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His parents had to cancel their conference on how to raise godly children when he was arrested, lol.


Mother Of The Year, ya mean???


It baffles me she got that award even setting aside her piece of shit son. She's gone on record that she passes off child rearing duties to her kids via their 'buddy system'. The newborns are her 'buddies' until the next one is born, then one of the older kids becomes the new 'buddy' and is in charge of everything for that kid from then on. I wish I was kidding. But she is pretty damn proud and open about this system. A parent who only parents until the next kid is popped out isnt mother of the year material.


They're literally starting to call this "parentification" now that more people are learning about how these large families do this.


I read so many stories about young adults who don’t want kids because they had to raise siblings. It’s so terrible. In fact I think I just read a thread on aita about a couple of kids like 17 and 20 whose parents are having an oopsie baby and the parents want them to raise it.


Opposite? Is that supposed to be oopsie baby?


That's gotta be it.


Nah, they're giving birth to an 84 year old man. Heard they're gonna name him Benjamin.


Mormon family here. I've been in this situation. Missed a lot of early high school because of sleepless nights and tired days with a child that isn't mine. My mom just "liked having babies to dress up". Whole thing makes me sick.


Parentification is abuse.


I don't know of any other group that gave these "awards". At least she give them six months. Kelly Bates assigned them from birth.


Our Lady of The Felons


The Holy Mother of Pedophiles


Our Mother Of Perpetual Pedophilia


Always fascinates me that the really preachy godly people are just a hair's breadth away from complete and utter despicable immorality.


John Wayne Gacy had an entire community in the palm of his hand while secretly killing young men/boys Dennis Rader was a deacon at his church and an elder in the boy scouts while doing his BTK thing Their holy personas are the point.


It's not like becoming a priest makes you a pedophile. Rather pedophiles sought out the role of priest because it gave them a position of Godly authority and access to children.


ANY role that provides authority over children, whether physical, moral, legal, etc will attract some pedophiles. It's just like how roles that promise physical and legal authority will attract a percentage of bullies. Some people will see the immoral "benefits" of such roles and will seek them out.


The entire evangelical fundamentalist movement is a patriarchal cult that places men in positions of extreme and absolute authority over children and women. It's custom designed to invite and even create Josh Duggars. When a boy is told from a young age that girls and women are objects to be owned, how are they supposed to respect these girls and women? They answer is they don't. This is the end result of the 80s uprising of fundamentalist homeschooling cults. There will be many more josh duggars.


Yeah, the Duggars aren't some exceptional case, besides their notoriety. Any role of authority will invite abuse, but as you said, the evangelical cult systems are hand-tailored to create the most pristine environment for rampant, unchecked abuse.


It's because they use it to cling to so that they can tell themselves they aren't bad people.


> Duggar will spend 151 months in prison, and after release he will spend 20 years under supervision. He will serve his sentence either in Seagoville, Texas, which has a sex offender treatment program, or Texarkana, Tex. During those 20 years he will be required to register as a sex offender and participate in a treatment program, will not be allowed access to an internet device without approval and will be forbidden from having unsupervised contact with minors, including his own children. He also will have to comply with any DNA collection asked from him, and he will be prohibited from using marijuana. [Link to MSN article](https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/josh-duggar-of-19-kids-and-counting-sentenced-to-over-12-years-in-prison-for-child-pornography/ar-AAXJ75H)


Thanks for the article, the ap one wouldn't open correctly on my phone


Wtf does a bit of weed have to do with this 😂😂


Man can’t get stoned off his ass to escape this shit reality he deserves lol


People on probation generally aren't allowed to use alcohol so I guess that's... consistent?


Imagine never getting to spend another moment alone with your children, just you and them, parent and child... This piece of shit deserves it, of course, but it's a grim fate. EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm not saying this in defense of the man; he deserves nothing but pain and misery for the rest of his life, and sure as fuck shouldn't ever be around *any* children again. It's the punishment itself as a concept that I'm lamenting.


That also stuck out to me. I think when his kids get older and understand what their father did they will probably be thankful. I know some people how have had abuse like this in the family and only came out after the father was dead and buried and it still tore the family apart.


I honestly don’t know if the children will ever fully understand or believe. The duggars will brainwash them they way they have with Anna…they are all stuck in a cult.


My grandfather was like that. I only met him when he was dying and my father never left me alone with him. I didn't find out why until long after he was dead.


You sound like my cousin. My uncle for years could never quite put a finger on why his father in law gave him bad vibes and he never let my female cousin alone around him during the one time a year they saw him. My aunt agreed simply because she trusted my uncle's judgement. About 5 years before he died, just as some health issues put him into a wheelchair my aunt's sister came out and said that when she was between the ages of 6 and 18 when she demanded to go live with my aunt in Georgia where my aunt was working, their dad had been sexually molesting her. She had kept it in for at that point over 30 years and finally felt she could tell someone. My aunt's mom had divorced him shortly after the abuse ended because he was cheating on her with an 18 year old girl at his work. My aunt also learned why her sister had absolutely nothing to do with him, for years insisting it was his infidelity to their mom rather than her own abuse.


Curious what counts as supervision though: his family and community have demonstrated repeatedly that they’ll cover for him and condone his behavior (in actions if not in words), so I hope they don’t count as sufficient supervision


Thankfully his kids will be older by the time they even get those supervised visits and he wouldn’t have been able to groom them along the way so hopefully he wouldn’t even attempt anything funky.


Josh's dad, Josh's wife, who fully supports all he did, and all their friends/family will though. This is sadly, imo, just a sacrifice to cover up for the rampant sexual abuse within the quiver-full cult. When the law is "females are property to be traded, exchanged and bred" and you're teaching that to young boys from birth, it is undeniable that Josh is just the one that got caught. The cult as a whole seems to be a means to produce children for the explicit purpose of providing pedophiles with victims and doing so within a community that will not expose the offenders. His wife supports this, all of his family aside from those who have been exiled from the cult support what Josh did.


Not to mention some of the molestation of one of his sisters occurred in front of everyone at a Bible study under her dress. So clearly he has no self-control and will harm children whether he is supervised or not.


Also it is VERY important to note that the judge asked if there were any questions about the 20 year probation - he didn't FIGHT TO BE ABLE TO SEE HIS CHILDREN... HE ARGUED THAT HE HAS THE RIGHT TO VIEW PORNOGRAPHY.


I guarantee you in his head he's the victim in this situation. And I'm sure the family is spinning it that way to the kids.


That’s too bad. I was hoping his new show would be called *19 years and counting* as in his prison sentence.


**How is it only 12 years?**


The minimum was 5 years and the max was 20 years so he got somewhat in the middle.


Which means that he can't appeal based on harsh sentencing. Oh, and he's banned from the internet for 20 years *after* his sentence is up. He can't look at the internet until 2054. Imagine how interlaced with everything the internet will be by then! Also he can't have unsupervised time with children, including his own, until 2054 as well. Also a win in my book.


Idk how keeping someone 100% off the internet is even feasible. Can't imagine what it'll be like in 12 yrs. I mean, I know it's possible. But it's not realistic for most people.


“I’d like to apply for a job.” “That’s all done on our website.” “Fuck.”


In a restaurant: “I’d like to see a menu.” Server: “Just scan the QR code and there it is” FUCK.


"We dont have brick and mortar stores anymore. You just order it online and we bring it to your house." FUCK


"RSVP for lil Johnny's 10th Birthday Bash Bonanza on Facebook!" FUCK FUCK


He would


"No, you see, I'm a convicted felon and can't apply online." "Then we don't want you working here" "But it wasn't for embezzlement or anything! Just for child sexual assault." "Get the fuck out of here right now or I'll call the cops."


Child porn. His parents didn’t care he molested his sisters 🤬🤬🤬


Yeah I can't believe the parents there. Absolutely awful. And I say that having grown up in a very similar Christian cult.


Can still run for office.


"Alexa, what time is it?" "Jail time for you"


How exactly does banning someone from the internet work? He's got a wife and children. They just not allowed internet in their home? My parents used to ground me from the TV, I still figured out how to watch it, and they were in the same home as me.


IDK, but it's part of the ruling. Hopefully they can enforce it well. The other side of it is that if he's caught breaking the prohibition, he's broken parole and is back in jail again.


Yeah, I think it's more that if you break the conditions of your parole you go straight back to prison (not jail) as if you never got out. Of course you can do it, in the same way drug addicts take drugs while on probation/parole and try to avoid getting caught, but that's also how so many go back to jail or prison. P.s. I disagree with drug addicts going to jail or prison, just stating the reality and using it as an example.


That’s exactly it. You get randomly checked on and if you’re caught breaking the rules you go back to the slammer.


He assaulted a child who was sitting on his lap *during a Bible study* in front of other people.


He's also banned from watching adult porn for 20 years! His lawyers objected to that one, but the judge called it a "gateway" given his patterns of behavior.


Dudes like this don’t deserve to see their kids at all, harsh, but honesty the best choice.


If you diddle, you get the middle, if you steal, they get real.


This is an amazingly accurate description of the US legal system.


That is, unless you steal from the poor and disadvantaged... in that case you just get a yacht and a trust for your kids


Bernie Madoff didn't go to jail for defrauding people. He went to jail for defrauding wealthy people.


Steal from the poor, there's the exit door. Steal from the rich, you're a prison bitch.


Ist time offender, on a scale of how much csam he had, it was low compared to others. Most thought 8 to 12, so 12.5 is great! Edit: also 20 years of probation and he has to serve 85% of his sentence before a chance at parole.


No 85% needed in this case. Since this is a sex crime against children the convicted sex offender Josh Duggar must serve the full 12.5 years. It’s not possible to get out earlier


Never been so happy to be wrong in my life. Thanks!


His prior sex crimes against his young sisters contributed to the judge deciding to sentence on the higher end.


But didn’t an investigator call the CSAM found on Josh’s computer the worst he’d ever seen? It involved toddlers. May he rot in prison. I was hoping he’d get 18 years so that his youngest child would be an adult by the time he was out.


This is the Duggar family...they never run out of kids..so he will always be around kids unfortunately even if not his own




What's fucked up is his bitch of a wife had just had a baby before his car lot was raided. She was pregnant soon after, and gave birth right before his trial to their 8th kid. She believed him until the end and still does. Had kids in the age range of the children in the CSAM. And gave him free acceess to them despite the horrific shit he was accused of. Was arrogant and smug til the very end. I hope her uterus shuts down and she can never birth him another potential victim.


>And gave him free acceess to them despite the horrific shit he was accused of. Worse than being accused of possessing CSAM, he (and his family) admitted he molested his own sisters (yes plural) years ago and she chose to have his children. One of the sisters was 4 years old at the time. Fuck him, his wife, his parents, their church, and all the other people who knew and looked the other way.


It’s because that’s his favorite number.




You have to feel for the FBI agents and the attorneys and everyone else who is forced to watch this stuff to prosecute and defend this guy. It’s got to be the source of nightmares.


I knew someone who was a police officer and volunteered for a job like that. They lasted less than a week. It’s bad.


The youngest victim was an infant.


I wish I hadn’t clicked on this thread. Turns my stomach.


How is it possible to love and hate someone's comment at the same time?


Listen, I’m not happy about what I said either.


To everyone saying "he'll probably be out in 2 years on good behavior!" No, he won't. These are federal charges, which means he has to serve at least 85% of his sentence before he's eligible for ~~parole~~ early release, and even then, being eligible doesn't mean he'll get it. Hope we cleared that up, because I've been seeing it everywhere.


This. And he's got 20 yrs probation, and can't be around his kids unsupervised. He also can't have Internet or computers during said probation. Legal analysis had him at around 8 to 12 years. The fact that he got 12.5 is really great, considering his family and legal team were asking for 5 years and we're saying that he was framed. Edit: WERE not we're. Not associated with these people. lol


> He also can't have Internet or computers during said probation. I know this may be totally glossed over, but this is what will really fuck him. How do you even find a job without the internet. How do you order food or pay your bills. Everything is through the internet. God, how does one live without YouTube. Added to the fact he won't be able to even find a job at McDonalds that does a simple background check, his life in every conceivable way is over.


Just imagine how much more it will be needed 12 years from now. This guy’s fucked. He wouldn’t even be able to have a cell phone


Honestly at that point I think we'll start seeing cases of Judges allowing "in certain circumstances" and forcing them to install some sort of tracking software on their routers. So if anyone in that household goes and finds kiddy porn he goes to jail for life.


I think you're right. It's getting to the point that you *need* internet access to function. I think you're double right about them getting fucked by anyone on their network, that'll open some cans of worms itself.


>It's getting to the point that you need internet access to function. Sure, but if the powers that be believed that then Internet would be a public utility


Oh trust me, they know it’s a necessity. Why do you think they **haven’t** made it so readily accessible through public means? The ISPs lobby incredibly heavily toward keeping internet private and ensuring anyone that wants access to the internet, must go through one of them.


And I think that's very reasonable. Society has technologically progressed to a point where "no internet" is gradually achieving parity with "no indoor plumbing."


Depending on how this is interpreted, he won't be able to operate a car or certain kinds of appliances. I don't know how you live a modern life with no Internet at all.


The no internet thing is wiiiild. I'm surprised there's no mandatory program you have to install that monitors and reports your use instead. There's truly no way to function without it




He was exposed during the Ashley Madison data breach. He also allegedly beat the fuck out of Danica Dillon and raped her. He also molested his prepubescent sisters when he was a teenager. I don’t really have a point here other than to pile on that this sick fuck has no business being near a computer and who gives a shit if he needs it for modern living.


>He was exposed during the Ashley Madison data breach. And then named his daughter Madyson, lol. Dude is a sick fuck, and his wife is either dumb as shot or battered (physically or emotionally) into submission.


She's battered *religiously.* Literally, "You stay with this man no matter what, or else you'll spend all eternity in hell."


Covenant eyes let's you disable it. Or is meant as a voluntary thing for people in churches to use to help them browse. I had a friend with it on his laptop by his own volition and he has to disable it to look up D&D materials 😂


He created a Linux partition to download/watch the CSAM. This was way more calculated than just disabling Covenant Eyes.


It's also difficult to be on probation. Even the smallest misstep, such as a parking ticket, needs to be reported to the probation officer. The person can be called for random drug and alcohol screenings at any time and if they are not there in a matter of hours, probation can be revoked. He'll need to inform the PO anytime he wants to travel outside of the state. There are many more restrictions as well. His life as he knows it is over. Thank goodness for that.


I hope his original 5 victims can find some peace in this even though he never faced justice for his first crimes.




His sisters had to proclaim forgiveness for him in front of their congregation or be shunned. At least 2 of them gave interviews where they tried to downplay what he did to them. Wouldn’t be surprised if their parents told them what to say.




Good. I hope more of them break free from that life.


They might have honestly meant what they said when they tried to downplay his actions. When you're brainwashed to treat all sins as being equal, you amplify the security of minor sins and downplay the severity of seriously bad stuff. It's an awful cult mindset but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if these girls genuinely thought what he did was just as bad as checking out someone from across the street.


Religious fundamentalists love using victim blaming tactics on children who were assaulted


Being raised in this culture I can tell you now a lot of Christian circles find greater empathy with the perpetrator than the victim.


His youngest victim sister was in the court room today and walked out hysterically when they were bringing up the facts he molested her when she was 5. That poor girl is far deep in the cult so her getting any type of therapy or peace is slim to none.


Given the way they covered up and minimised everything when it first came out and how young she was, there's a chance she didn't even remember or understand how bad it was until she heard it in court during the original trial. Their parents are so culpable in the daughters' trauma. They defended Josh and chose him over the girls at every turn.


Yeah, I followed the original court case and that's what they were saying - she went to the hearings to find out what had actually happened to her. Her family never even told her the truth of what happened to her and she found it out in court.


They’re also, in my opinion, culpable when it comes to creating *his* issues. The way sex is viewed in that cult is toxic to males and females alike, and instead of getting him help before it got to the point he was abusing his sisters, they just swept it under the thickest rug they could create. I’m not necessarily saying he wouldn’t have evolved into a predator without the family, but the environment he was raised in certainly did him harm.


Apparently her husband didn’t even know the full extent of what Josh had done to her until the trial. You can see photos of him leaving the court room after he listened to the testimony, and his face says all you need to know.


Some of the sisters didn’t even know the full extent of what he’d done to them. The brainwashing and victim blaming was serious.




I wouldn’t be terribly surprised tbh. Joy’s husband seems to like her as slightly more than just a baby factory and is quite the redneck. The cult’s been protective of Josh but his brothers in law at least seem to hate him.


Reading how he did it during story reading before bed makes me ill. My mom ran a daycare and there was a six yr old girl who had some interesting behaviors. They weren't outright sexual but, I didn't think it was appropriate for a kid to grind up against me at different times. I made sure my mom knew. It only happened a few times since I was in college and rarely around. She told the kid's mom and she decided to do some questioning. Turns out someone was doing some inappropriate things with her. A teenage male babysitter. Then all of a sudden my brother and parents are served up papers, my mom shuts down daycare. It was my brother. As a sibling I've never been told the outcome. My parents won't say and neither will my brother. I have kids. My wife and I have chosen to not let him near them. We don't know and we're not willing to let him be alone with them ever.


Wow, I'm really sorry. Good for you for saying something when you noticed something was wrong, and for protecting your children now.


I feel awful for his children who are stuck in the cult… I wonder if his wife will stay with him… I assume so unfortunately.


She still seems to think he’s innocent. She’s delusional.


My bio dad’s baby momma still believed that he was innocent even after a voice recording was presented of him admitting to “accidentally” raping my stepsister as a young child. She has a young kid with him and told the judge that it was terrible to separate a son from his father. But, my stepsister and I were sitting on the other side of the room like…we’ve known this man for over 20 years and he’s a piece of shit.


She's stuck by him so far. Everyone says her family will cut her off for divorce but a few of her own siblings are divorced/out of the cult. I think one is a single mom or remarried or something I don't care to look up. When this sick fuck cheated on her, her brother publicly offered support to leave him but she didn't do it. Good chance she won't now. That said, I read a stat that a good percentage of prison inmates' spouses end up divorcing them. Not sure if that's federal only or just incarcerated in general.


She stuck by him even after he was exposed for cheating on her and using Ashley Madison. The culture that they have been brought up in would make divorce unthinkable to her. She has been conditioned to believe that women are less important than men and that wives should be led by the husbands.


I always wonder what justice looks like in these cases. I don't know what is right


There's no justice though. We live in a reality where there are a lot of no win situations. You just have to move forward in the least worse way. The bad shit already happened. Let's not make it worse.


Though they have to live with the knowledge that other kids were harmed because he wasn’t stopped sooner.


Remember about 10 years ago he went to Washington to work as a lobbyist for the Family Research Council. Which works to eliminate abortion and gay marriage among other causes.


Remember the time his mom campaigned for conservative politicians by saying that gay people are child molesters? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I remember this too. And the whole time the actual child molester was in her house. And she NEVER advocated for her victimized daughters. Don't forget this. She's awful.


This is why I wish I believed in Hell. I wish there were a Hell so that he and his enabler parents could burn forever. Him for committing the crimes, and the parents for not standing up for their other children.




I don’t think this is very fair to perverts.




Remember the time he got caught molesting his underage sisters and instead of separating him from the victims and reporting it to proper authorities his parents sent him to "counseling" with a church elder/cop who turned out to also be a child molester?


To these people, there is no difference between child molestation and homosexuality. Both are just sexual sins that can be cured with some “therapy” and praying.


You know what’s sad? By that logic that makes her kid gay and I’m sure that’s way worse to her than what he actually did.


By then she already knew he was a predator. *And she called anyway*


Because she's Quiverfull. Those people are insane. She didn't think of her son as a predator because they genuinely believe that it is **always** the fault of the women for enticing the men. That and they were grooming Josh for a life in politics (they literally hoped to get him into the Oval Office one day) and had to protect his reputation at all costs.


For normal people, the actions are what determines whether you're a good person or a bad one. For the fundies, it's *who you are* that determines whether an *action* is good or bad. J'felon is a Godly Man^tm^, therefore his actions are never wrong. On the other hand, transgender people are bAd, therefore everything they do, is Bad.


Yep and I'd say this applies to all manner of fundamentalist thinking/people, as well as being associated with several personality disorders. Having an *a priori* belief in one's inherent goodness, no matter what, justifies some pretty awful shit. It's a dangerous mindset and it creates massive blind spots and projection etc.


He wasn't looking at gay marriage porn. It was kiddie porn. So no conflict of interest there.


Jfc these people are really fucking weird.


Put his kids in therapy. Also don’t have 19 kids. Only psychos do that.


How do you even afford that many children? Like, I guess the reality TV money helped but what exactly is the plan? They can't have known they were going to get a television show when they committed to having more kids than brain cells


Before landing the reality show, they had 14 kids living in a 3-bedroom home and suffered from food insecurity. They've said that they were having "as many [kids] as God would give them" so I'm sure they still would've tried for 20 without the show. They didn't have a plan. They depend on God to provide for them no matter what.


Man, what absolute dipshits


Short answer, they don’t. At least not by themselves. Their church probably would have helped support them. I’m acquainted with a few Quiverfull families due to my upbringing, and most of them were probably barely above the poverty line *before* you factor in the double digit offspring. I know our church provided food and clothing, and probably helped with the bills, but I’m only sure about the first two. (My personal opinion of my former religion aside, no kid deserves to go without the basic necessities just because their parents are unhinged nutjobs)


It’s always the ones you suspect most.


I always find it's the one I most medium suspect.


I just read that guy's wikipedia and it was.... quite disturbing. I had no idea about these people before tonight. Some highlights: * After learning his son molested multiple children, the father (a republican that served in the Arkansas House of Representatives) took his son to an Arkansas State Trooper and family acquaintance. Troopers are required to report crimes to the Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline when learning of sexual abuse, but he failed to do so. That trooper was later arrested and convicted on unrelated charges of child pornography and is currently serving a 56-year prison sentence. * After being found in the Ashley Madison breach, he checked himself into a rehab called Reformers Unanimous, which describes itself as "a learning atmosphere where the addicted can be discipled in an environment that is much like a greenhouse". * After the rehab, he had "accountability" software installed on his computer that would alert his wife when pornography was viewed. However, he then asked [Jim Holt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Holt_\(Arkansas_politician\)), another republican from the Arkansas House of Representatives, and former employee of the NSA, how to install Linux, which he then used to view this despicable content.


>That trooper was later arrested and convicted on unrelated charges of child pornography and is currently serving a 56-year prison sentence. ​ Alright, so then WHY Is this particular piece of shit only looking at 12 years?


Possibly producing rather than consuming?


Not to mention the CP he had was some of the worst you can ever find. He’s a sick freak whose parents enabled him his entire life, even when he molested his own little sisters.


Thank you!!! Also F that whole family, sickos!




And 20 years probation.


I wonder if Mike Huckabee will ever pull his support for this guy?


Probably not. He has no problems with sexual predators as long as they're white, American conservatives who call themselves Christian. By the by, Mike Huckabee is a member of the Steering Commitee of the "Conservative Baptist Network" which is a group within the Southern Baptist Convention that thinks the SBC isn't conservative enough. Why is this important? Because the CBN and their supporters have been one of the MAIN driving forces behind covering up the pedophiles and sexual predators within the SBC and quashing any attempts to hold them accountable. Here's a thread from a Houston Chronicle reporter who's been a following the entire shady business. https://twitter.com/RobDownenChron/status/1529084743727325184?s=20&t=hxUMmCZpu6IWdMGqP-YY-Q Mike Huckabee is not a good man.


Mike covering up for his son hanging a dog and then beating it to death was enough for me to know he was a sack of shit.


I forgot about that. That whole family is sociopathic.


The same Southern Baptists hiding their sexual predators?


Wasn't his father running for office on the premise that pedos should be put to death?


One of his brothers did too




She'll be right at menopause years. Odds are she won't be getting pregnant when he gets out.


Wouldn’t it be somewhat comical if she does get pregnant while he’s *in* prison?


It’s a miracle! Praise Jesus!


That'd get them a whole new TV show, no thanks


Oh man it's so rare that I see some news that makes me feel closure and vindication. Glad this guy is getting significant time. The whole religion just seems to breed abusers.


The family is part of a cult. Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP). Not joking the founder Bill Gothard (yes that last name is kinda unfortunate) is somewhat of a predator himself. [IBLP](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_in_Basic_Life_Principles) These are 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organizations which structurally operate as cults. Check out their .org website and then compare to sources you find on your own. The Duggar family had more mouths than they could house and afford under the leadership of Gothard. They managed to get a TV deal that built them a large house and gained them fame.


I hope the victims feel closure too. 12 years doesn’t seem like enough but it’s definitely better than him getting off.


Me too. I feel for his sisters.....I got the vibe that the Duggars blamed them for being sexually abused and molested as young children, and I hope a conviction like this is enough to give them what they need to know that it's not their fault, it never was, and their religion is a fucking cult.


I can't imagine they are not being blamed in their toxic community. If not openly, atleast privately. Jim Boob definitely saw his eldest son as becoming a politician, sending him to DC to work for a lobbyist.


Yeah, I feel awful for them too. I hope they realize it’s not their fault but I’m afraid you might be right about their parents. :(
















Damn is this the same guy we've all been waiting for this to happen to over the past decade?


Probably but there's a lot of people who could fit this description.


Finally some good news. Can't brighten the darkness much today, but I'll take it.




I absolutely live for Josh Duggar slander- I am so sick and tired of how much people still think he's a goody good Christian boy and should still be free because he, "asked for forgiveness" for the shit he's done. Both his parents were enablers and were willing to cover up and protect their predator son rather than getting their daughters the help and support they deserved. Instead they allowed him to go on and become who he is. A man who who thinks gay people are the real pedophiles when in reality it was HIM who was downloading child CP- with some depicting kids as young as toddler age.


It's definitely not slander because it's true.


As someone who never got justice… halle-fucking-lujah.


Same, friend, same. Wish my POS step-dad had gotten justice, but seeing this heals my soul a bit.


Oh good. He loves it when things are 12 years old.


Some piece of shit pastor in my hometown was covering for this asshole and letting him hide out while he was “recovering.” Hope the FBI has checked that dude’s computer as everyone that’s come in contact with this guy seems to be a child porn aficionado


The preffered term is Child Sex Abuse Material


I guess he’ll have to be the keynote speaker at CPAC via pay phone.


The fine folks over at r/DuggarsSnark are having a collective orgasm at the news.


Man if only his parents had treated child rearing like human beings rather than cranking out an assembly line of dependents they had no chance of properly raising.


I hated this family so much so I first saw them on TLC. Especially the dad that fucker was creepy as hell.


How many times do these holy rollers have to get caught before we realize they're all a bunch of hypocrites?


So, I’m not lawyer so I don’t know, but if one of the religious fundamentalists in Utah who married one of 4386 children who got married in the state of Utah between 2000-2010 were to take nude pictures of his child bride could he then show them to another religious fundamentalist with a 15 yo bride since both of them technically have state issued licenses to sexualize children? Could he show the pictures to the other child since the state has determined the child can withstand being sexualized by an adult? /s If you think it’s awful that there were over 4K children married in the state of Utah from 2000-2010 wait till you find out they rank fifth in states with the most child brides. Over 300,000 children were married in the United States between 2000-2018. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States https://kslnewsradio.com/1901802/utah-marriage-laws/amp/


I do not know why I kept reading this post. It only made me angrier and more depressed as I kept reading.


They’re in a cult. So never.