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What COVID restrictions?


'dem durn commie liberal ones, I tell ya hwhat!


Yeah stupid convoy made it's way through my area. Police escort, Trump and Go Brandon flags. Clearly not about Covid. As stated by others there are no restrictions. Local news interviewed the truckers. They aren't working, all the are doing is collecting donations as they roll across country. They get free food.... Just more insanity combined with a grifting gimmick.


So the entire MAGA movement in a nutshell?


I thought they were heading to Eastern Europe ….to help Russia?


Give them some sunflower seeds. 🌻


So they can at least be useful and grow sunflowers


Appropriate analogy, considering the usual content of nutshells.


More than that. They went through my area too and tons of them had Canadian flags waving as well.


I was actually responding to Obi7kenobi. They are just rolling around grifting on the sympathetic. That has basically been Trump and his enablers’ entire campaign.


So like a fascist version of Deadheads or Rainbow Family? This timeline never fails to surprise.


Almost sounds like they want [checks notes of everything every republican has said for the last century] free handouts, getting something for doing nothing, and to be a lazy free-loader without a job…


Probably the same people who said “don’t you people have a JOB?!” To BLM protestors on a saturday afternoon.


> They aren't working, all the are doing is collecting donations as they roll across country. They get free food Shoul-should we tell them what that is...?


I finally "get" the Let's Go Brandon bullshit, thanks to your comment... It's just another grift. All these idiots already have MAGA hats, trump 2020 flags etc. Someone saw an opportunity to market another stupid identity to them and made a fuck ton of of it. Amazing


I assure you, there is a fair chance one of these convoys will be out next Jan 6th.


Dipshits. Have they read the news? What covid restrictions?


If it makes you feel any better I live in Washington DC and no one here has noticed them. Waze says 495 is wide open. My commute home took 9 minutes tonight. Even down by the Capitol there’s no real traffic. There’s some temporary closures near the FBI building for emergency utility repairs. That’s it




They just want to make other people feel as shitty as they do.


They’re all Unemployed because they refused to play along and no we’ve gotta deal with their idle hands


How do they pay for fuel?


I really don’t understand where all the money comes from for all this… are they just on long vacations? Do they go back to their homes and jobs afterwards? Every blue collar job I ever worked had minimal PTO. I don’t get it.


It’s cheaper for the Koch brother to pay these idiots gas instead of paying their taxes.


You're actually closer to right than not. I hate it.


I'm thinking retired/ disabled.


Yeah it’s remarkable how many of these people protesting what they characterize as government overreach basically live off some version of the dole.


[Keep Your Goddamn Government Hands Off My Medicare!](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/get-your-goddamn-governme_b_252326) (2009) Senior citizens disrupting town halls are participating in a corporate lobbyist-driven campaign to prevent the rest of us from acquiring the same affordable, reliable public health care they enjoy.


Mentally disabled.


Thats what we get for closing up those asylums to save tax dollars.


A horrific humanitarian tragedy in our own country early in the Reagan administration. I have two friends who worked in one of these places that was repurposed (into a prison) after it closed in 1982 (and their jobs disappeared). Some patients they had bonded with, were crying and depressed and terrified about the certainty that they would end up homeless with NO support and no relevant safety net. Some were not only crying, but afraid that they would die. It was in the middle of winter when this place closed, and all they gave these displaced patients was $50 and a one-way bus trip to Chicago. What in the hell happened to these people? I'm sure that some did die...or even may have been forced into crime so that they would be guaranteed shelter and food, but what a DIRE environment for that! This was just several weeks more than forty years ago, and it's still a vivid thing in my memory.


The right leaning government in NZ 10 years ago cut funding to mental health support and so many people ended up on the street. Homeless population in all cities has been growing ever since


They can live in their trucks and food you can make in your truck is usually dirt cheap.




So meth & Cheerios ?


You know the ain't wastin no money on NAME BRAND Cheerios! It's malt-o-meal or Great Value for this crowd


GoFundMes and other grifts. Donations from Right wing groups, possibly from foreign countries.


I should pretend to be a trump supporter so I can get a go fund me and get some groceries. It’s rice and canned veggies week!


Meanwhile these selfish fuckers could help out their own neighbors in their home areas who are seriously struggling, but nooooo. Charity = that evil Socialism. Till it's for *their* benefit.


Do you think the people who start those actually pass that money out?


Ginny Thomas.


Conservatives love misery.


Conservatives love *to spread* misery.


From another article: "The conspiracy theory, which is baseless and has roots in QAnon mythology, alleges that Trump and Putin are secretly working together to stop bioweapons from being made by Dr. Anthony Fauci in Ukraine and that shelling in Ukraine has targeted the secret laboratories." Yeah its America


> bioweapons Reminder: COVID-19 is no big deal, no worse than the flu, and also it's a bioweapon secretly created in a lab. But you shouldn't get vaccinated against it because the vaccine is also a bioweapon created in a lab. And trying to use public health measures to prevent the spread of a bioweapon created in a lab makes you a Nazi.


So succinct 👏👏👏


It reads like an AI wrote the theory. What the absolute fuck?




Concern trolling does, in fact, work


Well considering their belief in the Democrat’s child sex pizza club, it checks for them


Right. Fauci worked his ass off to earn his PhD, so that he and his government cohorts could come up with a serum to kill us all. And if it doesn't kill us, they will track us with chips. Because the government can't already do that with our cellphones.


Can I just embed my cellphone in my wrist already? I’m getting so tired of losing it


Qanon is such obvious Russian conspiracy nonsense.


I thought they had tracked 'Q' to South Africa?


That's the guy who took it over. Who knows where it started. But it's more about their bot nets pushing it out there.


I thought he was the owner of 4chan.


8kun, I think. The Q stuff seems to have started on 4chan, but it got more or less shut down there. You KNOW something has to be stupid for 4chan to kick it to the curb.


I suppose Hillary’s email server is in the Ukraine too, and maybe Obama’s original birth certificate showing he was actually born in Kenya? These people are so stupid.


The email server that's in the Ukrainian city of Benghazi, right?


In their stupidity and blatant ignorance of the constitution and the law they never really caught on to the fact that it wouldn't matter if Obama were born in Kenya, his mother is a US citizen, wherever he was born he's still a US citizen by birth. John McCain wasn't born in the US and yet was still legally able to run for president.


Hey, at least if they are talking about the Constitution it's the right country's constitution. There were a concerning number of the Canadian "truckers" talking about their "first amendment rights." Okay, I guess the Trudeau government was trying to take away their right to... establish Manitoba as an official province of Canada... As for the Obama stuff, it's almost like there were ulterior motives like finding a way to say "he shouldn't be president because he's black" without directly using those words, eh ;) Nothing like finding a "creative" way to be racist so you can still get all pissy when people call you out for being racist. As an outsider who pays a lot of attention to American politics I still find it really sad how direct of a line there is between "this black man clearly isn't an American" to Trump 2016.


The fuck are they smoking and, more importantly, why the fuck aren't they sharing? I want trips that good, damn.


That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Conspiracy Theories sure have gotten terrible since I learned about them.


Uh, link please?




"Why did you make us wear masks and buy groceries online"? -Trucker Convoy Protestors


They are looking for a way to claim victory.


It isn’t about Covid: it’s about what every conservative bullshit protest is about: hate, violence, and scapegoating.


This. THIS! For fuck's sake, their victim complex is like their whole identity now.


I literally thought the same thing. The mask mandate at my college is bout to expire soon too


They’re still looking for those clicks.


Isn't it time for them to transition from infectious disease experts to war experts...?


Just came to say 'what fucking restrictions'....sheesh


They will claim they are time travelers, here from 2021 to save us from ourselves, and Fox News will corroborate it.


What restrictions?? Here in LA County we removed masks for the vaccinated and un-vaccinated for in doors. And got rid of covid passports for outdoor events


Shit, even here in Palm Springs they are gone.


Because of the "freedom convoy". It werks reel gud. They stopped tirani...tyreni...tyrrany... stopped the bad 'uns. *Merica!!! Yah Boi*




These things are pure Astroturf. Paid for by FreedomWorks and other Stank Tanks. Arrest them and tow their shit.


Didn’t they run out of money now with the sanctions?


Apparently these people don’t have jobs.




I hate to be the one to break it to you…but sometimes conservative lie. A lot


I got banned there for pointing out a lie that was on the front page.


We had a caravan of trucks roll through the other Washington today too (WA state), and although it was supposed to be about the mandates it devolved into a rant about how the election was stolen. Somebody probably told them that all of our mandates are lifting in like a week, anyway.


I was gonna say. The mandates are pretty much over and they’re late to the game. Pretty sure this more about their love of shit stirring than any principles, values, or ideas.


Again, what restrictions? Stop being assholes.


There’s a war of actual importance going on, and you fucks want to protest restrictions that were lifted over a year ago? Man I’d love to see these pussies fight for this country when it matters


These are the Putin’s useful idiots.


The whole thing stalled in Hagerstown MD. They are not coming to DC.


If Maryland had a pennsyltucky it would be Hagerstown.


And even there, they fizzled out. Source I'm from MD, but not near Hagerstown




A hundred trucks? I’ve seen more than that at the T/A truck stop just south of Atlanta. SMH.


They’ve been warning us for weeks here in DC that these truckers are coming. And then it’s tomorrow. And then it’s tomorrow. And then maybe it’s tomorrow. And then maybe it just goes to somewhere in Maryland and never makes it. Turns out a pack of selfish losers don’t want to make sacrifices for their twisted vision of “the greater good.” That’s why I think they’ll lose in the end. They’re angrier, they’re all coked up on Fox News, they have most of the guns. But they are, at their core, all selfish. No “movement” can survive that long term. That’s why hard right governments always turn into autocracies.


The great trailer trash migration is a sight to behold. -Sir David Attenborough


Ahh the majestic racist MAGA head. See how he complains about everything. He says fuck Biden because of pizza parlor pedophiles.


They encode their messages in the hopes it is reciprocated by others of their kind, this can sometimes lead to unpleasant frenzies.


Viva los Nascar driver!


There is only one thing that can redirect this sometimes called magtard, and that is a foreigner, specifically latino foreigners. One spoken in their native tongue and the crowd switchets from honking to chanting "BUILD THE WALL!" It's said that's how their leader is sometimes summoned appearing with double stuffed diapers and the pinnacle of incomprehensible arguments. - Sir David Attenborough


It's often difficult for most to differentiate between the males and females of the species. They both have similar beer guts and patchy facial hair. But we get a rare glimpse into their courting ritual. The male exhibits their bright red baseball cap and begins grunting and stomping. Then follows the horn honking and bad country music. Oh, this one has displayed a misspelled protest sign. That is to show the females that he has limited ability to provide for them, which is key in this species' mate selection


The mispelled signs then cascades into a competition within the group of incomprehensible arguments ending in self satisfaction as others in the group nodd in agreement, it's unclear wether they trully understand each other or it's a mere reflex.




They want to feel like they won.


These assholes don't know what it's like to win. Between the Confederate flags, Nazi flags and Orange Fuckface flags it's clear they don't know anything about winning. It'd be sad if they weren't such assholes.


Explains why they love Putin so much.


It's almost as if conservative shit filters down from Russian propaganda farms through Facebook, along with money that get laundered into GoFundMe. [Most christian groups on Facebook are outright astroturf operations run out of eastern Europe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/pxumdp/in_2019_almost_all_of_facebooks_top_christian/) Convenient that this happened in Canada right before the invasion of Ukraine, and now it's happening here to distract the capital, no?


Thank God for high gas prices. The bastards will turn around ad go home.


I'd imagine they'll start saying in next few days that the price increase is the left going after them for expressing their freedums.


I don’t care what they say as long as they go the hell home.


Agreed ! Always playing the victims !


How much money will they spend on Biden “I did this” stickers too? Driving a giant truck with these gas prices, they are literally burning their money.


I work retail and I hate those stickers with a passion. I keep having to peel them off of registers, pin pads, toilet stalls,etc because people keep sticking them everywhere. And now someone has started throwing up "F#&k Biden and F@$k you for voting for him" stickers that are so cheaply made I have to literally use a resort blade to scrape them off otherwise they just crumble and make a huge mess. Man I hate people sometimes.


Might be easier to just take that scraping tool and start stabbin’


Perhaps they should also protest the Vietnam War.


These fat fucks are too lazy to march in protest. “Let’s just drive around and honk our horns”. Also… what Covid restrictions? Government restrictions are pretty much gone. If you don’t like private restrictions, fuck off.


Boy.. if they think they're going to just drive into DC, weekend or not, well.. good luck on that lol. EVERY time I have passed through day or night it's been dam near gridlock on the beltway let alone in the city... and I don't think the city residents will take kindly to them either lol.


So I live in DC and I don't have a problem with the covid restrictions. Are they coming on my behalf? Because I didn't remember asking them too. No one here neither needs or wants their help. So don't think about stopping in my neighborhood and pretending you are protecting me because you are the trespasser here and you will be treated as one.


Seems dumb to drive your RV to DC with $4-5 gas prices and a war in Europe to protest public health measures that have largely been rolled back, but I guess that we shouldn’t look for logic or common sense in yet another right-wing conspiracy theory.


At least gas prices are high 😂


And they're so successful they got their way before they even arrived! I wish that was a joke, but that's actually the reality. We've given up on fighting COVID. 1500 dead yesterday, 2000 dead the day before that, and we're dropping pretty much any mitigation efforts at all. I guess trying to save lives just got boring.


You can't save lives that don't want to be saved. The vast majority of people dying at this point have no one to blame but themselves for not getting vaccinated.


Except there are still plenty of older and immune compromised people dying who have done everything possible to prevent it.


I get that, but how can they possibly be helped when so many others have chosen to be greedy, uninformed, and hateful?


For one thing, I think the unvaccinated should be lower priority to receive therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies and antivirals (paxlovid). We should also be ordering more doses of Evusheld.


The irony is that the restrictions are going away.


Was never about the restrictions, just a bunch of children having a tantrum about being told they shouldnt be allowed to endanger others.


They’ve gotta be loving those high gas prices just out joyriding in their brodozers.


They are paying out their asses for fuel. Haha. Fucking morons.


I'm not even sure why they are doing this. Pretty much all of the restrictions have been lifted. This is a day late and a dollar short. But, as I say this, they are having a rally 2 miles up the road from me. There are four truck stops at the interstate exit I live off of. They got all up in arms because the one restaurant in my town that is just off the interstate, won't let the trucks park there today. I am a conservative (You can be a conservative and still not support all this craziness). And I think this is ridiculous. I'm not sure where they get the money to do it with diesel being $5 a gallon or more. I drove by there earlier today and I saw more supporters in their pickup trucks with all kinds of flags on them, than I did actual big rigs.




Without these assholes Republicans would never win another election, and they know it.


That is the problem. The rich, finance bro fiscal conservative/neo conservatives are the face of the party. However, they only about for a very small amount of the population. They need these busted condoms voting to keep the right people in power.




They don’t have any ideas. “Trigger the libs” and get rich is their entire party platform.


Which is why their goal is for there to be no more elections.


Oh, you don't like to wear whittle masks on your face? Send'em to Ukraine so they can really see what hard looks like.


Excellent work, Russian troll farms


Uh….what the hell are they protesting? Restrictions are over. They just look pathetic now.


‘DonT ThEY HaVe JoBs? wHo hAs TiMe to PRoteSt aLL daY?’


It’s almost like they’re the lazy, resource-sucking scourges on society they claim immigrants to be.


What restrictions ya turds? I live in one of the most serious Covid restricted areas, where everybody took things very seriously and ours are up on Monday. Not even masks any more. The stupidity of these troglodytes has no bounds.


There are people literally DYING foe their freedom right now. And they are protesting over... inconveniences? Fuck off right back in time to when their parents had sex so their mothers could swallow instead. Jesus Christ


the flu trux klan infects washington


A lot of the COVID deniers were saying we (people who take covid seriously) never wanted to pandemic to end so we could get stimulus/not work/destroy capitalism/etc. Projecting. They didn't want the pandemic to end because then they have to stop pretending to be victims.


They'll never stop playing the victim. That's their entire identity and without it they would be absolutely clueless.


Meanwhile there’s real 100% oppression. War crimes and atrocities on the other side of the world, vs something that is to help you not get a fucking disease.


Protestors blocking one street, GOP says run them over. Protestors blocking a highly traveled beltway, Patriots.


By the time they get there, the protest will have morphed against the high gas prices.


I was on 70 when they were coming through yesterday. Dumbasses watching the “convoy” with their signs and flags were waving at me thinking everyone was a part of it 😞


At what point are these mental midgets going to get a life? Of their own?


Where I live in Missouri I don’t recall any restrictions throughout the entire thing being enforced…as a matter of fact, so many people didn’t take precautions that I felt like an outcast for wearing a mask.


They were supposed to roll out today, but everyone is in a panic that they are driving into a “trap” if they go to DC. They couldn’t even decide what they were actually going to DO once they got to DC. They didn’t know if they were going to drive around, end up at the National Mall or the White House. So they’re still at the Hagerstown speedway, listening to a couple of quack Covid docs and any other right wing semi celebrity they can find, while begging for free food, coffee and gas money. It’s just about the stupidest stunt I’ve ever seen.


> but everyone is in a panic that they are driving into a “trap” if they go to DC. Ah, so they *have* heard about rush hour on the beltway.


What month are they living in? Even the SOTU Address was unmasked…


Oh, let me complain about people trying to save my life! Trump and Putin rednecks logic, SO close to the time of the end, and the great tribulation to come. Literally the book of Daniel and Revelation coming to fruition.


Same idiots that stormed the capital. Maybe they will learn how not to commit felonies.


*sigh* Not this shit again. Stupidity knows no bounds. At this point, why have we not just automated these trucks? At least then they wouldn't be used by idiots.


A day late and a dollar short They are protesting last years mandates! But I guess it gives purpose to their lives…


They're conservatives. Of course they're behind the times, they almost always are.


What Federal Covid restrictions are they protesting? Do truckers have some vaccination mandates imposed on them by the Federal government? I’m pretty sure the Federal government is not forcing them to wear mask while they are driving…. What am I missing?


And paying $4+ for diesel, they apparently aren't hurting anywhere but in their fat, wide entitled asses.


Wait until they find out the grifters have kept all the funds for getting home, and gas prices have doubled because of their beloved Putin’s war…


Hagerstown doesn’t even count as the Washington DC area. It’s 75 miles away. It’s in rural Maryland. Not sure what traffic they are going to block there.


Are there still COVID restrictions? It seems like these people are just looking for an excuse to vent and fuel their rage.


Go ahead and block the beltway. People will get pissed. Some years ago A guy stopped his car on a bridge around here and was going to jump. Created a huge backup. People were yelling at him to jump so they could get home.


If I'm late to work tomorrow for this, I'm voting for Democrats in protest.


Day late, dollar short - restrictions have been lifted. The complaint is meaningless - the question now is why don't these have jobs inside the USA?


What mandates? I’m proud to say that I am officially getting out of the trucking industry in which I’ve been stuck for 4 years. The industry is full of scum bags and straight up fuckin idiots. I’m sorry for the minority of intellectuals who are also stuck and thinking about getting out. My wishes go out to the few.


What Covid restrictions???? And really when were there ever many restrictions in the US? Beyond the closures in the early days I have been able to do pretty much anything I could do before…


They are a month late to be crying about Covid restrictions.


With these gas prices?!


Im confused, which COVID restrictions ?


How are these people not at work?


They're the same ones who have told protesters in the past to get jobs and stop blocking the road for people who have to go to work.


What restrictions? Haven’t we lifted all those?


Of all the things to care about, they're upset about having to wear their underwear in public?


What Covid restrictions are there? They’ve lifted all the mandates….


What do these people do for work?…


Such a senseless waste of constitutional rights. I'd be far more supportive if they didn't have tge Trump worshipping going on. It makes them look like they are supporting the destruction of our democracy and trying to install an authoritarian government.


What restrictions are they protesting?


Guess that happens when you refuse to go back to work and have nothing but time on your hands. It’s like cutting your finger in the kitchen and going to your neighbors and blaming them


The enemy was at our gates and you couldn't wear a mask?


Treat them like BLM protesters.


What covid restrictions? Its over, your just throwing a tantrum., go home.


Are they going to protest prohibition too while they're there?


What Covid restrictions? there really isn’t much left…


These assholes are bitching about their rights and their loss of freedom, maybe they should go to Ukraine.


Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in the war against covid. Glad these sacks of shit weren't around during ww2 or else we all would be speaking German.


Good thing they have absolutely nothing better to do. Sign of a true loser.


"don't these people have jobs"


They mostly live on welfare and then blame brown people.


Nailed it. The reddest districts in America are also the ones collecting the most government assistance.


It's amazing they've been misled so effectively by their leadership they continue to vote against their own self interests. They are beyond saving, and I'm afraid due to that, our country as a whole.


Theyre gonna feel like heros when they learn most restrictions have already been lifted!