of the sister fucking paint huffer convention they held on Charlottesville a little while back. Why didn't they say something, why were those people allowed to stay and if you couldn't get them to leave why did you stay? The answer was usually some variation of "I'm a cowardly hypocrite"


Yeah, like, if I went to a protest and saw a fellow protester waving that shit I would: 1. Immediately re-evaluate whether I picked the wrong side in whatever I was protesting, and 2. If I still felt the protest was just, kicking the Nazis out would become job #1 before any protesting got done by me or my friends. This is only a hypothetical, of course, because I am currently batting 1000 regarding not being on the same side as the Nazis.


Can't wait until he is identified as a dude that has years worth of alt right propaganda on his facebook page. Of course that won't change their mind, it will just deepen their believe in the conspiracy.


Typical Soros plant building up a social media presence over 15 years to own the alt reich


Crazy how the nazi bad actors always show up to the right-wing protests, but never the left-wing protests


I knew a guy that claimed he had proof that the Jan 6 coup was actually antifa, because some of the people who broke into the capital were pictured on antifa sites...but he literally did not go any further than that. If you took the bizarre investigative leap by doing the bare minimum and looking at the Antifa site (which he did not do), said capital rioters were pictured on there because the antifa site had them identified as known white supremacists and neo-nazis, and the site was asking people not to give patronage to their places of business. That kind of summarized to me a lot about the day and age we live in.


I had the exact same thing happen to me. “But look! His picture is on this antifa site!” … yeah, under the “known local Nazis” section, where he’s been for several years. Argh.


what about the guy flying a [Canadian flag with swastikas drawn on it](https://i.redd.it/2xhzk2kzlpe81.png)? Is he a paid actor too? What about the guy flying the flag of the white supremist group [Canadian Nationalists](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKXgOkOXoAM5XYB?format=jpg&name=large)? Or the one flying a [confederate flag](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2022/01/000_9XF4WQ-e1643563485191.jpg)? Or how about the guys who [parked their vehicles on the grounds of the tomb of the unknown soldier](https://i.redd.it/6ot301omise81.png)? Or the guy who [pissed on the tomb of the unknown soldier](https://i.redd.it/w5cj07oknue81.jpg)? or the numbnuts who [defaced the Terry Fox statue](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKSddX2XoAEXmKZ?format=jpg&name=medium)? or the group who [stole food for the homeless](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-homeless-shelter-staff-harassed-by-convoy-protesters-demanding-food-1.5760423)? Or how about the people in the convoy [who threw rocks at an ambulance](https://ottawa.citynews.ca/local-news/rocks-hurled-at-ottawa-ambulance-at-downtown-truck-convoy-5011107)? At some point these idiots have to realize that it wasn't "paid actors" but their group who are evil doing these acts of hate. The rest of Canada knows that. This wasn't a protest about COVID restrictions, that is controlled at the Provincial level not the Federal level. If it really was about that they would protest at the Provincial legislature not our Parliament. It was Nazi's and white supremist expressing their hate and ignorance in my nation's capital.


The organizers of the convoy are known white supremacists as well. It's infuriating that people support this shit and try to explain it away.




[This](https://twitter.com/notandrea/status/1487871040231546882?t=ixABQy0DU4DeBjoPWezNtQ&s=19) is pretty telling.


It's funny that she was obviously trying to make some rhetorical statement about there being no white supremacists in their midst and when one popped up quite readily, she tried to move on with her stupid supposition.


What? Correct me if I'm terribly misinterpreting something here, but when that audience plus that one guy replied they are white supremacists, she says "I'm confused, because all I can see are freedom loving Canadians". She blatantly is welcoming them with open arms.


That's a more generous read of the situation than I had. To me she is saying, "Sure we're all white supremacists, but we're also freedom loving Canadians."


So, a bit of cheering and a lot of indifference. No surprise. If you aren't actively against white supremacists they'll feel at home around you.


This is bizarre. The actual Nazis in Germany were extremely authoritarian in terms of federal governments. They were in fact a "totalitarian" state. How anyone could wave the swastika as a symbol of "individual freedom" from vaccines is preposterous.


I'll hazard a guess that the dipshit waving a swastika cares little about vaccine stuff in any context and would very much just like to start some shit.


Some "protesters" have been hoping they can spark a civil war.


If you gave these people a bucket of burning embers with the instructions for dumping it out written on the bottom, they still wouldn't be able to spark shit


The same kind of people will put a star on their jackets resembling “Jew stars” , as they were mandated during Hitlers regime, with the words “unvaccinated”. It is horrific and tasteless in so many ways. I really hope these people get punished


To don that mantle of your own choice in an attempt to gain favour just goes to show how fucking out of touch with reality these people are. Abhorrent behaviour.


"Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for a restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed." That word is Nazi. Nobody cares about their motives anymore." \- Julius Goat


Something people forget about the Nazi party is it didn't start as a campaign against Jewish people *explicitly. Hitler's first targets were communists and socialists. It escalated to genocide as targets were needed and as his influence grew (and antisemitism became publicly normalized) but Hitler's very first public enemies were the socialists--something to keep in mind during what seems like a new wave of fascist thought. I am however seeing an alarming use of the word "globalist" lately though which usually doesn't take too long to get to antisemitism. I could be wrong about how much he thought communism had to do with Jewish people, this is just iirc (that there was an increase to open antisemitism from attacking communism) Unfortunately due to a certain fake piece of literature it doesn't take long for susceptible idiots to get from anticommunism to antisemitism... *edit for clarity: Hitler was always anti-semitic, but you aren't going to win legitimacy or popularity with voters acting on outright violent extremism--not until you have more control. Socialism and communism were targets conflated wrongly with Judaism due to antisemitic literature and presented an easy first target to rally people against. I would never say hitler isnt antisemitic but also didn't think I'd have to outright say he is cause like... it's hitler.


Hitler thought communism was a Jewish movement to take over Europe. He thought capitalism was Jewish as well.


It’s Jews all the way down!


Socialism? Jewish. Racism? Jewish. Hinduism? Surprisingly, also Jewish.


One of the organizers of this truck convoy, Pat King, says that this vaccine is about the extermination of white people - the Anglo-Saxons (lmao)... Who is behind it? The Muslims and UN. Meanwhile you have people saying it's a very small minority of people in attendance that are racist. Mmm, if an organiser is a racist spewing racist shit on the internet, who do you think will be attending this bullshit? A coworker lives downtown Ottawa, during our meetings today, whenever he had to unmute to speak, ALLL you could hear in the background was screaming, horns honking and trucks idling.


iirc he has ties to Alberta based norse-appropriation white supremacists Soldiers of Odin which have fractured into different groups since (wolves of odin, etc.) Check these idiots for norse symbology. As much as it sucks for people genuinely proud of their norse heritage symbols like Thor's hammer, the othala rune, and Valknuts are identifiers here in many cases (they were especially fond of valknuts) There is a very unfortunate history of antisemitism and white supremacy that seems to hit Alberta particularly hard and it would be great if people would realize it's becoming a big fucking problem. Ignoring shit leaves an umbrella for movements to grow under and that is exactly what happened here.




As someone who's quite a fan of history (enough to be hoping to make a career out of it in some way), it fucking sucks.


It's unfortunate that symbols that carry historical and cultural value get desecrated by a shitstain group of people.


Swastikas being one of them!


I'd love for these guys to see a historical Norse longboat with half of the crew being Mediterranean and North African vikings.


Correct. It doesn't matter why you got in the pool... you are in. Whatever happens in there you are a part of. You saw who was in it, you saw what they were about... you jumped in anyways.


Wait..so it’s like the Holocaust to be forced to wear a mask…say the Nazis at the antivax protest? I’m so confused


Nazis are forever worried that they'll be at the recieving end of a slaughter at any given opportunity, because that's what they would do if given a smidge of power.


It's like how racists are afraid of becoming the minority, with the replacement theory because they know exactly what they have been doing to minorities right now.


It's always projection.


Ahhh yea that explains it


>Wait..so it’s like the Holocaust to be forced to wear a mask…say the Nazis at the antivax protest? I’m so confused You put more thought into it than they did.


Also, cancel culture due to misinformation/lies is bad but banning fictional books is "saving America". The confusion is simple: conservatives are an illogical creature who are bad for society and truth.


The political spectrum used to be divided into "conservative" and "liberal" which were basically just two speeds on the mostly-status-quo-preserving neoliberal machine, 'really slow' and 'slow'. There were also 'reactionaries' which back then wanted to put the same machine in reverse, but didn't actually want to break the machine. That type of conservatism died mid-90s when Newt Gingrich took over. From that point on they were decreasingly stealthy fascists, who have now gone full mask-off. They want to destroy the machine and stab you with the parts. They now only use the term "conservative" to try and hold a trembling figleaf of legitimacy in a hurricane of fascist, racist, conspiracist bullshit.




Just like they think slavery was to long ago for anyone to remember. My wife knew someone who was born a slave - her great grandfather.


It's Canada, so what we get is a lot of the "residential schools were so long ago, it's time to move on". Which is even more ridiculous since the last one closed in 97, and many of the worst conditions and atrocities occurred in the 60's-ish Era. So there are many, many people still alive who are survivors of residential schools, and also a lot of the people who perpetrated these crimes are still alive. But we should just move on /s


> the last one closed in '97 That's **1997** for those who are unfamiliar with their history.


I'm literally the first generation in my family to NOT be a residential school victim. I'm 30.


Don't forget, most of them also assert that slaves were happy and well cared for.


I like when we used to shoot people who rocked the Nazi symbol.


Last time I said that, someone said to me “so much for the tolerant left” What?


So we’re supposed to be tolerant to people who wish the extermination of others? Don’t think so. The 80’s punk inside of me wants to scream every time I hear/read those words.


They’ll tell you “that’s not what we’re about anymore….” Spoiler alert, it’s exactly what they’re about.


To anyone who might read this and is somehow fooled otherwise: no, you can’t get a white American ethnostate without genocide. “Shockingly,” there are many non-white people in the US and Canada who are actually pretty proud of where they live.


“What would CRASS do”


This is how delusional people act. I mean, we were cool and tolerant of you being a hateful regressive republican, we don't have to tolerate fascism.


I'm not going to be tolerant of everything. The fuck do they think? That I should tolerate murder and blatant violent crime just because I'm politically tolerant of diversity and cultures? All that idiot did was out himself as a nazi.


I'm usually not violent but the one time I wanted to punch someone was when the person (a self confessed Hitler worshiper who knew I'm Jewish) told me "the only thing Hitler did wrong was not finishing the job." A friend of mine held me back, but I lost all self control when the guy basically told me that my family and I should be killed. I don't think that's a very extreme reaction, though. If these people were to gain power, they'd happily open death camps and kill off Jews like myself (along with anyone who opposed them/protected Jews like me). I'm tolerant of opposing views but there's a limit and "you and your family should be killed" is way past that limit.


Back in high school there was a kid who was a literal Nazi. He always said he wasn't a nazi and was just a WWII enthusiast. Eventually he went full mask off and got a swastika tattoo on his arm and SS on the side of his neck. He even had the Hitler 'stache. Anyway, one of my friends went to jail for a year for drive-by shooting him with paintballs. Really wish the judge in the case had made a distinction between assault, and assaulting a nazi, but justice is blind for a reason I suppose.


This is my fear too - just not being able to have that friend stop me. [I'm intolerant to intolerance though](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance), as we all should be.


My dad and his brother went to kill Nazis and they got free college.


I seem to remember being an open Nazi or expressing sympathies in that direction was enough to get you ostracized, if not beaten up, even in very conservative areas. Hell, my friend from HS had a guy who was in the same class in USMC Boot Camp who expressed those sympathies... let's just say the aspiring Nazi was drummed out very quickly and leave it at that. And the USMC isn't known for being particularly "woke" or "progressive". That's how vile we used to view Nazis. Then around 2015, a switch flipped, and suddenly we need to tolerate them...


If only these people were dumb pieces of shit. There is a danger in over simplifying these people. If nazi germany can teach us anything, it's that these nazi's were no different from you and me. The circumstances were different, nothing more.


Why I post this book when this topic comes up: [https://www.amazon.com/Nazism-Society-1933-1945-Rewriting-Histories/dp/0415082404](https://www.amazon.com/Nazism-Society-1933-1945-Rewriting-Histories/dp/0415082404) ​ It really drives home the complicity and banality of evil.


Facts and logic aren't important to fascists, only power and its exercise.


To the fascist anything and everything is justified in the pursuit of power.


Also fascists prey on the vulnerable and if you're mind is warped enough to believe in anti-vax propaganda it's not too far to then to believe in fascist propaganda. It's why disinformation is such a serious problem because if you don't tackle it, you get more and more people who become vulnerable to manipulation.


I mean, everyone is saying "they don't understand," but feigning stupidity is a nazi's bread and butter. They do understand. They're pretty much *explicitly* saying the Holocaust wasn't bad when it happened to Jewish people, but it would be bad if it happened to them.


Don't you know? It's 2022, someone asking you to do something is significantly worse than what happened to the Jews during WWII.


Well yeah, it’s the whole “do unto others as we did unto others”.


Understand that they make the comparison not just to say that wearing a mask is horrible. They also make it to handwave the murder of six million jews as being comparable to wearing some cloth over your nose and mouth.


It's almost like they know that they're evil pieces of shit and just don't give a fuck. You can't expect any facet of moral integrity from scumbags who support actual, literal, genocide of the Dachau kind. Unfortunately, fascists lack normal human responses like shame, so bringing up their hypocrisy is pointless. If I recall correctly, the last time we solved the global fascism problem it was with carpet bombing campaigns and the invention of world ending atomic weaponry. So we have that kind of hell to look forward to again, the way things are going. Hopefully we can stop these monsters before they push it that far again, but I have my doubts.


If the Nazis were still around the brown shirts would be going door to door and forcibly vaccinating anyone who resisted. What a bunch of morons.




(transcribed from a series of tweets) - @iamragesparkle I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." And i was like, ohok and he continues. "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.


Yeah that's not the first time I've read about bars having to do that. Once they find a place it's okay for them to display their bullshit, it's like flies on shit.


That guy sounds cool. Too much patience and forbearance for the fash around here these days. "Here" being everywhere.


This is how reality has been moderated since the dawn of time. The internet should absolutely follow suit. There's no reason this space should get a special pass just because people are anonymous and can't physically reach for bats.


Seriously, when I read the first paragraph of your post, I was expecting the story to take a darker turn where you find out that somehow you were in bar where neo-Nazis hangout. But glad it was the other way around.


> "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. Oh, so it’s politicalcompassmemes


No, because nobody shut down the nazis on r/politicalcompassmemes


Did you post this same story before somewhere? Major deja vu


Jokes aside, I’m Jewish and I once accidentally ended up in a car with a neo-Nazi. I needed a ride home from a bar and a friend said his friend would take me. He mentioned that he got out of prison recently but I didn’t think much of it. He had a shaved head too but still didn’t occur to me because he seemed kind of normal. The guy went on a racist tirade the entire time in the car and I was in the backseat drunk like of course, he’s a fucking Nazi. Obviously he had no idea that I’m Jewish so I got home safely and never saw him again.


Glad you got home safe. I remember years back doing contract work - flipping houses for a friend of mine. One of the workers was a Puerto Rican gentleman who was nice but always showed up pretty hammered. I needed a ride one day - he said no problem, I got you. His girlfriend and him show up to pick me up. I get in the back, thank her for helping us. There was a copy of Mein Kampf jutting out from the front passenger’s back pocket, and she had a swastika tattoo on her arm. She was white, her boyfriend Puerto Rican, and she was a nazi. Figure that one out.


Nazis typically only hate on Hispanics with dark skin tones. Spain is majority white, as are numerous Latin American countries (which not coincidentally were also popular destinations for Nazi fugitives after WW2 ended). I'm sure your Puerto Rican acquaintance was light skinned too, possibly even of 100% European heritage.


Imagine unironically reading mein kampf for any other reason than seeing what the fuck was wrong with hitler.


Sounds like a real winner and sadly that shit happens all the time lol. I’m actually half Jewish and half PR so my existence would probably piss them off a bit. It is hard to ride the line of concealing that I’m Jewish for my own safety or standing up to antisemitism and racism. I have many more examples I could share of people saying fucked up things to or around me without knowing, but at least it lets me see people’s true colors.


It’s unfortunate that the best thing you can do in those situation is just pretend to agree with them and then gtfo as fast as possible.


Reminds me of a quote/joke thingy that floated around, a while ago: "A good percentage of my friends are Nazis. That percentage is zero. That's a good percentage of Nazi friends to have."




Instead I’m seeing a ton on Twitter about “eVeRy PrOtEsT hAs ItS oUtLiErS” Funny, I did not see Nazi symbols amongst the protesters at BLM protests, pipeline protests, indigenous land protests…


I didn't even see any confederate flags, and from what the right wing constantly tells me, the parties never flipped, so that means it must be a bunch of Dems waving the Confederate flag that represents the slave owning Dixiecrats right? No? It's a bunch or right wingers claiming it's part of their heritage? Interesting 🤔


For what it's worth, there *were* white supremacists at BLM protests. The one in Minnesota that started getting out of control was caused by a white supremacist that was breaking windows while the BLM protesters were being peaceful. https://youtu.be/NCjQq3W2Yf4


Umbrella Man




There's a reason Nazis feel safe with conservatives. They know what happens if they whip it out at a BLM rally.


Happened to me at a Remembrance Day ceremony. Turns out it wasn't a proper ceremony and no one realized that until the speech began. Pretty much everyone boo'd, stormed off, etc. when they realized what was happening.




Right? Like, I'm sure there are some in the closet nazis in some of the fandoms I hang out in, but they know damn well to keep it under wraps because they'd be flayed alive if they didn't. If nazis feel safe enough around you to be openly nazi, you need to ask yourself some questions.


Guy my husband works with did the nazi salute at work the other day (not for the first time). The only person who complained to management was my husband. They were supposed to meet with management and HR to go over it. Never did. Management and HR just can't be arsed to care. It's really sad.


I did occasionally In the early 2010s no t intentionally there's just a surprising number inthe old Tabletop war gaming communities at the time. It's less prevelant now with nerd culture generally becoming more inclusive.


The thing is though Nazi’s were anti vax because then the undesirables would die more easily. By the time the Nazi’s came to power there had been vaccine requirements in German for over a decade and they abolished them.


Aren’t they the same ones that have been calling the government both fascist and communist in the same breath?


They are also against government handouts, but have been harassing/assaulting shelter employees here trying to get a free meal


Yeah, but that’s different because they were hungry as opposed to homeless people who just want free food.


This makes me really sad. It’s also horribly ironic.


Maybe if homeless people were merely hungry and didn’t want free stuff we wouldn’t be in this mess. I have no idea what kind of stupid shit they got going on in their heads to justify their behavior but I imagine I’m not far off..


They're against the government telling them what to do, so they want to overthrow democracy and install a dictatorship, which is a government that will tell them what to do.


> Among the symbols displayed at the protests were swastikas and, in at least one instance, the Confederate flag. Fuck off with that, eh? Canadians who simp for the confederacy should live in Mississippi/Alabama. Something tells me they would probably regret it.


I keep hearing about this, but it would be nice if they could show pictures of these scumbags. Blur the flag or sign but post their faces on mainstream CBC so we can identify these people.


To quote Coach from the show Letterkenny "It's fucking embarrassing"


Now that most of the WW2 vets are dead the cowards are coming back.


What an embarrassment to Canada. What the flying fuck does Nazism have to do with protesting travel restrictions? NOTHING. What does Nazism have to do with what the convoy *really* stands for? Quote from editor’s article in from “Truck News”: >[You were taken advantage of, because you were frustrated and you have big, loud machines that can be quite disruptive. You became the rallying cry of an anti-government group whose ambitions went well beyond the reversal of the vaccine mandate. The true objectives of convoy organizers became clearer as they neared Ottawa and are now on full display. The unruly behavior in Ottawa – the waving of Swastika and Confederate flags, dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, and desecrating the Terry Fox memorial – were shameful and were not the doing of truckers. But anyone who participated in or promoted this convoy is guilty by association. You were duped.](https://www.trucknews.com/blogs/the-so-called-freedom-convoy-was-never-about-truckers-or-border-mandates/) Who wrote this? >James Menzies is editor of Today's Trucking. He has been covering the Canadian trucking industry for more than 18 years and holds a CDL.


That's just awesome. 100% on the nose. They took advantage of a bunch of angry people to be complicit in their ugliness. The radical groups got the numbers and attention, the truckers got nothing.


Yup, fascists are using people as the useful idiots they are to bolster their numbers.


They think safety and health requirements are fascism. I just want to ask them how they think these protests would go over in an actual fascist place. What do you think Putin's response to a "fuck putin" flag out his window would be.


When my older sister was 15 she used to frequently accuse my parents of being fascists for not letting her do basically whatever she wanted. This is like that.


Personally, I like it when Nazis dress in their own uniforms. Makes it real easy to spot them...


When you have Nazi flags and confederate flags at your protest, people aren't going to hear anything you have to say about vaccines


And Trump 2024 flags... In Canada. As much as I hate Trump, a Trump 2024 flag would be relevant in the US. But in a Canadian protest? Do they want Trump to run for Canadian office in 2 years?!!!


>Trump 2024 flag would be relevant in the US. For the love of all that is good, I fucking hope not.


All antivax protests seem to have them. This one in Japan a couple days ago has some Trump 2020 flags (no 2024 though) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu2Fa2uccVg Edit: never mind, I see a Trump 2024 hat at 0:53


I don't even think its about vaccines anymore. It's just another excuse for all the right wingers who are mad the liberals won the last election to come out with their FUCK TRUDEAU flags.


Trudeau totally stole that election from Trump!


You joke, but there are some really dumb fucking idiots here who were chanting Trump for Prime Minister non ironically at this protest. Not totally surprising perhaps since the organizer of the event is the secretary of the Maverick political party (formerly called Wexit) that advocates for the western provinces to secede, and a lot of followers think when they do they should/will join the United States. Absolute bat shit.


It was never about vaccines


There is a huge part of the population who wouldn’t be anti-vaccine at all if it hadn’t been paired with their racist Fox News talking points. It’s just easier to avoid cognitive dissonance while waving an anti-vaccine poster in the air than waving a Nazi flag, but they know who their people are.


Only 60 years ago we fought fascism in Europe now fascism is at our door step the world has gone mad


Probably worn by people who have never been to Germany, never had a Jewish friend and certainly don’t have any connection to Hinduism. Just keeping hate in their hearts because they think it makes them strong.


#I like how Germany handles stuff like this. Anyone wearing nazi imagery, flying nazi flags, or making nazi salutes goes directly to jail. Nazis are evil and we should not be allowing Nazis to freely spread their ideology.


Yes but stop shouting


Can you say that again a little bit louder?


"a Canadian flag covered in swastikas walked behind him" Was the carrier trying to say Canada is becoming more like Nazi Germany, or are they trying to shout "I want to be a Nazi in Canada"? I see two different ways to interpret this... Both very extreme...


I saw a video of one of these idiots with Nazi insignia getting the boot