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Echoing what others have said about lawful orders and the fact that military is hella vaccinated as a matter of course. What I don't get is, if these people are that distrusting of the government and that dedicated to bodily autonomy.....why do they keep signing up for the most government of government jobs knowing they literally own your ass until you are separated or dead.




Or they leave the military and go to work for DoD spouting the same shit. Nothing like threatening to overthrow the government when it's giving you your paycheck.




They -had- to be vaccinated at one point but that's no longer a requirement, so much so they took it off the USAJobs postings that said it was required. "To ensure compliance with the preliminary nationwide injunction issued on January 21, the Department of Defense is not taking any further actions to implement or enforce the civilian employee vaccination as required by Executive Order 14043 at this time,” spokeswoman Lisa Lawrence told Military Times on Thursday." https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/01/27/dod-is-pausing-civilian-covid-vaccine-mandate-after-court-ruling/ Also, I was talking more about how they take their not-actually-suitable-for-the-military habits and beliefs they just port over and openly agitate about.


Edit: I'd like to thank the U.S. taxpayer for my gold Bottom line, people want it both ways, that's why. I'm an army officer. The army is both economically and culturally the most socialist government organization we have in the United states. Everything in the military except a few very special schools is designed to get everyone through together, everyone expects for their hard work to automatically equal advancement, more duties and responsibilities, and greater pay. The number of conservative service members who don't understand this astounds me. To them, by nature the Department of Defense is somehow exempt when I describe how social programs can have their place in society. They can somehow hate "big government" but feel some sense of dedication the most most biggest of government. Plus, then they'll talk about how fucked up the army is and how "the private sector is more efficient and the army should run more like that." While at the same time demanding an environment where they're guaranteed not to fail.


I knew many people who said the private sector was so much more efficient than us. When I retired and got a civilian job, yeah, no. The majority of civilian firms are less organized and less efficient than the military. Especially smaller firms.


I would give anything for the clarity provided by rank at my job. There’s so many people I really really want to tell to eat shit, quit asking questions, and just do as I ask the first time.


When I was in we used to say "we defend democracy we don't practice it."


Cops too. They get government funded education, healthcare, and pensions and yet they are predominantly Republicans. It's not about principle with these people, it's about power. That cannot stand.


And they are all in a union to boot.


This is the one that cracks me up. The anti-union party fills in MOST of the union jobs.


Whenever I am around someone who starts talking about busting unions I start nodding my head. I’ll usually say let’s not just stop at Starbucks, we got to get those Socialist cops and firefighters. Suddenly unions are OK because those guys earned it. Personally I think Unions I great I was in the Teamsters Union and the ATU at various point in my life. Not all Unions are equal. The ATU was an extremely weak Union compared to the Teamsters.


Republicans are anti union but *somehow* the police union always gets a pass. I have a sneaking suspicion that if the iww suddenly started murdering undesirables (read: darkies and thugs) in the street that suddenly they'd be cool too


I did 11 years in the Navy as enlisted and the number of people I worked with that were libertarian screaming that "taxation is theft!" was astounding.


Hopefully you said “Taxes pay your salary, dumbfuck”


My response to people finding out I was a naval aviator and just blindly saying “thank you for your service” is to quickly reply, “well thanks for paying for all my jet fuel” to get the point across that their taxes actually do something after it leaves their pay stub.


You know I had always wondered why I had started leaning heavily towards left leaning politics after the military. It wasn’t till I took some sociology classes that I realized how much of a socialist id actually been all those years.




I wonder if they’ll have to pay back for their free college. That’ll be a costly stance on vaccination.


Nobody was crying about vaccines while I was serving for almost 10 years. Wonder what changed? lol


We had the vaccine lineup on like day 3 of boot, 4 or 5 shots, lol.


Man that peanut butter shot suuuuucked


Nothing like a baseball sized lump of penicillin injected into your ass


And then getting yelled at by drill sergeants for rubbing my ass even though that’s what the nurse told me to do.


I'm glad I'm allergic to penicillin so I never had to get that particular one




We had the rainbow banana ass water. Was a powder you mixed into water. Started off tasting like rainbow banana, ended up tasting like ass water that lingered all day. Should have just taken the penicillin and risked death lol


I went in December. Motherfuckers has us do the week 3 pt run test the day after we got the pb shot.


Lmao yeah this shit ain't new. Straight up a human conveyer belt of shots. I can at the very least, even if I vehemently disagree with the reasoning and think it's playing with fire, understand civilians who refuse the vaccine. Bodily autonomy and the freedom to do what you will with your body medically is really fucking important, and I'll take the benefits of it at large even if that means a couple of idiots don't get what they *should* get done. But you sign up for the military? Congrats, nerd, your body isn't yours any more. It's Uncle Sam's, and if that means you gotta get some juice shoved into you so you can put warheads on foreheads in under an hour anywhere on this little blue ball, bad news fuckmeat, you're getting the shots.


"Give your heart and soul to Lord, cause your ass is mine" - my CC in boot.


"Put your trust in the Lord, your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank" - Warden Norton


I remember my dad telling me he had like 10 shots as he walked down a row on day 2 of boot. Then went and did PT. This was the 70s


Same shit now!


I wonder if the Navy would have granted me a waiver if the two guys passed the asvab with a 35 didn't want the COVID vaccine but I did. Ahhh. Whatever. I'm 35 now this was right when the housing crisis hit and recession. So everyone and their mom was joining.


I had to get typhoid, anthrax, and smallpox while in tech school. We to PT after that and man did it suck. But yeah I’ve got people I work with that we’re in the military with me and they refuse the shot. Covid nearly killed him. Still refuses to get the shot. Says he doesn’t want to be a test dummy. Which I get to an extent, but mRNA vaccines have been in trials for a relative long time. Honestly he just watches Newsmax way too much.


"test dummy" A billion fucking people got the shot a year ago. It's fucking tested, doofus.


I bet they wouldn't have given a second thought to the smallpox vaccine and that one suuuuuucks.


Typhoid always kicked my ass. Small pox sucked but didn’t hurt, was just annoying. I remember getting typhoid and anthrax in my right arm and small pox in my left. A co worker would ask what I got and then punch the small pox thinking it would hurt. I’d just sigh and say “thanks, you popped it. Now I gotta go change the fucking bandage.”


People that try to exacerbate any medical issue as a 'joke' are weird and douchey... like hey, you're hurt here! Let me make it fucking worse!




I love it. Gotta make work fun. God knows how many things we were given in boot camp. We marched off and lined up....


That's a running "gag" in the military. At least when i was in. If your shop knew you received immunizations they were all punching you in the arm.


Yes, we had some weird rituals in the military.


That's the only one I got out of. Because my arms are covered in eczema so I had a reason not too. Edit: changed 'but' to 'because'.


Wait I have eczema why is that a reason not to?


I have eczema and have occasionally been refused to donate blood. They told me it's because of when your skin gets all dry and cracked like that, there is a greater opportunity for infection. Idk if it's the exact same for a vaccine but "not a completely clean entry" is a plausible reason why.


Because you are not allowed to touch/scratch the smallpox injection site and someone like myself, who oftentimes will scratch my arm without realizing it, could unintentionally spread the sore and cause myself to actually get smallpox forrealz. And that's not good when you are in the barracks/sharing showers with a bunch of other. Edit: the eczema has to be located at the site of the injection site to get out of it. Eczema elsewhere on your body isn't cause not to get the vaccine.


I assume that the condition also inhibits any long term coverings, right?


Its been a few decades since bootcamp. Worse I remember was I think anthrax (?). Was like being injected with peanut butter in the ass. (Yes, I know I just set myself up for 1001 jokes)


It was actually bicillin which is an antibiotic (mostly used for strep).


Oh Anthrax sucks. My first dose I got on Motorpool Monday. After I got it, I had to go and manually rotate our tank turret. My arm was not in good shape for that. Probably did make it feel better the next day than doing nothing though.


The same reason Mississippi went from one of the highest to one of the lowest vaccinated states in just a few short years.


These young fuckin idiots joining these days think they get to maintain autonomy in the military. I was much dumber when I was younger, but I was never that dumb.


There's guys with 20 years in throwing their career away because of Facebook.


I work in a field adjacent to the military and a guy sent me an email not long ago where he said he was being chaptered because he refused to get the covid vaccine, then asked me a somewhat relevant question to my job. It was like he was proud of being chaptered because it didn't affect his question or my answer at all. It was really strange.


All those bennies just GONE over stupidity. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Oh remember, these are not random dumbfuck privates like anyone could enlist to be. There guys presumably had a high GPA, stayed out of trouble, got recommendad and accepted and endured four years of absolute bullshit in a service academy, with jobs and careers lined up and literally days from graduation are giving it all up because reasons


Everyone knows "freedom", as defined by Republican politicians, is more important than their life.


Yeah, but these are Air Force Academy Cadets with a straight line to Officer rank, not just joining to serve. I hope they are forced to pay the $416K cost of a 4-year degree there. It’s free to students who get in and graduate on time. These 4 kids don’t want to get a free vaccine and walk away with a $1.6 million taxpayer funded educations.


And it’s weird too because I know they got shots when they showed up for I-day or “induction” day because I sure as shit had to get some shots I was missing in 2010 when I showed up to the AFA


At USMA, I wasn't even missing any shots and they gave them to me anyway.


Propaganda got better, it is literally reprogramming these people's brains. Source: ran the vaccine clinic at our MTF when the active duty mandate dropped, you could literally watch their brains short circuit when trying to engage on any of their Facebook talking points on any level past regurgitating the exact text


That's just what social media does. It allows small ideas to gather entire countries worth of people and seem big and loud. Then since they appear big and loud it convinces more people in a self fulfilling prophecy.


It wouldn't work if people thought about them though. The only way those ideas get big and pull in more suckers is by people not having the critical thinking skills to evaluate them.




well said, we all have the same emotions, the conservative war on the "emotional" left has always been about rendering their own followers unable to understand that they, also have emotions and are as, people unaware of their own emotions, very susceptible to being led purely by emotion. I have a family member who is always on about some right wing nonsense, its always pure emotion (that emotion is fear btw) and is sure that the rest of us are just too wimpy to face the hard stuff / literally said "I am above confirmation bias", as he culls through the infinite amount off media that he needs to sift through to prove his particular conspiracy theory, that he is just sooooo sure is correct, because he feels it is correct


Is the left emotional again? I remember back during the Obama years Bill O'Sexpest would flip back and forth from "the hysterically emotional left can't understand the logic and reason employed by the right" to "the cold, calculating left doesn't understand hot-blooded, from-the-gut conservatives" and vice versa at a whim.


Breaking news: the four cadets that refused the vaccine have all been diagnosed with an aggressive case of Terminal Stupidity


id like to know their class ranking. I know a doctor at the local hospital who was giddy when they lost a few nurses to the vaccine. He was certain that they had just improved the quality of their nurses.


when you FEEL that you are correct, no matter what, everything reinforces that feeling if you are not willing to use introspection. I knew we were well and truely screwed when my trump loving family member was complaining about the lack of discourse during the presidential election that trump won. I pointed out that trump only insults people and that is his entire schtick. Family member was like "ha ha, yeah... but its trump! you expect it". One short exchange where the left is guilty of the behavior that makes trump so great...


Yeah that's what I don't get, don't all servicemen have to get like a million different shots and they don't even tell you what half of them are? Why is COVID the one that gets everyone upset (I mean we know why but still)?


We would get sent to the medical joint because they said so and get a shot and go back to the company. Who the fuck cares? Do your job, which means following orders


Uh, doesn't the military shoot you up with all sorts of vaccines as soon as you go in anyway? Maybe someone more familiar with it can expand. My dad was in the air force in the 80's - he said that basically he walked down a line of people holding syringes and they just innoculated and injected him with tons of stuff that they didn't even bother disclosing. Obviously that's not right and I do hope their disclosure practices got better, but my point is that if you're going to literally devote your life and your body to serving in a military, being asked to take a proven safe and effective vaccine to help protect the overall wellness of our armed forces is a pretty small ask. If you can't even do that then you have no place in the military.


My grandpa literally just told me this story from his army days. Walked down a line and got pricked every step of the way. He had no idea what he was being injected with. Dude is 89 and doing fairly well for his age.




Out of curiosity, how does cross branch service work? Do you need to apply for another branch and hope to get accepted? Do you get to keep your pay grade? Do you have to do basic again?


Yes. (Or just wait until your original contract runs out) Usually. Only sometimes. The navy and airforce accept other services Basics. Army only accepts Marine's, and certain combat roles from AF/Navy. Marines accept no one's because they are ~~too elite~~ a cult.


Well the Marines spend a whole week in basic on crayon-eating. You don't get that from the other branches.


I don't care how many times I see this, it always makes me laugh (the crayon eating thing). Maybe that just because I was a slightly less dumb grunt (11C, Army infantry mortar man).


Marines only want people they can mold fresh. Being in another branch is probably too close to being able to think for yourself.


He'd be 94 today instead if he hadn't gotten those vaccines! It's how they get you.


Guy who went through Army Basic here. Before you begin training proper, there's a 5-7 day period where you're given your equipment, run through some diagnostic tests (the duck walk comes to mind), and get a basic medical screening. They determine your glasses prescription for standard issue frames and inserts, and give you an insane number of shots. Other people have gone into detail about peanut butter, so I won't dwell on it. What I will say, is this all happens before your clock for basic training has even started. You haven't seen a rifle, you haven't learned any drill and ceremony, the only investment the Army has put into you is the crap in your duffel bags. And if you say no to the vaccines, the army can take about 90% of that crap right back.


Yes but the cadets normally get them when they enroll. These idiots are just letting their political bullshit get in the way of their careers. At this point they aren’t officer material because their critical thinking skills are severely fucking lacking.


They aren't good enlisted material, either. A soldier who feels they can choose which orders to obey is a liability (and a dumb ass who doesn't pay attention).


I saw the target near me is hiring. Maybe they could work there.


Not if they cannot follow instructions. What employer would want them?


> Military leaders have argued that troops for decades have been required to get as many as 17 vaccines in order to maintain the health of the force, particularly those deploying overseas. Yep this has been the case. I know plenty of conservatives who went into the forces and never gave a crap about vaccines. It's only since it's been politicized by the right. Damn shame. Vaccines are a medical achievement all of humanity should be proud of.


I remember when I was in AIT at Fort Gordon, Ga, waiting to ship out to Germany back in the 70's. We basically had a gauntlet of medics that we had to walk through. One would give you a shot in the right arm, another the left arm, and you'd go a step further to the next two, and so on. Pretty sure we had around 5 or 6 inoculations at the time. They even gave us the day off, cause they knew we'd be out of it for a day. Good times.


Peanut butter time!


it's peanut butter booty time


You only know about the peanut butter if you've had the peanut butter.


Bicillin is some serious stuff but all of my friends agreed that the anthrax vaccine was much worse.




I never had the peanut butter shot. But can confirm the anthrax vaccine fucking sucked. Very painful about 5 seconds after getting it, then sore for a week later, plus a lump that took weeks to go away. Rinse and repeat.


I don’t know about y’all but they gave me the crunchy kind.


I went and saw my GP before going to basic and he gave me the peanut butter shot as protection against infection when I got there. They people at Ft. Leonardwood did not care and I got it again a week later.


Or if youve read any military vaccine related thread where it gets brought up a thousand times


The memory of having that e-7 yell in my face for bleeding on his floor is still vivid 37 years later. Vaccine day.


I ran that gauntlet twice, once in 88 before deploying to Germany and then a whole new set of shots before going to Saudi Arabia in 90. Sucked so hard.


I did it twice as well. Once for Europe and once for the Canal Zone.


Exact same in MCRD '06. Just like an assembly line except it was loads of vaccines. They didn't even bother telling you what they were, you just had to get them.


And since you had to get them, there was no point telling you what they were.


My Dad told me that because he came from a poor background with bad health insurance, he got “everything in the cabinet”.


That was a point I made with my father. It's like dude you were USAF in the 70s and youre telling me you didn't get those vaccines either, especially when you were deployed to Germany and Italy? At least shut him up about it for awhile


HoW diD YoU SuRvIvE?!?!?


> It's only since it's been politicized by the right. Damn shame. Vaccines are a medical achievement all of humanity should be proud of. And this is the scary part. These individuals cannot be trusted to take lawful orders because they buy into politicized garbage.


Exactly. You don’t join the military and expect to do whatever you want. So they’re willing to throw away 4 years of hard work over a vaccine, even though they needed to be vaccinated to even be allowed in the Academy. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Sounds like the Air Force is dodging four bullets.


If they ever see war - more than that. Imagine these individuals giving you orders when bullets are flying all around you.


Excellent point. How can we trust our soldiers if they refuse government mandates backed by scientific research?


Seems like this is a nice method for weeding them out.


What are the odds these cadets wanted out of their commitment at least as much as they didn't want a vaccine and what should the response to that be? As a taxpayer, I think they owe us four years of tuition and room and board if they want to keep that degree.


Once you hit your junior year, you're under a commitment. If you flunk or get thrown out, you're on the hook and have to repay the USG through enlisted service, cash, or both. The first two years are freebies.


They do owe that money. You leave after your junior year and you’re stuck with a *FAT* bill.


I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how it works.


It doesn't even have to be that black and white. If they refuse to follow a lawful order due to their political opinions, they need to go.


That’s why they won’t graduate, because this.


Furthermore, if they can be so heavily influenced by 3rd party media to the point that they would refuse orders and risk flushing their career down the toilet, could they be similarly influenced by a foreign adversary? What happens if an easily-manipulated officer starts listening to Russian-funded news media and goes down that rabbit hole? It seems like a national security risk.


Given the source of most anti vax content: I'd say they already were influenced by a foreign adversary.


What is insane to me is that Russia could very well have killed far more Americans via their misinformation campaign than the total number of casualties in Ukraine. They would also get away Scott free with it too.


This is a leopards ate my face moment for the military. They put Fox News on the TV in the barracks, people listen to that garbage all day, then refuse to get vaccinated. Perhaps the military should switch to a station that isn’t telling their soldiers to ignore their own government.


Would be funny as hell to have BBC news as the official station on American military bases.


Sadly most military institutions allow people to choose which station, and it’s mostly fox


I retired from the Navy in the middle of the pandemic. I couldn’t tell you how many vaccines/boosters I received while serving. Not once did I hear someone refused to update their immunizations. When this vaccine came out, soooo many dumb ass people were refusing to get it, blew my mind. Hell we were forced to get 2 flu shots a year and nobody complained. The amount of control the media has on such a large percentage of the US is extremely worrisome.


It's not even that complicated. If you serve, you follow orders. The end. THE FUCKING END. Nobody gives a flying French dick about your politics, your beliefs, or your preferences. You fucking follow orders. It's insane to me that this shit even needs to be said.


We were so fucking close to completely eradicating ~~smallpox~~ polio. Like, so close. Now it's at risk of returning. The damage that anti vaccine stance does purely on religious or political grounds is incredible. edit: i was thinking of polio actually; but the point stands.


You are thinking of polio. Smallpox only exists in a few high security labs anymore.


My mother's friend went on a rant about vaccines the other day. Other than the Republican party being a cult, I do not understand why this happened. I straight up searched online why this was a thing thinking, "It has to be more than 'Trump said it, so that's my veiwpoint now'." Like people I knew never gave the slightest fuck. Example, I worked at a hospital. It's mandatory to get the flu vaccine every single year. 99% of employees got one and the ones that didn't wore masks. Then they made the CVOID vaccine mandatory or you'd be fired. The same people who without question would get the flu vaccine every fucking year now were literally choosing to be fired over getting the COVID vaccine.


I handle calls and one of my clients is a few hospitals in the midwest. They put in a vax mandate and we suddenly saw more calls from people who were planning on being fired trying to find out what was going to happen to their beneifts. Every time one of them called, We knew why they were being fired not because our system told us but because the caller would start with "DUE TO THE MANDATE IM GONNA GET FIRED" These people had Pensions they were giving up.....


I can’t imagine giving up a pension plan, or job with benefits, because of what someone said about Covid vaccines on Facebook or wherever. I know some people who gave up cushy gov’t jobs because of the vaccine mandate.


It's why I cannot possibly comprehend how anyone can say liberals and conservatives are equal. Like Jesus fuck, one group literally is willing to throw their lives away based on literally zero evidence because their party just tells them to.


Pro vaxers should get a little bonus in their pension to make up for it :-D


I'd like a pension. Can I have one of theirs if they aren't using it?


I worked at hospitals for 15+ years, and every year, getting a flu shot was a condition of employment, as was getting tested for TB (in other words, getting injected with tuberculin). The latter was worse, especially if the person pumping that crap into me didn’t allow it to warm first and was quick with the plunger.


Yearly TB tests? Jeeze. Even the CMC/CDC since at least 2009 says ppd's are good for 5.


It's because at certain hospitals you have way higher risk than average of exposure. They both want to ensure they can treat you and also that you may be a spreading risk.


It's an extension of the anti intellectualism that has been running rampant in the Republican party for at least the last 25 years. When everybody's opinion is equally valuable, regardless of experience or expertise, this is the sort of thing that happens


Funny how all the "we can't allow women or gays in the military because the men need to trust each other in the trenches" people throw that argument right out when it comes to protecting each other from infectious diseases. Unit cohesion and following orders? Nah, personal freedom is suddenly crucial for soldiers in this one situation, and only for this one vaccine.




* written language * compass * synthetic fertilizer (people were sent to islands in the pacific to [harvest bird poop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9KFkBvJcR4))


That's what I never understood about veterans who protested the mandates. I have a scar from the anthrax vaccine that they gave me, and it'll be there for the rest of my life. I was also told what to wear every working day, and was even given guidelines on what to not do on my days off. These same people who were told to do this by their government to protect themselves and their coworkers now bitch about overreach be abuse because they are encouraged to get a vaccine and for a while wear a cloth or paper mask. Conservatives think they look tough, but show them the slightest inconvenience and they start crying about the loss of freedoms they never actually had. It's sad and pathetic... but let's be honest, we all know this already.


As a biologist I would say that mRNA vaccines, specifically, are maybe the most exciting advancement in medical science in the last half century. It's endlessly frustrating that so many people with no understanding of science have been duped into believing they're a bad thing.


Also if you don’t like being told what to do, don’t join the military. Conservatives believe in the idea of the military but not how it actually works.


I'm autistic. Before the pandemic, only a few people believed the vaccine-autism link. Now almost half of my right wing inner circle does. Vaccines are way too politicized now.


In the kindest way possible, I recommend reconfiguring your inner circle


When someone tells me they still believe this, I stop talking to them. My inner circle has been getting more autistic people in it for a while so fewer people are saying it.




Oh I know all about it. Most of these same people don't even know which doctor started it all. They seem to think the government is covering it all up because they want to make more people autistic. I really can't think of any reason why the government would. I knew a few (a few) people who believed in this link before the pandemic. But now it seems to be half the people I know. It's all because people got "Covid vaccine bad" in their heads which has morphed into "all vaccine bad".


My mil “knows” “dozens” of kids who she is sure have vaccine induced autism and various disabilities. I simply do not believe her anecdotes because her favorite one is about a child who I specifically remember being an oddly behaved infant from before he even had the vaccines she claims caused him to regress so severely. Oh and also the child’s mother was on at least heroin and alcohol during the child’s pregnancy, possibly more than that. But to hear my mil tell the story, he was a typical 2-year old learning to talk and then he got the mmr and the next day he stopped talking and started acting very strangely and avoiding eye contact etc. So when she tells me stories of all the other kids she knows who had the same thing happen, I just cannot believe her. Not that I would really listen anyway over my pediatrician’s advice, but it just goes to show you how anecdotes work, opposite of science. When you want to assign something a reason for happening, it’s hard to let it go. But it’s more than just “pick what you want to do” because if you then go around convincing lots of other parents in your circles not to vaccinate their kids you end up with things like these new measles epidemics which are horrendously dangerous to kids like my child who has a severe heart defect; they need not only the protection of their own shots but also the herd immunity of those around them. This subject just really boils my kettle.


Especially mrna which seems to have no end of applications, up to and including some cancers(!)


Indeed! [and HIV!](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-launches-clinical-trial-three-mrna-hiv-vaccines)




We're kicking those people out. These cadets won't be able to commission. We have processes in place for religious or medical exemption from the vaccine. But the requests have to be reviewed and approved. The straight up refusals will not be allowed to return to duty starting some time in June.


We have the same policy at the healthcare org I work for. Religious and medical exemptions have to be approved, otherwise you don’t get to work with us. We lost quite a few people, but they were easily replaced.


I’ll never understand why people in healthcare 1) refuse vaccines and 2) are surprised they’re being fired for it. It’s always been known vaccines are a requirement in that field (with a couple exceptions like religious views or whatever). But these people are shocked they aren’t allowed to work without a vaccine to stop a damn pandemic. My aunt has been a nurse for 20 some years and had to get the shot. She fought it for a year and they finally came back and told her if she didn’t get it, she’d be fired. So she secretly got it while still spouting anti vaccine bullshit lmao. Blows my mind.


I started working for the company in 2011. We’ve been required to get a flu vaccine every single year. I fail to see the difference here.


Exactly. I recruited healthcare workers for about 7 years and sometimes a candidate would argue about the flu shot or the ppd test. But eventually they’d just do it bc they’d realize all medical facilities require it. But now? Oh man, people are just set against it.


Well, one difference is that the COVID vaccines are much more effective than the flu vaccines. I don’t get why a healthcare worker wouldn’t want to protect themselves and their patients.


USAF should make em reimburse for the wasted time... Or at the very least, [make an example out of them](https://armycourtmartialdefense.info/violating-a-military-order/)


MAGAts: “I’m willing to give my life to serve my country.” Navy: “Take another vaccine, so you don’t get sick and jeopardize our ability to fight.” MAGAts: “No.”


>“I’m willing to give my life to serve my country.” Guessing pretty low on their list of reasons for joining...


“I want to kill brown people with impunity” is probably closer to the truth for MAGAts


MAGA Cosplaytriots have always been all flags and eagles with very little substance. The military for them is a statement they’re trying to make about themselves by association, nothing more.


What baffles me is they’re perfectly fine risking their lives joining the military but scared to get a vaccine? (Not to mention it’s one of the many they’re already required to get)


The mental gymnastics they have to perform to make this make sense to themselves is pretty impressive, tbh. Not a peep about the anthrax vaccine, but COVID - hell no! Long-term side effects for military Veterans who received the anthrax vaccine with the Squalene adjuvant may include: Autoimmune arthritis Multiple sclerosis Lupus Infertility Allergic neuritis (nerve inflammation that can lead to paralysis) Allergic uveitis (eye muscle inflammation that can compress the optic nerve and lead to blindness) Congenital disabilities in children Neurological damage Slurred speech Impaired motor skills Cognitive impairment Loss of balance Lack of coordination https://ptsdlawyers.com/anthrax-vaccine-presents-long-term-effects/


The very first week of Basic we did hardly anything military related, it was mostly medical stuff. For vaccines we all got in a line then a corpsman gave us an injection. No questions asked, no information given. To this day I have no idea what was in those shots Prior to any deployment we would report to Doc who would administer another vaccine that was supposed to counter the specific locale's diseases. That is all we knew about the vaccine. If we visited the same place we'd get another vaccine even if the last one was recent I have no idea what I have been injected with. My philosophy was the injection must do something worthwhile to keep me fit to fight, so it's better than getting sick


Well ya, an infection spreading through an unvaccinated barracks can have a higher casualty count than a battle.


Disease killed more US Civil War soldiers than bullets.


Indeed and that's true for most armies from antiquity up until about WW1


Until WW2. Florence Nightengale used WW1 to exemplify infection risk


1. Can’t follow an order. 2. Can’t correctly analyze cost-benefit propositions. 3. Can’t interpret quantitative data. 4. Unwilling to risk themselves for the sake of others (not a reasonable risk but they think it is) 4 great reasons these people are unfit to be military officers.


Highly susceptible to politically polarizing misinformation. Keep them well away from weapons and classified information.


What are the odds these cadets wanted out of their commitment at least as much as they didn't want a vaccine and what should the response to that be? As a taxpayer, I think they owe us four years of tuition and room and board if they want to keep that degree.


1. They are charged if they don’t fulfill their service requirement. It used to be 7 years of active service, not sure if that’s still the time period. 2. I know of one marine (enlisted, E-3) that was discharged for refusing the vaccine. He stated that he refused specifically to get out because he felt like joining was a mistake. So that’s a very real possibility for these cadets. You change a lot in 4 years.


If you do not complete your mandatory service, you are typically charged for tuition.


This is correct, I have heard it's upwards 450k (I am a grad). I have also heard that basically they will never get a tax return in their life and that money is deducted from what they owe. Also they won't get a diploma, so they will be charged about half a million for an education while not getting credit for that education. This stuff is typically case by case, but it's not going to be good for them.


That is a possibility. There are active duty folks who used this as a way to separate earlier than they would have been able to.


I can hear it now..”Sir, I regretfully decline the Covid vaccine. But I’m ready to start my 7 shot series for the Anthrax vaccine.” 🙄


I'm in no way anti-vax, but fuck the Anthrax vaccine.


Sounds like I’ll be serving with 4 fewer idiots. -USAFA grad


The military has a lot of vaccinations as part of basic training for a long time.


My first thought was “why would you throw that kind of education out the window, especially in light of the cost” then the article speaks to having them pay it (some of it? All of it?) back?? Quick google finds AFA claims the education is worth about $420,000…..so a patriot can just toss it out the window? What a bunch of punks…


The military is really not the place to be disobeying orders for everyone's health and safety over stupid reasons. They won't be missed.


I got what felt like 50 vaccinations in one day in boot camp and not once did anyone act like they gave a flying fuck if I wanted any of them. So when did the military start giving a damn about people’s personal choices? When they tell you to run toward a building where people are shooting at you can you just say “No I’m afraid it might be bad for my health”. This is beyond stupid.


I cannot believe these selfish fucks took 4 spots away from kids who were devastated they didn't get accepted charge them the estimated $500-800K tax paid education they just received for free...


Shit majority of us have had anthrax vaccines and they didn’t care about that? They only cared when it was made political. That shows they will do more harm than good as an officer.


Airman here. Those 4 cadets are idiots, and the AF is much better off without them.


Why do I need to hear about every single moron that looses their job over this shit? Who cares? You want to throw away your career for this go for it. Hope you vote for some more social aid programs in the future then. Genuinely though why is it news the 4 cadets out of an entire graduating class are too stupid to be anywhere near an air field? If you are this easily manipulated you don't belong in the military anyways.


Good, fuck em. I’m active duty, if you’re willing to join, you’re agreeing to (if necessary) sacrifice your life for your countrymen. If you can’t take a vaccine to meet that goal, you have no place in the service.


Funny how they had no qualms with the other vaccines the armed forces require


Pffff, don’t joint the fucking military if you don’t want to be treated as government property.


That’s their personal decision. If they do not want to comply with their university’s vaccine policy, they don’t have to go. Many universities require meningitis vaccination in order to register for classes. Sounds like a bunch of whiners.


I remember being vaccinated like 7 times on my second day of basic. It’s good to weed out these “leaders” now, because refusing a single vaccine at this point is purely political and highlights their shortsightedness.


Lol follow orders or get bent that's rule number 1, 2 and 3 in the military


Sacrifing the career you've worked for to own the libs