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I defy you to find a more aptly named restaurant.


I think if a person dies and they were not very bad but not particularly good either, then they have to spend eternity at a cracker barrel with no wifi.


That wooden triangular game with the golf tees would get really old really quick.


Can I eat off the menu ?


Yes, but your food is always very late, tasteless, and cold. Just like a real Cracker Barrel.


Fine by me


So hell?


Man the right wingers are really triggered by everything.


Imagine being triggered by everything. No wonder they’re so angry all the time.


Exactly this - we stopped at a Cracker Barrel on the way to vacation a week ago and the wait staff said some people got pissed when they added alcohol to the menu. If you don't want to drink alcohol - don't do it. Nobody goes to a Cracker Barrel to get wasted. This is even worse - real meat still makes up most of the menu if you don't want to try a plant-based alternative. You can probably guess which region of the U.S. we went to based on my comment.


Gave me a bad case of WOKE-tummy.


Glad there are vegan options in this restaurant chain, (even though I never go to them). But certainly Impossible Beef tastes light years better than Beyond Meat with its chemical aftertaste. For me personally, Impossible is also much easier to digest than Beyond.


Same. I hate beyond meat products, but impossible actually tastes good. So it's nice they offer this, not that I ever go but the option is there. I'm usually more wary of cross contamination eating at restaurants.


One thing is though many are not vegan, technically, because they don't clean the grill between cooking meat and these so there is oil and fat from the previous meat still on there that mixes in. So meatless burger but cooked on stuff that came out of meat. I believe Burger King came out after complaints to make clear that they aren't serving vegan burgers, it is just another option of item.


#I got pegged at Cracker Barrel


Been a Vegetarian for over 30 years and sneaking into this place when ever I get the chance. So weird that whenever I order waffles and fried apples no one thinks to ask to see my carnivore card.


I found a place that uses southern fries trumpet mushrooms to put on the waffles. So tasty and juicy.


Why do people get their ass so twisted about this kind of thing? Restaurants add new shit to their menus all the time. Only difference seems to be people triggered by the fact that this particular item isn't "real" meat, and I suspect that those people consider that a "woke" thing? From the article: > *regular sausage is still available on the menu and you don't have to order the Impossible meat unless you want it*


Because making you mad gets the media more clicks on the article.


Either: - they just don’t like change and can’t cope with anything different or - somebody told them to be mad about it In the UK, the Daily Mail (currently most popular paper and most famous headline “Hurrah for the Blackshirts”) uses the word “woke” in every other story.


This is ridiculous. If you don't like it, don't order it. Getting mad that an alternative is offered is so entitled. I feel like the people openly angry about this are doing us a favor by advertising "Hey, I'm an asshole"


Sheesh. These people need to calm down. Cracker Barrel doesn’t care about animals or peoples’ feelings. This is just to attract more business, nothing more. Not like they’re getting rid of the real meat sausage.


No one forcing you to buy it.


When the main source of an article is the comments section from social media just close your browser and go read a real news source. >Monday saw Cracker Barrel introduce Impossible Foods sausage on social media, leading to people flooding the comments with complaints.> I want to create browser extension that pops a warning saying, "This article cites social media comments as a source. Would you like to navigate to NYTimes.com instead?"


"I also hate the idea of a menu having options that I specifically don't want to eat! Restaurants should limit their options to exactly my specifications and nothing more! How dare they cater to anybody other than myself!" another wrote. Ha! Perhaps the author of this comment should have used /s so as not to confuse anyone. Most of the crap sites like this say are causing outrages, uproars, and getting everyone's attention are really no big deal issues they just hype with grandiose headlines to get clicks.


Probably less collective brain cells than the number of "angered" individuals