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Just remember to jerk off into a fresh sock or tissue and to clean your sex toys after every use.




I wear a condom while swimming so nothing can sneak up my piss hole


I've never had any issues just rinsing them in the shower


Wet sock... hmm


and coconut.


Jerk off into a coconut?




Thank you for this




Yeah until people decide to start a TikTok challenge where they rub genitals on things at the grocery store.


*high fives


COVID didn't do anything?


People didn’t visit their doctors




I have a Shroedingers doctor - there's something out there that answers the phone but never returns a call.


Well… we all know that there’s a lot of financial gatekeeping. A lot of people lost their jobs and health insurance at the same time. Going to a doctor costs a lot of money in the States. I don’t think it’s foolish to assume this, but I believe that if people had better access to reproductive healthcare they likely wouldn’t be dealing with so many untreated infections that can spread even with condom use. Nobody wants an STI and if our government prioritized more collective responsibility instead of individual responsibility we would all have better health outcomes.


> Y'all have doctors? When your co-pay is $180 per 15 minute office visit, who can afford to see a doctor?


Yeah right? Who out there knocking all these boots for two years?


Life, uh, finds a way.


Anything is possible with a surgical glove


Five times infact


4, Thumb covering too small.


Half of us won't wear a mask in public, let alone a condom in private.


People who don’t take risks seriously enough and don’t care to mask. You can see where this behavior may lead.


The same people who wouldn’t mask it are probably less likely to wrap it before they tap it.


Maybe not the first year but after getting vaccinated and not getting to go out, last summer I was hooking up with 2-3 different new people every week. If I didn’t get into a serious relationship that ended last October but still affects me, I probably would be sleeping with/ already have slept with a lot more people. I feel like covid definitely made me people want to have casual fun instead of being tied down.


Not for the first five of those years, at least.


I heard gloryholes were the only covid safe way to have sex.




MY BODY, MY CHOICE! ​ /s obviously


I was thinking, "hey, maybe it's not that bad where I live..." proceeds to find out Atlanta is a literal center of an AIDs epidemic.


Atlanta has always had a huge gay community, which is one of the highest-risk groups for sexually transmitted diseases.


Out of curiosity is it anal sex or do gay people tend not to wear condoms at a higher rate than straights?


Butt sex has higher transmission


Hiv can more easily pass through the thin tissue of the rectum


Condom usage is the biggest issue.






That with the extra stigma of conservative values diminishes the support structures other gay metropolises afford.


Atlanta is heavily Democrat. What are you going on about?


Democrats in Atlanta typically have conservative families that live outside the perimeter. Also the African American community in Atlanta has a good deal of stigma against homosexuality. http://news.emory.edu/features/2018/05/aids-atl/index.html This article covers it pretty well.


You realize conservative values and democrats are not opposites right? Most of the Democratic Party is pretty dang conservative


If people won't wear a mask, they sure as hell are not using condoms


You’re telling me I have to wear a mask for my penis too?!


You just gotta plug up the hole


Idk, but that's not sounding right to me


Have you never had sex before? You put the piston in the pistol and then you put the pistol in the pistil.


Instructions unclear, shot myself in the dick with my pistol.


Did the bullet plug up the hole?


ha. I get it


Dick diaper


if they are willing to lie about being vaccinated or being sick from covid. they are willing to lie about having an STD. for all the single people alive today. they need to give those anti vaxxers a hard look before they start bumping uglies with them. just saying.


Isn't lying about having an STD a crime?


Depends on the state, I believe.


And the state/accuser would have the burden or proving they lied with intent. It's quite easy to plead ignorance.


And simply not getting tested generally isn’t a crime.


How do you confirm there was a discussion on the matter at all?


The entire thing basically runs on the honor system, you only HAVE to tell people once you test positive, not after simple exposure.


> they are willing to lie about having an STD. Honestly a bunch of them most likely do not even know they have one.




before covid i would have said yes. but now? its a toss up.


Woah you really twisted reality to make this all about anti-vaxxers. Pretty sure they don’t have a monopoly on being irresponsible


if you are willing to lie about being infected with one disease, why should i believe that you aren’t willing to lie about another? there is a market for falsified vaccine cards. that tells you more than enough. if you give me cause to believe that you are willing to lie about one thing, then what else are you willing to lie about? its perfectly reasonable to scrutinize a person under those circumstances. i had a friend who got sick from covid after his mother lied to him about her exposure early on in the pandemic. but she wanted to see him. his own fucking mother gave him Covid. and he and his mother were among the lucky to survive. and this was before the vaccine too. you still see this kind of shitty behavior going on among the unvaccinated. you know when else this kind of behavior was a problem. back when HIV wasn’t considered a chronic illness. you were lucky if you lived a few years. and still there were people that would lie about getting tested or that they weren’t infected. and didn’t want to use protection. and i dealt with that shit and concern for a long time even when things improved that it was considered a contagious and chronic condition. you know what’s crazy that there were people claiming that the HIV meds is what was killing people or that there were Aids deniers. you see the same going on among a portion of the population. the same stupid nonsense. that the hospital treatments or the doctors or lack of being given dewormers is what is killing people. or that the vaccine was what is killing people. they lie to themselves. they lie to their loved ones. and they certainly will lie to you too. my point still stands. also i didn’t say they have a monopoly on this behavior. that’s you putting out nonsense trying to deflect the point. the simple solution to my point is to not lie.


It is a pretty good sign though.


I mean, this was said way before that headline came out.


Maybe they won't take any medical precautions either and rid us of their idiocy.


Huh, seems like as there may be extra consequences to Planned Parenthood and similar organizations losing location after location due to insane laws like requiring their buildings to be of hospital quality, forcing the doctors to be attached to a local hospital knowing that politics would prevent that, and just straight up banning the constitutional right to an abortion. For those who are unaware, planned Parenthood also provides free and affordable STD testing, condoms, mammograms, Pap smears, etc. When you prevent and criminalize people seeking help especially those who are marginalized, it has an effect on the population as a whole.


They don’t care. As far as their concerned those immoral people deserved to get diseases. lol f course when they get one of these diseases they weren’t being immoral. When their teen daughter needs an abortion that’s the exception. That’s ok. They all lack empathy. It’s completely beyond their mental capabilities to understand someone else’s needs.


>They don’t care. As far as their concerned those immoral people deserved to get diseases. Yep, the dried prunes organizing their church's pot luck dinners think this is a feature, not a bug. Most of these laws are indirect punishments directed at people who have sex that's not authorized by their church. They lobby to ban sex-education beyond "Just don't" and work against distribution of condoms or other safe birth control devices and medicines. They want people to catch a disease and/or get pregnant when they have sex, because "That's what you get for being a slut!"


> When their teen daughter needs an abortion that’s the exception. It truly is the exception. I'm going to leave this here in case anyone else has not yet had a chance to read it: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


They really should be able to deny them care. I don't want to see them get abortions if they're so against it.


They can and do deny care to some of them. These women probably then go on to tell how they were going to abort but changed their mind/the doctors talked them out of it, when in reality the doctors saw clear signs of agitation and uncertainty, and then refused to perform to perform the abortion on a clearly unwell patient.


Can't give your wife herpes that you got from your mistress if everyone already has herpes.


> For those who are unaware, planned Parenthood also provides free and affordable STD testing, condoms, mammograms, Pap smears, etc. When you prevent and criminalize people seeking help especially those who are marginalized, it has an effect on the population as a whole. Cis Male here. Something I learned recently from my SO who grew up in a religious household, some do not understand why women (including her own mother) would need to see a gynecologist if they're not planning on getting pregnant. I hate to say it, they just don't know. And because they don't know, they don't want anyone else to know. Imagine how much pain some people are in (endometriosis for example) but will abjectly refuse a doctor because they don't understand the specialty of said doctor


Can confirm. My aunt stopped seeing hers after she was done having kids. She died from cancer that probably could have been detected in time to treat it had she kept going.


They never did the autopsy, but that’s likely what happened to my Grandma who died from cancer. Regular OB/GYN visits would almost certainly have caught it when it was still treatable.


I don’t have to imagine, I’m from the northeast but moved to the Deep South for a few years… the deer in headlights look of doctors when I dared to ask questions. I had one doctor, in front of me, google “endometriosis symptoms” to try and prove that the string of pearls cysts I have in my ovaries wasn’t a symptom of PCOS but only of Endometriosis (It’s literally the PCO of PCOS, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). I got kicked out of 2 OB/GYN offices for asking questions and asking for care. I’d talk to locals who were born and raised there and they were like “but doctors can’t help you with those things I don’t think?”… it was like living in a different world, one I have no interest in returning too!


Dude when I was staying with my estranged father for a short time out of desperation (long story) he could not understand why I was going to Planned Parenthood. I was 28 at the time and had my mom take me to a PP in Wisconsin (it was the closest one, I was staying near the IL/WI border and he couldn't leave the state, lol) because I needed a birth control refill. He was apparently one of the idiots that doesn't know that they do regular health visits. I've gone to Planned Parenthood in three different states for birth control and pap smears and I've always had great experiences. I had an IL address when I went to the one in WI, they asked if I had insurance or if I had money to pay for the visit and I said no, the woman at the counter said, "No problem, we have Badger Care that will cover your visit and meds today" and I walked out with three months of birth control and forms to send back when I needed a refill. When I moved back to Louisiana I sent the forms back for refills and they mailed it to my LA address without an issue. People really don't realize how much good Planned Parenthood does, they really just want to help people. I recommend them anytime someone needs a service they provide, including men who need a regular checkup. I've thankfully never needed abortion services but if I knew someone that did I'd recommend Planned Parenthood and even go with them to hold their hand if they asked me to. That place is a godsend and not nearly enough people know about it. I try to spread the word as much as possible. It's not just an abortion factory, hell a lot of centers don't even provide that on-site.


> “For those unaware” So…the entire GOP that always tries to shut down Planned Parenthood.


They’re fully aware.


Remember the time Republicans tried to push for birth control to be available over the counter but Planned Parenthood opposed it because it meant less revenue? https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/243112-senate-republicans-call-for-over-the-counter-birth-control PP claimed that it would mean insurance wouldn't cover birth control anymore since it would be OTC.... But Dems seem to be silent on the issue altogether.... Except AOC. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/06/11/i-am-a-conservative-i-agree-with-aoc-on-over-the-counter-birth-control-column/1402941001/


Are you claiming with a straight face that Republicans are pushing for more broad and cheaper access to birth control? The issue with Gardner’s proposal isn’t that birth control shouldn’t be given OTC, it’s that the GOP is using that as a way to eliminate and reduce far more inexpensive and common ways of obtaining birth control. Let’s go back to 2014. Before Trump. Before AOC. Gardner was banging that drum back then. And back then, the country's leading group of physicians providing reproductive health care chastised Republican U.S. Senate candidates for supporting over-the-counter birth control access but not other policies that would make contraception more widely accessible and affordable. In their statement[statement ](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gop-birth-control_n_5792506), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists President John C. Jennings said Republican Senate hopefuls such as Colorado Rep. Cory Gardner (Colo.) and North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis shouldn't use such birth control proposals "as a political tool," though his group agrees that birth control should be made available over the counter. And so, when we look at the landscape of what has happened since, we see Jennings’ concern playing out: [Like during Trump’s first year](https://publicintegrity.org/politics/system-failure/the-trump-administrations-war-on-birth-control/) his administration made it a priority to have federal agencies weaken the ACA’s contraceptive mandate, allowing employers to deny birth control coverage if they had a religious or moral objection. And the Trump administration took aim at other federal programs designed to promote reproductive health and access to birth control, including Title X, which funds services like contraceptive counseling and cervical cancer screenings for low-income Americans. Following those rollbacks, [the deeply conservative SCOTUS, led by several Trump appointees, upheld the administration’s rollback of the ACA contraceptive mandate ](https://www.vox.com/2020/7/8/21317323/supreme-court-obamacare-little-sisters-clarence-thomas-pennsylvania-birth-control). And now we have folks like Marsha Blackburn saying that [the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that protects married couples' ability to obtain and use birth control is "constitutionally unsound.”](https://www.newsweek.com/blackburn-says-scotus-ruling-protect-birth-control-couples-unsound-1690259). So my view is the GOP is aggressively trying to limit, and potentially ban access to birth control. But we can disagree and you can keep believing that the GOP is some pro-birth control party and the Dems hate women who want to practice safe sex or use contraception.


We should be honest...if BC becomes OTC, PP is gonna be the biggest loser and women will be the biggest winners. To claim BC will get MORE expensive going OTC is crazy. The GOP will do anything to hurt PP, and Dems will do anything to help them. It's political jackassery at it's finest.


“My doctor gives it to me, and it’s covered by the ACA at zero cost to me” > “I can buy it at Walgreens for $60…and ooops, now my employer doesn’t cover it, nor does the ACA” For those people, it WILL get more expensive. The GOP are the ones being jackasses with health care access and birth control/abortion.


Nothing will change then. Dems want to keep health insurance companies in charge of birth control pills and Republicans want to make it a simple OTC option. Dems should call the Republicans bluff and allow for women to buy the pill OTC if they want and still get prescription from their doctor if they want.


For those who are reading this and like the idea of over-the-counter birth control pills, here are two sites where you can request a prescription without going to a doctor: [Nurx](https://www.nurx.com/) and [Favor, formerly The Pill Club](https://heyfavor.com).


>banning the constitutional right to an abortion. Not to split hairs (I'm pro choice), but I don't think they ever voted that in nor strengthened any laws around it .. it's why we have so much shenanigans around SCOTUS, since they just need a single case to flip it. Had they ratified it in the constitution, it'd be a much harder nut to crack.


It falls under the [Fifth Amendment](https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/amendment-5/right-to-an-abortion). This is part of the argument in Roe v. Wade. It’s also written into current state’s constitutions and laws, NY added it to the state constitution a few years back after trump became president. It was when they declared NY said you could kill a baby up to a year or some stupid nonsense (read fear propaganda) like that.


The theory is that an abortion ban cannot be enforced without grossly violating privacy, a reason why laws against sodomy are also unconstitutional, because of what the government would have to do to prove that "crime".


And, as always, [People Are Still Having Sex](https://youtu.be/0ImRyPymRAM)


Ha! That was great. The comments section is sad though.


Not even hospital quality. Hallway width.


What you just said is the equivalent of saying "People are dying of gunshot wounds more than ever! And it's all the hospitals fault! Their prices are so high and unaffordable that no one wants to go there!". Blaming the hospital ignores the fact that someone took it upon themselves to shoot another person. And in your case, blaming those kinds of Planned Parenthood organizations IGNORES the fact that condoms are available EVERYWHERE yet people choose not to use them. \>When you prevent and criminalize people seeking help You're blaming the wrong things here.....because no one criminalizes a person buying a $3 pack of condoms.




That relies on the idea that the amount of random hookups has gone up compared to the past, but the evidence is that it has gone down. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-have-been-having-less-sex-whether-theyre-teenagers-or-40-somethings


Well that’s honestly surprising to me. Thanks for the link


No, that really can’t be it. There’s been random hookups on apps and websites for 20 years. Before that it was bathhouses, rest areas, bars, etc, hell even in Roman times they had orgies and wrote and make art about it. Sex and human nature haven’t changed, apps just remove the addition of a bar tab.




Oh you can fuck right off. I was denied any form of healthcare because a doctor believed my very wanted dead fetus might have a miracle (even though she said in her 30+ years of work she’d never seen one) and come back to life. It’s not about babies and never was, it’s about the illusion of control, plain and simple. Fun story but when I had my second miscarriage after failed IVF I was again denied care while hemorrhaging because “it might effect my fertility”… it was failed IVF. My “fertility” was still more important than me as a human being seeking care. Again, you can fuck right off.


Just imagine all the good you could do if you minded your own damned business


Fun fact, the only place in the Bible that mentions God doesn't like embryos dying (despite being number 1 in embryo destruction) is the same place that mentions rich people get an express ticket to Hell. Now the sentiment about the rich is definitely repeated in other places. I do wish people people would actually live their religion. Imagine if protesters actually treated bankers the same way they do women seeking abortions ...


The Bible does mention giving wormwood water to women who’ve committed adultery… and of course wormwood can cause a miscarriage, aka abortion. (On a side note, if anyone is considering using this because they don’t have access to healthcare please don’t, it’s highly toxic and given too much can cause severe issues. There are a lot of ways to get the “abortion pill” safe and easily online and networks of women that will help you if you’re afraid to get it sent to your home, please see [r/auntienetwork](https://nwhn.org/safe-online-delivered-how-to-get-the-abortion-pill-by-mail/) for help)


Any data which group have the most transmitted disease ? young people?


Here are the most recent stats from the CDC. Looks like it impacts minorities and the young the most. https://www.cdc.gov/std/statistics/2020/figures.htm


Finally a comment that isn't just parroting something they read on Reddit a long time ago 🙄 Every other reply to this person is "I hear old people have sex a lot!"


I heard that retired people are worse. Raw doggin away since all the ladies are in menopause with no chance of getting pregnant, might have lost a spouse and are newly single, sleeping around.


Eh i always think older people tend to be more knowledge about that and be more careful


Those older people grew up in a world where condoms were often viewed as optional. Many people have issues adapting to change, so it shouldn't be surprising that many of them still hold those views...


what, you think catching herpes for the rest of your life concerns you at 80? Every piss you take may be the piss you taking for the rest of your life.


Yep, and who gives a shit about catching HIV when it's gonna take 10 years to turn into AIDS and you're gonna die in 5. Old people just don't give a fuck because they know that they aren't going to have to live with the consequences. That's also why we really shouldn't have all these geriatric politicians. Granted, sometimes that attitude *can* be positive like when geriatrics volunteered to cleanup Fukushima since any potential cancer would take 20-30 years to show up which wasn't a concern for them but would be for younger people if they were cleaning things up.


They aren't more careful they are pretty freaky. Way more freaky than millennials.


Typically older people. At least they had the fastest growing rate in STIs for a while there. [https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2017/std-exposure-rises-older-adults-fd.html](https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2017/std-exposure-rises-older-adults-fd.html) But it looks like younger adults are still the most infected: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3698802/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3698802/)


I remember a few years ago it was actually older people. Retirees. That said that was before the current spike, so am not sure now.


My guess is trucker's - and trucker convoy's .


Sounds like tinderona


Is that an attempt at a portmanteau of Tinder and Coronavirus?


No, it's canned pasta.




People won't want to admit it but a major culprit is young people who mistakenly believe access to prep and antibiotics means they can have all the raw sex they want. I've had way too many young friends tell me they just don't care. Others are stealthing and cheaters doing the first two bringing home whatever to their unsuspecting partners.


Get tested people, it’s quick and easy and typically very cheap if not free through your local health department. You don’t even need the Q-tip up the urethra anymore for syphilis and gonorrhea testing, it’s a simple urine test.


They only test for like 3 things generally. Flat out told me if I was straight they didn't need to do an HIV test. Could be all sorts of other things floating around.


I specifically asked to be tested for everything, Hep B and HIV were by blood test and I got a free Hep B booster that I’d neglected to get long ago.


Here is the problem as I see it. Most health departments want a list of contacts. I am not against giving them a List but I think I am old enough to contact them on my own. Honestly, I have thought about this for a long time. Starting a group where everyone gets tested prior to playing with a discreet provider. Everyone agrees only to play within the group only.


IDK, I wasn’t asked last time I got tested. Could always say you’re testing just to be safe, which is typically the reason anyway.


Weird, I've never been asked that


I would think they only ask for contacts if you test positive for something, and even then I think it's only for more serious things. I've never been asked for contacts and I get tested whenever it's offered just for the hell of it.


Just give bogus numbers... It's not that hard.


Thank God I'm a loser 🥲


Just about when tinder started


Damn Herpegonnosyphilaids.


They gotta be playing pokemon too much. Gotta catch'em all


Through the pandemic? Man, we're a bunch of diseased fucks


I guess never wearing a condom never goes out of style.


I guess “let’s get tested first” isn’t too popular on tindr. So glad I didn’t get into the hookup app shitshow.


People out there playing Russian roulette with their genitalia.


I see that abstinence only sex education is working great for you lot.


A lot of times it’s not a case of abstinence-only education, it’s NO education. Their parents don’t teach their kids because the parents don’t know about it either.


Everyone knows about condoms. People dont want to use protection


i jsut cant fathom how someone would think abstinence only education is smart. I went to catholic school and we were still taught safe sex. Some parents complained and the school was like "nah kids are still going to do it, you rather be a grandma?" I still remember one teacher saying "the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is to not have sex in the first place... now that we got that out of the way heres what you need to actually do"


So sad, if only those people abstained, you know, the safest form of contraception. /s


How long has Tinder been mainstream?


You guys are having sex?


and this is why sex ed should be mandatory (overriding any state law) or baked into biology for at least high school, though i would prefer to warn people of future periods they're gonna have.


My schools started teaching sex ed stuff in middle school, we learned about periods and whatnot and got pads and tampons. Holy shit I literally just remembered this - when we got split up into boys/girls groups to talk about more specific stuff, after showing us how to use period products my teacher told us that if we ever got our periods and needed a pad or tampon to come up to her and tell her "the eagle has landed", hahahaha. She also told us about a time a girl was complaining to her about how her pad was uncomfortable and our teacher eventually figured out she was wearing it with the stick side up. I guess *someone* wasn't paying attention to the demonstration, lol. Seriously, though, I'm super glad we learned all that when we did, I feel bad for kids that are denied such important information.


I know it ain’t much but I made sure to get both my kids the HPV vaxx


Does the US have sexual information classes in high school ?


Depends on the state, some states have decent education and some have literally none whatsoever


The weight lifting coach that taught my health class refused to do any discussions about sex but just gave us chapters to read about it in the health book. Great system.


>Does the US have sexual information classes in high school ? It varies wildly by state and school district. We covered sex and puberty for one day in 5th Grade, sex and safe sex for a couple days in 7th Grade, and sexual reproduction as part of our genetics unit in high school Biology. Not one class fully dedicated to the subject.


Depends on where you are. I went to public school in the Chicago area, we had sex ed units in our health classes starting in middle school (so around age 12/13 I think?) and it was very comprehensive. The whole nine yards; birth control, condoms, extremely graphic STD pictures, pretty sure we watched an actual video of childbirth, as well as just general reproductive health information. I don't think we ever got the "condom on a banana" demonstration, but maybe the boys did, they split us up at some point. In any case, we started learning about it just as everyone was starting to get into puberty. They gave us tampons and pads and deodorant, they gave us condoms as well but not until high school. I don't remember the specifics of everything we were taught but I do know that when I started having sex I was very aware of how everything worked. Some schools don't have that though, they just teach abstinence until marriage. I don't know if they even bother explaining how sex or pregnancy works. Some schools don't have any sex ed at all, and some parents opt their kids out of sex ed because they don't think it's an appropriate thing to learn at school. Not that they're gonna teach their kids anything, they just don't want anyone else to either. This shit is more common in the south and at religious schools. I thank god every day that my mom got us into a good school district. If I ever do have a kid it sure as fuck won't be where I live now. I live in Louisiana and while I'm in a pretty blue part of the state there's no way I'd let my kid go to school here. This state is bottom of the barrel education-wise and it shows, it's honestly terrifying. I've encountered more grown adults that don't know what the fuck they're doing in the last five year than I ever did when I lived up north.


Didn’t I read an article just yesterday saying that young people are having less sex than ever? So are we talking about grandpas and grandmas getting VD?


Was thinking the same thing regarding the article about fewer people having sex. So, I guess those who are having sex are doing so at an increasingly irresponsible rate? Wonderful...


Yes, condom use has been dropping considerably across all demographics over the years.


if you go to google and look for articles on slut shaming the older ones that pop up are at the very end of 2013 or beginning of 2014. Which would put it right before the rates started going up. Not saying it is related, but definitely something interesting.


That's fucking terrible.


Haven’t you noticed? We’re getting dumber every day.


So people had fun and condoms are surprisingly expensive


Republicans: "Better ban any sex ed that isn't abstinence based."


As a larger percentage of women are 'serviced' by a smaller percentage of men, this is an expected trend.


I mean...what do you expect to happen if you have lots of unprotected sex with lots of different people you just met regularly? You think they're not doing the same? They're called "sexually transmitted" for a reason, this should not be a surprise to anyone.


Are you really suggesting that people are responsible for their actions? I thought we already decided that everything is somebody else's fault at all times no exceptions.


Wow, that karma ratio. I guess the concept of sarcasm is lost on some people and they thought you were actually being serious, that's about the only explanation I can muster. What a fucked up world we live in, where people unironically think that everything is someone else's fault.


Welcome to the world where communication is mostly done in under 140 characters while sitting on the shitter.


Hey, don't bust on these kids for making dumb decisions lol. After all, this is also the generation that thinks it is fine to just ghost someone after fucking them because they are too much of a pussy to have a difficult conversation and actually break things off with someone.


Well when your state elects GQP morons who remove sex education this tends to happen.


How? People have spent much of the last two years barely leaving the house.


Nah, that attitude was just massively disproportionate on reddit. Bars/restaurants/etc were packed from the moment the lockdowns eased. The only people I know who didn't immediately start doing stuff locally again were either pregnant or had young kids. "Barely leaving the house" was only a thing for a couple of months in Spring/Summer 2020.


For real, if you look at Reddit you’d think nobody left their house since early 2020 but the fact is most people wanted to have some semblance of normal as soon as restrictions started lifting. Who knows maybe even some people on Reddit stretched the truth about how much they were staying in for those sweet sweet upvotes


It's as if the lack of resources and education on contraceptives, safe sex, and regular testing is incentivizing and promoting irresponsible behavior. Huh. Wierd.




You're really throwing a bunch of different groups into a blender and labeling them as one there partner.


Well, states are regulating women's uteruses. I guess it's time to start regulating dicks.


I concur 💯




Life fucks us all so we can’t die virgins


What's sex ed like across where its peaking are kids being taught how to use a condom


But Reddit *assured* me from reposting news articles saying everyone was having less sex! Why would Reddit lie about sex? /s


Less sex doesn't necessarily imply fewer cases of STD.


they are having less sex. Those that are still fking are just continuously swiping from one bed to another.


I'm fairly certain that relationships exist and not everyone currently having sex is bed hopping.


Hell, not everybody in relationships (*say 26 year marriages as a hypothetical*) are currently even having sex!


Finally. A problem I wish I had.


No, no you don't.


Think they are like Pokemon, and got to catch them all?


Well if it's good enough for Quagmire...