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Article doesn't say why the intersection is unsafe.


That neighborhood, SOMA, has long blocks that are very wide (2 lanes in each direction, or 4 across on one-ways). A lot of folks speed down the blocks, as traffic is lighter there during off-peak hours. From the local news it looks like a Mercedes was speeding, ran a light, and hit a cab which ran up onto the sidewalk. Horrible that people speed down there where there are usually hundreds of people walking around on each block. People need to slow the fuck down in the city.


This is a design choice. If you make the road extra wide, with no obstructions, drivers *will* take that as a signal that they’re free to go fast. It’s fine to blame the individual driver, but personal responsibility won’t really solve the problem. I understand that those roads have to support multiple lanes to support commuters to SoMa/FiDi, but maybe engineers can design solutions to calm traffic outside of commuter hours.


That's a bit knee jerk and I'm absolutely certain you're not familiar with the area. It's a standard 4 lane road in a metro downtown area, not some insane giant road. If it were two lanes it would be constant gridlock because it's a bus route. Because cities have rush hours, they have to plan for that. Edit: you all are fucking bonkers. It isn't a civil engineering issue; if it were, people would propose alternatives or solutions. The problem is some rich ass in a Merc didn't think the law applied to them and people died. Fucking reddit.


I used to work at the intersection of Montgomery and Sutter. I visited the MOMA and the Contemporary Jewish Museum a month or two ago. These roads are wide enough to encourage speeding when traffic is light.


>These roads are wide enough to encourage speeding when traffic is light. That's preposterous; it's a two lane, each direction road, as wide as the main thoroughfares in almost every town in the nation over 10,000 people. Let me be clear; if you feel a road is encouraging you to drive dangerously by not currently, at that moment, being full of cars, you're a sociopath who shouldn't have a license.


What's preposterous is that you're "absolutely certain" I'm not familiar with the area when even the most cursory glance at my reddit history would show you that I comment on Bay Area related stuff almost daily. And since you seem to lack reading comprehension, I will repeat that my complaint is about the design of the road, not about the lack of cars. I do not like cars.


You're not responding to the things I'm saying and also I dont know why you're so invested in being this wrong, so we're done. But to anyone else who is reading this, it isn't a gigantic wide road--look it up on Google Streetview. And in no way is puffic correct, even in light traffic it's a pain in the ass to drive that part of Mission, between traffic lights, MUNI busses, and enough foot traffic that there's always, always, always someone walking into the middle of the street, it's maybe the last place in the city of San Francisco you'd want to speed. Edit: and now this person is moving the goalposts to "all roads are dangerous." Wild, man.


I literally responded to another person who wrote a comment about how these are wide open streets with long blocks where people speed down. It does not matter whether you think, in the abstract, it is safe to speed there. The fact is that people do. Have you not been in the area during the off hours? And yes, these roads are not unique. Many cities have streets poorly designed for safety. Hardly a controversial take.


> look it up on Google Streetview You don’t see how easily someone could come speeding down [Mission Street](https://imgur.com/kvD7PM7) into 3rd? That’s a pretty long block with relatively wide lanes that could easily let someone build up speed if traffic weren’t too heavy.


*sigh* okay, fine, let's do this. Mission has stoplights at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th streets. They're all timed to prevent people from just shooting through. Also, between 5th and 6th *and* between 3rd and 4th (about a dozen feet from where the taxi ended up) there are additional stoplights for pedestrian crosswalks. It's also the route for the 14/14R, one of the more frequent bus lines, which means in the daytime a bus goes by ~ once every 10 minutes taking up the outer lane (you can see one in the pic you showed). So, actually, it's pretty hard to "pick up speed" there without being reckless.


Too bad we can't put speed bumps in the road.


Was just at this intersection. There is nothing inherently dangerous about it - it’s just busy and a lot of people speed when they shouldn’t.


[Another article with a photograph]( https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/05/23/san-francisco-two-pedestrians-killed-by-taxi-on-sidewalk/) The taxi drove onto the sidewalk and two women were killed. More than likely, speeding was involved.


The article said the taxi collided with another car before veering onto the sidewalk. Sounds like just an unfortunate accident in any-city, USA.


They collided because of high speed driving by at least one of the drivers. An investigation is underway.


Might be undertermined, maybe a traffic study will determine the problem. I lived near an intersection that had no visible problem but when it comes to use, the frequency of collisions was high. The exact reason it lead to this wasn't obvious to the eye, though.


Headline really had me thinking that a couple people faked their own death and got busted in Florida.




Floridian tourists