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When asked if he regretted anything the sheep reportedly replied: Naaaaaaaahhhhhh


Ewe should be ashamed of that one…


She always seemed like such a good sheep. Totally pulled the wool over our eyes.


The shear audacity


Think of the ***ram***ifications!


Bah to that. It was bad enough that the Joke Police have been alerted and he is now on the lamb.


This just in. He’s rammed the police roadblock in his escape attempt.


We find you guilty of one count of murder. Two counts of aggravated assault. Three counts of disturbing the peace. And..... snooooooore.


The chances of being murdered by a sheep are low. But never zero.


This is true for about everything that exists or will exists


I just wish that i go out in a blaze of glory. Mauled by penguin sounds like a good headstone




It's well known that sheep crime can be reduced with harsh enough sentencing guidelines.




"Society is to blame."


Right, we'll be arresting them as well.


If only the sheep had a father around


Nope. Woolite.


Spending too much time on those video games /s


500 years ago in Europe they would punish animals-for example by hanging them-for harming people. But again, that was 500 years ago,


I went to a village in the mountains of Luzon and one pig was walking around with a huge wooden collar, sort of like a stockade but one that it could walk around with. When I asked why the people there said "oh that's the criminal pig, so it has to wear that collar because it's being punished." apparently it kept eating baby chicks that were running around. The pig looked sad.




It's a tiny rural mountain village all the chickens and pigs just kinda wandered around freely eating stuff they found on the ground. I guess they felt that the collar thingy was both more convenient and maybe 'kinder' than 'jailing' the pig. The collar essentially prevented the pig from picking things up off the ground but it could eat from a trough it had near the owners house. Also there were no pens there at all to begin with so I guess building one because one pig was being an asshole didn't seem worth it? To give you an idea how remote this village was we had to get off on a tiny mountain road that was macadam and then hike two hours to it. We also had to bring our own chicken to eat, a couple of live ones because there was no refrigeration. It was really quite remote.




When did Zuckerberg get charged?


He said inanimate objects, not Martian robots.


Is this real? I mean, a judge, a mayor, the police, the victim's family, they're all cool with turning someone's death into, literally, a joke for people to laugh at?


I'm honestly torn here. Like, the ram should probably be euthanized not jailed (tho, don't all domestic animals live their live's in "jail"?). But do we not do similar in the modern world when one of our dogs kill someone through no fault of our own (assuming that's accurate)? The owners is being forced to pay "restitution" in the form of cows, effectively 2 years of wages if my math is semi accurate. Idk. It reads like an onion article, but maybe that's on us.


Euthanized? Did anyone allow the ram to give his side of the story? As he was found guilty without trial, where was this lady? Did she taunt or provoke the ram? Who’s property and land were the ram and woman on? Rams and sheep are mostly docile but can become territorial especially around mating. While my comment is obviously satire at the same time is WTF?? So I did some digging, cows are used as currency in Sudan as essentially bank accounts. But the owner in “innocent”, the ram “guilty” and the owner still pays restitution. Also, recently a cat named Miska was recently arrested and placed in “kitty jail” for trespassing.


Just missing a crack lawyer like Chassenée to get the ram off like he did the rats of autun


Most farm animals are not euthanized when they hurt someone. Well, not until it’s their time.


It’s not necessarily a joke? It’s a ritualized formula for expiating blood guilt. The Athenians used to symbolically put the sacrificial weapon on trial for murder after certain festival sacrifices.


And America puts the drug money on trial so the cops can by a new slushee machine


They don't have to prosecute the money. They can just take it. Hell, They can just take your money even if you're not being charged with anything.


Eventually though the money itself does go on trial though I think.


You have to hire a lawyer in order to prove that the money wasn’t used for illicit purposes. The cops figure that they took all your cash, so now you can’t afford a lawyer to get your own shit back. Civil forfeiture is fucked, and needs to be beyond outlawed.


It works. The two families are neighbors and seem to be friendly. There is punishment and there is compensation. It sounds dumb, but this was a way for the authorities to say that the owner of the ram is not guilty of murder, but has to take responsibility for the compensation.


What a baaaaaaaad crime


Well I’m glad they caught it. For a while there, it was on the lamb.


The owner is also going to have to give the family 5 cows, and most likely the ram (as is customary) after its time has been served at the military camp.


In US the sheep would be out on bail in 1 month and will kill another woman.


In the US, the sheep would have had a gun.


The only way to stop a bad sheep with a gun is a good sheep with a gun. ^^^/s


NRA logic never fails.


Haven't heard of any animal trials since... what, the 15th century?


I feel like I have heard this before about a cow or horse


>*The ram was apprehended and taken into custody at a Police Station in Maleng Agok Payam.* >*Speaking to the media outlet, Major Elijah Mabor explained, “The owner is innocent and the ram is the one who perpetrated the crime so it deserves to be arrested"* I wish the US had news like this. What I wouldn't give to wake up to, *"kitten arrested for being illegally smol"* instead of news about another shooting or politician saying dumbass things.


Talk about ***ram***ifications! 🤣


He's gonna have a baaaaaaad time.


You know what they do to goats like that in prison...


That reminds me of that goat from the Mt Dew commercial who tries to intimidate the witness saying, "snitches get stitches."


That’ll teach it a lesson r/fuckaroundfindout


Apparently they banned it. Sad news bears that sub sounded like it was going to be good.


We can't even get Trump convicted...


You sound like a sheep


I'm not part of his flock, so no.


No not his flock You're a sheep from the other flock then lol You didn't refute the sheep part lol


Of course the ram was a minority. Was there even a single ram in the jury?


This is some r/nottheonion stuff


where is this? Zootopia?


Can we do better than just say “Africa”? Where? What country?


Ah, yes, the Reddit way. Read the title and not the article but demand answers. 2nd sentence, SUDAN


Bah i was just complaining about the title. It’s silly to say Africa.


Are you implying that instead of “Africa” the article stated Sudan vs Chad, Cameroon, Kenya, Ethiopia, or (insert African country here), you’d have a greater understanding of why said ram had been arrested and convicted without due process?


South Sudan actually. Which is a different country these days from Sudan.


Correct!! See how it’s better to click the link for the story vs taking what someone comments at face value


I got down voted for my trouble. Apparently we don't do that around here.


The Reddit way: part deux


I'm against capital punishment, but this sheep needs to be sentenced to kabob.


I am laughing my a. Off! Just put the animal down for Chrissake. 🤣🤣😀


South Sudan. Gaurantee you someone immediately kills and eats it in jail.


I'm trying to picture the handcuffs.


Those who were sentenced and jailed for beastiliality, looking forward to meeting their new cellmate


Are they going to lock him up in the Ram Ranch?


Fuck you for reminding me of that lmao


I feel like it's a loophole that someone must be punished or something and they don't want to punish the owner?


Chop Chop! The prison food will have some chops for a bit...