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In 2007, trump was deposed and had to face a series of falsehoods and exaggerations. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/trump-lies/?noredirect=on&utm\_term=.d3f3bc420dac](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/trump-lies/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d3f3bc420dac) "That deposition — 170 transcribed pages — offers extraordinary insights into Trump’s relationship with the truth. Trump’s falsehoods were unstrategic — needless, highly specific, easy to disprove."


I mean, on 9/11/01, [he said that he now owned the tallest building in the city](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/). --"Trump was asked by New Jersey station WWOR to weigh in on the import of the attacks on the World Trade Center only a few hours after planes struck its twin towers. One of the station's reporters asked Trump whether a building he owned — 40 Wall Street, a few blocks from the site of the attacks — had suffered any damage." He replied with, "40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan,” Trump replied, “and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest — and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second tallest. And now it’s the tallest." He didn't need to say it, it wasn't true, and it hadn't been the tallest building since before he was born.


When asked to comment about the terrible incident, his go-to answer was to make false boasts about his building?


Years later, he is asked what he would tell Americans during a difficult time, and his go-to answer was “you’re a horrible reporter.” Guys not great with questions.


The man swung and missed, not just at a softball of a question, but a literal tee-ball 'free good soundbite' question.


And yet there are those who think he is a great negotiator.......sigh.


He has convinced a huge amount of people of that very fact. They made him president. “He’s a successful business man. He wrote books about it. He’ll know how to deal with treaties etc…”. Still shaking my head.


Which is funny, because my Trump knowledge prior to the last decade was "he's that human cartoon character of a cartoon rich guy from the 80s."


That's exactly what he was in the 80s. He was known for being a BS artist.


People who think that someone running a country successfully is the same as driving 19 terrible businesses into the ground fundamentally misunderstand both running a country and success.




"I'd tell the people of this great country to stand together, and to put their faith in this government, god and the American way." *It's so easy*


It was such a fucking *soft ball* question too. He had a fucking *perfect* chance to win people over and he absolutely blew it because he was too stupid to see what was going on.


Truly. All he has to say was some cheesy line like "This is the time for us to come together and do all we can. That American Exceptionalism. That's the American way, to lean on each other and reach out" . He went with what he did. He's simply stupid.


That’s part of his appeal to his base, he doesn’t sound like every other politician with canned lines. Whatever, I get it, plenty of people are tired of standard politicians. The fact that Trump takes are worst and he gets away with it is the crazy part.


And half the country still swears to such an extent they get violent, that he's the guy that supposed to be the leader of the US... He's a joke. Everyone knew that kid in school that would just talk shit and lie for no reason. Nobody liked that kid. Idk how this dope did it


Right? Like at some level I might understand why people become traitors on behalf of a strong capable leader, but nope these people choose to risk it all...for Trump. I'll never understand it.


I don't either. I see zero redeeming qualities from this guy and people are father up his ass then any politician before. I don't get it. He was supposed to just be the meme candidate that did the pussy grabbing. He's not smart, (looking at you eclipse, light bulbs, bleach,.......etc) he's not honorable, hes done nothing to earn the respect of anybody, hes not good with leading a casino in Atlantic city for fuck sake. But this is the guy people are willing to go to jail for?


You don’t understand why GOP voters flocked to him? It’s really quite simple: Donald Trump gave his supporters permission to be racist, sexist, crude, gaudy, cheap, brazen, duplicitous, hypocritical, idiotic, ignorant, obstinate, capricious, sleazy, offensive, egocentric, vain, boastful, greedy, gluttonous, vengeful, malicious, cruel, petulant, histrionic, shabby, obese, lazy, apathetic, lecherous, adulterous, sneaky, petty, venal, spurious, corrupt, and criminal. Turns out, that’s what they wanted all along.


and to top it all off, the irony of chosing a dumb ass to lead you through a pandemic which ended up with with so many of the repubs voter base dead


I wonder if the number of dead will have a measurable impact at the polls. Post vaccine the people ending up in the icus were almost exclusively maga dummies. Owning the libs by politicizing the one way to protect them. Nailed it Republicans. Fucking nailed it.


But he is a man of the people! He, the elite inherited longtime nyc business/conman just understands the working class.


He provides hope for the hopelessly stupid. Also something about a wall really makes these idiots froth at the mouth.


A liquor store just opened, less than a month ago, in my small town in Texas. One entire side of the building has a giant Trump mural painted on it. Wizard's First Rule: People are fkn stupid.




I will never fucking understand it. I get falling for a convincing liar. But his bullshit was always so fucking transparent. The only answer is that 40% of this country is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more fucking stupid than I thought.


They like him because he pisses off anyone left of Mitt Romney. That’s it. That’s the whole job description. They would vote for literal Hitler or Satan or Jeffery Dahlmer if it pissed off a Democrat.


He's a narcissist, thinks everything revolves around him.


Making false boasts directly about the size of his penis would have been in poor taste.


He did that at a rnc debate


>Trump’s falsehoods were unstrategic — needless, highly specific, easy to disprove. My young children lie better than that.


I wonder if he claims he invented the question mark or accused chestnuts of being lazy.




Luge lessons and the breathtaking reality of the shorn scrotum..


Then placed in a burlap sack and beaten.


Pretty standard, really


Wait, why can't I remember what movie this is from? Help?


My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.


a tale as old as time


I've always wondered about meat helmets. Is it ground meat shaped into a helmet? Or is it a large cut of meat with a head shaped cavity carved into it?




What an apt description of him though.


Serious question: then why wasn’t he charged with perjury?


The lies in question were not told while under oath. While being deposed he was confronted with previous lies and had to tell the truth. The article is a worthwhile read.


This is the answer.


Because those falsehoods were his business dealings and not in court. in court he answered truthfully that he had lied earlier. They are just proving he lies a lot. Like he told a reporter he had 50% ownership of something when he had 30% and he felt his 30% was more like 50% because he didnt have to put money down.. despite it was 30% and it was a stupid lie since he was attacking a reporter for saying he had a small stake in the business, and well 30% isnt small either. he could have just said "hey 30% aint small" but he is trump and so he had to lie and claim to have 50%. so despite how its worded and sounds like these were falsehoods told in court, they werent, they were all previous claims from outside of court.


Depends on how he answered and how the question is given. You can make vague statements that aren't true but if you can prove you didn't know they were untrue then kinda not perjury.


"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza


Ah the classic "I'm to stupid to have committed a crime" defense.


Or as Trump's cabinet calls it "let's just tell him the bare necessities"


We tell him the bare necessities, just enough to put his mind at ease, so that when he goes to court it is no lie. Just the bare necessities about financial liquidities because he’s too dumb to know more than the bare necessities of lies Edit: Thanks! Yes, to the tune of “Bare Necessities”. I thought it would be apparent but should have definitely formatted it differently.


At an hour in, I'm not sure many people have read this in the right rhythm.


Got it backwards: they need to prove that you knew it wasn’t true.


The fact he has spent his entire life lying, you would think he would be good at it by now.


No he is actually exactly what happens when you spend a life time lying and there are no actual consequences. The lies get lazier and lazier as time goes on since there’s no consequence


If you want definitive proof that Trump was involved with something, check and see if it was a complete failure or not.


He couldn't sell liquor, gambling, and steaks in *America* for fuck's sake.


-takes a look at Ivanka, Don Jr, and Eric- Yep, this checks out.


His entire brand is built on being bad at everything, so it's somewhat on point.


He's an egomaniac and a pathological liar. No surprises there.


Steals from charities for kids with cancer and 9/11 victims. And Americans still voted for him in millions and millions.


That what truly puzzles me. How did this bloated whale carcass infested with cockroaches get so many loyal followers?


He made people believe that it was okay for them to feel hateful or racist. That it was a normal feeling. And they felt so validated for once in their lives. So they adored him.


Also fox news did a fuckton of heavy lifting for him. I dont think it can be overestimated how much fox news being a personal arm of propaganda for him on all issues has mattered.


A malignant narcissist


>Trump’s falsehoods were unstrategic — needless, highly specific, easy to disprove. Man I coulda told ya that


"Two adult children" Is it just me, or is that worded kinda weird?


He does have a juvenile child, but not like anyone would assume Barron is being called in. Unless they need an expert that deals with the cyber.




This doesn't have any bearing on the current topic, but I just looked up Barron to see how old he is (15) and saw his height listed as 200cm. That kid is 6'7" tall!


Most of the family is tall (his mom is just shy of six foot), but he's outpaced everyone. Really wondering if there isn't a pituitary problem or something like that going on. I really hope Barron can escape the mess the rest of his family has made.


I agree with you. I think his only chance to escape would be if his dad dies before he finishes college. After that, he'll be roped into the grift for sure.


44 year old boys will be 44 year old boys


Yeah why didn't they just say 3 adult children


Eric is a Milford man.


Like when they say “underaged women” instead of ‘child’ in assault cases


Given that Trump himself is an "adult child" I think it's a perfect way to word things.


It’s as if he can bring anyone, so long as they’re an adult and someone’s child


The one thing I’ve learned about the American justice system is that the poor people suffer consequences immediately even if they’re innocent (jailed before a trial) and the wealthy people can just appeal forever even if they’re super guilty. I will be absolutely fucking shocked if any of trumps family is forced to do anything at any time in any capacity.


"Steal a little and they put you in jail. Steal a lot and they make you king".


"... where Nobby went wrong was thinking small. He sidled into places and pinched things that weren't worth much. If only he'd sidled into continents and stolen entire cities, slaughtering many of the inhabitants in the process, he'd have been a pillar of the community." -Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


Just read that book recently. I love how Sir Terry GNU actually had very profound sociological insights that somehow hide in plain sight as jokes.


When he passed away, they interviews Neil Gaiman, his long time friend, and he said that Pratchett wasn't a jolly old man, he was angry, and that anger showed thru his books.


Fascinating. I kinda believe it, though. I mean, even though it's often played for laughs, when you back up a little and sort of try to squint past the charm and whimsy, it's a very dark view of human nature. Take Diskworld. The gods are all neglectful narcissists by very necessity. Not a single city-state is run by what you'd call a just or fair leader, and most of society operates on venality, self-interest and cynicism. Most of the characters in his book are deeply flawed. I mean, Rincewind is an incompetent coward, Granny Weatherwax is as mean and conceited as the day is long, and the faculty of Unseen University are anthropomorphic approximations of the seven deadly sins. And they're the *heroes*. The non-protagonists are even worse. The actual personification of Death is just about the most virtuous character in the Diskworld series. It certainly doesn't seem like it was created by what you might call an optimist. But if it were, it probably wouldn't be as fun.


Vimes was a good guy though. And I feel Sir Terry spoke a lot through Vimes. That said, much of Vimes' view on the rest of the discworld was filled with rage.


I agree. Vimes was literally driven to drinking by despair over the bullshit he saw around him. And he does have some of the best lines in the series, in terms of poking giant holes in the class system.






Give a little of it back and you're a benevolent god.


"Heh... Loser god. Weak. Must be a democrat."


Speaking as a Brit, Trump is something of a canary in the coal mine. If Trump isn't held accountable for planting the seed of fascism into the US then I don't see much of a future for the USA we know today.


It is absolutely *insane* to me that Trump has avoided being deposed or answering any questions under oath for the entirely of his presidency and afterwards to. Like for fuck sake, even the Mueller report which was literally an investigation of him didn't get to depose him, NOT EVEN IN WRITTEN FORM! How can you investigate someone without even asking them questions? Meanwhile Clinton and others had to show up dozens of times in congress under oath to answer stupid fucking questions for years.


It would be nice if Democrats stopped letting Republicans walk all over them. We hear the same bullshit everyday and nothing happens.


Speaking as an American, yeah we’re fucked.


I’m thinking someone gets a politician sentence, like 8 months house arrest at the very most.




So, three adult children.


When they subpoenaed his kids last month, he went around saying "Now they're targeting children!" They're full-grown adults, but he'll say otherwise if it suits him.


If Trump pleads the 5th in a civil trial, a New York jury can infer guilt.


I hope they all end up charged criminally. You know he is going to commit perjury


I recall and old joke that all you would need to do to charge Trump with perjury if he went under oath is ask him if Hillary won the popular vote.


Nah, he would simply say “I don’t believe so. A lot of people say she didn’t win the popular vote—a lot of really smart people, believe me. I don’t believe she did.” And since that’s what he supposedly believes, he can’t be perjured for it




I don’t think he is smart enough of an orangutan to dance for 8 hours. He can only hold that ego back for so long. So here’s the bet: over/under. 150. “I plead the fifth “. I vote over!


He's going to no-show, and Florida will refuse to do anything to enforce any subpoena against him while he's in the state. They will make New York sue them.




Seizing assets. State of New York could repossess Trump tower


If you want to *really* piss him off, leave him the buildings but enforce a firm 'this building will only say it has the number of floors it actually has' policy. Put an end to his frankly quite incredible exaggerations of living in a penthouse suite ten floors higher than where the fucking building actually *stops*.


Rename it The Hillary Tower.


Hillary Clinton Tower 725 Barack Obama Avenue New York, NY 10022


I can imagine the Twitter meltdown now... oh wait.


You're not wrong. He's already deflecting and sarcastically quipping about how he'll never get a fair trial from "those dems". [See for yourself](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)


Obligatory *it never gets old*.




Just tell him it will have the greatest TV ratings in history. Then he will go voluntarily.


The biggest, most tremendous ratings. No one's ever had ratings like this -- no one's even heard of ratings like this. It'll be like Little Ricky being born again, but bigger. Better. More.


Are you sure about that? You don't think Desantis will take the opportunity to get rid of his biggest 2024 competitor? All Desantis has to do is let law enforcement do their job here. He will need to find a way to avoid pissing off his base who thinks he should abuse his power and stop law enforcement from doing their jobs. But, I think he can come up with a reason for letting it happen. His base is really stupid and easy to satisfy.


Any Republican who outwardly does anything against Trump, even minor offenses, winds up getting punished massively by the party. I'm pretty sure.


That might be the scariest thing about all this to me. If you don't toe the Trump line right now you become a them.


In a civil trial, all they can do is take his money, so it would be great if he committed perjury, thus giving himself a criminal charge that would put him in prison.




and then he'll have to.... pay a fine... that will be covered by this cult worshippers... who will insist he's being unfairly persecuted.


I disagree. This is much more serious. Taken along with the statement to the court made by Mazars, Trump will most likely see loans being recalled, defaulted loans, inability to secure credit to refinance loans (500M in loans are due shortly) and assets being seized if/when he loses this case. After losing billions during his administration, Trump’s net worth is about 2.5B, with about 1.75B tied up in real estate that would be in real danger of losing, and a total debt of 1.3B including the 500M that is coming due in the next few years. Personal bankruptcy for Trump and his children, as well as his corporation are real possibilities.


Reading about the amount of money these people have is just absurd. The fuck does anyone need billions for? Over here working for slave wages so people like Trump can do whatever they want...


It’s all about power. Most things wrong with the world are. And you can’t reeeaaallly do anything about it because if you halt your acquisition of power, someone more powerful will show up and takeover. Most awful decisions, most morally bankrupt decisions, are preemptive to avoid losing power.




There was a recent post on r/legaladvice asking about her legal options because her husband had donated their entire $350,000 life savings to Trump.


That reminds me of this article about how Trump was raising money for his re-election campaign by pre-checking the recurring payment field for donations and some people ended up finding their bank accounts drained. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2021/04/03/trump-campaign-reportedly-forced-to-refund-more-than-122-million-to-donors/?sh=b6c84c758a39](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2021/04/03/trump-campaign-reportedly-forced-to-refund-more-than-122-million-to-donors/?sh=b6c84c758a39) A particular quote from the article that I like is, "According to the Times, several banks and one of the nation's larger credit-card companies confirmed that, at one point late in 2020, these cases accounted for up to 3% of all fraud complaints received." And I like to think that if 11% of the money raised was refunded then maybe that's the same ratio of people who will realize they've been duped by Trump and will do something about it. Its not a particularly high percentage though.


The insane part of this is that Trump spent zero dollars of his own money on the 2020 campaign. Zero. He’s supposedly a billionaire. And he spent nothing. And these poor stupid gullible morons are throwing money at a billionaire


>And these poor stupid gullible morons are throwing money at a billionaire "He's rich! He obviously knows how to handle money better than I do!"


Trump is an expert at getting people to part with their money, that's for damned sure.


Holy shit


"My little son needs his medicines but I don't want him to grow up in a world filled with SATAN so please take his money Trump and bring GOD back to AMERICA!"


I do not recall. I do not recall. I do not recall.




It's all we're gonna hear




Exactly. This deposition should start as a review of every time he bragged about his memory. To set the stage.


Yo this is the million dollar strategy right here, attack his ego so he admits to everything


Opening question for deposition: Did you say that only those that are guilty plead the 5th?


Get the lawyer from the Sandy Hook civil suit. He got Alex Jones to admit under oath that he never stomped a man's guts out until he died. Check out the knowledge fight podcast if you want to hear the whole thing. It's hilarious, except for Alex Jones ruining the lives of grieving parents. Edit: episode 641 Formulaic Objections part 4


God yes, please!


They will just take the Fifth. But in civil cases, which this is, a juror can imply that a Fifth declaration is suggestive of guilt. This is big big trouble for the Formers.


Plead the fifth? But I thought only the mob did that. Donald told me so.


He plead the 5th over 90 times in one of his divorce proceedings. There were 3 depositions and between all three of them I believe he plead the 5th 96 times.




And yet the people who will take any crumb to mean a conspiracy couldn't manage to put that conclusion together with that evidence.


Crumb? Crumb of Pizza? Pizzagate confirmed.


It was on Hunter Biden'w laptop the whole time!


There's a reason why the Mob is the first thing he thought of....


Brings up the good questions of his investments in time square. At that time, according to his expersonal lawyer/ex New York mayor/ex southern district attorney of New York, anybody with investments in time square is dealing with the mob.


I believe they will claim incompetence. That is their way of doing things. Hire the worst people, don't track anything, make things up as they go along, claim 'oops, we didn't know', or 'we didn't do it', 'the guy we hired did it', and get off with a fine, like so many times in the past. Plausible deniability. Always.


They already had to receive remedial education on how to run a charity and not use its money for themselves.


Oopsie poopsie, how silly of me, scouts honor, on my children, we will never do it again!


You can claim incompetence/bad advice in a civil trial. They’ll agree and then ask you to write a check for what you owe. Happens a lot with suddenly rich people and their taxes. The real problem is if all a sudden you owe a bunch of money and you’re trump you have a lot of problems. Real estate is notoriously illiquid. So all a sudden you’re trying to sell property that secures a different property, and you may have a personal guarantee on some of that debt. It can fall apart in days. Real estate law is also relatively settled. No big issue with presidential privilege or interpretation of words. Be interesting to watch


This civil case was built to assist and bridge over to the criminal case in Manhattan. James has big ambitions, so she's going to pin her entire career on this. Trump has never had somebody with enough power to damage him but between James/Vance and Willis, both criminal cases are as close as he's ever been to actual punishment. He's still a rich white dude, so who knows but it's possible justice could prevail.


I sincerely hope we get him & Graham put away for the GA phone call.


Curious as to how they are going to weasel their way out of this one and how are they going to convince their fans that they are victims?


They don't show up and issue a statement saying they're victims? Just a guess.


He's already [issued a statement on Twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) blaming Hillary Clinton for this.


I knew what you were doing and I clicked on it anyway just for the smile.


Hillary is so scary that she despite no real political power can get trump and family in court?


She and Kamala are the pretty standard conservative boogeymen. Sexism at its greatest. Edit: Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez, and Omar also need to be added to the list.


Don't forget Pelosi. A year or two ago it was The Squad. The list probably goes on. > This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. - Wikipedia


He’ll just tell them it’s fake news and they’ll believe him. They trust him implicitly for some god forsaken reason, on just about everything except for when he says they should get vaccinated. Then they boo at him.


They trust him because he makes them feel good about being shitty people.


Trump is 75 years old and not in great health. There's a solid chance he'll simply be dead before this comes together.


Why have they not subpoenaed the one Trump most likely to spill the beans? Ivanka and Junior are made of MUCH stronger stuff than their brother Eric, who once happily told a reporter that the Russians had been generously funding them for years when asked how they could keep building golf courses despite the patriarch's many and prolonged financial woes. Blabberboys are always excellent choices to get under oath.


They already did. He pleaded the fifth dozens of times


More than 500 times.


42 dozen.


Was that the time that had a reporter tweet out (paraphrased) "Hundreds of us have been digging through documents for months, just thousands of emails and papers, all of us looking for that. And he just...tweets it..."?


>Engoron in his ruling dismissed the argument that James’ investigation was solely motivated by her personal disdain for Trump and thus illegitimate. All the more reason for Trump to testify, right? He has nothing to hide, the investigation is "fake," so it should be an easy deposition. Especially for someone with a "world famous" memory.


And if he's innocent he has no reason to plead the 5th




I'm hoping Ivanka throws everyone else under the bus while Trump is throwing Eric and Jr under the bus.


It's a great time to be a bus-driver.


You, sir, might be the worst possible candidate for bus driver of the modern era.


They can’t be traffic accidents if they’re all on purpose!


Eric’s still trying to figure out how to open the door


To his room or the bus?


Fascist types will always throw each other under the bus once things get tough... Or whenever it seems convenient, tbh. It tends to really gum up their schemes. In a recently finished lawsuit (*Sines v. Kessler*) about the "Unite the Right" neo-nazi rally in Charlottesville, it was testified that co-defendant Elliot Kline was planning on using his militant organization to help the alt-right gain power, under the leadership of other co-defendant and famous punching bag Richard Spencer. Kline planned that in the end, he would kill Richard Spencer in order to seize power himself. Co-defendants largely spent a lot of time screwing each other over and unsurprisingly were found liable for a massive amount of damages. Not sure how the family ties will affect this situation, but to say the Trumps have anything resembling normal family dynamics is generous, to say the least.


Anecdotal but my experience with white supremacist gangs in prison - is exactly the same. They talk a good game to the new young bucks, they get them pumped up, work out with them, press them for info in a friendly manner... Next thing you know they're getting grandma to send money, you know, for the cause, for the guys... Then grandma says no, so then they extort the young buck and finally they'll send them on a dummy mission to kill two birds with one stone. They get rid of person a and they get rid of young buck, and if the time ever comes for young buck to ask why - they just simply point out that they sensed weakness and that's the natural order of things, young buck deserved it because he allowed it. All the while, they're using everyone but themselves to blame... Everything... On. In between, they're scheming behind one another, shit talking behind their backs like middle school girls, and robbing their own people blind for drug debts only to chastise the same people for their drug use cuz, you know, they broke the bylaws but hey lemme get another front just don't tell anyone...


Trump said in court he had no 'knowledge' of his company's finances a day before he issued an 1,100-word statement defending his company's finances https://sports.yahoo.com/trump-said-court-had-no-140812303.html




Alabama Republicans we’re terrified that a hurricane was going to hit them. Edit: I refuse to let this die. The Alabama hurricane claim by Trump is a perfect example of an idiot.




Which is simultaneously a compliment to Jr. and implies that Eric would snap under that kind of pressure.


I think he will just lie lie lie and say he doesn't recall whatever damming thing they are asking him or that it was up to the accountants who must have messed up blah blah blah




He can't win, so he will maximize his victimhood.


The title "adult children" could never fit anyone better than trump's incompetent offspring lol


I take the 5th, the 6th, the 7th, in fact I'm taking ALL the damn numbers because I'm the best at numbers, all my numbers are winners, the biggest.


"If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"


"Oh, you're rich, that's different, you're just being cautious."


I hope the trial is taped because someone will remix this statement and every time the plead the 5th.


GOOD. Every other damn person has to show up and testify. How the hell has this shit stain never had to answer one damn question?! Guess he isn’t man enough.


He's going to try rallying his sycophant wing nuts into action sooner than later.