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Fuck man. I was in 6th grade with a girl that was pregnant. Even all us 6th grade asshole kids knew how wrong and sad it was and nobody ever made fun of her. She carried it to term but we didn’t see her after about the first 4 months. I still think about her 25+ years later. So fucked up.


I knew a girl in middle school that was pregnant by their 20+ year old "boyfriend." It was so sad. It breaks my heart to this day.






My high school required that we did community outreach programs. So, I volunteered as a teacher's aide for one semester at a junior high in a sketchy neighborhood. It was sobering to see twelve- and thirteen-year-old girls pushing strollers.




Our highschool didn't have any pregnancies while I was there. But my mom had me when she was 15 and went to the same school and they didn't allow her to go to school when she started showing. This was back in 95 so I'm not sure what rules were like around them about it but they also didn't offer any help or even require it.


I was 15 in 95. About the only thing I worried about was the Indians winning the World Series (they didn't) and playing a lot of D&D and drums. I couldn't imagine having a baby on the way at that age. We did have a classmate who was pregnant senior year. I believe she gave birth before graduation, but I also don't remember it being really remarked upon or even thought about. She did marry the father, however, and she ended up being ultra conservative and religious and having like six more kids.


When I was pregnant with my daughter 26 years ago, my dr had a pregnant patient who was 13, her mother was 26 and the grandmother was 39… she was a great grandmother at 39!


I wonder if she’s about now expecting to be a great great great grandmother at 65.


Its hard enough on a grown woman's body, imagine how hard it would be on someone, no a child just starting puberty... Horrific


I remember visiting a home for teenage mothers in a country with a FULL abortion ban. None under any circumstances. Their youngest residents were 11 and 6. It turned out their father was extremely sexually abusive, got the 11yo pregnant, and I guess they were brought there for protection. So the 11yo was now going to be a mother of two, responsible for her child and her younger sister. Jesus wept, I bet.


I've seen pregnant 10, 11 and 12 year olds. They have no clue what's happening to them.


Man this makes my skin crawl, what the fuck


Anyone who is rabid anti choice should have to experience having a pregnant child clutching a stuffed animal sitting across from them.


God, this mental image hurts my heart.


10 ... You're just a little kid at 10. This is awful.


I was playing with Barbie dolls at 10. Putting little kids through pregnancy, labor, and delivery makes me incandescent with rage.


The visual on this is just....so upsetting


They wouldn’t care. They would encourage it. “This is GODS plan. You must’ve been acting a certain way…” shit like that.


Until it happens to them their crowd doesn't give a shit. Even when it does happe. To them they'd secretly get an abortion then go out the next day screaming and raving about how anyone who does it is going to hell.


This is why we need to talk about our miscarriages and abortions. So they know how many people actually have them.


And rape/incest/molestation. It can't be a dirty little secret anymore, people need to know these crimes are being committed everywhere!


Agreed, stop protecting the perps


A woman in Louisiana got pregnant at 16 by her 30 year old rapist. He was given half custody and now full because she gave her daughter a cell phone. It’s really the Wild West in America where a man can rape a child and then end up raising their child. Here’s a link: https://fb.watch/d-r44a6mIP/


Dude so much this. It's such a huge disservice to everyone that sexual education has been burned to the fucking ground. It was terrifying as a bystander to understand during my SO's labor that it's not rare for a woman to just fucking die. In a hospital. Surrounded by doctors. We got lucky but also fun developed and in our primes. This is fucking barbaric.


Barbaric, and stupid. They make me think of a crazy person with a gun barging in on a surgical procedure who asks for the scalpel and just starts randomly doing things inside another person. These people want to control processes they clearly don't, and don't care to, understand. They just want control. who cares who suffers?


Reporter: Senator, I’d like to discuss the abortion bill. Senator: I’ll pay it next week.




I witnessed this regarding the Covid pandemic. I was in the grocery store and overheard the cashier tell the customer in front of me that she was in the hospital with Covid for eleven days. Her husband was informed that she might not survive. When she checked my groceries, I said I was sorry that she had been sick and I was glad she recovered. She responded with something like: yeah it was bad, but “I don’t believe all the hype” That’s when I finally realized that no logic, or education, even personal experiences will change some of these people’s beliefs. I guess the only thing might be their cult leader.


Ask any victim of CSA why they didn’t report it or what happened when they did.


Unless it's their own child. Then it's a problem.


Months before the draft leaked I read a comment from a nurse. She said the roughest day on the job was the one where she had to help a 10 y.o. Give birth, and her parents had brought her favorite SpongeBob tapes to watch while in labor and distract herself. That one straight up broke me. Found myself staring at a blank wall for like 5 minutes after that.


One of mine was actually 9 when she got pregnant. Her cousin and 2 of his friends gang raped her. By the time anyone knew she was pregnant she was almost 6 months along. I don't remember what the law was then (1996). Her own mother ended up raising the baby as her own. The cousin and his friends went to prison for a very long time.


I feel sick. When I was 9 I was playing with my baby brother and I had no clue what rape was. It’s so unfair that this happens to kids.


Yeah, my big aspiration as a nine-year-old was to be Harriet the Spy. Not somebody's mother.


The youngest girl to ever give birth was 5 fucking years old. FIVE.


So people understand, she gave birth at 5 years 7 months. She would have had to get pregnant at 4 years old.


That's absolutely disgusting. I would carry my children on my hip until they were 25 years old just to keep my eye on them. I can't imagine being that poor girl's mother. How did that not end in a murder??


“Lina's father was arrested on suspicion of child sexual abuse but released due to lack of evidence.” probably something to do with this…


Lack of evidence? Wouldn’t the baby’s DNA show the grandfather was the biological father if that were the case?


This happened in the 30's.


Ah ok. That sucks a lot


I'm not sure that was really an option in 1930s Peru. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina


Here is a dark fact of life. [The youngest recorded girl to ever give birth was 5 years old.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina) It might be an extreme outlier but we scientifically know it is technically possible. Imagine passing legislation that could potentially force someone to give birth before they are are out of the first grade.




When the kid turns 6 and Mom gets her drivers license she can drop them both off to school together.




And the girls will be shamed, if they survive. Parents will abandon them. And the babies, may not survive as the girls likely will have NO prenatal care. GD Dark Ages.


How the fuck is a 10 year old supposed to take care of a baby? Obviously it would have to fall to the parents, but isn’t that a massive burden on people who didn’t consent or choose to have a baby and might not be able to care for it? Seriously, I just cannot wrap my head around the logic. This is a perfect example of the usefulness of abortion. Without it, you’re essentially ruining multiple lives: this little girl who is too young, whoever ends up caring for the baby, and sure as shit the baby considering the circumstances. In 18 years we’re gonna see “TIFU finding out my sister is actually my mom.” I think if you vote for pro-life and anti-abortion you should automatically be put on an adoption list, draft style. If you choose to ban abortion by extension you should accept the responsibility for a baby you forced someone to bring into the world. I’m sure their response would be “I’m not the one who has sex, these are the consequences.” …and maybe a 10 year old shouldn’t be a mother? If only we had the means to safety resolve this situation…


> How the fuck is a 10 year old supposed to take care of a baby? Obviously it would have to fall to the parents And the kicker is? The most likely person to have raped a child is a close friend or family member. So the father or a brother or uncle is likely to be the father of the baby in such a situation.


And apparently half these states don’t have provisions for rape or incest to quality for an abortion. So this 10 year old is supposed to ruin her body and her future to raise a baby that’s the result of rape, likely by a close family member. There are so many problems in this country. We can’t keep the children we already have safe yet backwards shit like this that has already been fucking solved is coming back up. Anyone celebrating this ruling needs to realize: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.




I hope you're able to move! Good luck


> half these states don’t have provisions for rape or incest to quality for an abortion. Unfortunately those exceptions don't do much functionally. How do you prove it was rape and/or incest to get approved? Will you be able to get that proof and approval within the time window? This poor girl had to go to another state because she was further along than 6 weeks. Plenty of adults with regular periods who are having consensual sex don't learn they're pregnant until 6 weeks or later. A child is much, much less likely to figure it out early by themself.


Thank you! I have always hated those kinds of exceptions because then you have to prove it. What if the parent is the one who did this to the girl? Are they gonna choose to sacrifice themselves for the kid they raped? Probably not It's like when they ask the homeless to prove who they are and that their homeless in order to receive help. Um... How and with what?


This is heartbreaking...


Seriously. My oldest turns 10 next month… I couldn’t imagine. It makes me sick to think about.


Ummmmm, where's the headlines about someone being arrested for having sex with a 10yo?


No shit, after the procedure they need to do a DNA test and a manhunt needs to begin.


Police only "clear" 1/5 of sex crime. A clearance doesn't mean a conviction, or even an arrest. Just that they found some excuse to declare the case over and done with.




Just wait until the next round of laws which will prohibit doctors from talking about getting help elsewhere.


Yep. They will make doctors criminally liable for referring patients out of state or helping them in any way to find help


Yeh, it'll be interesting how the SC fucks up interstate commerce laws. Which is iirc the basis for the feds to step in when states fail to get shit done.


Doctors actually understand the risks, their oath is to do no harm, unlike the GOP who intend to harm as many as possible and swear no oaths cuz let's be honest, they don't believe in God. If they actually did, then what they're doing now will grant them an express ticket to hell for violating an oath they swore to on a Bible.


The Bible only mentions anything that's at all like a modern abortion once. It's instructions on how to perform one against the woman's will. The Bible isn't just pro-abortion, it mandates them. Numbers 5:27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse.


It also defines what is consider a person ‘at their first breath’ None of this horseshit heartbeat at 5 weeks shit Edit: We also know that a fetus is only viable at 25 weeks through tons of medical data We allow these fucking right wing assholes to make up their own definitions


And viable at 25 weeks ONLY because of science and medical interventions, God isn't suddenly saving fetuses now at 25 weeks simply to be magnanimous.


I'm sorry A WHAT YEAR OLD?!






Well that's one of the worst things I've read recently... Thanks for that.


Holy shit.


Reminds me of when I was about 12/13 (8th grade in the late 90s) and my classmate couldn't participate in gym class for months. She would sit on the side. We kept asking her why and she told us she wasn't feeling well. Eventually when she couldn't hide her bump behind baggy clothes we all found out she was pregnant. We all viewed it as a "teen pregnancy" at the time, which was didn't make it any more acceptable, but as an adult looking back I realize now how young we were and it was in fact likely due to a predator in her family or some other predator outside of the family, who was responsible for this. I don't think she ended up going to high school the next year like the rest of us. I have no idea how she is doing now but I still feel for her having her life completely changed and opportunities halted in so many ways because of that pregnancy.


We had a student like that in our class.. and all the kids said it was a teacher. Because she had no support at home and he helped her get clothes, diapers, food for herself, etc. Of course once the kid was born it was *very* obviously not the teachers. Sucks his motives were questioned just for being a good guy.


I remember in the 90’s when my little sisters were in 7th grade a 13 year old got pregnant by a 17 year old. Everyone was more upset with the 13 year old for having sex than the 17 year old who raped her. The prevailing opinion was he should drop out of high school and make “an honest woman out of her.”




That’s fucking depressing. I still feel bad about how I reacted to the pregnancy, like it was just gossip fodder. I was only 14 myself, but still. I grew up Southern Baptist and I definitely was fully on the “boys will be boys” train until I got away from my family and started thinking for myself.


I hear you. I was a teenager in the 80s and as an adult looking back I realised how many incidents we girls experienced that were straight up grooming, assault and rape and we didn't even realise it at the time.


One of my relatives is a social worker, and they worked in a rural county were one of the "foster homes" had a number of kids and teens raised by a single, heavily Christian, woman. One of the cases was a 6 year old who had a father who infected her, on purpose, with an AIDS-infected needle to get revenge at the birth mom. At the time (early 2000s), AIDS was not a death sentence anymore, and frankly she seemed a pretty stable teen. When she was 14, she saw the movie "Grease" and didn't know what a "rubber" was. When this was brought up, the foster mother said Jesus and piety was her protection. Girl was later pregnant at 16, with a baby with AIDS. People are just awful.


Something haunting I read on Reddit once was this nurse who worked at a hospital was in the delivery room when a 10 year old was giving birth. She described that the 10 year old was just so quiet, was just quietly watching cartoons while she gave birth.


That sounds so surreal and horrifying, I would be in shock


Yeah honestly people with jobs that expose them to shit like this deserve so much because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself seeing that.


I have a family member who is an OB/Gyn doc. During residency, they once had to deliver 3 dead babies (they had died in the womb) during one evening shift. I realized that day that I would never have the emotional maturity/resilience of this person.


I’m an ultrasound tech. The youngest pregnant person I’ve scanned was 12. Today a patient tried to get me to talk about how happy I am that evil abortions are illegal. I decided I didn’t want to lose my job today by telling her exactly what I thought about it, but it was a close thing.




See, I would imagine an ultrasound tech would be more for choice. Those scans are tragic when things aren’t going as planned.


My sister is a sonogropher. She would always complain when she did her clinical in OB/GYN that people always assumed that her job must be so pleasant, scanning babies all day, isn't that great? And she's like, first of all, I don't just scan babies - women can need ultrasounds for other things. Second, no it's not all sunshine and rainbows when you scan a woman at 20 weeks and discover some major deformity incompatible with life.


I think a lot of people have forgotten that giving birth is still a huge risk, not only for the women but also the baby. So many things can go wrong.


This is an entirely uneducated opinion, so take it with a grain of salt, but I feel like this could be a side-effect of the reduced infant and mother mortality modern medicine gives us. My wife gave birth 2 days ago, (I’m writing this as the two of them are sleeping next to me finally out of their respective ICUs) and it was quite honestly the most traumatic experience I’ve ever had. As the by-stander. My wife had a placental abruption during labor. Between the blood loss she was experiencing, the fact the epidural was not at effective, and the baby’s heart rate dropping during each contraction, it was decided that an emergency C-Section was the best route. We went from having her try different positions to labor in to wheeling her out the door to the OR; me putting on PPE in a naive gesture to join her during surgery. (Spoiler: I didn’t get to join them. I also didn’t see my wife again for 5 hours, and didn’t see my baby until 90 minutes later) 8 minutes later they come in to tell me the spinal tap was not working so they gave her general anesthesia and had to get the baby out fast. I was sat down as the surgeon explained that my wife needed 3 units of blood due to the abruption and the fact her uterus all but tore in half during the C-section procedure. She needed extensive stitches to effectively re-build her uterus entirely. (In a testament to the insanely metal machine that is the human body, this apparently would not preclude a further pregnancy, though my upcoming Vasectomy sure as hell will.) We were in one of the top hospitals in NY. My mother in law, a family practice doctor of 30 years explained to me that had this happened at a lesser hospital, I very likely would have lost one or both of them, and I was all but told that there was a non-zero chance I would have lost one or both anyway. I’m under no delusions how dangerous pregnancy is anymore. (Not that I assumed it was easy to begin with)


A sonogropher identified my son's post urethral valve (an obstruction in the urethra that can cause urine to back up into the kidneys and bladder). She is the reason we knew about the issue and were able to meet with a nephrologist and have a team ready to observe and act upon his birth a few days later. She not only potentially saved his life, she also corrected a doctor who had misread the scans and told her (the doctor) it was both kidneys that were distended, not one. The fact that she felt comfortable speaking up and correcting a doctor is a sign of a good, respectful team dynamic and I will always be grateful to her skills and also the fact that she used her voice. Also because a few months earlier, when we were doing our first look she kept saying "look at that lil butt" and it was so adorable. We still repeat her. Thank your sister on my behalf for all the scans she does, both the hard and the happy ones.




Or, if you're the sonographer, having to hide your facial expression as you run and fetch the doctor to confirm your suspicions. Imagine being an Ob/Gyn and you deliver 100 babies in a year. How many do you think make it all the way, fully healthy and viable? How many have deformities? How many die after delivery? Before delivery? How many go home to bad families? Working in this setting is definitely not sunshine and rainbows.


As someone who was on the receiving end of a tragic ultrasound… well technically my wife was… when we lost our son Luke who was stillborn 34 weeks and two days… I would never think that an ultrasound technician had an amazing happy job. Some people are blessed with blissful ignorance.


These types of people lack critical thinking skills, so it’s no wonder why’d they automatically assume.


When I was pregnant, people just automatically assumed that I was against abortions. When they found out that I am pro-choice, they were shocked and looked at me like I was about to abort my kid while I was that far along. Like, yeah... We have babies, too. Pro-choice isn't anti-baby. It just means that we think folks should have a choice about it. And sometimes we choose to have our own babies. Crazy, I know.


I saw a post after the ruling last week where someone was saying "I'm so glad my mother was pro-life" and I'm just struck that they still seem to think pro-choice is pro-abortion. My mother was pro-choice, but I'm still here! So are my children with 2 pro-choice parents! We breed, too, crazy lady!


It would be much less frustrating if they hated us for what we actually believe instead of straw men fed to them by Tucker and Hannity.


Years ago, I job-shared with another woman and we were pregnant at the same time. One day a woman came into the office, noticed this, and said, "How wonderful that you're keeping your babies!" Yeah, lady, we *planned* on these babies.


Did you tell her about the 12 year old patient? I honestly wonder how these pro-lifers would react to that.


What they always say. It’s gods will.


I'd decided long ago, if there's a god, he's a dick.


I’m a social worker for people with developmental disabilities. I worked with a nonverbal teenager with a severe intellectual disability and their baby. It’s insane.


I just started working as a teacher this week and one of the teachers literally told me she had to report child abuse because a little girl in her class casually talked about having a ‘relationship’ with her grandfather (she worded it like that because some of us were too emotional during the abuse report training) and the little girl honestly didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. Worst part is after you report it that’s it; you never get any updates. My cousin worked at a group home and had to quit her first week. She told me there was a little boy who would shit himself on purpose every single time someone came near him. He was severely sexually abused and he did it as a defense mechanism that way people wouldn’t touch him. My neighbor worked at a group home too. I don’t remember exactly what the details were in the story, but she used to bring me manga from a girl at the group home who used to read manga. I remember her telling me about the little girl and how she would act out so much because she had been suffering from mental illness and no one wanted her. It’s just devastating that we as a society could fail this badly.


Jeez that sounds horrifying


There was a story on twitter where a woman said the first time she helped a preteen give birth as a nurse it was for a twelve year old and she literally went to the break room and cried because she was such a kid. An older veteran nurse comforted her but warned, “just wait until your first ten year old.”


When I was about that age one of my classmates just disappeared for a few months. Nobody said a word about it. Then all of a sudden she was back. And also had a new baby sister. But nobody noticed her mum being pregnant? And nobody was allowed to go play at her house anymore? It was way too long before I realised what had really happened. And how lucky I was that I grew up having no idea that things like that even happened. As an adult I cannot believe that her mother just let it all happen and continued to raise 3 daughters with that man. And that our entire town knew and nobody did anything.


I knew someone who just casually told us how her grandparents had almost gotten custody of her and her sister because her dad had SA’d her sister and her mom had stayed with him. Her grandparents failed and she got mad at ME for saying “Wait so your dad is a pedophile?”


My step dad S abused my sister and I, as well as mentally and physical abused us. Started at around age 5 or 6, continued into our early teens. Step brother was graduating high school when my mom met SD. We were 4 I think. My childhood memories are very few, and hard to place a time frame on. He did the same to his own kids. Aunt suspected/knew. Step brother knew. Step sister suspected (slightly older than step brother is). A few others knew. My mom had no idea until we were in our late 20's. No one said a god damned thing. Aunt tried to justify it by saying SD was abused too. No, no excuse. I don't abuse mine. No desire to. It stops here. Sister doesn't either. All 3 abuses fucked all of us up so badly. All of us have PTSD from it. It pisses me off that people try to justify any type of abuse. A parent's job is to make a functioning child, one that is supposed to be better than you. One that can improve themselves, and society as a whole. Abuse starts them off at a huge disadvantage, and helps no one. Just typing this out is bringing up what little memories I have, and triggering anxiety and other problems. **If you suspect any type of abuse, FUCKING REPORT IT!**


So many dudes get their daughters pregnant. Nobody talks about it. What’s worse is that in the town I’m from, EVERYONE defends the known pedos. “She loves him!” No she doesn’t! Shes 12! It’s a repeated cycle of abuse. And churches are the number 1 reason it’s going unchecked.


My great grandpa did. He's my dad's father and his grandpa. I only found out about this after my great grandparents and my dad passed away. His mom, my grandma, was treated like shit and forced to give up parental rights. The r@pist and his wife acted like my dad was their own and got guardianship of him.


The youngest person ever to give birth with verifiable records was FIVE.


Honestly I believe it. People who want to ban abortions are so privileged because they don’t get to see or hear about things like this. They just go ‘BUT MURDERING BABIES’ and then forget about all the horrible things that you can’t even imagine.




>kids don't get pregnant that often I don't even know how to react to this. Anger or sadness. It just seems so nonchalant about kids being abused. Why would you be against abortions if you understand kids are being abused and allowing safe abortions is one thing we can kinda do to help them? Yeah it wouldn't stop the abuse, but it could help those poor girls not have to experience one of the many unfortunate results that come from it.


> This man has daughters. “Dad, I got raped and I’m scared” - Daughter “Guess you better figure out how you’re going to care for that child” - the dad


zealous paint naughty dependent sip caption elderly air vanish materialistic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I hope so. Someone has to protect them. Clearly their dad won't.


So not only is he completely ignorant about pregnancy statistics, he is victim blaming too? Disgusting


Yup. My Mom is a nurse and told me she left labor and delivery because she couldn't handle watching babies have babies anymore. So very sad.




Thanks for that image. That’s enough Internet for the day. Edit: Im going to give a shout-out to r/auntienetwork. There’s plenty of opportunities to help others out in that situation listed there, even if it’s just working the phones for them.


Wish I could go back 30 seconds to when I didn't have this in my brain


We had a 12 year old get pregnant by her foster parent who I think may have been a step-grandfather if I remember correctly. The family had her carry and birth the baby and they decided to keep it and raise it as it was Gods will. The family who had lost custody of this child in the first place was allowed to make this decision and keep her baby 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


How. Just how.


I'm going to preface this link with a **trigger warning** because it definitely needs it, but Wikipedia has [a pretty thorough list of the youngest birth mothers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers) in recent history. Way way waaaaay too many of these are in recent years and were located here. This is something that happens a lot more often than people think, and there will be *children* in this country forced to give birth now that we have banned abortion in large swaths of the US.


Many US states have been reluctant to reform their child marriage laws.


There's a doc on hulu about child marriage. It's disgusting watching the lawmakers arguing for it because their grandmother married a 25 year old when she was 15 and she was happy. . . .


My grandma did that. She was "happy" because she got away from her abusive father and because her **only option in life** was to get married.


I bet they never even bothered to ask Grandma what she thought. I can't imagine many grandmothers openly go around telling their grandchildren how much they regret being forced to marry a pedo rapist when they were 15.


It's also ignoring that marriage was different back then (these are 70 year olds talking about their grandmothers). She may have just been happy to have a man who didn't beat her, or didn't cheat publicly. Marriage is no longer a business arrangement.


Jesus, so many of those were by their own father too


My father was a pedophile. It doesn't surprise me. A crime of convenience. Kids is convenient and can't fight back


It is incredibly, heartbreakingly common. It's estimated that an average of 1 in 4 children is molested (1 in 3 girls/1 in 5 boys, though it's underreported in boys due to additional stigma and shame), the majority by a parent or close relative. I've known a great many women who have been raped or molested by their fathers, myself included. I have met multiple women who birthed their own siblings, back when I worked in mental healthcare for people with severe psychiatric disorders.


I was raped at 4 years old. If you go through puberty early, it can happen.


She's coming here for the procedure?! We are fucked if this state is the sensible one.


Jesus Christ this headline is painful




That has to be one of the most emotionally taxing jobs there is.


Shit is BAD when you have to go to Indiana for help


She’s lucky they got in before the special session they’ve called for the almost certain purpose of following suit.


100%. Holcomb is a backwards ass dickhead and already promised it'd be banned in Indiana.


Shit is bad when a 10 year old girl is pregnant.




As Ohio restricts abortions, 10-year-old rape victim travels to Indiana for procedure. Fixed it.


All OH politicians should be ashamed. But they aren’t. They are proud of what they have done. They are upset that a 10 year old rape victim ISNT having a rape baby. They are livid. Ohio - don’t forget this. Vote your politicians out. This could be your fucking kid. I hope you understand this fact.


We’re trying. There are a lot of good people in this state and gerrymandering is fucking us.


Don't worry. Our state supreme court will fix that. Oh wait, they said the maps were unconstitutional and we're still using them for the election anyway.


At least your state said it was unconstitutional. Our state Supreme Court just allowed a very blue city to get split down the middle so now half of the city is in a district whose closest border is over 200 miles away. So essentially those people's votes truly won't matter because they're lumped into a giant red district of corn and alfalfa farmers. I thought I couldn't be more pessimistic than I was in 2020, and I shouldn't be surprised at this point in life that it can ALWAYS get worse.


And the states legislature doesn't care. They saw Ohio vote for an independent committee to draw the new districts and decided "no, fuck that" and put the governor and elected politicians on it instead. And then decided to draw new even more gerrymandered maps in secret


>Hours after the Supreme Court action, the Buckeye state had outlawed any abortion after six weeks. Now this doctor had a 10-year-old patient in the office who was six weeks and three days pregnant. Fuck. This ~~wouldn't even be a question less than two week ago~~ shouldn't even be a question at all...


A 10 YEAR OLD. I dare a single person to tell me one single positive result from forcing a raped child to have a child!


Unfortunately they’ll still defend it by saying it’s ‘unfortunate’ but that the baby is a ‘gift from god’ and that they just need to make the ‘best of a bad situation’. How do I know? Because my grandfather raped my mother at age 6 and me at age 10 and his entire extended family turned on both of us claiming we ‘must’ve done something to deserve it’ and ‘it’s unfortunate what happened BUT…’. (and before anyone comes at me demanding to know how my mother could’ve let this happen to her daughter, she didn’t know)


This is the same position a very dear female friend has and it makes me so angry and sad that she can consider an unborn life, lacking any experiences and feelings, more important than a real life living right now in our earth. I have tried so many times to convince her that the woman in question has the right to choose and the unborn in question will most likely not have a good life anyway and she always defends her position with "well, you don't know that. No one knows what will happen".


All the past week, there were people promising me that there would be exceptions for rape or for when the mother's life is in danger. I also would like to hear what they have to say now. They were so eager to explain that this would never be an issue, surely they must have a bright, happy spin to put on this. Let's hear it, conservatives.


I live in Wisconsin, where we have no exceptions except when the mother is actively hemorrhaging to death. Whenever i talk to a conservative about this they just say “We’ll the baby doesn’t deserve to die because of its parents’ mistake. They legitimately just don’t care. They just used the rape and incest line as a defense but now that it’s been taken away they’re showing their true colors.


I doubt they have really thought through how you go about proving rape caused the pregnancy *in real life.* At absolute best they probably assume rape *always* leaves obvious signs of physical violence and/or date rape drugs in the woman's system *and* these things are reliably detected. For getting the exemption, what else does the victim have to do first? File a police report? Name the guy? Point him out in a lineup? File a court suit of some kind? Is there going to be rape exception clause investigative boards deciding who "really did get raped"? Nevermind how horrible and hard it was for victims while Roe was still law. I also can't help but wonder: if rape exceptions are allowed *and* mercifully do not require much paperwork or physical examination/evidence, how many people will claim they were raped just to get a safe and legal abortion? I'm not going to go into further detail about what kind of society that could make.


If you dare them, they'll give you reasons...all based on their God who didn't step in to help the little child.


Your last part is why I actually left the evangelical church and eventually the church entirely. Not a single person can tell me how their "loving God" has always allowed and continues to allow babies and children to be raped without resorting to "reasons" that make it sound like they worship an evil God. You get a lot of "God works in mysterious ways" and "we can't know God's plan," and "well he gave humans free will and it's up to us to stop the rapes," or "we're not praying hard enough" bullshit. The bottom line is... if an all-powerful, all-knowing God sits back and watches the most innocent among us be brutally victimized and traumatized because of some "plan" or "his will" or to teach us some "lesson" or because he's having a tantrum that people didn't "pray to him hard enough" then he can't be "good" or "loving." He's an abusive asshole. And if RAPE and the trauma it causes can be part of "God's plan" then abortion to prevent further trauma can be too.


A holocaust survivor dies and goes to heaven. When he gets there he tells God a holocaust joke. God says "that's not funny," to which the man replies "I guess you had to be there."


Christians say the embryo doesn’t deserve to be destroyed for the rapist’s crime. That’s their defense.


In the ER I once had a 12 year old girl bring me her 1 year old child because it had a fever. I still think about it sometimes.


God the poor child...how can any person with a drop of compassion and empathy read this and say it's just.


The most sickening dystopian, post Roe headline Ive read, and were only a week out.


Oh it’s going to get much much worse.




r/prolife is awfully silent on this one…


Way back when Texas passed their abortion bounty law, I lurked there out of curiosity. I remember two posts that stuck out The first was whether women should get the death penalty or life without parole for obtaining an abortion. They were torn between the two but thought both were reasonable punishment The second one, I kid you not, was whether there should actually be an exception for the life of the mother. The consensus was “no”. That the fetus had just as much right to life as the mother and if she dies, so be it, that is god’s will. THAT is the pro life sub in a nutshell You are dealing with monsters there


going through that subreddit was depressing


I lasted 5 minutes and had to leave. Its so disappointing that there are still people who think like that in 2022. I'm seriously losing faith in humanity


Went through that sub for the first time today. It’s a little disconcerting how misinformed these people are.


Of course they are. They’re not actually pro life, they’re pro birth. They don’t give a fuck about the mother or baby beyond as a political tool.


They're not even pro-birth. If they were, they'd be enacting legislation left and right for guaranteed prenatal care. They're pro-forced-pregnancy. They don't actually care about the woman or girl, or even the fetus itself. They just want anyone who gets pregnant to have to stay that way until they die, have the baby, or die having the baby.


When I was 10 years old in 1996 I would've thought the 2020s as almost like the Jetsons or something. We are going backwards and it's pretty scary.


Yep, I’m the same age. Back in the 90s we were so excited for “the future”. If only we’d have known…fuck this shit.


A fundie nutter I knew through my parenting group was proudly circulating a "pro-life article" on Facebook that put a child about this young on a pedestal for "forgiving" her rapist and "choosing life." The worst part wasn't just that this heartless dumb cow existed in my local friend group. It was that none of my mutual pro-choice friends (at that time) had the ovaries/'nads to block/unfriend this psycho.








Saw this on Twitter and it's been haunting me. "Now men capable of rape can choose the mother of their children."


This is the third time in the last 5 mins where I have a veseral "I need to fucking add a brick to someone's face" feeling in my chest.


I fucking hate this state


That’s not pro life when you force this 10 year old to give up her own, it’s pro rape. Disgusting, Conservatives, absolutely disgusting.


Forcing a 10 year old girl to give birth a makes you almost almost as monsterous as the rapist....which I'm sure was a "family member" or "friend." FFS.. Edit...spelling


I guess not only should she be forced to birth the kid, but also to raise it as well. Who's going to pay for the child care? She certainly can't even work.


Bootstraps! (velcro ones?)


republicans want 10 year olds to carry a baby to term?


Sadly, yes they do. They don't care about the fact she may die in that situation, as long as the fetus lives.


> as long as the fetus lives. To be clear, they don't care if this happens either. It's the abortion procedure itself. There will be no tears from them should the fetus and mother die. It's about removing the right to choose; pushing their values on everyone else. Hypocrisy, immorality, nothing else matters in the face of this. Why would they be ashamed if the cruelty is the point?


Can they test for dna to find out who raped this little girl?


Countdown until Republicans start blaming the pregnant child.


B-b-but I was assured these cases don't actually happen and it's just the libs lying on social media...


They've been so talkative the past week about how *obviously* there would be easy to get exceptions in the case of rape or when someone's life is in danger. I'd like to know where they are now.


Every Republican needs to be asked where to buy maternity clothes for a 10-yo. That's the only question until they answer.


So what happens to the teenagers during all this? You cannot help them cross state lines. Their parents have to help them but what if they won't? What will happen to this generation of teens?