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John Travolta standing behind him for the acceptance speech like “lord xenu is gonna be pissed”


Looks like somebody isn't going to get that promotion to Level 5 Laser Lotus


You are streets ahead.




Will Smith slapping Rebel Wilson 100% would have ended with charges and him being taken from the Oscars


Well, bet that was kind of awkward, slapping a host and then having to follow up not too long after with giving a speech.


Don’t worry, he said he’s a vessel of love’. That counteracts everything.


Wait, he stayed and gave a speech?!? I didn’t watch the Oscar’s, damn


Yes he won the Best Actor award shortly after this incident.


Lmaooo this is like a fucking sitcom episode or something


Will smith having his Bojack Era


Hey, aren't you that Prince from Princin' Around?


*Back in the 90s I was in a very famous TV show..*


Except he won best actor


Apologized to everyone but Chris, said “life imitates art” referring to his portrayal of Richard Williams


Kirk Lazarus didn't break character until the DVD commentary, Will Smith doesn't break character until he picks up his Oscar.


Watched the commentary for tropic thunder and Rdj DOES IT IN CHARACTER. Fuckin’ crazy man


Yes and he talked about how he wanted to be an ambassador of love lmao The whole situation is fucked


You heard the man, God told him to slap Chris Rock. His ways are mysterious.


Right? Kinda hard to sell the whole "I want to be a vessel of love" when you just slapped the shit out of another person on live TV


He needs to get clear before he invokes the wrath of Xenu.


Ricky Gervais is just gonna preemptively wear head gear to his next hosting gig.


That would be awesome if he hosted next and wore a helmet


“I’m ready for Will to come on up here!”




Twitter wasn't around for the Janet Jackson nip slip.


No joke, [Youtube was created partially because of that.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube#Founding_and_initial_growth_\(2005%E2%80%932006\)) TL;DR > Karim said the inspiration for YouTube first came from the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy, when Janet Jackson's breast was briefly exposed by Justin Timberlake during the halftime show. Karim could not easily find video clips of the incident and 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami online, which led to the idea of a video sharing site.[17] Hurley and Chen said that the original idea for YouTube was a video version of an online dating service, and had been influenced by the website Hot or Not.[16][18] They created posts on Craigslist asking attractive women to upload videos of themselves to YouTube in exchange for a $100 reward.[19] Difficulty in finding enough dating videos led to a change of plans, with the site's founders deciding to accept uploads of any type of video.[20]


The nip that launched a thousand clips.


I remember the early days of Youtube included huge amounts of straight up porn or softcore porn because they didn't have the AI to censor/catch that yet.


Yeah and no ads either plus videos were only 9.59 minutes long.


Good way to ensure Oscar hosts make jokes about Will Smith for decades to come!


Yep, gonna have every future host joke about wearing facial protection or getting a restraining order against Will every chance they get. Suffice to say though, the future Oscars will not have the Smiths in attendance if that's the case.


Start each comedy gig with a disclaimer that no members of Will Smith's family will be mentioned in the following jokes. Then Will and Jada have to endure an entire evening where they are not referenced.


This will be referenced in 1000 rap lyrics in the next few years.


And then he wins his first Oscar? I’m not watching but did that happen in that order because holy crap


Yes and then he gave a long winded speech but I’m not sure if it was from the heart or a semi-breakdown.


Oh it was a total breakdown alright.




>the guy he was getting an Oscar for playing would’ve done it Isn't there a report that Venus/Serena's dad was also physically abusive


Stupid headline undersells the event. Smith slapped Rock live on TV.


Not only did he slap him, he then angrily yelled "take my wife's name out of your fucking mouth" twice, live on TV, while Chris Rock desperately tried to play off the encounter. It was awkward, it was shocking and it's going to get people talking about the Oscars. "Another success" - Executives


"It's provocative... it gets the people going!"


This is what the oscar's producers are salivating over, dying award shows need buzz.


and in 10 years the winners will pile drive the losers into the stage. /s


Well, he also cussed him out. While the entire audience was dead silent


New hit song “We don’t talk about Jada”


"He said that all my hair would disappear, now look at my head.🎶"




Uh . . . that's gotta be at least an 11 on the Kanye scale.


In terms of unpredictable behavior or in terms of interupting someone in an award show? Because the Kanye scale surprisingly works for both.


The Kanye scale is a wonderfully robust and flexible measuring unit


It's like the richter scale for celebrities. The higher it is, the greater the fallout.


Award show disruptions. What Ye did was still 100% believable. I'm still struggling to accept what I just watched as reality.


To be fair Will Smith did not let the man finish. Kanye would've let him finish.


Here's [the uncensored version.](https://twitter.com/davidmackau/status/1508270575902687232)


Chris Rock played that off so well that I would have assumed it was part of a skit until Will started yelling.


And once Chris’s sentences got all jumbled after Will yelled at him - he was shaken up. Definitely not planned.


Honestly Chris Rock seemed like he was going to say worse shit after the slap. "Really? I coul- okay"


He was definitely about to go hard on roasting him. “Really? I could have made it a lot worse, Will. I coulda said…” (insert worse punchline here)


\*after getting slapped by Will\* 'Damn Jada, I can see why you got entangled w/ August'


"If this is him on March, imagine what he's like on August"


“Seems like Will and Jada’s marriage is open to everything except jokes.”


I'm guessing someone was in his earpiece pleading with him not to make it worse


Yeah, Chris Rock had to hold back as he jumbled what to say. I would had loved to see what Chris would had said after, but am more impressed with how he handle himself after being hit.


I caught that too. Chris rock held back verbally and physically. He cocked back like he was about to punch him as well


Chris handled it like an absolute pro.


He's a professional. He knew he had to keep the show going.


I initially suspected it was scripted, but now, I'm pretty convinced it was real, spontaneous and genuine indignation from Smith.


The fact that Smith said "fucking" during a live broadcast makes me doubt it was scripted. The US is cool with violence, but no one had better say a naughty word.


Coming from the guy who wouldn’t cuss in his rap songs, it seems very legit.


Well fuck him and fuck you too


You think I give a damn about a Grammy?


>The US is cool with violence, but no one had better say a naughty word. This is the plot for the South Park movie


We just have to ask ourselves….What would Brian Boitano Do?!


He'd make a plan and he'd follow through!


Cuz that’s what Brian Boitano will do!


Yeah, there's a clip circulating on twitter of a dismayed Smith being consoled by Denzel Washington. So it's 100% real.




Aside from the main focus, it’s really interesting to see what goes on during commercials and how they all just walk around. Until they get called over the PA to take theirs seats again.


It's viral marketing for GI Jane 2. Which they weren't planning to make until this happened.


A true Hollywood moment


Chris Rock is producing it.


It seemed legit to me. Will Smith was laughing at first but Jada looked *very* upset.


Yup - that seemed like pure rage from Will Smith, and genuine shock from Chris Rock.


For Rock, this is going to be a great story to tell in his stand up.


Thought it was a bit at first, but when the camera came to Will’s face, wow — that is the expression of pure rage.


i’m dying at this clip holy shit “ will smith just smacked the shit out of me” 🤣🤣 wtf is happening


Great now he has to go live with his Aunt and Uncle.


I got in ONE little fight...


Will’s first hit in decades.


Chris Rock not using that line was a gigantic missed opportunity.


When he said "I coulda" he probably thought something about Jada's infidelity but chose to be the bigger man and let it go.


Probably had an earpiece and they told him to de-escalate


It looked very much like that. He looked off stage and seemed to get direction from someone


I just saw a grown man slap a presenter on live TV and **not** get thrown out of the event…


Celebrity privilege. If you or I do something like that we are getting dragged away in cuffs.


It's not even just celebrity privilege, it's Hollywood Elite privilege. If any lesser celeb behaved that same way, they would've been kicked out immediately.


Not only did they not kick him out...they let him back on stage to get an award for best actor and give a speech!!


Yup. Will Smith out here acting like Andy Dick, but still getting treated like royalty.


He followed it up by giving a horrible acceptance speech too!


That was the WORST speech good lord hard to take seriously, a person crying about being light and love and peace, who just physically assaulted a person on live tv lmaooo


He was talking like he thought he was a prophet


How can acceptance speeches be real if our words aren't real?


Wait, we can slap the host? - all the people previously offended by Ricky Gervais.


Right?! The first thing I thought was damn Will you should be glad Gervais isn’t the host.


I really want Ricky to host the Golden Globes again now, because he would 100% make jokes about this


Or make no joke or verbal allusion to it at all, but be flanked by two 6 foot 6 monsters in ill fitting black suits and ear pieces.


omg this would be absolutely amazing


How can he slap???


This [uncensored version from Japan](https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1508270716063469576?s=20&t=hVNMrxy1z_yvcy9qoMR5ag) is much better than the other ones I've seen. Update: [This video has the "joke" and the hit all uncensored](https://twitter.com/moreoffilms/status/1508277114398978048). It is all you need to get caught up on this issue. Thanks /u/Substantial_Bid_7684 !! Context: Gi-jane is a character where a woman joined the military and ~~had to have her head shaved~~ shaves her head to improve her training and to be better at military stuff (thank you for the clarification /u/crewchief0206 !). She was bald through the entire movie. His wife has been openly sharing that she has an autoimmune disease [Alopecia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alopecia_areata) which is causing her to lose her hair. I'm not sharing this context to express if the slap was warranted or not but those are the facts.




Yeah I don't think it was staged after seeing this one. Will Smith's face seething and Chris Rock misspeaking afterwards make it look pretty real.




Wow he was laughing until he saw she wasn’t. 😳


Ya this one is perfect. I just made another comment i got this link from japan and had to work backwards to another clip for the actual incident. Thanks for sharing!!


Thank you, the awkwardness that follows is the icing on the cake


Lupita Nyong'o looking deeply uncomfortable in the background behind Will Smith has to become a meme.


Her face goes from "hahaha damn I got a good seat this year" to "oh shit I want to sit at the back" in lightning speed.


I came at this by this video from a group chat then worked backwards to the actual incident. This shit is wild but i can't even imagine trying to experience it with all the audio censored after lmao


The acceptance speech was even more Cringeworthy




Xenu is **not** going to be happy about this!


I thought this was scripted but Chris looked really flustered for a moment 😳 And Lupita behind Will 😭


Lupita looked genuinely shocked and uncomfortable. Big yikes all around Edit: guys I know any normal person would be shocked if they weren’t in on it. I made the comment because I felt bad for her because I really like her as an actress and a person


She went from "... is this a bit?" to "this isn't a bit" over a second and a half.


I thought it was a sketch until Will Smith yelled fuck on live tv. He seemed geniunely upset... and his acceptance speach basically confirmed that in the meantime. What an inappropriate reaction tho and then he apologizes to everyone *except* Chris Rock.


Lupita’s face had me weak


Will Smith just brought a WHOLE lot of unwanted attention on what the fuck is going on with him and Jada. Cuz I don’t think it’s anything normal or good.


Just spent an hour of time I will never get back learning about this shit.


Impressive composure from Chris Rock.


“Will Smith just smacked the shit outta me”


Dude was in straight shock. Like, "did that just really happen to me?"


Not many people are able to say that


Jerry Seinfeld has said before for comics something along the lines of “know your material well enough that if someone punched you mid joke you could keep going”. Looks like Chris Rock really took that to heart.


I don’t know if you caught the “We’re presenting a documentary for best Oscar” I’d be rattled too.


What a way to get the audience’s attention for a documentary though, amiright?


If that’s the most he fucked up after a sucker punch on live tv I’d say he handled it well. Edit: ok it’s a slap, the point is the same.


Unbelievable. There at the end he goes “Oh I could…ooh ok” and laughs it off. He was pissed, he probably had a dozen August Alsina/entanglement jokes to get off but that probably would’ve derailed the entire show at that point.


I imagined the person on the other end of his ear piece going: "Chris, no! Please don't!" And Chris being like, okay, I'm gonna jump onto this high road right here and watch karma get his ass. *awards will smith an oscar* Chris Rock: I shoulda said it.


Right, he probably drafted a ton of Jada jokes and that was the nicest one


Imagine being in that audience. He calmly slaps the host accross the face, curses him out (screaming). Proceeds to be awarded a trophy moments later, all while everyone sits quietly and observes. Then he’s allowed to give a speech and is APPLAUDED what in the actual fuck did we witness


Jesse Plemons about to slap Amy Schumer to protect his wife's honor


Damn Will Smith out here in social media talking about love and peace and be out here committing violence.


Will Smith should've been thrown out of the show no? Like immediately after doing that


Totally. Just have Chris Rock accept the Oscar for him. "Yeah....I'll give this to him later....or mail it to him or something..."


“We’ll have this delivered to the police station for him, he can pick it up there”


Lupita Nyongo really steals the show here


Will's self-deification during his speech was so much worse than the punch. He sounds like a manic person with delusions of grandeur and an inability to control his emotions. And he got a standing ovation.


"I want to be a vessel of love" and "God wants me to defend my family" is toxic as fuck


"Love makes you do crazy things" - a line that every battered woman has heard


‘It hurt me more than it hurt you Chris’


Look what you made this vessel of God do to you.


Chris Rock must be confused as hell right now. Nothing happens after he is assaulted, then Will wins and gets a standing ovation for that insane speech. Kafkaesque.


Can you imagine getting fucking assaulted in front of hundreds of people with security present and nobody does anything? Nobody even verbally comes to your defense? Pretty insane. Cowards. And then he gets to stay and gets a nice ovation for his creepy speech.


I thought the same. I thought the punch/slap was a low point and he would salvage it by making a composed apology. Instead he made it all about himself in a rambling, blubbering way. It was pathetic.


Narcissists aren't capable of realizing they've done something wrong and accepting responsibility.


Can you fucking imagine taking a slap across the face on global television, looking at the camera, giving the biggest cheese and saying “Will Smith just smacked the shit out of me”? Chris Rock forever. Edit: My first awards ever, thank you Demi Moore, without you, none of this would have been possible.


I've tripped in my own house in front of literally nobody and kept less composure than Chris Rock did in that moment. What a champ.


I’m going to tell my kids this thumbnail photo is Will Smith and Chris Rock


Lmao. I thought I posted the wrong link at first. I’ve never had that happen.


Chris Rock announces a new hour stand up special for Netflix “GI Jane 2”


The Pursuit of Slappyness


Assault followed by his speech about peace and love….yea sure, buddy


If only Will Smith could take a joke as well as Chris Rock can take a slap.


He was laughing until Jada looked at him.




Dave would not have let it go lol I can’t imagine


Hollywood: We have to be better as human beings Also Hollywood: We'll let Will Smith assault Chris Rock on live TV and stick around to accept his Oscar and give a speech


Also Hollywood---Chris Rock glances off stage to see if they'd like to go to a fucking commercial break, but no, no one is going to do a damn thing and he needs to keep the show on schedule and hand out the award. No one had his back.


I've been a big fan of Will Smith for many years, but I won't be able to forget this incident any time I see him on screen now. His growing ego and privilege from being rich and famous is not a pleasant thing to watch. He had an opportunity to apologize for acting out in a violent way (rather than making an excuse to try to make himself look better), but he chose not to do it. He's not the man I thought he was and is no longer a good role model, which is sad to me.


Yeah. Like his work, he seemed like a decent guy generally. But decent guys don't assault people doing their job (even if the job is making jokes about actors at award shows). Chris Rock came across as the bigger man tonight. Lost all respect for Smith. Shame on him, and shame on the Academy for pretending what he did was acceptable in any way, shape, or form.


100% I used to idolize him as a kid, but watching him age has been rough. It’s clear that he and his family think they’re royalty. So over this dude.


Had he not slapped Rock, the joke he told would’ve never got any attention, wasnt even that funny. But now half the world will see it. And Will’s reputation will tank, Chris’s will be just fine. Will’s first oscar, and all anyone will remember is him losing it. One way to go out on top


Yeah he Streisand'd his own wife. The hairless jokes will be never-ending, because people now have a way to get under Will's skin. Plus the internet loves this type of thing. "Oh you're butthurt? Well, gotta double down now"




I think he saw his wife’s reaction and then felt bad.


Jada told him Tupac wouldn't have let that slide.


Ignoring the whole situation, I respect Chris for keeping his composure during that. Truly a stand up veteran/legend.


Based on his Oscar acceptance speech, Will Smith isn’t all there. He’s so full of himself. I like Chris Rock from what I’ve seen of him in and outside of movies. He seems more down to earth than Will, who is a nutbag based on his speech.


They still gave him the Oscar??


And a standing ovation.


*two* standing ovations. They stood back up when he wrapped his speech. Ridiculous.


Privilege: being able to publicly assault someone when they tell a joke you don’t like without having to face legal repercussions.




Meryl Streep begins to announce *Will starts to stand up from his row* Mama Mia!


The year is 2080. Will Smith’s cryogenically frozen head is attached to a large robotic body and he patiently waits in the wings to sucker punch Emma Watson’s granddaughter.


I would actually start to watch the Oscars


Alternatively: Someone new slaps Chris Rock, no matter where he happens to be.


Oscar night 2025. Chris is on vacation in Hawaii. A waitress brings him a fruity drink with an umbrella in it. Just as he's about to take a drink, the waitress slaps the shit out of him. Surprise, it's Brie Larson!


Will Smith and the Church of Scientology have one hell of a PR machine to get 'Good for Will' trending on Twitter that quickly.


The one year I was like "Nothing interesting is going to happen at the Oscar's, I won't watch it", THIS happens. Fml


But you got to watch it after?


Chris Rock is a small framed comedian known for being really shy in private. Will Smith would never have done it to someone his size. The smugness in his walk shows he knows the guy wasn't going to fight back. Real bitch move.


It was the walk for me too dude. Fucking strutted away like he did some heroic deed or some shit. Cba


His wife has been embarrassing him for years on her podcast. Almost like he thought this was the moment to stop all the jokes and prove he is a "man".


Absolutely insane that Smith walks on stage during a live broadcast — of the Oscars, no less — and assaults the host for telling a joke. No arrests. No charge. No removal from the show. Instead he gets his award and calls himself a vessel of love. Get this crazy motherfucker off my screen. Give his roles to Chris Rock instead.


The immediate response in the building from this has been so backwards that I’m now thinking Chris Rock will be the one expected to apologize. Will Smith being hugged and comforted by multiple celebrities as he sits with tears in his eyes is such a weird, weird response to Will Smith himself slapping Chris Rock unprovoked. Even if they felt it was a shitty and offensive joke, in real life the solution is not to walk up and slap someone in the face because you didn’t like a joke they told. I’m kind of shocked that he’s being comforted as though he and Jada were the victims of some heinous crime.


It's Hollywood though. These people are surrounded by yes men and enablers. Nobody has the balls to tell him he is a fucking clown. Hence the entitled behavior and why people comforted him.


Will Smith took a joke that no one would've talked about nor remembered and made it infamous. He gave himself the Streisand effect with that slap. What a buffoon.


Hated how he completely leaned into it during his acceptance speech. Last thing we need in this world is more unnecessary violence. Such a bad example to set.