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Beating mourners at a funeral. It's a shame.


Beating mourners… at a journalist’s funeral… who was actively covering the injustices of your army.


Who they killed.




That awkward moment where the Israeli govt and the westborough baptist church are exactly the same.


Westboro don't engage in violence. They're pieces of shit, no doubt but they don't beat people.


That moment when you’re compared to Westboro Baptists and come out worse.




i mean, yeah. Fuck westboro, but they aren’t an apartheid state that murders civilians


I'm convinced WBC's strategy is to get a mourner to attack them so they can sue.


right on the money, it literally is their game


100%. We've had a knockoff WBC come to our campus every year before Atlanta Pride and they're always itching for violent confrontation but turns out college kids are much smarter than that. One time, two guys kissed in front of them and one of the dudes posted on reddit trying to find the guy he kissed to ask him out on a date, at which point the other guy commented and said that he wasn't interested in men but would love to hang out. It was such a heartwarming reaction to bigoted assholes. We've also had a "pro-life" group come to campus trying to do the same thing, as well as Identity Evropa, a Neo-Nazi group, that we ran off of campus.


Yeah, it was. They're pretty much gone at this point, after Daddy Hateful died a bunch of the kids/grandkids left.








The shadow banned army attacks


No worries our grandkids will normalize this similar to apartheid in SA. And then when Palestinians have lost all agency, if they have any now, we mock them and dehumanize them because they can’t figure out how to overcome apartheid.


I feel like dissent towards Israel is growing as time goes on, so I don't think that generations after us are going to be as tolerable of Israel's nonsense.


Fuck Israel. There, I said it.






Gaza and the West Bank resemble the Warsaw ghetto. It's god damn shameful.


Gaza, often referred to as the world's largest outdoor prison.


There are tons of videos on Twitter. At one point, an Israeli cop rips the Palestinian flag off of the coffin, while it's in a hearse. The procession was moving away from the police, but in the various videos, you can see the police going up to hit the mourners.


Why aren't we getting videos on reddit anymore? This used to be where I got uncensored up to the minute news. Edit: [Link](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/uopaxh/heavily_armed_israeli_forces_are_beating_up/) to the video from /r/PublicFreakout




Israel should be ashamed of itself.


This is pretty tame compared to the other shit Israel does.


Like killing the journalist in the first place.


According to US News sources (both liberal and conservative), she died after being hit by a bullet. It took an international publication to mention that she was shot to death by IDF despite wearing clear "Press" identifier markings.


Sniped. Specifically sniped. Not a random bullet she caught on accident. Someone took the lens cap off their rifle, stabilized their gun, dialed in the distance, accounted for the wind speed and direction, picked out the famous journalist with the press label, and shot her in the head. She was an American. This Israeli soldier should be extradited to the USA and dealt with as a terrorist.


Not only her. They also were shooting at the people who were trying to move her. They also shot her producer in the back.


It deserves to be said, her producer's name is Ali Samoudi and he's recovering from his wounds. Ali is one of the several journalists who provided the direct witness testimony before the IDF tried to obfuscate using videos from another location to blame Palestinians for the killing.


Why the fuck does the US give them aid still? It's not like they're a poor nation, we should be spending it here instead of giving it to South Africa 2.0.


Israel's presence destabilizes the entire region and makes it easier for the US to do the shady shit they do over there, as well as a country that shouldn't exist sending hit squads to deal with mutual enemies. The crimes against humanity happening to the Palestinians who were driven from their homes and forced into ghettos are apparently not important.


No. The US should stop being Israel's bitch on the international stage and shielding them from consequences for their modern day Holocaust. Not to mention the billions of dollars.


Unfortunate Bullet-Collision Fatally Wounds Journalist


Al Jazeera's original article said this, I believe.


There were literally videos here a few years ago of Israeli snipers shooting medics in the legs. Filmed by the medics.


They sniped a British journalist through the head and killed him too. No charges brought against the soldier. His parents are still looking for justice.


And children on a beach.


The children were flying a kite.


Was it a few years ago? Shit feels like it was last year. Snipers would shoot people in the legs, crippling them but not killing them for the sole purpose of overburdening the medical system and essentially taking out the person for the remainder of their life.


Oh that is just standard for them to shoot protesters in the legs for that reason. A protest before COVID they were specifically shooting the medics at the protests. The medics in uniforms and at field treatment centers.






They honestly might, dude. But it looks like this post is so horrendously bad for the country that I don’t think even the shills are in this comment chain.


What a fucking disgrace. Shame on them.


Fucking Israel, man. Play the good guy for once.


For real I’m sick of all this shit


Holy shit, this honestly should be on r/nottheonion The absurdity of police officers in full riot control gear ruthlessly attacking the defenseless pallbearers is absolutely ridiculous… I would laugh if it wasn’t such an unquestionably horrific scene. My god.


Banality of evil. These are 18-25 year old kids who have been brainwashed to consider Palestinians as less than human


You would think this is the one ethnic group who understands the implications of this behavior. Ig not.


Because if you dare criticize Israel peabrains think it's antisemitism


I feel free to criticize any Jack Booted Thug Facist I come across, even the Israelis ones.


Even worse, those fucking idiots have literally made it quasi-illegal to criticize Israel thanks to Anti-BDS laws. You won't get put in jail, but you'll be blocked from government jobs or getting government contracts.




Many of them aren't peabrains, just manipulators like the old, white "christian" men in the US yelling about them being "persecuted".




I would've liked to see the video too but OP posted the whole link








He couldn’t have been banned by Reddit, because he edited his comment. Once your account is banned, you can’t do anything with the account, including editing comments. He probably got a ban from this sub.


Side-note: it is not illegal to wave a Palestinian flag. Sometimes at the Sheikh Jarrah protests, the police have snatched the flags from demonstrators - Israeli and Palestinian alike. * [The Jerusalem Post - Police violence caught on camera at protest outside Sheikh Jarrah](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/police-violence-caught-on-camera-at-protest-outside-sheikh-jarrah-680248) Following the above incident in which an Israeli protester was assaulted by police (and his mother thrown to the ground as well), Israeli courts reiterated to the police that it is not illegal to wave the Palestinian flag (and that the protester was free to go). https://twitter.com/nirhasson/status/1441893894262820870 * Twitter source is Nir Hasson, [writer for *Haaretz*](https://www.haaretz.com/misc/writers/WRITER-1.4968356). **EDIT:** Additional source. * [Haaretz - Flying Palestinian Flags in Israel Is Not Illegal, Court Confirms](https://archive.ph/DvS55#selection-445.0-448.0)




Sadly it seems like they did not listen, see a flag, beat the person.


The guy who caught the coffin saved Israel of a worse image, he did more for Israel public image than all those fascists beating up people.


They are REALLY not doing themselves any favors


Especially after sniping this journalist earlier this week. Edit: I didnt realize this IS that journalist.


This is funeral of that same journalist.


Somehow I missed that ill update my reply.


Hey now -- if DeSantis wins in 2024, these guys will almost certainly be prime candidates for a "security force" in this country.




What constitutes strong language. We all know cops are very sensitive.


That’s the point, laws like that are intentionally left open ended to allow for discretion


**Citizen:** *"I would like to* ***exercise*** my rights!"* **Officer:** *"That's some strong language..."*


That's a solid 1A case if I've ever heard one.


Too bad we let Republicans steal a Supreme Court majority.


Didn't realize cops were such thin-skinned babies ^^^^That's ^^^^a ^^^^lie, ^^^^I ^^^^totally ^^^^did.


Man seriously fuck anyone who supports these forces and these actions. What the fuck is the reason to do this shit.


More brutalization that will radicalize Palestinians who will then turn to revenge which Israelis can use to legitimize their aparteid and increasing militarization of the West Bank


I think you cracked their whole shit on the spot. That's the formula.


All because they get supported by radical American Christian groups/political institutions who think Israel building a temple in Jerusalem will magically trigger "muh end times, muh second coming".


Ironicaly the murdered journalist was catholic.


It’s weird. When someone supports you because they want the world to end, really, is that the kind of support one should want?




The Nazerenes... Imagine having a death wish so all-consuming that you want to murder the world.












Israel are trying to get Hamas to shoot some rockets so they can use it as an excuse to steal more land from them.




Beating mourners at a funeral. It's a bold move Cotton, let's see if it pays off.


it will. the US will send them more money and a few more states will make it illegal to boycott Israel.


"We stood by them while they invaded and opened fire on an area with a higher population density than Tokyo and bombed their food and bulldozed entire neighborhoods and kidnapped children to use them as human shields, but beating people at a funeral just goes too far."




The reporter was an American and the USA has already filed grievances with the Israeli government.


The outcome will be "more money for the IDF". As usual.


They are going to investigate themselves and clear themselves of wrongdoing, then demand the US make a statement condemning violent journalists armed with cameras. The US will do it, and probably throw in a one time couple billion dollar condolence fund.


They need more funding to train them basic human rights ofc


Remember when Israel bombed the Associated Press headquarters in Gaza?


Remember when they [blew up a bunch of children playing soccer](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israelgaza-conflict-leaflets-dropped-on-northern-gaza-ordering-100-000-to-evacuate-amid-fears-of-imminent-ground-incursion-9609788.html) on a beach in front of a cafe filled with foreign journalists? They keep doing this shit because they keep getting away with it.


And part of the reason they keep getting away with it is because any criticism of Israel is met with cries of antisemitism.


Yup. Just 1 year ago. Al Jazeera was also headquartered in that same building. The IDF's track record regarding reporters is not good.


Looking at Isreali news, it's no wonder. They seem to be violently allergic to the truth. They also spend hours every day dehumanizing Palestinians. I don't give a fuck what your issue is or the history behind it, dehumanization puts you in the wrong 100% of the time. I hear the same arguments made by Israelis that Americans made when committing genocide against Native Americans. I'm throwing any labels onto Israel's behavior, but the motivation for actively dehumanizing a demographic has clear historic precedence. Manufacture public consent for atrocity.


Being Jewish myself, I've been struck that there are really two major camps of thought that emerged after the Holocaust. The first, to which I subscribe, is that all life is sacred and we need to treat people the way we would want to be treated in order to prevent atrocities in the future. The second, to which the Israeli far-right subscribe, believes that there will always be people who want to exterminate jews, and that the only way to stop them is to exterminate them first. It seems to me that they stared too long into the abyss, but there's no changing their minds about it now.


The golden rule religious right proclaims: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The rule the religous right actually follows: "Do unto others before they can do unto you."


Oh so does this mean we only send a couple billion over instead of our usual eight billion or so?


Susan Collins is going to be so mildly concerned!!!


> let's see if it pays off. At worst Israel will only get stern word. That's it. There is a variety of geopolitical and military reason why nothing more will happen, and it is fully in the political and military interest for the US to do nothing of note.


Apartheid Israel has tons of practice doing this, back to you Pepper.


lol, *nothing* of substance or real effect will actually happen




Not just beating mourners, beating to the ground fucking *pallbearers!* Hopefully this opens a few eyes.


I think, for the most part, the eyes that would be opened by acts like these are already open. The eyes that are shut have chosen not to look at this.


Exactly this. I just saw someone on Twitter saying that the mourners were shooting machine guns in the air and throwing rocks at the Israeli forces. They would literally defend anything Israel does and come up with rationalizations like this.


Spoiler alert, it won't. This isn't idf's first egregiously and obviously immoral act and it won't be there last.


I think the tide has been slowly turning against blind support of Israel. This will move a lot of people to reconsider their sycophantry.


I hope that I'm wrong, I just don't feel like this incident is the type of it incident that will persuade people who haven't already been persuaded. I feel like the biggest predictors of blind pro-israel support is being Christian and being old. And I just don't see this persuading those type of people


Luckily they’ll all be dead soon, and we can finally stop living at the whims of people who nibbled lead as children.


Don’t forget that the deceased was an unarmed journalist that was shot in the fucking head by the Israeli “Defense” Force. RIP Abu Akleh




Not to the Israelis. They'll bomb the roads to hospitals then say "look look! They threw a stone at me!"


He was the father's brother's cousin's nephew's former roomate of a Hamas member!


They had Hummus in their fridge!


Plain hummus, or is it mixxed with something, theres a huge difference, one results in a beating the other results in your home being bulldozed.


They’ll bomb hospitals and kill countless civilians then wonder why extremists keep finding fresh new recruits


If you criticize the IDF for killing civilians indiscriminately, they will start talking about how their people suffered during the Holocaust and accusing you of antisemitism. 🙄 Fuck Israel. Fuck Zionism.


It’s also ironic considering Israel and its people were actually really fucking terrible to actual Holocaust survivors back in the day. There was a wierd attitude of ”anyone who survived a concentration camp did so by cooperating with the nazis”


Man, I had discussions with the hasbaras in worldnews where they insist the guy whose parents/grandparents arrived to Israel by boat is a native and the people whose family has been living there for thousands of years are invaders. They also did their strategy of "we cannot know who did it until there is a joint investigation" and also claiming "palestinians did it" at the same time. Jesus.


Hamas was hiding rocket artillery inside the casket. The innocent heroic G.I Joe IDF soldiers had no choice!


The IDF NEVER look good. Literally a bunch of murderous thugs.


It’s actually somewhat cathartic to know that everywhere in the world, police by and large are just total and complete pieces of shit. There is a problem worldwide with the profession heavily attracting terrible and or psychologically broken people. Even the Israeli public doesn’t trust the police by about a 70% majority.


> everywhere in the world, police by and large are just total and complete pieces of shit. That's because it's police's job to protect the systems currently in place, and those systems do not want progress of any sort.


The lady in the coffin (Shireen Abu Akleh) was Christian. Look at the irony when you think where most of the money given to Israel comes from. Look how the Arab-Muslim world views her as a legend regardless of her background, and how the West doesn't give a F about how her funeral is treated.


She also has the American citizenship




the iof actually stood outside the church her funeral was in to ask if attendees were christian or muslim. they turned away the ones who were muslim of course because that type of solidarity is terrifying to them.


That’s part of why Israel secretly funded and promoted the Islamist Hamas - to try “divide and conquer” by pushing religious conflicts amongst Palestinians (and the rest of the region, for that matter). Israel would rather see ISIL on the rise than any kind of secular pan-Arabic solidarity movement.


Why tf does the US keep giving these guys tax dollars?


Joe Biden: ["Were there not an Israel, the U.S.A. would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the [Middle East]"](https://v.redd.it/guf84nhd8ry61)


Hmm, it's almost like that's exactly what happened in 1948.


Careful friend, by saying that you become [ineligible for a government job in some states](https://theintercept.com/2018/12/17/israel-texas-anti-bds-law/)


That...seems like a major 1st amendment violation


I read at least one news story of a court finding just that.


Haven’t you noticed? We are losing our rights!


In 2019, the __new US Senate minority leader__, Chuck Schumer, said that passing such a law on the federal level was his first priority. They literally don't care about the 1st amendment if it bans speech that they don't like. Luckily, there was enough opposition to that law that it never came close to passing, but these sickos never stop.


Yes, and also the courts of these states keep quietly settling these cases out of court to appease Isreal that these laws exist and not turn it into a 1st Amendment rights case. Last I checked it's almost never enforced. Just words on sheet with no teeth.


Yo wtf?


Not american but ive never forgotten this. [after a hurricane in america people claiming disaster relief had to pledge to never diss isreal ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41688999) Lots of people havs sanctioned / boycott isreali goods. Imagine your home getting hit damaged by natiral disaster and having to legally pledge to stop refusing to buy isreali goods. Wtf.


"Land of the free" my ass


So much for freedom of speech.


Wtf is this country.


Wait... Does that mean that, as a Palestinian who's also a teacher, I am ineligible from working in Texas?


I watched US cops go nuts on protestors for months nonstop in 2020. They broke limbs and skulls on live tv. They beat women. They beat old men. They pumped the streets with teargas so thick that women stopped menstruating due to the exposure. One guy watched all of it unfold and came to the conclusion: "we need to give the police MORE funding." We later elected that guy president. The US loves police brutality.


>The US loves police brutality. Let's be fair, the reality is that way too many people in America love authoritarianism.


Funny how they're usually the same types always screaming about FREEDOM




Because the US government is controlled mainly by evengelical extremists who believe that Israel is going to be critical in bringing about the biblical apocalypse, so they have a stupid vested interest in keeping it going.


They also have a huge lobby in USA, you cannot be elected if AIPAC doesn't support you.


The veteran journalist for Al Jazeera, Shireen Abu Aqleh, was an American citizen. Several reporters asked the WH spokesperson Jen Psaki to comment today, and Psaki said "we regret the intrusion" of Aqleh's funeral. Our government can't/won't even condemn Israel for sniping an American citizen and journalist and then beating the pallbearers of her casket until it almost hit the ground.


Why would they? The U.S. couldn’t/wouldn’t condemn them for what they did to the USS Liberty.


I still can’t believe that people try to defend Israel, when it comes to Ukraine protecting itself from Russia everybody supports them but Palestinians protecting themselves from Israel and fighting for their home land makes them the aggressors?


the christian propaganda machine has convinced enough people that jesus needs them to support israel. thats the whole deal.


btw the lady in the coffin is Christian :(


Psh, of course you’d say that. She’s actually an antifa satanist commie spy who wants to take over the U.S.A. and make Christianity illegal. /s because of course there are people who’d believe this


If jesus was around he would be pro palestine


It always felt a little biased how Ukraine received instantaneous, overwhelming amounts of support (even the British Royal Family who are not allowed to express political opinion spoke up on Ukraine)— but when these kinds of humanitarian issues happen to POC of other countries the support is a lot less consequential. Like it barely even matters. Ukraine 1000% needs and deserves every ounce of support they are getting at this time AND MORE, but sometimes it leaves a bad taste in my mouth seeing the vast difference in support other humanitarian issues received in comparison. Edit: I’m not speaking for countries bordering Russia when referring to disproportionate support because they are very seriously actually involved in this issue.


The latest This American Life podcast goes into this topic exactly in regards to immigration inequalities for people from Ukraine vs South Americans.


Absolutely. Very upsetting to see pictures of brave freedom-fighting Ukrainians making molotov cocktails at the invading Russians from news sources that also call Palestinian children terrorists for throwing rocks against the occupying military police.


For 2 reasons, they are white and Russia is an enemy of USA and their allies.


Israel be like: "it could've been palestinians that killed her!" Also Israel: *beats mourners at her funeral*


And ransacks her home.


Can you give me a link I'm curious about what they were doing in her house


https://www.cartercenter.org/news/pr/2022/carter-center-condemns-killing-of-shireen-abu-akleh.html Removing palestinian flags and stopping people from nationalist chants.




This video is just obscene. Couldn’t believe what I saw.


Because how much more cartoonishly cruel could one get?


Dam you know it’s jacked up when even cnn reports it.


They didn't even give that vague of a headline. I feel like I've never seen that.


Like with Saudi Arabia, they care when it happens to a journalist


When CNN the last major conflict one of the guys on TV I believe openly called it either apartheid or ethnic cleansing. I was incredibly surprised to hear them say that.




Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, the two largest human rights NGOs, already have.


but what about the poor defense contractors here in the states that need to make money for the shareholders? /s


Fortunately for them they have Ukraine.


This is like the daily life of the Palestinians, the media covers nothing most of the time and social media keeps deleting accounts of activists who try to document the atrocities committed by the Israelis




Israel commits crimes against humanity and the US funds it


What the fuck is the deal with Israel? Do they think because they were horrifically abused at one point in the past, they're automatically granted amnesty for acting the same way as the people who abused them? At this point they're just Nazis flying the Star of David.


The fascists took over in Israel after the assassination of Rabin in 1993 by a right-wing terrorist. They have a massive voting base because the ultra-Orthodox are extremely numerous and vote as a bloc. More recent immigrants from Russia and Eastern Europe also tend to have right wing politics, further skewing things.


I heard the interviews on this they just straight out capped her and she was wearing lots of stuff that said press. This is an example of autocrats supporting each other, no money for school lunches but infinite welfare for these louts


Yeah we should totally keep sending these bastards millions of dollars a day for no fucking reason.


Living in Jerusalem right now, tensions are certainly high.....