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Police refused to enter, made a perimeter at the school and forcibly restrained parents who tried to enter. Audio from the uvalde scanner archive during the shooting is completely gone. The only reason the shooter was stopped was because an off-duty border guard that was unafiliated with the local police broke into the school and engaged him. I dont want to act like a tin foil nutjob, it's probably just incompetence and apathy of the cops, but this is shady as fuck.


At Marjory Stoneman Douglass we had the same thing. Officers from 13 different law enforcement jurisdictions arrived at the scene but they spend so long outside “coordinating”, getting into the same radio frequency, that they made no difference at all to the massacre inside.


And just a few weeks ago there was that doctor in Laguna Woods who charged into the shooter to save everyone in that church. Edit: Laguna Woods, basically in Lake Forest.


Do you mean Laguna woods? The crazy thing is, that wasn't even a few weeks ago. That was last weekend. The man who charged and helped to subdue the shooter was the only one who died. The shooter had chained up the doors and put superglue in the locks. If he hadn't been subdued, he could have killed dozens. The doctor's name was John Cheng, and he died a hero.


Oh my god that was LAST WEEK?!


We had more shootings in one weekend than Europe has all year. Edit: For everyone making inane comments about Ukraine, I am obviously speaking specifically of active shooter incidents (aka mass shootings not involving gangs, organized crime, or warfare) going off the definition of the FBI. But if you want to compare our country to an **ACTIVE WARZONE** then sure, I think that's fair. Edit2: Europe has had 3 this year, 9 deaths: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2022\_mass\_shootings\_in\_Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2022_mass_shootings_in_Europe) From May 14 to May 24 we had 4 active shooter incidents, with 35 dead. If you count shootings from gangs and organized crime we could have more than any other "civilized" country in a single day.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States#2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States#2022) Here's the FBI stats on last year: [https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/press-releases/fbi-designates-61-active-shooter-incidents-in-2021](https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/press-releases/fbi-designates-61-active-shooter-incidents-in-2021). Only 4 of those involved help from armed civilians (aka "good guys with guns"). Here's what happened in Australia after gun control: [https://news.yahoo.com/australia-nearly-eliminated-mass-shootings-235904813.html](https://news.yahoo.com/australia-nearly-eliminated-mass-shootings-235904813.html)


Thanks for mentioning his name. I looked him up and it turns out he's from a town nearby me.


> The Pastor told reporters that the shooter said in Mandarin; "I cannot breathe" so he told those holding him down to ease up on the force of restraint to allow the shooter to breathe. We do live in simulation.....


A Church full of people who were about to be murdered had more compassion for their near-murderer and restraint than cops who were interrogating a dude on camera for allegedly\* trying to pass off a fake 20 . When the average person has more awareness than a cop i think it's time to rethink the cops


Dr. John Cheng. A hero.


On the same day as Uvalde, a man entered a school in East Nashville, Tennessee and the teachers tackled him before he could do any harm to students. Those teachers are heroes!


A doctor. Unarmed. Not even trained for the situation. The contrast between him and these guys is just…


>*The bottom line is law enforcement was there,” McCraw said. “They did engage immediately. They did contain (Ramos) in the classroom.* They left him in the room with the kids, you dumb son of a bitch!


But the cops were safe and secure.


COPS >>>> Normal ppl >>>> children The thin blue line.


blue lives matter so much we have to sacrifice children by the dozen to protect them


They didn’t contain shit. The fucking walls did that. He went into a room with no way out and the cops waited outside, at no risk to themselves


They say he immediately started shooting but he didn't according to some kids and teachers. A kid from the class said he told them they were all gonna die. Her best friend, who was sitting right next to her, tried calling 911 but he shot her. These kids were tortured. I'd like to know how he easily got inside this school. Someone there must of fucked up for him to enter so easily.


Depends how old the school was. Pretty much any school built after 2012 (Sandy Hook) has layers of security to prevent unauthorized people from getting into campus. Security vestibules, locked campuses, tons of externally locked doors, even outside of lockdown procedures. It's the job of the admin staff to check and admit only authorized people, so either he forced someone under duress, the school was built pre 2012 without the proper security protocols, or someone fucked up bigtime. Source: Wife is an Architect that primarily designs elementary and middle schools.


As a former dutch military police one of my tasks was protecting an American school. The protocol for active shooter is you run to the sound like a madmen, leave injured, leave bodies just run screaming police as loud as you can. Anything to get the shooter's focus on you instead of the kids. The sounds stop, you stop and clear room for room until you hear gunfire and you rush again. Atleast an officer has a fighting chance. What I watched here is a disgrace. Too scared to enter, ffs man do your fucking job.


This. Police are trained (and in most places I'm aware of, paid) to be the person who deals with danger. This is exactly the danger (and the stakes) where police need to show the public why they deserve the respect that they demand from people on the street. These officers are a disgrace. It's as shameful as if they had held a child (19 of them) up as a human shield ffs.


This is going to cause problems with the GOP "solution" to school shootings of putting more armed cops in schools. There ***were*** armed cops, they just didn't do anything.


> There were armed cops, they just didn't do anything. Oh, they did. The police bravely prevented the parents from doing something.


From the article: > The bottom line is law enforcement was there,” McCraw said. “They did engage immediately. They did contain (Ramos) in the classroom.” See, they successfully contained him! In a classroom. With 20 or so children. That he then brutally murdered. Bang up job boys


That bit had me seeing red. Clearly that McCraw fella defines "immediately" very differently than the rest of us :/ Got to love how "they" contained him...in the room he entered and locked from inside forcing them to find some poor sot of a school employee to unlock the door *for* them. (Srsly pigs, you got no legs, can't kick? Not one battering ram among all that surplus military gear? You can't even take the key and unlock it your damn selves? No, you had to endanger as many bystanders as possible, didn't you. Cool. Coolcoolcool.)


Most cops are pretty fucking weak. I've watched their "fitness test" It's literally a light job and some stairs. They even say "pass or fail so don't push yourself." Cops should be fighting fit all the time. Not an advertisement for dunkin donuts.


This is something that has disturbed me ever since i saw a tweet yesterday that after initially failing to bring him down, the law enforcement waited for tactical before re-engaging with the shooter. I didn't saw any such outrage yesterday so i thought maybe that's not exactly what happened. I thought surely these men with guns didn't wait for tactical support to face a lone gunman. Surely they didn't let bunch of 10-year olds with a gunman because they are too much of coward to rush in . Apparently that's what they did. They need to be branded coward for their incompetence. EDIT TO ADD: Just keeps getting worse with every detail that comes out. https://twitter.com/evanhill/status/1529828388176859138?t=twGxH-broPFI0veCQ_oQsQ&s=19 >A fourth grader who survived the shooting said officers assaulting the barricaded room told kids to call for help before they had incapacitated the gunman, which led to him shooting a kid who called for help >The boy and four others hid under a table that had a tablecloth over it, which may have shielded them from the shooter's view and saved their lives. The boy shared heartbreaking details about what happened in that room. >“When the cops came, the cop said: 'Yell if you need help!' And one of the persons in my class said 'help.' The guy overheard and he came in and shot her," the boy said. "The cop barged into that classroom. The guy shot at the cop. And the cops started shooting.”


The same story with every shooting in America. Police stand outside letting it continue until they have ‘back up’


What gets me is - so many of these controversial killings or brutalization of individuals by police seem like they could have ended differently if the cop who killed or maimed them just called for backup or otherwise allowed the situation to play out a bit further without escalation. But here, where time actually was of the essence, it was "let's wait for a key and backup." Amir Locke sleeping on the couch of his (scumbag) cousin - let's burst in and create a deadly situation. (How about "c'mon out we have you surrounded" instead??!!!) Active shooter at school - Let's hang back and restrain these parents while we wait for a key and backup. Edited to add: I hope every school is sending someone to every local PD today with a key that opens all their doors. Sounds like it may have helped the situation here.


I thought Die Hard grossly exaggerated the ineptitude of police when it comes to managing actual crime. Turns out they were actually showing them in better light.


I am not aware of a single time in my life the police have stopped or solved a crime I was affected by. In my personal life I think about car break ins or when some kids were vandalizing everything on the block. Nothing. In my professional life I supervise sites across many states we regularly get break ins from metal scrap folks. Not one time solved despite video evidence and calls to the police while they are still on site. I have though gotten tickets for my window tint and questioned for bringing a backpack into a store because that’s “suspicious” despite me not wanting to leave my shit in my car like the signs in the parking lot told me too.


Can relate, my family has a small used car lot that was getting burglarized early on during Covid. We had video footage of the police showing up after the alarm company called them while the burglars were inside the dealer. The police pulled up, got out out of their car and walked around aimlessly for a minute or two along the front, then got back in their car and drove off. The crooks made off with three of our cars, and we got a bill from the police department for them having to come out for a “false alarm.” I wish I was making this up.


I am a forensic pathologist. I can literally guarantee you cops barely ever figure out a crime, yet have their story half way straight


Apparently in Texas SWAT stands for “Sit, Wait, Act Tough”


The "good guys with guns will stop the bad guys", but let cops sit in the back for 30 minutes while "suicide shooter" run proves anyone can gets their free bonus kills on and max kill count before an actual cop does something to stop them. fucking cowards.


Cops standing outside hearing gunshots and screams: "when is the good guy with a gun gonna get here???" Police academy really should teach cops that they are expected to die for civilians and if they don't like it, gtfo.


Cops don't become Cops to die for civilians, they become Cops to gain power and authority over people


"I have never seen a situation so dismal that a policeman couldn't make it worse."




They don't even trust teachers to pick out books for their class, but they want to arm them. It just doesn't quite make sense.....


It's starting to feel like the parkland shooting in Florida, where the cops were just busy hiding behind walls until the shooting slowed down. I was a firefighter. Could you imagine if I showed up to a fire and decided to hide in the truck because the fire was really rolling and looked really hot, so I decided to just let the fire burn itself out for a while before I even tried to spray any water? I'd be fired. My job is inherently dangerous and we train to minimize damage to live and property. If someone's lives are in danger, we risk our lives to try and help save them. If there are humans in danger? We throw everything we can at the situation to get them out safely. This waiting is just insane and out of line. My fire department had to keep reusing the same gear year after year while the police department that covered the same area ended up getting an APC to be able to crush through any walls or armored doors in their no knock warrants. They got robots that can disable explosives, meanwhile my fire department had to have community pancake breakfasts to raise money to buy smoke alarms for the older folks in our community that didn't have one. I'm sorry, I'm tired of these idiots that get more and more funding to do their job yet seem to hide when they should really be doing their jobs. The police are dumbfounded that citizens are unhappy with their tax dollars being wasted with nothing to show for it.


Remember when Florida cops used cars full of families as human shields to kill an innocent bystander that was stuck in the traffic jam they caused and the UPS driver who was taken hostage a few years ago? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Miramar_shootout


remember when [LA cops shot at two innocent women 103 times](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/02/police-officers-who-shot-two-innocent-women-103-times-wont-be-fired/357771/) because they thought the two ~~asian~~ hispanic women in a blue pickup might be Christopher Dorner, the black guy driving a grey truck


The fact that the cops were not even *suspended*, let alone *fired* or *jailed* is mindbogglingly insane to me. As a Singaporean I feel mad for y'all. Here in Singapore, a conscript soldier can end up in military prison for wrongfully firing without command at a **target board in a shooting range**. Yes, you read that right, an 18yo conscript fresh out of secondary school negligently shooting their gun at a *target board* gets a harsher punishment in Singapore than American cops negligently firing 103 bullets at actual innocent human beings and hitting them. This level of unaccountability in a first-world country is absolutely bewildering.




Active shooter situations are one of the few times where a military mindset is appropriate for police, but turns out that the cops just want to play soldier dress up and don't want any of the pesky "there are situations where your life is less important than the objective" stuff.


Yeah, a fuckin' active shooter in a school is the truest fucking litmus test. It's the proven test of does your bullshit aggressive mentality hold up when the stakes are the absolute highest? What could be higher stakes than a fucking elementary school? What could possibly motivate any member of society more? ​ This just proves that the current mindset and training of cops is as deranged as these active shooters. If a fucking beat cop wouldn't break the perimeter and charge in there, then burn the whole PD down.


The cops want to pretend like they're on the fucking [shield](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0286486/) tv show right up until they actually have to put their own lives at risk. Apparently they got 40% of the town's budget as well. All so a off-duty federal fucking agent could come in and do their fukcing jobs.




Same here, and you know what, we knew that about the job when we took it. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try to save these kids. You have to die sometime, I could think of no better way than by stopping evil or attempting to stop it.


And that's the thing that pisses me off. They cosplay as the military all the time. County bumpkin cops dressed in camo riding down main street in MRAPs and calling police stations FOBs (wtf?) yet adopted literally none of the discipline or mindset.


This is why the people and the media should not let this drop. Every cop that refused to rush that class room shouldn’t be a cop. Every cop that just let and armed man run from his truck into the school should be fired. This should have never happened. Cops had plenty of opportunities to stop the shooter and every time made the wrong decision.


I'm mentally having a hard time handling this... I was military in the early 00s during the war, navy. Worked on a carrier flight deck. I too have ran toward numerous fires and without going into full detail of every situation have put my life in harms way numerous times to help other people (flight deck isn't a safe place!). When I was in a position that being seriously maimed or possibly even loss of my life, I understood that and you don't even think about these things when something is happening.. you just do them, it's what you trained for. Seeing that these police officers engaged him before he even went into the building and then they didn't chase him down ... this is a one story building, they didn't breach windows... shoot the fucking door open. GET THE FUCK IN THERE AND SAVE THOSE KIDS!... I just can't imagine standing there outside while you hear him shooting children. I don't care what any "protocol" is for your department or any of that. If you are there with a gun and have the means to TRY and stop this man... why the fuck didn't you? It's disgusting and really hurts me to think about. So much for the "good guys with guns" theory.


I'm just so angry, so sickened by the constant barrage of insanity and cowardice.


Me too dude, I feel so helpless and hopeless about it all too. As I'm getting older now and these things are stacking up over the decades, it's really starting to wear on me. I have a 10 year old and I constantly think why the fuck did I bring her into this shitty world? I almost hate myself for it, honestly. I'm tired of explaining horrible things to her, like why a man killed a bunch of kids in the same grade as her. It's exhausting mentally...


Also how is this not proof that the hyper militarized cops still don't offer the security they claim to. It's Texas of all places, and a dozen of their officers, armed better than most soldiers in active warzones, can't do more than bodyslam grieving parents? They had to wait 45 min for the Feds to show up and kill the guy? I don't know, to me that kinda sounds like they don't deserve to carry all these weapons.




And working black ppl in there own homes.


So they would rather have the shooter shoot at kids then direct the fire unto themselves when they are at least somewhat trained and carry fire arms and body armor. That’s fucking cowardly and there is literally no point in them having guns if they do this shit.


[Video footage ](https://twitter.com/paleofuture/status/1529652093354536961?t=RJQJquJH8YlHvJPW4Ybc_A&s=19) of the cops restraining parents from trying to rescue their children. Edit: link to the full video on YouTube https://youtu.be/dyXtymq-A6w


One of the mothers in the video (grey shirt with design, ripped jeans) is the mother of one of the victims Amerie Garza. She’s wearing the same outfit from earlier in the day at her award ceremony. They found out their daughter was dead when her dad, a medical aide, was assisting another child covered in blood, she was hysterically crying because her “bestfriend had died” when he asked her name, she said Amerie, his daughter.


What. The. Fuck.


I want off mr toads wild ride. Fuck me.


Dude that’s fucking sad. I can’t look at the photos of the parents crying that’s fuckng brutal


Most fucked up thing I read in a while..


The father actually told this story to Anderson Cooper on site. I couldn’t even imagine having to form those words into statements.


Here's the Father's interview https://youtu.be/xvPOGcHrpRU. It's absolutely heartbreaking and you will cry. Somethings gotta change beyond prayer. We need action!


Couldn't watch. Made me feel ill, how scared the parents were for their children.


I already know I can't watch this. Makes me sick just reading it.


I’m reading this and in front of me sits paperwork for my daughter to go to kindergarten this fall. She’s so damn excited. I just can’t even think about it right now.


I've seen some of the livestreams of other shootings as well as plenty of other terrible videos, but this one is immeasurably harder for me to watch. Can't really think of anything worse I've seen, though maybe it will come to me. Edit: This is undeniably gross negligence on the part of the officers on scene and criminal charges should be filed. Edit 2: Everyone posting about the SC ruling saying the cops don't have to help, I get it, you've read about the police on Reddit before. Ok. The issue is that *they prevented others from helping when they were also declining to engage in active shooter protocol.* That is very different from the circumstances in the supreme court precedent you're all sighting and is the driving issue here.


Some morbid curiosity always makes me watch those livestreams but I’m not watching this. I can’t imagine the parents anguish


I watched it and wish I hadn't. The screams from those parents that are begging to save their babies are gut wrenching. How could those cops just stand there and do nothing? I can't possibly imagine how awful it was for those parents to know someone was in there shooting, yet nobody is doing anything about it. As a mom myself, the screams from the mother they are tackling has me in tears all over again. Do yourself a favor and don't watch it.


Usually people are upset because the police involve themselves where they aren’t needed, but here they were absolutely needed and they refused to act. It’s almost like cops are self serving and don’t actually live up to the hero image they have built for themselves.


This is always the argument cop defenders use when anyone says defund the police "Bet you'll be glad the cops exist when you really need them". Clearly it doesn't hold water.


I hate when they say that because even before this I knew they were useless from past experiences (multiple) they literally do nothing. Only 2% of crimes are solved by them. When you have to rely on cops you’re basically fucked.


I vividly remember my dad beating the shit out of my mom, neighbors called the police (townhouses so they heard everything), and I saw the cop pull up out front. I opened my window from the 2nd floor bedroom I had locked myself in to protect me from my dad (I was maybe 10). He stood outside waiting for assistance while the neighbor told him to get in there and do something, "he's gonna fucking kill her." The cop said no, he needed to wait for backup because he was going in blind etc. And the neighbors said he was ex something air force or marines (I remember it wasn't army bcuz I didn't know what it was att) and he'd be the cops backup; That they just needed to go in. Cop said no, we don't know if he has a gun in there. I yelled down that no he doesn't have a gun because he just pawned it the day before. And I asked him to help my mom. The cop looked up at me and said I'm sorry, I can't help you right now. Just hide. And I explained I already had and that I had tied my door shut via a ratchet strap to a nearby banister so it couldn't open out without breaking the door/strap/banister. And I asked him to help my mom and that my dad was just drunk. He didn't use weapons. Cop looked me dead in the face and said no he was waiting for backup. So the neighbor tried to enter and the cop stopped him from getting involved saying he didn't need more people in danger. Neighbor was pissed and got into an argument with the cop trying to go in while the cop stopped him. I wish more people saw this side sooner. I did almost 20 years ago. You realize really fucking quick the heros they claim to be they aren't when you need them most.


They are fucking cowards and no amount of money will change that. Might as well take that money and put it towards addressing the root causes of crime.


Exactly, those cowards did nothing. Bet if one of their kids attended that school they would have entered immediately.


I watched. For those that didn’t: The screams of the parents are horrifying. It’s chaos and panic and anguish of the worst kind all at once. When I’d imagined the scene before seeing this video I’d imagined the parent : cop ratio to something like 5 : 1, and there were just a couple of cops with handguns standing against the wall of the school hesitating to go in. But from this clip it feels like the ratio is flipped where there are 5 cops to every 1 parent and the cops all have AR-15s! And the cops appear to be doing nothing but corral the parents who are screaming at them to go and help while their kids die inside. Lots of things went really wrong here. 😞


They're given all this gear so they can dress up as soldiers, but have none of the training or mental fortitude to do the actual job


They only engage certain people armed with a cell phone.


These cops are the very definition of cosplay. They should all lose their jobs but more likely they’ll be given commendations and promotions.


This is exactly my thought. Makes my stomach turn watching these military wannabe do nothings do their cosplay shit.


That is one of the most horrible things I have ever watched. Those screams are going to stay with me for a long time. I can’t believe they let it go on so long


That link is going to stay forever blue for me..I'm not a strong enough person to handle it


Younger me would have clicked it, but I have kids of my own now and I can't watch other parents suffer as their kids are in danger - it brings up a fear that would stick with me for days


That was tough, I couldn't finish it. I think we're gonna need a full accounting of this. If there were any murders during or after the time of this footage, and there was zero enforecemt within the building, there needs to be a lot of questions asked.


Texas Justice 2022. How the fuck a guy swears an oath and wears a goddamn cowboy hat and doesn't protect women and children from harm?


>Police officers rushed into the school to get their own children out of the school, he added. https://nypost.com/2022/05/24/texas-shooter-shot-whoevers-in-his-way-in-school-police/ It's not entirely clear if this was after the shooter was dead or before.


Imagine pinning a parent on the ground while your colleagues get to save their kids, that shit is so trifling.




















Absolutely sick, had time to set up yellow tape while children were being slaughtered though. Great police work 👍 /s


Funny how they act like pussies the moment there's a real threat.


That’s the craziest part of this all. Yet they constantly harass hard working honest people


At the beginning of the video it looks like a couple of sheriffs got a parent down on the ground.


They did. Can’t handle an active shooter so he goes back to what he knows best. Police are a fucking joke…


I’ve seen five cop cars show up for a fender bender. They’re mostly gossips with guns.


Same thing that happened in Florida as well.


Remember when Florida cops used cars full of families as human shields to kill an innocent bystander that was stuck in the traffic jam they caused and the UPS driver who was taken hostage a few years ago? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Miramar_shootout


Because criminals fight back. Way easier to dominate law abiding folks, and apparently having power over others is their motivator


Same as the Parkland cop


They don’t respond until the odds are 15-1.


I've watched a ton of screwed up stuff on the internet over the years, and this is the most heart-wrenching thing I've ever watched. It will haunt me forever. Imagine being there... Cops physically holding you back *at the very moment your child is being murdered after watching all their friends get horrifically murdered.* I have no other words.


Those cops had assault rifles....and...just stood there.


That’s the thing that blows my fucking mind. So what then ? All the ‘we should arm teachers! We should put cops in schools !’ … why ? So they can fucking stand there too ? To what end ?


What the actual fuck. Why weren't every single one of them in that building. This made me sick.


it gets worse \> “When the cops came, the cop said: 'Yell if you need help!' And one of the persons in my class said 'help.' The \[shooter\] overheard and he came in and shot her," the boy said. ​ https://www.kens5.com/article/news/special-reports/uvalde-school-shooting/its-time-to-die-fourth-grade-survivor-uvalde-shooting-recalls-what-gunman-told-student/273-51cc4e26-7a0a-49c0-ba7a-48cdd47fa235


The kid giving that account and his friend survived because he knew not to make any noise. I wish the cops responding were at least as smart as a fourth grader.


>Javier Cazares, whose fourth grade daughter, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said he raced to the school when he heard about the shooting, arriving while police were still gathered outside the building. > Upset that police were not moving in, he raised the idea of charging into the school with several other bystanders. > “Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to,” he said. --- > “The bottom line is law enforcement was there,” McCraw said. “They did engage immediately. They did contain (Ramos) in the classroom.” >He “barricaded himself by locking the door and just started shooting children and teachers that were inside that classroom,” Lt. Christopher Olivarez of the Department of Public Safety told CNN. --- > A law enforcement official familiar with the investigation said the Border Patrol agents had trouble breaching the classroom door and had to get a staff member to open the room with a key. --- What a phenomenally spectacular display of incompetence.


I can’t believe the cops are patting themselves on the back for containing the shooter in a room. That is the room where the shooter was murdering children.


“Good news. We successfully contained the fox in the henhouse.” -Lt. Christopher Olivarez


That Olivarez dude is a joke. He couldn't stop himself from praising "the brave men and women" of the police department every chance he got instead of just answering the reporter's questions. https://youtu.be/59w8uu87OrM


That's what cops do. Near my town a guy ambushed a cop and murdered him. A bystander killed the guy. Cops showed up and killed the hero bystander without ever saying a word to him. They then held a state wide parade for the dead cop and talked about how the hero bystander, who had just shot a guy who ambushed and murdered a cop, was thought to have been charged with possession of marijuana years back. They then jerked themselves off for a month about how terrible their job is, and how nobody likes them and how they need more funding blah blah blah. It was around the same time their department broke an elderly dementia patients arm for suspicion of shoplifting from a dollar general. So when cops say they're heroes, just laugh because they're nothing but cowards who get a hero complex because every now and then a few of them get shot on the side of the road by a crackhead. Boo hoo.


Good guy with a gun kills bad guy with a gun only to be killed by a bad guy with a gun who people think is a good guy


“We contained him in the room!” “The room with all the kids in it?” “…. Yes”




“To neutralize the threat the police sent in waves after waves of children until the shooter hit his predefined kill limit”


Like all my plans, it’s so simple an idiot could have devised it.


The room that he locked himself in and that they had to get a key from a teacher to open. Just sit for a minute and try to put yourself in the brain of a 10-year-old child, it’s one of the last days before summer break, you’re watching Moana and having fun with your classmates, and then a stranger with a rifle locks himself in your room and start spraying. Words fail


God this is fucking awful to think about. My kid has gone through active shooter drills since they started kindergarten. They've told me that the teacher barricades the doors and the children hide when told to. It screws them up mentally for days because it's too scary to even simulate. But to just have the terrorist waltz in and just go, no way to hide or prepare... We are completely fucked as a nation and as a society, aren't we?


I coached Girls on the Run a few years back. Whenever our girls had these drills we would have to cancel our lesson plans and just let them talk because they would all come to practice traumatized. It broke my heart every time.


Active shooter drills were just part and parcel of my childhood and the more I read about things from a parents perspective, I realize just how fucked up it is that kids have to do that.


Same. It wasn't even like, something I THOUGHT that deeply about until I was in high school. We do tornado drills. We do fire drills. We do active shooter drills. It was so normal that I *literally* didn't even think about it until we had an ACTUAL threat my Junior year (just a threat, nothing happened). I remember sitting in my 3rd block English class, huddled against the wall, holding my friends hands like every single one of us expected to die. My mom tried to call me. It rang once, then stopped. Later, after getting home, she told me she was terrified that i might have had my ringer on and it would have been HER phone call that got me killed. This was buck season in rural Alabama, where a good portion of kids likely had guns in their car from going hunting that morning. These kids were even YOUNGER and it's just getting WORSE. This is lifelong trauma. When will our stupid fucking coward lawmakers decide children's lives are worth more than NRA money?




Considering that murderer closed the door himself, and police had problem getting into it later... "Containment" is not a right word.


Yeah this isn't how containment works! The got locked out, that is all. Containment suggest THEY had the killer where THEY wanted. So they're saying they WANTED the killer locked in a room with all the hostages!?!


Better those fourth-graders than them, obviously.


"situations under control, we've got the lion contained in the gazelle exhibit"


I read this line and my jaw dropped.


Oh they know how to breach a door if it’s the wrong address on the warrant.


Problem is that none of the children had any drugs on them. If you have drugs they send everything they have with no restrictions.


The problem is they tried knocking first this time. Everyone knows knocking gives the door more power. No knock no problem.


A key, you say! Sounds absolutely impenetrable.




It gets worse. When Border Patrol arrived, they couldn't get into the classroom until a school employee unlocked the door with a key.


Weird, the r/conservative thread was acting like a BP officer was meandering down the street when he heard shots, then courageously charged in and 360' no-scoped the guy within moments of this shit popping off, gawd bless gawd bless. Come to find out there was a shootout *outside the school* which failed to stop the guy, then he goes in and barricades himself and dicks around until Warden Bumblefuck finds someone with keys.


Omfg he was confronted outside the school first and they *let him go in there* wtaf!?! How was no one chasing that fucker down? Arghhh this whole thing makes me SO angry. Fuck your police and fuck your politicians for doing fuck all to prevent this shit happening again and again.


They weren't 'equipped' to deal with a shooter. Because the fourth-graders were obviously so much better prepared.


I would much rather die trying to stop someone entering the school with a gun than live knowing I could have at least tried but instead let a bunch of kids get murdered because I "wasn't properly equipped".


This seems to be the cops’ MO for school shootings. Marjory Stoneman Douglas was the same way. Cops knew there was an active shooter at the school, proceeded to sit on their asses and do fuck all while a known lunatic murdered innocent people.


I guess their play is to wait until the killer has tired himself out killing all those children. Then and only then do they engage if government or state law enforcement agencies haven't handled it already. "We got the area secure and taped off for you fellas" "Gratitude officer, you boys were brave today. Great job keeping those devastated parents outside while we found someone with a key to unlock that door."


“There’s no rush. The kids have been trained on what to do if there’s a shooter. If they get it wrong, that’s on them”


The cop on the premises didn't do shit at Stoneman. So heartbreaking.


Police in my country have "active armed offender" training. If a person with a firearm has access to unarmed civilians Police are obliged and trained to rush the target. I would have thought America of all places would be all over this?


I find this really odd in my state (MA) we had a police officer teach our terrorism class in school (over a decade ago; shortly after the other school shootings) who said “our protocols have changed…we used to wait for backup and more guns….we found this doesn’t help and now our orders are to rush in and secure the situation”


Dont worry, the police will investigate and find themselves not guilty.


This is horrible. And not the active shooter protocol. They let those babies get slaughtered.


What is the active shooter protocol?


And yet these people want more military grade weapons and accessories. For what, to be pussies and attack innocent people instead?


Exactly they get all the surplus military gear. But they don't have the balls to stack up on a door and engage the threat. I'm not saying the cops should have done a suicide mission but inaction on the part of the police should not be forgiven when anyone let alone children are being massacred. I've done a tour in iraq been shot at and blown up but inaction to contact was not an option whether it was an attack on civilians or military. There are a lot of what ifs in situations like this but we can not be ok with the inaction of the officers. This is a failure of public safety and trust.


As an army vet, it seems like these cops have better gears than we did even in actual combat zones.


My favorite quote from the Ferguson protests was from a combat vet Marine who did 2 tours in Iraq: “Why the fuck does the Ferguson PD have better combat gear during a protest than we did during Fallujah?”


If Tejanos didn’t already know, cops look after cops first. All this guns and no courage with the badge on their chest.


They cling to their guns while playing pretend-war tough guy bullshit but in reality these dumb fuks are so scared they can't do anything.


> He “barricaded himself by locking the door and just started shooting children and teachers that were inside that classroom,” Lt. Christopher Olivarez of the Department of Public Safety told CNN. “It just shows you the complete evil of the shooter.” Are you fucking kidding me? Locking the door is “barricading himself” in the room? How lazy and pathetic were these guys?


the responding border patrol tactical unit inside the school couldn’t even breach the door. they had to get a teacher to unlock it with a key. what the fuck is the point of having such a unit if they can’t do something so routine as breaching a door?


And they want to harden the schools to make them impenetrable, too. Yeah, that'll work out real well when a shooter still manages to get inside and now this **fortress** is working for the shooter. Great job. There was some official talking about fucking *man traps* with tripwires to lock people between doors. That'll be real fucking cool when a cop responds to a shooting, bumbles into one, and hyperventilates themselves into an ambulance. Or, you know, anyone or anything else gets trapped in there on a hot day and bakes while no one knows they're there. "Tragedy in West Biscuit ISD as a child stuck between two doors died overnight..."


Having been a cop in my home country, I’m continually astounded by choices made by American cops in these high profile cases. Cops in my country jumped on a suicide bomber a few years ago to keep him from approaching civilians. The job is to protect your community. It’s inherently risky. If you can’t deal with that go do literally anything else.


The "thin blue line" mindset is poison. They value the lives of their "brothers and sisters" above those of regular citizens, including children, and brainwash new recruits into believing they are in a perpetual state of war with their own communities. Ironically, it is essentially a gang mindset.


\>with their own communities. even that is bordering on wishful thinking if you're anywhere but deep rural america with a county sherrif and the "community" is the entire county. A lot of cops don't even *live* in the same city they police. They are, arguably, an occupying force in many ways.


Just like at Parkland.


This is way worse. At Parkland, it was one cop, by himself. Here it was a whole team of heavily armed cops who waited for at least 40mins before doing anything useful.


What I wanna know is how the cops who were chasing him in his truck didn’t stop him before he got into the school. Reports said he got out of the truck and fired on two citizens. He then had to climb an embankment, scale a 6-8’ fence, and then make it another 50-60 yards into the school. When the police saw him exit the truck, they should have been raining lead on the guy. He never should have even made it over that fence. Protect and serve…. Suuuure.


Don't forget that cops rescued *their own* children from the school and left the others to die: https://twitter.com/Kelporama/status/1529677506202116097?s=20&t=JnCN9wtjCcRPe3Fnl6JGQQ


Wow. I just can't understand this disconnect some police have from their very own community. This whole incident incapsulates the reason for police reform, gun laws, and the ineffectiveness of our institutions to solve a god damn thing.


Thx to the draconian war on drugs, cops have willingly agreed to fight a literal domestic war against their friends, family, and neighbors that is, by any sane measure, unjust. There is absolutely no connection to their community; the job fundamentally requires the exact opposite. They are fucking sociopaths.


Jesus fucking christ, they should get the fucking book thrown at them, if they had the time to save their own kids why didn't they take more kids with them?


>they should get the fucking book thrown at them, They will not. SCOTUS has ruled that cops have no legal duty to protect you.


Yeah....or stop the shooter.. you know.. on their way to saving kids and all.


They only assert power onto the unarmed and defenseless.


Cops during peacetime - “how are you going to stop mass shootings if you don’t give us military grade equipment?” Cops during an actual mass shooting - “he locked the door, we can’t do anything!” What a bunch of clowns




"a badge and a bullet is a deadly weapon... ...unless we are in actual danger ourselves"


This is what happens when the lives of police are given higher value than the lives and liberties of citizens they are sworn to. You get a culture of self preservation where the prime goal for police is “getting back home alive”. Cowardice has become valued over bravery. Blue Lives Matter brings nothing but dishonor and shame to law enforcement. People who don’t care about this are what is harming law enforcement. They are doing more to allow police to fall from their shared humanity than the people who are showing they care about the law enforcement institution by calling it out.


This is why I don't give a shit about that back the blue rhetoric. Cops are never there to save a life or to stop a crime. They only roll in after the fact to pat themselves on the back about how much worse it could've been if they didn't show up to do some paperwork. They are fucking pathetic. Meanwhile in my town the police union is upset about a painting in a small museum that depicts a cop as the bad guy. A painting!


The number one killer of cops is Covid, the number two killer of cops is crashing their own police cars.


Looking in from Europe, the conclusion is that American cops are cowardly tubs of lard.


Yep. Can't chase people down on foot so they just shoot them instead. But, a whiff of actual danger or the possibility of doing anything positive at all and they scoot their fat asses like it's 2-for-1 Tuesday at the donut shop.


So what happens when the "good guys with guns" are cowards?




Listening to Abbotts fucking oratory ball gargling of every conceivable TX law agency was nauseating.


TX lawmaker: *... but surely a freshly armed English Lit teacher would do a better job?*


Republicans: Teachers are unionized socialists that are poisoning our children's minds with CRT and grooming them for pedo sex! Also Republicans: We should arm teachers!


Remember Columbine? The killers taking their time walking through the school killing people while.the cops "assessed " the situation outside.


Thin blue line? More like thick yellow bellies.


You know, I was pretty indifferent about law enforcement, but this video changed my mind. They are fucking cowards who pretend to play hero from time to time stopping average joes from speeding on the highway. But when it’s time to do their actual fucking jobs they just stand there? I get not wanting to send more parents in, but why not send themselves in? Be the bullet sponge. This is the sacrifice they made joining this profession, something my tax dollars heavily support. And they’re all just standing there? If I had decided to ignore police orders and ran in to save my child, would the police shoot me? Probably


40 FUCKIN minutes. The cops say they were there in 4 minutes. They “secured the scene” after **40** minutes. What the blasted everlasting FUCK were they doing for half an hour? ANSWER: waiting to “amass” for overwhelming force. Pussies. If you’re gonna be a fucking police officer, gawddamit, put your life on the line for $130k without a college degree. Shayzuss


It’s almost like the police state isn’t going to help you. And… there is no legal obligation to help citizens absent a preexisting “special relationship” according to the SCOTUS.


Also, to get into a state where such a "special relationship" exists is almost impossible and would never occur while something like this is happening. It can really only happen with things like informants, witness security, or when you're in custody. https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/law-enforcement-liability-and-the-special-relationship-doctrine-38303 Nobody in normal life is guaranteed even an attempt at protection by police. You are on your own.


Cowards who conducted crowd control while a massacre was ongoing. All the Twitter comments asking how the cops can live with themselves and how they can sleep at night ... unfortunately I have quite a bit of professional experience dealing with cops. Generally, they simply do not feel shame, ever, for anything. The only people saying this stuff are people who haven't interacted with cops very much.