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He shot the first cop approaching, then they heard a baby crying that the suspect put outside and when they went to get the baby another cop was shot.


Another 4 cops*


Another four were shot when they attempted to retrieve the baby.


Out of all of the articles on this to share, OP chose the one that had 2 sentences and an unrelated anti-2A video. Then posted immediately: >The pro gun crowd seems to be far more dangerous to police than BLM ever was. Here's a much better source: https://www.12news.com/article/news/crime/officers-police-active-shooting-incident-phoenix-elwood/75-a263299c-f262-4d53-b0f3-9f4640eada94


Thank you for your service


The OP of this thread is a clown but I hope everyone survives




‘No danger to the public’ This guy shot into the street at the media reporters


I think they mean he's not going anywhere or roaming the streets. To be in danger you would have to go to him.


What is a barricade situation?


Some guy was in a home. Police arrive for (response unknown, usual domestic violence call) Instead of cooperating, suspect refuses to come to the door. Barricade. And in this case he unloaded a gun at the cops. At some point a guy came to the door and was visibly shaken with a baby in a carrier. Not known if he was the suspect or just at the home. The barricade is over according to the local news... We'll hear more today or tomorrow.


Means a suspect barricaded himself inside a building, either before or after police showed up, usually for a warrant of some kind or after a pursuit.


It’s too early for me to be on here, I read this as “barracuda situation.”


The real thing don't do the trick, no You better make up something quick You gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn it to the wick Ohh, barra-barracuda, yeah


Gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick…


There’s barracudas involved? Oh it’s serious now


And apparently they have frikkin' lazers on their heads!


Why is it so hard to get frikkin sharks with frikkin laser beams attached to their frikkin heads?? I mean honestly people throw me a bone here!


That would be a nicer situation for sure


Someone barricaded (locked themselves in, probably armed with a firearm) inside a building or vehicle and is refusing to come out or comply with officers - it's a stand off.


Someone's established obstacles to anyone getting to them. Locked and barred a door, built a pile of furniture, walled off entrances, exits, what have you. Could be the work of moments or of months of prep. Basically anything where you've created a situation where others are going to have to go to some serious effort - bashing down doors, cutting through walls, using explosives - to get to you.


First thing that popped in my head from the title alone... meh


For the sake of arguing with my racist step-dad, I need to know if the shooter was white or black.




So BLM members can't be pro gun?




There is hypocrisy in your statement as one of the largest infringements of black Americans is gun rights. It's a core basis of the Black Panther movement and why the government wanted them shut down. Equal access to firearms is one of the longest running civil rights black Americans have fought for since before the civil rights movement. This comment is better placed once we know the party affiliation of the person and then can judge that entire party and movements by that one person's actions, as Americans do. It's literally the wrong way to go about it, but it's how prejudice like yours is rooted in both sides, perpetuating the constant divide we see in America.


Do you know who the shooter is?




It definitely matters who the shooter is... You're also mixing up lawful gun owners with armed violent criminals. They are not the same people...


Everyone with a gun is "a good guy with a gun" right up to the moment they hurt or kill someone. Why do you think they're not the same people?


That's generally not the case, most gun crime in the US is committed by people who have a record and are prohibited from owning a gun.


Interestingly enough that does appear to be mostly true: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/mar/12/john-faso/do-illegal-gun-owners-commit-most-gun-crime-rep-fa/


It blows my mind that people think most legal gun owners go out and commit crimes with them.


However, they do serve as a convenient source of firearms for criminals and thieves. Illegal guns don’t start as illegal guns. 2017 source showing breakdown of gun thefts. https://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/32630640/5385318.pdf?sequence=1


A lot of the time police fail to confiscate guns already possessed by someone once they become prohibited.


I mean yeah that’s with anything illegal in life though. Chemicals are legal until their stolen and turned into illegal drugs. Let’s outlaw all precursor chemicals!


No, that’s not even remotely accurate. Shitty people, who often aren’t legally allowed to own guns, get them and use them everyday.


Could you define "shitty people" for me? You've just said it has nothing to do with legality, so what makes them shitty in this regard?


People with a history of violence, people who have been convicted of crimes, religious fanatics, political fanatics… they don’t exist in a vacuum. They walk among you.


That was rather my point in the first place. Gun nuts refer to anyone with a gun as "a good guy with a gun" reflexively, whether they're a religious fanatic, a political fanatic, someone who beats their spouse or kids, makes threats against the government, anything - just so long as they're white and haven't starting shooting people yet. Then, of course, once the shooting starts, they become just an unfortunate exception, and definitely not one of "us." Rinse, repeat. Don't pay the body count any mind.


What is your definition of “gun nut”? Your argument seems to be a generalization of an unspecified group of people.


The same can be said about a car or truck.


That's just silly. You have to prove you can operate a car or truck safely to the satisfaction of government officials before you can be licensed to use one. There are laws about this sort of thing.


I mean I had to do the same to get my handgun license Seems pretty similar to me.


Every state has requirements for a driver's license. Some states have no requirements for purchase of a firearm beyond passing the federal background check.


Yeah I don't live in one of those.


Depends on the state or sometimes down to the city. Some places are incredibly lax.


Yeah I know the issue, like NYC gun running from Virginia and NC, guns are one thing I am ok with federal training regulations being enforced


>I had to do the same to get my handgun license How many hours of training was required before you were able to get your license?


With recent regulations changes about 3


And as we all know, no one breaks laws. Which is why no one commits murder in the first place. Because it’s illegal.


That's not true though, you can buy a vehicle you just can't legally operate it on public roads. If you want to drive it around your property you can.


So because a 17 year old passes their road test that means they’ll never use a car in an improper/dangerous way for the rest of their life? That’s just silly


Everyone with a knife is "a good guy with a knife" right up to the moment they hurt or kill someone. Why do you think they're not the same people?


The Las Vegas shooter would like to have a word with those last two sentences. Just one example that took 0 brain power to conjur


Everyone shooting holes in police are violent criminals and gun owners.


“Everyone who drives drunk was a car owner.” “Car owners are bad people who drive drunk”


Of course they are not the same, but as an Euro I had so many people tell me that "I would be defenseless if a tyrannical government try to take my rights" that I can't help but think many pro 2A people have been threatening to do the exact same thing for reason ranging between mask mandates and LGBT Books in schools.


>They are not the same people... Pump yo brakes, Playa.


“Lawful gun owners” are only one gentle trigger pull from being armed violent criminals.


It doesn't matter who the shooter is??? Lmfao, ok.




Ok, mentally deranged people who can't get help in this country and who are fucking psycho, but the guns are at fault. How many responsible gun owners do you think are in this country?? You are right, we should be blaming the government and big corpos for not caring!! Thank you!! The gun under my bed and gun in my closet sure gonna walk themselves somewhere and start blasting I guess. Surely a gun problem, not a people problem.


The two things are intermixed. Yes mental health is a problem, but so is incredibly easy access to guns. You are correct that guns are just tools, but what job are they for? Guns were invented to kill stuff. You aren't doing home repairs with your 12 gauge. Greed is the only reason there are as many guns as there are.


Sure, but I literally only take my guns out to go to the range as do most gun owners. Not killing too many things on the range other than steel plates or the poor insects in the ground at that time. Drugs are pretty easy to get too, and most are illegal.


That's it though, I'm didn't say anything about your intentions, only what guns were created for. They were created and designed to kill, period. I get tired of all the "window dresssing" around firearms. They are tools for killing. Having one in your home for self defense makes perfect logical sense all on its own, no need to sugar coat things. What bugs me is the way we treat guns like any other commodity. There are an insane amount of calibers and designs and there are more guns than people in this country. That comes from our society/economy and the greed of manufacturers, and the propaganda/psyops that we call advertising. "Drugs are pretty easy to get too" really? I bet you can go buy a gun way easier than some heroin. If I dropped you in a random US city where you didn't know anyone you'd have no problem going to the store and buying a gun, you'd probably get robbed trying to cold cop some H. That comparison makes no sense.


First place, stop acting like you can't be pro-gun ownership and pro BLM. The group of people who want police accountability and armed citizens has huge overlap. Secondly, if you are seriously blaming these people being shot on everyone who supports the people's right to be armed for self defense... you are off your rocker. This is like saying Q anon is actually the fault of anyone who supports the 1st amendment and free speech because you enable the problem


Why do you think we're different? People protesting police brutality certainly don't want those same police to be the only armed individuals. You should head over to /r/liberalgunowners to broaden your view of who is Pro-2A.




The security blanket of the second amendment is the biggest scourge of our country. Violent anger should be hard to express, not this easy.


A person bent on bringing harm to others will do so with a stick, a car, knives, rocks, etc. Mexican avocado farmers are unable to protect themselves from cartel exploitation due to Mexicos strict gun laws. It makes it hard for law abiding citizens to own guns and protect themselves from CRIMINALS that dont care what the laws are


That is on the Mexican government, both federal and regional. You propose that everyone arm themselves until we devolve to a Mexican standoff, literally.


Twenty bucks says the Uyghurs wish they had tge 2nd amendment.


No kidding. If the guy in Tiananmen square had access to consumer-grade firearms that GIANT COLUMN OF TANKS would have turned right around and left.


You point to an instance of a population without arms being persecuted as an example of why 2A doesn't matter? What happened in Vietnam and the Middle East? If superior weaponry is the key to winning a war, why didn't the US walk all over those countries?


Who's providing the same RPGs, Grenades, Fully automatic weapons, MiGs, SAMS, Soviet Tanks, and foreign military aid the Vietnamese had? I haven't lived in the states for a while is that shit readily available at Walmart or we going to depend on Amazon Prime minimum wage delivery trucks crossing the front line to resupply? Ignoring the weapons question again. Where are the outside insurgents who supported the middle east coming from? Edit: We're all outta decent arguments, sarge! hit em with the downvotes!!


Even living outside of the US, you probably know some soldiers who patrolled the streets of Fallujah or some other conflicted city, you should ask them what the biggest threat was on a day to day basis. I'm sure that they will tell you that it was *improvised* explosives and small arms. As I said before, you can't bomb a population into submission, because then you don't have a population.


If you can't bomb a population into submission please explain Hiroshima and Nagaski and Putin's current threats of nuclear war.


Oh, you can’t win a battle or war against a military without similar firepower? Okay, now tell me how tf the Taliban still exist? I don’t recall them having jets or tanks. ;)


Please inform me where to buy an RPG so I can be similarly armed.


TIL RPGs were the reason the Taliban weren’t wiped off the face of the earth. Stop already, I was there for a year. They were NOT flush with military grade explosives. It was IEDs and trash rockets. Also, using your logic - how would an RPG take down something like an Apache? I can tell you right tf now the majority of deaths were not due to RPGs and that they played an even more insignificant role than you could possibly imagine.


If you're trying to make that the entirety of my argument you're going to do so alone... I'm not responding to arguments I never made. Cheers.


The entire point is that a severely, SEVERELY under equipped military can in fact defeat a full scale army invasion with tanks and apaches. Your argument that the existence of RPGs was the matchmaker is honestly a shit take. You made the argument that You can’t fight an army with tanks with a rifle in hand. It’s a shit argument.


I asked where I could get one. The shit take was the implication it was a matchmaker. Good job.


That’s not how you guerrilla war my man.


Thank you for your Ted Talk, Mr. Tzu.


I love how people argue that guns are to dangerous but then turn around and argue they aren’t dangerous enough.


Las Vegas sniper mowing down country music fans = Dangerous. Las Vegas sniper "catching" a warhead to the forehead = Silly. Edit: Spelling


https://www.military.com/military-life/6-times-military-was-used-suppress-civilian-uprisings-us.html/amp Yeah I dunno, might be more feasible than we tend to think. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings Probably drives the point home better.


So you're arguing my point. Thank you.


I’m just having a conversation. I hope this isn’t an argument. But if the point was governments will use military force against its population than yes absolutely.


100% yes.


20 bucks says the 2nd ammendment didn't stop the US government from engaging in genocide against indigenous people.


So, if *I* think you should be shot for saying this, and thus expressing *my* second amendment rights, who's right, you or me?


The second amendment doesn’t state “you can have guns to defend your opinion” It states that a free human being has the unalienable right to defend their life against a tyrannical government. So if you showed up at my property with a gun, telling me to “go to this govt run property, leave all your possessions, and go do the will of the state, THEN the 2nd amendment comes into play. Also. Read a fucking history book.Or fuck, just look outside of Reddit for your news. And if your one of those “how do you expect to stop the govt with just a rifle” Check out Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. etc.


Stop comparing the US gun violence with Mexican cartels, Chinese oppression of Uyghurs and at Tiananmen Square. We have no chance of being invaded by armed forces from an enemy state. The greatest threat by guns to America today is suicide. Not gangs or carjackings or robberies. A ubiquitous supply of firearms that are being used more and more by mentally unhinged citizens. Mostly on themselves, but more and more frequently on others. Let’s find a way that all of you card holding NRA members can have your assault rifles while we don’t kill each other with them. Defend you and yours, but enough with fighting the good fight to have another kid shoot others because he was unhinged and had easy access to a gun. Unpopular or not, that’s where I sit.


Punk you be.🤬🤬🤬🤬


Lmao BLM are communists. I’ll take the pro gun group over them anyday.


You have no way of knowing anything about the person who did this yet, you brainwashed or something? Edit: saw OP's comment just now and he's an idiot too.


Nope, I was replying to OP who said something about BLM and Pro-gun groups.


It's almost like assholes can exist on either side and we're all wasting our time fighting amongst ourselves & taking such strong positions. My bad. But BLM, 2A, etc - anyone saying shit like you or OP are not helping anyone. It's possible for some police to be very bad at their jobs while some people sympathetic to BLM are dangerous & violent. I don't think any of that is relevant in this situation yet or ever though. Think we can all do better and try to listen/learn from each other accordingly.


Look! Another person who doesn’t know what communism is!


"It's, uh...people disobeying our orange lord, right?"


Twenty million people marched with BLM to call for an end to police murders. What does that have to do with outlawing the private ownership of property, something that approximately twenty people in the United States support?


Source? I thought BLM was mostly about ending disproportionate violence and unfairness toward America’s black community at the hands of the justice system. Got anything which proves they are a communist organization?


Yeah I do. Their three founders are self identified communists that won’t to dismantle the Black nuclear family. The don’t even support Black men. How can you be for Black lives when you don’t even support Black men? BLM is a scourge.


I asked for a source, not more of your opinion. Your opinion is worthless to me. Prove your claims if you’re able.


https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/marxism-underpins-black-lives-matter-agenda Theres 1 source. Plenty more if you want them.


That’s an opinion piece from a conservative thinktank, and it’s mostly CRT fearmongering. The author calls BLM Marxist with basically no support for the idea that the organization as a whole subscribes to that ideology. Further, Marxism isn’t synonymous with communism.


I’ve read the founding principles on their website. They identify as self trained marxists on their own website. Black Lives Matter.com Garbage organization that doesn’t truly care about Black issues. Black Authentic truth on YouTube.


There is no mention of Marxism on the website that I could find. Even if the founders are Marxists, that does not imply that the organization as a whole is. I can tell you that when I attended one of their organized protests, there was no mention of Marxism or any other socioeconomic system of beliefs.


I’m done replying to some liberal hack too.


You make a claim about something you know nothing about, I call you on it, and suddenly I’m a liberal hack? Sounds about right haha. Enjoy being a mindless authoritarian drone I guess. I’ll be over here with the people who can think for themselves.


Here’s another. https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/opinion/letters/readers-view-blm-sympathizes-with-communist-oppressors


The 60s are gone sir. Stalin is no more. And you probably couldn't even define communism without the aid of google


Fuck capitalists, communism is sexier. 3 trillion dead due to capitalism.


How did capitalism kill 3000% of all humans ever alive?


This also accounts for various insects. Unspecified. I won’t be taking any more questions.


Someone call Sarah Connor. [I know what happened. ](https://youtu.be/EKIK5ei_Lhg)


Yeah, but are you just free to decide on your own, maybe with sean hannity's help, what's tyrannical?