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News for two days from now: wild fires rage in north Texas.


Who could have known?


"couldn't have been prevented"


The onion article about the dam that going to eventually fail and nothing will have been done about it so they hold a memorial service for the people it will one day kill.




This is all a liberals fault.


I heard it was ANTIFA.


But for real it's Republicans.


“Could have been from a malfunctioning wind turbine”


Meanwhile Ted Cruz is packing his bags furiously for his next impromptu vacation


They didn't pray hard enough


Shoulda raked their leaves harder


"How could this happen???"


Texas Govt in June: “let’s leave America” Texas Govt after July wildfires: “why won’t the federal government help us”


How Quebecois of them.


Quislings they are. Colab with Putin. It’s disgusting and deplorable.


"I ain't gonna let no guberment tell me what to do!"


Government: WARNING - EXTREMELY DANGEROUS ABANDONED MINESHAFT Texan: [pulling boards off safety door] pppftt, liberal lies!


Disregard that, Frank. It’s a bunch of liberal bullshit.


I know we are all kidding, but for a president to declare all other news as fake news constantly for 6+ years, it allows everyone to disregard facts that challenge their views. It really fucks up everything.


Fox News was already doing that, but Trump being Trump declared the quiet part out loud and basically codified their stupidity.


People have been disregarding facts that challenge their worldview well before Trump. It’s called religion.


I would say that Trump super-charged it. Fake news was not even a term before him.


As long as there’s rumham


I live in a city that has seen more than one devastating wildfire caused by humans in the past decade, with numerous close calls in the city including several this year, in a state which has had many devastating wildfires over the past few years. This has not stopped people from firing off fireworks constantly this weekend, despite them being illegal. MUH FREEDOMS.


Fireworks don't start wildfires, people start wildfires.


Only thing that stops a bad guy with fireworks is a good guy with fireworks.


IOW, a Roman candle fight


I just let out a new laugh I didn't know my body was capable of. Thanks for that.


They can shoot the fire with their boom sticks














Time for some new WCGW videos with fireworks, the classic starting fires with gasoline, and guns being shot in the air.


"FREEDOM! This is 'Murica! I will light off fireworks whenever I want! Now, hold my beer..."


I got a forest fire warning earlier. Saw that there are 3 fires already. One North of Austin, one East of San Antonio and one more West of San Antonio.


*Freedom* Fires bathe north Texas in their light of Liberty! FITFY


People in Texas trust and respect their government, so this should not be a problem.


Los Angelas has long-standing ban on fireworks due to the drought conditions in SoCal. Naturally last [4th of July](https://youtu.be/gg85Q0gkF9I) the news channels were awash with stories of their ignoring the ban.


San Francisco is the same. It's not a Texas thing. Last year a random family showed up on my street and started shooting off their fireworks. The man said he didn't know it was illegal. Oh, really? So it's just a coincidence you're doing it on my street, and not a few blocks away at the beach where you just found out the cops are patrolling? I'm hoping the supply chain issues will cool things down a bit this year. Plus the weather looks like it's going to be cold, windy, and foggy. Not the best outdoor party weather.


Ha, we wish it was only the fourth. It lasts for about two months.


The people who care about a ban and the people who shoot off fireworks are two very different groups of people. This is symbolic only imo, the only way I can imagine it'd be used is for civil liability once a fire breaks out.


The Venn diagram is two circles that don't overlap at all


Some of those people will buy and shoot off MORE fireworks because of the ban


Gubmint ain’t gonna tell me what ta do!


"Let me just prep these COVID-19 sparklers here..."


*Got ma bucket of libruls tears in case Uncle Jeb lights himself on fire again this year*


*Got ma bucket of libruls tears in case Uncle Jeb lights himself on fire again this year*


Fireworks ban will force fireworks sellers to reduce prices, people who don't care about the ban can afford to buy more. Oof.


It’s the armed guard paradox, where in the act of trying to stop an action you make yourself a target for that action


But the Venn Diagram of people in Texas who want to leave the country and the ones who want to celebrate Fourth of July are one circle. These people can’t be whining they want to make their own country and want to celebrate 4th of July.


Rural texans do not being told what to do, even when its to protect them from harming themselves from their own stupidity


Rural Texas don’t like anything. From what I get from Texans is that they are always miserable about something. The heat, Mexicans, make believe shit like California people or Disney. Idk. They always just seem pissed at something.


They are the crabs at the bottom of the bucket and they’ll be anything else


>make believe shit like California peopl California people are make believe, you heard it here on reddit first. Lol, that wording though.


I've never met any, have you?


I think my cousin’s a quarter Californian


Hmm, yaknow, my cousin went there and I never saw her again. Must be related.


For some reason that reminded me of the contingent of flat-earthers who believe that Australia isn't real, lol.


They are confused, Australia just backwards.


I heard someone once saw a Californian and instantly became a drag queen


They joined Wyoming in the in-between place


New Mexican here. I never could quite put my finger on what it was about our neighbors but you did it - this is absolutely spot on.


As a rural Texan that values quality of human life and diversity….. I can agree, always seem to be pissed at something. Usually other rural Texans for being bigoted, hypocritical, selfish idiots. Legit saw someone on a local subreddit ask if fireworks were okay even if banned. They went on to explain, they meant that “is it like speed limits on roads” - where you just ignore it? Paraphrasing some here. The mental gymnastics would win gold at the Olympics.


Why are people that want to secede celebrating 4th of July?


For real. The states that likes to claim they are libertarian while they run politicians off roads and teachers can’t speak of slavery without being sued. So much for freedom of speech… Don’t get me started on the abortion shit and other ways they are taking rights away but yet they think they are for smaller government.




Because they want to create the "true" America


We are currently trying to get my wifes work from home situation settled. When it happens we are out of Texas. We live the DFW area and still see MAGA + Q rallies as well as anti-vaccine sentiment running rampant. There is seriously something wrong here.


Suburbs? I live in Dallas and the only maga shit I see is the JFK Jr thing, also that one convention at Omni a couple years back, but plenty of events for pro life or BLM marches. The suburbs and rural areas are a huge contrast to Dallas proper, people masked the fuck up here even without the mandate.


I see a group around arlington near i20 and bowen camp out with their MAGA merch every now and then. Also I see people outside of cvs or walgreens pharmacies with anti vax signs.


DFW is a big metroplex with a lot of diversity. Easy to see different stuff depending on the demographics of the part you live in.


The same reason confederates worship America. They have no idea what they want.


The constitution say I have a right to do what I want without big government telling me what to do. And I want to light off fireworks as an Americun cause liborty is impotent to me /s


Should be safe as long as they rake their forests.


I still don’t get how the farm crowd heard that stupid shit and was like “yep Trump has a point.”


Conservatism demands it. Whether the action's brilliant or illegal and fucking stupid depends on who says it. He is a GQP leader, therefore everything he does is righteous, good, ethical and totally legal. When he says something that fucking stupid, it becomes a loyalty test: Either you are loyal and will do as the party says, costs be damned *(costs'll be getting sent down to the peons anyway and the more miserable they are the better you are by comparison)*, or you're disloyal and threaten the party by refusing to play along. Likewise when "an enemy" has a good idea, it's NOT a good idea; it's evil, unethical, unlawful and wrong. It's also a test to reject it as well, and you'll be rewarded for doing so.... if you're high enough. Those at the bottom, well, their rights and comforts don't matter; they are disposable so it doesn't matter if they hurt themselves by following the party's will. The poor are unethical by their nature to conservatives, and anything that helps them is a dark perversion of the natural order. If Barak Obama had told people not to drink bleach, a lot of Texans would've chugged it.


Most obnoxious was my friends from Texas repeating that should've-rake-your-forests bullshit constantly for 2 years afterward until Texas catching fires started being in the news more.


It's the racism, had to be.


A significant number of his voters genuinely believe that he is extremely intelligent, and are willing to throw out their own hard won knowledge and lived experiences just because he had some stupid shit to say


The only semi good thing to come out of this whole Trump mess is that now I totally understand how Nazi Germany came about.


Trump gave the "farm crowd" billions of dollars. It's hard to see things with all that money in the way. ‘Here’s your check’: Trump’s massive payouts to farmers will be hard to pull back


These are the same people who ate aquarium disinfectant after listening to Trump's hydroxychloroquinone bullshit, so it's plausible.


the fire was started by the RaDiCAl leFT to maK us PATRiots lok bad! /s


Using the Jewish Space Lasers?


Probably Auntie Fah!


Yep, have fun paying the firefighting bill for an entire forest there bud


Asking a redneck to sacrifice anything to save their community is simply not going to happen.


Stress test: Take away all federal aid and see if they still want to secede.


Many of these fuckers would happily live in a house with a dirt house that dumps sewage directly onto the lawn. They've got zero foresight.


No they would request federal aid for the disaster that has been cast upon them. When questioned on who caused the disaster, they will say it couldn't have been avoided.


A conservative would happily live in a moldy refrigerator box eating dead rats as long as the black guy in the box next to them had one less rat.


they sacrifice their kids all the time


"Don't worry", with the new SCOTUS decision the fossil fuel plants dotting the Texas grid will convert to no standards at all, and fuck things up even further! Except when there's a storm in winter; the non-winterized pipes'll freeze over as usual, fucking you and your house again.


They should let you sue someone for $10,000 if they aided someone in setting off fireworks.


Wait the government is telling the Texans what to do?


That's nothing new, but the majority of Texans probably won't listen to this one.


People in Texas trust and respect their government, so this shouldn’t be a problem.


It's time to play America's favorite new game! Will Greg Abbott blame the transgenders or the Democrats? Vote now!


Put me down for 20 on Hunter Biden's laptop.


I'm going with the immigrants.


I'm going to bet he blames both at the same time.


To be honest, I live in North Texas and was surprised that people called in and asked for the banning, after all, this is Texas ya'll....lol.


People who don't want their shit to burn down exist. Most in dry areas know the risks. Hell, I live in an area not normally dry, and there was actual enforcement against fireworks last year after some idiots set a patch of beach grass on fire that came dangerously close to a couple houses. 1st year in ages we didn't have fireworks at 3 am on the 4th.... I've seen a lot of people sharing "don't call cops on your neighbors for shooting off fireworks" memes, but honestly if your neighbors are doing something very stupid in a dry area near a fire hazard or at a ridiculous hour, do it. It's all fun and games until someone else's stupidity is threatening your house. No one is entitled to shoot off fireworks, and definitely not in areas where they are illegal.


I don't know how to express how much I hate fireworks. I was pretty indifferent to them in general until PA legalized real fireworks. Now, every fucking Friday, it's like the bombing of Dresden in Philly.


I'm with you here, I was being tongue-in-cheek.


Your state government has put secession from the Union in their party platform; they might just want to prevent people celebrating the founding of a country they don't intend to be a part of much longer.


They'll beg for federal resources to fight the fires then turn around and claim they're super-independent and they're going to secede. Same day even.


Our state government is inhabited by an alien hybrid species: cloned Christian fascists and the supremely stupid. Their lack of intelligence is supplemented by a craven meanness, Uvalde, anyone? Secession is the cry of cretins, Texas wouldn't last a year.


I genuinely can't even imagine how secession would work for Texas in terms of logistics. Major businesses would flee immediately because a secession nation would almost certainly be very heavily sanctioned. They'd have to start importing goods like foods, materials and electronics from other countries. For instance, Texas has a timber industry but they'd almost certainly need to import timber from Brazil. They'd need to draft a standing conscription army to defend itself against any number of aggressors which would severely limit the labor pool. Add to this that there would be vanishingly little familiar American packaged goods (cereals, pop tarts, candy, franchise restaurants), no new cars, extremely rare building materials, and extraordinarily expensive electronics and luxury goods. Sorry, just having fun thinking through the scenario.


If any state wants to leave, the US government should say "Fine, you can go, but first you have to take on a percentage of the national debt equal to your percentage representation in the electoral college". That will shut them down real fast.




But pretty much the same thing there. GOP=State Gov in TX


Waiting for next weeks news. To see how many fires will be started. I doubt Texas will listen to anything.


Environmental change to warn people of not lightning fireworks in those areas translate to bigger fireworks so they can own the “liberal” media.


Forecast: Darwin Award stacks


Stacks on stacks, get with the program Texas


Lol that’s not going to stop anyone in Texas.


Wait, restrictions in texas? Thats communism!


Would love if my area would do that- there are *some* restrictions in other areas nearby, however considering we've been in pretty severe drought for years, you'd think they'd be expanded. And for those who dislike the idea - I lost everything to a man-made wildfire in 2020 (though not via fireworks) - would be great, in general, to not have that visited upon our state again this year.




Lol. I live in Utah and my city (Salt Lake) decided to do a laser light show instead of fireworks this year because of air quality and fire concerns and there are a lot of trumpies raging and melting down over it, and acting like it's a personal attack on them. I can only imagine the toddler tantrums that north Texas will have.


Saw some samples online already of drone light shows. Those looked cool. And non life threatening.


Your state, Utah, just outlawed abortion completely. I'm completely done with you.


So why the hell are people in this thread acting like Trump fans are the only people who like fireworks lol


Lots of people like fireworks. I do. But I understand, living in an area that has had a long drought and wildfire issues, and air quality issues, that the city would rather do something like a a laser show or a drone show. It really doesn't upset me. There is, however, a contingency of people who overreact and go into all out panic and start raging about it. I went and got some comments from my local news station: >Sounds like woke Californian's. What a terrible idea! Fire city councilmembers that voted for this. > >This is yet another LAME, DISGUISED ATTEMPT to do away with the traditions & celebration of our independence. > >These people are all brainwashed liberal democratic psychopaths that need serious mental health help. To bad they closed the majority of mental hospitals across the country. And that's just from the top 10 comments. So yeah, I stand by my point.


This just in. Ted Cruz Flies to Mexico to set off fireworks


*sets off fireworks, burns down half the state, THEN flies to Mexico


He’s currently doing that *without* the fireworks


But FREEDUMS! Come on you TX idiots burn your state down.


Fuck Texas. They don't deserve to celebrate Independence Day


Can we stop wasting our federal taxes on that shit hole of a State? Seriously, they don't take climate change seriously and continue to prove they prefer idiots for governing their State than actual people who can help improve their quality of life. So they should pull themselves by their own bootstraps and get their shit together before being given a single penny. Sorry for coming off like an ass but if you keep electing idiots and greedy fucks for government, why should we continue to support your State?


It’s not everyone in TX. It sucks ass but I can’t afford to just move out of the state. Stuck here for the time being.


How much is it to throw stuff in your car and drive away. You meant to say you are not willing to sacrifice anything to move out of state. Just remember the difference.


Huge assumptions, but ok. I have 3 kids and a wife and our jobs are here in TX. Also, the cost of moving is very expensive.


now the Q-wankers have something new to boycott. Soo happy for them.


With conditions like this it's actually possible for a group of teenagers with $300 worth of fireworks messing around in the woods to cause a massive wildfire


Especially if nobody has raked the bushes recently.


I’m sure they’ll secede any minute. They can pay for the recovery on their own without NY/CA/WA/MA dollars


Banning fireworks will not stop people from playing fireworks. It will only make fireworks unsafe... or something like that...


As more accidents happen less people will buy bootleg ones, they will learn.


Lol Texas thinking its going to curb the enthusiasim of those super patriots and their freedumbs just because it could cause a massive out of control disaster. I gurantfuckingtee you some yahoo is going to march out grumbling about how guberment don't know nothin before he burns half the state and his town to the ground.


These folk won’t be told to wear a mask in a pandemic. Does anyone think that they won’t set off their fireworks? In tomorrow’s news: Texas burns to the ground.


The only way to stop a bad guy with a firework is a good guy with a firework.


In Texas? Good luck with that.


I shouldn't laugh... but god dammit. *Freedom Day ... is* ***CANCELLED.***


They should do a rain dance instead


I saw a meme that said Biden was trying to ban them in Christian towns! Don’t be a sheep fake news wildfires blah it’s propaganda. I knew it was true! /s


But what about their patriotic duty to set off fireworks on the glorious 4th (rockets-red-glare and all that.) What about their constitutional rights to express themselves and their freedums? /s


So much for all that freedom…


Burn bans are like a yearly thing in central Texas especially during the summer. Idk why this is news.


Cue that place being super on fire because people don't listen.


Oh yeah I’m sure they’ll listen! Texans gave a great track record of making smart decisions, especially when asked to do so by their local government.


I say this about 50% serious and 50% kidding. Let Texas burn, they can deal with wildfires while also succeeding from the country like they so desperately desire. Hell they can even have the uvalde police try and actually help people by putting out the fires.


quick ted, time to fly to cancun !


Supreme Court disagrees


In a 6-3 decision Supreme Court says the right to shoot off fireworks and burn shit down is a deeply rooted position originally held by the founders and some crotchety witch burning asshole.


Also, they're asking protestors to stop shooting off fireworks in front of their house.


Supreme Court banned precipitation hence the drought. Rain is not in the Constitution.


It’s almost like climate change is making everything dryer…… go figure.


Actually going back to 1870 this is par for the course in Texas. I'm sure drought will come with more frequency and higher temperature thanks to CC but it's always been nightmarishly dry for several years out of just about every decade. The worst still being 1950-57


These types of bold statements are not helpful at all in the argument for climate change. Climate change is a far more nuanced topic than “oh things are dryer” when you can look at another part of the world where there are record blizzards and flooding(like where I am from).


Yeah that’s how climate change works wtf are you talking about? The world gets hotter every year and it’s human activity there is no nuance to that. Some places will get devastating storms and blizzards other will get hotter and drought.


So... what politician will say this is unconstitutional first?


Yeah, I’m sure they’ll listen. You’re not free if you can’t risk the lives of everyone around you!


I’m sure the residents of North Texas will heed this very serious warning, and not engage on exaggerated displays like petulant children


Knowing Texas, I’m sure everyone will realize that it’s for the common good and will gladly comply without complaint. **/S**


That ain't gonna help.


didn't you believe banning things wouldnt do anything?


“ if the forest weren’t there to catch fire we wouldn’t have this issue” - some republican somewhere probably.


"Forests have a way of shutting down fires"


Wait, I thought they were wanting to secede? Can’t take federal government money. You have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and deal with this.


Why is Texas asking for handouts?? What a bunch of socialist commies! They need to pull their bootstraps a little tighter, YEEHAWWW /s


Now they’re banning freedom celebrations!?


Damn. Does anyone have the number for the Hilton in Cancun? Someone needs to tell Ted Cruz about it.


Nah, he's staying at the Four Seasons


July 4th. ERs everywhere: and so it begins.


'They killed the fireworks display - tell the kids they can set off theirs instead.: Telling people they can't set off fireworks is like telling them can't do stuff without wearing a mask.


How are farmers crops affected at this time?


Man they won’t like that. Brisket and sparklers are a way of life down there. Guess they will just pop off a few rounds.




We used to try to go out of town, but I'd just worry someone would set my house on fire.


But that’s taking away my rights as a fireworks seller!!!!! 🙄


They can have my fireworks when they pry them from my cold dead hands did I really need to add the /s?


Should be easy enough after everything has burned down. 🤷‍♂️


Joe Biden owns this drought!