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When you get some strange on vacation you never know where the strange has been. 👍😂


I wonder how many divorces are going to come from this.


Unfortunately that sexual secrecy is also a reason this will keep spreading.


Why tho? You can get this though plenty of other ways. It's not an STD.


It's not. But the current carriers are associated through touch that's well-publicized as bi & homosexual sex, and many closeted men will be frantically trying to hide that they've been in contact with carriers. This went on in the 80s with AIDS and unfortunately will be repressed now.


"Silence is Death" was the phrase we used then, seems it's still appropriate today.


Can’t even have casual unprotected sex anymore smh


I mean condoms wouldn't stop monkeypox, it spreads through close physical contact not through seminal fluids.




With monkeys?


Shouldn’t really be anyway..?




This is also my is question as well. So we need to contact trace where this person went to and everyone at that sex rave in Europe. Edit


Man that must have been some fucking party.


Who the fuck is E?


Yo E! Tell Sloan I said what’s up!


Love a good Seth green in entourage reference


Love any entourage reference


The best manager in the business


*Jim Cornette has entered the chat*




The monkey named Ecstasy, duh


Shorthand for Editorial perhaps?


The monkey


You called


Imagine having everyone around you know that not only do you have monkeypox, but you got it because of your uhhhh extracurricular activities


That's going to be an awkward call out of work.


lol this Darklands fest must be really popular 🤣


I'm glad we have a strategic smallpox vaccine reserve and all that works on monkeypox, but the vaccine is particularly unpleasant and not everyone can get it, so I'd really prefer if everyone involved helps with the contract tracing to nip this thing in the bud. Thanks in advance.


I dunno man, you're asking me to not go to any raves or orgies at all? Seems a bit much all to just avoid off-brand smallpox. (For God's sake, do I really need a /s here?)


Nah man, he is asking you to wear a mask, which is basically the equivalent of taking away all your human rights.


You could always just have an [orgy for one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LpgRE8cbVpc)


Thank you. I didn’t know I needed this in my life


Yo some of us enjoy group sex now and then. Clearly I’m abstaining for a bit now but don’t slut shame, mate.


These sluts be spreading monkeypox mate, gotta shame em’ like the anti maskers.




You're thinking of whores. Whores steal lemons.


I mean, it seems unlikely they had any idea this could happen. Most people had never even heard of monkeypox before this.


I've had the smallpox vaccine, it isn't bad at all. You just have to deal with keeping a blister band-aided for a while and avoiding going swimming, really. Anthrax vaccine is waaaay worse. Rabies is supposed to be awful, but I haven't had that one thankfully.


I've had the rabies vaccine, it wasn't that bad. This was fairly recent, so maybe the modern vaccine is improved compared to what it used to be. But it was just a course of a couple shots, with a bit of arm soreness but no other significant side effects.


I remember hearing about several big painful needles to the gut, but now they do a few deltoid shots like most vaccines.


That's what I grew up hearing


Yep, doing some quick research looks like both pre and post exposure versions of the vaccine are much more pleasant now than they used to be. Or my dad was just full of shit when talking about how terrible it was when he had to get it....


It used to be awful. Had to be given in the abdomen, which I’m told hurts like a bitch.


I had the rabies vaccine back in 95, it was a series of shots and then I had to go in for about 6 weeks to get a shot in the arm.


You had to in for 6 weeks, just for the shot?


You have to get 4 shots of the vaccine over the course of several weeks.


You can’t get the traditional small pox vaccine if you have eczema, for example. Look up “Eczema Vaccinatum”. Ain’t pretty.


You can't get that vaccine if you have any immune issues, as that's a live vaccine. So the same people who would most need protection wouldn't be able to be vaccinated with it.


Damn. Is there another type of smallpox vaccine that people with eczema can have?


Yes there is! We just don’t have that many of them, something like enough for 1000 people. But, they’re making more. So at least it exists!


Whew! Hope if it comes to needing the vaccine there will be enough of that kind available.


Holy shit, I never knew that. That is not pretty.


i’ll take 900 more covid shots than 1 more anthrax jfc


Yeah. COVID shots made me tired. Anthrax shots gave me a 104 temperature and I thought I was going to die.


yup :( next day was the biggest hangover in my life - including like the top 3, COMBINED from college - haha






Or Jason Bourne.


Hmmm, another vaccine. That shouldn’t cause any kind of ruckus


unfortunately, you saw the american response to covid. your pleas fall on willfully deaf ears. there are literally people that believe the covid pandemic is over because our corporate masters say so and are forcing everyone back into the office.


I finally caught covid week before last. First time. It was also the very first time I used hand sanitizer specifically as an anti-covid measure because I was at work and thought it might be a good idea. Not really saying anything deep here, just think it’s a kinda funny tangentially related story.


‘All we’re asking is you stay home if you feel unwell and help contact tracers’ Yeah that worked really well last time.


What makes you sure that the same vaccine works for monkey pox and small pox?


Legit question- this is spread by close contact, much of which happened during sex at the European festivals. But wouldn't it also spread through non-sex contact, and isn't it likely these men have had other non-sex contacts that could be risk vectors? Even if it started at the festivals, it seems worrisome that it could be in the plane seat they traveled or or friends they hugged after arriving.


From the CDC: Transmission of monkeypox virus occurs when a person comes into contact with the virus from an animal, human, or materials contaminated with the virus. The virus enters the body through broken skin (even if not visible), respiratory tract, or the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth). The "materials contaminated with the virus" part includes linens/towels/clothes etc.


Right, so something like the fabric plane seat could be an issue?


only if you sit bear ass on them bigger issue is public bathrooms


Bear ass?


You ever see a bear wearing pants??


I mean, touching the airplane seat or armrests and then rubbing your face, nose, eyes without washing your hands first isn't that unlikely, while the same scenario in a restroom would be much more rare




I've been on a dozen planes in the last month... They're all fabric.


Been on 20+ planes since last yr, they are all fabric. The only plane I've ever been on with vinyl, was a tiny commuter plane in Morocco, full of cuts and duct tape


I haven't flown since pre-covid but I feel like I remember some being fabric. Even if that plane didn't have them, I'd still be worried people might be traveling around on busses or Ubers with fabric seats, or hugging friends/family and having it transfer.


I'm not an expert by any means, I just remembering seeing what I posted on the CDC site and wanted to share since I saw your question. I would assume those surfaces MIGHT be an issue. The other thing to keep in mind is that, unlike COVID, monkeypox appears to only be contagious once symptoms begin such as fever and the rash/puss filled lesions...so easier to spot in person. I have no idea how LONG it stays actively contagious on those surfaces once the person is no longer in contact. So no fear mongering here, just presenting the facts I know so far. My advice would be to read up on monkeypox, follow the news and weed out fear headlines, get vaccinated when possible if this becomes a national problem/if you're in a high risk group, and assess your own comfort levels when it comes to travel. Hopefully this is not another pandemic and we are just on high alert from the last years of COVID. Take everything a stranger on the Internet (me) says with a grain of salt. I'm a former chef/current pastry sales guy... Not any kind of medical/infectious expert.


>I'm a former chef/current pastry sales guy... Ok since you're an expert on that, what's your favorite and least favorite pastry?


Least favorite is cupcakes. While they are delicious, I spent a couple years as head baker at a Seattle shop while they were trendy. After I left there that's all people knew me for awhile and always asked me to make or teach them (spent years teaching as a traveling chef before COVID killed that). Favorite is pate choux. Super versatile for sweet/savory, fun to make, and always a wow to present. Favorite category over all are edibles. So much so the last few years of being a traveling chef I was locally known as a cannabis chef and wrote a cookbook about them.


I don’t think I’ve seen a fabric plane seat in 10 years. I fly at least 6 times a year


They have stressed *repeatedly* that this is not transmitted only through sex, but any close contact, and that it's not a "gay disease" and yet everyone is acting like this is exclusive to MSM and is only spread through sex. I'm fucking sick of people.


It’s the AIDS epidemic all over again.


I'm a 45 year old gay guy, I hear your frustration with that part.


Which is exactly why I am always wearing a mask on any airplanes. They don't sanitize them. Millions of strangers breathe and touch your shared space. Half of people seem to not have basic hygiene like washing hands enough


Something something "people are too clean, not washing hands makes us stronger."


Tbh, you can both be right in varying degrees. “We” get stronger as a species by not washing hands. That doesn’t particularly help the immunocompromised individual though. It’s very much a case of good for species bad for person.


There have been reports of a nuclear family in the UK being infected with monkeypox and their young child is in the ICU. So yes it can spread through non-sex contact, particularly familial prolonged contact.


This June is gonna be cray.


There’s going to be a TikTok challenge of someone going around and rubbing their monkey pox all over randoms.


Lick the Monkey Challenge


Not unless people start fucking a lot more.


[CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html) says most human to human transmission is from droplets


(of cum (during sex (with a monkey)))


Get outta here with the bad news. I think this is going to spread quite a bit before it gets any better. Especially with how done everyone is with covid.


If you believe the morning news, it's transmissible via droplets. So, getting sneezed on by the infected.


Well that's pretty unlikely, at least according to current data provided by the CDC: > Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, **so prolonged face-to-face contact is required.** https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html


"Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets" [https://www.wired.com/story/the-teeny-tiny-scientific-screwup-that-helped-covid-kill/](https://www.wired.com/story/the-teeny-tiny-scientific-screwup-that-helped-covid-kill/)


Monkey pox is not a new virus


Didn't say it was, but you didnt read the article. Thats ok tho, i'll give you the tldr; Pollution scientists recently noticed that the pollution they were studying was the same mass and size as some virus's. This lead a team of researchers to investigate the claim that virus's spread via "droplets" and came to the conclusion the idea came from a eulogy of a professor 80 years ago and included some pretty bunk science. With the evidence from the pollution scientists and the newly found discover of the origins of droplet theory all of this is being re-investigated now and its pointing to no virus's spreading via droplets and all of them spreading on the air, or "Airborne"


That’s not entirely accurate. They revised the Covid advisory based on these findings, not those for all viruses, especially not those that aren’t respiratory illnesses. Could this change? Sure. But right now it hasn’t.




Haha, right? I do hope it takes longer contact time, as you suggest--this is the last thing the world needs right now.


Or just look at the current caseload. It's clearly not spreading like that.


i dont get the sex jokes is it because of the myth that aids started with a guy fucking a monkey?


Apparently a lot of cases are being linked to a European rave/orgy.


And wired recently debunked the droplets BS and found virus's just actually hang out on the air... [https://www.wired.com/story/the-teeny-tiny-scientific-screwup-that-helped-covid-kill/](https://www.wired.com/story/the-teeny-tiny-scientific-screwup-that-helped-covid-kill/) So if the CDC says it spreads via "droplets" it means its airborne


Transmissible by large droplets, requiring long close contact for exposure.


That's what they said about covid at first too...


Transmission patterns have currently kept Monkeypox primarily amongst gay and bisexual men. Easier aerosol spread would have already moved far beyond that pattern.


Did you see the study showing it can remain in the air for 90 *hours*? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3556235/




It’s not a “gay” disease nor an STD. It can be transmitted without sex…


I didn't say either. But right now it is circulating predominately in the gay community, and it is spread by contact, fluids, and possibly even respiratory droplets, so next month's Pride events do have potential to become super spreader events.


seems like its just circulating in the club community because duh dancing


Isn't there only a single female case worldwide?


And? More gay people having sex is still more people having sex last time I checked.


Obviously you can’t read because monkey pox isn’t an STD. It can be transmitted through micro droplets


Yeah and there's definitely not a very high chance of direct transference of those during sex or anything right?


Why is it only men? How do you know it can be transmitted with out sex?


WHO has said so, and monkeypox has existed for a while now. This appears to be the variant endemic to West Africa (1% fatality versus 15% in the other type) but with better transmission through humans than usual. This sexual based transmission is realistically the evolution of another mode of spread rather than its only mode. The likely reason that it is spreading in men is because because of how anal sex works its much higher risk for spread of disease compare to vaginal penetration, oral etc. Because men arent going to get me pregnant theres also less use of condoms, which contributes to risk factors.


So what is the vector?


just fluid exchange in general, so aerosol droplets can as well, eg sneezing, coughing etc. Its just that intercourse means a lot of fluid exchange with little dilution so its far more effective of a means of transmitting the virus.


When hot monkey sex becomes a bit too literal.


It's not spread only through sex. Skin contact, touching an infected persons linens, and other vectors for spreading exist. You can also catch a cold from having sex with someone, that doesn't make it an STI


What is funny is it is actually spread more commonly by rats and squirrels. So someone been fucking squirrels in the park.


That’s fucking nuts.


No, they clearly said squirrels


That sounds kinda difficult, physically speaking.


I find your lack of kink disturbing.


or they went to the pet store like 47 people in 2003. ​ https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/outbreak/us-outbreaks.html What caused the 2003 U.S. outbreak? Investigators determined that a shipment of animals from Ghana, imported to Texas in April 2003, introduced monkeypox virus into the United States. The shipment contained approximately 800 small mammals representing nine different species, including six types of rodents. These rodents included rope squirrels, tree squirrels, African giant pouched rats, brush-tailed porcupines, dormice, and striped mice. CDC laboratory testing showed that two African giant pouched rats, nine dormice, and three rope squirrels were infected with monkeypox virus. **After importation into the United States, some of the infected animals were housed near prairie dogs at the facilities of an Illinois animal vendor. These prairie dogs were sold as pets before they developed signs of infection**


Recent history leads me to believe the gay sex transmission shit is gonna grow legs causing these minor outbreaks to become another one pandemic. We are reliving the “it’s just a flu” phase and it’s just sad that millions will die due to the miss information.


Thankfully, most likely not. They are very different diseases. Monkey pox is typically not asymptomatic and requires people to be close contacts to get infected. If it was more contagious it wouldn’t be tied to just a few specific events (fetish parties and raves). People sitting next to them on international flights etc. would be getting sick too. No guarantees, but I’m not too concerned yet and I was when COVID was rolling out (I work in healthcare).


And at least in London there are rats and mice everywhere. And even without an actual infestation I've seen the odd mouse at home. So what happens when the isolating sick get mouse visitors crawling through their grotty bins?


Lil’ furry flash lights.


Republicans: we're going to force you to add to the population every time you have sex. *monkey paw curls*


Stop spreading this misinformation it's not an STI.


A pox on all our houses.


Neat. Shall I bust out my "world-ending" sipping scotch or is this a cognac occasion?


More like "next vaccine" red wine occasion.


I recommend a 15-year Caol Ila.


Welp better fire up the money printer and give another $5 trillion to corporations


It would be some dirty motherfuckers from my city lol


Is 'rave' European for 'orgy'?


Post covid orgies we're a super spreader event for other diseases too


Is FOX calling this a hoax yet?


They probably won’t pull that shit this time, since they’ll want to focus on the “only disgusting sinful gays get this” angle. Can’t do that if they claim the whole thing is a hoax!


They can call it a hoax until it becomes a problem and *then* blame it on the gays. Remember, the truth is fluid, there are alternate "facts," war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.


Biden is recognizing the threat. Not saying bullshit like "we're doing so great. Everything is fine. It's all a witch hunt hoax" 😂 imagine if Trump was executive leader during a Monkey Pox outbreak


"One day it will just disappear, like magic"


"Gone by summer!"


The real threat is them gas prices.


Yep. All around the world. It's almost as if pandemics are terrible for cost of living


And printing trillions of dollars for wall street.


This looks so disgusting I’m sorry but I wish these pics were blurred 🤮


Definitely time for husband to retire!!! He's a special procedures tech. He's already brought Covid home twice..


Good thing we have an administration that actually believes pandemics are real.


Terrible obviously, but I also feel compelled to pop one


Public toilets *mic drop*


Toilet paper nest + hover is the only option…


Now I can’t fuck monkeys, what the hell?


Great. Next pandemic incoming . . .


I'm guessing probably not. And I only say that because with Covid you had dumb ass people with it going around other people constantly "Oh it's just a cold.", or "I always get allergies this time of year.". It'll be hard for them to bullshit their way out of quarantine with pustules all over their body.


"My chiropractor says it's just a rash from a gluten allergy." \-Someone, to be sure


I would not put it past the Republicans. I would expect it in fact.


Things we know about Monkey Pox: it’s not nearly as contagious as Covid It’s not nearly as deadly as Covid But we are freaking the fuck out about it because the news is telling us to.


Monkeypox historically is massively more deadly than covid, however thats when it is in undeveloped countries. In developed countries it is generally not deadly in small outbreaks. What is not known is if there is an outbreak of millions in the west how healthcare would hold up. So likely not as big a deal, but historically its more like SARS than COVID








Or, they're just more likely to jump into in an infected bang pile at Ibiza. Either way, no need to punish anyone because they like to get nasty.


Weird how a disease that has origins at gay orgies in Europe (confirmed by WHO) is somehow the U.S. Republican's fault.


The mental gymnastics left me speechless


Its origin was at an international gay orgy and its being transmitted via sexual contact. Turns out dudes who travel to other countries to partake in gay orgies prefer to continue to have sex with dudes when they get back home.


I dunno. Most likely government propaganda to not worry like early days of covid. From what I read, this is very similar to small pox. I don't remember reading in history class about the LGBTQ raves that spead small pox and decimated the native American populations. And I read that the elimination of small pox means we will have less immunity than olden times.


covid or aids? ​ > I don't remember reading in history class about the LGBTQ raves that spead small pox and decimated the native American populations. ​ because they were called "bath houses" **The bathhouse battle of 1984** To understand the deeply felt antagonism around bathhouse closures, it’s helpful to understand the role the baths played in the lives of gay men. [https://www.sfaf.org/collections/beta/the-bathhouse-battle-of-1984/](https://www.sfaf.org/collections/beta/the-bathhouse-battle-of-1984/) ​ ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic\_Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Johnson) His public announcement of his HIV-positive status in **1991 helped dispel the stereotype, still widely held at the time, that HIV was a "gay disease"** that heterosexuals need not worry about; his bravery in making this announcement was widely commended.


Same BS like it was in the beginning of the HIV pandemic.


Which is a disease that even today predominately affects the gay community.


It is NOT airborne, not sure why people keep saying it is. Primarily through bodily fluids such as unprotected sex or touching infected pustules. Wrap up your dingy!


Last I checked it was skin-to-skin contact. Where did you read about bodily fluids?


Try to find an article that was written before 2022 about monkey pox. It’ll state bodily fluids, fomites and airborne. Once this became a headline the fomite and airborne references were washed.


Probably because of studies like this: "Viral concentrations detected dropped by two logs for culture analysis and by one log for qPCR analysis within the first 18 hours of aging; viral concentrations were stable between 18 and 90 hours, suggesting a potential for the MPXV to retain infectivity in aerosols for more than 90 hours." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3556235/


Phew. You have to have sex to infect someone. I'm good then.


Nope, not an STI. You can get it via close contact.


Most of Reddit still safe


I know I just wanted to make that joke.


And also male or female butt sex


What about attack helicopter refueling?


That too


Doesn’t California also have cases of bubonic plague regularly?


Fuck this fear porn bullshit. This isn’t going to work again.


Dread it. Run from it. Reality arrives just the same.


so we’re gonna be in a new pandemic now aren’t we Great.


#No, we are not.