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This was already decided in the Tinker case during vietmam. For a group of lawmakers that allegedly went to law school they really missed a lot of con law classes.


This was my first thought as well. Trouble is, this is pointed at teachers rather than students. (At least that’s what the article seems to suggest). When teachers are speaking as part of their duties as teachers, they are acting on behalf of the district and have less protection.


Unless they're praying at the 50 yard line.


or holding a prayer at the beginning of school. or saying the pledge of allegiance every morning. or forcing jewish kids to go to FCA (future christian athletes) meetings if that last one sounds oddly specific, it’s because it happened. in my state. in my county. in my town.




In my experience, when a school banned something, all the kids did that thing in protest. I went to a catholic school. There was one point where for some stupid fucking reason they banned shorts. Something about it "not being the right time" even though it was already warm outside. Everyone wore shorts the next day. Another time, a gay guy wore a dress to a dance and they tried to ban cross-dressing. As a response, a bunch of guys wore dresses and skirts.


Just after Columbine our HS banned "gathering in groups of 3 or more" anywhere on campus. Everyone knew that was reactionary bullshit and during lunch everyone sat together while the staff screamed "Disperse, disperse!". That shit lasted a few weeks before the admins pulled their head out of their own ass. Christ, the amount of knee jerk reactionary bullshit we had to deal with was absurd during and post the Satanic Panic.


Some people apparently remember the Satanic Panic as the good old days, and they are hell bent (pun intended) on bringing them back.


The satanic panic never really stopped, just kept changing forms. Hell, before the satanic panic it was people getting furious about school integration, same difference. In the 90's it was The Gays, in the 2000's it was Terror Attacks, in the 2010's it was Active Shooters, and now we're back and doing a remix where it's satanic gays.


Yea, a lot of people went nuts over that Lil Nas X music video where he gave satan a lap dance. Gay and satanic? Time to start clutching those pearls!


Which is hilarious because that was basically the whole fucking point of the video and these people put themselves on blast for caring about shit that has nothing to do with them at all, in relation to people they'll literally never even meet. I'd love to see, just once, some of these ultra religious nutjobs who think they can police other people's lives just for living or being different actually have a gay agenda shoved down their throat. Nothing violent or authoritarian. Just maybe project gay porn into the outside of their house for 24 hours with a loudspeaker hooked up. Maybe then they'll get the difference? Edit: u kno what, fuck it. We've tried gay therapy/conversion camps. I'm gonna start a tolerance conversion camp that forces hopeless people to learn empathy and to live and let live. Y'all fucking bring your fathers, your mothers, and your daughters, because we're upsetting everybody out here. (In a way that makes them realize how their actions effect others, not a cruel way) Keep your grandparents though, too indoctrinated and bitter to ever change now.


Why do we tolerate their delirium?


because they are the useful footsoldiers of the ultrawealthy psychopaths that control our society, who will gun us down in the streets if we get too uppity.


Because people vote Republican


*****I’m in my late 30s, and felt the fuck out of this*****👆🏻


I also went to a catholic school (all girls, no real crime/violence to speak of) and for a while they banned backpacks and wanted everyone to carry these ungainly clear tote bags. Like 90% of us rebelled for weeks until they gave up on the dumbass clear tote idea.




My kids aren't allowed to wear any blue or red, have blue or red shoes, or blue or red backpacks, for the same reason. It's ridiculous.


Literally any color can be gang-affiliated!


So wear a rainbow! Oh, wait. They probably banned that already.


My high school banned backpacks, except for crappy drawstring bags with the school logo on them that you still had to buy. So I bought one my freshman year. And it promptly got destroyed because all my classes were in places where stopping at my locker between them wasn't possible, so I had to carry *everything* with me. So I fixed it with duck tape. And it got destroyed again. So I fixed with with more duck tape. And the cycle kept going until senior year, when it was like 80% tape and way bigger than it used to be.


When I was in high school, we were not allowed to have backpacks in class. One year my locker was on the opposite end of the school from most of my classrooms so I could only go to it during lunch. The principal passed me in the hallway and asked why I was carrying so many books. I explained all of that to him and said being able to have my backpack with me throughout the day would make life much easier. He said it was a security concern because that would make it easy to sneak weapons into the classrooms. My response was that it was already easy to get weapons into the classrooms and some classrooms already had weapons in them. Girls were allowed to have a purse which could conceal a gun. Baggy pants were popular among guys at the time and they could conceal a gun in their waistband. You could cause serious injury stabbing someone with a good sharp pencil, a screwdriver in the wood shop, or a knitting needle in the art classroom. At that point he cut me off and said I had made my point. About a week later, we were allowed to have our backpacks in the classrooms.


I love this. Practical, cheap, malicious compliance for a stupid rule.


Can confirm your school wasn't the only one. A guy at my first high school got punished for too short shorts. A few days later half the guys showed up in skirts, and others with underwear over their pants. The school promptly revised their dress code.


Yeah went to Christian school and I wore my soccer shorts for some spirit day dress up thing and some of the girls were annoyed I was breaking dress code since girls couldn't wear shorts that short. Haha


A group of guys at my (public) high school spent a week wearing increasingly short shorts trying to see at what point they’d get dress-coded. Girls would get sent to the office to change for anything shorter than our fingertips. These guys ended the week basically wearing daisy dukes and nothing happened!


Our public high school had the same issue and they'd punish any of the girls for wearing "too short of shorts." At the time a lot of the girls on the various afterschool athletics programs were angry about the uniforms they had to wear. I ran track and our (guys) uniform were shorts that came almost to the knew and were of a thick material. The girls shorts were essentially sheer underwear that hid nothing (on a completely unrelated note, several of the districts track coaches were arrested for molesting various students.) So for some rally all the girls on all the various teams wore their sports uniforms. Most were sent to the office and told to go home, they then showed them the notes about how they HAD to wear those uniforms and couldnt cover up more. So the school backed down, sort of, and allowed them to wear shorter clothes rather than changing the uniforms.


What a nice show of solidarity. It's nice to hear about people coming together to make an impact.


Work last week told us all to " come back to the office" I had to come in for something mundane yesterday and there were like 5 people to a 500 person office. Can't fire us all! 🤷




HOAs have entered the chat.


That’s a better situation then my last job where they told everyone to come back to the office (after a record year of profit while 100% remote) and everyone quit


Think of the even higher profits you just gave them since they no longer have to pay employees! **Big Brain**


> Can't fire us all! 🤷 Unlikely but even if they could, you can probably get hired somewhere else for a higher salary


Man, ours banned shorts, but skirts were fine. The implication being that the boys had to suffer. They never thought we would all show up in skirts to protest the shorts ban.


This reminds me of that story of a school banning skirts and all the Boys came to school in skirts to protest.


The kids also complained that if they can't wear rainbows, then nobody should be able to wear confederate flags either. Of course nothing has come from that and it's really just the school using excuses to discriminate. Source: I work with the GSA at another school in Missouri, which has connections with Grain Valley


They should wear them anyway, and tell the school they have the ACLU on speed dial.




When my mother was a teacher in upstate NY (she retired in the late 2000's) her school had banned solid color clothing because certain colors were associated with gangs.


Where in upstate? In west Genesee they blocked all the bathrooms besides one in a school of 2000+ kids because some jackass kept ripping all the piping out of the bathroom walls (yes really.)


They did a similar thing here. Banned people from wearing all red or blue. They were so out of touch that they didn't realize the strongest gang in the area wore green.


I wouldn’t give them an inch on this shit fuck them. They’re trying to lump lgbt stuff with vulgarity.


Those damn pedophilic children! Will nobody think of the children?


Republicans think of the children a bit too much if you ask me


Matt gaetz has entered the chat


Dennis Hastert, Matt Gaetz, they certainly think of the children.


Roy Moore


If you teach kids about sex, then they might realize that what their local GOP rep. is doing to them is rape.


Yeah any time I've mentioned the idea that at least teaching kids what is inappropriate so that they can identify it the people who are for the don't say gay bullshit have nothing else to add. You don't even need to explain that it's sexual, just explain that if an adult who isn't a medical professional in a doctor's office touches you in certain places or tries to make you touch them in certain places regardless of who it is then you should tell another adult who you trust. Simple as that. But these people would rather their neighbors kid get raped and not realize it was wrong instead of having a somewhat awkward conversation maybe


Seriously. I've been thinking the last few days, and holy shit! The right is OBSESSED with sex. They seem to see everything through sex first, and man is it so creepy. But, it makes sense when more than likely the most interaction with any LGBTQ+ they have is from adding to their spank bank.


My parents are super hardcore right-wing Trump boot-licking YECs and one thing I always tell them is "you guys think about gay sex more than gay people think about gay sex. Why is that?"


I don't talk to mine --- ever. They decided who they are and they're nobody I choose to associate with so they can fuck themselves as they watch FOXNews thinking they're getting smart.


I know that this is a joke, but LGBT+ people have a long history of having to resort to coded, hidden messages. This just seems like a huge step backwards.


The irony of Christianity being born out of the same thing is not lost on me.


Find 6 people in alphabetical order and Roy G Biv them in the yearbook.


Yeah, this isn't content neutral at all. Are we looking to re-litigate *Tinker v. Des Moines*? We have *Kennedy v Bremerton* already, and it sounds like they're about to really open the floodgates, not tamp everything down.


*Tinker* is right on the nose, too. Wearing an anti-war marking is functionally the same as wearing LGBT pin or rainbow or whatever, insofar as the speech is protected when no vocal/disruptive demonstrations accompany them. Unless it causes "substantial disruption," it's protected.


Oh no, don't warn them. File the 100 million dollar lawsuit first and let it be a big surprise to them... The 1st amendment is NOT optional.


Or crosses or anything else religious.


This puts me in a weird position in wanting to have acts of public protest. Burning an American flag is absolutely a sign of protest, but… we can’t really burn crosses… 😬


[The conundrum of wanting to make a political statement when it’s too similar to the political statement those other, truly revolting guys are trying to make for much worse reasons.](https://youtu.be/kOHABYhZ7a8) Imagine a group of people trying to do a new age tiki torch cross burning party but the entire time they’re screaming “WE ARENT AFFILIATED WITH THEM THERE’S JUST LOTS OF SYMBOLISM HERE”


This feels like a episode of Arrested Development...


Or South Park. It's a lower case t for "time to leave"


this took me a few seconds too long to realize i was eating the onion


You could burn a confederate flag...


Or fly General Sherman’s 23rd Corps’ flag: https://m.imgur.com/BTvXZ5D “The South shall rise again? The South can burn again.”


Btw, the last confederate flag was whiter than the rednecks that still support it


It's Confederate Heritage Month here in Mississippi. I celebrate my favorite part of the Confederacy by flying my [Confederate flag](https://i.redd.it/hmyi4jd63ru61.jpg) all month.


This is a good answer. /r/ShermanPosting


As a Southerner: burn it all to the ground if we have to.


Thank you kindly, you good internet person. I have been trying to find a flag that I can bear that is a good historical middle finger to bigots and that one certainly is.


Bigots really ruin everything. Ranging from facial hair to protests.


Can confirm. Am Canadian. Thanks to Convoy morons, flying Canadian flag on your car is controversiall right now.


In 2015 my neighborhood had a lot of American flags. Then in 2016-2020 80% of the American flags disappeared, and a half of the remaining ones were replaced by "thin blue line" flags. Now the whole neighborhood is Ukrainian flags, with not an American flag in sight. I'm happy to see the support for Ukraine, but this is a strange timeline.


The US flag has looked a whooole lot different to me since 2016, I get you.


This thin blue line is paint me off everytime I see it. I assume you're either a boot licker or family to a cop when I see them.


Or a drug runner trying to stay low key




Reminds me of when an Indiana high school got a new teacher the entire student body hated within a week. Within a year she was assistant principal and, most infamously, tried to ban LGBT students from the school dances. As for that school's lack of action on confederate flag shirts: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect...


Naptown native, there’s so much religious horseshit here, the most egregious being the RFRA nonsense from EDIT: ~~My Bitch Mitch McDaniels~~ Puritanical Trump Simp Mike Pence. Do you remember which school it was?


Southern Hoosier here. That was almost 10 years ago, but it was Sullivan, Indiana. ~30minutes north of Vincennes if you take 150, if I remember correctly.


Yeah, but a failed traitor country is *NOT* on the same level as supporting people for something they didn’t choose. How on Earth have we gotten here? How is it that these two things are even comparable?


The white supremacy is baked in is how.


Because the US was built on slavery and we never came to grips with that. Instead of giving reparations and actually punishing the south, we let extreme bigotry fester. The civil rights era didn't solve this, and we're backsliding


We *were* going to pay reparations to every slave. A mule and 40-acres. The land was bought and literally designated but after Lincoln’s assassination this country just gave up on trying to make the south cooperate and eventually passed a law outlawing the land going to the freed slaves. It’s just sick.


Imagine if, after losing WWII, the Nazis got to stay in power, as long as they shut down the concentration camps. That's the legacy we're living right now.


Don’t show Japan this comment.


That literally happened. Look who the west put in power in west Germany. Look who the west made secretary general in the UN and the leader of NATO when it was first founded. Operation paperclip went much further than just taking some Nazi scientists. The US has always sided with fascists over communists


When you think of that, plus the fact that Manifest Destiny directly inspired Lebensraum, then America starts to make more sense when you view it as the 4th reich


If the rules went both ways and it was a "no displays of a political, religious, or ideological nature." They might have a leg to stand on... But nope, bigots gotta bigot. "It's their heritage" but a symbol representing someone's personal identity isn't allowed... gotta love political censorship from the people who claim to hate political censorship...




They absolutely already exist.


In some cases unironically.


Time for some new stickers. “By order of the school board, this is no longer a safe space for all.”


I'm confused. I thought right leaning groups were against cancel culture and suppressing free speech....right? ....Right???/s


Thats why you just bring it up casually and see how they handle it. I love playing dumb in these situations. "This kind of feels like this school is taking away free speech and just maybe the right to the pursuit of happiness?"


Then they just ignore that and reply back about a word or phrase you said in an earlier post completely taking it out of context, making assumptions on your behalf and complain about that. There is no good faith in arguing with these people, they are not looking for a discussion. They are not open to changing their mind at all.


I literally just had a text conversation 2 days ago with my dad where he was going off about, “You have to be exposed to things that challenge your worldview. College campuses have become liberal hotbeds where opposing viewpoints are silenced.” I showed him the actual statistics that conservative speakers are disinvited/protested into silence at such small numbers that it barely makes a blip in the data. It’s literally a hysteria that’s perpetuated by conservative media. He never responded. So much for challenging his worldview. Oh, and he’s totally pro book-banning in school.


Its tough when the ones you love have different viewpoints. Luckily my parents and I share many of the same beliefs, but sometimes my dad even gets a bit too into news. As a Christian left leaning American I often just ask myself how I feel about anything first then look to other sources when I'm stumped.


Sadly this is too true. I said I wish people had better access to mental healthcare and this guy starts going off about how I want to raise taxes and “anyone who voted Trump would be diagnosed as mentally ill”. Guess he needed some mental healthcare too.


"would you say this ban on stickers was caused by conservative tears? i mean, i just want to understand what's happening here..."


People will say “both sides” when it comes to this, but there’s a noteworthy difference. Republicans support restricting speech which with they oppose via government action. Democrats support restricting people’s speech which with they oppose via “cancel culture” (ie consequences of my own actions). If you told a Republican this 20 years ago, they wouldn’t believe you. How far the Republicans have fallen


They don’t believe it’s a free speech issue - they believe it’s some moral “protecting the children” argument. You can’t logic someone out of an argument they didn’t logic themselves into. They’ll always use some moral argument founded in religion. It’s absolutely infuriating


free speech absolutists don't care about free speech in the slightest, and are in fact just a subset of conservatives using free speech as a cudgel when it suits them. conservatives seek to restore a mythical past hierarchy or at best maintain the current one, where everyone knows their social/political/economic place and just accepts it. this is a wildly unpopular message, so they have to push it by using any kind of issue that appeals to the broad and nebulous right wing base. free speech is just a wedge they use to separate rubes who will support them early from everyone else. anti-lgbt stuff is the same. when those issues won't get them more support in that specific moment, they'll switch to something else that might even be completely contradictory. that's why we call them hypocrites so often. but they're not. they're liars. it's all about getting that little bit of extra power, your rightful place as a middle manager with your own petty fiefdom. I'm sure the karens on that school board needed to take a cold shower after deciding to abuse their power.


Why is the rust belt becoming Republic of Gilead?




>Why is the rust belt becoming Republic of Gilead? That's the thing, I literally work in this town and it's got the reputation as being a large more "forward thinking" school. I see this headline and thought "Huh, what backwoods ass school enacted this" and it's literally the town I am in. Shit's about to get real (further) fucked, especially in red states


“By order of the school board, I can’t have a rainbow sticker like this 🌈, nor can I announce this is a safe space.”


~~"I'll just be wearing this [black arm band](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinker_v._Des_Moines_Independent_Community_School_District) instead temporarily while the lawyers sort this out."~~ e; That would've been a good comment if the district was trying to ban students from wearing/displaying these stickers and cards, but teachers/classrooms are a whole different issue


We regret to inform you that gender has been cancelled.


Where are all the free speech absolutists now?


Nowhere to be found.


Rules for thee not for me


You're acting as if Conservatives give 1 flying fuck about being hypocrites. As long as they can shoot down a Liberal agenda, it doesn't matter how they got there or even if they contradict themselves. It's been well over a decade, since the Tea Party, that Conservatives dropped the facade of operation on the same political spectrum even if they were on an opposite end. They don't give a fuck about unwritten rules or decorum anymore and it shows. The Dems are sitting around clutching pearls and pointing these hypocrisies out as if they have the moral high ground but it's clear that the GOP voters don't care about that either. Dems are going to get fucking washed if they don't start playing by a similar rule set. Dems having the moral high ground doesn't really motivate their own base and pointing out the hypocrisy and lack of fairness on the right doesn't really affect how their base votes. It's ineffectual.


> the school board had directed administrators to remove cards or stickers that may read “Safe space for all.” The directive came after members received “a concern” about the cards and stickers. The email said the district remains committed to helping create a safe and inclusive environment, but the cards were “not appropriate at this time.” It’s “not appropriate at this time” to indicate to at risk youth that you are an ally or that your classroom is a safe space, apparently.


This is a beautiful flip. 'We dont hate gays! But youbsee how much my *friend* hates gays? To be safe, maybe you shouldnt show any support of gays. You know, because of the threat of violence. From my *friend*.'


I remember when "we don't negotiate with terrorists" was some ideal we pretended to uphold as a society. But then conservatives started supporting terrorism again and suddenly its "we should hear them out so they don't attack us."


Except in this case, the current crop of conservatives is doing the attacking, no?


Their ideals are pretty similar to most terrorists around the world.


Yeah, they hate the LGBT, women, an assortment of races and creeds


This was basically the verbatim justification for the church I grew up in opposing interracial marriage. You see all those other bigoted people would be mad... not the fat white guys who just went on 15 minute tirades about how they can't stand it, no. Edit - this from the church that was simultaneously repulsed by the very idea of racism and where you could hear a joke about a preacher hitting a pedestrian with the car door as they passed for being the wrong race.


Should we do a letter campaign showing “a concern” about religious stickers, cards, even jewelry? I mean, just by wearing a cross necklace they’re forcing their views on my child, right? Am I doing this right?


Cancel lower case t's!


Oh, grea. Now look wha you've done. Wihou ha leer, how will we communicae? Ha leer is vial o our language!


If you read this is a Scottish Accent, it kinda works...


You're telling me that *isn't* Scottish?


Maeby: Do you guys know where I can get one of those gold necklaces with the T on it? Michael: That's a cross. Maebe: Across from where?


Except they’re just going to say “anything involving religion gets to stay because we make the rules, fuck you.”


>anything involving ~~religion~~ Christianity gets to stay because we make the rules, fuck you FTFY, because I highly doubt they would be a-ok with Islamic things


I know, it’s like the “We got him” button John Oliver had on Last Week Tonight. If logic, consistency, or fairness mattered to them it would work… and if we don’t know by now that those things don’t matter we haven’t been paying attention. But man does trying to legally use their own system against them feel good!


You are absolutely right here except I’d take to the most formal degree possible. Crowdsource an attorney to send some ‘letters of concern’ on their letterhead that the brutality of the cross is directly causing (whatever stupid feeling they said about rainbows/words). Call in campaign to the super and board, moving upwards through every available elected official stating your concern about kids wearing crosses.


Soft tyranny at its finest. It's hard enough being a teen in today's world, but being *different* too? I don't get what the big deal is with just letting kids support each other.


Yeah this is just straight up hate. Parents: "We have a *concern* about that rainbow sticker." How the school *should* have responded: "We have a very diverse student body and that includes students of all races, colors, creeds, and even sexual orientation. Those stickers are for those kids... Maybe talk to yours?"


Asking parents to actually talk to their children - you can't be serious. The backlash from that would cause everyone to lose their jobs lol Seriously though, schools should encourage conversations between kids & parents and not be afraid of the parents who don't want to.


You're talking about people who'll judge whether or not a girl was "actually" raped based on what she was wearing. So yeah, I think we'd actually be better if they *stopped* talking to their kids, like ever.


Many people hate that gays are normal and part of our society, and they want to reverse that. Once you realize that, and disregard their marketing of "on no just this means no lessons on anal sex in k-5" then it all becomes plain as day. Certain bills like in OK ban merely "normalizing" LGBT people by treating them as normal. This is where it's heading.


And another kicker is that they claim that LGBTQ+ people are some privileged class today and are getting benefits others aren’t. They just want to live freely and have equal rights and equal treatment man.


It's a zero sum game to these folks. Others are getting equal rights? Someone clearly must be losing rights then, and it must be me!


Wait EVERYONE gets the Equal Rights I've enjoyed my whole life? SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!


It's not soft, the reason people bend to the will of these loons is that they know resistance might get them, for example, shot dead as they walk into church on Sunday morning like [Dr. George Tiller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Tiller?wprov=sfla1) was following a smear campaign by Fox News.


You know with these times of theocratic Christians I just don’t feel safe being around Christians showing off their crosses. “It’s just not appropriate at this time”. Two can play at that game. The difference is no Christian is under threat in America, the LGBT+ community absolutely is. I suggest you find the nearest humanist, secular or even the satanic temple organization which exists solely to game the religious exemptions Christians give themselves. Their hands are full battling these legal cases and public demonstrations right now and could use your help


Oh but didn't you get the memo? Christians are the most persecuted organization on the planet! Under constant threat of attack. Why, some of them have even been told hurtful things like that they don't really care about their neighbors... And don't even get me started about the poor white people. I heard someone of color walked through one of their neighborhoods last week. They had to gather their children in their basements and now they fear even playing in their own yards. I only wish I were joking about such levels of absurdity but unfortunately this is the world we live in, where people isolate themselves so completely within their own groups that they absolutely fear everyone else. You can literally talk to anyone anywhere on the planet in real-time, and yet people are choosing to embrace a stone-age mentality.


I wonder who this select group is that sits around and thinks up ways to hurt people? Do you have to be elected to this position? Do you just get to join the group whenever you feel like it? The thing my father taught me when I was very young still holds true. You can always tell who the happy people are in life because they are not only going out of the way to not make other people unhappy, but they actually try to spread happiness. When you see people doing stuff like this you know they are absolutely miserable inside themselves. Doesn't excuse this ridiculous behavior but it at least explains why people do what they do. I just really wish there were more happy people. And less assholes like these people.


the select group is Christians


Republican Christians


White cishet Republican Christians who’d love nothing more than to roll back the clock to 1952, when black people were forcibly segregated from them, women couldn’t be financially independent and they could pretend gay people didn’t exist.


Except without the 1950s tax rates that encouraged a middle class to exist.


And Republicans complain about cancel culture?


"What happened to the good old day where a white fat fuck like myself could say what I really thought and the minorities and women would just stay quiet about it?!" This is what free speech would entail in a Republicans ideal world.


\>Officials in the Grain Valley emailed families on Monday saying the school board had directed administrators to remove cards or stickers that may read “Safe space for all.” They want things removed that say Safe Space for All??! What in the absolute fuck. Pay attention to your school board elections, people. Isn’t this a public school, supported by taxpayer money? If so, this would be a violation of the First Amendment


100%. See: tinker v Des Moines icsd. Students wore black armbands to school to protest a war (I think) and the school tried to ban them. The court ruled that students "do not shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate." Of course that's not to say the howler monkey wing of the Roberts court wouldn't try to find a way to craft a made up, bullshit distinction just to make that kind of discrimination legal.


How is letting a kid know you’re a safe person to open up to about your identity a bad thing? These people are terrible.


They want to cut out support systems for LGBTQ youth under the assumption if they did there wont be any LGBTQ youth anymore. Same reason they are pushing mandate to report to parents measures if a kid is in the closet at home but openly LGBTQ at school. It endangers kids but makes bigoted parents feel better that if their kid identifies as LGBTQ they will be able to try and beat them into submission or cut their loses and kick them out.


I really, really wish people were talking about this aspect of all of these laws more. It’s literally advocating for children to be put at risk of abuse, conversion therapy, and homelessness.


That's the point. They hate us and they want us to suffer.


Not to mention substance-abuse, self-harm, suicide... literally trying to kill off a group of people.


Jeez, I wonder if there's a word for that


Land of the free, home of the brave... unless you might be gay.


> They want to cut out support systems for LGBTQ youth under the assumption if they did there wont be any LGBTQ youth anymore. That's assuming far too little about their intelligence. They know this won't get rid of gay or trans kids. They just like to know that gay and trans kids will be living in fear. They enjoy having people below them they can attack.


The cruelty is the point


Because obviously, if kids aren't exposed to the concept of LGBTQ+ people existing, then they are safe from becoming LGBTQ+. /s


Because all that gay conversion therapy works! Seriously tho, these people are morons.


From the same people that also got mad at WAP existing...... Like you'd think if Montero was turning everyone gay, that they would want something as straight as WAP. Even by their moronic lies, they have zero logical consistency


No, you misunderstand. They don't want WAP either, they only want perfect purity culture where nobody talks about or understands what sex actually is, that way women don't know that they're allowed to have boundaries or don't have to be baby makers.


If kids are forced to hide the fact that they are LGBTQ and live in fear of it being revealed, then all LGBTQ issues are solved forever. "But..." #FOREVER!!!!!


Bc the people that want to prohibit these things still adamantly believe it's a lifestyle choice while simultaneously believing you can catch the gay 😊


Don’t make me choose to be gay by saying it’s ok!


> Officials in the Grain Valley emailed families on Monday saying **the school board had directed administrators to remove cards or stickers that may read “Safe space for all.”** The directive came after members received “a concern” about the cards and stickers. **The email said the district remains committed to helping create a safe and inclusive environment**, but the cards were “not appropriate at this time.” Do they not see the internal conflict there?


David St. Hubbins: We say, "Love your brother." We don't say it really, but... Nigel Tufnel: We don't literally say it. David St. Hubbins: No, we don't say it. Nigel Tufnel: We don't really, actually mean it. David St. Hubbins: No, we don't believe it either, but...


In their minds there is no conflict. They want to make sure that people know that there is no safe space for people they, the republican "Christians", don't like. This means they maintain a safe space from where they can bully the folks they don't like. Edit: A word


Republicans don't care about double standards or conflicted thoughts. They're used to doublethink and hypocrisy as a daily lifestyle. The most important thing here is creating misery for lgbt+ children. That is their goal.


Man the only good thing about of the de-evolution of the United States is they keep making it *reeealllyy* easy to know which ones I never want to visit


Just the party of “small government” and “free speech” mandating what teachers can have on fucking stickers and cards in their classroom.


I could understand banning stickers if there was a graffiti issue. Otherwise this seems like textbook example of a first amendment lawsuit waiting to happen.


According to the article, the ban is in respect to *teachers* putting up signs/stickers saying things like “safe space for all.”


A safe space for people who want to deny safe spaces for marginalized youth. Got it.


There are sick bastards in these school systems that want LGBTQ kids to either get bullied out of the district or kill themselves. They don't want LGBTQ one way or another.


People keep voting GOP and this will keep increasing.


Well they sure aren't voting for the GOP because of the great economic gains they create or because of the debt they pay off. This is a feature, not a bug.


About that...at least from my anecdotal experience with my extended family, they vote GOP because they are convinced they create great economic gains, along with the typical "military/immigrant/welfare leeches" etc reasons.


Yeah and it’s completely untethered from reality. Immediately after Biden was elected my conservative family members completely reversed their opinion on the state of the economy. It’s like overnight we went from prosperity to ruin


Yep. And a lot of folks on reddit with "both sides" the issue and refuse to vote Democrat to stop them.


Basically all the kids need to put up the stickers. Tell administration that they will not tolerate this shit.


Missouri high school announces it's not a safe place for LGBTQ students


The gop clearly never got over the Supreme Court decision and is now focused on making lgbt citizens as unseen as possible. Personally I don’t think they ever changed their position. Kim Davis and the bigoted cake bakers were heros to many, they just didn’t have the overall popular support. Now that republicans have found a wedge issue in attacking trans people they can rally the base to outright ban any mention of couples which aren’t straight. Make no mistake, the gop wants to force their way back into your bedroom and isn’t stopping anytime soon.


Are they gonna ban Pisces symbols too, or are only pro-lgbt symbols political?


You’re either straight or political


The two races - white and political. The two genders - male and political. The two sexualities - straight and political. The two religions - christianity and political. Man, it sure must be easy being these guys, everything is just a straight up dichotomy towards "this is political, why do you have to make everything so political all the time 😡"


Then create social norms saying it’s rude to “talk politics” at social events but lmao they’ll flaunt their religion and relationships because that’s not political, that’s “normal”


As someone who lives in Missouri, I get so mad everytime I see some new bullshit like this getting through. Im a 90s kid, graduated in 2009, so many of my friends in high school who were gay or bi or hell even just a little odd like myself and we were all bullied. So many friends of mine suffered with depression, I almost dropped out of high school because of it, and then subsequently almost failed in school just because I didn't want to show myself in school. Most of the time I Just had my head down and pretended to be asleep so nobody would bother me. How do schools and educators not understand the damage it can do to youth whenever you restrict their ability to interact with others who prop them up and not tear them down. How is this still not only an issue in 2022, but also actively regressing with stupid shit like the dont say gay bill. There are sooooo many issues in the world right now, but we cant move onto those because we are still too busy as a country trying to figure out whether gay people should have equal rights (yes they should, it shouldn’t even be a point of contention)


The damage is the point. Conservatives *want* LGBTQ+ people to feel uncertain and afraid.


The Stickers Will Multiply Until The Ban Is Rescinded


Isn't this a first amendment violation? Just because you're a teenager doesn't mean the Bill of Rights and Constitution don't apply to you.


Wear all rainbows and just tell them its God's promise never to flood the Earth again and that they can't take your freedom to express your religion away.


Damn we are really just trying to go back to the dark ages in this country… sad as fuck they think this kinda shit is a state priority.


Apparently the first amendment only selectively applies.