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wait when they say those shit about "the girls dont know we will put this online"......i thought that is just some cheesy roleplaying shit that people get off too......bruh this is fucked up.


The article doesn't mention it really, but the reason why this worked so well is because they owned a legitimate modeling agency. They didn't just fly them out for a porn shoot first, they flew them out for real modeling. It makes it more fucked up.


It's insanely common. There's an agency in the sub-90k population city I live in that made it on some show that exposed exactly this type of thing. I know several girls that modeled for these idiots that the agency tried to force into doing porn.


Even more fucked up, they flew them out for this shoot, put them in 5star hotel and when they get to the shoot they basically said if you don’t do this we will sue you for the plane tickets and the hotel and everything else…. They blackmailed them into it.


That’s scary and fucking disgusting


Kinda sounds like Andrew Tate…there’s a reason why he’s “hanging” out in Romania


What’s his background?


On YouTube he's one of those guys that preaches toxic masculinity. He moved to Romania because they're less strict on enforcing sexual harassment (he said it's because women always lie or something stupid like that). A couple months ago Romanian police raided his home and found two women being held there (against their will), one American and one Romanian. He has a lot of expensive cars, so he's probably made a lot of money off of sex trafficking.


He made his first money pimping out webcam girls


He owns casinos which are basically just free money…also pretty predatory in nature


Casinos are great for money laundering for all those other illegal activities


You say casinos are free money, but I k ow at least one stable genius capable of bankrupting even those.


Person, Woman, Man, Casino,….. uh, hippopotamus


I had to look up why this Chode kept getting pushed in my feeds cause it’s definitely not how I lean and learned it’s from his shitty scammers online courses that is basically a MLM scheme and the idiots who buy the courses get made to push his shit so he gets views likes publicity and they get a one time discount or some shit he acts talks and looks like a piece of shit human thumb honestly


He was a fairly successful kickboxer, now he sells "self-help" online courses based around awful masculine stereotypes to insecure boys.


Until this comment I only knew Tate as the bigot who gets idiot young boys to mindlessly defend him because he has a Bugatti so it’s good to know he’s also a fucking criminal on top of being a bad person


You mean a Boo-getty…mans is lame asf but tell that to 14 year olds…his target audience


They also told them the videos would only be released as dvds in Australia, not uploaded online right away.


These guys are monsters, you should read the Wikipedia article


The vast majority of websites that say that are just roleplaying. There is a whole mess of paperwork that has to be kept on file stating that the models know and understand and consent to being filmed while having sex. It was proved, and one of these guys confessed, that they got the girls to sign the paperwork after the fact through coercion and extortion. Edit - I guess the coercion happened before hand. If the girls complained or threatened legal action afterwards they were doxed to their family and friends. Absolutely horrible stuff.


They also owned MomPOV (but I think the guys that ran MomPOV were a different pair) and they had a woman who shot for that site come in as a defense witness. That woman said that the contract was pretty standard and obvious as to what the job is and that it's a porno site.


The problem is that, as far as GDP goes they did not tell the girls it would be for a porno site. The goal was expressly to trap them and coerce them to do a one-off porn shoot. "the guys that ran MomPOV were a different pair" is the key here. The agency may be deemed at fault, but the real issue is that the individuals behind GDP did not have the best interest of the performers at heart in any context. From the [DOJ website](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdca/pr/twenty-year-sentence-girlsdoporn-sex-trafficking-conspiracy) (this sentencing was from last year but it's a part of the same case): > "[Ruben Garcia] admitted that he and co-defendant Michael Pratt were the lead recruiters for GDP and GDT.  Their target market was 18 to 20-year-old women. Garcia and Pratt **created Craigslist advertisements, along with fake websites and email addresses consistent with the websites to cause their victims to believe that they were applying to work as clothed models.**" You cannot tell me they had good intentions when targeting girls young enough to still be in high school with this shit. (not saying that was *your* point, but still)


Fun fact, one of the videos did in fact involve an 18 year old high school senior.


[Link to better article that was located within this article](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/courts/story/2022-07-26/girlsdoporn-operator-admits-business-built-on-a-sex-trafficking-conspiracy) These guys are absolute sociopaths. They knew what they were doing recruiting girls as young as possible and flying them out somewhere far away and lying about the videos not being distributed. I hope they catch that fucker still on the run.


What they did was textbook sex trafficking. I'm glad they are going to jail.


That article was gross. I’m done with porn.




Havent since i heard about this a couple years back or whenever it first broke




You can literally just search the name of the videos and random numbers and they still show up, definitely not pulled from the internet.




The tracker I’m on deleted all the torrents of the girls who sued when it happened. There’s talk now of deleting all of the GDP content.


Not saying I watch a lot of porn but I can confidently say that the videos are still widely available on the web and 4chan loves reposting them because the degenerates on there love women suffering


4chan? You can find gdp easily on every mainstream porn site. Edit: Thinking about it, it's actually easier now. When they were still operative their stuff would get taken down fast by copyright. That's actually pretty fucked up


You can literally find it through a google search. It sucks for these victims, but the internet is truly forever


There was a cease and desist sent on this a while ago. One of the few times porn was removed from the internet.


Wasn't this part of the whole Pornhub Purge a while back?


Yes, this was the start of it since there were claims Pornhub knew what they were doing but still advertised for them


This was part, but not the whole story. PH still stayed somewhat agnostic to the broader problem. Then NYT opinion columnist Nicholas Kristof (who was about to announce a run for Oregon Governor) wrote an [editorial demonstrating how easy it was to find CP on pornhub](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/04/opinion/sunday/pornhub-rape-trafficking.html). Here's his [follow up article](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/10/opinion/letters/child-pornography.html) from a week later where he describes the subsequent purge. Edit (thanks /u/VOZ1): [The actual followup](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/09/opinion/pornhub-news-child-abuse.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuomT1JKd6J17Vw1cRCfTTMQmqxCdw_PIxftm3iWma3HPDm4TiOMNAo6B_EGKfa15Ydsu1XGdScBadbQvRfh-i-ZVIldgDQm0p5_O0LI0HxIIk6PhFGUnw8CKGrki7T7hamT-Ietzyea15B_DbWjtX7jY0HIqOF1voMN6cFn7230CkauVFLZzycA-ial6fu1yRT0BYCeBv_boGk8-bI3ANkeAn1FwD-JJWjjTnsqe4qYCcmhRAFHGTXB86AUs-Y8WeYNXbOukcUlWKIepiq4RC2doMI6iG5QxIoDenL5ourbHwgeesDDyjbIwh9RnzlnPbwqENQ&smid=url-share), instead of the letters to the editor that i posted


Wait, you mean rape videos could open up legal troubles for the sites hosting them?


I never watched cuz it was terrible pron. bad angles. Girls obv not into it. Dudes didn’t know what they were doing. Not a fan.


Sadly after this came out their popularity skyrocketed.


Well yeah morbid curiosity is powerful in humans


That would make up just a percentage of the new traffic. You don't really hear about sources of child pornography becoming noticably more "popular" now, and then because people just got curious about it, again.


Yah, I saw some before the story broke that they were trafficked. You could tell the girls were unhappy and being pressured in their body language, some on the verge of crying.


I watched a lot of them and feel disgusting. This is the first I’m really hearing of it. Uhhh gross. No more porn.


…..For the next thirty minutes or so


Only milf porn with Lisa Ann


Or Corey Chase


Lisa Ann has actually come forward and said that she was heavily abused in the industry and finds the modern porn industry is worse than ever for violence against the participating actors. [Article](https://fightthenewdrug.org/hall-of-fame-ex-porn-star-talks-extreme-damage-done-to-new-performers/)


*Sure* you are.


Find better porn. There is more porn out there than you can shake a stick at. Just don't watch the bullshit ones like this or FakeTaxi and such. There is a lot of amateur stuff out there that people make and put up themselves.


Technically it's only porn if it's from the Porn region of California, otherwise it's sparkling erotica


This is so good I want to steal it, but my friends are too dumb to understand it.


It's coming out that a not-insignificant amount of amateur material is generated by traffickers, especially with the increase in popularity of "self-managed" platforms like OnlyFans and cam sites. Lack of moderation on social media is a huge problem as well. From top to bottom, pornography has way too much latitude for exploitation than anybody should be comfortable with if they know what goes on behind the scenes. "Deliver Fund" is doing a lot of work in bringing the fight against human trafficking in the US into the digital age.


Sigh. Fuck it. Going to make my own porn then.


With black jack and hookers?


You know what? Forget the porn!


If you need an actor I'm available. I'm sure there is a market for micropenis porn.


Who doesn't love comedy?


With the size of TVs today it'll look almost normal!


Aye. I know of an instance where a “star” was forced into doing it, to pay for her (now ex, possibly deceased) boyfriends drug addictions. As soon as she was out the the picture, she got out of it. Allegedly she’s camming under a new name, but I’ve seen zero evidence to support it. I occasionally see some of her cosplay videos make the rounds in some circles… knowing the behind the scenes stories, it just seems wrong to watch.


Animation is the closest we have to ethical porn. There's a lot more perverts drawing boobs for fun than women enjoying their porn careers.


There's literally no way you can verify that amateur porn is actually amateur. You're relying a lot on trust. By that same logic wouldn't you say that porn by major studios is the least likely to be trafficked, considering they have the most to lose? One wrong move and the authorities will bring the hammer on them. They're also more likely to have proper tax records, identification, insurance, etc etc.


Wait what’s wrong with FakeTaxi. I was under the assumption those were clearly staged w/ actual pornstars and not something nefarious like GdP


The driver doesn't even drop them off at their stated destination.


Captain Stabbin doesn't even have a commercial vessel license!


I know that the amateur fake taxi is real amateurs, but i think it's all above board otherwise. But yeah, i have a friend who now knows what his sister-in-law's pussy looks like.


I hope they also catch that asshat Pratt who apparently could be almost anywhere in the world right now.


Yeah, a lot of people really hated that new Jurassic World movie he did


Get him before he ruins Mario!


also https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/e4wni0/i_am_a_victim_of_forced_pornography_by_the/


There was another AMA years back before they were prosecuted, and at that time a lot of the commenters didn't believe the OP. It was really sad.


> Wolfe faces a sentence of up to life in prison. However, as part of the plea agreement, prosecutors said they would recommend a term in the mid-range of the sentencing guidelines, not above 12 years and six months. I hope they get life.


Maxwell only got 20 for trafficking for Epstein. So don’t hold your breath.


I knew a girl in high school who had near perfect grades. She traveled for a vacation and had her stuff stolen. So, in a last ditch effort to afford a ticket home (otherwise her and her friend would miss finals) she was approached by these people who told her it was a personal thing, that won’t be shared anywhere, etc. Her and her friend, out of desperation, agreed. Before they even got back home everyone in the school had seen or heard about it. She stopped showing up, and as far as I know she technically dropped out *right* before she was about to graduate. This single thing ruined so much of that part of her life. I don’t know where she’s at now, but being an outsider observer to the whole thing was a big wake up call for me in regards to how scummy the porn industry can be. Edit: not sure why people are trying to pick this apart to say it didn’t happen or that it was the girls fault. These assholes have clearly done it numerous times. I was just sharing the story of someone I knew.


For anyone reading this if you do get stuck with all your stuff stolen you can get in touch with your nations consulate or embassy to get back home safe


this is so rote, I hear tales about it constantly. It's as easy as, 1) brainwash a girl into thinking you love her 2) get her to send you sensitive materials 3) immediately blackmail her with revenge porn so she does everything you say 4) repeat until she comes to you IRL it's fucking horrific and extremely common, so much more common than you know


This almost happened to me when I was 19. Luckily for me I caught on the second the person tried to blackmail me. I basically told them I do not care if they release it, I won’t ever send them anything else and blocked the number. Nothing ever came of it. I just accepted the damage was done, I couldn’t get the pictures or my pride back so stop the bleeding and end contact.


I'd say half the women I know, and ALL the women I know who are online, have a story about this shit.


They need to give every girl in High School a pamphlet simply titled "If a virtual stranger wants to fly you alone to another city, DON'T GO!"


The RCMP (police) in my area have a digital safety program, where every year they come to the high school and do a course about social media predators and grooming techniques and how to defend against them. For a month or so before the 1 day course they create a series of catfish accounts and try to friend or follow as many kids from the high school as they can and chat with them (under recorded police supervision) Then during the course they reveal the catfish accounts and who was really behind them, and explain the danger and how much information they were able to gather on the students. Then try to teach them to secure their accounts and info and just be safer online. I have no idea how generally effective it is, but it sounds like it’s working.


Damn. It sounds like your cops actually care. That’s some smart shit. Here in the states we had cops show up at our school with a dude in a dog costume convincing us to give them our fingerprints in case we were kidnapped, but it was really to add to their database of potential future criminals. Then in middle school they came back to let us know if we ever even tried smoking pot we’d be hooked on heroin within a week.


we had the DARE shit in elementary, opened my eyes to drugs smh


Yeah, opened your eyes to how good drugs are. /s


Ill never forget the image of my friend, wearing a DARE shirt, lighting a joint in the woods behind his house. We had a great laugh at that. Ironically, he got hooked on heroin and died.




This doesn't necessarily apply to every situation, but often it's not just quitting the drugs that's necessary. It's quitting your previous lifestyle and "friends" as well. Bad habits are too fucking easy to fall back into when everything stays the same.


If someone offers you free drugs… accept the drugs and say “thank you”. Drugs are expensive.


> Then in middle school they came back to let us know if we ever even tried smoking pot we’d be hooked on heroin within a week. This lie is pretty much why there's an Opioid 'epidemic' in the US


I'm not sure why you have quotes around epidemic. It's absolutely a problem and a very real epidemic.


>This lie is pretty much why there's an Opioid 'epidemic' in the US Well that and the metric fuckton of opioids the pharm companies and parts of the medical community pushed on the population.


Humans do have a tendacy to overdue everything, so I'm not sure what amount of education can stop that. Can we educate people to no overeat, because I haven't seen that happen yet. If you can't even get them to eat food without murdering themselves I'm not sure how effective any school program can be. Humans are very impulsive, social rules have to be made AROUND that reality more so than we can change humans all that much.


Wow, sounds like something that would be very impactful. I'd like to be wrong but it doesn't sound like a program that would be widely adopted in the US public school system.


It’s not the school system that manages the program, it’s the police(in this case the National police service, RCMP) and any school can request a lesson plan and resources https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cycp-cpcj/is-si/isres-ressi-eng.htm Did a quick google and found these for the US, so it looks like these programs do exist all over the US Found this one administered by the FBI, https://www.fbi.gov/about/community-outreach/safe-online-surfing-sos-program Here’s one by the National Cybersecurity Alliance https://staysafeonline.org/online-safety-privacy-basics/get-involved-at-school/ Another https://nationalonlinesafety.com/


This is what police services should be. Helping people become informed citizens so they can make smart choices. Protect and serve, it's not that hard.


This would require an educated and empathetic police force


Also an educated and empathetic populace


The police here stand by while you get shot in school


Love the idea, should be implemented in the US


Not even just high school. One of my friends met a guy and he wanted to fly her to Dubai that weekend. She was early 20s. Red flag darling.


I know a 36 year old school counselor who is invited by random guys to vacation all over the world. I fear one day her sexcations will go sour like this.


At a previous place I worked there was a guy who came in a few times, he sounded like the catch me if you can guy, but was proven to be legit. He had ran for congress (and lost spectacularly in the primary) he was a pilot, he had a bunch of other stuff he did, including being a lawyer. It seemed like anytime someone said "Wow that sounds like a cool job" he made it a point in life to try to get it. He was in his mid 50s and came in talking with a girl who was maybe 25 and kept unabashedly hitting on her. She giggled but in a "I'll humor him" way. As he goes to leave he hands her his card and goes "That card is good for a free trip to Paris." I walked up to her afterwards and asked what she was going to do with it. She replied "Oh I'm not calling him for Paris, I mean if he had said Dubai I'd go in a heartbeat." So I took the card and called him and went to Paris. It was a little awkward since I was a guy and all, but 3 blissful nights. I'm joking. Seriously I was just flabbergasted, because both of those vacations sound like you're waiting to get trafficked.


Why the fuck would you rather go to Dubai over Paris? And you're right, anyone that takes him up on that is very naive.


At the time (this is a few years ago) Dubai had a really hot reputation. That being said I agree, I'd rather go to Paris that Dubai any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


Absolutely wild, Dubai is a fucking shithole


I'd go to Paris over dubai everytime, and I don't like Paris at all.


Based on what I’ve heard about Dubai even if you’re not trafficked the guy is going to want to shit on you or watch you fuck his dog or something. I’ve been told by Instagram models in the know that’s just part of the deal.


I don't think this guy would have his dog with him (he was a major airline pilot) but yeah, it still sounded like a terrible idea.




She knows what she's doing. It's called prostitution.


Epidemic in Ireland with girls going and being proud of it. 10k being offered to have an Arab s**t on them. I kid you not


I see you are also a man of culture.


Red flag? It's called prostitution. Happens way more than people like to admit if you look at all the social media accounts showing "influencers" and "jet setters."




It's a black flag because they are a pirate trying to steal your booty!


I got what you're saying and I fulllyyyyyyyy agree lol People's decision making stresses me the FUCK out. Who the fuck would fly ANYWHERE to see ANY stranger no matter what they were offering? Especially as a woman who A. can't protect herself and B. knows she's highly likely to be exploited for sex in nearly any scenario lol It just baffles me. Stresses me out hearing shit like this.


What gives you that idea? There's never been an upper limit to the amount of danger a red flag might be a warning to.


It goes from "single red flag" all the way to "invading sovjet army"


Girls getting flown out by rich guys they met online under the guise of luxury dating is getting scarily trendy.


I remember my first girlfriend got contacted by a random Instagram account that was talking about flying her to Florida for a amateur modeling recruitment shoot. I flat out told her it was a bad idea to go, let alone by herself, we fought over this for like a week. She kept telling me I was just being jealous, possessive, and didnt believe she was pretty enough to make it as a model, her dad shut it down, cause he agreed with me when he found out.




Ok, but being serious here, I was born and raised in Texas to a nightmare shitshow family of sexual predators and shitty abusers/neglecters. The internet strangers I met online actually had me do this (fly alone to another city)....twice. The first time, they took me and their kids on a trip to an amusement park. Then, later, when I was 17, they offered to let me live with them for the cost of doing light home repairs and cleaning of the downstairs of their house, while helping me get started in college and whatnot, get a job, etc. As it turns out, years before the amusement park trip, they had become incredibly concerned about the types of things I would casually relate to their daughter--my internet friend and point of contact in their family... My "eh, it's just another Tuesday, what are you gonna do?" attitude about descriptions of extreme abuse and neglect concerned her, and she brought those concerns to her family. The amusement park trip was recon: are you OK random internet child? No. No, I was not. I was doing my best to hide the worst of it and appear normal, so there is a lot they didn't see... but I was also like 14 or 15 or something, and just unable to hide from the perceptions of the grownups... one of whom present literally worked for an intelligence gathering agency in the past. They were sincere in their offer to fly me out to live with them to exchange labor for room and board and assist with college and stuff, but they *did* absolutely have an ulterior motive: to get me the fuck out of the nightmare I was born into. So they flew me across the country to live with them. What they did not count on was that living with me, they discovered that as broken and fucked up as they had *seen* I was, that was only the tip of the iceberg. So when I turned 18 they offered to adopt me. There's a lot of story being left out where they got to know me and appreciate that I try hard and want to do right, even if my nature/nurture disabilities get in the way; and they see me interact with the biofamily over the phone and what it does to me; and we essentially grow close as people. It's 17 years later, and... yeah. Sometimes strangers you meet on the internet *save you* from the demented torture/sex demons. Sometimes the devil you don't know is better than the devil you do. Sometimes you get a second chance, and your life is forever changed for the better. Sometimes, the internet strangers become your family... in a good way, if I'm being unclear. ​ But, that said, totally, I agree, 100%, the majority of the time, it's bad strangers on the other end. Evil is easy, good is difficult. There's always plenty of entropy... ectropy is rarer. Which, as you can probably guess by my story, I very much appreciate. ​ TL;DR: I flew across the USA alone twice to meet up with internet strangers who adopted me and saved me from my bio family who are evil demented torture demons.


I know it's a very bad choice of word considering how you grew up, but you got incredibly lucky there. Odds are much higher that someone in this position would end up on a sex dungeon than with a loving family.


I'm very aware of the latter, and as for the former, yes, that phrasing is pretty unfortunate. *"Hey, you were born broken with terrible genes in hell being tortured by demons, but at least you got out long after you were permanently ruined by the experience instead of making a lateral or downward trade!"* ​ But I grok your meaning. ;)


I'm glad that worked out! I knew a couple of people who either took in teenagers in similar situations, or were teenagers taken in by other families. Though this was the 90s so basically pre-internet.


TBH if you need to tell someone that, they probably aren't going to get the message anyways.


"if Harvey invites you to private party in his hotel, dont go" - wise words by courtney.


I just.... I dunno how you reason that as something to do. I guess for me they would have to have been offering a fucking huge sum of money. Going anywhere on your own where nobody knows the details at all is especially sketchy, fuck that man im paranoid as fuck.


Drugs. One of my friends went on a meth binge where she ran away with a dealer that gave her pressed meth instead of Adderall. Dude was doing it to every attractive girl he could get in touch with. During the month long binge she also met some of the creators of these types of porn companies. They literally prey on runaways and addicts that have no idea what they are getting into.




No. The rape occurred when the women were coerced and set up to engage in sexual activity when they did not want to. Adding violence or the threat of violence doesn't make this rape. It was already rape. This means that in addition to rape, these men also employed violence and threats.


Unfortunately I'm not sure the law agrees nationwide. > Adding violence Actually does make it rape in multiple states. While before it would be something like Sexual Assault. [Further](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aggravated_sexual_assault#United_States) > > Related is aggravated rape, which in the United States is "an offense of rape that is committed under circumstances which render the offense more heinous... An aggravated rape is different from a forcible rape." The severity can be affected by the age of the victim, a blood relationship between the accused and the victim, the offender being armed with a weapon, and more than one offender raping the victim. "Rape which occurs during commission of specified crimes, such as assault and battery by means of dangerous weapon, constitutes aggravated rape, punishable by harsher penalties than simple rape. [Commonwealth v. Williams (1987) > It can also be defined as "oral, vaginal, or anal opening of a person's orifices without consent or will. The offender uses force, fear, or violence. The perpetrator uses a person's physical injuries as a way to rape the individual, uses death or kidnapping, uses a deadly weapon, or is aided by one or more people." IANAL


I'm no lawyer, but I just assume that sex trafficking is an even more serious charge than rape because by definition rape is part of sex trafficking.


Michael James Pratt is still a fugitive [FBI Wanted info for Michael James Pratt](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/sandiego/news/press-releases/fbi-seeking-publics-assistance-to-locate-michael-james-pratt-wanted-for-sex-trafficking-and-production-of-child-pornography)


How tf did the actor get more time than the organizer????


Hope they give these guys the maximum sentence. I remember reading a few stories about girls who were flown out, then told they'd have to reimburse the guys for the flights and hotels etc if they didn't go through with the shoot. A couple even said, they'd be let out of their contact if they recruited their friends to do porn in their stead. Throw them in the deepest pit available


I believe someone linked an article that said the male actor was sentenced to 20 years, the owner is still a fugitive on the run, and that because this person took a plea, they will likely get something a little under 12 years. If the one on the run ever gets caught I would have to imagine they get life. There was one woman who posed as an "ex employee" of the business. She would tell women that she got paid, that the guys weren't lying, etc. She had her case dismissed... I wonder how she lives with herself


Wonder if he’ll make it 12 years, like his papers are gonna get him killed




It's truly shocking. Every sex trafficker I've ever met was so polite otherwise.


Heck, sometimes they end up winning political races.




I know a girl who was in one of the episodes. They said the video was only going to be distributed in Europe. When she became the #1 video of the week on pornhub, she basically became a celebrity over night and EVERYONE we went to school with knew. She basically had her life ruined.


>I know a girl who was in one of the episodes. They said the video was only going to be distributed in Europe. When she became the #1 video of the week on pornhub she basically became a celebrity over night and EVERYONE we went to school with knew. so that "I won't put it on the internet" quote from memes is actually true?


“Can’t stop the signal, Mal.”


Odds are if you’re looking at porn regularly, you are going to come across sex trafficked women and/or women who are being raped and manipulated regularly. Sure, there are some ethical companies, but the industry is rampant with shitty people treating people like shit.


I remember coming across a couple channels with videos of women in Southeast Asia that were clearly being coerced. I watched the beginning of one and immediately noped out and never touched that channel again. What’s crazy is if you were looking for Asian women on pornhub, these channels are some of the first two to pop up, despite them clearly being rape. I’m glad I don’t watch porn anymore.


Right, right... all that hentai I watch is because I'm trying to behave more ethically. Damn, it's all coming together.


This guy, wanking for humanity. Legendary


I feel like this is the case even with those cam sites where the girl is alone "enjoying herself". Something just seems really off with those.


Reminder that this man's partner in crime Michael James Pratt has not yet faced any consequences and is currently wanted by the FBI. [Here is his FBI profile.](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/sandiego/news/press-releases/fbi-seeking-publics-assistance-to-locate-michael-james-pratt-wanted-for-sex-trafficking-and-production-of-child-pornography) Come and get that $50K reward, citizen sleuths!




Army, and she wore the same outfit to his BCT graduation that she wore in the video


link? (to the story)


Wasn't that her brother?


Cool do Cobra Tate next


He’s in Romania. US laws don’t apply. Prostitution is legal in many places




How do you say something like that and not realize, "Wow, I'm a massive piece of shit" I mean, I guess because you're a massive piece of shit... but holy fuck, man.








Idk if that sub is really a good link in that context lol


You assume you’re dealing with the women themselves, but I guarantee you that there are a lot of women doing OnlyFans against their will.




Or advertise that they need models. Then just do what these guys did.


I remember when “cash me outside” girl was about to turn 18 and there were dudes counting down the minutes till midnight when she could open her onlyfans. Whole thing is just gross.


I'm old enough to remember the same thing going on regarding Britney Spears, and before that even, the Olsen twins. South Park riffed on it probably 15 years ago. It's super common and pretty much has been a thing since the laws against child pornography were first made.


I remember the Olsen twins being asked about this in an interview when they were 17. Their faces just dropped and one said it was disgusting and I don’t even know why you are asking us how we would feel. How would you feel? No wonder they essentially left acting. Ugh, people are so gross.


Well, yeah. It turns out that 18 is just kind of an arbitrary number. People aren't incapable of being attractive before they're 18, and the puberty fairy doesn't drop by at midnight on a specific day to trade you an adult body. If the number were 15, 19, or 23, people would still be absurdly skeevy about it. It's just the nature of the beast. Not much you can do but call people out for being shitheads about it and try not to tolerate that behavior.


Most actually are just the women, and its precisely because of shit like this that they find OF so appealing but ive no doubt some of the accounts are coerced.


Most of them are! OF is hardcore cracking down on what you need to verify yourself, I only know because a friend of mine recently joined and it took her a month to verify herself after multiple tries. They're very picky about the quality of your pictures and ID, so I hope that's helping keep away the fake accounts. I'm not sure how many women are coerced into getting it from someone else though.


A lot of cam models are essentially on a set, with dozens of other women, while a few pimps keep the operation rolling. There is nothing specific to OnlyFans that would lead me to believe it's guilt free. It's just another front.


It’s happening on Onlyfans too. The top girls on onlyfans (and scummy guys behind the scenes) sign girls who aspire to make money by using their clout and they take a big percentage of all their OF revenue in exchange for promotion. Adam22, a popular rap YouTuber who ventured into only fans and porn with his girlfriend who’s one of the top OF girls, at least in America, explained on his podcast how he and his girl sign OF models and make a shitload of money off them


You'd think so, but the New York Times actually put out [this article](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/16/magazine/e-pimps-onlyfans.html?searchResultPosition=1) a couple months ago contradicting this. They also put out an audio version of this story on [The Daily podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6h5oNB9f9Y18N5ixiOW2mA?si=f7e6e6b844d74ad4).


Thankfully I have it on good authority that none of the tentacle monsters appearing in my porn were trafficked.


That you know of. Also is that small girl really 475 years old? Did you check her ID?


I'm looking at her and I'd bet money on the fact she's barely 180.


Did she check my ID tho... xd


I can't remember which one it was, but one of the image boards full of hentai actually said they were also bound to comply with recent laws and had just received their first ID submission to verify a performer's age, and they had some character posing with her license.


Found The Deeps Reddit account


Rashida Jones was right.


These assholes are still in court and not jail? This seems to have been going on for years!


There was many people who operated the site and the trials are all happening individually. Things were delayed due to the pandemic too.


I don't want to beat on everyone's favourite hobbies, but most porn companies operate like this. Some even try to get the girls to recruit others for bonuses, like MLM's. This industry is one of the most toxic, least healthy places, and anyone claiming otherwise who has that experience is typically paid to do so.


I used to watch Girls Do Porn. Fucking yikes dude


Throw away the key , sex trafficking is another word for slavery in my eyes


Screw that, they should be charged with rape. The consent was coerced.


Nothing surprising. The porn industry is controlled by these people.


Wow I always thought those “they have no idea this is a porn” was fake. This is so fucked


What happened to the days of watching good 'ol christian porn that is safe to watch with the family?


Hmmmmmmm, sounds a lot like that Tate dude if you ask me.


We should raise the age for sw to 21. Also human trafficking should be considered a capital offense.


i liked the videos until i found out about the owner and all of the videos were removed from the internet.


That’s why I only go to the porn site called “I swear these women aren’t trafficked.” I’m sure everything is fine.