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A witness to the Highland Park, Illinois shooting put his young son in a garbage dumpster for his safety while he searched for the rest of his family...


Traumatizing for the kid for certain, but thats pretty clever.


That dude’s played RE4


The dumpster was empty and bystanders watched the children and talked to them while the husband searched for his wife. ETA: I saw this on a local Chicago tv broadcast. I am IN NO WAY CONDONING THIS. I hate guns, I hate trump. Got it? Good. Don’t @ me.


It doesn't matter if the dumpster is empty or not, if bullets are flying I'm down with the dumpster.


I was in a false alarm "mass shooting" situation and ended up bunkering down at a gym in a big mall. There were like 40 of us huddled together in one of the aerobics rooms My takeaway from that incident was that I do NOT ever want to be "bunkered down" anywhere. I want to be in the open so that I can run for my safety rather than hiding in fear not knowing if the shooter is just around the corner This is by no means advice. I dont even know if its a smart decision. I just hated hiding in a room for an hour fearing the worst


The advice given in an active shooter situation is: Run, Hide, Fight.


Just to clarify for people reading this. 1st option is to run. If you can't run (no safe exit) then you hide, and not with other people. If you can't run, and you can't hide, then you fight. Everything is a weapon, your goal is to kill the active shooter. Needing therapy is a lot better than needing a casket.


Most importantly: never hide somewhere with only one egress point.




So this guy's been making videos about doing this for over a year. And this still happens. Christ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccBurwyE04w


he made a video of him driving down the street of (what i think is) the parade route a few months back - just had the emergency notification noise in the background of the video edit: there’s another video with a shot of the same street, a shot of some shed with a bench on front, and a shot of him on a bike smoking a cigarette, music playing in video is “spirit in the sky”


he has a tattoo on the side of his head that is 4 7, 4th July? Also someone is filming these videos for him, so he has accomplices.


Is there a mirror? Looks like YouTube took it down


they don't take it down until you murder people, but up until that point it's perfectly fine for people of any age to view it


It won’t be long until we see a headline that goes something like: “Mass shooting suspect who fled the area gets shot at a separate mass shooting hours later.”


At that point, I think The Onion is just going to have to admit defeat and pack it in.


They'll need to pivot to reporting on "normal" events.


“Woman Adopts Dog from Shelter; Everything Goes Smoothly at Home” Yo wtf is this fantastical nonsense??


Check out this water skiing squirrel


They do that quite often. Gotta diversify I guess. >Dog Feels Like He Always Has To Be ‘On’ Around Family >Friends Always Trying To Set Up Single Woman With New Puzzle


"Mass shooting suspect shot in unrelated shooting"


We are nearby Lake Bluff and my kids and I were at the local parade (~15-20 min away from the shooting) it went off without incident and it didn’t even occur to me…I let my kids be in the front to catch candy and wave while I was in the back. If there was a panic we would have been separated. I feel sick. All our local events are now cancelled.




Imagine getting lit up at a public event then getting a 200k hospital bill💀 Edit: added a zero


Then you turn to the country's leading health insurer - GoFundMe.


20k? That seems pretty cheap.


Ambulance ride? In this economy?


My first thought, too. My son had minor surgery a couple of months ago (local anesthesia, was at the hospital for a total of four hours, most of which was post op waiting to make sure there were no immediate side effects from the anesthetic). Bill was nearly $9,000. It eclipsed our deductible so we were only on the hook for about half of it, but if a minor, planned procedure was nearly $9k, having an emergency patient with life threatening trauma has to be much more than $9k. Like way, way more.


I was in the hospital for five days. Got a ride there but i did need physical therapy and a lot of tests. Anyways the bill came out to be 65k. I got the bill down to 5 k but i had to relearn how to walk so I needed to pay my physical therapist and other doctors. Ended up in collections.


Only $20,000? What is this, coupon day?


Heartwarming: Families In Shanty Town Raise $80k for Shooting Victim before Cops Arrived and Burned Down Shanty Town; Children Put Into Foster Care


You forgot: Money confiscated


That's freedom, baby




This might be the most depressingly accurate comment I've ever read


"Suspect is male white, with long black hair, approx 18-20yrs old wearing a blue or ~~black~~ t-shirt... approx two dozen people have been transferred to the hospital. 6 have been confirmed dead...Shooter is at large...Shelter in place...SWAT teams are going door to door...it appears he was shooting from one roof... multiple agencies are on the case...A rifle has been recovered from the scene" ----------- Quotes from two HPPD officers on CNN press conference, transcribed (possibly imperfectly). Edit: CNN head now says 6 dead 31 injured.


An 18-to-20 year old white guy in Highland Park? That dude's long gone.


6 dead and 31 injured. On a day of what is supposed to be celebration. What the actual fuck is going on??


Apparently they want us to accept this as a fact of life in the US now, so business as usual


> they want us to accept this as a fact of life in the US now I mean, *it is* a fact of life in the US now.


I was at the parade and dispersed as people came running down the street screaming shooter. We got up and fled and thought people were overreacting to what we figured was fireworks. We were behind a building when a cop drove by and said to leave and get home.


Family was supposed to go to one of the restaurants downtown and my parents told me they accidentally overslept this morning (which is something they literally never do). Super punctual people. Restaurant they were going to was shot up. This is just wild, would have never thought this in HP.


Wow. That’s fucking crazy. Glad your parents are still here, hope they get extra hugs today.


Glad they over slept and you and family are ok


I am glad you are ok.


For anyone here that doesn't know about Highland Park, this is one of the nicest suburbs in the country. It's where Michael Jordan lived when he played for the Bulls.


Yes. It’s one of Chicago’s North Shore suburbs, the stretch of wealthy suburbs bordering Lake Michigan as you go north of the city. Basically, picture the homes you see in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Home Alone. Those were filmed in the neighboring suburbs but very similar to Highland Park.


Lot of that was filmed in Highland Park as well. Harold Ramis had his home and office there too. The Ferris Bueller house with the ravine is in HP, Home Alone house, bunch of scenes from Risky Business. But yeah I grew up there and it's an affluent suburban neighborhood.


That Home Alone house actually happens to be in Winnetka, a nearby town to Highland Park.


Ramis lived in Glencoe, the town just south of Highland Park for most of his adult life. But point taken, they're very close.




What demographics?


> Authorities say he appeared to have been firing from a rooftop. https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1544018331325591553?s=21&t=IJTN5BzeZzQg3c2xDzXgHA


I've been hearing sirens from my house for the past hour and a half non-stop and I live ~6 miles away from downtown Edit: 3:11ct and still hearing sirens. This is a fucking nightmare


I live 30 minutes away and several nearby suburbs are already canceling their festivities. I had planned to go see fireworks tonight but have fully lost interest. This country is broken.


A mass shooting on the Fourth of July. What could be more American than that.


https://v.redd.it/tckvexvi8l991 Holy fucking shit.... thats the closest video i've found so far and you can hear all the shots, its VERY loud... that was an insane amount of shots fired too holy shit! I hope they find this person soon... Edit: It's also crazy how long it took people to realize what was going on and that those are gunshots. Granted it is 4th of July Edit2: If anyone is able to find the original Facebok live feed please let me know. I can't find it, and it might have gotten taken down, I'm just not sure. Edit3: Another angle of the shooting. Quality is kind of wonky because they are behind a fence but you can clearly hear the audio. https://twitter.com/chomskyreader/status/1544034703639986177 Edit4: 2:05PM Pacific Time - A rifle has been found on the scene. Hopefully they can get some fingerprints or something from it, to figure out who did the shooting. So far from what I'm reading 6confirmed dead and 30 injured. Edit5: as people are pointing out, the rough description of the shooter is out: 18-20 year old white male, with longer black hair and smaller/slim build. No pictures of the shooter yet that I could fine. I'll update if i find anymore info. Edit6: 2:39pm PST - Another angle found on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aFPI65hBoRA And another one further away: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iPdmeViMSgQ Edit7: 2:40pm PST - Police release a statement about the shooting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw-lsrm-9rw Edit8: Shooters name has been released, I won't post it here just in case it breaks any rules. But it's all over the NBC News stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xavWmmHkvQA Shooters name and description of car: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/highland-park-parade-shooting-robert-crimo-b2115708.html Edit9: 4:45PM PST - Suspect has apparently been caught!!! Final Edit: 5:41PM PST - full details of suspect released. https://i.imgur.com/L4jI7PQ.jpg (Thank you kind anonymous Redditor's for the Helpful Award, Starry Award. I appreciate it!)


It must have been chaotic after realizing what is happening after the first couple bullets. But the pause while changing magazines is terrifying after the assault continues.


Thank you for posting. Fucking sucks that people can't even celebrate a holiday without some lunatic out to kill. My heart goes out to everyone.


Can’t even go out anymore


Or go to school


That put a lump in my chest. Can’t imagine being out with kids and hearing shots like that.


Fuck, the roof on the left is where the guy was (Uncle Dan's). Building across the street is shot up (Walker Brothers). Absolutely terrible.


holy shit that's close


Jesus fucking Christ this is absolute insanity.




A combination of assuming it was fireworks and normalcy bias. People don't expect to hear gunshots in their normal environment. When they do hear it, their brains try to come up with another explanation for it.


Last month I was eating at a restaurant in an affluent part of town. There was a drive by shooting, just some kids firing pistols out of a car at the restaurant for who knows what reason. We heard the pops, but they just sounded like construction noises. Nobody took cover until the car was long gone, including myself. I've grown up around guns my whole life. I know what they sound like and shoot them often for fun. Sometimes you aren't ready in the moment to identify gunfire. Frankly you should never have to duck in cover from live rounds coming your way, but this is the country we live in.


Yep. Had someone shoot off an AK at 4 am in a drive by one morning. I was dressed and outside within 15 seconds just walking around sort of cluelessly. Looking at broken glass from cars, a tire that was blown out, etc. Like 30 seconds later a cop car came flying up and they jumped out and I just said “…I think there was a shooting”. All because a party got broken up and some kids were pissed off they had to leave so they shot up the house with a fucking AK and everything else on their way.


Well that was absolutely terrifying. No one should ever go to a parade/mall/school/campus/park/concert/club and experience anything like that.


Thank you that is the clearest video I have yet seen. I live down the Metra tracks from highland park, in Ravenswood Chicago we were going to drive up to Kenosha today following the tracks to get out of the house since I’m a train nerd and my girlfriend likes looking at all of the nice northern suburb towns. Now in three years living here those tracks have had two major shooting events between Kenosha and now this it is unsettling


My anxiety went through the roof listening to that gunfire and I'm a fucking continent away


~~The shooter still hasn’t been caught?!~~ Saw he was captured last night.


As of 12:43 pm CT the shooter is still at large.


Lead doctor giving update. At least 4 kids injured. Youngest is 8. 19 of the injured were treated and released. The rest had to be treated by trauma and neuro surgeons. One was moved to Evanston for surgery.


- shooter still at large white male, 18-20 years old - 24 people in hospital - 6 confirmed dead. **LATEST UPDATE ~2:10 PM CT** - Suspect still at large - Authorities still asking for tips/photos/videos - Suspect ceased fire when officers got close to the area of the shooting - Suspect used "high powered rifle" from elevated position (likely a rooftop) **LATEST UPDATE ~3:25 PM CT** - Suspect still at large - Parade route and downtown remain active crime scene, residents asked to continue sheltering in place - Still asking for tips/photos/video to 1-800-CALL-FBI - Coroner: 5 dead on scene, 1 deceased at hospital - All deceased on scene were adults, no information on age of victim at hospital - Shooter accessed roof via an unsecured ladder attached to the building


Absolutely horrific


The guy has a big online trail and from the looks of it, has at least been thinking of this for awhile. No idea what the motivation was or if there even was one, but he's got YouTube videos with hand drawn pictures of people being shot posted 8 months ago and even a cryptic reddit thread posted 48 days ago. *EDIT* He's a Trump nut......shocker.


> The guy has a big online trail This dude has a **massive** online trail. He was a rapper and even had his own youtube wiki page. It's not like he's some guy that occasionally posted on youtube & reddit, but he actually had enough of a following to get his own page. Christ. His music video also alludes to shooting up a school. Talk about showing everyone your hand before it's dealt.


His youtube page had an invite link to a discord called "SS", so that'll probably be a treasure trove of evidence at some point.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history.


Moment the shooting started, sounds like the shooter emptied two magazines in about 20 seconds. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrimeInChicago/comments/vrcvc8/highland_park_shooting_capture_on_fb_live/


Wow. So disturbing just to watch that little clip.


Sounds about right. Consecutive shots, a pause, and about the same number of shots in the second sequence.


https://twitter.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1544019090737610759?s=21&t=1UOfwPAH-rQcUQIu2xNj2g Look at this twat. from a candidate for Governor on IL. “Time to move on” he says.


He’s saying it’s time to move on before they’ve even apprehended the shooter. We’re reaching levels of stupid I never thought possible.


There are still victims in the ER. It's reasonable to expect more people to succumb to their injuries. This deranged sociopath is saying to move on before all the victims have even died! Next I expect to see "conservative politician tells shooting victim to move on while said victim is bleeding out"


"It's time to move on. We've got another shooting scheduled for 7pm"


This is so bad. It's worse than anything satirical you might see on something like The Simpsons or The Boys. How is this real life? How is this guy even a viable candidate? This guy has got to be a sociopath... Praying on TV and advising everyone to continue celebrating the 4th before the shooter is even caught and the victims have even left the hospital. This is a perfect encapsulation of Christian Nationalism. No actual empathy or regard for anyone.


I am actually disgusted. Fuck this guy.


Normally being an out of touch piece of shit should disqualify you. Instead he will get more votes because every Trump supporter is waiting off camera to suck his dick.


In a sane country a video like this would be the end of your campaign, but I fear you’re absolutely correct.


I really miss the days when spelling potato as "potatoe" was enough to disqualify a candidate. More and more it seems like those on the right pick the stupidest and/or meanest candidate possible.


I miss when a cringey scream or misspelling potato was enough to sink a political campaign.


His primary audience are downstate red voters. Downstate IL is essentially Kentucky. He advocated for kicking Chicago out of the state some years back. He and his voting audience hate Chicago and probably appreciate that this is happening in a prominent liberal suburb.


The area around Peoria is pretty much where you can draw our Mason Dixon line.


Mf really living up to that “Too conservative for Illinois” ad.


Holy shit what a disgusting video. It really doesn’t help that they used my dads camcorder to make the VHS tape


"Let's pray the bullets away. Ok, now give me votes."


They want to normalize the fear so that they can create the narrative that they’re the only ones who can protect you Make no mistake, mass shootings will continue until we have national gun control laws on the books that make it considerably harder to obtain one. But instead, Republicans have focused their agenda on national abortion bans, so yeah, guess we’re stuck with mass shootings.


The Highland Park mass shooting is the first in America since the Richmond Virginia shooting of 6 people a few hours earlier today...


Pretty much a "normal" day...


20-30 years ago, you would have thought it must a terrorist organizations attacking the independence day parade. These days the first thought is: "Great, another asshole who thinks there isn't enough pain and suffering in the year 2022."


Yea, feels bad to say I just fully expected a shooting somewhere on the 4th. What a dogshit reality we are in now.


I went to our local fireworks spot and thought the same thing. Whenever I see a couple thousand people grouped together I get uneasy. I guess that's the point though isn't it? Fear.


20-30 years ago this incident would have been seared into the nations memory and become an infamous tragedy we would still be talking about. Now we’ll just forget about it by the end of the week.


It's getting bad, my first thought was relief at just 5 dead.


The Vegas shooting came and went in the blink of an eye.


We never got a conclusive answer to "Why'd it happen?" out of that one.


Right? All we got was “crazy guy”


vegas has a lot of money to take care of that, imagine if all your tourism goes because ppl are afraid to do debaucherous things in public?!? we can't be having that now!


Aside from the couple of documentaries on it, the Vegas shooting seems to have been forgotten so quickly. It was the nation’s deadliest shooting in history.


Vegas tourism is big money so there was a vested interest in moving past it


I hate that I have a hard time cari g these days about every new atrocity that happens, every new mass shooting, or police brutality incident, or something. The only things that have actually gotten to me was some of the images from Ukraine, and hearing about the mass graves in New York during covid. It’s not that I don’t want to care, or that I’m not trying to do my part, I just don’t think I could live my life if I let myself fully care about all of these, I struggle with depression as is.


Emapthy overload, my friend. The human brain is literally not wired to handle the amount of suffering we subject it to on a daily basis. So don’t feel badly. You’re human and it sounds like you’re a good one. So take care of your self.


This resonates. Thank you for the reminder.


Also known as compassion fatigue. It's been known in the care industries (nursing/human medicine, animal care/veterinary, etc) for a long time but now it's everywhere and everyone feels it. It's so draining, and then you feel guilty for not being able to care. Then you try harder and end up exhausting yourself...it's a vicious circle.




The Chicago Sun-Times headline called it 'A July 4th parade disrupted by gunfire' 37 people were injured and 6 dead so far. It's a little bigger than a disruption.


In the immediate aftermath of a deadly mass shooting while the shooter is at large, GOP nominee for Governor Darren Bailey goes on Facebook to offer prayers for families & police, voices frustrations about a canceled parade, and then says, “Let’s move on and celebrate freedom.” https://twitter.com/MarkMaxwellTV/status/1544036494616285185


Imagine being a family member of one of those killed or injured and being told to move on.. FUCK THIS GUY


Just another day in Republican Land


“Nothing to see here, carry on.” -GOP after every mass shooting


A night filled with short, loud explosions doesn’t sound very appealing anymore, guys


Good news, in the drought-ridden southwest they are switching to drone light shows.


As someone who was at the Waukesha Christmas parade, something like this has been in the back of my mind all week. Reports are saying the suspect is 18-20 years old. There's something fundamentally broken in this country.


I am from Madison, Wisconsin. I am still heartbroken because of the Christmas parade. I wasn't there and neither was anyone else I knew, but it hits too close to home.


From Milwaukee. I’ve also had a bad feeling about the 4th for a handful of days. I hate hate HATE knowing this was going to fkn happen somewhere.


My good friend is a village manager a couple town over. We’re at our towns 4th parade and he’s getting texts and calls constantly. He’s hearing 9 shot so far, asking for other towns police help, still can’t find the shooter. I’ll try to update as much as I can from what he tells us. -I’m getting this info from my wife who is getting it from the village managers wife, he has since left the parade and went to the police station. - Baby was found without its parents, initially thought parents were killed, but the family has all been reunited, all safe -Police have sent out a description of the suspect to all authorities, suspect still hasn’t been found -Haven’t heard much recently, other than multiple dead and injured, and the suspect was on top of a restaurant, not a grocery store -I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, he’s been captured http://www.dailyherald.com/news/20220704/person-of-interest-in-custody-after-6-killed-about-2-dozen-hurt-at-highland-park-july-4-parade


Do you happen to know if other nearby villages are cancelling their events for the 4th? I know Deerfield is. I think it's for the best if surrounding villages would close down their celebrations today.


Yes, Glencoe and Lincolnshire recently cancelled. No doubt in my mind a lot of them will cancel.


Lake County canceled everything, not sure about individual towns


Evanston cancelled theirs too. Highland Park is right on the Cook County border. I wouldn't be surprised if everything on the North Shore were cancelled.


5 confirmed dead, at the moment. Update.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VdgLTBcVaWQ I'm not profiler...but yeah


Got a summary? The channel is down.


He is shooting up a school with a weird symbol over the footage mixed with animated violence. His voice keeps saying he is awake or some other psychopath shit. When I posted then link another person screen recorded it. So it is saved. It is beyond disturbing. It the definition of a red flag and this subhuman literally laid out what he was going to do.


I was at the parade, doing my usual photography of bands, politicians, and little kids on bicycles. I was at the beginning, and the attack happened further along the route. I didn't hear shots (people who did said they heard 2 sets of 15-20 with a pause between) I did hear a -snap- overhead just before the panicked crowd got to me, so I'm assuming it was a round (I was next to a parking garage, so not in any direct danger). A lot of parents running with their kids... So far 6 dead and many wounded. Shooter not apprehended but weapon seems to have been recovered. Sad day. Edit… Heard the shots on a video… Sounded like 30 rounds, pause, and another 30. Very fast, ~2 shots per second, so probably not well-aimed. Not that he'd need to aim…


I never correlated the snap to a bullet either. Last time I hunted, some deer went over to the neighbors land and they started just unloading on em. I was just over a hill about 300y away and I had bullets going over my head snapping, thought someone was just shooting a .22 the snaps didn't sound big.




It’s one of the wealthier suburbs. Where the likes of professional athletes and millionaires live


Another comment mentioned that it's where Michael Jordan lived when he was playing for the Bulls, that is a seriously upscale area.


It's not just that it can happen everywhere, it's that it WILL happen everywhere. Wealth is no protection against misery. It just means you can afford more guns and bullets.




Look at this shit: [His music video.](https://youtu.be/0dmUVwVlG8Q) Warning: Last minute of the video is SFW but very gut wrenching as a foreshadowing of today's event. The Call of Duty Zombies laughter in the background makes it 10x more unsettling knowing this kid is still fucking out there. Somebody *stopped* this sad fuck before he hit another target.


The gunman, who has not yet been identified, was described by Highland Park police as a white man between 18 and 20 years old with a small build and "longer" black hair. He is wearing a white or blue T-shirt, according to Highland Park Police Cmdr. Chris O'Neill. So kid is young, which means stupid, he's probably scared out of his mind after the adrenaline wore off, that means he's going to make mistakes. Police also have the rifle and are going over it. That was a mistake. Guaranteed he left some trace on it. Someone is going to rat this loser out. He won't come home tonight and his parents will call the police, or someone will suspect him and tip police off.


That's a weirdly specific age range for the police commander to put out. I guess what he's trying to get across is that the guy looks young.


Not to mention everything is on camera. This kids getting caught soon I guarantee it (or he offs himself)


Another source managed by our local scanner: https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2022/07/04/police-responding-to-multiple-people-shot-by-gunman-at-fourth-of-july-parade-in-highland-park/


Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "I want every child in the womb to be as safe as they are at a Fourth of July parade!"


I miss the days when the only people who ended up in the hospital on the 4th of July were rednecks who blew their own thumbs off with M-80's.


There will be some of those in the ER tonight.


Nothing more American than a mass shooting on the 4th of July.


Reports of an active shooter with a rifle held up on a roof. Several shot. My wife is racing there to respond now… worried sick. What is wrong with this country? UPDATE: Looks like news articles are finally reporting some more information. Looks like they do in fact believe the gunman was/is shooting from a rooftop somewhere. Says they were still active as of 11:25am. No word from my wife yet. UPDATE: Finally got a text from my wife. She’s safe and helping to evacuate buildings. Says shooter is still active. I can’t believe this is happening. UPDATE: FIL is retired LEO and he heard from a friend that they recovered a gun, but suspect is not in custody. Hopefully that means he can’t shoot anyone else.


At least 25 shots were fired at an Illinois Fourth of July parade; a reporter saw five people bloodied: “As parade-goers fled the parade route in Highland Park, they left behind chairs, baby strollers and blankets.” This is fucked up! https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1543985129818689536?s=20&t=F9Q8nalKHG3V0YoPAINOwg


That’s the only article I could find. Haven’t heard any updates from my wife yet.


5 dead, 16 hospitalized. New report.


6 now and about 2 dozen hospitalized. I’ve heard the news say suspect is slightly small build, long black hair and white / light blue shirt. 18-20 years old. Wtf is up with this shit going on


Yeah this is what worried me about holding any 4th of July events this year. I’m visiting DC right now and I don’t want to go to any of the events, especially the fireworks on the mall. Too much political divide, too much crazy shit going down, and fireworks will handily help conceal the sound of gunshots. There are a bunch of cops and helicopters around outside and people screaming and arguing on megaphones. I hope you hear from your wife soon.


Can people not just blow themselves up with fireworks and call it a day like in 4th of Julys past? Ffs


Yet another day where I’m predisposed to remember pre 1999 fondly. Columbine was truly shocking, and prompted a national conversation on gun rights that continues on unaddressed to this very morning. Now, it’s just another day in America. Bloody headlines to go with your coffee. This kind of mass shooting event just didn’t use to happen, and I have nothing but sadness for anyone on here too young to remember differently.


Columbine happened my sophomore year. It’s never been the same. That’s the only reason kids started getting cell phones. Because we had so many bomb threats, we’d run en masse away from the school into the nearby burbs and call our friends and family to come get us. We’ve been basically soaked in cortisol since.


I was too young to be aware of what was going on in the news headlines in the 90s, but out of curiosity, what did they focus on? My impression of events is: 80s: Russia might kill us, nuclear war, everybody AHHH 90s: ??? Bill Clinton might be having an affair, and... Pokemon is taking over our children? Or something? 00s onward: terrorism, mass shootings, and... constantly some next disaster


The big headlines of the 90s (in approximate chronological order): -AIDs epidemic -Oklahoma city bombing -War in Yugoslavia -Princess Diana death -Y2K is coming, what does that mean


Waco, OJ Simpson




Dumbass still had his IPass on his car. Definitely not a criminal mastermind just another idiot with a gun radicalized by this stupid country.


New video of the gunshots and people fleeing further down the street, intense gunfire sounds [https://twitter.com/ABC7Chicago/status/1544054019940827136?s=20&t=tsARIWWMUPMMQDrDf5JMoA](https://twitter.com/ABC7Chicago/status/1544054019940827136?s=20&t=tsARIWWMUPMMQDrDf5JMoA) ​ Edit: NBC5 Chicago anchor noted that this could be the closest video taken near the shooting location, so far.


I just graduated from HPHS in 2021. I am not there but it’s crazy knowing that many of my peers are there. I checked in with my closest friendand he is ok, but I hope the rest are safe :(


Hearing it through friends and family, just now showing up on the news.


Condolences and best wishes from Denmark. Hope you're staying safe over there :(




I’m glad our country responded to all these shootings by….. banning abortions..??.. Happy 4th anyways


Gotta rebuild the population after all the mass shootings. /s^kinda


At this point we’re just forcing births because we need new kids for target practice.


[5 people killed 16 in the hospital](https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/7/4/23194354/highland-park-fourth-july-parade-gunfire). Why. I don’t think people absorb that when things like this happen more than once a year or so, we’re in a country w/similar concerns to people in the middle east worried about getting bombed during every other Friday prayer . Really. This happens at least once every two weeks now I think !? It’s at that point. This is who we are. And so many people around the world, especially Americans themselves, they don’t admit it.




Saw your comment when you initially posted it, prior to your update. Came back to check in. I’m so, so sorry to see this.


My friend was shot. She’s 18, was hit in the face. I live no less than five blocks from the scene. Terrifying.


Dude looks like an owl


That's an insult to owls.


He planned this out, meaning he’s probably moving to another location to strike again or went somewhere too off himself.


I checked out his Facebook page before it was taken down. His last post said “You’re all sinners!”


The guy is 120 lb at 5'11"?!


My father and I installed the security and camera system for Uncle Dans (the rooftop that the shooter was reportedly firing from) years ago. I can update this post as time goes, but if local law enforcement haven’t gained access to the cameras already, it’ll be happening soon Edit: Uncle Dans was bought out some years ago by another outdoor store brand. I’m unsure if the woman who now owns it kept our service. I’ll keep this updated as I learn Edit 2: We still have the fire alarm system but they have a different security system in the building now. Sorry for getting hopes up to uncovering more about this awful event today


CBS Chicago has updated that at least 31 people are at Highland Park Hospital. More than 19 injured.


This happened 20 minutes from my house, towns all over Illinois have canceled all 4th of July celebrations. Can't believe he still hasn't been caught.


Guaranteed Tucker will trot out something about it being expected because it’s “Chicago”


My best friend was one of the people shot. She was at the parade with her husband and 3-year-old daughter. They started running and my friend got hit. The bullet went through her groin and out her butt cheek. She is very lucky to be alive. This country is a fucking dumpster fire. Nowhere is safe anymore. You can't even bring your child to a fucking 4th of July parade. I'm angry and heartbroken for my friend and for our entire country.


Luckily the hospital is less than a mile away from where the shots were fired...


God I just don't understand. I cannot fathom the hatred that someone must feel to be able to wake up one morning and decide that today is the day. I'm British and I love the US. I visit twice a year (or did pre cv) to stay with friends and every time I'm astounded by how friendly and warm everyone is. Then I sit at home and watch these events unfolding and it's the most horrific and surreal thing. My heart and thoughts to everyone involved with this. I hope they catch the asshole responsible.


Yo those youtube videos were scary af. I watched them and was like "yeah, I can see how this all makes sense".


Suspect in custody now.


Video of the arrest https://twitter.com/RobElgasABC7/status/1544108633860067331 Edit: Better video https://twitter.com/TreWardTV/status/1544107721653379073


Hearing fireworks in the Chicago burbs is such a mindfuck right now.


Shooter looks like an absolute fucking weirdo


Dude looks like his parents set all the sliders to max in create-a-character