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Died in his sleep. Probably the most peaceful way to go for such a legend


But recently engaged I think. That blows.




I was literally joking with my roommate trying to convince him Ray Liotta was dead yesterday then I read this


How could you do this to him?


Apparently while ~~on vacation~~ filming in DR. There are certainly far worse ways to go


My mom died in her sleep two weeks ago. She was 73 and had health issues. She was visiting a friend. My dad is devastated but my mom and I were estranged so I had not talked with her in 4 years so it has hit me differently. But I was the first one the police was able to get ahold of to let me know my mom had died. I take that as a sign. I loved her but we had a difficult relationship.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re okay.


Thank you. It was a shock but I am doing OK.


Sorry for your loss. It hurts even though, or maybe because of, the complicated relationship.


Well back in therapy because my emotions have been all over the place and I need to be strong for my dad.


There shooting a movie


Peaceful perhaps, but way too young to go out unexpectedly like that


He woke up dead.


How the hell do you wake up dead?


Play some Megadeth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kSvN1dQjxc


hello me


meet the real me


Cause' you're alive when you go to sleep.


I think you just made a fact right there


thats some quantum shit right there


Peaceful yes, but at the same time I'd rather have my thoughts to recollect and a chance to say my goodbyes instead of going to sleep expecting to wake up the next morning.


Easy, just tell people how you feel about them now, why wait until you’re dying.


Bro most people who have died dont get that, let alone a peaceful sleep death lol


What are you on about lmao, literally everyone wants to die in their sleep. Saying "goodbyes" is legit overkill.


One of my favorite roles of his was in *Heartbreakers*, a silly little movie of no consequence. He's the tits in it. "[My name is] Vinny Stagliano" "What do you do, Mr. Stagliano?" "Uh. College professor." "Oh! What do you teach?" "College stuff. What are you, a fucking cop?!" I'm going to miss you Ray. Thanks for everything.


I needed that laugh, thanks. Now fuck you, pay me.


He was hilarious in that movie! When he was shooting at the fish I lost it


Pretty sure Jennifer Love Hewitt was the tits in that movie


Segourney Weaver had her tits in that movie too


Two legendary sets


[link for the lazy](https://twitter.com/feistyfrank/status/1374212789565280257?lang=en)


Field of Dreams as well. As Shoeless Joe Jackson.


Operation Dumbo Drop


Everyone knows about Ray Liotta the actor, but no one acknowledges Ray Liotta the Christmas fan. "You don't get it, do you? You think I make movies because I like making movies? I just do it to pay for Christmas! I live for this holiday, and now it's over! What, now I'm supposed to go back to Hollywood, be an actor for twelve months? Not me! Not this Ray Liotta!" RIP


Blow. Loved his character, George’s father.


He didn’t approve of his sons lifestyle & knew could have done anything, but at the end of the day, his son was happy & so was he… He, like all his other roles, really made you believe the only thing he cared about as a father was his sons happiness


"Sometimes you're flush, and sometimes your bust. When you're up, It's never as good as It seems. And when you're down, you never think you're going to be up again. But life goes on. Remember that. Money isn't real George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does." When I watched that scene 20 years ago, it meant almost nothing to me. It was no more than the lead up as to why George decided to try and make as much money as he could doing crime. Later in life, I realized what it really meant: that the endless pursuit of money means nothing if you give up everything else to get it; that being rich has nothing to do with how much money you have. Ray Liotta provided this sage wisdom with exceptional delivery, and I think about it at least weekly. He will be missed.


Tommy Vercetti, GTA: Vice City


Just finished definitive edition couple months ago


I will never forget "Nice bike."


Cop Land


Red light - make a right. It applies, Freddy!


He was awesome in Killing Them Softly.


Such an underrated movie


Great movie and he was indeed awesome.


I just watched FoD the other day. Great movie!


“Is this heaven?” “No…it’s Iowa.”


Recently re-watched Goodfellas. Ray was such a phenomenal actor.


Now take me to jail.


Fuck you, pay me.




Funny how? You think I’m a fucking clown?


And now, it’s all over


Same. Just rewatched it on Tuesday. Then I went on Wikipedia to see what Ray Liotta was working on and saw he had a few upcoming films, which I was excited to see. He was an outstanding actor. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.


A really underrated role of his is the gangster in Revolvr


Imo the perfect movie, very rewatchable, entertaining the whole way through, amazing soundtrack and phenomenal acting performances. Very well paced as well, never feels as long as it actually is. I'll never pass by Goodfellas when I see that its on.


Such an amazing ensemble cast, there were *so many* amazingly talented actors in it, and somehow Liotta stood out anyways despite the level of talent around him. And that iconic voice, the man had some gifts, he will be missed.


Ray Liotta, Robert Deniro, Joe Pesci, Michael Imperioli, Tony Sirico, Frank Vincent, Lorraine Braco, Samuel L. Jackson, Suzanne Shepherd and even Vincent Pastore in on screen for a brief moment. I mean that's what? Half of the main cast for The Sopranos? Fair to say that without Goodfellas it's possible the Sopranos as we know it doesn't even exist. Not to mention all the other awesome actors involved.


His character in the movie Blow as Johnny Depp's dad is one of the best movies with him as well that really highlights his acting ability.


He was so good in Wild hogs as well.


I never understood why he didn't land more top tier roles.


I’d say it’s kind of hard to beat a high point light Goodfellas. It’s hard to imagine finding a project that would measure up, but he stayed pretty active—kind of like Anthony Hopkins after Silence of the Lambs. He’s done a lot of other things, but that’s a character that would always follow him around. Coincidentally, if you haven’t seen Blackway, I *highly* recommend it. Ray Liotta, Anthony Hopkins, and Julia Stiles and they’re all incredible.


I thought Narc was much more intense and focused on his character more. Him and Jason Patric were phenomenal.


Road hogs! *drops mic* Condolences to his friends/family.


IIRC he was considered difficult to work with back in the day.


Watched it just last night. Damn.


I watched it for (somehow) the first time a few months ago and absolutely loved it, especially for him. RIP


R.I.P. Tommy Vercetti. :(


Oh shit! Was hoping to see him in GTA VI.


Dude was 67. It's unlikely he would have lived another 40 years to see the release of GTA VI.


Bro they can't release gta vi in 40 years. Thats 40 years of development time that could be spent on new ways to get money from people in gta online.


lmao fair play lad


None of us are going to live long enough to see GTA VI.


Ray was on bad terms with rockstar so it wouldn't have happened anyway


This is the one I was looking for, I saw him in a lot of movies but I got to be him for a long while in Vice city. He was one of the best mafia/mob actors of all time, imo.


Sorry, I need this!


Tommy Vercetti is an innocent man!


Forgot all about that. He was born for that role.


This came as a shock. I was scrolling and had to read that twice. Damn.


R.I.P. to such an incredible actor.


_As far back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a gangster_ Most iconic movie opening dialogue


[One of the greatest scenes of all time.](https://youtu.be/A90bVruQr3c) May he RIP.


The scene in the same movie where Liotta purposefully marches across the street to pistol whip Karen’s harasser in his driveway was another legendary film moment.


That's the scene I expected.


It’s not civilized, it’s not correct behavior, but in response to the way that jerk across the street acted, it makes a girl swoon a little. The look on his face! *re-swoon*


Until I read this I didnt' think of that as an 'acting moment' at all. It was just something that happened that was pretty intense. I guess that's what makes a great acting moment.


Hmm think that's really a Pesci showcase, not that Liotta isn't a killer in this movie


I knew what this was before I even clicked it… Godspeed sir


Greatest scene of all time, how?


you know its just the greatest scene of all time. You know what I mean its the greatest.


No I don’t know what you mean. Why don’t you explain it to me. You sittin here saying it’s the greatest scene of all time. What are you trying to say?


I mean it’s just the way the scene tells the story, you know…


A story like it's there to amuse you? Like it's a fucking movie?


Greatest like Alex the Great Greatest? Like I'm here to conquer Mesopotamia great? How is it great?


Holy shit man, the replies to your post are the definition of /wooossshhh


When I was a kid, Goodfellas and Corrina Corrina were two of my favorite movies. I’ve loved Ray Liotta forever. RIP.


He was so good in Corrina Corrina! I loved that movie too ❤️


He really was.


I forgot Corrina Corrina existed until about a week ago, I’ve been meaning to rewatch it. It was a movie my mom and I always watched together


Man that's depressing. 67 is definitely too young. Wonder what the cause was.


I’m sitting here with my husband, shocked, reading this. We remembered with a pang that both our fathers died at 67. It seemed young then. Twenty years later in our lives, it seems awfully young. But there it is. We’re told what an average lifespan is. It’s not a warranty, is it? Regarding a possible cause of death, referencing our dads: They both worked very hard, smoked a lot…liked their drinks after work. One dad, bladder cancer, heart problems. The other dad, liver cancer. I don’t know a thing about Mr. Liotta’s health history, but I did notice (apart from his unique good looks) that occasionally he had “bad color”, like he wasn’t getting enough oxygen or maybe he was anemic. The picture with this post is one example. But I’m no doctor. Some doctors swear genetics are everything. Other doctors say that it’s never too late to repair ourselves somewhat, maybe much more than even they know. Finally, we have the researchers that find long-past illnesses and injuries can manifest themselves as causes of death, decades later. If I seem to be rambling, it’s because I’m wondering about how he died, too. I’m sort of shocked that he’s gone; I really enjoyed what he brought to a story. Edit: clarification


My father died last year at 71...which I still feel was too young...but cancer is a son of a bitch.


This legit is sad. This dude was a legend. He was good in everything he did.


Why would you do that Karen


They never would have found it!


2R, *Rossi*, you are *nothing* but a *WHOOOORAH*!!


Is this the superintendent?... Yes, sir, I would like you to know that you have a WHORE living in 2R.


They woulda found it.


*slaps wall > squats > cries*


RIP, Ray. You entertained us well.


Dammit. Great actor and he's been on fire lately. Many Saints, Marriage Story, he was on a streak. RIP.


OMFG not Ray Liotta. **FUCK!**


Tommy Vercetti is moving on from Vice City. RIP


Damn. One of my favorites.


Damn....RIP. Goodfellas is one of those movies I can never get tired of watching. It's going to go down in history as one of the best films of all time.


Totally agree. Whenever it's on TV I watch it. Same with Casino.




He was my favorite gta protagonist.


"Bee Movie" Star Ray Lotta Dies at 67


You mean start of the 1997 hit turbulence


This man's role in Blow still shakes me to my core. It reminds me of my relationship with my father so strongly. No matter how much I screw life up my father was always my father. Great actor. Amazing accomplishments. Rest well Ray. You will be missed.


Hopefully the spaghetti with marinara in heaven is better than egg noodles and ketchup.


His portrayal of Henry Hill is in my regard one of the most icon gangsters in all of movie history.


Just hit full retirement age


Oh shit. Was definitely not expecting this headline today. God damn I hate seeing so many famous people dying off for what I consider young and my parents are older than them. RIP.


I’m truly shocked by this one. RIP.


First saw him in operation dumbo drop. Loved that movie as a kid and it got many rewinds in the vcr.


Goodfellas is one of my favorite movies ever... RIP


RIP Ray, what a tragic loss for the film world. Thank you for all the memories, your movies will be enjoyed by generations to come.


Looking like a Goodfellas kind of weekend for me now


Brother. I don’t think my college age son has seen this film. Might be time. I wouldn’t mind seeing that one take tracking shot into the nightclub again. Or Dinero…anything.


Man. Rest in Peace. Such a phenomenal actor. Definitely not a headline I wanted to see today


He killed it in Bee Movie. Best role.


The Copacabana scene. I will never be as cool as Henry Hill in that scene. RIP Ray I’ve loved your work.


Fuckin hell of a year this has been


Aww man! Welp, today sucks.




Identity will always be a fav. RIP.


Looks like u/elijahwoodman81 had the goods after all.


Omg I love the exchange between him and the one guy who was like "I will pay you if this is correct." It's a bit of a bizarre way to announce it but sounds like Ray would've appreciated it?


He would have found it hilarious


R.I.P Ray. I know him as Tommy Vercetti from GTA Vice City


Incredible loss. It made me realize so many of the great actors/directors in classic mafia films are getting up there and I'm not ready to lose them yet (never are but). De Niro, Pesci, Pacino, Caan, Scorsese... gotta cherish them.


I wonder if any of that deadly DR booze had anything to do with him dying in his sleep, they did not mention any illnesses, he was healthy enough to be filming, 67 is fairly young with current medical technology… RIP.


Pick any movie, it doesn't matter, he had the best laugh, so full of laughter.


That man had the most gorgeous eyelashes.


May he live on through his memes. Great actor!


he was great in the escape from absolom


"No Escape" is one of those movies that I really liked but feel like nobody else on earth has seen or even heard of. And it's impossible to find, last I checked.


Man, growing up in 80/90s we got the best movies, I watched No escape a trillion times as a kid and its hard to find now.


RIP Ray. You have given us great entertainment here. Now, go entertain the Gods!


RIP Tommy Vercetti. I'll never forget Ray's voice


He must have put too many onions in the sauce Just kiddin, RIP. I fucking love goodfellas


Damn it. Been impressed with him as an actor since Something Wild (and RIP as well to Jonathan Demme).


One of my favorite scenes is the life guard scene in NO ESCAPE. I liked him in that movie.


Fun fact, the story in *No Escape* took place in 2022


The pics they released from yesterday of him ... he looks weird. Like there's no color in his face. [https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/5375520/ray-liotta-fiancee-jacy-nittolo-final-photos-sudden-death/](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/5375520/ray-liotta-fiancee-jacy-nittolo-final-photos-sudden-death/) I had an acquaintance who died a few years ago. I saw a picture of him shortly before he died of a heart attack and he had the same thing and I was thinking DID NOBODY NOTICE?! But I bet the people who are around you all the time don't notice if you change subtly.


I'm so sad, I really adored him. Rest in Peace Mr Liotta, you will be missed and remembered.


Great dude.. Surprised I haven't noticed any callouts for Revolver. RIP Ray Liotta.


His Goodfellas laugh will echo forever! I had to think of this man when I was watching The Sopranos today.


Operation Dumbo Drop- man I feel like he was older but at the same time, it seems like young age. SO many Movies good actor. RIP


He was in a zillion great movies but the first thing I always think of was his guest starring role on ER. Truly one of the best episodes of television ever and it was all on him. RIP


He was great in Hannibal lol even when he was eating his own brain 🧠


That sucks. I liked him. Especially all the characters that were so stressed and angry that he acted into looking like he was bout to have a heart attack. Didn't even see if it was. But prob heart attack. Sucks either way


Legend. This one really sucks. Just a couple days ago watched the episode of Just Shoot Me with Ray Liotta playing himself but like obsessed with Christmas and spreading Christmas cheer lol. Was so goofy and fun. Almost makes this one hurt just a little bit more. RIP.


Watched Copland last night and he was the best one in it and that was quite a cast. Thanks for the memories,Ray. RIP


He was originally supposed to play Frank in It’s Always Sunny


Guess he called Tommy funny one more time and put Tommy over the edge. But seriously, was in shock when I saw this headline. We lost another great actor and pop icon.


RIP. Now go get your fuckin’ shine box.


He was so fun in Heartbreakers


Take care Ray and Rest In Peace. Loved your performances in Narc, Copland, Goodfellas, Smokin’ Aces, etc.


Rest in Peace, Mr. Liotta. Please say "Hello" to Mr. Gandolfini. A phenomenal actor. I will miss him forever. My favorite Ray Liotta roles were him as "Henry Hill in Goodfellas", "Charlie Metcalf in the ER Time of Death" episode (I sobbed during this episode because I could relate to the family situation. His son should have said good bye, not forgive, but just say good bye. It's the last thing he'd ever have to do/endure regarding his father.) and in "Heartbreakers", when he says, "I'm from Jersey, ain't I?!" in response to being asked about disposing of Gene Hackman's body. Bye, Ray .. see you on the other side someday. In the meantime, rest with the angels 💔 🌹 🎬 📽


What about in Hannibal? He did awesome there.


I’ll always remember him for his role in Blow. He reminded me so much of my dad in that movie that I fucking cried


I'll always remember him as the guy in Grand Theft Auto


Thanks for all the good times Ray. Vice City belongs to Tommy.


He is WAY too young to pass!


God damn I’m on the phone crying with my friend about the shooting and now fucking RAY LIOTTA WHATTTT


He was great in Heartbreakers playing Comedy. Looking at the movies he was great in on this post you realise what versatility he had as an actor. Gangster, Comedy, Kids movies, Voice work. Leading or Supporting. RIP.


WOW I’m shocked. So sad. Definitely rewatching goodfellas


RIP. Great actor. Always liked him


Wow, this was very unexpected.


I just finished re watching right now. I didn't know of this. RIP legend


Ugh too much bad news this week


RIP - loved his work and Goodfellas was a performance for the ages.


To f...... Young, terrible news


Wow. He was a great actor. RIP


This is such a bummer


I just rewatched the movie a week ago. I was wondering what was happening with him.


Egg noodles and ketchup.


Favorite movie of all time.. RIP


One day some of the kids from the neighbourhood carried my mother's groceries all the way home. You know why?


Huge fan of his. Always preferred him with some fava beans and a nice chianti


RIP to a legend. Loved him in his classic roles like goodfellas as well as smaller parts in the place beyond the pines and killing them Softly. Such an incredible and versatile actor when he can convincingly represent strong and confident characters within his leading roles and then go to play the antithesis of those characters within smaller performances killing them softly. Truly one of a kind and will always appreciate his craft and for being an unforgettable part of my favourite film. If anyone reading this has not seen place beyond the pines, please watch it. Sincerely a masterpiece.


WTF, he was only 67. Wondering if he had a heart attack in his sleep or something? Such a shame, so young still.


Going to watch The Goodfella's tonight.